
Hungary Sopron Travel Guide 2024: Everything you need to know

The city of Sopron is located in the most western part of Hungary on an isthmus of land that pokes into Austria, near Lake Fertö (Lake Neusiedl).

Only 75 kilometers south of Vienna, it is directly west of Lake Fertő, the Fertőtáj UNESCO World Heritage site, and makes a great day trip or a stopover between Lake Balaton and Vienna. I love this city for lots of reasons.

It is a charming medieval village with quirky theatre groups, a firewatch tower, Hungarian dumplings, goulash, great Sopron wine served in unique Buschenschank or Poncichter wine taverns.

In this travel guide, you’ll find a brief history of Sopron, why and how to visit, what to see, what’s unique about this little city, and where to stay.

Sopron – a magical Hungarian town

How to get to sopron, why visit sopron, sopron hungary map, what to see and how long to stay in sopron, wine and food, where to stay, links and further information.

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Q. How is Sopron pronounced?

A. Sopron is pronounced,  “Shop-ron.”

Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈʃopron]; German: Ödenburg, Slovene: Šopron. Hyphenation:  Sop‧ron

Main square in Hungary Sopron

Sopron is one of those magical hidden places in Europe. Its history includes its origins as part of the Roman Empire when it was known as the walled city of Scarbantia.

Scarbantia is still here – its Forum building and old Roman city walls have been excavated and are right next to the old town main square.

A Free Royal City

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During the 9th–11th centuries, the Hungarians came to Scarbantia, built a castle, and named the town Suprun after a castle steward named Suprun. 

The children of Sopron’s nobility were held hostage by the Hungarians but the people seem to always have good political radar. When the Hungarian King, King Ladislaus IV arrived at the city with his armies, the city opened its gates for them. The King rewarded Sopron with the rank of a “free royal town.”

It was also during these early centuries of Sopron’s growth as a city that many Croatians settled in the area to tend the abandoned farms. The long history of Croatian settlement around Sopron is why the Croatian language is one of the recognized languages of the region including Hungarian and German.

The most loyal town in Hungary

Peace Memorial in Sopron Hungary

In the 16th century, the Ottomans occupied most of Hungary, but Ottoman Turks who ravaged Scarbantia in 1529 didn’t occupy the town and the region north of Lake Balaton remained a part of Hungary. As a result, the city’s importance grew as it became a refuge for Hungarians fleeing the Ottomans.

During the early part of the 20th century, this part of Hungary was settled by Germans as part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Sopron became known as Odenburg in Germany.

It was during the aftermath of WWI when the Austro-Hungarian Empire was broken up that the German-controlled areas of northwestern Hungary were given to Austria.

The local people didn’t welcome this and local unrest was rife. Because of it, a plebiscite was held in 1921 and the surrounding eight villages and Sopron voted to remain Hungarian. This date became an annual city holiday and reminds ins residents of Sopron’s status as the most loyal town in Hungary.

War and the 20th Century

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The past century was a tumultuous one. Sopron suffered greatly in World War II from bombings, invasions, and its eventual capture by the Soviets in 1945. Under Soviet rule, the socialist government attempted to turn Sopron into an industrial city. Sopron did manage to maintain its medieval town center and many of its landmarks.

In 1989 Sopron was a catalyst for the mass flight of East German citizens escaping to the west during the Pan-European Picnic. This was a protest held on the borders of Hungary and Austria.

The lifting of the Iron Curtain created a well-known moment when hundreds of citizens could escape from the GDR. This successful crossing paved the way for the fall of the infamous Berlin Wall in November of 1989. 

Sopron Today

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The modern-day city we see today is a part of the European Union. It has turned its economy around and now recognizes the heritage of Sopron’s German-speaking culture. It has become an officially bilingual city with both Hungarian and German used for traffic, street, and direction signage.

The Castle district was once enclosed by the city’s walls. It has been refurbished in a major urban architecture project, as has been Syzlenski square, making Sopron’s inner city a great place to walk around.

Győr is the county seat of Győr-Moson-Sopron county and the other main towns around Sopron are Mosonmagyaróvár and Kapuvár. Being so close to the Austrian border and with great transportation links, Sopron is popular with day-trippers and people traveling between Budapest or Lake Balaton and Vienna.

The population of Sopron is around 63,000 citizens with 10% of the population being Croatian which is why you will also see Croatian signs around the area (and why there are some great Croatian pubs here)!

Sopron is located just beyond the Austrian frontier and Lake Fertő . Vienna is only 75 km away from Sopron and Hungary’s capital, Budapest, is only 200 kilometers to the east. Visitors also come from Slovakia as well as international destinations.

One of the reasons for Sopron’s popularity is that it has become known as the “dental capital of the world” and offers first-class dental treatment that is affordable.

Sopron is within easy reach of Vienna by car and you can take the A2 from Vienna to the A3 and then onto the Sopron exit directly to the city.

From Vienna, trains leave for Sopron every hour . The journey will take around 1 hour and 20 minutes and Sopron is the last stop on the line. This means that Sopron is an ideal day trip from Vienna.

view above sopron in hungary

Sopron can also be reached from the nearest international airports, which are Vienna and Bratislava. There are direct trains from both cities although you must take the train from the airport to the central train stations in both cities.

Bratislava is only a one-hour drive, or 2 hrs and 48 minutes by train, connecting through Győr.

I can think of so many reasons to visit and so many things to do, including exploring the old Castle district: its baroque Main Square with its cobbled streets, fascinating medieval houses, renaissance architecture, and old Roman archaeological site in the middle of town.

Then there’s the lovely Croatian pubs and Hungarian cafes and restaurants, the best local wines from the vineyards in the Sopron hills, and even inexpensive dental work – what else do you need?

Did I mention the centuries-old monasteries converted into ridiculously cheap accommodations around Sopron?

Baroque architecture, cobblestone squares, museums, churches, wine taverns, and a fire watch tower can all be seen in one day. An overnight stay in Sopron will give you two full days of exploring the city.

A third day will allow you to get out into the Sopron hills, the wine district, and Lake Fertö or to see one of Sopro’s many festivals such as the Fairy Festival.

Below are all the main sights in the old city (the Castle district).

Old Town Main Square

Main Square in Sopron, Hungary

On the Northern side of Old Town,  Sopron is the main square (Fő tér), which is surrounded by beautiful and elegant architecture.

The center of the square’s focus is the Holy Trinity Column which is a striking baroque monument erected to commemorate the end of the Black Death. It was erected in 1701 and by the end of the 18th century, it had become an important symbol to the people of Sopron. Decorated with figures of patrons and saints the monument was a tribute of gratitude to God for ending the plague.  

The square itself encompasses the City Hall (Eggenberg House), Storno-ház (opposite City Hall), and Fabricius-ház (see below). At Christmas time, it is also the site of the Christmas market.

The Storno- ház (Storno House) is one of cities grandest baroque buildings that date back to the 15th century. It is now a museum that holds the treasures of Ferenc Storno and his family.

It’s worth seeing inside Storno House not just because of its grand baroque architecture, but also because its rooms are decorated with stunning antiques including furniture, paintings, arms, weapons, and china and glass treasures collected by the family over the centuries. 

Storno House, Sopron, 8, Main Square Tel.: 99-311-327 During the works to the Museum Quarter, the Storno House exhibitions are closed. January-December: Tuesday-Sunday: 10.00-18.00 On Mondays, the exhibition is closed.

Fazbricius-há z (Fabricius house)

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Fabricius-ház is, strangely, Hungary’s first national monument. It was given the title by King Louis II. Its Gothic Hall is especially worth seeing.

Fabricius-ház means “Two Moors house” and contains two very different types of museums. The first displays items used in everyday Storno life from centuries past.

But this 14th-century Baroque house with 17th and18th-century interiors also contains excavated treasures from the Roman period. This is quite a fitting modern-day use of the building, as a Roman bath has been discovered in the basement and it is now a dedicated space for a Roman lapidary museum.

Fabricius House, Sopron, 6, Main Square Tel.: 99-311-327 During the work to the Museum Quarter, the Fabricius House exhibitions are closed. January-December: Tuesday-Sunday: 10.00-18.00. On Mondays, the exhibition is closed.

The Goat Church

Goat church in sopron hungary

The Church of the Assumption in the main square is nicknamed the Goat Church. Why “Goat Church”?Local stories say a goat herder uncovered a treasure on the site and you will see on the Holy Trinity Column a goat being hugged by an angel.

A gothic church, the interior is mainly Baroque with a stunning red marble pulpit. The church is decorated with fading frescos and animal stone carvings representing human’s deadly sins.  it is the main Roman Catholic church in the city and Coronations were once held here, as well as sessions of Parliament.

Tűztorony (Firewatch Tower)

fire tower sopron

The iconic landmark and the de facto symbol of the city is the Tűztorony or Fire Tower which stands 58 meters high. Watchmen used to stand on the balcony to warn the people of encroaching fires and potential enemies.

The watchmen were also known for their musical prowess and were often a feature of weddings and celebrations taking place in the center of town. The tower itself stands on Roman foundations and consists of several architectural styles including a baroque crest placed on top in 1676.

1676 was the year in which much of the town was destroyed by fire. The city was rebuilt over the next few decades with Hungarian baroque buildings being erected in place of the destroyed medieval ones.

Sopron, Main Square Tel.: 99-311-327 Monday-Sunday 10:00-18:00 July-August Sunday- Thursday 10.00-18.00, Friday and Saturday 10.00-20.00

Scarbantia Roman Forum

Scarbantia_Archaeological site in Sopron

Scarbantia’s Roman Forum is next to the main square and has been excavated deep below the lines of multi-storied houses all around it. The partially excavated Roman ruins in the very center of the city are part of what makes Sopron unique. They were only discovered in the 1980s although a few statues were found 300 years ago. Excavation of the Capitolium began in 1956.

At one time Scarbantia guarded the Roman road north to Italy and was designated by the Romans as a municipium. It was a city with a Capitolium, amphitheater, waterworks, and the Forum that you can see today.

It’s also possible to see some of the remains of the oval-shaped wall that was 3 meters thick and 8 meters high and had mighty gates and fortified towers between its lengths.

Liszt Ferenc Conference and Cultural Centre

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Second, only to the Firewatch Tower in terms of importance to the city, the Ferenc Liszt Conference and Cultural Center was once the city’s Community House, dating from 1873. Unfortunately, one of the Rondelles of the old Castle wall was pulled down to make way for the building. It has been a casino and the site of many important balls and concerts.

It is one of the most photographed buildings in Sopron and has been renovated to now include an auditorium for 1200 people.

Plays and concerts are held at the Center as are lectures. There is a ticket office at the Center where you can buy tickets to see performances in two of Sopron’s theater venues including the Petőfi Theater but also other venues around the city such as the Cave Theater (and Quarry). There is a little public cafe on site where the theater’s performers hang out.

Address: 9400 Sopron, Liszt F. u. 1.

Bakery House Museum (Pékmúzeum)

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From 1686 (the year that Sopron was destroyed by fire) until 1972, Bakery House was a working bakery. When the last baker died, the city purchased Bakery House ( a part of Negyedi bakehouse ). It purchased all the contents of the Bakery and it is now a museum that shows you what a bakery looked like in Middle Europe a few hundred years ago.

The bakery is in the west wing of the building. You will see a coat of arms above the entrance that depicts two lions breaking a piece of pretzel.

It is known as the Pékmúzeum and you can probably guess that Pék is the Hungarian word for bread! It is located within the old farmer’s district located outside the city’s walls as was common in this part of Europe from the medieval period.

It’s a fascinating area to stroll around. The main streets in the farmers and craftsmen district are Balfi, Bécsi, Fövényverem and Halász streets.  It’s an easy stop on a one or two-day itinerary to central Sopron and is near the equally fascinating Poncichter district (see below).

Sopron, 5, Bécsi street Tel.:99-311-327 Open May-September: Tuesday-Sunday: 14.00-18.00, closed October to April. It can be visited by groups by booking in advance at [email protected]

Vineyard hungary sopron

Red wines and Buschenschank taverns

During the Roman occupation farmers in Sopron began cultivating wine grapes and producing both red and white wine.

According to stories from the winemakers, Napoleon’s soldiers who invaded Sorpon paid for their wine with a blue frank note, which the name of the most famous Hungarian wine  Kékfrankos  came from.

The red wines made from the Kékfrankos can be found internationally, but for a true Sopron experience, try a few different varieties in the unique  Buschenschank  taverns. They only exist in this part of Hungary.

They date back to the 17th century when winemakers would open their kitchens and courtyards to the public as licensed premises. Sopron winemakers didn’t store their wine out at the vineyards, they stored it in the city under their own homes!

The  Buschenschank  is similar to the  Heuriger  in eastern Austria. I find the newer Sopron region wines often have quite a rustic flavor, perfectly suited to the humble origins of the  Buschenschank  wine taverns.

 Although famous for its red wine, Sopron does grow white grapes and in the communist era, both white and red wine were mass-produced. The area is becoming known for quality wines that match Austrian varieties but are much less expensive.

Poncichter District

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The farmers who grow the grapes were masters at using all the available areas for growing crops and they began to grow beans among the vines. They were known as  Poncichter  (bean growers) and you can find  Buschenschank  or  Poncichter  wine taverns in the “Poncichter District” in Sopron. This is an area encompassing Balfi, Gazda, Szentlélek, and Szent Mihály Streets on the edge of the city center.

As in Austria, you will find an object like a wreath or a bottle or a ribbon outside the taverns or hung over the doorways to show that they are open.

Local cuisine

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The planting of beans between the vines by the  Poncichter  has led to Sopron’s traditional cuisine incorporating many bean dishes from salads to main courses and even a sweet bean strudel. This must surely be one of the strangest effects of wine production upon cuisine!

Spiced cabbage is one of the Hungarian dishes that is commonly served in the Sopron area and usually meals are meat-heavy with substantial goulashes and stews. Both can be more like soups, and dumplings are often sliced and more bread than dumpling-like.

The local restaurants also serve Croatian favorites many of which include cabbage but also veal dishes and pasta surprisingly. Together these different traditions and histories combine to make this little corner of far-western Hungary a unique experience.

Street festivals, markets, the Christmas market, and street stalls sell popular Hungarian street foods such as Lángos . These deep-fried flatbreads are common in Sopron wherever there is street food available!

Our Top 4 Picks

🛎️ Vadászkürt Panzió – Vadászkürt Panzió is an affordable combined guesthouse and restaurant. The restaurant and cellar are fabulous.

Vadászkürt Panzió, Sopron, Hungary

🛎️ Pannonia Hotel – the elegant 4-star Pannonia Hotel is situated in the heart of Sopron.  The hotel is the oldest in Sopron and was built in 1893.

Trip Anthropologist

🛎️ Sopron Monastery Hotel -One of my favorite hotels in the whole world! Unforgettable atmosphere, surrounded by gardens and forests, and a terribly romantic laneway and entrance.


🛎️ Hotel Palatinus – a convenient 4-star hotel in the old town (you can see the Fire Tower at the end of the street!)

Trip Anthropologist

  • There are so many things to do in Hungary in central Europe. See all of the best things to do in Hungary, from Get Your Guide here
  • Hungarian castles are beautiful, spooky, and many have horrible histories! Read about the best 28 castles in Hungary to see which you’d like to visit on your trip to Hungary.

Winter is here! Check out the winter wonderlands at these 5 amazing winter destinations in Montana

  • Travel Destinations

Sopron, Hungary: Ultimate Guide On What To See, Eat, And Buy

Published: December 9, 2019

Modified: January 3, 2024

by Ljiljana Gacic

  • Arts & Culture
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Female tourists are exploring Sopron Hungary old town

Visiting old cities and towns across Central Europe can make up for a lot of skipped history lessons. Each city has a marvelous story to tell. Once you find yourself in Hungary, head to the west to discover its hidden gem on the border with Austria – Sopron.

Is Sopron worth visiting? Yes! You will fall in love with its streets, landmarks, restaurants, and nature. Exploring this small city will help you learn more about Hungarian history, culture, and people.

Discover The History Of Sopron

Sopron Hungary

©Photo by Emmanuel Dyan on Flickr

If you are into history, then visiting a city such as Sopron is a must. The city itself originates from the 11th century. That was the time when the Hungarians strengthened ancient Roman walls to build a castle where Sopron is now. What’s more, the main square of the modern city of Sopron used to be a Roman forum.

If that isn’t enough to spark your interest, then the fact that the city was destroyed by fire in 1676 only to be rebuilt in a Baroque style might. However, the city wasn’t lucky enough to preserve the buildings since it was bombed several times during World War II.

Moreover, as a city that brought about the fall of the Iron Curtain and reestablished trade with Austria again, the government wanted to turn it into an industrial city. Thanks to its medieval landmarks that still stand strong to attract tourists, Sopron is becoming more and more popular.

Things To Do In The City Of Sopron

Situated at the foot of the Alps, Sopron is truly fascinating and has a lot to offer for every kind of traveler. Here, we bring you a list of things to do in Sopron so you can plan your trip more thoroughly.

Wander Around The Sopron’s Cobbled Streets

Sopron cobbled stones old town in Hungary

©Photo by Getty Images

Is there anything better than walking around the intact medieval old town? Not many towns in Hungary have a well-preserved city center like Sopron does. Therefore, spend some time just wandering up and down the streets and admire the architecture. Renaissance and Baroque buildings with elegant decorations are everywhere to show the town’s rich history and prosperity.

Do you want to feel like you are in the Middle Ages? Then hesitate no more. Head to Sopron and enjoy walking down those picturesque, narrow streets. Don’t miss the statue of Saint Trinity that is located in the middle of the main square. This statue shows just how wonderful Hungarian Baroque art was.

No Visit To Sopron Is Complete Without Seeing The Fidelity Gate

Fidelity Gate or Gate of Faith

©Photo by Pennyjey on Wiki Commons

Once you set foot in the Old Town of Sopron, you can’t miss the Fidelity Gate. Why is it called the Fidelity Gate though? What many people don’t know is that Sopron is considered to be the most faithful city in Hungary.

Sopron’s citizens had a chance to join Austria and accept Austrian citizenship after the First World War. However, in a referendum in 1921, they decided to remain a part of Hungary. Hence, the Fidelity Gate is a symbol of their love and respect towards Hungary.

Explore The 116 Steps Of The Fire Tower Lead You To A Breathtaking View

The Firewatch Tower in Sopron

©Photo by Paul Asman and Jill Lenoble on Flickr

The Firewatch Tower is situated at the northern end of the main square of Sopron. A spiral staircase might not be fun, but the view is most certainly worth it. This 60-meter-high Firewatch Tower will let you enjoy the mesmerizing view of the hills as well as the inner town.

What’s more, a visit to the tower can be an interesting history lesson after all. Once you enter the tower, you will see all the information about the history of the Fire Tower and its shape, too. If you would like to explore more, you can always head to its basement. The underground hides the Roman gate and some parts of the medieval Sopron buildings. Finally, there is a wonderful café on the first floor that still gives you a great view through oversized windows. Stop by if you are in for a snack or a tasty lemonade.

Visit The Old Synagogue To Learn About Jewish Community

Old Synagogue Sopron

Built-in the 14th century, the Old Synagogue is a landmark you cannot miss out on in Sopron. Many towns in Hungary have beautiful synagogues and the one in Sopron is no exception.

The story behind its reconstruction is quite interesting as the synagogue was turned into private homes after the expulsion of the Jews from Sopron in 1526.

However, today, in the main room, you will find a medieval “holy of holies” with trees carved in stone as well as stunning stained-glass windows. What’s more, you can even see a reconstructed ritual bath called mikvah in the courtyard. Nowadays, the Old Synagogue is a museum known for its originality and simplicity.

The Goat Church – Don’t Let The Name Confuse You

Goat Church in Sopron

©Photo by Valerio Pillar on Flickr

Those of you who are fans of gothic architecture will be fascinated by this 13-century Goat Church . Located in the city center, this church has a nice story behind its unusual name. A goat was trying to dig something on the place and eventually, a goat herder found gold.

What’s more, the inside of the church is just as impressive as the outside. The paintings and fresco works are simply magical. Quiet, sacral music will make your visit even more unique.

However, do note that there are no guides to tell you the history of the church. However, you will easily find plaques at different points inside to tell you the history of different components. Additionally, you can always turn to a lady who sells candles and she will happily answer all your questions.

Head To The Storno House To Enjoy The Glamour

Sopron Storno House

©Photo by Fidelissima on Wiki Commons

Getting history lessons everywhere you go is certainly one of the most popular things to do in Sopron. The glamorous Storno House, for example, was built in 1417 and has a very rich history.

Firstly, it was home to King Matthias. Secondly, it was a place where Franz Liszt played two of his concerts. Finally, the Swiss-Italian family of Ferenc Storno took over the house and turned it into a monument.

Nowadays, however, the first floor of the house represents a local history museum. If you want to see some antiques and an impressive art collection, then you shouldn’t miss the Storno House. The family was full of eager collectors and you will be fascinated by their living areas. Do note that you can’t take photos in the museum, so focus on exploring the area and memorizing all the little details.

Discover How The Romans Lived In The Fabricius House

Fabricius House

©Photo by Francesco vecchio on Wiki Commons

Do you ever wonder what it was like to live in the Roman Empire? Sopron might as well be an ideal place to discover that. Head to the outstanding Fabricius House to explore some archaeological exhibitions of Celtic, Roman and Hungarian history.

On the other hand, if you want to see what a Roman bathhouse looked like, head to the basement. You will be amazed by the Roman statues of Juno, Jupiter, and Minerva. However, a huge Zeus stone statue will take your breath away.

Spend An Afternoon Lazing In Sopron’s Parks

Sopron Parks

If you ever get tired of wandering around this medieval town, you can find some peace and quiet in one of its numerous parks. Once you head south of the Old Town, you will come across several parks.

They are all in quiet areas so you can simply spend an afternoon relaxing in one of those beautiful parks. Read a book, enjoy the sun. Discover the statues and memorials of local figures.

Can’t Resist Shopping In Sopron

Sopron Plaza

Even though Sopron is a small city, you can still indulge in a shopping spree in the Sopron Plaza. As the biggest complex in Sopron, this place serves as an entertainment center for families.

However, if you are more into modern shopping centers, then head to the Alpha Park. You can easily find everything you need here – from clothing stores to pharmacies to restaurants and cafes.

On the other hand, if you are looking for traditional Hungarian souvenirs, head to the porcelain store where you can get nice figurines and tableware.

Discover Food And Drinks In Sopron

What makes traveling to other countries great is the very opportunity to learn about the cuisine and culture at the same time. Sopron offers an array of restaurants and bars that will satisfy most of your cravings.

Please Your Sweet Tooth In The Harrer Chocolate Factory

Chocolate tasting in Sopron

©Photo by János Fehér on Flickr

Have you ever been to a chocolate factory? You simply can’t miss the Harrer Chocolate Factory when you visit Sopron. However, make sure you call them and book your chocolate tasting.

Can you just imagine trying twenty different types of chocolate? Eating fruit dipped in chocolate or simply having some hot chocolate? It sounds like heaven, right? Nice people in the Harrer Chocolate Factory will also show you a movie about chocolate-making. A complimentary glass of champagne will be much appreciated. Don’t worry though, children get a non-alcoholic one.

Keep in mind that the tour and tasting can be quite pricey. However, if you take into consideration that all chocolate is handmade and of great quality, the visit is worth every penny. What’s more, you can buy some amazing chocolate for your family and friends and bring one of the most original travel souvenirs back home.

Explore International Cuisines In Restaurants

Hungarian goulash

©Photo by Prayitno on Flickr

Just like many other towns in Hungary, Sopron offers a wide range of restaurants for people who like to experiment with food. If you would like to try some authentic Hungarian meals, then you will be happy to hear that Sopron offers a lot of restaurants serving traditional dishes. Don’t miss the famous Hungarian goulash. However, be careful! It can be quite spicy.

You will find several Italian and Mediterranean restaurants all around the city. A unique atmosphere and casual elegance will make your meal even more special. Most of the restaurants have a nice, cozy, family atmosphere. Enjoy having a nice dinner in an outdoor garden after a long day of sightseeing.

A variety of restaurants serve grilled meat so head to one of those for a homey atmosphere and delicious food. On the other hand, if you are into Asian cuisine, you can always set out to one of the fast-food Chinese or Thai restaurants.

When In Sopron Drink Some Wine

Drink wine in Sopron

©Photo by clubvino on Flickr

Winegrowing in the Sopron area dates back to the Celts. Therefore, it’s no wonder it’s one of the oldest Hungarian wine-growing areas. A plethora of wine cellars and wine bars spread over Sopron and its region.

Visiting one of the Sopron’s wine cellars is a thrill for all wine enthusiasts. Do note that most wine bars and wine cellars serve their wine. You can spend an evening tasting wine, cold plates or some popular Hungarian dishes. It sounds amazing, doesn’t it? Feel free to ask if you could visit their vineyards. It can be an interesting trip too.

What’s more, getting a bottle of wine from the Sopron area might as well be a great present. Keep that in mind when you go souvenir shopping.

Kids Will Love The Lover Kalandpark Sopron

Lover Kalandpark

©Photo from Lover Kalandpark’s official Facebook page

The Lover Kalandpark Sopron isn’t only a place that will make kids happy. This place is ideal for adults too. If you love spending time in nature then this park is a must-see.

Even though the concept is rather simple, the park is brilliant. They offer climbing equipment and teach you how to use it. Three adults and three tracks for kids are available to practice your skills.

This park is ideal if you are in for some adventure and challenges as there are many difficulty levels. Spend some time enjoying the beautiful environment but keep in mind to bring a mosquito repellent. You know what they say. Better safe than sorry.

So Fun in Sopron!

If you don’t feel like spending a lot of time sightseeing and exploring the city, Sopron should still be your choice. Since it’s situated so close to the Alps, numerous hiking trails in this area will fascinate you. Give yourself some time off to enjoy stunning nature and views away from the noise of big cities. And if you find yourself in Hungary and want to explore other cities, like Budapest, here are some ideas on the best places you can visit . 


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Our Wanders

Our Wanders

You Everything-To-Know Guide To Sopron, Hungary

sopron travel guide

Doing a road trip in Central Europe, there’s a charming town on the way from Budapest to Vienna : Sopron. Okay, it’s a small detour from the highway, but a nice addition to your road trip. Dating back to the Roman times, Sopron fascinates with its history and pastel-colored old town (cobbled streets included!). It’s also a great base to explore the area, both the Hungarian and Austrian side of the border.

Ancient roots of Sopron

Sopron, Hungary

A long time ago in an empire far far away… well, actually in the Roman Empire, stood a city called Scarbantia . This city was the ancestor of today’s Sopron. Walls and foundations from the Roman Empire are still common in the city today, and they nicely blend together with the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque structures.

Sopron, Hungary

It’s worth walking along the ruins of the ancient city wall, we found the loveliest tiny streets and cafes this way. Not that finding lovely places is a hard task there. Sopron’s city center is full of pretty, cobblestone streets: Új Street, Kolostor Street, Templom Street , just to mention a few. Új Street means New Street in English, and in fact it’s one of the oldest streets of Sopron.

Best view of Sopron: Firewatch Tower

Sopron, Hungary

If there’s only one building you visit in Sopron that should be the old Firewatch Tower. It became the symbol of Sopron, and it offers the best panorama of the city center. Try to count the church towers from above, it’s fun. The Firewatch Tower is located on Fő tér (Main Square) that’s worth a visit, anyway. Sit out somewhere with an ice-cream and let it steal your heart. Orsolya Square and Petőfi Square are the other two highlights of the center.

Architecture highlights

Sopron, Hungary

Here’s a fun game for you to explore the most beautiful buildings in Sopron. I have a list about our favorites: churches, fountains, palaces. The task is simple: find all of them, and while you’re doing so you will see all the nicest parts of Sopron. Deal? So here it is:

Sopron, Hungary

  • Town Hall (Main Square)
  • Goat Church and Holy Trinity Column (Main Square)
  • Storno House (Main Square)
  • Fabricius House (Main Square)
  • Petőfi Theatre (Petőfi Square)
  • Old Casino (Petőfi Square)
  • Theater Fountain (Petőfi Square)
  • Eggenberg House (Szent György Street)
  • Esterházy Palace (Templom Street)
  • Bezerédj House (Templom Street)
  • Mary Fountain (Orsolya Square)
  • Cézár House (Hátsókapu Street)

Do you want to taste the best chocolate in Sopron?

Harrer Chocolat, Sopron, Hungary

A must-see (and must-taste) attraction for any chocolate addict is Harrer Chocolat , a family-owned chocolate factory in Sopron. They work with their secret traditional recipes, use natural ingredients, and their chocolate is just the best!

Are you the festival person?

Then there’s VOLT for you. Music festivals are not really our thing, but even people like us who never go to these festivals know about one of the most famous ones in Hungary: VOLT. It’s held in Sopron each year since 1993, and it has become more and more popular not just among Hungarians but also internationally.

The best day trips from Sopron

Fő tér, Kőszeg, Hungary

About an hour drive from Sopron, you find another pretty little town: Kőszeg, with its amazing Baroque historical center , and the lovely forest trails of Kőszeg Mountains . We like them the best in October when the seasonal forests are in their fall glory.

Esterházy Palace, Fertőd, Hungary

Esterházy Castle, Fertőd

Our favorite castle in Hungary! It’s a colorful Rococo palace, sometimes called the Hungarian Versailles. Once the family nest of the Esterházy family, nowadays it’s operated by the government as Esterházy Castle Museum.

Its beautifully furnished and renovated rooms can only be visited on a guided tour – and this is a good thing! We were told a bunch of exciting stories about the history of the castle and the people who lived there. Guided tours are available in Hungarian, German or English. Though if you need a German or English tour, it’s a good idea to call them in advance, because foreign language tours are organized on an on-demand basis.

Esterházy Palace, Eisenstadt, Austria

Esterhazy Palace, Eisenstadt, Burgenland

Half an hour drive from Sopron lies the Austrian city of Eisenstadt, and its beautiful Baroque palace. Yes, another palace of the Esterházy noble family, constructed in the late 13 th century.

We visited its elegant, nicely furnished rooms on a guided tour, and our favorite place inside was Haydnsaal . This grand, gorgeous banquet room is a piece of artwork in itself. It got its name after the famous composer Joseph Haydn, who worked for about 40 years in the service of the Esterházy family. Haydnsaal is used as a concert hall from time to time today – and it’s said to be one of the most beautiful and acoustically perfect concert halls in the world.

Esterhazy Palace has a lovely garden with large trees, flowers and ponds. It’s free to take a walk there.

More day trips from Sopron

We’ve already told you about the day trips we’ve done, but this area offers much more. It’s rich both in natural and cultural attractions (lots of castles and ruins!), and here are even more options we’re yet to explore there: Széchenyi Castle in Nagycenk, Burg Forchtenstein, Burg Lockenhaus, Burgruine Landsee and Lake Neusiedl – Seewinkel National Park in Austria .

Hiking Schneeberg or Hochwechsel in Austria might be worth more than a day trip, but they’re also about 1.5-2 hours drive from Sopron.

Some final useful info

Sopron, Hungary

Sopron is 2.5 hours drive from Budapest and about 3 hours by train. The city center is small, and it’s easy to explore everything on foot.

How much time do you need to see Sopron? If you’re in a hurry, you can leave from Budapest in the morning, arrive in Vienna in the evening, and see Sopron during the day. If you’d like to have a comfortable pace, give it a weekend. And, of course, add more days if you’d like to take day trips.

So, which of these places look tempting to you?

sopron travel guide

This post was updated in January 2021.

By Beata Urmos

Bea is a travel writer and the co-founder of Our Wanders, an adventurous family travel blog. She’s been traveling for more than 10 years, seeking outdoor adventures, fairy tale castles and unique experiences. She's passionate about sharing all she has learned along the way, and she's an expert in planning trips of any length. She’d love to help you plan your own amazing trip, too.

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  • 1.1 History
  • 1.2 Orientation
  • 2.1 By plane
  • 2.4 By train
  • 3 Get around
  • 4.1.1 Main Square
  • 4.1.2 Széchenyi Square
  • 4.1.3 New (Új) Street
  • 4.1.4 Church (Templom) Street
  • 4.1.5 Monastery (Kolostor) Street
  • 4.1.6 Ursuline (Orsolya) square
  • 4.1.7 St. George (Szent György) street
  • 4.1.8 Várkerület
  • 4.2 Front gate (Előkapu) Street
  • 4.3 Armoury (Fegyvertár) Street
  • 4.4 Back gate (Hátsókapu) Street
  • 4.5 Deák Square
  • 4.6 Out of Downtown
  • 4.7.1 Rákóczi Ferenc Street
  • 4.7.2 Rose (Rózsa) Street
  • 4.7.3 Bécsi Street
  • 4.7.4 Hátulsó Street
  • 4.7.5 St. Michael (Szent Mihály) road
  • 4.7.6 Southwest
  • 4.7.7 Lőverek
  • 4.7.8 Brennbergbánya
  • 4.7.9 More sights
  • 4.8 Further afield
  • 5.1.1 Bowling
  • 5.1.2 Fitness
  • 5.1.3 Indoor swimming
  • 5.2.1 Bicycle
  • 5.2.2 Beach
  • 5.2.3 Canoe
  • 5.2.4 Climbing
  • 5.2.5 Fishing
  • 5.2.6 Extreme sports
  • 5.2.7 Football
  • 5.2.8 Horse Riding
  • 5.2.9 Sailing
  • 5.2.10 Tennis
  • 5.2.11 Walking
  • 5.3 Cinemas, theatres
  • 6.4 Hypermarkets
  • 6.5 Supermarkets
  • 6.6 Other stores
  • 7.2 Confectionery
  • 7.3 Fast food, pizzerias
  • 7.4 Restaurants
  • 8.1 Cellars and pubs
  • 9.2.1 Guesthouses
  • 9.2.2 Pansions
  • 9.2.3 Hotels
  • 10 Stay healthy
  • 11.1 Internet
  • 11.2 Post offices

<a href=\";lang=en&amp;name=Sopron\" title=\"Download GPX file for this article\" data-parsoid=\"{}\"><img alt=\"Download GPX file for this article\" resource=\"./File:GPX_Document_rev3-20x20.png\" src=\"//\" decoding=\"async\" data-file-width=\"20\" data-file-height=\"20\" data-file-type=\"bitmap\" height=\"20\" width=\"20\" class=\"mw-file-element\" data-parsoid='{\"a\":{\"resource\":\"./File:GPX_Document_rev3-20x20.png\",\"height\":\"20\",\"width\":\"20\"},\"sa\":{\"resource\":\"File:GPX Document rev3-20x20.png\"}}'/></a></span>"}'/> Sopron (pronounced "shop-ron"; German: Ödenburg, Croatian: Šopron, Latin: Scarbantia) is a city in Hungary , close to the Austrian border, with a population of about 62,000 (2017). The town is officially bilingual, and its historical German language name is Ödenburg .

sopron travel guide

When this area was the Pannonia Superior province of the Roman Empire , the city's name was Scarbantia . Its main square was then the forum. During the period of mass migration the once prosperous Scarbantia declined to become a lifeless city of ruins; a new settlement was created here only after the Hungarians took over the territory. Hungarians strengthened the old Roman city walls and built a castle. The town was named in Hungarian after a castle steward named Suprun. In 1273 King Otakar II of Bohemia occupied the castle. Even though he took the children of Sopron's nobility with him as hostages, the city opened its gates when the armies of King Ladislaus IV of Hungary arrived. The king rewarded Sopron by elevating it to the rank of free royal town. In 1529 the Turks devastated the city, but it did not fall under Turkish domination. Many Hungarians fled from the occupied areas to Sopron, and the city's importance grew.

While the Ottomans occupied most of central Europe, the region north of lake Balaton remained in the Kingdom of Hungary (1538–1867). In 1676 Sopron was destroyed by a fire. The modern-day city was born in the next few decades, when Baroque buildings were built to replace the destroyed medieval ones. Sopron became the seat of the comitatus Sopron. Until 1918, the town (bilingual names Oedenburg - Sopron) was part of the Austrian monarchy, province of Hungary; in Transleithania after the compromise of 1867 in the Kingdom of Hungary. Following the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, after local unrest, Sopron's status as part of Hungary (along with that of the surrounding eight villages) was decided by a controversial, local plebiscite held on December 14, 1921, with 65% voting for Hungary. Since then Sopron has been called Civitas Fidelissima ("The Most Loyal Town"), and the anniversary of the plebiscite is a city holiday. Sopron suffered greatly during World War II and it was bombed several times. The Soviet Red Army captured the city on April 1, 1945. On August 19, 1989 the "Pan-European Picnic" took place near Sopron, when the "Iron Curtain" between Austria and Hungary was lifted for a few hours, allowing some hundred East German citizens to cross the border.


sopron travel guide

  • After being suppressed during the Cold War, Sopron's German-speaking culture and heritage are now recognized again. As a consequence, many of the city's street-and traffic-signs are written in both Hungarian and German making it an officially bilingual city due to its proximity to the Austrian frontier.
  • Nearest international airports are Vienna (65   km) and Bratislava (100   km).
  • From Vienna , Austria on A2 until the Traiskirchen intersection, then on A3 until the Eisenstadt intersection, and on B16 to Sopron.
  • 47.68837 16.58667 1 Bus Station ( Autóbusz-állomás ), Lackner Kristóf utca 9 ( NW 200m from Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 311040 , [email protected] . Workdays: 07:00-12:15 & 12:45-15:30, 1st-6th days of each month: M-F 06:00-16:00, Sa 07:00-13:00. . The local service provider is the ÉNYKK Ltd. Bus to Kőszeg (daily five-six direct, 1-1½ hour), Szombathely (daily five-seven direct, 1½-2 hour), Győr (weekday daily 17, weekend 11 per day, around 2 hours ( updated Apr 2018 ) , to Budapest no direct bus (first you must to go Székesfehérvár or Veszprém or with a longer detour to Hévíz or Szombathely 5-7 hours, train is much better).

Sopron is located within the Vienna regional tariff union, so if you have a ticket or travelcard covering the entire network, you can use it to travel to Sopron (but not other Hungarian towns served by suburban trains).

  • Domestic Győr–Sopron–Ebenfurth Railway ( GYSEV ), ☏ +36 99 517212 . 07:15-12:15, 12:35-16:15, 16:35-19:00 . service area information  
  • International information , ☏ +36 99 517156 . M-W, F Sa 08:00-19:20; Th 08:00-20:00 .  
  • Left luggage office , ☏ +36 99 517212 . open 03:00-23:00 .  


  • The city isn't large, so you can walk or buy a ticket to ride the public bus lines. Prices (2014). Tickets: Ft   320 in advance, from driver Ft   390. Passes: Ft   6900 per month, Ft   4,300 semimonthly, Ft   2250 per seven-day, Ft   780 per a daily ticket. Local season ticket and single tickets can buy at Volan Tourist Travel Agency (address: Lackner Kristóf utca) or without queuing, 24/7, from a ticket vending machine, (located in the city ten points.)
  • 47.68371 16.58839 1 TOURINFORM - Sopron , Liszt Ferenc utca 1 ( Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 517560 , +36 1 4388080 (Tourinform Call Center) , fax : +36 99 517527 , [email protected] . M-F 09:00-17:00, Sa 09:00-13:00, Su 09:00-13:00 (May to Sep) .  
  • Sopron parking based on three zones. Parking map here . Paying with cash, chipcard or mobile. City center closed for cars (except with special permisson).
  • Sopron taxis list here .
  • Rent a car , Martiny Frigyes utca. 2/B , ☏ +36 70 3200888 . from Ft   4500 per day .  
  • Getting around the city centre by bike .

Downtown street by street

Main square.

sopron travel guide

  • 47.68674 16.59117 1 Firewatch Tower ( Tűztorony, Ger.:Feuerturm ), Fö tér 1 ( Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 311-327 , [email protected] . Jan-Mar: daily 09:00-17:00, Apr: daily 10:00-18:00; May-Aug: M-F 10:00-20:00, Sep-Oct daily 10:00-18:00; Nov: daily 09:00-17:00; Dec: daily 09:00-17:00 . Landmark of the city is the "fire tower", with a museum of history of the city. 61 m high, there is a wonderful panoramic view from the top. Its cylindrical lower part was built on the remains of the Roman town wall, and served as the north tower of the city from the 13th century onwards. Also on top of the tower is a double-headed eagle, that was a gift from King Ferdinánd II and Queen Eleonóra for the parliamentary session and queen's coronation, both held in Sopron in 1622. Ft   1150 .  
  • 47.68652 16.59083 2 City Hall ( Városháza ), Fő tér 1 ( Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 515100 . by appointment . The eclectic style building in the year of the millennium (1989) was completed by Hinträger Móric és Károly plans. On the barock main square. Also in December there is a Christmas market on the square (must see!) Richly decorated (applied arts) interior design and furnishings. Protected Monument .  
  • 47.68649 16.59049 3 Storno House museum ( Storno-gyűjtemény ), Fő tér 8 ( Opposite City hall ), ☏ +36 99 311327 , [email protected] . Jan-Mar: Tu-Su 10:00-16:00, Apr-Oct: Tu-Su 10:00-18:00. Nov: Tu-Su 09:00-17:00, Dec Tu-Su 09:00-17:00 . A Baroque corner house with Renaissance elements. The building are the closed, round, two-storey corner balcony with its rich ornamentation, the basket-arched gate with the Festetics family’s coat of arms between the two Tuscan half pillars, and the door knockers with their pelican motifs. Here is the Local History Exhibition . The authentic documents and relics collected since 1867 Ft   1000 .  
  • 47.68698 16.59181 4 Gate of Faith ( Hűség Kapu ), Fő tér/ Tűztorony utca . This was made in memory of the referendum of 1921. In this referendum Sopron and eight neighbouring villages expressed their wish to remain part of Hungary.  
  • 47.68622 16.5902 5 Kossow-House ( Kossow ház ), Fő tér, 4 ( Downtown ). Rebuilt in the Baroque era, then established a large residential lobby in the floor above the doorway. Now there is a wine bar  
  • 47.68645 16.59052 6 Fabricius-House ( Fabricius-ház ), Fő tér, 6 ( Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 311327 , [email protected] . Apr-Sep Tu-Su 10:00-18:00 or by appointment . From the 14th century with interior from the 17th and 18th centuries. The Gothic hall is a wonderful piece of architecture, but the two story loggia with open staircase in the courtyard and the Gothic and Baroque cellars of the rear building also deserve special attention. The owners of the building were always rich citizens and traders with high ranking social positions. The house is named after one of the owners, mayor and magistrate Endre Fabricius, who purchased the house in 1806. There is a medieval cellar hall with a Roman Lapidary. Here is the former Roman Capitol decorating Trias sculpture group. Three exhibits : Roman Lapidary, "Three thousand years along the Amber Road" archaeological exhibition and 17th and 18th. century bourgeois interior furnishing. Protected Monument Adult/reduced tickets: History of Sopron and its Surroundings Ft   700/350, Archaeological Exhibition - Roman Lapidary Ft   700/350, Town Residences Ft   800/400 (2014) .  
  • 47.68633 16.59113 7 Pharmacy Museum ( Patika-ház ), Fő tér 2 ( Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 311327 , fax : +36 99 311347 , [email protected] . Apr-Sep: Tu-Su 10:00-14:00 . Built in 15th–16th centuries. The former Angel Pharmacy operated in this house from the middle of the 17th century. Reconstructed in 1850, when the Gensel family extended the house by bricking up the arcades and the corridor. The house was pronounced the first national monument in Hungary by Louis II of Hungary in 1525. Protected Monument Adult/reduced Ft   500/250 .  
  • 47.68654 16.59082 8 Gambrinus - House ( Gambrinus - Ház ), Fő tér 3 ( Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 311327 . Only outside . Protected monument. Gothic origin. It was expanded in the late Renaissance style, the facade made in Baroque style. The interior rebuilt in the 18th century. There are frescoes from the 18th century in the rooms upstairs. Protected Monument  
  • 47.68648 16.59031 9 Former County Hall ( Vármegyeháza ), Fő tér 5. ( Downtown ). Built in 1896. Protected Monument  
  • 47.68625 16.59075 10 Holy Trinity Column ( Szentháromság-szobor ), Fő tér ( Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 515100 . 24/7 . One of the best-known attractions of the square. A masterpiece of the Hungarian Baroque (1701). Protected Monument Free .  
  • 47.68652 16.59086 11 General and Lackner House ( Tábornok-és Lackner-ház ), Fő tér 7 ( Downtown ). Here was the residence of the mayor dr. Lackner Kristóf (1571-1631). Protected Monument  

Széchenyi Square

sopron travel guide

  • 47.68245 16.58993 12 St. Jude Thaddeus Dominican Church and the former Dominican Monastery ( Szent Júdás Tádé Templom (Domonkos Templom), Domonkos kolostor ), Széchenyi tér 3-4 ( Southern rim of Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 508985 , fax : +36 99 508986 , [email protected] . Daily 10:00-18:00 . Baroque church with two towers built between 1719 and 1725, it is still without a tower, they only later, in the 1740s raised. The Dominican Monastery is now a school, built in Baroque, 1745-1750. The dining room decorated with whitewashed frescoes and richly curved wooden panelling, Baroque, around 1750.  
  • 47.68248 16.59088 13 Former Széchényi Mansion ( Széchényi Ferenc ház ), Széchenyi tér 1 ( Southern rim of Downtown ). Just outside . Dwelling house, former Széchenyi Palace, the 18th century origin, Classicist style, rebuilt in 1827-1851. Count Ferenc Széchenyi held in here his valuable medal, book and map collection.  
  • 47.68286 16.58881 14 Post Palace ( Main Post office.Postapalota ), Széchenyi tér 7-10 ( Southern Downtown ). Outstanding masterpiece of the Hungarian Art Nouveau. Carved in stone, above the main entrance, the Hungarian decorative coat of arms. Remained in the Art Nouveau style furniture too. Protected Monument . Architects: Ambrus Orth & Emil Somló, 1913  
  • 47.68286 16.58928 15 Decorative garden with Széchényi Monument ( Dísz tér a Széchényi emlékművel ), Széchenyi tér ( southern edge of Downtown ). 24/7 . Full figure bronze statue. It was made by Matra Lajos, in 1896. Free .  
  • 47.68245 16.59084 16 Liszt Ferenc Cultural Centre ( Liszt Ferenc Kulturális és Konferencia Központ ), Széchenyi tér 1 ( Downtown ). Former Casino . A five-storey building with conference, theater, dance, concerts, session and exhibition halls. The piano virtuoso, composer, conductor and teacher Franz Liszt was born in Doborján (Raiding), in former Sopron County. The house where he was born is a memorial museum today. Today the new Conference and Cultural Centre, a choir, and the town's symphony orchestra bear the name of the Maestro. One of the most beautiful buildings in the city centre.  
  • 47.68267 16.59009 17 Flag of Loyalty ( Hűségzászló ), Széchenyi tér ( Downtown ). 24/7 . Free .  
  • 47.68252 16.58975 18 Dwelling houses on Széchenyi square ( lakóházak a Széchenyi téren ), Széchenyi tér ( Downtown ). Only from outside . Protected Monuments #5 (Classicist, 1855-1861. Modified 1879), #14 (early romantic, 1849), #17-18. (Romantic, circa 1860), #19 (Romantic 1856 Designed by Handler Nándor), #20 (Romantic, 1855)  
  • 47.68283 16.58877 19 Berzsenyi Lutheran High School ( Berzsenyi Gimnázium ), Széchenyi tér 11. ( Downtown ). Just outside . Protected Monument. Classicist, 1825. Modified in eclectic style in 1894.  
  • 47.67954 16.58847 20 Győr–Sopron–Ebenfurt Railways Headquarters ( GYSEV Székház ), Mátyás király utca 19 ( near Széchenyi tér ), ☏ +36 99 517101 . A monument building.  

New (Új) Street

sopron travel guide

  • 47.68501 16.59048 21 Old Synagogue ( Ó-Zsinagóga ), Új utca 22 ( Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 311327 , fax : +36 99 311347 , [email protected] . Apr-Oct: Tu-Su 10:00-18:00 . Built at end of 13th century in Gothic style. This is a unique piece of Jewish architecture in Eastern Europe. A corridor from the entrance leads to the main hall. Its main door is decorated with a tympanum, and two side consoles date from 1300, the time of construction. The two focal points of the synagogue are the Aaron alcove and the pulpit. There is a collection of Jewish religion and customs. Adult/student+pensioners Ft   800/400 .  
  • 47.68525 16.59096 22 Synagogue ( Zsinagóga ), Új utca 11 ( Downtown ). A dwelling house with medieval details. Built in Baroque style, 18th century. The courtyard wing of the house is a synagogue, now a museum, Built in Gothic, circa 1350. Modified in the second half of the 15th century.  
  • 47.68476 16.59053 23 Civic Apartment houses ( Polgári lakóházak ), Új utca ( Downtown ). Just outside . #4 (Baroque, 1710th Modified in the middle of the 19th century. Now office), #5 (18th-century origin. Received its present form in 1841), #7 (details of medieval, mostly Baroque style, 18th century), #9 (Gothic style, 15th century. Modified in Renaissance and Baroque styles in the 17-18th centuries. Upstairs room decorated with stucco ornaments, Baroque, first half of the 18th century.), #13 (medieval, baroque, 18th century), #15 (medieval, Baroque, second half of 17th century), #17 (Baroque, about 1720), #18 (medieval baroque origin 1748. Upstairs areas with frescoes, baroque, 1770-1780), #19 (Baroque, late 17th century), #20 (Baroque, 18th century), #21(medieval, late Renaissance , around 1650. Two first-floor rooms with carved beam ceilings, made in the mid 17th century), #24 (medieval, baroque, 18th century), #26 (details of medieval age, baroque 18th century — its Romantic facade made in circa 1860), #28. (medieval, baroque, 18th century, partly modified).  

Church (Templom) Street

sopron travel guide

  • 47.6861 16.5903 24 Chapter Hall ( Káptalan Terem ), Templom utca 1 ( Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 523768 , [email protected] . Apr-Oct: Tu-Su 10:00-18:00, Nov-Mar: daily 10:00-16:00 . Public Exhibition Room . Gothic origins at the end of the 13th century, renovated in the beginning of the 14-15th centuries. Ornamental and figurative painting remains, from the 14th century  
  • 47.68616 16.59004 25 Mining Museum in Palais Esterhazy ( Central Mining Museum, Központi Bányászati Múzeum ), Templom utca 2 ( Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 312667 , fax : +36 99 312667 , [email protected] . Nov-Mar: Tu-Su 10:00-16:00; Apr-Oct: Tu-Su 10:00-18:00 . Baroque building. This is the largest and most comprehensive mining collection ] of Hungary. The most interesting part of the exhibition is a life-size mineshaFt   from the beginning of the 20th century. This museum offering an unforgettable experience to Hungarian and foreign tourists, with signs in German, English and Slovakian. Ft   700/400 .  
  • 47.68568 16.58971 26 Bezerédj house ( Bezerédj ház ), Templom utca 6 ( Downtown ). Just outside . A baroque building based on medieval foundations, was built around 1710. One of the most beautiful rococo palaces in Sopron.  
  • 47.68593 16.58994 27 Forestry Collection ( Erdészeti Gyűjtemény ), Templom utca 4 ( Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 338870 , fax : +36 99 523419 , [email protected] . Th-Tu 10:00-17:00 . Multi-million-year old fossilized fragments of silicified trees, map from 1656, documents from the late 1800s, insect collections made ​​in 1870, wooden household and user devices from the last century, machine models, maquettes. Hidvégi Béla's Hunting collection or 'National treasures: the forest' exhibitions Ft   800/500 (each), Ft   1300/700 (combined) .  

sopron travel guide

  • 47.68422 16.58962 28 Great Lutheran Church ( nagy evangélikus templom ), Templom utca 19 ( Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 523002 , fax : +36 99 523003 , [email protected] . Masses: Sundays at 08:00 and 10:00 (Hungarian), at 09:00 (German), at 09:00 (for children's in the Great Hall). Open during Church Service or by prior appointment. Parish official hours: weekdays 08:00-12:00 . 1783. Evangelic Collection. The third largest Lutheran church in Hungary. A hall church, which was divided into three vessels with eight huge Tuscan columns. The middle nave is wider and higher than the side aisles. A two-level choir built over the side of the naves.  

sopron travel guide

  • 47.6862 16.59037 29 Goat Catholic Church ( Szent Benedek Rend Nagyboldogasszony Temploma (Bencés /Kecske/ Templom) ), Templom u. 1 ( Downtown, on the southern side of the Firewatch Tower ), ☏ +36 99 523766 . The city's main Roman Catholic church also provided a venue for coronations and parliamentary sessions. Main sights are the frescoes, the lancet windows, and the unique Capistran pulpit.  
  • 47.68619 16.59038 30 Former Benedictine convent and the Chapter House ( Bencés kolostor ), Templom u. 1 ( next to the Goat church ). A late Baroque door on the south side of leads to the Chapter House . There are unveiled Gothic pillars, beautifully crafted corbels and parts of medieval frescos. The distorted animal figures below brackets symbolize the medieval seven deadly sins: crouching monkey (arrogance), shrimp (inconstancy) winged devil or griffin - Infidelity, sleeping man and bat (sloth), animal-bodied man and woman (lust), female legs and hoofed creature grinning monster bent (envy) and bear (gluttony). The keystone represents: angel with trumpet (Last Judgment), pelican with blood feeding its sons (Christ), Eagle with sentence ribbon (St. John the Evangelist), angel figurine with sentence ribbon (St. Matthew the Evangelist), winged lion (St. Mark the Evangelist), winged ox (St. Luke the Evangelist).  
  • 47.68433 16.58972 31 Former Priests House ( Evangélikus paplakok ), Templom utca 17 ( downtown ). Just outside . Baroque, 17th-century origins, its present form was built in the 1710s.  
  • 47.6848 16.5898 32 Houses in Baroque style ( barokkstílusú lakóházak ), Templom utca 5-28 ( downtown ). #5 (medieval origin, Baroque and 18th century. One upstairs room 'kváder' pavement and painted interior room, 15th century), #6 (medieval base. Baroque rebuilding around 1710. Courtyard wings rebuilt in the late Classical style in 1850), #7 (built on medieval foundations. mostly Baroque elements; in the 16-19th centuries rebuilt several times.), #9 (Gothic, 14-15th centuries. Modified from the 16th and 18th centuries and in the second half of the 19th century), #11 ( late Renaissance elements. Medieval foundations, 1650s), # 12 (Medieval details. Baroque, 1767th), #13 (Medieval details, Baroque, 18th century), #14 (Gothic, 15th century. Modified in late Renaissance style in the 1680s), #15 (Baroque, 1782), #16 (medieval origin, Baroque, 18. Modified 1837), #17 (Baroque, 17th century, in the form of origin, today was built in the 1710s), #18 (Baroque, 1723), #19 (Baroque, early 18th century), #20 (Baroque 1720s. Modified neoclassical style in the 1830s), #21 (Baroque origin, rebuilt in eclectic style around 1870), #22 (Baroque, around 1720. Current facade received in 1876, eclectic style), #25 (Romantic style, 1860.), #27 (Romantic, around 1870.)  
  • 47.68507 16.58961 33 Lutheran Church Collection ( Evangélikus Egyházközség Gyűjteménye ), Templom utca 12 ( downtown ), ☏ +36 99 510651 , fax : +36 99 523003 , [email protected] . Former Priests Residence. More in Hungarian  
  • 47.6837 16.5892 34 Széchenyi István High School ( Széchenyi István Gimnázium ), Templom u. 26 ( downtown ). Just outside . Monument. Romantic style, 1858  
  • 47.68525 16.58997 35 Green House ( Ház ), Templom utca 3 ( downtown ). Just outside . Cultural heritage monument. Eclectic, 1872  
  • 47.68443 16.58945 36 Baroque House , Templom u. 18 ( downtown ). Just outside . Protected monument. Baroque, 1723  
  • 47.68442 16.58934 37 Töpler House ( Töpler-ház ), Templom utca 22 ( downtown ). Two-storey baroque building . Substantially reconstucted in the second half of the 19th century.  

Monastery (Kolostor) Street

  • 47.6854 16.5901 38 Kolostor street's palaces ( Kolostor utca palotái ), Kolostor utca ( downtown ). Just outside . East side of the street are decorated town houses and noble palaces. #1, 3, 5, 7, 9  
  • 47.68536 16.59036 39 Former Zichy-Meskó Palace ( Zichy-Meskó palota ), Kolostor u. 11. ( downtown ). Two-storey enclosed balcony. Arched doorways leading into the courtyard. Staircase with beautiful wrought iron gates and with baroque stone sculptures. The female figures placed in niches could be made around 1770. There are allegorical sculptures of Luck, Force, Truth and Science (1725). Ceremonial Hall with baroque ceiling paintings from the 18th century. Receiving Room with the two Panno figures, around 1740, Van Roy works. Here is also some nice wood panelling made in the mid-18th century.)  
  • 47.68595 16.59047 40 Monument Mansions ( Polgárházak ), Vary. - Kolostor u. ( Downtown ). Only from outside . #1 (Gothic, Baroque, built in 1776. Richly decorated stucco ceiling (on the second floor), first half of 18th century), #3 (medieval details, late Baroque, 18th century), #5 (with Gothic and Renaissance details mainly Baroque, 17-18th centuries. The facade: Late Gothic and late Renaissance painting remains of 16th century. Doors and windows: mostly made in 18th century, with baroque fittings), #7 (Gothic origin, 14-15 centuries. Rebuilt in neoclassical style in the first half of the 19th century. Interiors with 'kváder' room painting from the 15th century), #9 (Gothic, baroque, mid-18th century), #13 (medieval, renaissance late, 1628. Now there are offices.)  

Ursuline (Orsolya) square

sopron travel guide

  • 47.68377 16.59086 41 Former Ursuline Church and convent ( Immaculate Conception Church, Szeplőtelen Fogantatás Templom, Orsolyita-templom, volt Orsolyita zárda ), Orsolya tér 2-3 ( downtown ), ☏ +36 99 525030 , fax : +36 99 523511 . Daily 10:00-18:00. Holy Mass: Su 09:00 and 10:30, M-F 07:15, Sa 17:00. The fiesta on every December 8. Adoration: the week of March 19 on Tuesday and feast day the Heart of Jesus is. . Roman Catholic. Romantic style with neo-gothic markings (1864). One of the most impressive architectural monuments of the past century. Replaced the former small convent church of the Holy Cross (1770s). Full romantically decorated, made around 1860. Sacristy cabinet, made around 1780. Baroque sculptures, made around 1740. The Ursuline convent was built using two baroque buildings, Romantic style in 1864. Designer: Ferdinand Handler. Now it us a grade school.  

sopron travel guide

  • 47.68391 16.59054 42 Mary's Well ( Mária-kút ), Orsolya tér ( right before Ursuline Church ). 24/7 . 18th century. Maria Immaculata sculpture staying on an indoor pool imitating base. Free .  
  • 47.68392 16.59067 43 Legged-House ( Lábas-ház ), Orsolya tér 5 ( downtown ), ☏ +36 99 311327 , [email protected] . Daily 10:00-14:00 . Built around 1570, the ground floor has ever lined butcher. Temporary exhibitions. Ft   500/250 (2014) .  
  • 47.68395 16.59086 44 Caesar-House ( Caesar-ház, Soproni Horváth József Gyűjtemény ), Orsolya tér, Hátsókapu u. 2. ( downtown ), ☏ +36 99 312 326 . Th-Su 10:00-13:00, Sa 10:00-13:00 and 15:00-18:00, or by appointment . A corner house. Baroque building with late Renaissance details, built in the 17th and 18th centuries. The second-floor hall made ​​around 1700, early baroque, ornamental stucco ceiling. József Horváth Painter Memorial Exhibition. Adults: Ft   600, student, senior: Ft   300 .  

St. George (Szent György) street

sopron travel guide

  • 47.68605 16.59137 45 Medieval shop window and door on a building ( Középkori üzlet bejárata , German:Neugebaude ), Szent György utca 1. ( downtown ).  
  • 47.68522 16.59169 46 Church of St. George ( Szent György-templom ), Szent György utca ( Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 525030 , fax : +36 99 525031 , [email protected] . Daily 10:00-17:45. Masses: Su 09:00, 19:30 (guitar), M-Sa 18:00 (with organ) . Built between 1380-1430 as a Gothic church with single nave. The arched nave closures decorated with stucco. Both side are chapels. It has got a lively, Italianate facade of the 18th century. The eclectic tower was built in 1882. Next to the sanctuary in the baptisms chapel is some medieval fresco fragment. Furniture of 18th century. The stucco ornaments made ​​between 1705-1706 and its Pietro Antonio Conti's work. ( updated Apr 2022 )
  • 47.68525 16.59137 47 Eggenberg House ( Eggenberg-ház ), Szent György utca 12 ( Downtown ). 17th century, late Renaissance building . There is the Branderburg coat of arms, over the gate, and the Hohenzollern coat of arms, in courtyard with balcony, can be seen.  
  • 47.68597 16.5913 48 Forum of Scarbantia, Iron House ( Vasaló-ház, Fórum Kiállítás ), Szent György u. 2 / Új u. 1. ( downtown ), ☏ +36 20 3642263 , [email protected] . Apr-Sep: Tu-Su 10:00-18:00, Oct-Mar: Tu-Su 10:00-14:00 . Scarbantia (the Roman name of Sopron) was one of the border stations of the Province of Pannonia in the former Roman Empire. It was a part of the Amber Road, an important commercial route. The center of the Roman City was the Forum. Built of 'Lajta' limestone delivered here from the Fertőrákos (around 10 km away) quarry. During the excavations between 1960 and 1970 the pedestals of three bronze equestrian statues were found on the southern part of the square. Altars to different gods were discovered on the sides of the Forum. The temples of the three main gods – Jupiter, Juno and Minerva - were situated at the highest point of the town. Adults/Students Ft   300/150 (2011) .  
  • 47.68563 16.59175 49 Szent György street monument houses ( Műemlék lakóházak ), Szent György utca ( downtown ). Dwelling houses : #8 (Medieval origin, rebuilt in Baroque, 18th century. Partly converted into the romantic style in the second half of the 19th century), #10 (Baroque, 18th century. Highly modified), #15 (Medieval origin, baroque, 17th century), #19 (Baroque, 18th century), #22 (Gothic, late Renaissance, 1648. There is on the first and second floors one-one 17th-century carved wood-beamed room.), #24 (Romantic, 1860). Other buildings : #1 Neugebäude, #5 Provost House, #7: Chapter House, #9 was a Benedictine high school, now the School of Forestry, #11th Lenk gateway, #14 Lutheran house of Convention (Gothic 15th century. Modified in Baroque style in the 18th century), #16 Former Erdődy Palace (Baroque, around 1740).  
  • 47.68478 16.59147 50 Lenck Passage ( Lenk gateway Lenck-átjáró ), Szent György utca 11. ( downtown ). On the facade the "Amazing fishing" relief and the Lenck family signboard can be see . The Szent György street connects with the Várkerület via Lenck Passage. Free .  
  • 47.68561 16.59169 51 Former Chapter House ( Káptalan-ház, Kanonok Ház ), Szent György utca 7 ( downtown ). Just outsde . A magnificent two-story late-Renaissance palace erected around 1650. Health Training Institute.  
  • 47.6846 16.5916 52 Former Boarding school ( Internátus ), Szent György u.13. ( downtown ). Just from outside . Medieval origin, rebuilt in Baroque in the 17th century. Modified in the 18th and 19th centuries. Now Forestry secondary school.)  
  • 47.68582 16.59175 53 Former Jesuit konviktus; dwelling house ( Jezsuita konviktus; lakóház ), Szent György u. 5. ( downtown ). Just from outside . Late Renaissance, 1644. The second floor was built around 1680.  

sopron travel guide

  • Loyalty Fountain ( Hűségkút ), Várkerület . The fountain of three full-length bronze statues symbolize the city's history main events.  
  • 47.68518 16.59277 54 Mary's column. ( Mária-oszlop ), Várkerület ~16 ( Near to Loyalty Fountain ). 24/7 . Baroque, 1745. The reliefs depict scenes from the life of Mary (Annunciation, Mary and Elizabeth meeting, Adoration of the Shepherds, Presentation of Jesus in the Temple). Free .  
  • 47.68374 16.59233 55 Pannónia Gallery ( Pannónia Galéria ), Várkerület 75 ( downtown ), ☏ +36 99 312180 . Daily 09:00-17:00 . Monthly a new exhibition can be seen in the gallery. Services: café, buffet, toilet/WC, cloak-room Free .  
  • 47.68514 16.59258 56 Castle of Sopron remains ( Vármaradvány ), Várkerület ~96 . Roman walls remains can be see here several metrers above the ground (concrete shell protected against the weather). City walls: The town core was surrounding with triple protection ring now only the outer ring wall sections remained. The most impressive part of the Barbican or The large Round Bastion. The large Round Bastion, in the castle district doubles side part of Sopron inner walls. Here, the closed row of houses is broken and a fairly long section of the city walls can be seen. Photos  
  • 47.68767 16.59071 57 Rejpal House ( Rejpal Ház ), Várkerület #7 ( N of downtown; at the corner of Festő-köz (Painter Alley) ). Museum. Medieval details. Renaissance, around 1560. Expanded in the 1790s. The ceilings of the second floor painted, carved, wood-beamed also there is some decorative wall painting, 16th century. The two-level dwelling house medieval predecessor was raised Roman building remains. Its present shape formed in the second half of the 16th century Renaissance style, although significant medieval details - such as the Gothic staircase - is preserved. Yard wings expanded the 16th and 17th centuries. At one time it was owned by tradesmen (blacksmiths, butchers, confectioners). In front of the house is the statue of the painter Jozef Horvath.  

sopron travel guide

  • 47.68773 16.59084 58 Rococo building ( Rokokó lakóház ), Várkerület 9 ( corner of Festő köz ). Two-storey rococo building received its present form in 1750-60. On the right side a cross-vaulted doorway give direct access to the courtyard. The upstairs living room decorated with stucco. In another room there is a Renaissance wooden ceiling.  
  • 47.68775 16.59116 59 Dwelling House with eclectic facade ( Lakóház ), Várkerület 11 ( N of Downtown ). Just outside . Baroque, 18th century. Interiors of carved wood-beamed ceilings.  
  • 47.68745 16.59235 60 Catholic Collection ( Katolikus Gyűjtemény ), Várkerület 25 ( right out of downtown ), ☏ +36 99 312221 , [email protected] . May-Oct: Tu 14:00-16:00, Th 09:00-11:00 . Adult Ft 80, student or pensioner Ft   400 .  
  • 47.68368 16.59176 61 Dwelling House ( Lakóház, Patikaház ), Hátsókapu u. 3./ Várkerület 108 . Just outside . Baroque, 1773  
  • 47.68763 16.59194 62 Dwelling House ( Lakóház ), Várkerület 19 ( N of downtown ). Just outside . Medieval foundations. Rebuilt in Rococo style, in 1757. At the right wing of the building is a Renaissance door frame in the wall, 16th century.  
  • 47.68497 16.59316 63 Dwelling house ( Lakóház ), Várkerület 59 . Just outside .  
  • 47.683441 16.5921 64 Dwelling house ( Lakóház ), Várkerület 77 ( E of downtown ). Just outside . Classicist, eclectic styles, 1868.  
  • 47.68572 16.59341 65 Arany Angyal Inn ( Arany Angyal vendégfogadó; lakóház ), Várkerület 51 . Just from outside . It was the Golden Angel Inn. Baroque style around 1800. Modified in the second half of the 19th century.  
  • 47.68539 16.59335 66 Former Fehérló Inn ( Fehérló vendégfogadó; lakóház ), Várkerület 55 . Just from outside . It was the White Horse Inn Medieval origin. Then baroque reconstruction, 18. Classicist transformation.  
  • 47.68435 16.59293 67 Füredi house ( Füredi-ház ), Várkerület 67 ( E of downtown ). Copf style, 1778.  
  • Dwelling houses ( Lakóházak ), Várkerület . #2 (Baroque, 1770), #5 (Baroque, 18th century), #8 (Baroque, 18th century), #9 (Baroque 1750s. Upstairs great room with rich stucco ceilings, 18th century), #10 (eclectic, romantic, 1851. There is wooden ceiling of the 18th century), #11 (Baroque, 18th century, the facade is eclectic: carved beamed wood ceilings, 18th century), #13 (Rococo, circa 1750), #15 (Eclectic, 1870s. The courtyard wing made in Baroque style, 18th century), #17 (Rococo , circa 1750), #19 (Medieval foundations. Rebuilt in rococo, 1757. Renaissance door frame, 16 century.), #20 (current form got with an additional floors in 1846), #21 (17th century origin. Rebuilt in Baroque in the 1780s. Facade is eclectic, 1881. Modified in 1885.), #22 (late Baroque, around 1800. Partly modified), #23 (late Romantic, circa 1870), #24 (early Classicist, circa 1800), #25 (baroque, 1733-1735. There is a Maria Immaculata fresco in upstairs loggia, circa 1750. Repainted Storno Kalman, 1925), #27 (baroque, 18th-century origin. transformed into the romantic style. The facade made in around 1870), #29 (Baroque, circa 1720.), #30 (romantic, circa 1860), #31 (Baroque, 17th century. Current facade added around 1730), #33 (late Classical and early eclectic, mid 19th century.), #35 (late Classical, middle 19th century), #37 (now Post Office, built in Baroque, 18th century. Rebuilt in eclectic style in 1896), #39 (Baroque, 18th century), #43 (Baroque, 18th century origin. Modified), #47 (Baroque, 18th century origin. Modified), #49 (Romantic style, around 1850), #53 (Baroque, 18th century origin. Substantially rebuilt), #54 (eclectic, 1885), #56 (romantic, 1861), # 57 (Rococo, circa 1750), #62 (Romantic, 1862. Rebuilt in 1883.), #63 (Baroque, 18th century. Modified in the 19 century), #65 (Eclectic, 1883), #70 (Classicist, 1815. - Designed by Jakab Handler), #72 (Romantic, 1862 - Second floor finished in 1883), #74 (Romantic, 1859), #77 (Classicist and eclectic details, 1868), #79 (late Classical, circa 1840), #85 (Romantic style, circa 1860), #88 (Classicist, 1814-1816), #92 (late Baroque, circa 1800. Partly modified, rear wing facade decorated with a St John of Nepomuk Statue from 1790s), #94 (early Eclectic, around 1870), #104 (Baroque, around 1770. Modified and expanded with second floor in the second half of the 19th century), #106 (romantic, 1860), #108 (Romantic, circa 1860), #110 (Classicist, 1814 Built by Handler Jakab).  
  • 47.68396 16.59266 68 Formerly Hungarian King restaurants ( Magyar Király vendéglő; iskola és diákotthon ), Várkerület 73 ( E of Downtown ). Classicist origin. Transforming in the second half of the 19th century. Now school and dormitory.  
  • 47.68379 16.5882 69 Old casino ( Régi kaszinó ), Petőfi tér 3. ( downtown ). Built in 1789.  

Front gate (Előkapu) Street

  • 47.68698 16.59178 70 Dwelling houses ( Műemlék Lakóházak ), Előkapu utca ( downtown ). #3 (baroque, 1768. Modified 1837), #5 (Baroque, early 1770. The eclectic facade, made in the second half of the 19th century), #7 (Copf style, 1784-1794), #9 (late Baroque, 1770), #11 (Baroque, built in 1770, is replaced by a 16th-century castle part).  

Armoury (Fegyvertár) Street

  • 47.6839 16.5899 71 Dwelling houses ( Műemlék Lakóházak ), Fegyvertár utca ( downtown ). Only from outside . # 1 (now General School, a former residential building, Baroque, around 1760.) #2-2A here was the former Town Armory in the 16-19th Centuries. (Medieval renaissance details. Rebuilt romantic style of the second half of the 19th century. In the cellar of the #2 /A house some Roman (Amber Road) pavement remains. In the courtyard is a relief made in Classicist style, circa 1815), #3 (early Baroque facade, circa 1710. Rebuilt in 1959. )  

Back gate (Hátsókapu) Street

sopron travel guide

  • 47.6836 16.5917 72 Dwelling houses ( Műemlék Lakóházak ), Hátsókapu utca ( downtown ). #1 (late Classical, 1823-1825. Designed by Hasenauer Martin), #2 (Apartment building, galleries and restaurants. There are late-medieval and Renaissance Baroque details. There are two rooms with ornamental stucco ceiling on the second floor, made in early Baroque, around 1700), #3 (former pharmacy house, Baroque, 1773), #6 (built in late Classicist, circa 1840), #8 (late Classicist, circa 1840).  

Deák Square

sopron travel guide

  • 47.67958 16.58932 73 Former Röttig-Romwalter printing house ( Röttig-Romwalter nyomda ), Deák tér 56 ( S 200 m from downtown ).  
  • 47.67894 16.59153 74 Former Evangelical Theology Building ( Evangélikus Teológia épülete ), Deák tér 78 ( S 300 m from downtown ). Built in 1931, designed by Sandy Gyula.  
  • 47.6823 16.58275 75 Lenk Villa - Franz Liszt Museum ( Lenk-villa – Liszt Ferenc Múzeum ), Deák tér 1 ( S 200 m from downtown ). The Lenk merchant family erected in 1890, eclectic style by architect Otto Hofer. In front of the main entrance are two stone statues: symbolic representations of the truth. The main entrance decorated with columns and a tympanum. A park situated around the museum. In the park can be seen rare plants, Baroque sculptures and old tombs from the Lutheran cemetery, also here is the 'Baker cross' dating from 1484.  
  • 47.68184 16.58247 76 Reformed Church ( Református templom ), Deák tér 2 , ☏ +36 99 523308 .  
  • 47.68191 16.58409 77 Tenement Building ( Bérházépület ), Deák tér 9 ( S of downtown ). A monument  
  • 47.68116 16.58644 78 Town house with highground floor ( Igényes magasföldszintes polgárház ), Deák tér 25 ( S of downtown ). Only from outside . A monument.  
  • 47.68145 16.58555 79 One-storey urban civil house ( Neoreneszánsz egyemeletes városi polgárház ), Deák tér 17 ( S of Downtown ). Only from outside . Neo-Renaissance.  
  • 47.68653 16.58847 80 Two storey Dwelling House ( Egyemeletes Műemlék Lakóház ), Ógabona tér 18 ( west downtown ). Only from outside . Copf, circa 1790.  

Out of Downtown

  • 47.68312 16.60658 81 Resting Cross ( Pihenő kereszt ), Balfi út ~138 ( E one km of the downtown ), ☏ +36 99 311327 , [email protected] . 24/7 . Open Air Monument. The tabernacle 17th century. Free .  
  • 47.68716 16.59471 82 Zettl-Langer collection ( Zettl-Langer Gyűjtemény ), Balfi utca 11 ( NE 100 m ), ☏ +36 99 311136 . Daily 10:00-12:00 for groups by appointment . A local history collection. More in Hungarian Ft   800 .  
  • 47.68338 16.6069 83 Lutheran cemetery ( Evangélikus temető ), Margitbányai utca 24 / Balfi utca ~135-141 ( E 1 km ). Opened in 1886. There is Greek-style mortuary (around 1900). A domed mortuary built in Art Nouveau style in 1905. On the western part can be see the Lenk family mausoleum (1887).  
  • 47.68706 16.59355 84 Ikva Bridge ( Ikvahíd ), Ikvahíd utca ( Bécsi külváros (Vienna suburb) district, near to Balfi utca ). 24/7 . Contrary to the name this is not a bridge, but a street. The Ikva is a stream. There are two bridges. The western made in 1828 and its name is Ispotály (Hospital) bridge. The eastern bridge built in Middle Ages. Later the houses and the road were built onto the two bridge. Free .  

Rákóczi Ferenc Street

sopron travel guide

  • 47.68353 16.58619 85 Former Army Officer's Girls boarding school ( Egykori Honvéd Tiszti Leánynevelő Intézet ), II. Rákóczi Ferenc utca 8. ( SW 150 m of downtown ).  
  • 47.68359 16.58431 86 Three floor Dwelling House ( lakóház ), Rákóczi u. 37-39. ( SW of Downtown ).  
  • 47.68434 16.58392 87 Dwelling houses ( Műemlék Lakóházak ), II. Rákóczi Ferenc utca ( W 200 m of downtown ). Only from outside . #5 (early historical), #6 (one storey), #10 (late classicist, 1850.), #12 (romantic, circa 1860), # 29 (early classicist, 1815. Designed by Jakab Handler), #47 (neoclassical, 1815. Designed by Jakab Handler), #49 (romantic, circa 1860), #51 (romantic, circa 1860).  

Rose (Rózsa) Street

  • 47.68851 16.59185 88 Dwelling house ( Műemlék Lakóház ), Rózsa utca ( downtown ). Only from outside . #1 (A 16th-century house. Built over Roman ruins. Today Baroque facade emerged around 1750. The walls are large buttresses strengthen against the flooding stream Ikva.), #3 (baroque, 18th century), #4 (Baroque, 1760), #5 (Former Nap /Sun/ Inn. Built in baroque, 1726. Later partially modified.), #6 (Gothic, Baroque, early 18th century), #10 (Baroque, 18th century), #12 (Baroque, No. 18. Adapted floor and extended in the 20th century), #13 (Baroque, late 17th century), #16 (Baroque, 17. partly transformed in the 20th century.)  

Bécsi Street

sopron travel guide

  • 47.69234 16.58937 89 Amphitheater ( Amfiteátrum, Scarbantia Archaeological Park Scarbantia Régészeti Park ), Bécsi utca ~93/Virágvölgyi út ( North of Downtown, near to Virágvölgyi út, Between the Ikva and Rák streams ), ☏ +36 99 311327 , [email protected] . A Roman ruin garden with 3.5 meter wide Roman city walls. Later here was the rampart of the 'ispán' castle (11th century) - an Árpád-era fortress, (Latin: Castrum Suprun). Historical Garden . More  
  • 47.68879 16.59273 90 Baker House Museum ( Pék-Ház ), Bécsi utca 5 ( N 200 m of downtown ), ☏ +36 99 311327 , [email protected] . From 1686 to 1970, the owners of the house were bakers. After that, the City Council decided to open an exhibition in the building, keeping the entire interior untouched. More in Hungarian.  
  • 47.69545 16.58381 91 St. John the Baptist Church ( Keresztelő Szent János Templom ), Bécsi utca ~7 ( north of downtown ), ☏ +36 99 508080 . rigin of 13th century, Gothic, late 15th century. Vault 1519-1521, radically restored in 1890, based jr. Franz Storno plans. There are murals and inscriptions from 1519, located at gallery of organ.  

sopron travel guide

  • 47.68761 16.59391 92 Holy Spirit Parish Church ( Szentlélek-plébániatemplom ), Szentlélek utca 2 ( 100 m N of Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 508080 , fax : +36 99 508079 . M 12:00-18:00, Tu-Su 10:00-18:00. Masses M 08:00, Tu-Sa 17:00, Su 11:30, 17:00 . Roman Catholic. Built in the 14th century, late Gothic church. (Construction of the end of the 1300s probable) Interior space was rebuilt in Baroque style in the 18th century.  
  • 47.69009 16.59064 93 József Horváth Art School ( Horváth József Alapfokú Művészetoktatási Intézmény, ), Szélmalom utca 17 ( N 500 m near Bécsi út ), ☏ +36 99 505392 . Built in 2003 with the reconstruction and extension of a 17th-century Jesuit monastery.  

Hátulsó Street

  • 47.68365 16.58615 94 Dwelling house ( Lakóház ), Hátulsó utca 11 ( SW 100 m of downtown ). Baroque, 17th-18th centuries. Modified.  
  • 47.68388 16.58623 95 Dwelling house ( Lakóház ), Hátulsó utca 9 ( SW 100 m of downtown ). Only from outside .  

St. Michael (Szent Mihály) road

sopron travel guide

  • 47.68895 16.59772 96 St. Michael Church with tower ( Szent Mihály templom ), Szent Mihály út ( NE 500 m of downtown ), ☏ +36 99 508080 , [email protected] . Gothic, Built in the second half of 13th century and beginning of the 14th century. Modified in the 15th-16th centuries and between 1859-1866. Paintings and fragments (15th century) are renewed. One of the main sight is the wooden Madonna statue, circa 1460-1470.  
  • 47.68861 16.596384 97 St. James Chapel and the old cemetery ( Szent Jakab-kápolna és a régi temető ), Szent Mihály út ( Next to St. Michael Church ). Monument .  

sopron travel guide

  • 47.688571 16.595699 98 "Two Moors" House ( Két mór-ház ), Szent Mihály u. 9 ( NE of downtown ). Only from outside . 18th century, baroque. The most beautiful farmer house of which is ornate Baroque gate kept twisted columns decorated with "Moorish" servants.  
  • 47.67669 16.57718 99 Saint Margaret of the Árpád dynasty (Juliáneum) Church ( Árpád Házi Szent Margit (Juliáneum) ), Szent Margit u. 4. ( SW one km ), ☏ +36 99 523648 , fax : +36 99 523649 , [email protected] . Holy Masses: M 07:00, W Th F 17:45, Sa 16:00 ('squirming' for kids) only during the school year, 17:45; Su 8:00, 9:30, 11:00, 17:00 (Apr to Oct at the Villa Street's John of Nepomuk Chapel ) . Founded by Cardinal Vilmos Apor. A chapel and a parish constructed in 1945 used a house (from 1910). More in Hungarian  
  • 47.67975 16.576082 99 Ligneum Visitor Center ( Ligneum Látogatóközpont ), Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 4 ( Sw 1 km downtown. Inside University of West Hungary area ), ☏ +36 99 518777 , [email protected] . M-Sa 09:00-16:30, Su closed . Ecotourism Visitor and Education Center, art museum, exhibition hall, art collection. 0-3 years free, children, students, retired, disabled: Ft   500, adult: Ft   900 (2014) .  

sopron travel guide

  • 47.67706 16.55167 99 Carmelite monastery ( Sopronbánfalvi Pálos-Karmelita kolostor ), Kolostorhegy utca 2 ( W 2.5 km of downtown, Lőverek ), ☏ +36 99 505895 , [email protected] .  
  • 47.66631 16.56909 99 Károly Lookout Tower ( Károly Kilátó ), Lőverek, Károly Magaslat ( SW 3 km from downtown ), ☏ +36 99 313080 , fax : +36 99 506834 . Open Jan-Feb 09:00-16:00, Mar 09:00-17:00 Apr 09:00-18:00, May-Aug 09:00-20:00, Sep 09:00-19:00, Oct 09:00-18:00, Nov-Dec 09:00-16:00, (24-25-26 Dec: closed) . There is an exhibition hall. The 23-m-high lookout tower, made of quarry-stone, there is a highly interesting exhibition introducing the activity of three natural scientists of European fame - Pál Kitaibel, Endre Gombocz and Zoltán Kárpáti - as well as the main characteristics of the Sopron Nature Conservation Area. ☏ +36 99 506814 - Services: café, buffet, toilet/WC. Adult/Student,pensioners/For groups: Ft   400/300/200 .  

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  • 47.67707 16.56067 99 Taródi Castle ( Bagolyvár, Bolondvár, Taródi-vár ), Csalogány köz 36. ( Lővérek, 2 km of downtown ). István Taródi built the castle by himself. He started the building operations in 1945, when he was 20. Castle floor area 4000 m². Built after the sample of the medieval knights castles. Castle parts: a drawbridge over a 3-meter deep moat, a 16-m-high and 10 m in diameter, 50-cm-thick gate tower with panoramic view, bath house, garden, fountain (3 meters in diameter and 15 meters deep), secret tunnel (10 m long, 70 cm wide and 150 cm tall).  
  • 47.67423 16.57106 99 Sörházdomb (Beerhouse Hill) Lookout ( Sörházdombi kilátó, Gloriette ), opp. Sörházdombi út ~12 ( SW 1.5 km, Lower (Alsó) -Lőverek ). The Beer House Hill a 300-m-high mountain ridge. Here is the youngest, wooden observation tower of Lövérek. Free .  
  • 47.66643 16.532271 99 Várhely (Castle space) Lookout ( Várhely-kilátó ) ( Lőverek, Rrachable via Panoráma Street, SW-W 3 km ). Near to the remains of the earthwork of Várhely. There is a panoramic view toward: - NE: Sopront, Sopron-Bánfalvát, Vienna Hill, Fertő Lake and the Moson Flatland; - East: the Hanság; - South: the peaks of Sopron-mountain and Rozália mountain; - West: Ágfalva and Lépesfalva villages, Castle Fraknó and Schneeberg Mt. (Austria); - North Ruszti Hills, a Lajta Mtn. and the Small Carpathian range.  
  • 47.68308 16.57213 99 Elizabeth Gardens ( Erzsébet-kert ), Ady Endre út, ( Lőverek ). 24/7 . The area purchased by the city in 1763. A French public park built as Neuhof (German: New Yard). Expanded in 1900 with the he Vághy's garden. One of the oldest Hungarian garden which everyone could freely visit. Free .  
  • 47.67027 16.58241 99 St. John of Nepomuk Chapel ( Nepomuki Szent János Kápolna ), Villa sor 32. ( SW two km of Downtown, Lőverek ), ☏ +36 99 523648 . Rococo, 1764  
  • 47.67256 16.57861 99 Villas ( Villa sor XIX. századi nyaralók ), Villa sor ( SW of downtown, Lőverek ). Only from outside . In the so called Lower-Lővérek quarter. Twin Villas with elevated first floor made in 1890s. Also secession styled houses with richly decorated porch and garden. The gardens are well cared and there are huge trees. The buildings are in good condition, well maintained, but very badly can be photographed - Listed Villas: #2 Wallner Ignác House (Dr. Wallner Ignác (1847-1929) was the Director of the Main Real School of Sopron, between 1897-1914.), #6 (cozy), #14 (Like the other houses this was built behind decorative fence, large front garden.), #18 (), #20 (), #22 Winkler Oszkár House (Winkler Oszkár was the dean of the Faculty Of Mining, Metallurgy, Forestry,- a local branch of the Budapest University of Technology ), #24 (wooden porch with enclosed balcony), #26, #28 (almost invisible from the street), #30 (Cosy and perfect). - The #6, 24, 30 are the nicest of them.  
  • 47.66286 16.56719 99 TV tower of Sopron ( Soproni tv-torony ) ( at the end of Erdei Road, south from Károly Lookout Tower ). built in 1968–1970, architect Sándor Kovács (Postai Tervező Iroda – POTI).  
  • 47.680559 16.57716 99 University of West Hungary ( Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem ), Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 4 ( Lővérek, University of West Hungary ), ☏ +36 99 518100 , fax : +36 99 312340 , [email protected] . Built in 1943, architect Oszkár Winkler.  
  • 47.65117 16.52221 99 Muck Lookout Tower ( Muck-kilátó ), Near to Panoráma utca and Récényi út corner ( SW 4 km from Downtown ). Built in 1906, architect Schiller Ferenc.  


sopron travel guide

  • 47.65137 16.49756 99 Mining Memorial House ( Bányászati Emlékház - Brennbergbánya ), Brennbergbánya, Óbrennbergi utca 14 ( SW 8 km ), ☏ +36 99 311327 , [email protected] . Open only summer May-Sep W-Su 14:00-18:00 . A technical/industrial museum. Brennbergbánya was one of the largest Hungarian coal mining colony more than 200 years ago. The museum is in the first steam engine supplier shaft engine room (1840). The exhibition shows the mine creation, development, the supplies of miner life and a part of a miner's flat. Ft   500/250 .  
  • 47.65474 16.48981 99 St. Barbara Church ( Bányásztemplom, Szent Borbála templom, ), Soproni út 22 . 1928-30.  
  • Evangelical belfry ( Evangélikus harangláb ) ( Brennbergbánya ). 1938.  
  • 47.6556 16.50002 99 Miners Cemetery ( Bányásztemető ), Óbrennbergi utca ( Brennbergbánya Northeast ).  

More sights

  • 47.69288 16.57651 99 St. Emeric Church ( Szent Imre Templom ), Révai Miklós utca 1 ( NW two km, take bus: #1, 2, 5M, 6, 7, 7A, 7B, 11M, 12, 13, 13 B - to stop "Juharfa út 16" ), ☏ +36 99 523708 , fax : +36 99 523709 , [email protected] . Order of the Mass Su 09:00 (with the organ), Su 10:30 (during school hours - Family Mass), Su 18:00 (1st and 3rd Su with guitarist, the 2nd and 4th Su with the organ), Tu Th F 18:00 . Roman Catholic. Modern style. Built in 1993-97. Planned by Balázs Mihály & Fejérdy Péter  
  • 47.6796 16.59713 99 St. Stephen Church ( Szent István templom ), Szent István park 1 ( SE 500 m of downtown ), ☏ +36 99 312697 , [email protected] . Open during of mass: Summer: M-Sa 18:00, 19:00; Su 08:30, 10:00, 18:00, 19:00 . Roman Catholic. Its construction began in 1940. First, the tower is built. The reinforced concrete church Early Christian Basilica, the Colosseum and the use of architectural elements The walls are decorated with frescoes by the painter Sterbenz Károly - The image of Black Madonna of Czestochowa, the Polish prisoners of war gift ( updated Mar 2022 )

sopron travel guide

  • 47.68231 16.55594 99 Maria - Magdolna church ( Mária - Magdolna Templom ), Ady Endre út 115 ( W 2 km of downtown ), ☏ +36 99 316151 . Mass: M-F 07:30, Sa 16:00, Su 10:00 . Built in the 12th century, stone, in the Romanesque and early Gothic style. A monument with beautiful wall paintings. To the left in one of the windows was the sanctuary lamp, at right was the place to the Blessed Sacrament. The Archbishop fresco, around 1200, one of the most valuable Romanesque frescoes in Hungary. The mural in the vessel of the nave made in the early 15th century, Italian school. One section depicts the arrival of the three kings, and the congregation of the apostles. Outside of the shrine is a fresco fragment about Christ's head. - Farewell: jul.22  
  • 47.68769 16.59977 99 Chapel of the St Michael's cemetery ( Szent Mihály temető kápolnája, Szent Jakab-kápolna és a régi temető ), Híd utca 55 ( NE 500 m of downtown ). Neogothic.  
  • 47.68776 16.5879 99 The College, former Courthouse Building ( Kollégium, az egykori törvényszék épülete ), Lackner Kristóf utca 7. ( NW 500 m ). A monument local level protection.  
  • 47.69249 16.60096 99 Medieval building ( Középkori lakóépület ), Pozsonyi út 3 ( NE 1 km of downtown ). Reconstructed in 1970-73.  
  • 47.67894 16.59765 99 Former windmill on the Kuruc Hill ( Régi szélmalom a soproni Kuruc-dombon ), Fraknói utca 14 . Only from outside . Former Szélmalom Restaurant.  

Further afield

sopron travel guide

  • Buy some bottles of the famous Hungarian wine "Kékfrankos"
  • Take a walk in the forest around the city.
  • Drink a coffee in the café at Széchényi Tér with a view on the beautiful Liszt Ferenc Központ (Theatre and Casino).

sopron travel guide

  • 47.68869 16.60871 1 Tasting the products of Harrer Chocolate Workshop ( Harrer Csokoládéműhely ), Faller Jenő u. 4 ( NE-E 1.5 km ), ☏ +36 99 505904 , fax : +36 99 505904 , [email protected] . M-Sa 07:30-19:30, Su and public holidays 09:00-19:30 . Chocolate Workshop . Cakes, pies, ice cream, snacks, coffee and selection of teas, hot chocolate, board and broke chocolates, bonbons, a chocolate pastilles and organic chocolate, handmade chocolates. Tasting times: daily 10:00 and 14:00.  

Indoor sports

  • 47.69012 16.58255 2 SnookerClubSopron ( Biliárd KLub Sopron ), Gyár utca 3 ( NW 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 784073 , [email protected] . Others: pool, snooker, rex, darts, table football, chess, card games.  
  • All Star Bowling ( at the arena ), ☏ +36 30 2881012 , [email protected] . Sports: bowling, squash, table tennis, table football.  

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  • 47.6836 16.5973 4 Everybody Fitness , Pap rét 27. ( E 500 m ), ☏ +36 20 3331116 , [email protected] . M-F 07:30-22:00, Sa 09:00-18:00, Su 09:00-13:00 . Aerobic-type training (Lessons: M-Th 18:30-19:30). Fitness room, gym, solarium, lie-infrared sauna, massage gym 8 sessions/Day Ticket Ft   3500/700, solarium 5/10/15 min Ft   300/500/650, horizontal infrared sauna 30 min: Ft   1000 (2014) .  
  • 47.67445 16.57885 5 Croco Gym , Winkler utca 3 ( SW 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 319216 , fax : +36 99 316980 , [email protected] . M-Sa 08:00-22:00 . Fitness room with sauna and solarium.  
  • 47.6824 16.5769 6 Krasznai Ferenc Sports-court ( Krasznai Ferenc Sportcsarnok ), Ady Endre utca 5 ( W-SW 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 518339 , [email protected] . Basketball court and aerobic-type training.  

Indoor swimming

  • 47.67571 16.56783 7 Lővér swimming pool ( Lővér uszoda,Lővér Fürdő - Csik Ferenc Uszoda ), Lővér körút 82. ( Lővérek, 2 km SW of Center ), ☏ +36 99 513423 , [email protected] . M-F 09:00-20:30, Sa Su and holidays: 09:00-20:30 . It was opened as the Forest Bath (Erdei Forrásfürdő) in 1908. Its travertine pool fed by Deákkúti source. Since 1975, there is an indoor swimming pool. The polygonal dome building can receive 720 people. Adult day ticket ticket/after 14:00/after 16:00: Ft   1460/1240/1020, Sauna ticket Ft   880, key deposit Ft   100 .  
  • 47.68876 16.59351 8 Sports Complex of Hotel Sopron , Fövényverem utca 7 ( N 300 m ), ☏ +36 99 512261 , fax : +36 99 311090 , [email protected] . Sports: tennis, table football, table tennis, darts, fitness room, bicycling, swimming. Massage 30/60 min: €13/21, Solarium ~ €2 per 10 min, Clay tennis court Ft   2000 per hour .  
  • Discover Sopron town by bicycle , ☏ +36 20 4828151 (if you have any cycling problems) . #1 cycle tour in Sopron (10 km). #2 from Sopron to the cyclamen valleys of the Alpine foothills (30 km), #3 from Sopron to Ferenc Liszt’s home village Raiding (Doborján), Austria. One way trip length is: 20 km, #4 from Sopron to Rust, Austria, #5 to the Forchtenstein's Castle (50 km roundtrip) and more with details on the Web , also some rentals and repairs options here. Rent a bike: around Ft   2200 per day (2014) .  
  • 47.71769 16.69102 9 Fertő Lake Watercomplex ( Fertő-tavi vízitelep ), Fertőrákos ( take a bus to Fertőrákos last stop (hourly, 10 km), then walk 2 km ), ☏ +36 20 219-9555 , +36 99 513-423 . May-Sep 08:00-20:00 . Services: playground, outdoor free showers, drinking fountains, rental shop (Kayak, canoe), snack bar, beach volleyball court, lake cruises, motorboat port.  
  • 47.71836 16.625827 10 Tómalom Beach ( Tómalom fürdő ), Erdőalja utca ( Bus #6, 13 ), ☏ +36 20 221-0525 . Only Jun-Sep daily 08:30-20:30 . Services: children's pool with slide, giant chess, playground, sun deck, jetties for sunbathing, outdoor free showers, drinking fountains, rental shop (boat, pedal boat, canoe). Adult day ticket ticket/after 14:00/after 16:00: Ft   650/550/450, Boat/Catamaran, water bikes/Junior water choppers/Kayak (half hour) Ft   600/800/350/450 .  
  • 47.68728 16.59161 11 Natura Vinotéka and Ecotours ( Várkerület 24. ), ☏ +36 30 9866488 , [email protected] . Canoe tours daily twice times (from mid May till mid Sep, min. ten people, three hours). Also wine testing, birdwatching, cyclist tours From Ft   2500 p.p. .  

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  • 47.67911 16.58065 12 Outdoor climbing wall ( Szabadtéri Mászófal ), Hunyadi János utca 8-10 ( SW 1 km ), ☏ +36 20 9839488 , [email protected] . M-F 16:00–20:00, Sa Su: closed. . There is an artificial climbing wall in the heart of the city (Yard of the Hunyadi János School), which is 13 m high, with the area of more than 160 m². Other outdoor extreme sports: via ferrata, mountain & road biking, trekking & hiking, mountain & rock or ice climbing. Summit Sport Association, Address: Mikoviny u. 26. Day Pass: €3, 10 pack: €25, 30 Day Pass: €40 .  

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  • 47.6675 16.5437 13 Lake Szalamandra ( Szalamandra tó ), Sopronbánfalva-Kertváros, Tacsi-árok 0583 hrsz ( SW 3 km ), ☏ +36 30 5277001 , [email protected] . Fishing, swimming, boating  
  • Reservoir of Gida creek ( Gida patak Víztározó ), Brandmajor , [email protected] . Fishing, swimming, boating.  
  • 47.7178 16.6253 14 Lake mill ( Malom tó ) ( NE 5 km ), [email protected] . Fishing.  
  • 47.6941 16.5802 15 Lake Violet ( Ibolya-tó ), Lackner Károly utca ( NW ½ km ), ☏ +36 99 342748 , [email protected] .  

Extreme sports

  • 47.69497 16.58562 16 Summer Toboggan Run , Sopron, Bécsi domb. ( N-NW 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 334266 , fax : +36 99 334266 , [email protected] . M-F 10:00-19:00, Sa Su and holidays 10:00-19:00 (the opening hours may change due to inclement weather and technical reasons). . bobsled Adult 1-5/6-12/15: Ft   450/370/320 per ticket, child Ft   350/300/250 per ticket .  
  • 47.67331 16.60437 17 Crazy Garage (exit game) , Győri út 42. ( SE 1.5 km ), ☏ +36 20 3564310 , [email protected] . Other sports: Exit games  
  • 47.67258 16.57982 18 Outdoor Zone , Elő sor 11. ( SW 2 km ), ☏ +36 20 9391036 , [email protected] . Extreme sports, shooting, archery  

Horse Riding

  • Brennberg-völgyi Horse Club , Görbehalom Vöröshíd , ☏ +36 99 354318 . Qualification: 2 horseshoes  
  • 47.65264 16.59437 20 Horse Farm Brandmajor ( Brandmajor Lóistállók ), Gida patak utca 3 ( S 3 km ), ☏ +36 20 9213074 , [email protected] .  
  • 47.68622 16.56406 21 Széchenyi Sailing Club ( Fertő Tavi Vitorlás Szövetség ), Besenyő utca 18/d , ☏ +36 30 2351201 , +36 99 518 299 , +36 99 314722 , +36 70 6091410 (mobile) , [email protected] . Sailing dock: Fertő Lake (Neusiedler Lake) Water Site.  
  • 47.64249 16.67153 22 Yacht club of Lake Fertő ( Fertő Tavi Vitorlázó Egyesület ), Pilerin utca 30. , ☏ +36 99 655020 , fax : +36 99 655020 , [email protected] .  
  • 47.68481 16.57244 23 Sopron Builders Sports Association ( Soproni Építők SE ), Bánfalvi út 9. ( W 1½ km ), ☏ +36 20 91 85 650 , fax : +36 99 523701 , [email protected] .  
  • 47.6734 16.5843 24 Sopron's Railway Sports Association ( Soproni Vasutas Sportegylet (SVSE) Sporttelep ), Lővér krt. 1 ( SW 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 517297 , +36 30 2160353 (Tennis Court renting ), +36 30 830-7716 (for football) , [email protected] . Reservation: M-Th 08:00-16:00; F 08:00-12:00 . Artificial grass court rental (for football) + Locker Room: €180/match, Lighting: €20/match .  

sopron travel guide

  • Loverek tourist routes ( Lővérek turistaútvonalai ).  
  • 47.6855 16.5891 25 Walk on the Castle Wall Promenade ( Várfalsétány ), Bünker János Rajnárd köz ( Downtown ). Start from 'Bünker-köz'. Behind the Theatre Street (Színház utca)- walk to the courtyard of County Hall. From there to the reinforced concrete gate that drive to Main square (Fő tér), A walkway leads further to the Theatre Street (Színház utca) 3. (See: Fabricius House, General House). We'll get to the Front Gate of the Castle (Előkapu). (See: Fire Tower, New Town Hall, Ruin garden of City house street (Városház utca), Large Round Bastion, eastern Outbreaks gate or Small Round Bastion). A stairs leading across the upper gorge castle wall to behind St. George street's houses. Across Bacchus inn yard you'll get to St. George Street (Szent György utca) and final to the Rear Gate Street (Hátsókapu utca)  

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  • NA-TÚRA 2000 BT , 9400 Sopron, Várkerület 59 , ☏ +36309866488 , [email protected] . Professional guidance: on request.  
  • 47.67861 16.57723 27 Study Forest Management Co. ( Tanulmányi Erdőgazdaság Zrt. ), Honvéd utca 1 ( next to the University of West Hungary, Sw 1 km of the downtown ), ☏ +36 99 506810 , [email protected] . State forest management. Woodland and villager hunting lodges . Sopron Park Forest seventeen thousand hectares of forest land. Hunting tickets. A taste of game prices: Deer: €950, Roe deer: €200 Boar: €1000 (2014) .  
  • Green Sopron ( Zöld Sopron ). Marked hiking routes, friendly picnic areas, more than 40 springs, 20 brooks, seven lakes, 5 lookout towers in the natural environment of Sopron Hills. 369-km network of signposted tourist paths .  
  • 47.6792 16.5738 28 Botanical garden ( Botanikus Kert ), Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 4. ( In the University of West Hungary area, Western part, 'Lővérek' district ), ☏ +36 99 518100 , +36 99 518184 , [email protected] . May-Sep 08:00-20:00, Oct-Apr 08:00-16:30 . Area ​​17.2 hectares. Protected birds. Protected indigenous and exotic plants. Free, professional guidance (up to 20 people): Ft   5000 per group, Pre-booking essential .  

Cinemas, theatres

sopron travel guide

  • Tickets , Liszt Ferenc utca 1 , ☏ +36 99 517517 , +36 99 517518 , fax : +36 99 517542 , [email protected] . M-F 09:00-17:00, Sa 09:00-12:00 .  
  • 47.69781 16.57931 30 Cinemacity , Lackner Kristóf u. 35. ( NW 1 km of downtown, Sopron Plaza ), ☏ +36 40 600600 .  
  • 47.68481 16.58948 31 Civitas cellar-theatre ( Civitas Pinceszinház ), Templom u. 16 ( Downtown ), ☏ +36 99 332098 , +36 30 9722977 , [email protected] . Adult/student Ft1500/1200 (2014) .  
  • 47.6817 16.5779 32 University Library, Sopron. ( Nyugat-Magyarországi Egyetem Központi Könyvtára Sopron ), Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 4 ( Lővérek ), ☏ +36 99 518223 , fax : +36 99 518267 , [email protected] . M Tu Th: 09:00-17:00, W 09:00-18:45, F 09:00-14:30 . membership fee Ft   1500 per year (2014) .  
  • 47.68296 16.593174 33 Elit cinema ( Elit mozi ), Torna utca 14. ( SE 100 m ), ☏ +36 99 312211 , [email protected] . Full price auditorium/balcony Ft   1200/1400, discounted Ft   1000/1200 .  
  • 47.66386 16.56085 34 Lővér adventure park ( Lővér kalandpark ), Sopron, Lővérek ( Lővérek, at Károly lookout tower ), ☏ +36 70 3967080 , [email protected] . Daily 10:00-19:00 (winter closed) . Eight Ropes fields (separate for babies, for kids, and for adult, different difficulty levels), climbing walls, wooden box building, tree climbing, archery field, special bowling, trampoline, table tennis. Adult/student/under 7 years Ft   2400/1900/1300, walking ticket Ft   300, climbing wall Ft   400 .  
  • 47.67348 16.60433 35 Sopron Crazy Garage ( Crazy Garage Élő Logikai Kalandjáték ), Győri út 42 ( SE 1 km ), ☏ +36 20 3564310 . Daily 10:00-22:00 . A real-life adventure game. for 2/3-6 persons: Ft   7000/12,000, reduction for students .  
  • Festival Weeks - Concerts in the Cave Theatre in Fertőrákos.
  • Early Music Festival
  • Choral Festivals
  • Spring Days
  • Pan-European Picnic
  • VOLT Festival : June. Music festival with mostly Hungarian artists, and usually one or two famous foreign artists per day. June   (date needs updating)

Shopping is cheaper than in neighbouring Austria.

In the city you can buy trendy clothes in the shop "Jeans Club" or you can buy clothes and other stuff in the Plaza outside of the city. There's a new shopping centre near to the border of the town, where you can find shops of various famous brands, like Benetton or New Yorker.

sopron travel guide

  • 47.68403 16.59261 1 CIB Bank , Várkerület 73. ( Center East ), ☏ +36 99 505 720 , +36 1 4231000 (Central Call Center) , fax : +36 1 4896500 . M Tu Th 08:30-16:00, W 08:30-17:00, F 08:30-15:00 . 24-hr ATM  
  • 47.68652 16.5935 2 Commercial and Credit Bank ( K&H fiók és ATM - Várkerület ), Várkerület 41 ( Center NE ), ☏ +36 99 511700 , fax : +36 99 511 714 . M 08:00 - 17:00, Tu-Th 08:00-16:00, F 08:00-15:00 .  
  • 47.68694 16.592117 3 Erste Bank ( Erste Bank Sopron, Előkapu Fiók ), Előkapu 2-4. ( Center North ), ☏ +36 40 222 222 .  
  • 47.68521 16.59266 4 OTP Bank , Várkerület 96/a ( Center East ), ☏ +36 1 366 6388 , fax : +36 99 512-681 . M 07:45-18:00; Tu-Th 07:45-17:00; F 07:45-16:00 . Traded currencies: USD EUR, wheelchair and child-friendly branch, free WiFi, Other unit: Teleki utca. 22./A (M 07:45-17:00; Tu-F 07:45-16:00)  
  • 47.68727 16.5907 5 MKB Bank ( Magyar Külkereskedelmi Bank ), Várkerület 16 ( Center North ), ☏ +36 99 512920 , [email protected] . M 08:00-17:30, Tu-Th 08:00-16:30, F 08:00-15:00 .  
  • 47.68315 16.58803 6 Raiffeisen Bank and ATM , Széchenyi tér 14-15 ( Center South ), ☏ +36 99 506380 , +36 40 484848 (Telebank customer service Raiffeisen Direkt), +36 1 4848484 .  
  • 47.68762 16.58996 7 Unicredit Bank , Várkerület 1-3 ( Next to 'dm' shop ), ☏ +36 99 315 663 , +36 40 504050 (call centre), +36 1 3253200 , [email protected] . M 08:00-17:00, Tu-Th 08:00-16:00, F 08:00-15:00 . ( updated Apr 2022 )
  • 47.69802 16.57918 8 Sopron Plaza Shopping and Entertainment Centre ( Sopron Plaza Bevásárló és Szórakoztató Központ ), Lackner Kristóf utca 35 ( NW 1.5 km ), ☏ +36 99 512310 , fax : +36 99 342612 , [email protected] . Daily 09:00-20:00, CBA Cent supermarket M-F 05:30-20:00, Sa 07:00-20:00, Su 07:00-19:00 . Foodcourt includes: El Gusto Cafe&Bistro, Pizza Forte, Hütters Restaurant Flower (Virág) Café (daily 08:30-21:00), Total Cafe (Su-F 09:00-21:00, Sa 09:00-22:00), Illy Cafe (daily 08:00-19:00). Service stores: A to Z Clothing Repair, Exclusive Change (money changing, Western Unit), Auto-Aesthetik–Hand Wash (Car Wash), National Tobacco Shop, Smile Country Playhouse (for kids), Mr. Minit -Amethyst (cipőjavítás, kulcsmásolás, élezés, gravírozás, bélyegző készítés, tonertöltés) - Entertainment: Play Cafe & Billiards Party (M-Th 09:00-22:00, F Sa 09:00-24:00, Su 09:00-22:00), Cinema City (M-F 12:30-20:45, F 12:30-22:45, Sa 10:30-22:45, Su 10:30-20:45).  
  • 47.67262 16.61235 9 Alphapark Shopping Mall ( Alphapark Sopron Bevásárló Központ ), Határdomb út 2. ( SE ~ 2 km, take bus 5, 5T , 5A, 5Y ), ☏ +36 99 326 296 , [email protected] . General opening hours M-Sa 09:00-20:00, Su 09:00-22:00 . Alpha Pharmacy (M-F 08:00-18:30; Sa 08:00-17:00), Chen's Cooking (restaurant, daily 11:30-22:00), Coffeeshop Company (M-Sa 09:00-20:00; Su 09:00-18:00), Dm drogerie (M-Sa 09:00-20:00; Su 10:00-17:00), Euronics Technical Store (M-Sa 09:00-20; Su 10:00-16:00), Euro Family household products shop (M-Sa 09:00-20:00, Su 09:00-19:00), Boutiques: Benetton, Brendon Baby Store, NewYorker, 'no age store' - Humanic (shoes, M-Sa 09:00-20:00, Su 10:00-18:00), Játéksziget Sopron (Toys, M-Th 10:00-19:00, F Sa 10:00-20:00, Su 10:00-19:00); Kappa Sportswear (M-Sa 09:00-20, Su 10:00-17:00), Lyric Book Store (M-Sa 9:00-20:00, Sun 10:00-18:00), Optura Optics (M-Sa 09:00-20:00, Su 10:00-17:00), Penny Market (discount supermarket store, M-Sa 07:00-20:00, Sun: 07:00-18:00) Reno (shoes, M-Sa 09:00-20:00, Su 09:00-18:00). Schneider (Watch and Jewellery, M-Sa 09:00-20:00, Su 10:00-17:00) Toy-Star (Game, gift, decoration, M-Sa 09:00-20:00, Su 10:00-17:00). Services: Speedfit Fitness Studio (daily 06:00-24:00), Therapiezentrum Sopron, (English- and German-speaking physiotherapists, Tu-Su 09:00-19:00)  
  • 47.66949 16.61035 10 Family Center ( Family Center Sopron Bevásárló Központ ), Ipar körút 31. ( SE 2 km ), ☏ +36 1 4392330 , [email protected] .  
  • 47.68818 16.58725 11 Market ( Vásárcsarnok, Piac ), Csarnok utca 1. ( At long distance bus station ), ☏ +36 99 334604 , +36 80 514-600 , [email protected] . Oct-Mar: M 07:00-13:00, Tu-Th 07:00-15:00, F 06:00-15:00, Sa 06:00-14:00, Su 07:00-12:00; April - September: M 07:00-13:00, Tu-Th 06:00-15:00, F 05:00-15:00, Sa 06:00-14:00, Su 07:00-12:00 . Fresh vegetables, organic products, manufactural, homemade cheeses and dairy products. Mushrooms checking.  


  • 47.68931 16.58386 12 Interspar Sopron hypermarket ( Interspar hipermarket ), Selmeci utca 15-17 ( east 500 m ), ☏ +36 20 823 8246 , [email protected] . M-Sa 06:00-22:00, Su 08:00-19:00 .  
  • 47.67013 16.61141 13 Tesco hypermarket ( Tesco hipermarket ), Ipar körút 30. ( SE 1½ km, Free Tesco bus from stop IV. László király utca via stop 'Várkerület Festő köz' ). 24/7 . Services: Wi-Fi, credit card and PayPass payment, ATMs, meat countertop, fresh bakery products, F & F clothing department, gift package making and packaging, free parking, home delivery. Left luggage office. Restaurant. Photo developing. Fish counter. Air-conditioned. Mobile phone dealers. Currency exchange. Pizza counter. Fitting room. Dry cleaning. Phone cards charging. Flower shop.  


  • 47.68151 16.577402 14 CBA supermarket ( CBA Egyetem élelmiszer-vegyesbolt ), Bajcsy Zsilinszky utca 4. ( S of downtown ), ☏ +36 99 510763 . + unit: CBA Cent Diszkont ( Lackner K. u. 35., open: M-Sa 07:00-20:00, Su 07:00-19:00)  
  • 47.68136 16.56365 15 #55 , Ibolya út. 13. ( Center ), ☏ +36 99 506-693 .  
  • Unit#18 , Gyár U. 2. , ☏ +36 99 334-451 .  
  • Unit#42 , Hajnal tér 1. , ☏ +36 99 506262 , fax : +36 99 313-192 .  
  • 47.68535 16.56913 16 Lidl discount store ( Lidl diszkontáruház ), Bánfalvi út 12. ( W 1.5 km ), ☏ +36 80 020534 , fax : +36 1 3466010 , [email protected] . Daily 07:00-21:00 . Discount store chain. More unit: Lófuttató út 4. (daily 07:00-20:00)  
  • 47.67815 16.59578 17 Penny Market ( Penny Market diszkontáruház ), Győri Út 11059/1 ( SE 500 m ), [email protected] . M-Sa 07:00-20:00, Su 07:00-18:00 . Discount store chain.  
  • 47.67857 16.58973 18 Arany János utca 16 ( S 500 m of Center ), ☏ +36 20 823 7404 .  
  • Csarnok utca 10 , ☏ +36 20 823 8707 .  
  • Kodály Zoltán tér 18 , ☏ +36 20 823 7877 . M-F 06:30-21:00, Sa 06:30-17:00, Su 08:00-18:00 .  

Other stores

  • 47.68377 16.59224 19 Pan-Optika , Várkerület 75 ( Center ), ☏ +36 99 340422 , +36 99 340394 , [email protected] . Glasses, Sunglasses.  
  • Kodály tér 18 ( Spar-Jereván district ), ☏ +36 99 510070 .  
  • Lackner Kristóf utca 35 ( Sopron Pláza ), ☏ +36 99 524-324 .  
  • Határdomb út 2 ( Alpha Park ), ☏ +36 99 505933 . M-Sa 09:00-20:00, Su 09:00-18:00 .  
  • 47.67977 16.58208 1 [ dead link ] Buddha Beach & Cafe Club , Béke út 10 ( SW 500 m ), ☏ +36 99 506650 , +36 70 2110400 (mobile) . Meditation practice on Mondays 19:00 to 22:00. Drink sales. Coffees, teas, cocktails, pool, sunbathing, F Sa DJ 'R'N'B' and 'House' Music. Su Live music. Wi-Fi zone. Massage 2500-4500, tasting waterpipes Ft   1190, 16 types of coffee/17 types of teas Ft   300-800/320; juices (2 dl)/carbonated soft drinks Ft   240-400/300-600; beers/wines (1 dl)/five types Champagne Ft   400-600/140-280/700-4400, spirits, aperitifs (4 cl)/distilled liquors (4cl)/Cocoa Ft   500-550/440-980/370, Cocktails (20 types)/Alcohol-free cocktails Ft   700-2400/700 .  


  • 47.68286 16.58836 2 Dömötöri Confectionery ( Dömötöri Cukrászda ), Széchenyi tér 13. ( Center south ), ☏ +36 99 506623 , fax : +36 99 506621 , [email protected] . Oct-Apr: M-Th 07:00-21:00, F Sa 07:00-22:00, Su 08:00-21:00. Summer (May-Sep) M-Th 07:00-22:00, F Sa 07:00-23:00, Su 08:00-22:00 . Daily deals. Other units: Piazza San Marco Cafe - Confectionery (Lackner K. utca. 35, ☏ +36 99 523-189 , [email protected]), Zwinger Café (Várkerület 92., ☏ +36 99 340-287 , [email protected] ). Baked goods/wedding cake Ft   70-400/special prices, permanent available whole cake (slice)/figural cake Ft   360-450/6800-8400, children's cake/photo cake Ft   2100-3700/900-1600, decorated cake/erotic cake Ft   360-600/ask about in the store; boxed desserts/sweet and salty cookies (per kg) Ft   770-850/2500-3000; pies and piece goods Ft   160/470 . ( updated Aug 2019 )
  • 47.68398 16.59261 3 Harrer Chocolate Workshop and Confectionery ( Harrer Csokoládéműhely és Cukrászda ), Várkerület 73 ( Center east ), ☏ +36 99 342 847 , [email protected] . M-Sa 07:30-19:30, Su and holidays: 09:00-19:30 . Pies, cakes, ice creams, sandwichs, snacks, coffee and specials. ( updated Aug 2019 )

Fast food, pizzerias

  • 47.67851 16.58743 4 Fortuna Pizzeria ( Fortuna Pizzéria ), Mátyás Király utca 34. ( near train station ), ☏ +36 99 320063 , [email protected] . M-F 09:00-23:00, Sa Su 10:00-23:00 . Delivery and takeaway. Ordering: 70 2655777 Pizzas (30/26/50 cm) Ft   900-1350/770-1310/2400-3000, pastas/salads Ft   1100-1300/500-1000, other hot meals/soft drinks (0.5L) Ft   1000-1300/230-300, beer (0.5L)/wine (0.75L) Ft   450/1050 . ( updated Aug 2019 )
  • 47.68388 16.59209 5 Várkerület 104. ( Center ), ☏ +36 20 3158730 . M-Sa 10:00-21:00, Su 12:00-21:00 .  
  • Ferenczy J. u. 32 , ☏ +36 70 4204141 . M-Sa 10:00-20:00, Su 14:00-20:00 .  
  • Verő J. u. 1. , ☏ +36 20 9346045 . M-F 09:00-20:30, Sa 11:00-20:30, Su 12:00-20:30 .  
  • 47.68955 16.58659 6 Prima Vita Pizzeria ( ), Ferenczy János. u. 58 ( Near to Bus station ), ☏ +36 99 311343 , [email protected] . 07:30-21:00, . Italian pastas, pizzas. Home delivery. 32 types of pizza (27 cm/32 cm) Ft   700-1150/900-1400, soups/starters Ft   400-800/900-1400, chicken/turkey dishes Ft   1000-1500/1000-1600, fish/pork/beef dishes Ft   1000-1900/1000-1600/1300-1700, pastas Ft   1000-1300, salads/desserts Ft   330-480/330-600 .  


sopron travel guide

Lots of restaurants, predominantly Hungarian but also Viennese cuisine, frequented by Austrian daytime tourists.

  • 47.67364 16.57392 7 Golden Pheasant Restaurant ( Aranyfácán Vendéglő ), Becht Rezső u. 23. ( Lővérek ), ☏ +36 99 349292 . Daily 11:00-21:00 . Soups/starter Ft   550-850/1400-1950; winged meals/fishes/pork/beef/wild meals Ft   1650-1950/1900-3000/1650-2400/1450-1950/1600-2500 salads/desserts Ft   450-800/650-750 - Aperitifs 2 cl/4 cl Ft   270-350/550-700, bottled beers/draft beer (0.5 L) Ft   380-480/600, sects (0.75 L)/soft drinks (0.2 L) Ft   2000/350, coffees, teas Ft   350-400 .  
  • 47.68439 16.58939 8 Wollner Hotel and aWollner Restaurant ( aWollner étterem ), Templom utca 20 ( Center ), ☏ +36 30 9575610 , fax : +36 99 524 401 , [email protected] . Tu–Sa 12:00–22:00 . Baroque room (up to 40 persons), Wine cellar (up to 55 persons), Flandorffer-Room (up to 25 persons), Mediterranean Terrace, Hanging garden (for a wedding or a party). The wine list include: sparkling wines, dry and sweet white wines, rosé wines and dry red wines. Soups/main course/salads/desserts Ft   700/1900-2900/550/900 . ( updated Apr 2022 )
  • 47.67997 16.60276 9 Bercsényi Tavern Grill Restaurant ( Bercsényi Borozó Grill Vendéglő ), Bercsényi Miklós utca 21 ( E 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 788007 , [email protected] . starter Ft   320-920, chicken breast (two dozens types) Ft   950-1400, pork meals (more than a dozen) Ft   950-1450, salads Ft   300-400 .  
  • 47.67255 16.61337 10 Chen's Wok & Grill Restaurant ( Chen's Cooking Wok & Grill Étterem ), Határdomb u. 1-2. ( SE 2 km, Alpha Center Foodcourt ), ☏ +36 99 505337 , [email protected] . Daily 11:30-22:00 . Try ramen & udon soups, Kan Bian chicken (spicy chicken with vegetable ) or Sa-Za Beef (beef with broccoli). Soups/starter Ft   400-800/600-900, mains Ft   1800/3200, salads/desserts Ft   500-900/500-900, sushis Ft   1300-4000 .  
  • 47.68382 16.59278 11 Corso Restaurant ( Corso Étterem ), Várkerület 73. ( Center East ), ☏ +36 99 340990 , [email protected] . M-Sa 10:30-21:00, Su 11:00-16:00 . Soups/starter Ft   600-800/900-1900, pastas/veggies Ft   1100/800-1100, gluten- and lactose-free meals Ft   1400-3000, fishes/winged meals Ft   2200-3000/1900-2100, pork meals/grills Ft   2000-2500/3000-4500, salads/desserts Ft   400-600/800-1000 .  
  • 47.68105 16.58656 12 Deák Restaurant ( Deák Étterem ), Erzsébet u. 20 ( Between Train Station and City Center ), ☏ +36 99 505033 , [email protected] . M-F 11:00-24:00, F Sa 11:00-02:00, Su 11:00-22:00 . Soups/specials Ft   600-1600/2000-2700, salads/snacks, starters Ft   1700-3000/700-2800, pastas, risottos/fish dishes Ft   1900-3800/2800-3600, winged dishes Ft   2000-2600 .  
  • 47.68198 16.59619 13 White Rose (Fehér Rózsa) Tavern and Restaurant ( Fehér Rózsa Kisvendéglő és Fogadó ), Pócsi u. 21 ( E 300 m ), ☏ +36 99 335-270 , [email protected] . 11-23 . Delivery. Appetizers Ft   900-2000, meatless/poultry/pork dishes Ft   1000-1300/1500-1900/1800-2100, beef/game/fish dishes Ft   1540-3600/2400/1400-2300, pastas, salads and desserts Ft   400-900/460-600 .  

sopron travel guide

  • 47.68683 16.59211 14 Fogas Restaurant ( Fogas étterem ), Előkapu 2-4 ( Center ), ☏ +36 99 505 959 , [email protected] . Daily 11:00-22:00 . Offering the widest selection of freshwater fish  
  • 47.68633 16.590152 15 Generális-Corvinus Restaurant ( Generális-Corvinus Étterem ), Fő tér 7-8 ( Center, Storno House ), ☏ +36 99 505035 , +36 30 2723701 (mobile) , [email protected] . M-Sa 10:00-22:00, Su 10:00-21:00 . Pizzas (more than 20) Ft   1100-1600, soups/starters Ft   500-750/600-1800, meat/veggie/fish dishes Ft   1900-2550/1200-1650/1400-3100, pastas Ft   1150-1250, salads Ft   400-1800, soft drinks (0.25 L) Ft   320-490. Aperitifs liqueurs, spirits, whiskey, cognacs, vermouths, cocktails, pálinkas 2 cl/4 cl Ft   250-700/500-1400, bottled beers/draft beer (0.5 L) Ft   500-800/520-600, coffees, teas Ft   350-900 .  
  • 47.68716 16.59057 16 Graben Restaurant ( Gráben Étterem ), Várkerület 8. ( centre north ), ☏ +36 99 340-256 , [email protected] . Wide variety of Hungarian and Austrian specialites. The restaurant has a good atmosphere. Soups/starters Ft   520-850/900-2000, game/pork/poultry dishes Ft   2000-2500/1900-2200 /1800-2000, fish/beef dishes Ft   2200-3000/2300-3400, salads/desserts Ft   400-600/750-850. Aperitifs liqueurs, spirits, whiskey, cognacs, vermouths, pálinkas 2 cl/4 cl Ft   270-1400/550-2800 bottled beers/draft beer (0.5 L) Ft   500-760/550, cocktails Ft   900-1100, coffees Ft   330-900 .  
  • 47.68387 16.59374 17 Juventus Restaurant ( Juventus Tanétterem ), Füredi Oszkár Sétány 8 ( E 200 m ), ☏ +36 99 311190 , fax : +36 99 523661 , [email protected] . Air-conditioned, wheelchair accessible, Hungarian and German menucard. Seats: 80. Menus Ft   750/950/1250, Starters Ft   450-1350; soups 300-700, fish meals Ft   1150-1450; meat meals Ft   850-2500, desserts Ft   300-550 .  
  • 47.67031 16.58054 18 Kiskakukk (Little Cuckoo) Restaurant ( Kiskakukk Vendéglő ), Lővér körút 52 ( S 1½ km ), ☏ +36 99 329011 , +36 20 3821527 (mobile) , [email protected] . M-Th 11:00-21:30, F Sa 11:00-24:00, Su 11:00-21:00 . F and Sa nights (19:00-24:00): live 'nostalgia' music. Soups/starters Ft   400-850/550-1700, fish/game/beef dishes Ft   2200/2100-2400/1500-2100; pork/poultry dishes Ft   1400-1600/1400-1600, salads/desserts Ft   400-950/400-700. Aperitifs liqueurs, spirits, whiskey, cognacs, vermouths, pálinkas (4 cl) Ft   400-700 bottled beers/draft beer (0.5 L) Ft   450-600/450 wines (per dl) Ft   120, bottled wines (0.75 L) Ft   1900, soft drinks (2-3.3 dl) Ft   350, coffees Ft   300-700 .  
  • 47.69503 16.58114 19 Mediterrano Restaurant and Confectionery ( Mediterrano étterem és a Gino Cukrászda ), Lackner Kristóf u. 33/A ( NW 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 508300 , [email protected] . Daily 08:00-21:00 . Confectionery: fresh bread, Mediterranean sandwiches, egg dishes and coffee Lamborghini. Restaurant: mainly Mediterranean cuisine and also Hungarian and international flavors  
  • 47.68338 16.59172 20 Papa Joe Saloon and Steakhouse , Várkerület 108. ( South Center ), ☏ +36 99 340-933 , fax : +36 99 340089 , [email protected] . Su-F 11:00-24:00, Sa 11:00-02:00 . Restaurant up to 180 people. Terrace for 120 people, event room for 40 people. Wild West theme, grilled meats, 100 kinds of whisky. Wi-Fi. Try the extreme sixed grilled tenderloin one kg with 'Joe' garnish. Ft   20,000 Soups/starters Ft   700-900/1400-2200; fish/main dishes Ft   2000-3600/2100-4000; meals broiled on wood ember (200-400 g) Ft   1350-7600, tenderloin 1 kg with 'Joe' garnish Ft   20000, side dishes Ft   600-1000, Papa Joe burger with extras Ft   2500 plus Ft   200 per extra, ragouts Ft   450-850, salads/desserts Ft   700/820-900. Drinks: bourbon and Tennessee whisky/Japanese whisky Ft   700-2200, singele pure malt whisky (4 cl)/blended scotch whisky (4 cl) Ft   1500-4900/900-5900, Irish whisky/Cognac (4 cl) Ft   900-2200/1300-4200, brandy/gin, vodka (4 cl) Ft   600-800/650-2200, rum/tequila Ft   700-140/800-1900, bottled wines (0.75 L) Ft   3300-20 000, tokaji special wine (0.5 l) Ft   40,000, sekt (0.75 L) Ft   2700-5900, bottled beers (0.33 L)/draft beer (0.4 L) Ft   500-800/480-800, soft drinks (2 dl) Ft   100-350, coffees Ft   350-800 .  
  • 47.68274 16.58851 21 Perkovátz House ( Perkovátz Ház ), Széchenyi tér 12 ( Center South ), ☏ +36 99 316839 , [email protected] . Daily 11:00-24:00 . Anglo-Saxon, Victorian interiors, original Anglo-American draft beers. Fine selection of food and drinks, besides modern dishes, the typical flavours, ingredients and traditional recipes for home-made dishes. Delivery. Daily menus Ft   1000-1240, soups/starters Ft   500-1100/850-2000, veggie dishes Ft   900-1700, fish/beef dishes Ft   2500-3000/2000-3800 pork/poultry dishes Ft   2000/1600-3400,salads/cheeses, desserts Ft   300-700/600-1900 .  
  • 47.68458 16.575916 22 Schmauser Tavern ( Schmauser Vendéglő és Pálinkaház ), Kossuth Lajos utca 49. ( W 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 311432 , +36 99 789427 , [email protected] . Tu-Sa 11:00-02:00, Su 11:00-15:30 . Hungarian. international cuisine. 2-course meal Ft   1600-3000 .  
  • 47.68235 16.58977 23 Pince Restaurant ( Pince (Cellar) Csárda ), Széchenyi tér 5. ( Center South ), ☏ +36 99 319-023 , [email protected] . M-Th 11:00-22:00, F Sa 11:00- 23:00, Su 11:00-22:00 . Ample portions with Hungarian flavours. Soups/starters Ft   400-700/600-1100; fish /game/beef dishes Ft   1400-1800/1400-1700/2200-2300; pork/poultry dishes Ft   1200-1500/1200-1400; salads/desserts Ft   300-450/350-520 .  
  • 47.6837 16.5925 24 Royal Bisztró ( Széchenyi Restaurant ), 9400 Sopron, Varkerulet 75 , ☏ +36 99513681 , [email protected] . 07:00-22:00 . Local bistro-style Hungarian cuisine. ( updated Jul 2017 )

If you're in Sopron, you have to drink a glass of the famous wine of the area around sopron, it's called "Kékfrankos".

Cellars and pubs

  • 47.68398 16.59102 1 Caesar cellar ( Cézár Borozó ), Hátsókapu u. 2 ( Center ), ☏ +36 99 311337 , [email protected] . Cold dishes and fine wines of Sopron fruit brandies 20 types: 2 cl 350-540, 4 cl 700-1100; flowing/bottled wines (1 dl/0.75 L) Ft   110-140/1800-4100, beers 0.5 L Ft   400-700, Champagne (0.75 L)/spirits (4 cl) Ft   2100/400-640, carbonated soft/non-carbonated soft drinks 0.2 L Ft   200-400/200-220, coffee Ft   270-330 .  
  • 47.68167 16.57723 2 Green Café , Ady E. u. 5. ( SW 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 510762 , [email protected] . M-F 20:00-02:00, Sa 17:00-02:00, Su 19:00-12:00 . A university café-pub.  
  • 47.68101 16.5856 3 Gázfröccs Pub ( Gázfröccs ), Deák tér 28. ( S 300 m ), ☏ +36 99 787783 , [email protected] . M-Th 11:30-01:00, F Sa 11:30-02:00 . 'Romkocsma' (lit. ruin pub) style. Events, modern exhibits, small concerts. Pizzas Ft   650-1290, plus toppings: Ft   250-350; gourmet pizza Ft   1650-1790, slice of pizza Ft   390, burgers Ft   1290-1490, pub food Ft   900-1400, desserts Ft   800-900 .  
  • 47.68621 16.59055 4 Winery and Restaurant Gyógygödör ( Gyógygödör Borozó ), Fö tér, 4. ( Center ), ☏ +36 99 311-280 . Daily 09:00-22:00 . Soups/desserts Ft   500-1400/390, mains Ft   1250-1900, wines (1 L) Ft   900-1200, beers (0.5 L) Ft   380-490, coffees, teas Ft   270-800 .  
  • 47.68739 16.60191 5 [ dead link ] János cellar ( János Pince ), Szőlős u.1 ( NE 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 326025 , +36 20 4930558 (mobile) , [email protected] . Starters Ft   1100-2000, mains Ft   1700-3300, salads/desserts Ft   300-450/500-700, flowing wines (1 dl) Ft   100, draft/bottled beers 0.5 L Ft   500/400-800, Champagne (0.75 L)/spirits (4 cl) Ft   2150/600-800, soft drinks 0.2 L Ft   200-3000, coffee Ft   200-400 .  
  • 47.68012 16.58789 6 Kisdeák Pub and Restaurant ( Kisdeák Söröző és Étterem ), Deák tér 46 ( S ~400 m ), ☏ +36 30 2757273 , [email protected] . W-M 17:00-24:00 . Charming, retro. Starters Ft   700-1400 .  
  • 47.68925 16.58198 7 Old Boy's Restaurant and Pub ( Old boy's étterem ), Gyár u. 1. ( NW one km ), ☏ +36 99 333355 , [email protected] . M-Th 08:00-20:00, Sa 08:00-22:00, Su 10:00-20:00 . An Irish pub. Carafe wine (per dl) Ft   F300-390, bottled red wines, bottled white wines (0.75 L, a dozen types) Ft   2000-6900, Tokaj wines Ft   3300-5800 .  
  • 47.69267 16.59168 8 Prinyo cellar ( Prinyő borozó ), Koronázódomb 22 ( N one km ), ☏ +36 99 334042 , +36 20 4673873 , +36 20 9726753 (mobile) . M 15:00-21:00, Tu-Sa 15:00-23:00 . 120 seats. 2 non-smoking and one smoking room Foods:Home-cooked smoked knuckle with pickled horseradish, boiled eggs, bread; Pork cold dish; Roast homemade sausage-with meat; Cheese plate; Hot sandwich; bread and dripping. Wines: Green veltelíni, Tramini, Sauvignon Blanc, Zweigelt, Blaufränkisch Rosé, Blaufränkisch, Cabernet Sauvignon, various Cuvée wines, Cabernet Sauvignon Barrique. - Prinyo Wine shop (Sopron Plaza, Lackener Kristóf utca. 35. open: daily 09:00-20:00).  
  • 47.6877 16.59038 9 Taste Vino Borbar and Wine shop ( Taste Vino Borbár & Vinotéka ), Várkerület 5 ( Center North ), ☏ +36 30 5198285 , [email protected] . Tu-Sa 12:00-24:00 . Services: Sommelier service, mobile sommelier tastings, wine dinners; gift packages; wine studies courses; other events Soups Ft   400-900 fish/veggie dishes/beef dishes Ft   1200-1800/1000-1300/1600-1850; pork/poultry dishes Ft   1100-1700/1400-1500, salads/desserts Ft   250-450/350-600, coffees Ft   300-350, flowing/bottled wines (liter/0.7 L) Ft   1000-1200/2000-3500, bottled beers 0.5 L Ft   450-700, Champagne (0.75 L), spirits (4 cl) Ft   2100/440-700, soft drinks (2 dl) Ft   60-240 .  
  • 47.68301 16.60385 10 Vincellér House Restaurant and wine bar ( Vincellér-Ház Étterem, borozó ), Balfi u. 121 ( E one km ), ☏ +36 99 325588 , +36 6 30 9768353 (mobile) , [email protected] . The restaurant capacity 48 people. In summer, also there is a cozy beer garden with 70 seats. Served own made wines.  
  • 47.68511 16.57519 11 [ dead link ] Minus One Club ( Club-1 Kávézó, Tekepálya, Söröző; Club Mínuszegy ), Baross út 4-6. ( W 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 518693 , [email protected] . Grocery - Buffet M-F 07:00-17:00, Sa 07:00-11:00 . Cafe, bowling, brewery and grocery - buffet at same place. Buffet: daily two-course menu Ft   690 (2014) .  
  • 47.68446 16.58249 12 Deep Music Pub , Jókai utca 6. ( W half km ), ☏ +36 70 3297268 . M-Th 18:00-03:00, F Sa 18:00-04:00, Su 18:00-03:00 . Coffees, drinks  
  • 47.6824 16.5769 1 Botanikuskert Hostel ( Botanikuskerti Diákszálló, Fekete Zoltán Diákhotel és Kollégium ), Ady E. u. 5. ( W 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 518238 , [email protected] . Capacity: 203 people. Only during summer. Rooms (53): 17 double, one 1+2 bed, twelve 2+2 bed, two triple, fourteen 2 + 3 bed room, seven 3+3 bed. All with bath, Wi-Fi, microwave oven, fridge.+36 99 518 240. Breakfast is served 07:00-09:30. 24-hour front desk. Elevator. Free closed parking inside. Kitchen. Internet and cable television access in rooms. Wheelchair access rooms. Locked bicycle storage. Meeting room, laundry, a smoking room per each level, taxi ordering, bus parking. Wellness services: Gym daily/weekly: Ft   400/1200 per person; Finnish sauna: Ft   600/hour for one person, over 2 persons: Ft   500/person, cabin rental (8 people): Ft   3500/hour, Turbo solarium: Ft   100/min. Other services: Secure underground parking garage: Cars for Ft   500/night or one week: Ft   2500; Motorcycle for Ft   300/night or one week: Ft   1500. The closed open air parking are free. Dual bowling lanes: Ft   1500/lane/hour. Dorm Ft   4400, single Ft   5900, breakfast included, supper one or two courses plus Ft   1000 or Ft   1400 .  
  • 47.68509 16.57518 2 Sopron University Student Hotel ( Soproni Egyetemi Diákhotel, Machatsek Gyula Diákhotel és Kollégium ), Baross út 4-6 ( W 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 518-649 , +36 30 829 3074 . Capacity: 398 people (study period 40), rooms (117): 35 double (apartment-like rooms with bath); 82 2+2-bed (apartment-like rooms a bath for two rooms), Wi-Fi, microwave oven, refrigerator. Wellness and other services see at Botanikuskert Hostel. Family-friendly accommodation. There is a grocery store, a bowling pub. Lounge to 60 people. Garden benches, grill and fire ring site. Sun terrace, sun beds and chairs. Locked bicycle storage. 24-hour front desk. Elevator. Free closed parking inside. Cookware kitchen Internet and cable television access in rooms. Wheelchair access rooms. Meeting room. Telephone in your room, laundry, a smoking room per each level, taxi ordering, bus parking. Dorm Ft   4400, single Ft   5900, breakfast included, supper one or two courses plus Ft   1000 or Ft   1400 .  
  • 47.68975 16.5868 3 Shosi Hostel ( Soszi Hostel ), Ferenczy János utca 60. ( bus station is 2 minutes away ), ☏ +36 99 523126 , fax : +36 99 311-077 , [email protected] . Rooms 72 four bed rooms. Dorm Ft   4100 .  
  • 47.68522 16.55874 4 Lippai János Hostel ( Lippai János Kertészeti Szakképző Iskola és Kollégium ), Bánfalvi út 48-50. ( W 2 km ), ☏ +36 99 508-661 , [email protected] . phone +36 20 356 5528 (between 08:00-15:00) Four bed Dorm Ft   2450 p.p., shared sanitary facilities. .  
  • 47.68777 16.58421 5 Bezerédj Amália Hostel ( Bezerédj Amália kollégium ), Ferenczy János utca 5 ( near bus station ). Capacity: 131 people (study period 8). Rooms (34): two double, one triple, thirty one 2+2 bed. Breakfast is served 07:00-9:30. Wellness and other services see at Botanikuskert Hostel. 24-Hour Front Desk. Elevator. Free closed parking inside. Kitchen. Internet and cable television access in rooms. Wheelchair access rooms. Locked bicycle storage. Meeting room, laundry, a smoking room per each level, taxi ordering, bus parking. Dorm Ft   4100, single Ft   5500 both with breakfast, supper one or two courses plus Ft   1000 or Ft   1400 .  
  • 47.678333 16.542663 6 Brennberg Children and Youth Camp ( Brennbergi Gyermek és Ifjúsági Tábor ), Brennbergi út ( Bus #3 depart every hour from before bus station ), ☏ +36 99 313116 , fax : +36 99 313116 , [email protected] . Restaurant here. Six-bed dorm Ft   3050 p.p., four-bed dorm Ft   3450, double Ft   3450 p.p., yurt tents 'bed' prior consultation need (all tax included, 2014) without bedding discount Ft   200 .  
  • 47.67414 16.51548 7 Cyclamen Chalets ( Ciklámen Faházak ), Brennberg völgy ( 5 km away from Sopron in the Brennberg valley ), ☏ +36 99 312180 , fax : +36 99 340766 , [email protected] . Open Apr-Sep. Ideal for 5-10 persons per house. Three bedrooms for 4-2-2 people; a living room with two beds; kitchenette with fridge, kitchen tools can be rented; bathroom, shower; toilet; the building is heated by electrical means provided in the heating season on demand. Chalet/night (up to 6/7-8/9-10 persons) Ft   16 000/20 000/24 000 plus tourist tax Ft   450 p.p. breakfast Ft   1500 p.p. .  
  • 47.68221 16.572347 8 [ dead link ] Park Hostel , Ady Endre út 31 ( W 1.5 km, at Sop-Vin - Lővér Pince ), ☏ +36 20 5584410 , [email protected] . Shared bathroom, large screen TV in the lounge, kitchen. Free parking and Wi-Fi. +36 20 558 4410 Dorm 3250 p.p. .  


  • 47.67831 16.56801 9 Alpesi Trimmel Guesthouse ( Alpesi Trimmel (Aladdin) Vendégház ), Felsőlővér u.25 ( Sw 1½ km ), ☏ +36 20 4253114 , [email protected] . Check-in: 14:00-18:00 later arriving please signed! , check-out: 10:00 . Self-catering. Special guest kitchen with a fridge, an excellent restaurant is ~800 m away. Open from 07:00-22:00. Pizza, hot meals delivered to the house to order by phone. Room single/double/triple/quad Ft   4500/8000/10 000/12 000. Apartment: with 2 bedroom: 4 persons: Ft   17 000, extra bed: Ft   3500 p.p. or with 1 bedroom: 3/4 persons: Ft   13 000/14 500 all tax included , 2014, low-season discounts .  
  • Gibraltár Guesthouses ( Gibraltár Vendégházak ), Bercsényi Miklós utca 35. , ☏ +36 99 788252 , fax : +36 99 789408 , [email protected] . Check-in: 14:00–18:00. You must check in until 20:00 by the latest! . Capacity: 24 people. All rooms with private bathroom, hairdryer, cable TV and internet connection, partly air-conditioned. Ask for a discount card to have dinner in the popular restaurant, (only 8 minutes' walk). Other unit: Vak Bottyán u.1. +mobil phone=+36 70 6083704 Standard double room without catering for one/two pers. €29/33, Studio-apartment for two people₫ €55, Apartment for three/for four €65/76; all price including all taxes (2014). For one night stay, longer staying or/and off season prices discounted .  
  • 47.68242 16.56801 10 Anna Pansion ( Anna Panzió ), Ady Endre út 51 ( W 1.5 km, 400 m from the West Hungary University, from train station bus #10; take off at 4th stop ), ☏ +36 70 3888138 , [email protected] . Services: 5 double rooms with bathroom (shower, toilet), with cable TV, internet connection. Diner, lounge with cable TV. Closed parking place in the yard, camera guarded parking place. Card operated entrance, upon request washing facility and assistance with the programs in the town. No pets. Single/double Ft   7350/10 800 all tax included, + breakfast: Ft   900 p.p. .  
  • 47.67744 16.59512 11 Atrium Pansion & Wellness ( Átrium Panzió & Wellness ), Kőszegi u. 3 ( SE 500 m ), ☏ +36 99 313799 , [email protected] . Room prices include all taxes, a rich continental breakfast, unlimited high speed Internet access, and free of charge parking use. High season: Apr-Aug, Christmas, New Year. Open: 24/7, reception: 06:00-22:00, wellness: 08:00-22:00. Wellness services: luxurious bubble bath up to six-person, two-person infrared sauna, five-person Finnish sauna. Massage: Traditional and numerous special kind. (High season-low season-air conditioned room) deluxe single/double/triple Ft   10 350-9350-12 440 13 800-12 800-15 900/19 200-18 200-21 050, apartments four-/five-bed Ft   27 700-26 700-29 800/30 100-29 100-32 100 .  
  • 47.69061 16.59116 12 Bástya Pansion ( Bástya Panzió és Étterem ), Patak u. 40 ( N ½ km ), ☏ +36 99 325325 , fax : +36 99 325325 , [email protected] . 11 double rooms, 4 four-bed rooms, 1 five-bed room. All rooms with bathroom, TV, refrigerator, free Internet WiFi. Other services: non-stop reception, parking (car, bus, truck), central safe copying, fax, mail service for guests, breakfast (07:00-10:00). Airport transfer (Vienna), gratis over 5 nights. Constitution of the dentistry. +Mobile phone +36 30 4912267 Double/four-bed room/five-bed room Ft   12 900/19 300/22 250 .  
  • 47.67764 16.5751 13 B&B Villa Mimi Pansion ( B&B Villa Mimi Kertes Panzió ), Honvéd űt 5. ( SW 1 km ), ☏ +36 30 2370275 . A friendly and cosy pension with six guest rooms and a large garden. Rooms: Green Lily (tween) Yellow Daffodils (double) Silver Tulip (tween) Red Rose (Deluxe) Violet Blue (tween) White Rose (Suite). Minimum stay two nights in special period three nights. Only cash. Twin/double/suite (for one-for two) Ft   10 400-12 800/14 400-15 800/19 400-21 800. Extra bed Ft   5000 under 18 year, Ft   5450 18+ year. 10% discount for those arriving by train or bicycle, in special period (VOLT festival, New Year) plus 10% surcharge. .  
  • 18 age), off season and min. two nights staying €10"},"content":{"wt":"Agoston family's pansion. Services: large, safe parking place, a sauna, a fitness room, a breakfast room with a fireplace and a garden, a water-rotating pool, airport transfer, free keeping of parcels, dogs are welcome, free internet, Wi-Fi, free bike rental for 2 hours per day."}},"i":0}}]}'> 47.6775 16.5891 14 Bianco Pansion ( Bianco Panzió ), Arany János u.17 ( 5 minutes walk from the centre ), ☏ +36 99 319227 , fax : +36 99 319227 , [email protected] . Agoston family's pansion. Services: large, safe parking place, a sauna, a fitness room, a breakfast room with a fireplace and a garden, a water-rotating pool, airport transfer, free keeping of parcels, dogs are welcome, free internet, Wi-Fi, free bike rental for 2 hours per day. Double/triple/quad €50/60/70, apartment/extra bed €75/10, tourist tax: Ft   450/person/night when checking in (>18 age), off season and min. two nights staying €10 .  
  • 47.67122 16.59161 15 Dali Pansion ( Dali Panzió ), Sport u. 48 ( S 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 510477 , fax : +36 99 315182 , [email protected] . Double rooms with panoramic garden views, television, radio and refrigerator in all rooms also shower cabin bathroom. Friendly atmosphere and hotel standard rooms. Single/double/triple quad Ft   5950/8400/10 350/13 600, first floor apartment for four persons Ft   12 800 including all tax. Breakfast Ft   700 .  
  • 47.67107 16.57932 16 Diana Pansion and Restaurant ( Diana Panzió, Vendéglő ), Lővér körút 64. ( Lővérek, SW 1½ km ), ☏ +36 99 329013 , [email protected] . Breakfast included. double normal - double classic rooms for one/for two/for three Ft   6850-6850/9900-10600/12200-12900, superior - family rooms for one/for two/for three/for four persons Ft   7250-7650 /11 200-12 300/13 700-15 100/15 600-17 200. Family rooms for five persons Ft   19 000. Dog Ft   1200 per day including all tax. .  
  • 47.68677 16.59496 17 Erhardt Restaurant and Pansion ( Erhardt Étterem, Panzió Borpince ésVinotéka ), Balfi u. 10. ( NE 200 m ), ☏ +36 99 506-711 , [email protected] . cozy wine cellar, and a pleasant garden. 9 rooms. Guests can park in its parking-place in Halász street 7. Service: concerts- or theatrical evenings tickets, chocolate- and wine-tasting or excursions. Rooms are with: ergonomic mattress, LCD-TV, air conditioning, a bathroom with a bathtub or shower for each room, towel, safe box. Upon request, Provide: babybed extra bed, wireless internet Ft   500. €35-59, children 4 – 12 ages in parents-room: Ft   4200. Restaurant price: Soups/starters Ft   900/1000-3400; fish/rabbit/beef dishes Ft   2700-3700/3500/3500-5000; pork/poultry dishes Ft   3800/2500-4500, salads/desserts Ft   400-1000 /900-1000, soft drinks (2 dl) Ft   240-440, Mineral water 0.33 L Ft   190-360, Draught beer/Bottled beer (0.5 L) Ft   800/500-900 .  
  • 47.68198 16.59632 18 Fehér Rózsa Pansion and Restaurant ( Fehér Rózsa Fogadó, Borozó (white Rose Inn) ), Pócsi utca 21 ( E ½ km ), ☏ +36 99 335270 , [email protected] . Restaurant open daily 11:00-23:00. Bicycle rentals, skiing, ski school organizing Single/double/triple Ft   7500/10900/15350 including all tax. Daily menus Ft   800 and 1000, also à la carte starters and light meals/soups Ft   900-1500/550-800. Chef offers/pan fried and stews meal Ft   1300-2600/1100-1700. Poultry/pork dishes Ft   1500-1900/1800-2100. Beef/deer/fish dishes Ft   1600-3600/2400/1400-3600. Salads/pastas and desserts Ft   400-860/500-700. Soft drinks 2 dl 250/220. Beers draft (0.5 L)/bottled Ft   420-650/390-460. Wines (1 L) 1000-1100. Spirits (4 cl) Ft   390-990, coffee Ft   280-490 (2014) .  
  • 47.67983 16.57089 19 Füzi Pansion ( Füzi Panzió, Étterem ), Deákkúti út.10 ( SW 1.5 km ), ☏ +36 99 340434 , fax : +36 99 340-434 , [email protected] . Capacity: 32 people. Rooms: one four-bed, four triples and eight doubles all with bath and TV. Reception: daily 07:00-22:00. Breakfast 07:30-9:30. Free Wi-Fi. Free closed parking is available. Jul-Aug single Ft   7200. double (one kid)/double/triple (one kid)/triple Ft   8000/9900/12200/13850. quad (two kid)/quad Ft   14400/16300. Breakfast (optional): Ft   700, Pets: Ft   1000 (by appointment), extra bed: Ft   2000 (only four beds and one three-bed rooms with extra beds). Off season 10% discount, VOLT festival, holidays & New Year's Eve: ten-fifteen percent surcharge. .  
  • 47.69466 16.58498 20 Jagermeister Pansion ( Jagermeister Panzió ), Bécsi út 81 ( NW 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 349-045 , +36 99 349999 , fax : +36 99 349900 , [email protected] . Check-in: 14:00-19:00 , check-out: 11:00 . Rooms are equipped with a television, shower, toilet, air-conditioning and a mini bar. guarded parking, storage for motorcycles and bicycles, rent-a-car and rent-a bike, managing of mail, receiving faxes, money exchange, cab ordering, wake-up service, information on cultural and leisure programs, transfer from Vienna/Schwechat airport, organizing dental-medical services, wireless Internet. Single/double Ft   6950/10400. Breakfast Ft   800/per person. From Jun 15 to Aug 31: single/double Ft   7450/11400. Family/Romantic room Ft   17900/12400 including all tax. (2014) .  
  • 47.68828 16.594032 21 Jégverem Guesthouse and Restaurant ( Jégverem Fogadó és Étterem ), Jégverem u. 1. ( SW 1 km ), ☏ +36 99 510113 , [email protected] . 2- and 4-bed rooms with TV and in-suite bathroom Single/double: Ft   7850/10700. Family room (with 4 beds): Ft   15100-16000. Extra bed: Ft   2 000. Dog: Ft   2 500. No accommodation charge for children under 6. Restaurant price list: Soups/starters Ft   700-1000 /1200-2200; pasta Ft   900-1400, fish Ft   1700-3200, Children's/beef dishes Ft   500-1200/1600-4000; pork/poultry dishes Ft   1300-2000/1800-2000, salads/desserts Ft   500/500-1000, spirits (2 cl) Ft   210-380 .  
  • 47.69242 16.58216 22 MKB Aréna ( MKB Aréna Panzió ), Lackner Kristóf utca 48 ( NW 1 km. From railway station take bus #1, 2, 10, 12 ), ☏ +36 99 311250 , fax : +36 99 508969 , [email protected] . 28 places. 2,3,4 bed rooms with TV, shower Basic rooms Ft   3750 p.p. Air-con. double Ft   10800 .  
  • 47.68418 16.5905 23 Palatinus Pansion ( Palatinus Szálló ), Új utca 23. ( Center ), ☏ +36 99 523816 , fax : +36 99 523817 , [email protected] . Capacity: 60 people. Single rooms, double rooms and apartments with a shower and toilet. Services: non-smoking rooms, wake up calls, drink-bar, closed parking, internetconnection in a lobby (free), SAT TV, creditcard acception, cab/taxi ordering, money exchange Single/double (off-low-high season) Ft   10 300-11 300-11 800/16 400-17 400-18 400, Off period: Jan-March, Nov; Low season: Apr–Jun; Sept–Oct; High season: Jul–Aug (2014) .  
  • 47.68663 16.58016 24 Palma Pansion ( Pálma Panzió ), Kölcsey Ferenc u.2 ( W ½ km ), ☏ +36 30 8410250 , +36 30 8410250 (mobile) , fax : +36 99 410-250 , [email protected] . Four double, three triple, a quadriple and a family room. Single/double/triple Ft   6900/12 000/18 000. Breakfast is available on request Ft   1500 p.p. all tax included. Services prices Finnish or Infrared Sauna/saltcabin/combined (2 hours): Ft   2500/1500/3000 p.p .  
  • 47.67794 16.621751 25 Pihenokereszt Pansion ( Rastkreuz Pension, Pihenőkereszt Panzió ), Töpler Kálmán u. 8 ( E 2 km ), ☏ +36 99 317117 , +36 30 5931432 (mobile) , [email protected] . Three single, seven double rooms with minibar, television, some of the rooms are air-conditioned and all rooms have free Internet access. A rich breakfast is included in the base price. Other services: secured parking, bike rental. Single/double/extra bed Ft   7000 /10900/3500 (Sep-May). Single/double Ft   8000 /12900 (Jun-Aug) .  
  • 47.68772 16.60146 26 Polus Pansion ( Pólus Panzió ), Rákosi út 1 ( NE 800 m ), ☏ +36 99 311591 , fax : +36 99 321-118 , [email protected] . Check-in: 14:00 - 20:00 . Reception daily 06:00-21:00. From 21:00-06:00 there is a surveillance monitoring system and security guard. A shower, toilet, sink, television, safe and fridge in the rooms. The upstairs rooms are air-conditioned. Rooms: eleven double, one suite (with two rooms and with a mini kitchen), 3 four-bed-rooms (suite-like with a mini kitchen). Main/Pre/Off - season Standard single Ft   7 000/6 600/5 600. Standard room double Ft   10500/9600/8000. Superior Room for one Ft   7 500/7 500/7 000. Superior Room for two Ft   12000/11000/10000. Family room for three Ft   14 000/13 000/12 000. Family room for four Ft   15 000/14000/13000. Studio apartment Type I. for three Ft   15 000/13 000/12 000. for four Ft   17 000/15000/13000. Studio apartment Type II. for three Ft   15 000/13 000/12 000. Studio apartment (Type III.) for two people Ft   14 000/12 000/9600. Apartment with 2 rooms Ft   19 000/17 000/15 000. Spare bed 2 000 (Main/Pre/Off - season 16, Jun-31 Aug /31 Mar-15 Jun/1-30 Mar and 01 Sep-22 Dec). Breakfast: Ft   1000. Tourism tax (between 18-70 years): Ft   450 p.p. .  
  • Café Randevú , 9400 Sopron, Várkerület 30 , ☏ +36 99 313-573 . Check-in: Open: M-Sa 11:00-18:00 .  
  • 47.686582 16.580277 28 Taverna Restaurant and Pansion ( Taverna Étterem és Panzió ), Táncsics u. 15 ( W 500 m ), ☏ +36 99 311620 , fax : +36 99 311620 , [email protected] . Also cozy cellar restaurant. Home-made, inexpensive food, music and dance events Single/double Ft   7400/7800 all tax incl. (for groups: discounts) .  
  • 47.69767 16.58478 29 Tercia Hubertus Pansion ( Tercia Hubertus Panzió ), Hubertusz út 1. ( NW 1 km ), [email protected] . The number of rooms: 12 all with TV, bathroom with shower, free Wi-fi. Double/triple Ft   9000-9500/10000-10900 all tax inc., without breakfast. Restaurant price list: breakfast menu, starters/breakfast drinks Ft   400-1400/240-750; Soups/starters Ft   700-1800/1400-2800; Salmon and butterfish/venison, pheasant/beef dishes Ft   2000-3400/3000-7000/2000-4600; for children/pork/poultry dishes Ft   500-1400/2000-2700/1800-3100, salads/desserts Ft   400-800/650-800, (half dish: 65% of total price), soft drinks (2 dl) Ft   260, flowing wines, three types (1 dl) Ft   150, spirits, liquors, cognacs (dozens types, 4 cl) Ft   450-7,000, coffees 350-550; drafted/bottled beers 0.5 Ft   500-550/550-750 (2014) .  
  • 47.67751 16.58307 30 Vadászkürt Restaurant and Pansion ( Vadászkürt vendéglő és panzió ), Udvarnoki u.6. ( S 500 m ), ☏ +36 99 314385 , [email protected] . Four rooms with 12 beds. Parking is free (in front of the inn), Wifi is free throughout the house. All rooms with in-room safe, bathroom, hair dryer, mini bar, large screen satellite TV, free Wi-Fi Main season (Jun-Aug) Single/double/triple room (room/night) Ft   8950/14400/19400. Quadruple/five bed room Ft   23000-24300/28000-29200. incl all tax and breakfast Sept-May discounts. Half board (One soup, one main course, one dessert) supplement Ft   2500 p.p. Extra bed with breakfast Ft   4500 .  
  • 47.68354 16.59212 31 Pannonia Hotel , Varkerulet 75 ( downtown ), ☏ +36 99 312180 , fax : +36 99 340766 , [email protected] . The oldest hotel in the city with free Wi-Fi. 'Classic' double room (single, double and twin beds) with mini bar, LED TV, free Wi-Fi . 'Comfort' double room same as Classic, plus air-conditioning,and some rooms with a small balcony or terrace. 'Antique apartment' same as Classic just bigger with one or two rooms inside. 'Family apartment' with two separate rooms (Low season (Jan-May and Oct to mid Dec) - High season (Jun-Aug) - Special periods). Classic single Ft   12 490-13 990-25 890; Double Classic Ft   15 490-16 990-28 890; Double Comfort Ft   17 990-19 490-31 390; Antique Suite Ft   25 490-41 690-27 490. Family apartment for Ft   28 490-30 490-45 290. Extra bed in room Ft   5990, plus Ft   450 tourism tax p.p. per night (18-70 years). Dog Ft   3000, Half Board Ft   2750 , Garage Ft   2500, .  
  • 47.68358 16.58475 32 Boutique Hotel Civitas , II. Rákóczi Ferenc utca 33 ( SW 300 m ), ☏ +36 99 788228 , fax : +36 99 788229 , [email protected] . 28 rooms with free high speed internet access, LCD TV, safe. Services: drink in the room on request, deep garage (price is not included), 24 hours reception, taxi order, wake-up service, transfer, program organization. Payments: traveler's check, credit card, foreign currency acceptance. Eight types halfboard menus for €11. Single/double with breakfast Ft   9450/10,900 .  
  • 47.66706 16.57736 33 Danubius Bio Sport Hotel Lövér , Várisi ut 4 ( SW-S 2 km ), ☏ +36 99 888400 , fax : +36 99 888499 , [email protected] . 117 rooms (most with balcony), three suites. All rooms with hair dryer, minibar, radio, TV, bathrobes on request. There are some connecting and smoking rooms. The hotel service include: laundry service, room service, hotel safe deposit box, souvenir shop, parking facilities for cars and coaches, playroom for children, playground, resting park, free WiFi in common areas.- There is the 'Borostyán Restaurant and terrace' (serving Hungarian and International cuisine also diet and spa menus), health bar, drink bar. About €70-155 .  
  • 47.68934 16.59415 34 Hotel Sopron , Fövényverem u.7 ( 5 minutes walking to the centre ), ☏ +36 99 512242 , +36 99 512261 , fax : +36 99 311-090 , [email protected] . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 10:00 . 43 double room Comfort Plus, fourteen Premium style rooms, twenty three View Premium double room, eight View Premium triple rooms, two Premium Style triple rooms, one single room, seven family rooms, one apartment, one of La Toya Suite. The wellness services: Fullbody, face, Thai, Thalasso spa shaping massages, aromatherapy, green algae spa exfoliation, delicate chocolate peeling, Thalasso shaping treatment with algatherapy, "The sweet pleasure" chocolate wrap. Finnish sauna, Solarium, Fitness room. Other services in the hotel include swimming-pool in the garden (it is available for free. Open: Jun-Sept), playing ground for children, family and child-friendly services, clay tennis court (tennis rackets and balls rental) table tennis, bicycle storage, bike rent, high speed internet connection is available free of charge in the hotel, central safe at the reception desk available free of charge, a parking lot closed by barriers and checked with cameras is to be used by our guests for free both for cars and buses. There is the 'Restaurant and Blue Salon' Price list: Chef's offer/Specialties of Sopron Ft   900-4000/800-2400, Soups/starters Ft   700-1200/1200-2200; fish/veggie/beef dishes Ft   2500-2900/1200-1800/2400-5400; pork/poultry dishes Ft   2200-2900/2300-2600, salads/desserts Ft   600-700/700-1000, cheese dish Ft   1800. Aperitifs 8 cl 900-1100, mineral water (0.33 dl) Ft   400-800, soft drinks, juices (2-3.5 dl) Ft   400-1100, flowing wines (1 dl) Ft   450-1200, bottled beers (0.5 L) Ft   700-900, Champagne (0.75 L) Ft   3200 - 4700, spirits (4 cl) Ft   900 - 1100. Whiskey (4 cl) 900 -2100. Brandy, cognac, liqueur (4 cl) Ft   800-2200, coffee, tea Ft   400-1200 Comfort Plus single/double/triple Ft   15 000/20 000/25 000; Premium Style single/double/triple Ft   16 500/23 000/28 000 (2014) .  
  • 47.67441 16.57784 35 Hotel Panorama , Panoráma u. 38 ( SW 1.5 km ), ☏ +36 99 312745 , +36 30 597-6378 (mobile) , [email protected] . Private bathroom with shower, TV (40 TV channels), radio, refrigerator, summer fan in the room. Free Wifi throughout the building, microwave use, bicycle storage, ski storage, mobile BBQ. By appointment: bike rental, excursion by bus, boat trip, guide. Single/double tourist Ft   3400/5900, single/double/triple standard Ft   4400/7400/9500, double/triple superior Ft   9400/10 850, three bed/four bed apartment Ft   10 800/12 200 all tax included, breakfast Ft   550, half board (breakfast, lunch or dinner) Ft   1550, full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner) Ft   3050 .  
  • 47.69684 16.58124 36 Rosengarten Hotel, Restaurant, Dental and Beauty Salon ( Rosengarten Étterem ), Lackner Kristóf utca 64 ( NW, near Sopron Plaza ), ☏ +36 99 513630 , fax : +36 99 513622 , [email protected] . Offering a full range of services in dental tourism to its guests. free phones from abroad= Austria: 0 800 293545, Germany: 0 800 1813637, Switzerland: 0 800 563577. 24 standard, superior, deluxe, a/c rooms. 350-seat restaurant with a winter garden, banquet room and terrace. Also here is a beauty salon with a wide variety of services (hairdressing, cosmetic treatments, manicure, pedicure, artificial nail, massage and body treatments), the wellness/Turkish bath part include infrasauna, scented steam bath, adventure shower and solarium. Standard single/double Ft   11 000/16 000, superior single/double Ft   18 000/21 000, deluxe single/double/triple Ft   20 000/25 000/29 500 .  
  • 47.67393 16.56784 37 Saphir Aqua Aparthotel , Deákkúti út 16. ( SW 2 km ), ☏ +36 1-2279614 , fax : +36 1-2279614 . Opened in summer 2010 in a pine forest area. The 4-star aparthotel offers 30 apartments in different sizes, with air con, balcony, bath, satellite TV set, hair drier, Internet access, kitchen, refrigerator, safe box, telephone. Services: fitness room, indoor swimming pool, Jacuzzi, rent-a-bike, sauna, table-tennis, tennis. Apartments for two €43, for three €58, for four €94, for five person €116, include the buffet breakfast the use of the wellness department (Finnish sauna, jacuzzi, steam cabin, swimming pool, relaxation room), the use of the Kid's Corner. Parking in the closed hotel court and VAT are also included in the price. Local tax: Ft   450 /person/night (between 18-70 years). Pets €12/night .  
  • 47.67105 16.575273 38 Hotel Siesta ( Hotel Szieszta or City Partner Hotel Szieszta Sopron ), Lővér körút 37. ( SW 1.5 km ), ☏ +36 20 5938342 , fax : +36 99 314461 , [email protected] . In the middle of a park in the Lővérek, a green hilly area with a view onto the town. Service: tennis courts. Singles (Classic - Standard) Ft   16 000-18 000, double Ft   26 000-30 000, family room (two adults with two kids) Ft   68 000 .  
  • 47.67685 16.57345 39 Solar Club Hotel , Restaurant and Mini ABC , Honvéd út 12 ( SW 1.5 km ), ☏ +36 99 311675 , fax : +36 99 311688 , [email protected] . Free private parking, central-room safe, phone, TV room, kitchen, garden, mini golf, sports equipment rental, 24-hour reception. Restaurant: familiar restaurant and garden is suitable for 40-40 people. Meals are made exclusively Hungarian ingredients and homemade taste represented. Monday to Friday, offers a varied menu. Menu A: Ft   890, Menu B: Ft   990. Open: Jun-Aug 08:00-22:00, Sep-Mar 12:00-20:00. Mini ABC: basic foods (milk, bread, rolls, packaged cold cuts, cheese, butter, mineral water, etc.) available. Open: M-F 08:00-10:00 and 16:00-18:00, Sa 08:00-10:00. Jul-Aug 28 Dec-2 Jan/Oct-Dec: 1-bedroom apartment for one/for two Ft   9850-11 950/10 300-12 400; 1½-bedroom apartment up to four people Ft   13 000-17 300, extra bed Ft   2800-3950 all tax included. RCI 1-bedroom for one/for two Ft   13 000-14 400/13 400-14 850; RCI 1½ bedroom Ft   17 400-21 800. Premium room for one/for two Ft   12 950-13 350/13 400-13 800, Premium 1½ bedroom for one/for two Ft   17 350-21 350/17 800-21 800. Breakfast/lunch, dinner, Ft   600/900 (2014) .  

Stay healthy

  • Sopron Elizabeth Hospital ( Soproni Erzsébet Kórház ), Győri út 15. , ☏ +36 99 514200 . 24/7, pediatrician available daily until 20:00 . Appointed for Emergency medical service. Emergency Dentist also here (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays 09:00-15:00)  
  • 47.68399 16.59261 21 Korona (Crown) Pharmacy ( Korona-Patika ), Várkerület 73 ( Center ), ☏ +36 99 505 865 , [email protected] . M-F 08:00-19:00, Sa 08:00-16:00 . Pharmacy Express delivery  
  • 47.67599 16.598364 22 Erzsébet Pharmacy ( Erzsébet Gyógyszertár ), Győri út 15 ( SW 800 m ), ☏ +36 99 311254 , [email protected] . M-F 08:00-18:00, Sa 08:00-12:00 . Drugs, medicinal products, food supplements, cosmetics, baby care, blood sugar and pressure measurement, therapeutic equipments.  
  • The country code of Hungary is 36. If you are calling abroad from a land line, dial 00 before your country code and phone number. Area code of Sopron is 99. Phone numbers are normally six digits.
  • Cellular phone coverage is very good throughout the city. Three different networks are available, Telenor, T-Mobile and Vodafone.
  • Most hotels do also have wireless free Internet access. Even a smaller accommodation have any (slower) free Wi-Fi.
  • István Széchenyi Public Library ( Széchenyi István Városi Könyvtár ), Pócsi utca 25. , ☏ +36 99 511250 , fax : +36 99 311418 , [email protected] . Opening hours during the semester (Sep-Jun) Su M closed; Tu F 10:00-18:00; W Th 10:00-16:00; Sa 10:00-1:003. Summer opening hours (Jul-Aug): Tu W 9-16; Th 9-18; F-M closed . Ten computers and free Wi-Fi. First half hour free with registration fee, .  

Post offices

  • Main post office ( Magyar Posta Sopron #1 ), Széchenyi tér 7-10 , ☏ +36 99 413259 , fax : +36 99 413263 , [email protected] . M-F 08:00-19:00, Sa 08:00-12:00 . monument Identifier: 4943  
  • Post office #2 ( Magyar Posta Sopron #2 ), Teleki Pál utca 12 , ☏ +36 99-532609 , fax : +36 99 314585 , [email protected] . M-F 08:00-19:00 .  
  • Post office 3 ( Magyar Posta ), Várkerület 37 , ☏ +36 99 312176 , fax : +36 99 523065 , [email protected] . Only weekdays! M-F 08:00-17:00 . More post offices in Sopron list here  
  • Fertő Lake ( Neusiedl Lake ) is divided between Austria and Hungary. It is the second largest lake of Hungary after Balaton. Fertő Lake has been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List as a cultural landscape for its unique representation of human landscape shaping over a long period of time. The traditional agricultural practices around the lake, many of which persist today, had a profound impact on the region's ecology. The area is rural and attracts visitors enjoying the natural landscape as well as the historic towns surrounding it. - There is no any town or bigger settlement on Hungarian side. - Tours organizing from Sopron. For more info ask in Sopron Turist Office .
  • Transdanubia , particularly Győr , Keszthely , Kőszeg , Szombathely - all good connected by public transport and good for a base to explore the surrounding area
  • Burgenland , Austria .

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Wandering in the Old Town of Sopron, Hungary

Old Town in Sopron

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During my frequent stops in Vienna, I became increasingly curious about visiting the close border towns of Hungary like Kőszeg and Sopron . While both are perfectly manageable day trips from Vienna , I simply never got around to them while I was there. So when I decided to spend some time in Hungary, Sopron made for a natural first stop on my visit to Hungary .

The city of Sopron sits at the closest border crossing to Vienna between Austria and Hungary. This has led to it becoming quite popular with Viennese locals popping over to shop and get cheap dental work. However, that’s not all visiting Sopron is about. At the centre of Sopron is a precious little old town, full of elegant buildings and intriguing history. Allow me to share with you what to do in Sopron, this grand little city only a stone’s throw from Vienna.

Table of Contents

How to get to Sopron

Places to Visit in Sopron Hungary

Because of how close it is to the Austrian border, you’re most likely visiting Sopron from Vienna. If you have a car or are renting a car , the drive is straightforward and takes around an hour. Simply head for Eisenstadt and then keep going to the border.

Alternatively, with public transport, you can take a direct train to Sopron from Vienna Hauptbahnhof. Trains run every two hours and the trip takes about 80 minutes. It’s so easy to get to Sopron from Vienna that you can visit on a day trip from Vienna without much stress.

Where to Stay in Sopron

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If you don’t decide to make a day trip to Sopron and choose to stay the night, there are a surprising number of places for you to stay . I opted for the Vadászkürt Panzió és Étterem , an affordable combined guesthouse and restaurant that was pleasant and welcoming.

Despite being a little way out from the old town on the opposite side of the train line, the rooms there were spacious and had a lodge look to them. In the end, I also decided to eat there and enjoyed the local cuisine they offered. They even prepared me a cherry strudel with cherries from their trees.

For other accommodation options, these are some of the most popular places to stay in Sopron:

  • Florand Rooms&Wine
  • Hotel Sopron

Things to do in Sopron

Sopron Old Town is where you’ll want to focus your attention. That’s where you’ll see the city’s beautiful architecture and informative museums. If you have more time in Sopron, consider heading into the hills to see Taródi vár castle and Károly-kilátó observation deck, two spots I missed on my visit. 

Main Square

Sopron City Hall Hungary

Let’s start in the very centre of Sopron and work our way out. At the northern end of Sopron’s Old Town lies the European staple, the Main Square . They’re usually a good place to start, right?

Sopron’s certainly is. Around the sides of the Main Square, visitors are treated to some wonderfully elegant buildings. There’s the stately City Hall, another government building opposite and plenty of well-preserved homes.

The square centres on a detailed and graceful trinity column, often found in old towns of Central Europe. Also known as “plague pillars” they were built to honour the end of the plague affecting the city.

City Buildings, Visiting Sopron Hungary

Then there’s the Goat Church . Yes, that’s not a typo.

Seen below to the left of the column, the Church of the Assumption (the actual name) has quite the origin story. According to local legend, a local goat herder uncovered a treasure on the site of the church, which led to the building of the church on that spot. There’s even a goat with pride of place on the previously mentioned Trinity Column.

Main Square Sopron in Hungary

The most iconic landmark for the city of Sopron is the city’s Fire Tower . A symbol of the city, the tower and its gate dates back to the 13th century when it functioned as the northern entrance into the town.

Back in the day, it served as a watchtower, alerting the city to fires, invaders and most importantly wine caravans. It underwent a Baroque redesign in the 16th century and reminds me quite a bit of Michael’s Gate in Bratislava .

Medieval Gate Sopron Hungary

The tower received a major restoration in 2011/2012, which also included the reopening of the city gate below. A sculpture adorning the gateway was also renovated with its scene of Sopron locals paying homage to Hungaria , a personification of the Hungarian nation.

Of course, the big reason to visit the Fire Tower is for its views across the city. Once at the observation deck, visitors are treated to all sorts of views of the city. Not only do you get to look down on the main square and old town, but you can appreciate the surrounding neighbourhoods and look back towards the Austrian border.

Entry to the tower costs 1150ft from the tourist information centre ( as of 2017 ).

sopron travel guide

Storno House

Sightseeing Sopron Museum Hungary

One of the more glamorous buildings in the city’s Main Square is the Storno House . Today this house hosts a museum that combines the beautiful interior of the Storno family, with their impressive art collection and the history of Sopron as well.

While the exterior of the medieval house predates him, artist Ferenc Storno renovated the interior when he bought the house in the 1870s. A travelling artist and former chimney sweep, he eventually moved to Sopron for work. The beautiful family home now sits as an example of homes from that era but as a gallery for their impressive collection.

A highlight of visiting is the family art collection displayed in the family’s old living quarters. I’m not usually one for tours of bedrooms, kitchens etc. but the art and design of the rooms intrigued me. I particularly liked all the German sayings that lined with ceiling of one room. They included “ Travel is a beautiful thing but there is a lot of mischief ” and “ Calm blood always good ” which rhymes in German.

sopron travel guide

The museum also reveals Sopron’s interesting history, from never falling to the Ottomans to its musical pedigree which featured the likes of Haydn and Liszt. Entry to the museum costs 1000ft for adults ( all prices as of July 2017 ). Sadly you can’t take photos for free inside the museum, hence their absence here.

Sopron Town Walls

City Walls Walk, Sopron Hungary

While only sections remain now, Sopron was for a long time a walled city. The medieval town walls seen today were built over the remnants of ancient Roman walls.

The city was defended by several rings of walls with ramparts, battlements and intermediate towers. Over time sections of the walls became submerged and hidden by houses and urban growth. It was only because of damage sustained by bombing in WWII that the original middle wall was uncovered.

sopron travel guide

Today you can walk along sections of the walls on the Bailey Promenade . The path that passes between houses and the walls is dotted with information boards that detail the history and design of the city’s old fortifications.

Sopron Old Town Walls Hungary

Old Town Streets

Roadworks, Sopron Hungary

Away from the main square, the rest of the old town is mostly a series of typical old cobbled streets. This means it’s the perfect place for my favourite thing – wandering.

Unfortunately for me, my visit coincided with significant roadworks going on in the Old Town. This meant some streets were blocked off and one of the main squares. Still, the ones that were free from construction showed me just what Sopron has to offer.

Sopron Sights

One of the more striking buildings you can come across away from the main square is the Cezar Pince . Looking a bit worse for wear because of the local roadworks, the building’s shape and facade are quite special even in this state. Inside you’ll find an elegant tavern, one of the city’s better-rated restaurants.

sopron travel guide

Arcades and Courtyards

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One of the interesting holdovers from the medieval period is the number of arcades and courtyards found scattered about the old town. Here and there you’ll notice a small arcade cutting through residential buildings. My first time finding the main square was after wandering through a series of arcades to avoid the roadworks.

Main Square Arcade, Sopron

Heading south away from the Old Town, you’ll come across a series of parks. Firstly there’s the one in Széchenyi Square , lined with some beautiful public buildings. Further on as you near the train station, you come across Deák Square seen above. A quiet residential area, it’s another nice green spot surrounded by central European architecture.

Memorial Sopron Hungary

Throughout the parks, you’ll of course come across statues and memorials to local figures and events. One particularly expressive memorial is the above one to the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Stuck under a Soviet-backed government, the people revolted for over 2 weeks near the end of 1956. Sadly it led to a fierce reprisal and 2,500 civilian deaths.

Travel Tips for Visiting Sopron

While you can pay for entrance to individual attractions like the Fire Tower and Soproni Museum, museum passes are also available. There is a pass for the above two spots for 2500ft or a pass for any 5 of the city’s attractions for 4000ft. Details and current prices can be found here .

Would you consider visiting Sopron to see its elegant old town? Which of the things to do in Sopron most appeals to you? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

sopron travel guide

David is the author behind the Travelsewhere travel blog and is always on the search for the quieter, less-visited corners of the world.

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' src=

How lovely.

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This is definitely a town that looks like no tourists go out of their way to visit, but that’s a shame because it does look really cute! That tower is beautiful and I agree, it does remind me of the one in Bratislava, but I like it’s purpose (beyond being a fire watch tower) – keeping an eye out for the wine caravan is incredibly important haha

' src=

thanks for this great article! I’m going to Sopron in a view days and this was the only blog I found about this apparently lovely city. Looking forward to explore it for myself. 🙂

Cheers Christian

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Hi Christian,

So glad that you found my article before your trip. Have a great time!

' src=

I decide to visit Sopron in a few month to see old town which you mentioned. Thank you for your very valuable information. And you have chance to visit ” Pan -European Picninic” Which is the statue to commemorate that situation. If so , is that far from old town and how to go there. Thank you

Hi Sirikul, hope you have a nice time visiting Sopron! I didn’t visit the Pan-European Picnic I’m afraid so I can’t help with that.

' src=

Hey! thank you for this wonderful post. I was curious about what to see in Sopron and now it’s on my list for my trip in one moth!! 😀

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My grandmother was born here in the 1800s. Someday I will visit if I can. Thanks for great article

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Thanks for this – stopped off here, largely on your recommendation, en route from Bratislava to Lake Balaton. A really charming place and the view from the fire tower was great.

That’s really great to hear James, it is a pretty convenient stop along that route. Glad you found this useful in deciding whether to go and didn’t come away from it disappointed

' src=

My mother’s family lived there for about 400 years–I remember spending my summers in the Lover house–it is a beautiful area–

Oh wow! I agree, it is a beautiful place Sopron.

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thanks for sharing

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David – Thanks for a beautiful write up of Sopron – visually reminds me a lot of Salzburg. I am planning to visit there on my next European trip – hopefully as a dual citizen of Hungary & the US. Learned about Sopron doing family ancestry research tracing my Father’s family to the area (actually just a bit NE in Austria on the other side of Lake Neuseidl. Since this area was all part of Hungary, I learned I’m eligible for dual citizenship and thinking this area would make for a wonderful retirement city once I get better at Hungarian. You made it even more appealing with your write-up. Good work!

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  • Sopron Travel Guide: Your Border Town Exploration Of Hungary's Historic Gem

Sopron Travel Guide: Your Border Town Exploration of Hungary's Historic Gem

sopron travel guide

The city of Sopron is situated near the Lake Neusiedl/Lake Fertő. It shares its border with the country of Austria. The city is considered as one of the oldest jewel boxes of Hungary. It is also known as the most faithful city in the country and it merges the past and the present.

Sopron is considered the beautiful city in Western Hungary and it is packed with cobbled streets. The main attractions of the city include Fire Tower (Tuztorony), Sopron Old Town, Storno-haz, Central Mining Museum, Holy Trinity Statue, Goat Church, Church of St Michael, Fertorakosi Kofejto Thematic Park, Lover Kalandpark Sopron, Sopron Museum - Old Synagogue, and Saint George Dome Church, making it an ideal destination for Hungary travel packages .

sopron travel guide

Sopron does not have its own airport, and hence the nearest accessible airport is Vienna International Airport (VIE) From Vienna, trains can be taken for Sopron. The flight operators are Lufthansa, Air France, etc.

Getting out

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Once in Sopron there are various famous and beautiful cities nearby that can also be visited, either by flights or by trains. A few being London, Berlin, Budapest,etc.

Public Transport

sopron travel guide

Local buses are available. The local bus provider is called Kisalföld Volán Zrt. Sopron parkings are divided in three zones and the buses are accessible from these parkings.

Taxi & Airport transfer

sopron travel guide

Taxi services In Sopron are available on call. The famous taxi services being Lőver Taxi,Irány Taxi etc.

Transport & city passes

sopron travel guide

No city passes available, kindly use public transport or taxi for commute.

Driving & Car rental

sopron travel guide

Car hires are available on call. Various firms and sites offer car rentals like Sopron autókölcsönzés, Autóbérlés Sopron.


Themed destinations

Holiday destinations, europe specials, honeymoon packages, packages from departure city, international travel deals, combo packages.

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Sopron can not only claim the title of the town of loyalty, but it is also the richest rural town in Hungary in terms of monuments. It would be difficult to list the sights here. Find the must-sees, discover the secrets, experience history.

  • Secret places
  • About the houses tell of
  • Monuments places
  • Sculptures and monuments
  • Sacred memories
  • Parks, squares
  • Lookout towers

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Trip to Sopron

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Your Ultimate Guide for a Memorable Trip to Sopron

Embark on a delightful journey to the enchanting city of Sopron, where history, culture, and picturesque landscapes converge to offer visitors a truly unforgettable experience. Nestled in the rolling hills of western Hungary, Sopron is a charming destination that seamlessly blends the old-world charm of its historic streets with contemporary amenities and attractions. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a nature lover, or a foodie eager to sample the local cuisine, Sopron has something to offer for everyone.

Discover the best things to do in Sopron as you explore its well-preserved medieval town center, marvel at the iconic Firewatch Tower, and indulge in a relaxing stroll through quaint cobblestone streets. Venture beyond the city limits to immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding vineyards or embark on a leisurely hike through the lush forests of the nearby Örség National Park. From tasting delectable Hungarian dishes to learning about the city's rich history at the Sopron Museum, your Sopron trip promises to be a memorable adventure filled with discovery and delight.

5 Fascinating Facts About Sopron

- Sopron is known as the Most Faithful Town of Hungary, a title bestowed upon it by King Sigismund of Luxembourg in the 15th century in recognition of its loyalty. - The iconic Firewatch Tower in Sopron dates back to the 13th century and offers panoramic views of the city and surrounding countryside from its viewing platform. - Sopron is famous for its vineyards and wine production, particularly its prized wine variety, Kékfrankos, which is highly regarded both locally and internationally. - The city's proximity to the Austrian border means that visitors can easily explore both countries in one trip, with Vienna being just a short drive away from Sopron. - Sopron boasts a rich architectural heritage, with well-preserved medieval buildings, Baroque churches, and charming cobblestone streets that transport visitors back in time.

Best Things to Do in Sopron

Explore the Charms of Firewatch Tower

Subtitle: Ascend for Amazing Views

Marvel at the iconic Firewatch Tower, a symbol of Sopron, and climb to the top for breathtaking panoramic views of the city and its picturesque surroundings.

Subtitle: Wander Through History

Stroll Through the Historic Old Town

Take a leisurely stroll through Sopron's historic Old Town, where medieval architecture, charming cobblestone streets, and quaint cafes await at every turn.

Subtitle: Culinary Delights Await

Savor Local Flavors at Sopron Market Hall

Indulge your taste buds at Sopron Market Hall, where you can sample delicious Hungarian delicacies, fresh produce, and artisanal goods from local vendors.

Subtitle: Sip on Local Wines

Discover Sopron’s Wine Culture

Embark on a wine-tasting journey in Sopron's vineyards and wineries, and savor the flavors of renowned local wines like Kékfrankos while enjoying the scenic countryside.

Subtitle: Dive into History

Visit the Sopron Museum

Immerse yourself in Sopron's rich history at the Sopron Museum, where exhibits showcase the city's heritage, archaeological finds, and intriguing artifacts from centuries past.

Top Districts for Accommodation in Sopron

Immerse yourself in Sopron's historic charm by staying in the Old Town district, where cobblestone streets and medieval buildings create a magical atmosphere. - Hotel Wollner - A boutique hotel housed in a historic building, offering a blend of modern amenities and traditional elegance. - Palatinus Hotel - Situated in the heart of the Old Town, this hotel provides comfortable rooms and easy access to the city's main attractions.

Lővér Hills

For a peaceful retreat surrounded by nature, consider staying in the Lővér Hills district, known for its lush green landscapes and tranquil ambiance. - Hotel Lover Sopron - Nestled in the hills overlooking Sopron, this hotel offers spacious rooms, a spa, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. - Hotel Sopron - With a serene setting amidst the Lővér Hills, this hotel provides a relaxing escape and proximity to outdoor activities like hiking and biking trails.

Best Places to Eat in Sopron

Indulge in a Culinary Adventure in Sopron

• Bálint Étterem: Enjoy a fine dining experience at Bálint Étterem, known for its exquisite Hungarian dishes and elegant atmosphere. • Pipacs Étterem: Dive into modern Hungarian cuisine at Pipacs Étterem, offering a creative menu with a focus on local ingredients. • Gastland Bisztró: Treat yourself to a cozy meal at Gastland Bisztró, where traditional Hungarian fare is served in a charming setting. • Céh Bisztró: Delight in a fusion of flavors at Céh Bisztró, a popular spot offering a diverse menu that caters to all tastes. • Sorrentina Pizzeria Étterem: Craving Italian? Head to Sorrentina Pizzeria Étterem for authentic wood-fired pizzas and pasta dishes that will satisfy your appetite.

When to Visit Sopron

Experience the best of Sopron's charm and beauty by planning your visit during the spring and summer months when the city comes alive with festivals, outdoor events, and pleasant weather. Here's why these seasons are ideal for exploring all that Sopron has to offer: - Spring and summer in Sopron offer mild temperatures perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking through the surrounding forests or leisurely strolls in the historic town center. - The city's vineyards are at their most picturesque during the summer months, making it a great time to sip on local wines and soak in the stunning views. - Numerous cultural and music festivals take place during the warmer months, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the vibrant local arts and entertainment scene. - Outdoor dining becomes a delightful experience in Sopron during spring and summer, with many restaurants and cafes offering al fresco dining options to enjoy the pleasant weather.

Shopping Paradises in Sopron

Embark on a Retail Therapy Journey in Sopron

• Belvárosi Piac: Explore Belvárosi Piac for a bustling market experience where you can purchase fresh produce, local crafts, and unique souvenirs. • Auchan Sopron: Find everything you need under one roof at Auchan Sopron, a shopping center offering a variety of shops, restaurants, and entertainment options. • Soroptimist Second Hand Shop: Browse through vintage treasures and pre-loved items at Soroptimist Second Hand Shop, where you can score one-of-a-kind finds. • Hungary Trend Shopping Center: Discover the latest fashion trends and brands at Hungary Trend Shopping Center, a hub for clothing, accessories, and lifestyle products. • Sopron Plaza: Visit Sopron Plaza for a diverse shopping experience, with a mix of international and local stores, cafes, and entertainment venues to explore.

Expert Travel Tips

In addition to exploring the top attractions and dining spots in Sopron, here are some extra useful tips to enhance your visit to this charming city: - Don't miss the opportunity to attend a concert or performance at the Liszt Ferenc Conference and Cultural Center for a taste of Sopron's vibrant arts scene. - Visit the Lővérek Lookout Tower for panoramic views of Sopron and its stunning surroundings, ideal for capturing memorable photos. - Take advantage of the city's bike-friendly infrastructure and rent a bicycle to explore Sopron and its scenic biking routes at your own pace. - Consider joining a guided walking tour to gain deeper insights into Sopron's history, architecture, and local legends from knowledgeable guides. - Check the local events calendar for special festivals, markets, and cultural celebrations happening during your visit to partake in the city's lively and authentic atmosphere.

What is the currency used in Sopron, and are credit cards widely accepted?

The official currency in Hungary is the Hungarian Forint . While major credit cards are generally accepted in hotels, restaurants, and larger stores, it's advisable to carry some cash for smaller transactions and local markets.

Is it necessary to tip in restaurants and cafes in Sopron?

Tipping is customary in Hungary, and it is common to leave a tip of around 10% to 15% of the total bill in restaurants and cafes as a token of appreciation for good service.

What is the best way to get around Sopron and explore the city?

Sopron's compact size makes it easy to navigate on foot, allowing you to wander through the charming streets and discover hidden gems. Alternatively, taxis, local buses, and rental bicycles are available for longer distances or exploring the outskirts of the city.

Are English and other languages widely spoken in Sopron?

While Hungarian is the official language, many locals in Sopron, especially those in the tourism industry, speak English and may also understand German. It's always helpful to learn a few basic Hungarian phrases for smoother interactions.

Are there any specific cultural norms or customs visitors should be aware of in Sopron?

When visiting churches or other religious sites, it's important to dress modestly and cover shoulders and knees out of respect. Additionally, greeting locals with a polite Jó napot! is a friendly gesture that is appreciated in Hungarian culture.

Where to stay in Sopron

Houses, apartments, villas, hostels and much more - choose the accommodation option according to your wishes!

accommodation bus

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Things to do in Sopron

Schönbrunn Palace

Schönbrunn Palace

Musikverein Wien

Musikverein Wien

Vienna Music Society

Vienna Music Society

Hofburg Palace

Hofburg Palace

Kunsthistorisches Museum

Kunsthistorisches Museum

Belvedere Palace

Belvedere Palace

Vienna Operahouse

Vienna Operahouse

St. Stephen's Cathedral

St. Stephen's Cathedral

Austrian National Library

Austrian National Library

Sisi Museum

Sisi Museum

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Rosengarten Restaurant

Rosengarten Restaurant

Moa Restaurant & Bar

Moa Restaurant & Bar

Hoffer Workshop

Hoffer Workshop

Deak Restaurant

Deak Restaurant

Papa Joe's Saloon & Steakhouse

Papa Joe's Saloon & Steakhouse

El Gusto Cafe & Bistro

El Gusto Cafe & Bistro

Gambrinus Haz

Gambrinus Haz

Generalis Etterem & Espresso

Generalis Etterem & Espresso

Corvinus Restaurant

Corvinus Restaurant

Best of sopron, top 4 4-star select hotels in sopron.

Fagus Hotel Conference & Spa Superior

Fagus Hotel Conference & Spa Superior

Hotel Sopron

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Boutique Hotel Vila Planinka

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Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace Budapest

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The Ritz-Carlton, Vienna

Hotel Imperial, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Vienna

Hotel Imperial, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Vienna

The Amauris Vienna - Relais & Châteaux

The Amauris Vienna - Relais & Châteaux

Palais Coburg Residenz

Palais Coburg Residenz

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Rosewood Vienna

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Hotel Aleksander Medical & Spa

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Chateau Herálec Boutique Hotel & Spa by l'Occitane

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Hilton Vienna Waterfront

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Radisson Red Vienna

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Grand Hotel River Park, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Bratislava

Hotel Devin

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Novotel Budapest Danube

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Boutique Hotel Victoria Budapest

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Amenity Hotel & Resort Lipno

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Werzers Hotel Resort Pörtschach

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Hotel Kaiserhof Wien

Hotel Kaiserhof Wien

O11 Boutique Hotel Vienna

O11 Boutique Hotel Vienna

Appartement-Hotel an der Riemergasse

Appartement-Hotel an der Riemergasse

Hotel Astoria Wien

Hotel Astoria Wien

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Hotel Ambassador

CityLine Hotel Kaiserin Elisabeth Vienna

CityLine Hotel Kaiserin Elisabeth Vienna

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MyPlace - City Centre

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Thermenhotel Kurz

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Travel Guide Sopron 2024 - Is it worth visiting?

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First time here? Find out how we rate and rank destinations.

Is Sopron worth visiting in 2024?

With around 66 out of 100 overall points, the destination Sopron ranks in the middle for 2024 compared to other cities and is ranked at number 1098.

Travel to Sopron is not cheap, but is possible at an acceptable cost. There is a mediocre selection of attractions in Sopron in relation to the population size, which make a visit worthwhile under certain circumstances. Sopron maintains a generally low safety risk, ensuring that travelers can explore with serenity and enjoy a safe and pleasant experience.

The destination Sopron is characterized as less developed and less well equipped for visitors. The risk of overtourism in Sopron is at average level, so travelers have the opportunity to explore the destination comfortably, especially in the low season.

You can find more in-depth details on the ratings for the price level, attractions, safety and infrastructure categories in the corresponding sections on this page. The assessment presented here is based solely on data. The assessment of whether the destination Sopron is "worth visiting" for you is subjective and depends on your individual preferences and interests.

If you're not quite sure whether Sopron is the best destination for you, take a look at other cities in Aruba or at cities in the Europe region . Alternatively, you can also take a look at the country profile of Aruba . You can also easily find the best cities in the world according to your preferences with the city filter tool .

Facts about Sopron

Sopron is a city located in Hungary. It is famous for its rich history and well-preserved medieval architecture. The city is known for its charming old town, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Sopron is also renowned for its vineyards and wine production. The spoken language in Sopron is Hungarian, but English is also spoken. The number of permanent residents in Sopron is around 57,000.

Best time to visit Sopron

The main tourist season in Sopron is during the summer months, from June to August. This is when the weather is warm and pleasant, making it ideal for outdoor activities and exploring the city's attractions.

The rainy season in Sopron typically occurs during the spring and autumn months, from April to May and September to October. During these periods, rainfall is more frequent, so it is advisable to bring appropriate clothing and plan indoor activities accordingly.

The best time to visit Sopron is during the transitional periods before and after the main season. There are fewer tourists on site and the crowds are smaller. The price level is better than in the high season, while the weather conditions are still good.

When it comes to the optimum combination of pleasant local temperatures with the lowest possible rainfall, a good time to visit Sopron is May through September. During this specific time Sopron receives a monthly average of 20 dry days and 10 days with a total precipitation of 0,9 inch (24 mm). Also in this time the average monthly day temperature for Sopron is 74 °F (23 °C) and the night temperature is 56 °F (13 °C).

Overall, throughout the year, Sopron gets a monthly average of 21 dry days and 9 days with a total precipation of 0,9 inch (22 mm). The average monthly day temperature for Sopron is 58 °F (14 °C) and the night temperature is 43 °F (6 °C).

Once you have decided on a travel period, it is best to check whether you need a visa for Aruba when planning your trip. Take also a look at our hand-picked travel products with extra low weight for your travel gear.

How many days to stay in Sopron?

The length of your stay in Sopron depends largely on your preferences, the purpose of your visit and the sights you really want to see. Your time frame can also be influenced by financial considerations.

For first-time visitors, it is recommended to spend around 1 day in Sopron. This will give you enough time to visit many of the main attractions on your own or with organized tours in Sopron . How long you should stay ultimately depends on what you expect from your trip and how intensively you want to explore Sopron. If you want to take it slow or relax, you should plan a few more days.

You can use our travel budget calculator for Sopron to work out a rough budget for the length of your stay based on your personal travel preferences. Simply use the $ symbol in the tool section at the top right of this page.

How to get to Sopron

The most popular ways for visitors to get to Sopron are the following options:

  • By train: There are several train connections to Sopron from major cities in Hungary, such as Budapest and Vienna.
  • By bus: There are several bus connections to Sopron from major cities in Hungary, such as Budapest and Vienna.
  • By car: You can reach Sopron by car via the M85 and M86 highways.

If you are traveling by plane, compare prices for transfers from the airport in Vienna to your final destination. Use the flight calendar below to find out the cheapest month to fly to Aruba to discover Sopron. We have already automatically selected the most popular destination airport for you to reach Sopron.

How to get around in Sopron?

The most common ways to get around in Sopron are:

  • By foot: Sopron is a small town and many of the popular tourist sites and amenities are within walking distance.
  • By bike: Bicycling is popular in Sopron, and there are several bike rental locations available.
  • By public transportation: Sopron has a well-developed public transportation system, with buses running throughout the city.

If you want to move around independently and freely, it's best to compare prices for rental cars at the airport in Vienna .

If you are not only interested in the city of Sopron, but the whole country, take a look at organized multi-day tours and trips in Aruba . An organized trip offers several advantages that can improve your travel experience. You save yourself a lot of time and effort in preparing and carrying out the trip. You also have expert tour guides with you to explain everything to you.

Where to stay in Sopron?

The most popular areas to stay in Sopron, Hungary are: (click on area name for accommodations)

  • Gyori-kulvaros - A charming area known for its historic buildings and cozy atmosphere.
  • Becsi-kulvaros - A vibrant neighborhood with a lively nightlife and plenty of dining options.
  • Ujteleki-kulvaros - A peaceful area surrounded by green spaces and parks, perfect for nature lovers.
  • Jozsef Attila Lakotelep - A residential neighborhood with a relaxed atmosphere and easy access to amenities.
  • Alsoloverek - A picturesque area known for its beautiful views and tranquil surroundings.

Which accommodations are popular in Sopron?

Do I need cash in Sopron?

Sopron uses the Hungarian Forint (HUF) as its currency. There are various types of payment methods accepted in Sopron, including cash, credit cards, and debit cards. However, it is important to note that cash is the preferred type of payment in many establishments, especially smaller businesses and local markets. It is advisable to carry some cash with you for convenience, as not all places may accept cards.

How is the internet in Sopron?

With around 150 to 200 Mbps download speed and roughly 40 to 50 Mbps upload speed, the average internet speed in Sopron is very high compared to other cities. Tip: Check the internet speed at your accommodation in advance. It can vary greatly from the average. To stay independent, consider getting an eSIM for Aruba before you travel. You can just activate it upon your arrival.

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Is sopron cheap.

The cost of travel to Sopron is neither expensive nor cheap compared to other cities and regardless of cost getting there. Accommodations fall within a moderate price range and dining in restaurants generally involves a relatively inexpensive cost. You'll find bars with reasonable drink prices, making it accessible for most patrons seeking a fun evening. Food stores with cheap costs are available, making it attractive to most people trying to save money on their food expenditures. Transportation costs typically fall within a moderate range, providing options suitable for various budgets.

All prices listed are rounded average prices. If you'd like to calculate your travel budget for Sopron, you can easily do so by using the button with the Dollar symbol located in the upper right corner of the page. This handy feature will assist you in determining your expenses and financial planning for Sopron.


The cost of overnight stays in Sopron is in the medium-priced segment. Serviced accommodations like hotels, hostels and bed & breakfasts are medium priced. One night will cost on average 60 to 70 US-Dollar. Vacation rentals like houses, apartments, or private rooms are at a medium cost level compared to other destinations. One night per bedroom costs, on average, 60 to 70 US-Dollar.

Looking only at private rooms they are priced at an average price of 50 US-Dollar. The cheapest vacation rental units including private rooms usually start around 15 US-Dollar. In Sopron, a private room is normally less expensive than a typical holiday rental. Vacation rentals are usually cheaper than rooms in serviced accommodations in Sopron when comparing exact average prices, while they may also offer more space.

Get the best price by comparing all providers for accommodations in Sopron on our booking platform.


Meals in restaurants in Sopron are at a reasonable price level. The prices for one meal in cheap restaurants range from 7 to 9 US-Dollar. For starter, main course, and dessert, 15 to 20 US-Dollar will be charged in a good restaurant.

Don't forget to try these popular foods when you visit a restaurant in Sopron:

  • Gulyásleves: A traditional Hungarian soup made with beef, vegetables, and paprika, known for its rich and hearty flavor.
  • Halászlé: A spicy fisherman's soup made with various freshwater fish, paprika, and served with bread or noodles.
  • Pörkölt: A stew made with tender chunks of meat (usually pork or beef), onions, and paprika, served with dumplings or pasta.
  • Langos: A deep-fried dough topped with various savory ingredients like sour cream, cheese, and garlic, often enjoyed as a street food snack.
  • Dobos torte: A famous Hungarian cake consisting of multiple layers of sponge cake filled with chocolate buttercream and topped with a caramel glaze.

Going to a bar for drinks in Sopron is possible at reasonable prices. Priced at 1 to 2 US-Dollar, water falls within the midrange of beverage prices. Other non-alcoholic soft drinks are medium-priced. Coke, for example, costs 1 to 2 US-Dollar. For a modest cost of 1 to 2 US-Dollar, you can enjoy a cappuccino. Alcoholic drinks are relatively cheaply priced. For a local beer, for example, there is a charge of 1 to 2 US-Dollar.

Shopping in grocery stores in Sopron is relatively inexpensive. For example, for 1 lb (450 grams) of white bread, 1 to 2 US-Dollar will be charged. To buy 1 lb (450 grams) of rice, 1 to 2 US-Dollar are payable. A dozen eggs cost 2 to 3 US-Dollar. For 1 lb (450 grams) of chicken breast, 4 to 5 US-Dollar will be charged. A bottle of water is very cheaply priced at 0.20 to 0.40 US-Dollar.

Transportation in Sopron is neither cheap nor expensive. For a trip on public transport, you have to pay 1 to 2 US-Dollar. For a private taxi ride, 1 to 2 US-Dollar per mile (1.6 km) will be charged. For rental car use in Sopron, higher costs must be expected. To rent the car for one day, 50 to 60 US-Dollar are required. Refueling cost for a tank is 80 to 100 US-Dollar.

Get the best price by comparing all providers for rental cars in Sopron on our booking platform.

Book the best accomodations in Sopron

Is there a lot to do in sopron.

The availability of attractions in Sopron and the surrounding area is decent in relation to its population , providing a balanced selection for visitors to enjoy. The attraction variety itself is moderate. There are moderate outdoor and decent indoor options, while there is a reasonable selection of cost-free attractions. You'll find a decent selection of guided tours.

Please note: The list of the most popular attractions in each category may overlap, meaning that some attractions are represented more than once in different categories. Take a look at the most popular tours in Sopron on our booking platform or at the end of this chapter.

Sopron offers in relation to its population a moderate selection of attractions, ensuring a decent range of choices for those looking to explore. There's a selection of around 50 attractions and guided tours. The density of attractions and tours falls within a balanced range, allowing you to enjoy a moderate selection of nearby points of interest. Without guided excursions, there are about 40 attractions available with a moderate density.

When you plan to visit Sopron, it's best to see if any of these festivals are taking place:

  • Sopron Wine Festival: A celebration of the region's rich wine culture, featuring wine tastings, live music, and traditional Hungarian food.
  • Sopron Early Music Days: A festival dedicated to early music, showcasing performances by renowned international musicians and ensembles.
  • Sopron Festival Orchestra Concerts: The Sopron Festival Orchestra, led by conductor György Vashegyi, presents a series of classical music concerts throughout the year.
  • Soproni VOLT Festival: One of Hungary's largest music festivals, featuring a diverse lineup of international and local artists across various genres.
  • Soproni Tavaszi Fesztivál: A spring festival celebrating the arrival of warmer weather, with outdoor concerts, art exhibitions, and cultural events.

Sopron has a decent choice of outdoor attractions in relation to its population, giving tourists a balanced range of options. Approximately 25 outdoor choices with a medium density are available.

The most popular outdoor attractions in Sopron (sometimes combined with indoor) among visitors are:

  • Sopron Forest : A vast forest area with numerous hiking trails and picnic spots.
  • Fertő Lake : A UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is the largest lake in Central Europe and offers opportunities for boating, fishing, and birdwatching.
  • Lővérek : A hilly area with beautiful landscapes, ideal for hiking and enjoying panoramic views of Sopron.
  • Brennbergbánya : An abandoned quarry turned nature reserve, known for its unique rock formations and diverse flora and fauna.
  • Balf Thermal Lake : A natural thermal lake with healing properties, perfect for swimming and relaxation.

Those visiting Sopron will find a modest assortment of indoor attractions in relation to its population, giving a sufficient range of alternatives for amusement and exploration when the weather turns bad. Roughly 25 indoor attractions with a moderate density wait for discovery.

The most popular indoor attractions in Sopron (sometimes combined with outdoor) among visitors are:

  • Museums: Explore the rich history and culture of Sopron by visiting its museums.
  • Art galleries: Immerse yourself in the world of art by visiting the various galleries in Sopron.
  • Historical sites: Discover the fascinating historical sites that Sopron has to offer.
  • Indoor sports facilities: Stay active and have fun by engaging in various indoor sports activities.
  • Theaters: Enjoy a live performance at one of Sopron's theaters.

Visitors to Sopron will find a decent selection of attractions in relation to its population that strike a reasonable balance between cost and value. You'll find around 15 fully free or partially free attractions with a modest density.

The most popular free attractions in Sopron (partially or fully free) among visitors are:

  • Sopron Old Town: Explore the charming streets and historic buildings of Sopron's Old Town, including the Firewatch Tower and the Goat Church.
  • Lake Neusiedl: Enjoy the natural beauty of Lake Neusiedl, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its diverse birdlife and picturesque landscapes.
  • Esterházy Palace: Visit the Esterházy Palace, a stunning Baroque palace located in Fertőd, just a short distance from Sopron.
  • Fertő-Hanság National Park: Discover the unique flora and fauna of Fertő-Hanság National Park, which encompasses both the Hungarian and Austrian sides of Lake Neusiedl.
  • Medieval Synagogue: Learn about the rich Jewish heritage of Sopron by visiting the Medieval Synagogue, one of the oldest surviving synagogues in Hungary.

In relation to its population a moderate selection of guided tours awaits those embarking on a journey in Sopron. While not as extensive as some destinations, these tours offer informative and enjoyable experiences, ideal for curious travelers. About 6 guided tours with a medium density are available for booking.

Book the most popular tours in Sopron

Is sopron safe.

Disclaimer: All information below is based on reports from visitors and tourists with significant statistical relevance and does not necessarily reflect actual incidents. Current unrest or military conflicts on the ground are also not reflected in it. Always pay attention to safety advice from the government and local authorities, as well as advice from your accommodation. If you are interested in overall safety of the region, please check out the country profile of Aruba . You can also check out travel insurance for Aruba on our booking platform or at the end of this chapter to cover all your safety needs.

Inhabitants and tourists to Sopron routinely show a relatively high degree of trust in the overall safety of the region. The region is committed to discouraging various sorts of crime, creating a reassuring environment for exploration.

The sense of exceptional safety during daylight in Sopron is a sentiment echoed by both residents and visitors alike. People in the area take great pride in providing a secure environment for daytime activities, ensuring that all can explore with utmost confidence.

After dusk, residents and tourists in Sopron all share a strong sense of security. The region has a good safety record, creating a reassuring environment for any exploration during nighttime.

Sopron experiences an uncommon occurrence of non-violent theft including scam, a perception shared by both residents and visitors. While not entirely immune, most individuals generally feel reasonably secure in safeguarding their belongings due to the infrequency of such events.

Residents and tourists to Sopron consistently express confidence about the area's low drug use or engagement rate. The region has a strong track record of discouraging drug-related activity and establishing a safe environment for exploration.


Inhabitants and tourists to Sopron are regularly confident in the area's low prevalence of violence in all areas. The region has a solid track record of discouraging physical attacks, hate crimes, armed robbery, and verbal abuse using aggressive language, fostering a safe environment for everybody.

Emergency Numbers in Sopron

Police: 107 | Ambulance: 104 | Fire: 105

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Is the touristic infrastructure in sopron good.

Comparing to other travel destinations, Sopron provides a limited range of touristic infrastructure options. While it may not offer an extensive array of amenities commonly found in more touristy destinations, visitors can still find their needs met with some planning and exploration. You'll find limited restaurant choices. There are a reasonable range of accommodation and quite limited shopping options available. You can choose from a moderate number of nightlife venues. Moreover the infrastructure for remote work is rather limited.

The available restaurant options in Sopron are somewhat limited in relation to its population. While choices may be fewer, there are still options available across different cuisines and price ranges, ensuring visitors can find something suitable for their preferences and budgets. If you're hungry, there are around 390 places to eat, though the choices are limited.

The concentration of places to eat, covering food stalls, shops, bakeries, and more, is relatively low in this area, resulting in fewer choices and limited competition. When it comes to restaurants only, you can choose from roughly 190 options with a low density. Thereof about 6 restaurants focus on vegetarian food with a rather low density. Seafood lovers will find approximately 50 dining options with a fairly low density.

The accommodation siutation in Sopron strikes a balance between choice and availability in relation to its population. While there is a decent range of options, it offers a moderate selection of accommodations, providing a comfortable stay for most travelers. It's advisable to consider early booking, especially during peak seasons, to ensure availability and competitive rates.

Roughly 75 serviced accommodations like hotels, hostels and bed & breakfasts with a quite high density are available for booking. Alternatively, there are about 180 vacation rentals with a medium density to choose from. The most common type of accommodation offered locally as vacation rental is an apartment.

The shopping scene in Sopron has an exceptionally minimal availability of souvenir and gift shops in relation to its population. Visitors should be aware that options may be limited, and finding souvenirs might require some extra effort during their stay. In areas with minimal souvenir shops, the presence of boutiques and special shopping possibilities is less common. There is no dedicated souvenir store available. You still might find souvenirs in general stores.

Sopron offers a balanced mix of nightlife options in relation to its population, ensuring a pleasant evening for most visitors. Whether you're looking for a lively night out or a more relaxed atmosphere, you'll find suitable venues to enjoy. The scene provides a comfortable space for socializing, making it a great choice for a night out. Approximately 70 nightlife places like bars and clubs with a medium density are available.

While remote work infrastructure in Sopron may have limitations compared to other places and in relation to its population, it's still worth considering for professionals doing remote work during their travels. Full-time remote workers might have a hard time to find the essentials needed to maintain productivity while enjoying a change of setting.

You'll find roughly 290 Wi-Fi Spots in public spaces with a relatively scarce density. Around 2 coworking spaces and short term office rentals with a fairly low density are available in the proximity for your visit. With lightning-fast Wi-Fi download speed of about 160 Mbps, and 40 Mbps upload speed, you'll experience seamless connectivity for all your online activities and work.

Tip: Check the internet speed at your accommodation in advance. It can vary greatly from the average. To stay independent, consider getting an eSIM for Aruba before you travel. You can just activate it upon your arrival.

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A truly iconic building in one of the most beautiful cities...This photo was taken at dusk, and had a long shutter of about 25seconds.

Stunning architecture, vital folk art, thermal spas and Europe's most exciting capital after dark are Hungary's major drawing cards.


Must-see attractions.

Szechenyi Chain Bridge and Castle Hill.

Castle Hill

Castle District

Castle Hill is a kilometre-long limestone plateau towering 170m above the Danube. It contains some of Budapest’s most important medieval monuments and…

Hungary, Esztergom, Esztergom basilica at Danube river, built by Joszef Hild

Esztergom Basilica

The largest church in Hungary sits on Castle Hill, and its 72m-high central dome can be seen for many kilometres around. The building of the present…

Old Soviet style statue in the Memento Park. Budapest, Hungary; Shutterstock ID 42465316; Your name (First / Last): Josh Vogel; Project no. or GL code: 56530; Network activity no. or Cost Centre: Online-Design; Product or Project: 65050/7529/Josh Vogel/ Destination Galleries

Memento Park

Home to more than 40 statues, busts and plaques of Lenin, Marx, Béla Kun and others whose likenesses have ended up on trash heaps elsewhere, Memento Park,…

St. Stephens basilica in Budapest Hungary

Basilica of St Stephen

Budapest’s neoclassical cathedral is the most sacred Catholic church in all of Hungary and contains its most revered relic: the mummified right hand of…

Parliament building, Lipotvaros.

The Eclectic-style Parliament, designed by Imre Steindl and completed in 1902, has 691 sumptuously decorated rooms. You’ll get to see several of these and…

Exterior of National Museum.

Hungarian National Museum

The Hungarian National Museum houses the nation’s most important collection of historical relics in an impressive neoclassical building, purpose built in…

Liberty Monument

Liberty Monument

The Liberty Monument, the lovely lady with the palm frond in her outstretched arms, proclaiming freedom throughout the city, is southeast of the Citadella…

Ruins Of The Roman Town, Aquincum, Budapest, Hungary

Óbuda & Buda Hills

The most complete Roman civilian town in Hungary was built around 100 AD and became the seat of the Roman province of Pannonia Inferior in AD 106…

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January 1, 2018: Bathers crowd Szechenyi Baths in Budapest.

Aug 7, 2024 • 9 min read

Thermal baths have been a part of Budapest life for centuries. Here are our essential tips for planning a visit to the city's famous spas.


Mar 7, 2022 • 6 min read

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Oct 24, 2019 • 4 min read

Dinners cram into a high-ceilinged cafe with light bulbs hanging from long wires; the back wall is covered in a vibrant mural of balloons, flying trapeez artists, planes and lady birds

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The annual Busójárás carnival in Mohács © Istvan Csak / Shutterstock

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Apropó bistro in the Jewish Quarter is a great starting point for a fun night out in Budapest © Apropó

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Central Market Hall in Budapest © GoneWithTheWind / Shutterstock

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Vegan Love in Budapest @ Jennifer Walker / Lonely Planet

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Szimpla Kert, one of the first ruin pubs in Budapest © Jennifer Walker / Lonely Planet

Jan 28, 2018 • 4 min read

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Hungarian Parliament Building at night.

Things To Do In Sopron – Best Tourist Attractions In Sopron

If you are looking for a charming destination in Hungary, you might want to consider Sopron. Sopron is a historical city near the Austrian border, with a rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. In this article, we will give you some ideas of things to do in Sopron, from exploring its medieval architecture to enjoying its wine and cuisine. Whether you are interested in history, art, or nature, you will find something to suit your taste in Sopron. Here are some of the best tourist attractions in Sopron that you should not miss.

Looking for things to do in Sopron? Discover the best tourist attractions in Sopron :

  • Fire Tower (Tuztorony): The symbol of the city, a medieval tower with a panoramic view of the old town and the surrounding hills.
  • Sopron Old Town: The historic center of Sopron, full of colorful houses, cobblestone streets and monuments.
  • Storno-haz: A Renaissance palace that houses a museum of art and history, with collections of paintings, furniture and ceramics.
  • Central Mining Museum: A museum that showcases the history and technology of mining in Hungary, with exhibits of tools, machines and minerals.
  • Holy Trinity Statue: A Baroque monument in the main square, dedicated to the victims of the plague in the 17th century.
  • Lookout Tower Karoly: A modern tower in the forest, with a cafe, a playground and a stunning view of the city and the lake.
  • Church of St Michael: A Baroque church with a richly decorated interior, featuring frescoes, altars and sculptures.
  • Sopron Museum – Old Synagogue: A museum that preserves the history and culture of the Jewish community in Sopron, with artifacts, documents and photos.
  • Fabricius House: A Gothic house that hosts a gallery of contemporary art, with exhibitions of local and international artists.
  • Goat Church: A Gothic church with a distinctive tower shaped like a goat’s horn, named after a legend involving a treasure-hunting goat.
  • Lővérek: A scenic area of hills and forests, ideal for hiking, biking and relaxing in nature.
  • Harrer Chocolate Factory and Museum: A factory and museum that offers tours, tastings and workshops on chocolate making and history.
  • Esterhazy Palace: A Baroque palace that was once the residence of the noble Esterhazy family, now a cultural center with concerts and events.
  • VOLT Festival: A popular music festival that takes place every summer in Sopron, featuring local and international artists of various genres.
  • Liszt Ferenc Conference and Cultural Center: A modern building that hosts conferences, exhibitions and performances, named after the famous composer who was born in Sopron.
  • Sopron Plaza: A shopping mall that offers a variety of stores, restaurants and entertainment options for visitors.
  • Kecske-templom Romkert: The ruins of an ancient Roman temple dedicated to Jupiter, located in a park with a playground and a fountain.
  • Bakery Museum: A museum that displays the history and tradition of baking in Sopron, with old ovens, utensils and breads.
  • Petőfi Theatre: A theater that stages plays, musicals and operas, named after the renowned poet who lived in Sopron for a while.
  • Széchenyi Park: A large park that offers green spaces, paths, benches and statues for recreation and relaxation.
  • Taródi Castle: A castle that was built by a private owner in the 20th century, inspired by medieval architecture and fantasy novels.
  • Fertőrákos Cave Theatre: A unique theater that is located inside a natural cave, with amazing acoustics and atmosphere.
  • Fertő-Hanság National Park: A national park that encompasses the lake Fertő (Neusiedler See) and its wetlands, home to diverse flora and fauna.
  • Fertőd – Esterházy Castle: A magnificent Rococo palace that was the summer residence of Prince Esterhazy, known as the Hungarian Versailles.
  • Nagycenk – Széchenyi Mansion: A neoclassical mansion that was the home of Count István Széchenyi, one of the most influential figures in Hungarian history.
  • Hegykő – Thermal Bath: A thermal bath that offers healing waters, pools, saunas and massages for wellness and relaxation.
  • Balf – Medicinal Bath: Another thermal bath that provides medicinal waters, jacuzzis, slides and fitness facilities for health and fun.
  • Fertőboz – Adventure Park: An adventure park that offers various activities for adrenaline seekers, such as zip lines, climbing walls and obstacle courses.
  • Sarród – Fertő Museum: A museum that exhibits the natural and cultural heritage of the Fertő region, with interactive displays and models.
  • Hidegség – Arboretum: An arboretum that features a collection of rare and exotic plants, trees and flowers from around the world.
  • Mörbisch am See – Seefestspiele: A lake festival that takes place every summer in the Austrian town of Mörbisch, with spectacular musical shows on a floating stage.
  • Rust – Storks and Wine: A picturesque town in Austria that is famous for its storks and its wine, with charming houses and vineyards.
  • Eisenstadt – Schloss Esterházy: A splendid palace in Austria that was the seat of the Esterhazy family, with elegant rooms and a famous Haydn hall.
  • Neusiedl am See – National Park Centre: A center that provides information and guidance for visitors of the Neusiedler See National Park, with exhibitions and tours.
  • Podersdorf am See – Lighthouse and Beach: A popular destination in Austria for water sports and beach activities, with a lighthouse and a long sandy shore.
  • Illmitz – National Park Information Centre: Another center that offers information and services for visitors of the Neusiedler See National Park, with a birdwatching tower and a boat rental.
  • Halbturn – Schloss Halbturn: A Baroque palace in Austria that was built by Emperor Charles VI, with a museum, a gallery and a wine shop.
  • Frauenkirchen – Basilica: A Baroque basilica in Austria that is a pilgrimage site for Catholics, with a majestic dome and a miraculous statue of Mary.
  • Gols – Wine Village: A village in Austria that is renowned for its wine production, with many wineries, cellars and taverns to visit.
  • Parndorf – Designer Outlet: A shopping center in Austria that offers discounted prices on designer brands, with over 160 stores to choose from.

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  • The First MICHELIN Key Hotels: All the Keys in Mexico

The MICHELIN Guide announces top honors for Mexican hotels in 2024.

Editor's Pick MICHELIN Keys Hotels

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On September 12, 2024, the MICHELIN Guide revealed the brand new One, Two, and Three Key distinctions for the most outstanding hotels in Mexico. This announcement comes four years into a comprehensive refresh of our hotel selection. The MICHELIN Guide now includes over 5,000 hotels across the world, and not a single one is simply a room for the night. These are places that significantly add to your experience as a traveler, each vetted and judged excellent in five categories: architecture and interior design, quality and consistency of service, overall personality and character, value for the price, and a significant contribution to the guest experience in a particular setting. Which brings us back to the Keys. The culmination of countless hours of evaluation by our Inspectors, the Key hotels below represent the highlights of our broader selection. Like the MICHELIN Stars for restaurants, the MICHELIN Keys are our most outstanding hotels. In total, the 2024 MICHELIN Guide hotel selection in Mexico includes a total of 3 Three Key hotels, 21 Two Key hotels, and 63 One Key hotels. Want to know more about the MICHELIN Key? Here’s everything you need to know. Or, head below to look at all the Keys.

Xinalani — Puerto Vallarta

Highlights of the 2024 Mexico Key Hotel List

Jump straight to the list or take a deeper dive into select key hotels..

One&Only Mandarina — Lo de Marcos

The Three Key Club Mexico

Playa Viva — Zihuatanejo

Hot Spots: The Pacific Coast and Yucatan Peninsula

Of the tiny club of Three Key hotels in Mexico, two of them — Xinalani and One&Only Mandarina — make their homes along the Pacific. They’re joined by other Key hotels up and down the coastline, from Bellview Boutique Hotel , Casa Kimberly , and Hacienda San Angel in Puerta Vallarta, to Playa Viva in Zihuatanejo and Zoa Hotel in Oaxaca. Find a fuller selection of our Pacific Coast hotels, here . On the country’s other coast, the Yucatan Peninsula is blessed with the thriving mini-resorts of Tulum (see: Be Tulum and Casa Chablé ) and favorites like the Waldorf Astoria Cancun . In nearby Playa del Carmen, find Mexico’s other Three Key hotel: Esencia . Read more: Where To Stay Along Mexico’s Pacific Coast Inspector Visits: Be Tulum Earns Its Key on the Busy Shores of the Caribbean

Pug Seal Allan Poe — Mexico City

The Beauty of a Mexican Mansion

Throughout the country, Mexico sports a unique abundance of residential-style accommodations, beautiful houses filled with the kind of character that can only come from a lifetime of personal care and passion. For decades, these spaces were used as private family homes and, as a result, they retain a particular sense of warmth and intimacy. A handful of these mansion hotels gained Keys in Mexico, from Grana B&B in Oaxaca City, to Pug Seal Allan Poe in Mexico City, to Casa de Sierra Nevada in San Miguel de Allende. See more in this collection of hauntingly beautiful mansion hotels . Read More: From Mezcal to Maison at Two Key Casa Silencio

Be Tulum

Click below to jump to each distinction: 

The three key hotels.

Hotel Esencia — Playa del Carmen

Lo de Marcos:  One&Only Mandarina Playa del Carmen:  Hotel Esencia Quimixto:  Xinalani

The Two Key Hotels

Casa Silencio — San Pablo Villa de Mitla

Cabo San Lucas: Chileno Bay Resort & Residences, Auberge Resorts Collection Cabo San Lucas: Esperanza, Auberge Resorts Collection Cabo San Lucas: Montage Los Cabos Cabo San Lucas: Waldorf Astoria Los Cabos Pedregal Chocholá: Chablé Yucatan Costalegre: Las Alamandas Juluchuca: Playa Viva Mexico City: Casa Polanco Playa del Carmen: Banyan Tree Mayakoba Playa del Carmen: Etéreo, Auberge Resorts Collection Playa del Carmen: Palmaïa-The House of AïA: All Inclusive Wellness Resort Playa del Carmen: Rosewood Mayakoba Punta de Mita: Susurros del Corazón, Auberge Resorts Collection Punta de Mita: Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita San Jose del Cabo: Las Ventanas al Paraiso, A Rosewood Resort San Jose del Cabo: One&Only Palmilla Resort San José del Cabo: Zadun, A Ritz-Carlton Reserve San Miguel de Allende: Casa de Sierra Nevada, A Belmond Hotel, San Miguel de Allende San Pablo Villa de Mitla: Casa Silencio Solidaridad: Maroma, A Belmond Hotel, Riviera Maya Tulum: Casa Chablé

The One Key Hotels

La Valise Mexico City

Acapulco: Banyan Tree Cabo Marqués Bacalar: Boca de Agua Bacalar Bacalar: Casa Hormiga Bacalar: Our Habitas Bacalar Cabo San Lucas: Nobu Hotel Los Cabos Cabo San Lucas: The Cape, a Thompson Hotel Cancún: Waldorf Astoria Cancun Careyes: Bungalows & Casitas de las Flores in Careyes Chihuahua: Central Hotel Boutique Cuernavaca: Anticavilla Hotel Cuernavaca: Las Casas B+B Hotel Guanajuato: Nueve 25 Hotel Boutique Holbox: Nomade Holbox Ixtapa: Cala de Mar Resort & Spa Ixtapa Mérida: Decu Downtown Mérida: Hotel CIGNO Mérida: Hotel Sureño Mérida: TreeHouse Boutique Hotel Mexico City: Brick Hotel Mexico City: Colima 71 Art Community Hotel Mexico City: Hacienda Peña Pobre Mexico City: Hotel San Fernando Mexico City: Ignacia Guest House Mexico City: La Valise Mexico City Mexico City: Nima Local House Hotel Mexico City: Octavia Casa Mexico City: Pug Seal Allan Poe Mexico City: Pug Seal Anatole France Mexico City: Sofitel Mexico City Reforma Mexico City: The St. Regis Mexico City Mexico City: The Wild Oscar Mexico City: VOLGA México City: Campos Polanco Oaxaca: Pug Seal Oaxaca Oaxaca City: Grana B&B Oaxaca City: Hotel Casa Santo Origen Playa del Carmen: The St. Regis Kanai Resort, Riviera Maya Playa del Carmen: Viceroy Riviera Maya, a Luxury Villa Resort Puebla: Banyan Tree Puebla Puerto Escondido: Casona Sforza Puerto Escondido: Hotel Terrestre Puerto Vallarta: BellView Boutique Hotel Puerto Vallarta: Casa Kimberly Puerto Vallarta: Hacienda San Angel Punta Maroma: Chablé Maroma San Cristobal de las Casas: Hotel Bo San José del Cabo: Viceroy Los Cabos San Miguel de Allende: Casa 1810 Hotel Boutique San Miguel De Allende: Casa Hoyos - Hotel Boutique San Miguel de Allende: Hotel Casa Blanca 7 San Miguel de Allende: Hotel Matilda San Miguel de Allende: L'Ôtel - Casa Arca San Miguel de Allende: Maison Mexique San Miguel de Allende: Our Habitas San Miguel Santa Maria Tonameca: Zoa Hotel Tepoztlán: Amomoxtli Todos Santos: Hotel San Cristóbal Todos Santos: Paradero Todos Santos – Exclusive Experiences Todos Santos: Villa Santa Cruz Tulum: Be Tulum Beach & Spa Resort Tulum: MILAM Tulum: Wakax Hacienda - Cenote & Boutique Hotel Zihuatanejo: La Casa que Canta

Top Image: Wakax Hacienda — Tulum

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The Most Affordable Key Hotels for a Winter Escape in the States

Our editorial team selects the most affordable Key hotels for an easy escape this winter in the United States.

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Everything You Need to Know About the MICHELIN Key for Hotels

In April 2024, the MICHELIN Guide debuted a brand new distinction: the MICHELIN Key. While the MICHELIN Star recognizes the most outstanding restaurants in the world, the MICHELIN Key does the same for outstanding hotels. Here’s everything you need to know about the new distinction.

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The First MICHELIN Key Hotels: All the Keys in the United States

The MICHELIN Guide announces top honors for U.S. hotels in 2024.

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From Mezcal to Maison at Two Key Casa Silencio

Nestled in Oaxaca’s history-soaked Valley of Xaaga, El Silencio is a lauded mezcal maker that believed it was time their product ascended to the natural next plane. Wineries have hotels on the vineyards — why not mezcal?

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My Aspen with Chef Mawa McQueen

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Wiederhoeft and HAGS Close out New York Fashion Week with a Celebration of Creativity

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Inside Amangiri, One of America's Most Exceptional Hotels

Four days and three nights at the exclusive, Three Key Utah resort.

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How a Ghost Town Transformed Into a Two Key Luxury Hotel

Dunton was founded in 1885 as a mining camp in the wilds of southwestern Colorado. It soon became a ghost town. Then it was turned into Dunton Hot Springs, a Two Key hotel and one of the most remarkable you'll ever see.

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Inspector Visits: Be Tulum Earns Its Key on the Busy Shores of the Caribbean

One Inspector’s visit to Be Tulum, a sparkling beachside refuge that’s simply the very best version of the town's oceanfront accommodations.

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In Photos: The Spectacular Three Key Hotels of the American West

The ins and outs of three outstanding hotels in Montana, Arizona, and Utah.

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The First MICHELIN Key Hotels: All the Keys in Canada

The MICHELIN Guide announces top honors for Canadian hotels in 2024.

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At Rosewood Mayakoba, Room #317 Lives Up To Its $5,000 Price Tag

One of the most expensive suites in Mexico's Riviera Maya comes with three plunge pools — at a resort with an on-site hawk to scare off begging seagulls.


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  1. Hungary Sopron Travel Guide 2024: Everything you need to know

    Hungary Sopron Travel Guide 2024: Everything you need to know. The city of Sopron is located in the most western part of Hungary on an isthmus of land that pokes into Austria, near Lake Fertö (Lake Neusiedl). Only 75 kilometers south of Vienna, it is directly west of Lake Fertő, the Fertőtáj UNESCO World Heritage site, and makes a great day ...

  2. Sopron, Hungary: Ultimate Guide On What To See, Eat, And Buy

    This 60-meter-high Firewatch Tower will let you enjoy the mesmerizing view of the hills as well as the inner town. What's more, a visit to the tower can be an interesting history lesson after all. Once you enter the tower, you will see all the information about the history of the Fire Tower and its shape, too.

  3. You Everything-To-Know Guide To Sopron, Hungary

    You Everything-To-Know Guide To Sopron, Hungary. Doing a road trip in Central Europe, ... Bea is a travel writer and the co-founder of Our Wanders, an adventurous family travel blog. She's been traveling for more than 10 years, seeking outdoor adventures, fairy tale castles and unique experiences. ...

  4. Things to Do in Sopron

    Things to Do in Sopron, Hungary: See Tripadvisor's 7,107 traveler reviews and photos of Sopron tourist attractions. ... World Heritage Monastery with private guide and entry. 4. Historical Tours. from . $900. per group (up to 6) Reserve. Cultural & Theme Tours. ... Tourism Sopron Hotels Sopron Bed and Breakfast Sopron Vacation Rentals Flights ...

  5. Sopron, Hungary: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024 ...

    Rosengarten Hotel & Restaurant. 68. $$ - $$$ • European, Hungarian, Central European. Sopron Tourism: Tripadvisor has 7,110 reviews of Sopron Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Sopron resource.

  6. Sopron

    Sopron is located within the Vienna regional tariff union, so if you have a ticket or travelcard covering the entire network, you can use it to travel to Sopron (but not other Hungarian towns served by suburban trains). 47.67749 16.58688 2 Train Station (Vasútállomás), Állomás u. 2. (S half km), ☏ +36 1 4444499.

  7. Sopron / Bük & Sárvár region

    Sopron and the surrounding area are located in the north-western corner of Hungary, and offer a wide range of exciting activities throughout the year. The old town centre in Sopron If you have sharp eyes, you'll notice that the old town centre in Sopron appears in many old Hungarian films, as well as in some 21st century foreign series.

  8. Sopron Travel Guide (2024)

    The ultimate travel guide to Sopron: Your all-in-one travel resource for insider tips, itineraries, must-sees and hidden gems in Sopron. Travel Guides > Hungary > Western Transdanubia. Sopron Travel Guide. What's unique? Imagine wandering through charming cobblestone streets lined with colorful buildings in Sopron, Hungary. This picturesque ...

  9. Sopron: A Day Trip by Train

    Travelling from Vienna to Sopron was an easy task. Depending on the time of day, you can book these tickets at the station for under 20 Euros each way. The trip itself is only about 1hr 15min and consists of an abundance of scenic rural views along the way.

  10. Wandering in the Old Town of Sopron, Hungary

    Travel Tips for Visiting Sopron. While you can pay for entrance to individual attractions like the Fire Tower and Soproni Museum, museum passes are also available. There is a pass for the above two spots for 2500ft or a pass for any 5 of the city's attractions for 4000ft. Details and current prices can be found here.

  11. Sopron Travel Guide

    Get information on Sopron Travel Guide - Expert Picks for your Vacation hotels, restaurants, entertainment, shopping, sightseeing, and activities. Read the Fodor's reviews, or post your own.

  12. Sopron Travel Guide: Your Border Town Exploration of Hungary's Historic

    The main attractions of the city include Fire Tower (Tuztorony), Sopron Old Town, Storno-haz, Central Mining Museum, Holy Trinity Statue, Goat Church, Church of St Michael, Fertorakosi Kofejto Thematic Park, Lover Kalandpark Sopron, Sopron Museum - Old Synagogue, and Saint George Dome Church, making it an ideal destination for Hungary travel ...

  13. Fun Things to Do in Sopron

    Frequently Asked Questions About Sopron What is the best time to visit Sopron? The best time to visit Sopron, Hungary is during the spring and summer months. From April to July, temperatures are mild and pleasant with plenty of sunshine, making it ideal for activities such as hiking, biking, or sightseeing in nature. In addition

  14. Sights

    Lookout towers. SOPRON RÉGIÓ TURISZTIKAI KÖZPONT NONPROFIT KFT. TOURINFORM SOPRON. 9400, Sopron, Szent György u. 2. +36 99 951 975. +36 99 951 976. [email protected]. Opening hours.

  15. Sopron Travel Guide

    Sopron Travel guide. 1map Travel guide; Sopron; Your Ultimate Guide for a Memorable Trip to Sopron. Welcome to your go-to resource for planning an unforgettable Sopron trip! Nestled in the picturesque Hungarian countryside, Sopron charms visitors with its rich history, captivating architecture, and vibrant cultural scene. Whether you are a ...

  16. Sopron Travel Guide

    Sopron Travel guide. 1map Travel guide; Sopron; Your Ultimate Guide for a Memorable Trip to Sopron. Embark on a delightful journey to the enchanting city of Sopron, where history, culture, and picturesque landscapes converge to offer visitors a truly unforgettable experience. Nestled in the rolling hills of western Hungary, Sopron is a charming ...

  17. Visit Sopron: 2024 Travel Guide for Sopron, Győr-Moson-Sopron

    Sopron is one of the loveliest towns in Western Hungary. The town is set within one of Hungary's main wine producing regions and still retains its medieval layout. Wander along cobbled streets, discovering ancient churches and other architectural wonders. Learn about the town's heritage at museums and galleries and then enjoy Hungarian ...

  18. Sopron

    Fagus Hotel, Ojtózi fasor 3, Sopron 9400, ☎ +36 99 515 000, [x]. Hotel Fagus is a newly opened wellness and conference hotel ideally located in the Lövér forest in the beautiful city of Sopron. Only 7 km from the Austrian border, 15 km from the lake of Fertő, 60 km from Vienna, and 200 km from Budapest. Mandarin Hotel, Baross út 1 ...

  19. Things to Do in Sopron in 2024

    Sopron Travel Guide. Sopron is a city in Gyor-Moson-Sopron, Hungary. It has many popular attractions, including Old Town Apartmenthouses, Taródi vár, Kőhalmy Hunting Museum (Forest Pub), perfect for a trip! Show Less.

  20. Travel Guide Sopron 2024

    Prepare your journey to Sopron with World Travel Index now. Learn everything about costs, attractions, safety and infrastructure in Sopron.

  21. Hungary travel

    Family Travel. Best things to do in Budapest in December. Oct 24, 2019 • 4 min read. Food. The 7 best places to brunch in Budapest. Jun 7, 2019 • 5 min read. Art. Where to escape the crowds in Eastern Europe. Mar 28, 2019 • 5 min read. Festivals & Events. Spotlight on: Hungary's carnival season.

  22. THE 30 BEST Things to Do in Sopron, Hungary

    3. Sopron Summer Toboggan Run / Soproni Bobpalya. Granted, the toboggan run is not as long as the ones nestled in the Alps (which is why I only give 4 out of 5 stars... 4. Storno-haz. Not only the house, but the collection inside, which could be a museum too is worth to visit.

  23. Things To Do In Sopron

    If you are looking for a charming destination in Hungary, you might want to consider Sopron. Sopron is a historical city near the Austrian border, with a rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. In this article, we will give you some ideas of things to do in Sopron, from exploring its medieval architecture to enjoying its wine and cuisine.

  24. The Most Sought-After Travel Guide Is a Google Doc

    The Most Sought-After Travel Guide Is a Google Doc Although Google Docs and Maps are simple to share, the creators who spend years perfecting their magnum opus docs are often selective about who ...

  25. The First MICHELIN Key Hotels: All the Keys in Canada

    Travel 2 minutes 12 September 2024 The First MICHELIN Key Hotels: All the Keys in Canada. The MICHELIN Guide announces top honors for Canadian hotels in 2024. ... The MICHELIN Guide now includes over 5,000 hotels across the world, and not a single one is simply a room for the night. These are places that significantly add to your experience as ...

  26. In Photos: The Spectacular Three Key Hotels of the American West

    Travel 1 minute 12 September 2024 In Photos: The Spectacular Three Key Hotels of the American West. The ins and outs of three outstanding hotels in Montana, Arizona, and Utah. ... The Three Key distinction is the highest hotel honor in The MICHELIN Guide. Earning One Key or Two Keys is difficult enough, but only 11 hotels received the Three Key ...

  27. The First MICHELIN Key Hotels: All the Keys in Mexico

    Hot Spots: The Pacific Coast and Yucatan Peninsula. Of the tiny club of Three Key hotels in Mexico, two of them — Xinalani and One&Only Mandarina — make their homes along the Pacific. They're joined by other Key hotels up and down the coastline, from Bellview Boutique Hotel, Casa Kimberly, and Hacienda San Angel in Puerta Vallarta, to Playa Viva in Zihuatanejo and Zoa Hotel in Oaxaca.