TF Resource

Commercial Packages for Travel Modeling


Quick Response System II

# Introduction

This page contains brief descriptions of commercial travel forecasting packages for which technical support is currently available. TFResource does not endorse any specific package.

Company: Bentley Systems

Brief description of what the software does: CUBE is comprised of the primary product CUBE Voyager, and its five extensions to enhance capabilities for specialized tasks such as demand modeling, land use planning (CUBE Land) and dynamic traffic assignment (CUBE Avenue). CUBE supports multi-level forecasting of people and vehicles with the customization necessary to create a digital replica of the transport system in your area. CUBE supports any mode of transport, delivering a true, multimodal demand modeling approach with feedback interactions between different modes (walking, cycling, cars, freight, transit, air, water, etc.).

Uses of the software and types of users: CUBE is a flexible platform allowing the incorporation of 3rd party applications into the workflow if required. CUBE is used for multimodal mobility planning in the public, private, and education sectors. It is typically used to study; highway projects, public transport systems, cycle demand and route choice, toll-roads, air quality and accessibility studies, to name a few.

(opens new window)

Company: INRO (Acquired by Bentley Systems in April 2021)

Brief description of what the software does: Emme is software for multimodal transport planning. It is a complete transportation forecasting system for planning the urban, regional and national transportation of people.

Uses of the software and types of users: Emme is used to implement mobility models which allow planners a virtual laboratory in which to test the impacts and interactions of transport policy, demographics and urban geography on available transport infrastructure including roads, traffic, public transit, fares and other modes of travel. By modeling the people, places, processes, and options involved in travel, transport planners can forecast transport system performance, accessibility and equity, and evaluate any number of virtual scenarios or interventions to better inform real world planning decisions. Emme applications include travel demand forecasting, transit planning, traffic planning, economic and environmental analysis, and related studies. User agencies include regional councils, MPOs and DOTs or their equivalents, national planning agencies, transit agencies, toll road operators, consultancies and more.

Website , Contact Steve Perone, VP Business Development

# PTV Visum

Company: PTV Group

Brief description of what the software does: PTV Visum is a software system that allows you to model all private and public transportation types in a single, integrated model. PTV Visum’s data model is designed to store all types of common transportation data including aggregate and disaggregate person and household data, land use, detailed roadway and intersection representations, public transit schedules, and travel demand modeling results. A large set of procedures are provided for importing and manipulating data, modeling demand, and assignment. Network editing and all procedures are available through the graphical user interface. Unlike simple GIS systems, PTV Visum allows complex relationships within single or several transportation systems and modes to be retained, enabling you to create a complete, multimodal transportation model.

Uses of the software and types of users: PTV Visum is used as a complete travel demand modeling tool capable of modeling at both the Macroscopic and Mesoscopic level. It is used for both traditional trip-based and activity-based models. PTV Visum offers several impact models for analysis and evaluation of transportation supply. The user model simulates the travel behavior of public transit passengers and car drivers. It calculates traffic volumes and service skims. An operator model determines operational indicators of a public transit service. Visum displays the calculation results in graphical and tabular form and allows you to perform various graphical analyses of the results. The software is used by traffic engineers, private and public transportation operators and authorities, and decision-makers in the field of transport planning.

# Quick Response System II

Company: AJH Associates

Brief description of what the software does: QRS II is a state-of-the-practice, trip-based, travel forecasting package. Its capabilities include equilibrium traffic assignment and stochastic multipath transit trip assignment. Dynamic and multiclass equilibrium traffic assignments techniques are also available for highways. It explicitly considers traffic-controlled intersections – signals and signs – following the Highway Capacity Manual, in order to incorporate the presence of conflicting and opposing traffic. Default parameters are supplied, but can be easily modified. QRS II offers exceptional speed of calculation with true parallel processing on multicore computers. QRS II provides an extensive range of methods for refining forecasts from traffic counts, and its traffic assignments can reflect uncertainty in travel times.

Uses of the software and types of users: QRS II provides traditional region-wide forecasting, as well as project-level and strategic (short to medium term) travel forecasting. QRS II runs the four-step planning process for highway and transit forecasting. QRS II has been greatly influenced by NCHRP Reports 187, 365, 716, and 765. QRS II is used by MPOs, state DOTs, municipalities, and traffic consultants.

Company: Caliper Corporation

Brief description of what the software does: TransCAD is the only travel modeling software built on a native GIS platform. The GIS is fully functional supporting overlays, buffering, isochrones, clustering, adjacency, spatial autocorrelation, etc. TransCAD both estimates and applies cross-classification, regression, gravity, and simple and nested logit models for mode, destination, and other choices. Assignment methods include link and path-based classical and stochastic multiclass user equilibrium, system optimal, macroscopic DTA, etc. TransCAD is fully multithreaded and all functionality is available both through a Windows user interface and through scripting with GISDK, Python, and R.

Uses of the software and types of users: TransCAD is widely used across the United States and around the world, being used by 37 state DOTs and over 215 MPOs in the US as well as in over 80 other countries. TransCAD is used by FTA, FRA, and FHWA for FAF and the national long-distance models.

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Logo cube

Predictive transportation modeling and simulation software.

CUBE is a predictive transportation modeling and simulation software for transportation planners, engineers, and city planners to visualize and test scenarios. You can compare potential benefits and uncover unexpected consequences to save time and money during the review cycles before entering the design process.

Supporting any mode of transport, CUBE delivers a true multimodal approach with feedback interactions between different modes including pedestrians, bikes, cars, freight, buses, bus rapid transit, rail, air, water, and more.

Product Tiers

Technical capabilities, understand the impact of transportation.

Imagen cube 1

CUBE and its extension applications cover all aspects of transportation to help you better understand the impact before implementation. You can access interactive data input and analysis, GIS functionality, model building and documentation, and scenario development and comparison. Easily link between the model, the data, and GIS in a single click, making the development and application of your models easy to use. CUBE is a prerequisite for CUBE add-on extension applications, CUBE Land Add-on and CUBE Cargo Add-on.

$6,000 – 8,600 12-month subscription

Including 3 Keys

  • Redeem Keys (training credits) for training or services of your choice
  • CUBE | Access interactive data input and analysis, GIS functionality, model building, and scenario development
  • CUBE | Create the best plan for your area with macroscopic movement data of people and vehicles
  • Land Add-on | Integrate with transportation models to predict land-use changes to the transportation system
  • Cargo Add-on | Modeling freight demand to quickly understand or predict the impact of commodity flows

CUBE is a desktop interface to link between the model, the data, and GIS in a single click, making the development and application of your models easy to use.

  • Scenario Manager You can clearly manage any number of different scenarios, without the need for separate folders and file management.
  • Scenario Window Forecasting has never been easier. You can easily highlight key model parameters and data for easy creation and testing of your scenarios. A set of input data is a Scenario, and a “Scenario Window” is the graphic interface for scenario creation, editing and management.
  • Application Manager Design, code, document, and run your model using a flow-chart system. Your input and output data is shown in the context of the model and can be immediately viewed or edited by double-clicking on them.
  • CUBE GIS CUBE includes a GIS system in its own right and is 100% compatible with the world’s most widely used standard GIS system, ESRI’s ArcGIS. The geodatabase technology is the same as in ArcGIS and the look and feel of the mapping window is identical.
  • Network program: Specifically designed for building, comparing and manipulating transportation networks.
  • Public transport program: Transit services are coded as running in mixed traffic or on dedicated facilities. Users may represent service levels using either headways or timetables and with or without the effects of crowding.
  • Highway program: Used to estimate zone-to-zone paths for skimming and assigning highway networks through a variety of deterministic and stochastic algorithms.
  • Demand modeling program: Includes matrix, generation, distribution, and fratar. Matrix is an extremely powerful calculator designed for demand modeling and matrix manipulation.

CUBE and its add-on extension applications cover all aspects of transportation to help you better understand the impact before implementation. CUBE is a prerequisite for CUBE add-on extension applications such as CUBE Land and CUBE Cargo.

Imagen cube 2

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CUBE?

CUBE is a predictive modeling and transportation simulation software. You can analyze the effects of new projects and policies on a city’s transportation network, land-use, and its population. CUBE covers all aspects of transportation to help you better understand the impact before implementation.

How much does CUBE cost?

A practitioner license of CUBE costs $8,600 USD, CUBE Land costs $6,000 USD and CUBE Cargo costs $6,000 USD. Prices vary per region. While there are various types of licensing available, a common choice is the 12-month practitioner license offered through Virtuosity, Bentley’s eCommerce store. When you purchase through Virtuosity, you get a Virtuoso Subscription. This means you get the software and “Keys” (tokens) to redeem for customizable training, mentoring, and consulting services.

System Requirements

  • Minimum: Intel® Pentium 4, AMD Athlon
  • Recommended: Intel® Core i5, i7, Xeon or better; AMD Phenom II, Athlon II, FX-Series, A-Series APU or better

Operating System

  • Recommended: Windows 10
  • Minimum: 1 GB
  • Recommended: 4 GB or higher
  • With Cluster: 2 GB per core recommended
  • 10 GB for the application and supporting applications and data (like GIS)
  • 100+ GB for output files
  • Minimum: 1024 x 768 at normal size (96dpi); 16-bit color depth
  • Recommended: 1440 x 900 or higher at normal size (96 dpi); 32-bit color depth

Video/Graphics Adapter

  • Minimum: 24-bit capable graphics adapter; 64 MB video memory
  • Recommended: 32-bit capable graphics adapter; 512 MB or more video memory
  • OpenGL version 2.0 runtime and Shader Model 3.0 or higher is recommended ATI or NVidia GPU is recommended for any 3D GIS work


Travel Demand Modeling

cube travel demand software

Travel Demand  Modeling

TJKM provides customized and innovative travel demand modeling solutions to our clients in both public and private sectors. With deep understanding of advanced demand modeling theories and intimate knowledge of the latest demand modeling software tools, TJKM promises to deliver the best modeling solutions that will meet our clients’ needs. We offer expert consultation for the review, development, implementation, application, and calibration of travel demand models for cities, counties, metropolitan transportation organizations (MPOs), and statewide agencies. Our travel demand modeling services include, model development/update, on-call modeling services, project level demand modeling support, and training. We are experienced in all major travel demand modeling software packages including Cube, TransCAD, EMME, VISUM, Tranplan, and MinUTP, as well as common programming languages, such as Python, Java, MS Office VBA, C++, Pascal, and Fortran.

Examples of our travel demand modeling services include:

Travel Demand Model Development and Update

  • Traditional 4-Step Trip Based Models
  • Activity Based Models
  • Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models

Travel Demand Modeling On-Call Services

  • Model Maintenance
  • Communication with Model Users

Project Level Travel Demand Modeling Support for:

  • Traffic Impact Studies
  • General Plan Update
  • Environmental Impact Reports/Environmental Impact Statements
  • Managed Lanes
  • Corridor Studies
  • Transit-Oriented Development
  • Smart Growth
  • Ridership Forecasts (FTA New Starts)
  • Multimodal Level Of Service Performance Metrics
  • Travel Market Analysis using AirSage Cell Phone Data
  • Certified Cube Training
  • Modeling Tools Training

Relevant Projects

  • BART to Livermore Extension EIR – Travel Market Analysis
  • Three County Model 2015 Base Year Update and Support, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, & Merced Counties
  • Menlo Park City Model Development
  • Citywide Travel Demand Model Development, Redwood City
  • I–880 Retrofit Weekend Model Development, Caltrans
  • San Joaquin Regional Model Update, San Joaquin Council of Governments
  • Regional Transportation Speed Profile with Model Update & Traffic Count Database, Washoe Regional Transportation Commission, Washoe, NV
  • Citywide GPS-based Speed Profile and Model Development, Palo Alto
  • Community Forecasting, Mountain House
  • Traffic Circulation Model Development, Patterson
  • Model Development, Update, Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho (COMPASS), Boise, ID
  • Greater Ukiah Area Microsimulation Model, Mendocino County
  • City Model Development, Napa
  • Regional Transportation Speed Profile with Model Update and Traffic Count Database, Washoe Regional Transportation Commission, Washoe, NV

Click here for more information

  • Careers Opportunities
  • Benefits and Perks

Agent for CUBE Demo: Technical Note

Download the proof-of-concept (demo) here:  

For help using the proof-of-concept example, please contact:


The motivation behind the integration of Agent within CUBE Application Manager is based on the following main objectives:

  • Allow CUBE users to use Agent to configure, manage and maintain travel demand models, including activity-based models,.
  • Allow CUBE users to integrate the Agent population synthesizer to generate synthetic households and/or persons for use in agent-based models.
  • Allowing CUBE users to take advantage of automated demand model calibration features to match targets from such sources as household travel survey, traffic counts, big data, etc.
  • Allow CUBE users to use Agent in integrated travel demand models with Voyager network models.

Agent might be used to re-platform an existing travel demand model, whether or not it is implemented directly in Voyager, or to develop entirely new model structures to support transport planning decisions.

When integrating Agent within CUBE, data processing and travel model components as well as organization of data and scenarios may continue to use the CUBE Application Manager and Scenario Manager, which can manage the integration between Agent scenarios.

About Agent

Agent provides a platform to assemble, calibrate and apply agent-based travel demand models, that is, demand models which are expressed entirely as a choice of individual agents including persons, households, trips, tours and even aggregate O-D pairs or zones. Agent supports a variety of travel demand model structures and may be used to implement trip-based, hybrid, tour-based or activity-based models, as well as to mix elements of each as needed.

More background information about Agent is available at the following links:

  • Agent web page describing main functionality and availability for CUBE and EMME users
  • On-demand webinar: Advancing travel demand models with Agent


This proof-of-concept has been developed to demonstrate the feasibility of this integration and may be generalized to allow for more complex model structures and extended to integrate the usage of CUBE Land for generating demographic data for Agent. For detailed technical appreciation of the how the integration is accomplished, please see Appendix – Integration and API details. To use the proof-of-concept model, please follow the step-by-step explanation below (do not skip any step!).

AGENT Add-on: Licensing and Distribution

AGENT is available to all CUBE users via the AGENT Add-on. At time of publishing (Nov 2022), the AGENT Add-on is distributed and documented via EMME software which must be downloaded and installed prior to use. It may be useful for the reader to consult additional references listed below (see "Further Reading").

Agent for CUBE Winnipeg Demo: Key Concepts

Agent data is stored into the Datastore , stored in a separate and independent database in the directory Datastore.

Agent demographic scenarios  is based on different Land Use Data, grouping together:

  • A zone hierarchy, with zone systems and attributes and associated geometry (if required).
  • Associated samples (PUMS or Household Travel Survey).
  • Synthetic populations (HHs and/or persons) from Agent Synthetic population.

Agent Model Packages represent an assembled configuration of a certain type of a demand model, in the case of the Winnipeg demo, this is a disaggregate tour-based model. This model package also includes a list of targets which can be used to calibrate the demand model.

Agent Travel Scenario is defined through the Python scripts, using the API, just as a “container” where the demand model package is run based on the selection of:

  • Model package to be run (demand model steps) and the associated global constants.
  • Demographic scenario: zone hierarchy with their attributes.
  • Synthetic population.
  • Network zone system.
  • Database: this is currently connected to the EMME (emmebank) where the skim matrices are imported from CUBE throughout the workflow.
  • Network scenario: centroid IDs for validation with Network zone system.
  • Calibration mode which enables auto-calibration of the demand model. Calibration mode should be enabled if the calibration targets are modified. This is not part of the workflow explained below in the document.
  • Option to save selected O-D attributes as matrices which can be used for aggregate assignment.

The user should notice that the implementation for this proof-of-concept can be further generalized to become more flexible and accommodate the full specification from the CUBE model for other model structures. In this example, the following two Python files are provided and they should be customized by the user if other model structures related to the user specific models need to be applied:

  • "ex_Winnipeg_Agent\AgentPy\ emme_proj. py ": creating/updating the EMME project and Agent demographic scenario (to be run manually by the user as explained below).
  • "ex_Winnipeg_Agent\AgentPy\ emme_proj_and_run_demand. py ": updating the EMME project and running Agent throughout the CUBE feedback loop (not to be run manually by the user).

Finally, to open the Agent GUI natively from CUBE Application Manager, the user can run the following pyc file from CUBE:

  • "ex_Winnipeg_Agent\AgentPy\ cpython-37.pyc ": opening the Agent GUI for designing the demand model through GUI with the configuration provided by CUBE. This is achieved by using the command line below in Pilot:

**start "" "{Python_Interpreter}" "{catalog_dir}/AgentPy/open_agent.cpython-37.pyc" "{catalog_dir}"

Agent for CUBE Winnipeg Demo: Users Workflow

After running the  ex_Winnipeg_Agent_v0103.exe to unzip the content, the Agent for CUBE Winnipeg Demo catalog is provided in the following location:


The CUBE catalog folder structure looks initially like the below:

To use the Agent for CUBE Proof-of-Concept catalog you should open the CUBE CONNECT Edition (v6.5) software and open the catalog .

There are two main (parent) applications within the catalog:

To open the help for Agent, look at the “Agent_Help” application and double-click on the Pilot program corresponding to the manual you would like to open.

Then, to work with the proof-of-concept model for Winnipeg, you should open (double-click) on the ex_Demo_Winnipeg application (see screenshot above).

You can start by using the existing Scenario_3001 , and then you can also define your own scenario and select your inputs. Nevertheless, it is important to notice that the {Scenario_Code} that is defined in CUBE, corresponds to the Emme emmebank scenario id for the network scenario in the Emme project that will be generated. Therefore a single integer value should be entered here, between 1 and 99999.

When using this demo for the first time, please make sure to point the Python interpreter key to the EMME installation folder for the version installed on your machine , as shown in the below screenshot as example:

Before running the entire demo model scenario, it is necessary to run the application in "set-up mode", i.e., to only set-up the inputs for Agent model preparation and to open the Agent GUI through CUBE, with the populated inputs. This can be done by selecting the option within the CUBE Scenario Panel for the scenario, checking the box below:

Alternatively, and probably more commonly when building a model from scratch and checking each step, it is possible to run the CUBE application step-by-step, to create the necessary initialization inputs for the Agent model preparation. Therefore, it is alternatively possible to  run the following sub-groups through Application Manager :

  • Data preparation
  • Free-flow skims
  • Loop (circle) to copy the initialization files
  • Demand Model (Agent) > Data Processing

Then, once those intermediate files are created, run (double-click) on the Pilot program inside the “Demand model (Agent)” sub-group, with name “Create/Edit Demographic Scenario” , to create (if not already run) or update (if this has been already run successfully) the Emme project with network scenario, in the background, and the Agent model with demographic scenario, through the Python script using the API. You will notice that this and the next Pilot program need to be run manually only when needed during the model development (they can even be removed or hidden in the final version of the model, once the Agent model has been created and does not need to be updated, to be used by the model applier if desired).

Once the Agent model has been created, or updated with the CUBE inputs, the Python pop-up window will close. If you look at your catalog directory, the first time that you run this Pilot program you will notice that the Emme project folder below will be created and populated:

Then, run (double-click) the Pilot program named “Open Agent” within the same sub-group, this will open the Agent GUI for you to build your model with the already populated inputs from the previous steps.

When you open Agent through CUBE, you will see a window like the one below opening up, showing you the arguments that you passed to the Python script that are initializing your Agent model. The Agent window will be opened behind that window. Do not close the Python window when working in the Agent window.

Once the Agent GUI opens up, with your network and demographic scenarios already populated through the previous steps from your set of inputs coming from CUBE, then you can proceed with building your Agent model through the interface .

To make things quicker for the purpose of the demo, we have prepared some specification files to be used directly, avoiding having you to re-build the entire model:

  • Under “Demographic Scenarios > Base MAZs > Synthetic Populations” click the “+” button to open the “Create Synthetic Population” window 

  • Select your sample by clicking on “Sample 1” 

  • Within the “Create Synthetic Population” window, click on “Load specification” (bottom-right of the window)

  • Select the provided specification file: "\ex_Winnipeg_Agent\Specifications\Pop_Synth.ems" and click OK.
  • Click “Run” to run and save the population synthesis (1-2 mins)

  • Close the “Create Synthetic Population” tab (not the whole EMME AGENT window)
  • Rename the output Population with the same name as the name specified under the catalog key: {Synth_population} (“Population MAZ” in the demo) - Note : do not skip this step, these names must be the same!

  • Beside “MODEL PACKAGES” click the “+” button to Create Model Package

  • Enter the following name of the Model Package (for the demo): “Disaggregate tour-based”

Note: the name of this Travel Scenario is specified in the specification file created within CUBE. If a different name is to be used, this needs to be updated in CUBE under the catalog key (scenario specific): {model_package}

  • Under “Specification (optional)”, click on the browse button
  • Select the provided specification file "\ex_Winnipeg_Agent\Specifications\Disaggregate_tour-based_Model_Package.ems"
  • Click “Create”

Once the Population Synthesis and the Model Package have been created, close the Agent GUI (click "Confirm" when asked to close the GUI).

From this point on, the Travel Scenarios will be created for any new scenario directly through CUBE, without the need to open Agent again.

If double-clicking again the same Pilot step mentioned above to open Agent, this will just open the Agent GUI again but with the existing specifications with the most updated data from CUBE, it will not re-create the project.

Once the above steps are undertaken and the Agent window has been closed, it is possible to run the entire Scenario_3001 by double clicking on it within CUBE Scenario Manager and click “run”, making sure to uncheck the box selecting the "set-up mode" . 

This will run the CUBE feedback loop, with the Agent demand model fully integrated. You will see the Agent window temporarily opening up during the model execution, do not close the window, it will close automatically.

The full model should take around 8 minutes to run 2 global loops, tested in a Laptop with the following characteristics:

  • Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8850H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz
  • Installed RAM: 32.0 GB (31.8 GB usable)
  • System type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
  • Cores: 6, Logical Processors: 12

Disclaimer: Current Workflow Limitations

At the current state of development, the provided AGENT for CUBE demo (proof-of-concept) tool requires the installation of both CUBE and EMME, and may not provide clear user feedback in the following cases:

  • Following EMME software upgrade, on first use of an existing model, without re-creation of the project and re-importing of the data.
  • In the case of inconsistent zone systems between EMME project and AGENT data store.

In these cases, it is always recommended to first start AGENT from the corresponding EMME project (.emp) in EMME Desktop to receive full information on required data upgrades, backup and other messages. More details may be found in EMME Help->Agent Manual->Launch Agent.

Further Reading

The reader interested in additional references may consult the following resources available in the EMME distribution:

  • EMME Help->Agent Manual
  • EMME Help->API Guides and References-> AGENT API Guide
  • EMME Help->API Guides and References-> Matrix API Guide
  • EMME Help->API Guides and References-> EMME API Reference

Appendix: Integration and API Details

The integration of Agent in CUBE is currently implemented via the EMME and Agent APIs in Python scripts that may be run in CUBE within Pilot steps. Data are passed from CUBE to Agent through system arguments, and through catalog keys for the Agent specification file, which may also be parametrized.

The proof-of-concept illustrates the use of the abovementioned Emme and Agent APIs to automate the construction of a minimal Emme project and Agent datastore based on CUBE model data. The following steps are currently required to guarantee consistency between the CUBE model and the Agent model set-up.

1. Inputs: a. Creation of an Emme project (*.emp file) and folder within the CUBE catalog folder b. For input skim matrices we convert *.mat CUBE matrices to OMX matrices which are then imported into the Emme project. c. For zonal data, we import CSV files into the Agent datastore via the Agent API. d. For centroids, we import a list of TAZ-level centroids as CSV into the Emme database. The centroid IDs here must correspond to the corresponding Agent zone system or validation errors will be raised. e. The travel scenario configuration file is in json format and is parametrized to use catalog keys through a Voyager Matrix program. The extension of the configuration file is *.ems.

2. Outputs: a. Demand model simulation results including aggregate (O-D, zonal) results, or disaggregate (households, persons, trips, tours, etc.) results are stored in a corresponding Agent travel scenario. b. Trip table matrices are written to the Emme Database. These are then converted to OMX using Emme APIs, and then converted to CUBE *.mat format using a Pilot step with CONVERTMAT.

The user should be aware of the following three aspects specifically related to the Agent API:

  • The Agent API reads CSV files for tables.
  • The Agent API requires absolute paths.
  • The Emme and Agent API requires Python 3.7 coming with the Emme installation. Therefore, the Python interpreter path must be the one in the Emme installation folder: “C:\Program Files\INRO\Emme\Emme 4\Emme-4.6.2\Python37\Lib\site-packages”.

Using the Caltrans District Map Navigation

Insert Vimeo video here of a user using the application. (Screen record a demo.)

This website is designed for Caltrans staff who prepare and analyze travel demand model outputs. It provides an overview of the transportation planning process with an emphasis on the basics of travel demand modeling and forecasting. The CUBE software package, which is a common software package used to develop travel demand models in California, has its own webpage. It features topics selected from courses that were presented in the districts. The CUBE website can be accessed here .

Adding Links/Editing Attributes

Color themes/labels, displaying paths, exporting links, scripting matrices, scripting networks, scripting select link, cube overview and navigation.

  • Model Development and Application
  • Software Topics
  • Other Topics (including County Models)
  • MPO Models

For more helpful information check out these links:


  • American Planning Association (APA)
  • Association of Metropolitan Planning of Organizations (AMPO)
  • Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
  • Transportation Research Board (TRB)
  • Travel Model Improvement Project (TMIP)

Software Documentation

  • Citilabs CUBE

C/CAG logo

Travel Demand Model

Congestion Management Program legislation requires that C/CAG, as the congestion management agency for San Mateo County, develop and maintain a countywide travel demand model. Travel models are tools that can be used to project future transportation conditions, forecast the need for and potential effectiveness of transportation projects and infrastructure improvements, and identify the impacts of land use development.

C/CAG licenses the countywide travel demand model for San Mateo County from the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), which maintains a travel demand model that is optimized for the counties of Santa Clara and San Mateo and accounts for transportation impacts from neighboring counties and regional commute sheds. The C/CAG-VTA Model is a four-step travel demand model implemented in Citilabs Cube Voyager software that is based on the BAYCAST-90 travel forecasting system used by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). More detailed information on the C/CAG-VTA Model is included in the most recently adopted San Mateo County Congestion Management Program.

Project sponsors seeking information from the C/CAG-VTA Model must consult with VTA or one of six pre-qualified modeling firms for various travel model applications. The attached document provides an overview of the process for C/CAG member agencies and planning partners to request authorization to use the C/CAG-VTA Travel Model and seek assistance from a pre-qualified consulting firm. Upon receipt of C/CAG authorization, project sponsors are to contract directly with one of the pre-qualified consulting firms for work.

Authorization to Use CCAG-VTA Model

County Office Building Fifth Floor

Phone: (650) 599-1406

Member Agencies

  • Board/Committees
  • Opportunities

Mott MacDonald sub logo white

Travel demand modeling

The optimum performance of any transportation system relies on a thorough analysis of its operations..

By applying comprehensive local and regional transportation modeling, it's possible to generate a clear picture of the outcome of alternatives and recommended paths.

Mott MacDonald's capabilities include static and dynamic models, from long-term regional transportation planning to neighborhood-level microsimulation featuring individual traffic counts in real time. Our expertise in demand forecasting includes toll roads, public transportation systems, and roadways.

To accurately forecast transportation demands, we assist with data collection and create specialized transportation models using forecasting software tools such as TransCAD, Cube, EMME/2/3, VISUM, MINUTP, and Tmodel. Modeling capabilities include speed study surveys, traffic counts, trip tables, and microsimulation.

We can design high-quality congestion and travel time models using a combination of both historical and current data. Our experience includes demographic research, economic conditions, environmental conditions, and development trends.

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Travel Demand Model & Traffic Monitoring

One of TAM’s major responsibilities as Marin County’s Congestion Management Agency (CMA) is to maintain a travel demand forecasting tool or model, to assess potential impacts on the transportation network from changes to the roadway network and local land use decisions. TAM is responsible for the development, maintenance, and application of a countywide travel demand model, consistent with regional land use and socio-economic database of the Association of Bay Area Governments, and assumptions of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s regional travel demand model.

Travel Demand Model Overview

Vmt overview, vmt web map, documents & links, what is a travel demand model.

Travel forecasting models serve as important long-range planning tools that help us forecast what the travel demand may look like in the future. Models consider factors such as population, housing, the economy, transit options and more. Using a model provides us with quantifiable data for transportation investments and decision-making.

TAM’s travel demand model

By state law, our model is required to be consistent with the regional model developed and maintained by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and with land use and demographic data published by the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG).

TAM’s current model, the Transportation Authority of Marin Demand Model (TAMDM) is an activity-based model that uses Cube Citilabs Software. The model is a sub-regional model of MTC’s Travel Model 2 and is operated and maintained by TAM contractors. Access to the model is available to qualified contractors through a use agreement with TAM.

SB 743 (Steinberg, 2013) updates the way transportation impacts are measured as part of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for new development projects. Lead agencies are now required to analyze Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) as part of the transportation impact analysis requirements under CEQA. To support local lead agencies to meet these requirements, TAM has developed an activity-based model, the TAM Demand Model (TAMDM) to provide estimates of existing and forecasted VMT per capita in Marin County.

The VMT webmap in the next tab provides existing (2015) and forecasted (2040) estimates of VMT per capita (residential and employment) for traffic analysis zones and micro analysis zones in TAMDM. Lead agencies have the discretion to determine the most appropriate methodology to evaluate a project ‘s VMT and may revise estimates to reflect professional judgment based on substantial evidence.

Memo: 2015 & 2040 TAMDM Marin County VMT Estimates (2020-11-02)

TAMDM Development Report (2020-09-01)

TAMDM User’s Guide (2020-09-17)

Derek McGill

Planning Manager

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TRID the TRIS and ITRD database

Transportation Planning: Travel Demand Modeling Forecast: Model Conversion from TransCAD to Cube Voyager

The key to develop an accurate, reusable, and representative transportation demand model requires extensive planning prior to beginning any coding. After all, the selection of which transportation software application to deploy the transportation demand model will greatly affect the outcome of the run. For example, when applying/using the same modeling approach on transportation demand forecasting, it can be expected that two different model applications provide comparable results. However, one model application could take one tenth of the run time of the other. Run time duration is one of the many factors transportation professionals should consider. The difference is not only a matter of computer time — as the run requires professional monitoring that, in turn, transfers directly to cost. When evaluating applications, one should consider factors such as ease of maintenance and output information along with runtime duration. It may be even beneficial to convert the model to a new platform. Despite the initial investments needed to convert or redevelop transportation model, the benefits do add up expeditiously. This paper will study the reasons behind the decision of converting the Transportation Demand Forecast Model from TransCAD to the Cube software package. Lastly, the pros and cons of two different applications will be compared.

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American Society of Civil Engineers

  • Wong, Ka-Fai
  • Seventh International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals (ICCTP)
  • Location: Shanghai , China
  • Date: 2007-5-21 to 2007-5-22
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Media Type: Print
  • Features: Figures; Maps; References;
  • Pagination: pp 30-42
  • Monograph Title: Plan, Build and Manage Transportation Infrastructure in China

Subject/Index Terms

  • TRT Terms: Public transit ; Software ; Traffic forecasting ; Transit operating agencies ; Transportation planning ; Travel demand
  • Identifier Terms: Cube Voyager (Software) ; TransCAD (Computer program)
  • Subject Areas: Highways; Planning and Forecasting; Public Transportation; I72: Traffic and Transport Planning;

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01162585
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 9780784409527
  • Files: TRIS
  • Created Date: Jul 16 2010 11:36AM


Transportation Planner 2 (40 Hour)-Travel Demand Modeler

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  • Newington, CT
  • Posted on September 4, 2024
  • Closes: September 17, 2024

Connecticut DOT

Connecticut DOT

Transportation Planner 2 (40 Hour) Travel Demand Modeler

Recruitment #240830-8876FE-001

Location Newington, CT

Date Opened 9/4/2024 12:00:00 AM Salary $87,546* – $126,001/year (*New to state service to start at minimum) Job Type Open to the Public Close Date 9/17/2024 11:59:00 PM Go Back Apply View Benefits


Are you a team player who wishes to analyze and prepare support data for executive decision-makers in developing the best programs and plans for the future of our state transportation system?

If so, this opportunity may be for you!

The State of Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) is now accepting applications for a Transportation Planner 2 position in the Travel Demand and Air Quality Modeling Unit, in the Bureau of Policy and Planning.

The Travel Demand and Air Quality Modeling Unit is responsible for implementing the DOT’s Statewide Travel Demand Model, utilizing a suite of Cube software programs to estimate future travel, utilizing US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) MOVES software to simulate and forecast pollutant emissions, and for preparing, forecasting, and maintaining demographic and socioeconomic data for use within the models.


Visit our new State Employee Benefits Overview page! A healthy work-life balance to all employees Professional growth and development opportunities Work for a Forbes top company – ‘Forbes’: State of Connecticut Ranked One of the Best Employers of 2023 – State of CT Receives National Recognition for Offering Job Growth, Competitive Benefits, and Flexible Schedule CTDOT has been recently awarded the Employer of the Year award by the Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE) and named the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) CT Employer of the Year for 2024! POSITION HIGHLIGHTS: First Shift Full Time, 40 hours per week Monday through Friday Location: DOT Headquarters in Newington, CT P-4 (Engineering and Scientific) bargaining unit This position is eligible to apply for telework after successful completion of the working test period, and thereafter, in accordance with the Telework Policy. The Policy can be found here. Employees in their initial working test period must work on site in the office

THE ROLE: We are seeking a highly motivated candidate for this opportunity to advance the statewide travel demand model capabilities to forecast various travel modes and vehicle miles of travel to support the DOT’s existing programs and plans, as well as new requirements of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). This position reports directly to a Supervising Transportation Planner or other employee of higher grade.

There is an extensive amount of preparation, maintenance, and manipulation of data files needed to produce travel estimates and air quality impacts, such as vehicle miles of travel, rail and transit ridership, rail station boarding, and pollutant emissions.  This unit also conducts scenario planning for analysis of proposed Department projects.

The Transportation Planner 2 position will be part of a team focused on data gathering and analysis for the state’s travel demand model used to forecast vehicle miles of travel and ridership on the state’s transportation system and will work closely with an on-call consultant to update the travel demand model using data obtained from the current Household travel survey.  The selected candidate will also be responsible for ensuring clear and effective communication and working relationships both internally with planning and design teams as well as with other regional, state, and federal agencies.

Additional responsibilities include: Updating, calibrating, and maintaining the Department’s travel demand model Preparing and running the travel demand model for Air Quality Conformity Analyzing various outputs from the travel demand model Project-level analysis for highway and transit alternatives Overseeing the development of future model improvements, including assisting in managing a task-based consultant Developing various databases, manipulating large datasets and applications as related to the Department’s travel demand model Collecting and analyzing data related to the impacts of projects and programs Reviewing studies, surveys, and technical documents for conformance with Department standards, needs, and state and federal laws and regulations Utilizing technical computer products and software, including Microsoft Office and travel demand modeling software (CUBE) Distributing travel demand model as needed to consultants working on Department projects Preparing documentation and flowcharts for new travel demand modeling process and procedures Related duties as required

WHO WE ARE: About Us: As one of Connecticut’s largest State agencies, DOT employs approximately 3,200 individuals statewide in five distinct bureaus. It is our mission to provide a safe, accessible and efficient multimodal transportation network that improves the quality of life and promotes economic vitality for the State and the region. We have a significant transportation infrastructure system that is essential to maintaining mobility for Connecticut residents and businesses and supporting economic and community development while preserving environmental and cultural resources. The Department of Transportation is committed to cultivating a diverse staff that is representative of the communities we serve. Applications from individuals having diverse backgrounds and life experiences are strongly encouraged.

To apply for this job email your details to

Comments are closed.

© American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. All rights reserved.

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  1. Bentley Webinar: Introduction to Travel Demand Modeling and CUBE (Apr 28 2020)

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    OpenPaths | Bentley Systems ... OpenPaths

  2. Mobility Simulation Software

    Mobility Simulation Software. Multimodal, integrated transport planning, modeling, and analysis software that opens paths to better mobility. Includes the OpenPaths CUBE and OpenPaths EMME multimodal transport planning, OpenPaths AGENT demand modeling, and OpenPaths DYNAMEQ traffic simulation software. Model & simulate the movement of people to ...

  3. What's New in CUBE

    CUBE is now part of Bentley's new OpenPaths transport modeling software suite. OpenPaths CUBE 2024 is a major update which offers a more productive, usable and efficient model management experience. ... 2024 is now natively integrated with AGENT travel demand modeling software, permitting assembly of virtually any travel demand model ...

  4. CUBE

    CUBE Land can be configured to implement any of a number of widely-known approaches for integrating travel demand and land-use model components. You can produce an equilibrium forecast based on automatic feedback between land-use and transportation models, introduce time lags between sub-models, or manually control the interaction between model ...

  5. Cube Voyager Software, How To Use

    This is a series of videos to help you get started using the Bentley Cube Voyager travel demand modeling software. We are using St. George, Utah as the example.

  6. Commercial Packages for Travel Modeling

    Uses of the software and types of users: CUBE is a flexible platform allowing the incorporation of 3rd party applications into the workflow if required. CUBE is used for multimodal mobility planning in the public, private, and education sectors. ... Emme applications include travel demand forecasting, transit planning, traffic planning ...

  7. Bentley Webinar: Introduction to Travel Demand Modeling and CUBE (Apr

    Bentley Webinar: Introduction to Travel Demand Modeling and CUBEDisclaimer: I only recorded this video for educational purposes and reference only. All conte...

  8. CUBE

    CUBE is a predictive transportation modeling and simulation software for transportation planners, engineers, and city planners to visualize and test scenarios. You can compare potential benefits and uncover unexpected consequences to save time and money during the review cycles before entering the design process.

  9. CUBE Blogs

    CUBE Blogs - training, demo, CUBE - This system of CUBE transport modelling tutorials is based on Modelling Transport 4th Edition (the 'book', Juan de Dios Ortuzar and Luis Willumsen). The book has been used since its first edition in 1990 by transport modellers around the world to find and select appropriate methods to their modelling tasks and for understanding the theoretic base behind ...

  10. Travel Demand Modeling Process

    Most travel models are implemented and applied using computer software. The TPB travel model makes use of software packages that are designed both specifically for travel demand forecasting (e.g., Cube Voyager and Cube Base) and more general software packages (e.g., Fortran, ArcGIS, Visual Basic).

  11. Travel Demand Modeling

    Our travel demand modeling services include, model development/update, on-call modeling services, project level demand modeling support, and training. We are experienced in all major travel demand modeling software packages including Cube, TransCAD, EMME, VISUM, Tranplan, and MinUTP, as well as common programming languages, such as Python, Java ...

  12. CUBE

    Allow CUBE users to use Agent in integrated travel demand models with Voyager network models. Agent might be used to re-platform an existing travel demand model, whether or not it is implemented directly in Voyager, or to develop entirely new model structures to support transport planning decisions.

  13. Caltrans Training

    CUBE. This website is designed for Caltrans staff who prepare and analyze travel demand model outputs. It provides an overview of the transportation planning process with an emphasis on the basics of travel demand modeling and forecasting. The CUBE software package, which is a common software package used to develop travel demand models in ...


    specialized tasks.CUBE - supports macroscopic movement of people and vehicles with the customization necessary to create the best plan for your area w. thout limitations.Network . Network editing.Matrix - Demand modeling, big data analysis. Highway - Zone-to-z. ne route analysis. Public Transport - Public. ransport modeling. Analyst -.

  15. Travel Demand Model

    The C/CAG-VTA Model is a four-step travel demand model implemented in Citilabs Cube Voyager software that is based on the BAYCAST-90 travel forecasting system used by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). More detailed information on the C/CAG-VTA Model is included in the most recently adopted San Mateo County Congestion Management ...

  16. In-Person Workshops

    The FSUTMS Executive Summary Modeling Seminar provides an overview of the transportation planning process, travel demand forecasting methodologies, and FSUTMS modules under Cube. Participants learn the underlying theories of modeling and see the benefits of Cube's abilities to produce presentation graphics for reports and meetings.

  17. Travel demand modeling

    To accurately forecast transportation demands, we assist with data collection and create specialized transportation models using forecasting software tools such as TransCAD, Cube, EMME/2/3, VISUM, MINUTP, and Tmodel. Modeling capabilities include speed study surveys, traffic counts, trip tables, and microsimulation. We can design high-quality ...

  18. Travel Demand Model & Traffic Monitoring

    TAM's current model, the Transportation Authority of Marin Demand Model (TAMDM) is an activity-based model that uses Cube Citilabs Software. The model is a sub-regional model of MTC's Travel Model 2 and is operated and maintained by TAM contractors. Access to the model is available to qualified contractors through a use agreement with TAM.

  19. PDF Toll modelling in Cube Voyager

    Cube Voyager is a new generation travel demand forecasting software which is based on legacy products TRIPS and TRANPLAN. The modelling is supported by efficient and user-friendly data and scenario interfaces allowing for seamless integration with GIS. 3.2 Cube Voyager Cube Voyager combines the latest technologies for the forecasting of personal

  20. PDF Can Your Travel Demand Modeling Software Keep up with ...

    edure helps you to:Eliminate costly trial-and-er. or approaches to calibration.Improve model calibration and. validation results.Keep travel demand models up to dat. with mobility changes.Leverage new mobility data sources, including big data.Mobility Data Fusion - a simultaneous calibration pr. cedure using multiple data sources automates ...

  21. FSUTMSOnline

    Please note this year the Model Task Force committees will meet the morning of the last day, November 9. The full MTF meeting begins November 7 at 1:30 PM. Agenda. Speaker Bios. Dates: November 7 at 1:30 PM to November 9 at 10:30 AM. Location: Embassy Suites Hotel Orlando-International Drive/ICON Park, 8250 Jamaican Ct, Orlando, FL 32819.

  22. Transportation Planning: Travel Demand Modeling Forecast: Model

    After all, the selection of which transportation software application to deploy the transportation demand model will greatly affect the outcome of the run. For example, when applying/using the same modeling approach on transportation demand forecasting, it can be expected that two different model applications provide comparable results.

  23. Transportation Planner 2 (40 Hour)-Travel Demand Modeler

    The Travel Demand and Air Quality Modeling Unit is responsible for implementing the DOT's Statewide Travel Demand Model, utilizing a suite of Cube software programs to estimate future travel, utilizing US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) MOVES software to simulate and forecast pollutant emissions, and for preparing, forecasting, and ...