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World Tourism Rankings By Country – Most Visited Countries in the World in 2023

Page last updated: 24 July 2024

2023 marked the return of most global travel, and current world tourism rankings reveal how the tourism industry has recovered post-pandemic. As borders reopened and restrictions eased, tourists worldwide were eager to explore both new and familiar destinations.

What are the top 10 most visited countries in the world? 

France , Spain , and the United States are the leading destinations for international tourism. 

  • For more than 30 years, France has held the top spot as the most visited country globally, welcoming more than 100 million international tourists in 2023 and accounting for 8% of the global tourism market.
  • France is expected to be the most visited country also in 2024 , with visitor numbers boosted by the Paris Olympics and total international visitors forecast to reach 101 million.


  • Spain followed closely with 85.17 million arrivals in 2023, while the United States ranked third, attracting 66.48 million tourists.
  • China, ranked fourth in 2019, has dropped out of the top 10 tourist destinations since the onset of the pandemic.
  • France, Spain, Turkey, Greece, and the UAE saw increases in tourist arrivals in 2023 compared to 2019, while the USA, Italy, Mexico, the UK, and Germany have experienced declines.

Which country is most visited in Europe? 

France continued to reign as the most visited country in Europe with 100 million visitors in 2023.

  • France consistently draws crowds to iconic attractions such as the Eiffel Tower , the Louvre , and its scenic countryside and wine regions.


Which country is most visited in America? 

In the Americas, the United States stood out as the most visited country, attracting 66.48 million international visitors in 2023.

  • The United States is known for its diverse landscape, vibrant cities, and iconic sights like the Grand Canyon , Statue of Liberty , and Hollywood .


Which country is most visited in Asia? 

In 2023, Thailand became Asia’s most visited country, attracting around 28.15 million international tourists. 

This marked an increase in visitors, positioning Thailand above China, the former leader in Asian tourism before the pandemic. 

  • China’s restrictions on international tourists during the pandemic, followed by a reopening this year, contributed to Thailand’s rise to the top.
  • Read more about China’s Tourism Statistics here.


Which country is most visited in Africa and the Middle East?

  • In the African region, Morocco stands out as the most visited country, drawing in 14.5 million international visitors in 2023. 


  • Saudi Arabia holds the top spot for tourism in the Middle East, with 27.42 million international tourists gracing its lands in 2023.


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Which country has the highest tourism rate in the world? 

France: Leading in Visitor Numbers

France remains the world’s top tourist destination, consistently drawing visitors with its rich culture, historic landmarks, and culinary fame.

  • Over 100 million tourists travelled to France in 2023, contributing approximately $68.5 billion in tourism receipts, which averages to about $686 per visitor.

Which country has the world’s biggest tourism? 

United States: Leading in Tourism Revenue

The United States dominates as the largest tourism economy. Not only does it repeatedly rank among the top three most-visited nations, but it also leads in visitor spending. 

  • The U.S. welcomed 66.48 million tourists in 2023, who spent more than $175.9 billion or 12% of global tourism receipts, equating to an average spend of $2,645 per visitor.

World Tourism Rankings by Country in Terms of Spending

In 2023, the United States led with 66.48 million tourist arrivals, generating $175.9 billion in receipts. This made up 12% of global tourism receipts, with each tourist spending approximately $2,645 on average during their visit. 

  • While France and Spain led in terms of the number of arrivals, the United States excels in total receipts and spending per arrival. 


World Tourism Rankings by Country in terms of Total Arrivals (2023)

Travel patterns : a closer look at the top most travelled countries every year, global tourism 2023 key trends.

  • International tourism reached 88% of pre-pandemic levels in 2023, with around 1.29 billion international arrivals (up 34% from 2022). 2
  • Revenue from international tourism reached $1.4 trillion in 2023, nearing 93% of the $1.5 trillion recorded in 2019.
  • Forecasts for 2024 suggest international tourism will exceed pre-pandemic figures by approximately 2% .
  • The Middle East led in the tourism recovery, being the only region to surpass 2019 pre-pandemic arrival numbers by 22% . 
  • France has remained the world’s top destination for over three decades, drawing 100 million international visitors in 2023.


Best-Performing Region in Terms of Recovery

International tourism achieved 88% of its pre-pandemic figures in 2023, representing a recovery from the 28% observed in 2020, 31% in 2021, and 66% in 2022. 3

  • The Middle East led the recovery with international tourist arrivals soaring to 122% of what they were before the pandemic.
  • Close behind, Africa reached 96% , Europe achieved 94% , and America showed a solid recovery at 90% .
  • Asia and the Pacific also showed signs of recovery, reaching 65% of their pre-pandemic tourism levels.


What are the prospects for tourism in 2024? 

  • The 2024 outlook for the global tourism industry is broadly positive with international tourist numbers expected to reach 1.5 billion , a 17.23% rise from 2023 and 2% increase from 2019. 
  • Travel & Tourism set to break all records in 2024 with the contribution of tourism to the global GDP is expected to reach $11.1 trillion .
  • Read more about Global Tourism Statistics & Trends and Global Tourism – 2024 Forecast .

Travel Statistics by Country

  • Australia Statistics
  • Austria Statistics
  • Canada Statistics
  • China Statistics
  • Denmark Statistics
  • France Statistics
  • Germany Statistics
  • Greece Statistics
  • Hong Kong Statistics
  • Iceland Statistics
  • Italy Statistics
  • Japan Statistics
  • Malaysia Statistics
  • Mexico Statistics
  • Netherlands Statistics
  • New Zealand Statistics
  • Norway Statistics
  • Peru – Machu Picchu Statistics
  • Portugal Statistics
  • Singapore Statistics
  • Spain Statistics
  • Sweden Statistics
  • Switzerland Statistics
  • Thailand Statistics
  • Turkey Statistics
  • UAE & Dubai Statistics
  • UK Statistics
  • United States Statistics
  • EuroMonitor : Top 100 City Destinations for 2023 ↩︎
  • UNWTO : Inbound Tourism Ranking – 2010 to 2023 ↩︎
  • UNWTO : Impact of the COVID-19 on international tourism ↩︎
  • 日本語 ( Japanese )
  • Español ( Spanish )

top 10 countries with tourism

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World Tourism Ranking by Country 2024

Home » Blog » World Tourism Ranking by Country 2024

The world is slowly emerging from the shadows of the pandemic and so is the world tourism industry. The positive signs (data and stats) seen during the 2023 calendar year have brought high hopes for the travel season of 2024. Buckle up as we discuss the World Tourism Rankings by Country for 2024!

International tourism has recovered by 87% of pre-pandemic levels. UN Tourism predicts that international tourism is expected to fully recover pre-pandemic levels in 2024.

Key Insights:

  • After a strong rebound in 2023, global tourism is expected to surpass pre-pandemic levels by 2% in 2024.
  • France takes the crown as the most visited country internationally, with over 100 million tourists in 2023.
  • Spain ranks second with over 85.17 million international tourist arrivals in 2023.
  • The Middle East region boasts the fastest recovery rate, reaching 22% above pre-pandemic numbers.

Table of contents

World tourism rankings by country 2024, results of 2023, projections for 2024, world tourists arrivals, recovery of international tourist arrivals, recovery of international tourist arrivals by region, world tourism rankings by country in terms of total arrivals 2023, in comparison to 2019, asia and the pacific, africa and the middle east, large best-performing destinations, world tourism rankings by country in terms of receipts, large best-performing destinations in terms of receipts, frequently asked questions.

According to Global and Regional Tourism Performance by UNTWO, The World Tourism Ranking by Country in 2024 is France as no.1 followed by Spain, the United States, Italy, Turkey, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Germany, Greece, and Austria.

For anyone interested in travel trends, the latest statistics show some fascinating patterns in international tourism.

For more information on which cities and countries could be considered the most popular ones in 2024, you are welcome to read our guides dedicated to Most Preferred Cities 2024 and Top Destinations Countries for Tourism 2024.

The information presented in these articles can help potential travelers to gain a clear idea of what places are most popular at the moment and to learn more about the chosen destinations.

World Tourism Analysis

According to UN Tourism, formerly known as UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization), an estimated 1286 million international tourists (overnight visitors) were recorded around the world in 2023, an increase of 34% over 2022. This is the highest point after the pandemic period. Looking at the Global Tourism Statistics 2024 , let’s analyze a few key results of 2023 and projections for 2024.

  • International tourism recovered 88% of pre-pandemic levels in 2023 (-12% versus pre-pandemic year 2019) with an estimated 1286 billion arrivals (1.3 billion), up 34% from 2022.
  • The Middle East recorded the best results, with arrivals 22% above pre-pandemic levels. Africa recovered 96% of 2019 numbers, Europe 96%, the Americas 90%, and Asia and the Pacific 65%
  • International tourism receipts reached USD 1.4 trillion in 2023 based on preliminary estimates, about 93% of the USD 1.5 trillion earned by destinations in 2019.
  • Total export revenues from tourism (including passenger transport) are estimated at USD 1.6 trillion in 2023, almost 95% of the USD 1.7 trillion recorded in 2019.
  • Tourism direct gross domestic product (TDGDP) climbed to USD 3.3 trillion in 2023 according to provisional estimates, about 3% of global GDP, similar to 2019 values, driven by strong domestic and international travel.
  • International tourism is expected to recover pre-pandemic levels in 2024, with initial estimates pointing to 2% growth above 2019 levels.
  • This projection is subject to several factors including the pace of recovery of Asia and the Pacific, economic circumstances such as inflation and its effect on transport and accommodation costs, as well as the evolution of geopolitical tensions and conflicts.
  • The latest UNWTO Panel of Experts survey shows that 67% of tourism professionals expect better performance in 2024 than in 2023, while 28% expect similar performance and 6% suggest it could be worse.
  • The UNWTO Tourism Confidence Index indicates slightly weaker prospects for January-April 2024 (score of 122) than for September-December 2023 (score of 126).

According to the provisional data provided by UNWTO (Jan. 2024), the number of international tourist arrivals reached around 1286 billion in the year 2023 . For context, the number was around 1,462 billion pre-pandemic .

World Tourist Arrivals in millions

While the tourist arrival was affected by 72% i.e. 1.1 billion in 2020, the sharp growth in the graph reflects that 2024 could meet the numbers of 2019 with the possibility of even exceeding it.

International tourism recovered 88% of pre-pandemic levels in 2023. We were previously at 28% in 2020, 31% in 2021, and 66% in 2022.

Bar Graph showing Recovery of International Tourists Arrival

With 122% the Middle East region has seen the most growth in terms of international tourist arrival in the year 2023.

Africa has 96%, Europe 94%, and America with 90% recovery shows a positive sign.

Meanwhile, Asia and the Pacific region reached 65% of pre-pandemic levels, with a gradual recovery since the start of 2023.

Bar Graph showing Recovery of International Tourists Arrivals by Region

Explore our article “Most Visited Countries in the World 2024”

Best Performing Destinations Coming into 2024

According to the tourism data provided by UNWTO on Global and Regional Tourism Performance , France ranks no. 1 with the arrival of 100 million international tourists .

Note: If no data is shown, there is no data available for the country. This ranking by indicators does not always coincide with the official UNWTO rankings as it only ranks counties based on existing data for the selected year. As data will be updated regularly throughout the year the rankings therefore will change as well.

Based on change in international tourist arrivals after 2019, Turks & Caicos leads the chart with a +127% change. Following behind is Qatar with +90%, Saudi Arabia with +56%, Albania with +53%, and El Salvador with a +40% increase in their tourist arrivals in comparison to 2019.

Ethiopia ranks at no. 8 with +30% change being the only country from Africa region in the top 10. Tanzania ranks 12th with a +20% change while Morocco with a +11% change barely gets into the top 20 spots.

With the data provided by UNWTO, World Tourism Rankings By Country in terms of increase in international tourists is:

1. Turks & Caicos 2. Qatar 3. Saudi Arabia 4. Albania 5. El Salvador 6. Columbia 7. Andorra 8. Ethiopia 9. Curaçao 10. Dominican Rep.

Row Chart showing Recovery of International Tourists Arrivals by Region

Turks & Caicos is experiencing a resurgence in tourism due to the islands becoming a popular destination for cruise ships. Over 491,000 cruise passengers were recorded to have visited till the October month of  2023. [ Source ]

On the other hand, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have capitalized on their sports events and tournaments to draw a large number of international tourists. After the AFC Asian Cup Tournament, Qatar is now aiming to lure families, medical tourists, and business travelers with a line-up of conferences and exhibitions.

Best Performing World Tourism Countries Rankings Based on Regions

Albania tops the list by a +53% increase in their tourist number in comparison to 2019. Andorra follows with a +31% change.

Europe Tourism Rankings by Country

1. Albania 2. Andorra 3. Liechtenstein 4. Iceland 5. Serbia 6. Portugal 7. Montenegro 8. Denmark 9. Malta 10. Türkiye

Row Chart showing Europe Tourism Ranking by Country

Maldives and French Poyln. tops the list for the Asia Pacific region by a +10% increase in their tourist number in comparison to 2019. Fiji stands 3rd with a +3% increase while other countries gradually try to reach the same numbers as in 2019.

Asia Pacific Tourism Rankings by Country

1. Maldives 2. French Polun. 3. Fiji 4. N. Caledonia 5. Samoa 6. Nepal 7. India 8. Cook Islands 9. Sri Lanka 10. Japan

Row Chart showing Asia Pacific Tourism Ranking by Country

Turks & Caicos stands on top with a +127% increase in their tourist number in comparison to 2019. El Salvador follows with a +40% change.

Americas Tourism Rankings by Country

1. Turks & Caicos 2. El Salvador 3. Colombia 4. Curaçao 5. Dominican Rep. 6. US Virg. Islands 7. Guatemala 8. Honduras 9. Aruba 10. Barbados

Row Chart showing Americas Tourism Ranking by Country

Qatar ranks 1st with a +90% increase in their tourist number in comparison to 2019. Saudi Arabia follows with a +56% change.

Africa and Middle East Tourism Rankings by Country

1. Qatar 2. Saudi Arabia 3. Ethiopia 4. Tanzania 5. Oman 6. Morocco 7. Tunisia 8. Kenya 9. Mauritius 10. Syria

Row Chart showing Africa and Middle East Tourism Ranking by Country

Based on countries recording 5 million arrivals or more in 2019 and their change in 2024, here’s a list of Best Performing Countries :

1. Saudi Arabia 2. Albania 3. Dominican Rep. 4. Portugal 5. Morocco 6. Denmark 7. Türkiye 8. Greece 9. Netherlands 10. Spain 11. Argentina 12. Belgium 13. Bulgaria 14. Tunisia 15. France

Row Chart showing Large Best-Performing Destinations

Best Performing Destinations in Terms of Receipts

Serbia leads the rankings with a +79% increase in their receipts from international tourists. Pakistan follows closely with +77%.

1. Serbia 2. Pakistan 3. Türkiye 4. Romania 5. Portugal 6. Mauritius 7. Morocco 8. Latvia 9. Tanzania 10. Mexico 11. Spain 12. Italy 13. Slovenia 14. Brazil 15. Greece 16. France 17. Cyprus 18. India 19. Samoa 20. Mongolia

Row Chart showing Best Performing Destinations in Terms of Receipts

Based on destinations earning USD 5 billion or more in receipts in 2019 and comparing it to 2023, Türkiye ranks 1st with +59% growth in their receipts. Portugal managed to get 2nd place with a +38% increase.

1. Türkiye 2. Portugal 3. Morocco 4. Mexico 5. Spain 6. Italy 7. Brazil 8. Greece 9. France 10. India 11. Japan 12. Germany 13. Israel 14. United States 15. Korea (ROK)

Large Best-Performing Destinations in Terms of Receipts

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Following a strong rebound in 2023, world tourism is expected to recover pre-pandemic levels in 2024, with initial estimates pointing to 2% growth above 2019 levels.

France has become the largest international tourist hosting country with 100 million international tourists. [Source: UNWTO Global and Regional Tourism Performance ]

Turks & Caicos with +127% ranks 1st in terms of best-performing country in comparison to their 2019 levels.

In terms of receipts, Türkiye ranks no. 1 with 59% more income than their 2019 levels.

According to Global and Regional Tourism Performance by UNTWO, France has the highest tourism rate in the world with 100 million arrivals in 2023 . Spain ranked second with over 85.17 million tourists visiting Spain in 2023.

According to Global and Regional Tourism Performance by UNTWO, Thailand is the most visited country in Asia with 28.15 million arrivals and USD 29.67 billion receipts heading into 2024.

France has been holding the title for the most tourist arrivals for a long time. Recent tourism data from UNWTO ranks France for the highest arrival again in 2023 with over 85.17 million international tourist arrivals.

According to the UNWTO Panel of Experts Survey (Jan 2024), tourism destinations seem to be heading toward a positive impact with i. 12% saying it’ll be much better ii. 55% say it’ll be better iii. 28% say it’ll be the same iv. 6% suggesting it’ll be worse and v. 0.4% result saying it’ll be much worse

According to the UNWTO Panel of Experts Survey (Jan 2024), 39% feel they’ve already achieved it, 30% hope to reach it in 2024 while 31% expect to reach the same level in 2025 or later.

According to the UNWTO Global and Regional Tourism Performance Report of 2023, the top 10 most traveled countries in the world are: 1. France [100 million] 2. Spain [85.17 million] 3. United States [66.48 million] 4. Italy [57.25 million] 5. Türkiye [55.16 million] 6. Mexico [42.15 million] 7. United Kingdom [37.22 million] 8. Germany [34.80 million] 9. Greece [32.74 million] 10. Austria [30.91 million]

According to Global and Regional Tourism Performance by UNTWO, the world tourism ranking is France in first place followed by Spain, the United States, Italy, Turkey, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Germany, Greece, and Austria.

top 10 countries with tourism

Yam Bahadur Chhetri is a content writer and vivid contributor to the WordPress community and a WordPress enthusiast with an experience of 7+ years in the relative field. He also loves to develop WordPress Themes, Plugins, and custom WordPress development for clients.

Hi Yam! thank you for this article. I was having issues viewing the original source. One small correction: In the Conclusion says: “Turks & Caicos with +12% ranks 1st in terms of best-performing country in comparison to their 2019 levels.”, but it is actually 127% according to the data.

Once again, thank you!

Hello Julio, nice catch. We’ll fix it right away. Thank you.

hi ram ! thank you for this article. I was looking for the rank of Nepal tourist receipting countries. But I didn’t get it. Do you have any data about Nepal?

Hello Raj, if you follow this link: inside “Inbound Tourism” on the Ranking indicator you’ll be able to find Tourism Receipts rankings of countries with available data. Nepal ranks quite low with 0.6 billion USD . Hope this helped!

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top 10 countries with tourism

Travel Hotspots & Popular Destinations

Every year, millions of people across the globe pack their bags and set off to explore the diverse cultures, breathtaking landscapes, unique cuisines, and historic landmarks that the world's countries have to offer. Transnational tourism plays a monumental role in the global economy and significantly impacts the culture and environment of the countries it touches. Using data on international arrivals collected by the World Tourism Organization, we've compiled a list of the most visited countries across the globe and analyzed what makes these nations so attractive to travelers.

Key findings from the data include:

  • France tops the list with a whopping 89.4 million arrivals, corroborating its reputation as a global hotspot for its rich history, cultural heritage, fine wines, and exquisite cuisine.
  • Making an impressive appearance in the second place is Spain, boasting 83.7 million arrivals, thanks to its sun-soaked beaches, vibrant nightlife, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and a rich festive tradition.
  • The United States, with its diverse topography, iconic landmarks, and multicultural cities, follows closely, welcoming 79.3 million visitors.
  • Interestingly, Asian countries like China, with 65.7 million, Turkey, with 51.2 million, and Thailand, with 39.8 million, emphasize the growing interest in Asian cultures, history, landscapes, and culinary delights.
  • Countries with a strong historical and cultural background like Italy, Germany, and the United Kingdom boast high arrival numbers, with 64.5 million, 39.6 million, and 39.4 million respectively, demonstrating the global appetite for cultural tourism.

As we travel the spectrum of countries, from the lavender fields of Provence in France to the bustling cityscape of New York in the United States to the Great Wall of China, it's clear that each nation offers a unique array of experiences and attractions that draw people from around the world.

10 Most Visited Countries

Topping the chart, with a massive number of 89.4 million arrivals, is France. This is a testimony to its enduring popularity amongst tourists, drawn to its diverse regional cultures, historical sites, museums, gastronomy, and the romantic allure of Paris.

Stepping up to the second spot is Spain, counting 83.7 million arrivals. Its combination of historical richness, sundrenched coasts, architectural beauty, flamenco music, and the running of the bulls are among the experiences that keep tourists pouring in.

The United States, a country of vast landscape diversity and iconic cities, seizes the third spot with 79.3 million international visitors. From the swarming streets of New York City to California’s golden coasts and Florida’s amusement parks, there is an endless list of attractions for tourists.

In the fourth spot, we see China, an Asian giant that had an impressive 65.7 million arrivals. With its ancient history, diverse culture, and remarkable landmarks like the Great Wall, it continues to enthrall explorers from around the globe.

Italy marks the fifth position with 64.5 million arrivals. Famed for its art, history, fashion, food, and wine, Italy effortlessly captivates the heart of its visitors.

At the sixth spot, we have Turkey with 51.2 million arrivals. It's a fascinating mix of Eastern and Western culture, joining together Istanbul's grand history and the turquoise coastlines of Antalya.

Heading to the Americas, Mexico lands on the seventh spot with 45.0 million arrivals. Its vibrant culture, mouth watering food, sun-beaten beaches, and famous Mayan and Aztec ruins are a strong pull for tourists.

Thailand welcomes the world at number eight, with 39.8 million arrivals, giving them a taste of Asia through its royal palaces, ancient ruins, ornate temples, and folk traditions, not to mention the famed beaches.

Germany ranks ninth with 39.6 million visitors, who are often drawn towards its picturesque landscapes, historical sites, and of course, Oktoberfest.

The final spot in our list goes to the United Kingdom, with 39.4 million arrivals. Its wealth of history, notable landmarks, and the royal charm of London, added to the cultural riches of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, make it a bucket list regular.

10 Most Visited Countries:

  • France - 89.4M
  • Spain - 83.7M
  • United States - 79.3M
  • China - 65.7M
  • Italy - 64.5M
  • Turkey - 51.2M
  • Mexico - 45.0M
  • Thailand - 39.8M
  • Germany - 39.6M
  • United Kingdom - 39.4M 

Full Data Set

To sort the data in the table, click on the column headers.

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International Tourism, Number of Arrivals - The World Bank

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Most Visited Countries 2024

European countries, often rich in history, culture, beautiful beaches, and ocean views, attract the highest number of tourists.

France, leading in tourism for over 30 years, offers attractions like the Eiffel Tower and Disneyland Paris, drawing 38 million tourists to Paris alone in 2019.

Global travel and tourism, an $8.9 trillion industry in 2019, suffered a loss of $4.5 trillion and 62 million jobs in 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Global travel and tourism was an $8.9 trillion (US$) business in 2019 . Moreover, though the COVID-19 pandemic has reduced that number to roughly a quarter of its previous value, all signs point to tourism continuing to grow, expand, and evolve. Every country on Earth has something to offer international visitors, from the pyramids in Egypt to the rainforests of Brazil or the sidewalk cafes of Paris —but which countries attract the most visitors of all? Most of the countries with the highest tourism rates are located in Europe , whose rich history, architecture, and cultural influence make it an appealing destination for many travelers. Countries positioned on or near a body of water are also very popular, particularly those that offer a relaxed, low-key atmosphere mixed with beautiful beaches and ocean views.

Top 10 Countries Most Popular with Tourists (by number of 2019 visitor arrivals)

The most popular tourist destination in the world for more than 30 years, France offers a myriad of attractions: the Eiffel tower, countless world-class restaurants, the Musée du Louvre, the Palace of Versailles, the Notre-Dame cathedral, the beaches of the Côte d'Azur, and of course, Disneyland Paris. Moreover, the lushly beautiful countryside is full of storybook villages, mountains, vineyards, and the occasional castle. One can even view prehistoric cave paintings in Lascaux. Paris, France's capital, is the most visited city in Europe, receiving 38 million tourists in 2019.

Spain is another tourist destination overflowing with interesting attractions. Antoni Gaudi's Sagrada Familia cathedral and other works in Barcelona , the Guggenheim museum, the Alhambra and Generalife Gardens, Europe's largest aquarium (the lily-shaped L'Oceanogràfic), the beaches of Gran Canaria, and La Rambla in Barcelona. Spain is also home to El Teide, an ancient—but not entirely dormant—volcano, which visitors can hike around at the Parque Nacional del Teide on the Spanish island Tenerife.

England's capital city, London , attracts visitors with a wide range of sights including Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, and the British Museum, which includes the largest collection of Egyptian artifacts outside of Cairo . Beyond London, England offers the mysterious Stonehenge, the Beatles' birthplace in Liverpool , the quaint beauty of the Cotswolds, the sci-fi botanical gardens of the Eden Project, and more. Speaking of more, the UK also includes three additional subdivisions. First is Scotland, with the charming city of Edinburgh , moody Loch Ness and Inverness , the scenic highlands, and the historic St. Andrews golf course. Next comes charming Wales and its castles, scenery, and capital city of Cardiff . Finally, Northern Ireland boasts attractions including Belfast 's bubbling nightlife, the glens and coastline of Antrim, and one of Europe's most compelling natural wonders: the Giant's Causeway.

The Mediterranean nation Turkey balances captivating man-made attractions such as Hagia Sophia mosque and Topkapı Palace with archaeological wonders such as the Biblical city of Ephesus, the fairy city of Cappadocia, and the desolate fallen splendor of Mount Nemrut. It also has more than its share of natural wonders, including the famous beaches at Ölüdeniz and Patara, the mineral pools at Pamukkale, and the Mediterranean coastline itself.

The South Asian country of Thailand is also known as the "Land of Smiles", and offers both modern comforts and wild adventure. Thailand's capital, Bangkok , receives over 20 million visitors every year. Popular attractions include the Grand Palace in Bangkok; beaches including Railay, Long, and Monkey beach; the ancient city Ayutthaya and ornate Buddhist wat Coi Suthep, and national parks including Khao Yai (where wild elephants roam) and the otherworldly Khao Sok.

The impact of COVID-19 on travel and tourism

The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-21 had a devastating effect on the travel and tourism industry. According to a report released by the World Travel & Tourism Council , the pandemic cost the industry an estimated US$ 4.5 trillion in 2020, which resulted in the loss of 62 million tourism-dependent jobs. Data from the United Nations World Tourism Organization backs this up. Consider the following table:

International tourist arrivals (in thousands of visitors):

Compared to 2019, tourism dropped by approximately 74% in 2020, with a total of a billion fewer travelers over the course of the year--making 2020 the worst year on record for tourism. The UNTWO's own estimates registered a loss of US$ 1.3 trillion in lost revenues and 100-120 million jobs either lost or at risk.

The impact has been particularly damaging in countries that rely heavily upon tourism as part of their GDP. Lost tourism in Macau, one of China 's special administrative regions, led to a 79.3% drop in year-on-year gambling revenues , which caused overall GDP for 2020 to fall 43.1% compared to the previous year.

While tourism has picked up slightly in 2021, they still fall far short of the pre-pandemic numbers. Late 2020 projections were hopeful that the industry would be back on track by late 2021, but the ongoing nature of the pandemic has thwarted that optimism. As of late 2021, most estimates do not expect the industry to rebound to 2019 (pre-COVID) levels until sometime in 2023 at the earliest.

  • Visitor totals are displayed in 1000s. For example, South Africa 's displayed total of 3886.6 equals 3,886,600 visitors.

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  • UNWTO Tourism Data Dashboard - United Nations World Tourism Organization
  • World Tourism Barometer - United Nations World Tourism Organization
  • Trending in Travel - World Travel & Tourism Council
  • Economic Impact Reports - World Travel & Tourism Council
  • The World's Most Visited Countries

Paris, France is the most visited country in the world. Source: Shutterstock

  • France is the world's most visited country with 89 million tourists.
  • In 2019, 1.5 billion tourist arrivals were recorded around the world.
  • Tourism accounts for 12% of Spain's economy.

The World Tourism Organization recently reported that international tourism is continuing to grow and is "outpacing the global economy". In 2019, 1.5 billion tourist arrivals were recorded around the world, a 4% increase on 2018's figures. The Middle East is currently the fastest-growing region for international tourism, but European countries such as France, Spain and Italy remain the most visited. Find out the top 10 world's most visited countries below:

10. United Kingdom: 36 million tourists

top 10 countries with tourism

In 2019, the United Kingdom welcomed 36 million tourists to its towns and cities. London is the country's most visited city, with approximately 12 million visitors each year. Edinburgh, Birmingham and Manchester are also popular city destinations. Tourism produces around USD 131 billion for the country and provides over two million jobs. American residents are the most frequent visitors, followed by those who live in France. Some of the UK's most popular tourist attractions include Big Ben, the Tower of London and Stonehenge .

9. Thailand: 38 million tourists

top 10 countries with tourism

Thailand has been a popular tourist destination for decades thanks to its white-sand beaches, delicious cuisine and hot weather. Bangkok , Thailand's capital, frequently holds the top spot as the world's most visited city. It attracts around 22 million visitors each year. The 1,430 islands of Thailand draw in hundreds of thousands of visitors each year, some of the islands are heralded as being some of the best in the world. Thailand's most popular spots include Railay Beach, Koh Phi Phi and The Grand Palace of Bangkok. 

8. Germany: 39 million tourists

top 10 countries with tourism

Germany is famous for its beer, sausages and picturesque castles. The country welcomes around 39 million tourists each year, with approximately 13 million visiting Berlin, Germany's capital city. Tourism in Germany generates two million jobs for its residents and contributes over 4% towards the country's GDP. 

7. Mexico: 41 million tourists

top 10 countries with tourism

Mexico , located in the southern part of North America, is rapidly becoming a favorite tourist destination. People from all over the world are visiting the vibrant country to enjoy the pristine beaches, explore the deep history and culture, and discover UNESCO World Heritage sites. Over the last decade, tourism has significantly contributed to Mexico's employment and economy. In 2019, the government announced a six-year strategy to boost tourism and improve conditions for workers within the industry. Some of the country's most visited destinations are Cancun, Mexico City, and Playa del Carmen. 

6. Turkey: 46 million tourists

top 10 countries with tourism

Located on two continents, Turkey offers a unique blend of East and West. Edged by the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas, Turkey has an abundance of stunning coastlines and charming resorts. Tourists also enjoy visiting Turkey's capital, Ankara as well as the resort-city of Antalya. It was reported that over 15 million vacationers visited Antalya in 2019. Antalya is popular thanks to its proximity to beaches and remnants of Turkey's rich history. Famous tourist attractions in Turkey include the Blue Mosque , Topkapi Palace and Hagia Sofia Museum. 

5. Italy: 62 million tourists

top 10 countries with tourism

Italy has culture, history and cuisine in abundance, making it a very popular tourist destination for people all around the globe. Italy has a varied landscape that suits all traveler types; there are snow-covered peaks, sprawling vineyards and glittering coastlines. Not to mention the beautiful cities like Rome, Naples and Florence. There are 50 UNESCO World Heritage sites dotted throughout the country showcasing the best of Italian history. Some of Italy's best-loved attractions include the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Colosseum and the Pantheon.

4. China: 63 million tourists

top 10 countries with tourism

China , the third-largest country in the world, is in the world's top five tourist destinations because of its natural landscapes, expansive history and delicious cuisine. Tourism in China is a growing industry that is becoming a significant part of the country's economy. In 2018, tourism contributed 11.04% of China's overall GDP, which increased a further 1.2% in 2019. Famous attractions include The Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square . 

3. United States: 80 million tourists

top 10 countries with tourism

Tourism is one of the United States ' biggest contributors to the country's GDP. The industry supports over 7 million jobs, and in 2017, tourism generated USD 1.6 trillion in economic output. Cities such as New York, Las Vegas and Los Angeles experience high numbers of tourists all year round, with New York being the most visited city in the country. Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Japan and China are the top five countries that make up the majority of US tourism. 

2. Spain: 83 million tourists

top 10 countries with tourism

Spain is the second most visited country in both the world and Europe. Tourism accounts for 12% of Spain's economy and provides 13% of jobs. The majority of tourists who visit the country come from Europe; it is the warm weather, pristine beaches and bustling cities that attract millions of vacationers. Some of Spain's most famous landmarks include La Sagrada Familia , Park Güell and Alhambra. 

1. France - 89 million tourists

top 10 countries with tourism

Attracting over 89 million tourists each year, France is the world's most visited country. Paris, France's capital city, draws in around 17 million tourists a year; 7 million of those visit the Eiffel Tower. Tourism in France represents 9.7% of the overall GDP and provides 2.9 million jobs. The majority of France's visitors come from other European countries, with over 12 million coming from the United Kingdom. Disneyland, the Louvre and the Notre Dame Cathedral are some of France's most visited attractions. 

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Top 10 Most Visited Countries in the World

Photo of author

January 7, 2024

Here are the 10 most visited countries in the world, according to the last issue of the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer – January 2023:

  • France : 48.4 million visitors
  • Mexico : 31.9 million visitors
  • Spain : 31.2 million visitors
  • Türkiye : 29.9 million visitors
  • Italy : 26.9 million visitors
  • United States : 22.1 million visitors
  • Greece : 14.7 million visitors
  • Austria : 12.7 million visitors
  • Germany : 11.7 million visitors
  • United Arab Emirates : 11.5 million visitors

Most of these countries saw an increase in tourist arrival compared to the previous year, the exceptions being Austria and Germany.

Most Visited Countries Chart

International tourism saw a strong recovery in 2022 and 2023, with Europe and the Americas leading the way.

Europe recorded 585 million international tourist arrivals in 2022 , reaching nearly 80% of pre-pandemic levels (-21% over 2019), which makes it the world’s largest destination region and home to the most famous country in the world (more on that later) .

The Middle East enjoyed the strongest relative increase across regions in 2022 with arrivals climbing to 83% of pre-pandemic numbers (-17% versus 2019).

Africa and the Americas both recovered about 65% of its pre-pandemic visitors, while Asia and the Pacific reached only 23%, as a result of stronger pandemic-related restrictions.

International Tourism Statistics Map

By subregions, Western Europe (87%) and the Caribbean (84%) came closest to their pre-pandemic levels.

The recovery was uneven across regions, with Europe and the Middle East outperforming the other regions due to their more successful implementation of coordinated travel measures. The recovery is expected to consolidate in 2023 , with pent-up demand particularly in Asia and the Pacific, as destinations and markets open up.

International tourism was able to recover 63% of pre-pandemic levels in 2022, and recovered 84% of pre-pandemic levels in the period January-July 2023 (-16% versus 2019).

According to the World Tourism Organization’s publication “ World Tourism Barometer “, a total of 917 million international tourists travelled the world in 2022. And between January and July 2023, 700 million tourists travelled internationally , 43% more than in the same months of 2022.

While not yet achieving pre-pandemic levels, this is considered a notable recovery and one which bodes well for 2023 as it sets out to consolidate its comeback.

It’s time to grab your passport and explore the world again!

Below more data and details about the top 10 tourist countries in the world.

1. France: 48.4 Million Visitors

2. mexico: 31.9 million visitors, 3. spain: 31.2 million visitors, 4. türkiye: 29.9 million visitors, 5. italy: 26.9 million visitors, 6. united states: 22.1 million visitors, 7. greece: 14.7 million visitors, 8. austria: 12.7 million visitors, 9. germany: 11.7 million visitors, 10. united arab emirates: 11.5 million visitors.

France is the most visited country in the world with a record breaking of 48.4 million visitors!

Its capital, Paris, is the second most visited city in the world .

Patched up with idyllic villages and romantic cities, France wears its culture in both iconic landmarks and ordinary settings. Few have the audacity to gild everything in gold, but the country’s noble castles, villas and cathedrals pull off ostentatious decor with a nonchalance attributed to its long centuries of royal history.

France is the Most Visited Country in the World

As if to match, the village-square markets, café terraces, and the daily rituals of a coffee and croissant presents a genteel sort of luxury. Don’t overlook its outdoors either; the lyrical forests of Corsica and the warm waters of the French Riviera are well-sought retreats for city-dwellers.

France’s reputation as the most popular country in the world is not only due to its stunning architecture and picturesque scenery but also its exquisite cuisine. French cuisine is renowned worldwide for its unique flavors, techniques, and presentation, and travelers flock to France to indulge in the country’s culinary delights.

From Michelin-starred restaurants to cozy cafes, France delicacies make it a top destination for foodies and travelers alike.

Attractions: Eiffel Tower , Palace of Versailles , French Riviera, Chamonix, Mont St-Michel, Paris Bridges .

Vivid and steamy Mexico can barely contain the life of its people. Maybe that’s why Mexico wins the 2nd place for the most visited countries in the world with almost 40 million visitors.

Fiesta loving in crowds and philosophical in the quiet, the local community is empathetic hosts with fierce pride in their country. It is this pride and expressive nature that allowed for architectural triumphs (in both Teotihuacan pyramids, Maya temples and colonial towns) as well as masterful art, home to the likes of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera.

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Underground artistic movements have also brought dance and street art to the fore.

Beyond the city’s endless cultural riches are also eye-catching jungles, volcanoes, deserts and coast. Mexico’s boundless nature offers adventures for both hikers and divers. Scale Oaxaca’s mountainous ridges or dive deep into the Caribbean to embrace all it has on platter.

Attractions: Tulum, Cabo Pulmo, Palenque Ruins, Teotihuacan, Palacio de Bellas Artes, Edzna, Oaxaca City.

Passion flares here, a country crafted for the good life. This is the beautiful Spain, the 3rd most popular country on earth !

Sevilla, Spain

Embark on an epic road trip looping from Barcelona to Madrid – glimpses of Spain’s enduring landscapes pass by like a photographer’s reel. Gather around the Gothic quarters of Barcelona and browse the experimental works of Gaudi before taking off for the mysterious Alhambra in Granada, or the flamenco halls of Seville.

There is also Bilbao and San Sebastian in the north, ready to satiate your hunger with delicious pinxtos and avant-garde architecture.

For nature that transforms every season, visit the hills of Picos de Europa and snow-capped Sierra Nevada, the sandy reaches of Menorca. From coast to mountains and dry in-land outposts you’ll sense that for all the history lurking in the corners, Spain lives in the moment.

Attractions: La Familia Sagrada, Park Guell, The Alhambra, El Retiro, Guggenheim Museum, Real Alcazar, Mallorca’s beaches.

Sultry Turkey smolders with desert heat and sun-beaten ruins, backed by the enticing thrum of bustling cities. Having been conquered by the Romans, Byzantines, and Ottomans, Turkey treks its story from fervent Istanbul to the romantic Mediterranean coast.

Sultan Ahmet Camii in Istanbul, Turkey

On the way are magical landscapes that range from jutting rock formations to glittering lakes and olive groves, Kacker Mountains, Patara Beach, and Lake Egirdir only few of its lyrical ruralscapes. Explore these settings via canyoning, kayaking, paragliding, hiking and more adventurous means; they’re lessons in the physical and cultural, and make Turkey one of the most visited places in the world.

As if Turkey wasn’t alluring enough, its culinary specialties draw from both inland and coastal sources. Spiced kebabs, oil-cooked vegetables and sweet baklava barely skim the trove of local eats.

Eat hearty and smile plenty.

Attractions: Topkapi Palace, Suleymaniya Mosque, Aya Sofya, Bergama Acropolis, Caves of Heaven and Hell, Nemrut Dagi National Park.

The arts come to mind when we think of Italy, the 5th most visited country in this world; of the Byzantine architectures, Padua’s frescoes, Michelangelo’s David and the greatest of Da Vinci’s works.

Piazza Navona in Rome, Italy

Heritage sites are the norm and not minority, remnants of ancient Rome and subsequent empires left in form of ruins, archeological sites, churches and manors. Attention to aesthetics translates in to the everyday details too – Italy is home to some of the biggest fashion minds.

On the more natural spectrum is extraordinary geological diversity. From the turquoise coral-reefs to icy Alps, Italy flourishes in blues and greens. Where nature is abundant, culinary delights follow. Indulge in the powdery dough of pizzas and pastry, filling the stomach with oysters and ricotta and topping it off with heady wines.

Attractions: Roman Forum, Tuscany’s Vineyards, Ruins of Pompeii, Amalfi Coast, St. Peter’s Basilica, Duomo.

America has always been a popular travel destination due to its sprawl of metropolis and small town charms; last year, it welcomed a rounded-down number of 22.1 million inbound tourists. With travel patterns trending towards city hopping and road tripping, America’s endless highways are a siren’s call.

Empire State Building in New York, Usa

New York City, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Chicago, and Boston are all cities of transience, ever-evolving urban spaces that broils over with mixed cultures and cuisines.

There is then musical Austin and free-spirited Portland, a San Francisco as dynamic as its coastal waves, and Miami which entertains with beaches and nightlife.

There is also the quiet heat of the Grand Canyon, the miles of lush rainforests and country lanes. And when you tune into the radio, the jazz, country, hip-hop, rock and pop keep you company through this mish-mash of sights.

Attractions: New York City, Yellowstone National Park, Arizona National Parks and Monuments , Grand Canyon, New Orleans, Miami beaches.

Greece is steeped with the footprints of ancient empires, a country whose gentle coastline gives away to grand cities and humble villages now become UNESCO sites.

top 10 countries with tourism

This is a country of infinity smiles, one where hospitality swells from multi-storey restaurants and home-cooked tavas as if part of some divine agenda.

In the mainland is a swirl of mountainous shapes, one that carries on to its hundreds of islands, each offering its own flavor – from romantic Mykonos perched high above cobblestones, to Santorini’s seas of whitewashed cliffs.

The ruins are abundant here too; don’t skip out on Athens’ well-preserved Acropolis or the Temples of Phaistos and Knossos built during the Minoan period.

Every twist and turn in Greece is an invitation to connect with stories older than time itself.

Attractions : Acropolis of Athens, Poseidon Temple, Parthenon, Meteora Monasteries, Knossos Palace, Delphi National Archaeological Museum.

Austria, a country with a rich history and culture, and is the 8th most visited country in the world with 12.7 million visitors.

Hallstatt Lake in Austria

From lush Alpine landscapes and breathtaking views of snow-capped mountain peaks to majestic Baroque architecture, Austria offers visitors a unique vacation experience.

Tantalize your taste buds by indulging in traditional Austrian delicacies from Wiener Schnitzel to Apfelstrudel. Explore Vienna’s historic old city filled with Baroque architecture and classical music, or take a romantic stroll along the Danube River.

Take the plunge in Salzburg and soak up the personality of the beautiful town, made famous by the movie ‘The Sound of Music’, or explore an enchanting Austrian lakeside village.

Attractions : Schönbrunn Palace, Hohensalzburg Castle, Salzburg Cathedral, Giant Ice Caves Hallstatt, St. Stephen’s Cathedral of Vienna, Belvedere Palace.

Germany may be remembered as the set of horrific tragedy, but it is also the birthplace of great thinkers, inventors and creatives who ushered in the modern era. From the contemporary architectures by Frank Gehry and Daniel Libeskind to lofty museums and automobile factories, you can track the country’s cultural footprints.

Historical Town of Quedlinburg in Harz Germany

Cast your eyes beyond the Romanesque and Baroque build of Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg to see the swaying path into rural Germany. The valleys unfold into imposing forests and vast vineyards, reaching towards northern dunes and chilly Alps. Stretch your senses – eyes and tongue – to taste Germany’s regional diversity.

Attractions: Pergamon Museum, Schloss Neuschwanstein, Zwinger, Kolner Dom.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a rapidly growing touristic destination for its luxurious lifestyle, extravagant architecture and abundance of attractions.

white yacht sailing in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

With 11.5 million foreign tourist arrival, the UAE is the 10th most visited country in the world.

Its sun-soaked cities are full of majestic landmarks, buzzing shopping souks, pristine beaches, Wild Wadi waterparks and some of the world’s most luxurious hotel chains.

Whether you’re taking a timeout from city life or seeking unique cultural experiences, the UAE has somewhere that you can explore.

Put on your explorer spirit in Dubai and explore iconic attractions like the Burj Khalifa, Jumeirah Mosque and Bastakiya in its ancient districts. Take your journey even further to Abu Dhabi to explore Ferrari World, grand Sheikh Zayed Mosque or Louvre Abu Dhabi.

On your vacation, indulge yourself with glitzy shopping experiences at the Dubai Mall or the Abu Dhabi Mall, where you can find the latest trends from around the world.

And last but not least, get to know the Emirati culture through vibrant festivals and handicrafts markets.

Attractions : Burj Khalifa, Bastakiya, Ferrari World, Sheik Zayed Mosque, Louvre Abu Dhabi, Dubai Mall, Abu Dhabi Mall.

Related article : the most visited cities in the world.

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Travel Reporter & Editorial Director

Ph.D. in Geography, Travel Photographer, and Software Engineer. Been on 4 continents and loved them all.

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International tourism, number of arrivals - Country Ranking

Definition: International inbound tourists (overnight visitors) are the number of tourists who travel to a country other than that in which they have their usual residence, but outside their usual environment, for a period not exceeding 12 months and whose main purpose in visiting is other than an activity remunerated from within the country visited. When data on number of tourists are not available, the number of visitors, which includes tourists, same-day visitors, cruise passengers, and crew members, is shown instead. Sources and collection methods for arrivals differ across countries. In some cases data are from border statistics (police, immigration, and the like) and supplemented by border surveys. In other cases data are from tourism accommodation establishments. For some countries number of arrivals is limited to arrivals by air and for others to arrivals staying in hotels. Some countries include arrivals of nationals residing abroad while others do not. Caution should thus be used in comparing arrivals across countries. The data on inbound tourists refer to the number of arrivals, not to the number of people traveling. Thus a person who makes several trips to a country during a given period is counted each time as a new arrival.

Source: World Tourism Organization, Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Compendium of Tourism Statistics and data files.

See also: Thematic map , Time series comparison

More rankings: Africa | Asia | Central America & the Caribbean | Europe | Middle East | North America | Oceania | South America | World |

Development Relevance: Tourism is officially recognized as a directly measurable activity, enabling more accurate analysis and more effective policy. Whereas previously the sector relied mostly on approximations from related areas of measurement (e.g. Balance of Payments statistics), tourism today possesses a range of instruments to track its productive activities and the activities of the consumers that drive them: visitors (both tourists and excursionists). An increasing number of countries have opened up and invested in tourism development, making tourism a key driver of socio-economic progress through export revenues, the creation of jobs and enterprises, and infrastructure development. As an internationally traded service, inbound tourism has become one of the world's major trade categories. For many developing countries it is one of the main sources of foreign exchange income and a major component of exports, creating much needed employment and development opportunities.

Limitations and Exceptions: Tourism can be either domestic or international. The data refers to international tourism, where the traveler's country of residence differs from the visiting country. International tourism consists of inbound (arrival) and outbound (departures) tourism. The data are from the World Tourism Organization (WTO), a United Nations agency. The data on inbound and outbound tourists refer to the number of arrivals and departures, not to the number of people traveling. Thus a person who makes several trips to a country during a given period is counted each time as a new arrival. The data on inbound tourism show the arrivals of nonresident tourists (overnight visitors) at national borders. When data on international tourists are unavailable or incomplete, the data show the arrivals of international visitors, which include tourists, same-day visitors, cruise passengers, and crew members. Sources and collection methods for arrivals differ across countries. In some cases data are from border statistics (police, immigration, and the like) and supplemented by border surveys. In other cases data are from tourism accommodation establishments. For some countries number of arrivals is limited to arrivals by air and for others to arrivals staying in hotels. Some countries include arrivals of nationals residing abroad while others do not. Caution should thus be used in comparing arrivals across countries.

Statistical Concept and Methodology: Statistical information on tourism is based mainly on data on arrivals and overnight stays along with balance of payments information. These data do not completely capture the economic phenomenon of tourism or provide the information needed for effective public policies and efficient business operations. Data are needed on the scale and significance of tourism. Information on the role of tourism in national economies is particularly deficient. Although the World Tourism Organization reports progress in harmonizing definitions and measurement, differences in national practices still prevent full comparability. Arrivals data measure the flows of international visitors to the country of reference: each arrival corresponds to one in inbound tourism trip. If a person visits several countries during the course of a single trip, his/her arrival in each country is recorded separately. In an accounting period, arrivals are not necessarily equal to the number of persons travelling (when a person visits the same country several times a year, each trip by the same person is counted as a separate arrival). Arrivals data should correspond to inbound visitors by including both tourists and same-day non-resident visitors. All other types of travelers (such as border, seasonal and other short-term workers, long-term students and others) should be excluded as they do not qualify as visitors. Data are obtained from different sources: administrative records (immigration, traffic counts, and other possible types of controls), border surveys or a mix of them. If data are obtained from accommodation surveys, the number of guests is used as estimate of arrival figures; consequently, in this case, breakdowns by regions, main purpose of the trip, modes of transport used or forms of organization of the trip are based on complementary visitor surveys.

Aggregation method: Gap-filled total

Periodicity: Annual

Note: This page was last updated on December 28, 2019

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20 Most-Visited Countries in the World

France is one of the most-visited countries in the world

Which countries of the world lure the greatest number of visitors? 

According to rankings by the United Nations World Tourism Organization, Europe boasts 12 of the 20 most-visited countries. But Asia and the Pacific, with five countries on the list, is the fastest-growing region (expect to see these countries climb the rankings in the future). 

Read on to find out which nations made the cut. 

20. Netherlands

The Netherlands in the spring

Capital:  Amsterdam

Population:  17.44 million

Yearly visitors:  19 million

*Visitor numbers are from the 2019 United Nations World Tourism Organization report.

What Brings People to the Netherlands

Tourists visiting tulip fields in Netherlands

Tourism continues to be a big trend for the Dutch, with many of the travelers coming from surrounding nations ( 80 percent) , followed next by the Americas and then Asia.

When people think of the Netherlands, they often think of Amsterdam, home to historic canals, museums both impressive and quirky, and a thriving nightlife scene. But the Netherlands Board of Tourism and Conventions wants visitors to discover it is so much more than its capital.

"We take people from Amsterdam elsewhere," Henk Philip, a partner with Tours & Tickets, has said of visiting the country. "But what we really want is for people to not even go to Amsterdam, but visit other tourist attractions in the Netherlands."

Must-See in the Netherlands

Windmills in the Netherlands

One of those fantastic attractions outside Amsterdam is Kinderdijk-Elshout. The UNESCO World Heritage Site features the bucolic landscapes and windmills the country is famous for, while serving as a historically important example of early water-management systems.

Krakow, Poland

Capital:  Warsaw

Population:  37.95 million

Yearly visitors: 19.6 million

What Brings People to Poland

Family sightseeing city of Wroclaw

Travelers seeking European panache without the crowds of stalwarts like Spain, France, Germany and Italy are increasingly turning to Poland, thanks to its illustrious history (including a rich Jewish heritage), collection of medieval castles, untouched nature and delightful cuisine (if you haven't tried pierogis, you haven't lived life).

Oh,  and it's Central-Eastern Europe's home to the most UNESCO World Heritage sites — 15 cultural and one natural.

The Polish Tourism Agency notes that 85 percent of visitors surveyed during their exit from the country would recommend and return to it. 

Must-See in Poland

Auschwitz Birkenau concentration camp, Poland

Auschwitz Birkenau, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a former Nazi concentration and extermination camp that is devastating but necessary to see in person.

A museum tells the story of the horrors of the camp, while honoring the lives of those who died there — over 1.1 million men, women and children in total. 

Quebec City skyline

Capital:  Ottawa

Population:  38.01 million

Yearly visitors: 21.1 million

What Brings People to Canada

Kayaking in National park in Canada

Canada's tourism industry is so immense, it accounted for $33.9 billion of the country's GDP in the first nine months of 2018 alone. Most visitors come from the neighboring U.S., followed by China and the UK, which only recently got edged out of its long-held No. 2 position. 

Of visitors to the 3.8-million-square-mile country, two-thirds arrive via Ontario, home to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls and the thriving, progressive metropolis of Toronto. Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal are also big cities that get lots of love, as do resort towns like Banff, home to one of Canada's most spectacular national parks .

More adventurous travelers seek out the country's wide-open nature in places like Churchill, where polar bears and beluga whales reside; Newfoundland, home to staggering fjords, icebergs and glaciers; and the Okanagan Valley, Canada's answer to Napa with rolling vineyards and superb wine to spare. 

Must-See in Canada

Niagara Falls from Canadian side

Niagara Falls is one of the Seven Wonders of the World for a reason.

The Canadian side overlooks Horseshoe Falls, featuring a 3,000-foot crest whose vastness can only be understood when seen up close.

17. Portugal

Portuguese beach town

Capital:  Lisbon

Population:  10.31 million

Yearly visitors: 22.8 million

What Brings People to Portugal

Tourist in Lisbon

Portugal's location in Southern and Mediterranean Europe has contributed to it becoming a leader in European tourism growth. (Other countries growing swiftly include Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Croatia.)

That growth is no accident. In 2017, the country launched a 10-year tourism plan aiming to double tourism revenue by 2027, and so far, it's working. Many tourists are finding their way to Portugal's unspoiled beaches, history-steeped castles and Lisbon, the country's sophisticated urban hub. And it's safer than many other European nations to boot. 

Portugal is also at the top of the rankings for European nations .

Must-See in Portugal

Ursa Beach, Portugal

Ursa Beach is a hidden gem among many idyllic Portugal beaches.

Surrounded by craggy limestone cliffs, it offers seclusion and natural beauty equally. 

St. Petersburg, Russia in the winter

Capital:  Moscow

Population:  144.1 million

Yearly visitors:  24.5 million

What Brings People to Russia

Alexander Column and Palace Square, St. Petersburg, Russia

Many forces have converged to make Russia increasingly popular among tourists.

For one thing, Central and Eastern Europe witnessed an overall 5-percent increase in tourism last year.

Plus, after the country hosted the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the Russian Federation experienced double-digit growth in tourist spending and a 10-percent boost in visitors.

Finally, the country saw an influx of Chinese tourists following a change in Visa procedures. (As of July 2019, an additional 53 nations can use a new e-visa online program, ensuring still more growth in the coming months.)

Where to begin in this country spanning an extraordinary 6.6 million square miles? Moscow and St. Petersburg are of course excellent places to start, though you'd also be wise to explore overlooked gems like the ancient town of Sezdal. A ride on the storied Trans-Siberian Railway is a must as well. 

Must-See in Russia

Catherine Palace in St. Petersburg

Catherine Palace, aka the Summer Palace, was the summer residence of the Russian tsars, and is every bit as opulent as you'd expect. More than 220 pounds of gold adorn the exterior, while the inside features expansive frescoes, sweeping staircases and elaborate sculptures.

The over-the-top palace is located south of St. Petersburg.

15. Malaysia

Malaysian countryside

Capital:  Kuala Lumpur

Population: 32.37 million

Yearly visitors:  25.8 million

What Brings People to Malaysia

Tourist in market in Malaysia

Four Southeast Asian countries are featured on the list of the top 15 most-visited destinations of 2018. Malaysia is gaining in popularity thanks to its natural charms (rainforests, national parks and wildlife abound) and desirable tropical temps, which range from 68 to 86 degrees all year round.

Of visitors to Malaysia, the majority come from Asia. Vision 2020 , the country's tourism plan, aims to see 30 million travelers by the decade's end.

Must-See in Malaysia

Batu Caves, Malaysia

Batu Caves in Kuala Lumpur features not only a series of fascinating caves, but a century-old Hindu temple.

The temple is accessed via colorful rainbow steps, which are a popular tourist attraction themselves.

14. Hong Kong

Hong Kong harbor at night

Capital:  N/A

Population:  7.482 million

Yearly visitors: 29.2 million

What Brings People to Hong Kong

Couple enjoying street food in Hong Kong

Political changes in Hong Kong have warded visitors away, but it remains one of the most visited places on the planet, largely due to its popularity among business travelers. The opening of the Hong Kong-Zuhai-Macao Bridge to connect the Greater Bay has also boosted Hong Kong's tourism industry by making automobile arrival an option for Asian travelers.

Whether visiting for travel or business, most tourists make their way to Hong Kong's wealth of shopping malls and highly rated restaurants. 

Must-See in Hong Kong

Hong Kong-Zuhai-Macao Bridge

More than being practical, the Hong Kong-Zuhai-Macao Bridge is awe-inspiring to witness in person.

At 34 miles, it's the longest sea-spanning bridge in the world.

Greek seaside town

Capital:  Athens

Population:  10.72 million

Yearly visitors:  30.1 million

What Brings People to Greece

Man and Woman Snorkelling in Greece

With its rich ancient history, Greece remains a hotspot for tourists, growing by 2 million visitors annually for the past 3 years. In fact, one in five Greeks work in the tourism industry, even following the country's economic crisis. 

Some, though, fear that Greece is joining the ranks of over-touristed areas, especially its small islands. The mayor of Santorini, for instance, is limiting the number of cruise passengers disembarking on the island to 8,000 people per day.

Must-See in Greece

Santorini, Greece

Despite contending with overcrowding, Santorini remains a must-visit place. With its whitewashed houses perched on cliffs overlooking the sea, it's precisely what you picture when you think of Greece.

See it before doing so becomes even more difficult. 

12. Austria

Austrian lake town in the Alps

Capital:  Vienna

Population:  8.917 million

Yearly visitors:  30.8 million

What Brings People to Austria

People in public park Volksgarten, Vienna

Austria may be the 12th-most-visited country in the world, but it's No. 1 when it comes to per-capita tourism in Europe. Its capital, Vienna, offers an incredibly high quality of life .

Many think of Austria's Alps, which explains why hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter are the two top vacations for visitors (enjoyed by 41 and 53 percent of visitors, respectively). Many others spend their time mountain-biking and exploring alpine lakes. 

But while the Alps are spectacular, there's so much more to see here. Austria's tourism campaign touts its nine diverse regions to explore. 

Must-See in Austria

Schloss Hellbrunn, Austria

The baroque Schloss Hellbrunn palace outside Salzburg dates back four centuries. Exploring its vast interior is best paired with a stroll through its romantic courtyard. 

Japan in the fall

Capital:  Tokyo

Population:  125.8 million 

Yearly visitors:  31.1 million

What Brings People to Japan

Tourists in Japanese Izakaya

The third-most-visited Asian destination on this list received more than 30 million visitors last year. And these numbers are expected to increase as the country hosts the 2019 Rugby World Cup and the 2020 Summer Olympics.

The tourism board's goal is to hit 40 million international visitors by 2020, which should be easy to accomplish. In addition to hosting the world's largest games, Japan entices visitors with its first-rate cuisine (Tokyo has more Michelin stars than any other city on Earth), ancient shrines, rich sense of tradition and unique natural features like snow-capped Mount Fiji. 

Outside of Asia, Americans and Australians are the nation's biggest admirers.

Must-See in Japan

Mount Fuji with cherry blossoms

Japan's cherry blossom season in early April adds magical beauty to the country's landscapes.

During the Hanami celebration to welcome spring, revelers eat, drink, sing and dance beneath the fragrant pink blossoms. 

10. United Kingdom

Sheep in British countryside

Capital:  London

Population:  67.22 million

Yearly visitors:  36.3 million

What Brings People to the U.K.

solo backpacker in london

Made up of four countries (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) that all speak English, the UK has long been a beloved destination among international travelers. Though it slipped slightly between 2017 and 2018, moving from No. 7 to No. 10 on the most-visited-countries list, Visit Britain estimates a rebound this year, with tourism growing another 6 percent.

More than half of those who arrive to the UK head to London, famous for its seamless blend of history and modern urbanity (not to mention its exemplary, scot-free museums). 

Wales is the least visited of the countries — just 2 percent of travelers make it here.

Must-See in the U.K.

Tower of London

The Tower of London is a medieval castle that houses the famed crown jewels, including dazzling scepters and crowns dating back centuries. 

9. Thailand

Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai Thailand

Capital:  Bangkok

Population:  69.8 million

Yearly visitors:  38.2 million

What Brings People to Thailand

Traveler in Thai temple

Thailand makes up the largest portion of Southeast Asia's travels. The country welcomed nearly 3 million more tourists in 2018 than 2017 and witnessed $6 billion in spending.

Renowned for being budget-friendly due to its exchange rate (1 USD = 30 THB), the nation is transforming into a luxury getaway with more resorts and high-end offerings pushing out the backpacking and disreputable businesses of Bangkok.

Must-See in Thailand

Phi Phi Islands, Thailand

The Phi Phi Islands are so idyllic and popular that the Thai government closed them until 2021 to allow for recovery from over-tourism.

Plan a trip to the island for the future, and take care of the natural environment when you're there. 

German countryside

Capital:  Berlin

Population: 83.24 million 

Yearly visitors:  38.8 million

What Brings People to Germany

Older tourists in Berlin

Germany's visitor count has been steadily climbing for nine consecutive years. In 2017 and 2018, Germany even ranked 1st in the world on the Nation Brands Index for its popularity. 

The country is most beloved among other Europeans, particularly the Dutch. Travelers from the United States are the largest market from overseas.

Both Europeans and Americans rave about the country's thought-provoking historic attractions, spirited cities, vast forests ( they cover one-third of the nation! ) and — most importantly — excellent beer.  

Must-See in Germany

Brandenburg Gate, Berlin

Brandenburg Gate, which dates back to 1791, is the only remaining town gate in Berlin.

Famously, it was from here that Ronald Reagan proclaimed, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the gate has become a powerful symbol of unity. 

Tulum ruins, Mexico

Capital:  Mexico City

Population:  128.9 million

Yearly visitors:  41.4 million

What Brings People to Mexico

Traveling San Miguel de Allende Mexico

Mexico broke its tourism record in 2018 and took in more than $20.3 billion doing so. Travelers to the country spent, on average, nearly $500 while visiting, most of whom came from the United States and Canada. UK residents served as Mexico's most prolific overseas tourists.

Even post-pandemic, Mexico continues to be an accessible and incredible getaway in the Americas. Postcard-perfect beaches remain a major draw here, but the country's tourism board has also successfully highlighted its ancient history, cultural institutions, diverse cuisine and natural features beyond the shoreline, including butterfly sanctuaries, canyons and waterfalls. 

Must-See in Mexico

Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico

Chichen Itza, the ancient Mayan settlement, is a UNESCO World Heritage site dating back to 750 to 1200 A.D.

Istabul panorama

Capital:  Ankara

Population:  84.34 million

Yearly visitors:  45.7 million

What Brings People to Turkey

Cappadocia hot air balloons

Before the pandemic, Turkey was experiencing surging popularity. In 2018, Istanbul saw a record number of visitors, luring travelers to explore its East-meets-West cultural attractions, colorful bazaars and imposing mosques. 

But it's the coastal city of Antalya in the south that's really been surging. More than 12.4 million visited this Mediterranean area last year, and the Culture and Tourism Ministry is estimating 2019 will break the 50-million-visitors mark.

Must-See in Turkey

Antalya, Turkey

Antalya's Old Town features Ottoman mosques, Roman towers and an ancient harbor lined with bustling modern-day cafes. Splendid beaches also await in the area.

No wonder travelers are coming to Antalya in droves.

Rome, Italy

Capital:  Rome

Population:  59.55 million

Yearly visitors:  62.1 million

What Brings People to Italy

Friends eating pizza in Italy

Tourism is so big in Italy that long lines at places like St. Paul's Cathedral and the Colosseum in Rome are all but guaranteed, even if you've booked reservations in advance. Statistics show Italy's tourism growth is above the European average, with Rome attracting nearly 27 million of its visitors.

Europeans travel to Italy the most: Germans account for 14 percent  of visitors, with French and UK visitors making up 3 percent each. Americans are the biggest overseas market, also at 3 percent.

Outside the throngs of Rome, Italy also boasts the rolling vineyards of Tuscany, the artistic pedigree of Florence, the natural wonders of the Amalfi Coast and the canals of Venice among its embarrassment of riches. 

Must-See in Italy

Sicily ruins, Italy

Get away from the crowds by visiting Sicily's ancient ruins and temperate beaches.

Go now before it becomes overcrowded too. Sicily saw more than 7 percent growth in tourism in recent years.

The Great Wall of China, Jinshan Mountains

Capital:  Beijing

Population:  1.402 billion

Yearly visitors:  62.9 million

What Brings People to China

Traveling family in Tiananmen Square

Not only does China receive more visitors than most of the world, but its own inhabitants account for 10 percent of all world travelers. It is expected that 20 percent of the Chinese population — 300 million people — will have passports by 2027. Chinese tourists also spend more than any other country,  nearly doubling that of No. 2 — a whopping $277 billion!

Those outside China who make their way to the country discover everything that comes with being the world's oldest continuous civilization, from villages dating back thousands of years to ancient marvels like the Great Wall. Plus, the nation's cuisine, as affordable as it is flavorful, can't be beat. 

Must-See in China

Zhaoxing Village, China

Zhaoxing Village is flanked by mountains and touts five drum towers representing five good manners in Chinese tradition: benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and trust.

3. United States

Statue of Liberty, New York

Capital:  Washington, D.C.

Population:  329.5 million

Visitors:  79.6 million

What Brings People to the United States

Friends visiting Las Vegas

Considering the United States is 3.8 million square miles, nearly as big as all of Europe, it's easy to see why it's the third-most-popular travel destination on Earth.

The country's mix of wildly diverse attractions don't hurt either, including some of the most iconic cities in the world (New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago) and a thriving national-park system .

While most visitors come for the cities, it's the country's diverse nature that sets it apart. The U.S. boasts superlatives like the largest cave system in the world, which you'll find in Kentucky, and the deepest canyon, located in Oregon. You'll find everything from snow peaks to dry desserts, gorgeous beaches to ancient mountains and deceitfully beautiful swamps. 

Must-See in the United States

Delicate Arch, Arches National Park

Get a taste of the country's natural frontiers by exploring Utah's Mighty Five: Arches, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Capitol Reed and Zion national parks.

Flamenco dancers in Plaza de Espana, Sevilla

Capital:  Madrid

Population:  47.35 million

Yearly visitors: 82.7 million

What Brings People to Spain

Happy tourist in Seville, Spain

Many news outlets are reporting on the extreme over-tourism found in Barcelona, which hit a record 8 million visitors in 2018. But that represents just a tenth of the travelers who visit this expansive country that also includes the cultural hub of Madrid and the flamenco capital of Seville, as well as untouched countryside and gorgeous beaches.

The nation's largest tourist groups come from Germany and Britain, though people from these countries are increasingly heading to Turkey and Greece instead. In their place, Americans are filling the empty beds, with nearly 3 million people coming from the U.S. last year — an 11.8 percent growth.

Unfortunately, the influx of people has locals on edge, and the Spanish are considered to be developing " tourist phobia ," especially in Barcelona and the Catalan states.

Must-See in Spain

Camino de Santiago

Forget the tourist cities and hike the Camino de Santiago, known as "The Way," for a pilgrimage across northern Spain.

View of Paris from de Arc de Triumphe

Capital:  Paris

Population:  67.39 million

Yearly visitors: 89.4 million

What Brings People to France

tourist in Les Gorges du Verdon, Provence, France

More people are visiting France than any other country in the world, and the country has a 100-million-visitors target for 2020. Think they'll hit it? We do, too, especially considering it hosted the FIFA Women's World Cup earlier this year.

Not only does France receive the largest number of tourists, but they make the most off of them too. Tourism brought in $62 billion last year!

Get your visit in while you can. Tourism is only going to rise, especially when France hosts the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.

Must-See in France

Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel, a UNESCO World Heritage Centre in Northern France, is a sight truly like no other: a medieval monastery perched atop a solitary island. 

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The Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey

10 most visited countries in the world

We profile some usual suspects plus one or two surprises in the top 10 most visited countries in the world

Have you dreamed of a romantic kiss atop the Eiffel Tower? Perhaps you’ve thrown a wish into the Trevi Fountain or stopped and stared at the Sistine Chapel. If so, you’re certainly not alone.

According to the last available pre-pandemic figures, France and Italy are two of the most visited countries in the world. Together with the rest of the top 10, they make up a whopping 41% of global tourist arrivals (i.e. overnight visitors). Here’s the complete list of the most visited countries in the world.

The below figures come from the 2020 edition of the UNWTO’s International Tourism Highlights report.

1. France           

Arrivals: 89.4 million (2018) Change: 2.9% (year on year)

France is one of the most visited countries in the world

It’s fair to say that there has been a long-standing rivalry between the French and the British, partly because we Brits think we’re better than them (deep down, we know we’re not).

In both joie de vivre and savoire faire , in culture, couture and cuisine, our Gallic cousins outclass us consistently – and why wouldn’t they? Their impeccable taste coupled with a natural hauteur lends them an inimitable sophistication. It’s this je ne se quois perhaps that keeps tourists coming to this land of romance – a whopping 89.4 million of them a year.

Arrivals: 83.5 million (2019) Change : 0.8%

Spain is one of the most visited countries in the world

Good food, good wine, amazing architecture and the ebullient nature of the natives are just some of the reasons why people flock to Spain (and subsequently get exhausted by the Spaniards… did we mention they’re ebullient?).

Spain is a popular destination not only for all the above but also as a place of worship. Camino de Santiago, a network of paths leading to the shrine of the apostle Saint James the Great in the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, is popular not only with pilgrims but also with hikers, cyclists and organised tour groups.

3. USA           

Arrivals: 79.3 million (2019) Change : -0.6%

The US is one of the most visited countries in the world

Despite the lowest increase in tourist arrivals year on year, the US holds strong as the third most visited country in the world. It has more famous cities than arguably any other country in the world – New York, LA, San Francisco, Miami and Chicago being just some of them. There’s plenty for culture vultures (New Orleans, Austin, Boston) and nature lovers too: Yosemite, Grand Prismatic Spring and Grand Canyon are just a few of the many national parks full of weird and wonderful things .

Arrivals: 65.7 million (2019) Change : 4.5%

 China is one of the most visited countries in the world

China is a behemoth on the world stage in size, population and economic strength. The world’s oldest continuous civilisation offers gleaming monuments to progress countered by rich threads of antiquity. Mist-shrouded mountains, sleepy water towns, archaeological wonders and world-class cuisine are just a few of the myriad reasons why over 60 million tourists flock to this country each year.

Arrivals: 64.5 million (2019) Change : 4.8%

The Colosseum in Italy is one of the Seven Wonders of the World

Ah, Rome, the place where legends are born, legacies shorn and gelato grants entry to heaven. And that’s just the beginning. There’s charming Verona, iconic Venice and the heart-stoppingly stunning Dolomites. If you have to be unoriginal, be unoriginal in Italy .

6. Turkey           

Arrivals: 51.2 million (2019) Change : 11.9%

The Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey

It’s interesting that Turkey has had the biggest year-on-year increase on the list: 11.9% to be specific. This might be a sign that its fortunes are continuing to improve. During our visit back in 2016, we were told of slowing trade caused by local conflict. In fact, a day and a half after we left , there was a bombing in the glorious city of Istanbul.

Currently, Turkey is almost entirely trouble-free and the hope is that it continues to stay safe and open. If you’re considering a holiday to the Anatolian Peninsula, it’s worth double-checking the things you need to visit Turkey .

Arrivals: 45 million (2019) Change : 9.0%

Chichen Itza, one of the Seven Wonders of the World

In past years, Mexico has jostled with Thailand and Russia for a place on the list of the world’s most visited countries. This year, it sits comfortably mid-list with over 45 million tourist arrivals. Home to Frida Kahlo, the dazzling Day of the Dead celebrations and a Wonder of the World in the form of Chichen Itza, Mexico is only set to grow in popularity.

8. Thailand

Arrivals: 39.8 million (2019) Change : 4.3%

An idyllic scene in Thailand, one of the most visited countries in the world

Thailand – love it or hate it, it repeatedly appears on the list of the world’s most visited countries. A mainstay of the backpacker route through southeast Asia, Thailand benefits from strong tourist infrastructure, lashes of natural beauty and of course exquisite cuisine.

The iconic Maya Bay on Ko Phi Phi – made famous by the 2000 film starring Leonardo DiCaprio – has experienced a sustained explosion in tourism. In 2018, it was announced that the beach would be closed indefinitely to allow it to recover from tourist damage, a cautionary tale perhaps for the countries hoping to one day join this list.

9. Germany       

Arrivals: 39.6 million Change : 1.8%

Brandenburger Gate in Berlin, Germany

Germany was named by Lonely Planet as one of the best countries to visit in 2019, this being the 100-year anniversary of Bauhaus, a school of design that still today influences art, architecture, graphic design, interior design, industrial design and typography.

Beyond Bauhaus, there is plenty to do and see. The Reichstag, Brandenburger Gate and Berlin Wall are just some of the world-famous sights in the capital city. Further afield, the stunning Black Forest and its collection of fairytale castles are a major draw for international tourists.

10. United Kingdom

Arrivals: 39.4 million (2019) Change : 1.9%

Tower Bridge in London, UK

And so we come to our homeland of Britain, a green and pleasant land full of sedate sights like Stonehenge set to a backdrop of gloomy skies and seemingly endless drizzle. Still, there’s plenty here to draw tourists. World-class museums, dramatic forts and castles, charming countryside villages and a cheese-rolling competition have all helped the UK sneak into the top 10 most visited countries in the world.

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Lead image: Samet Guler/Shutterstock

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10 Most Visited Countries in the World 2024

10 Most Visited Countries in the World 2024

Last Updated on July 19, 2024

Every year, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) compiles a report with international tourist arrivals for every country. This is the latest list of the most visited countries in the world, based on their recent report .

Here are the top 10 most visited countries according to UNWTO, listed from the most to the least visited. I’ve been to all 10 of the most visited countries and have included my tips on how to visit them.

Most Visited Countries in the World

Table of Contents

Best Things to Do in France

Best places to stay in france:, best things to do in spain:, best places to stay in spain:, best things to do in the us:, best places to stay in the us:, best things to do in italy:, best places to stay in italy:, best things to do in turkey:, best places to stay in turkey:, best things to do in mexico:, best places to stay in mexico:, best things to do in uk:, best places to stay in uk:, best things to do in germany:, best places to stay in germany:, best things to do in greece:, best places to stay in greece:, best things to do in austria:, best places to stay in austria:, what do you think, most visited countries in the world, 1. france: 100 million visitors.

It’s no surprise that France has topped the charts over and over again to be the number one tourist destination in the world. With Paris being the most famous city in the world and the southern France coasts a hotspot for tourists from Europe every summer. There’s plenty here for the culture vultures: from the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris to the castles of Loire Valley and wineries in Bordeaux.

My favorite part of France is the Alsace region of France, with its villages of brightly-painted steep-roofed half-timbered houses. The region’s capital, Strasbourg, is a charming hodgepodge of fairy-tale cottages, cobblestoned alleys and gingerbread houses. And the region is home to famous French foods like flammekueche, cordon bleu, and Vol-au-vent.

most visited countries in the world - st michel

  • Paris Eiffel Tower Summit – See the City of Lights from the top floor of Paris’ icon
  • Paris Night Tour – See a cabaret or do a romantic dinner cruise
  • Wine Tasting in Bordeaux – Visit vineyards and taste wine at the famous wine region
  • Explore Alsace region – See the picturesque, fairy-tale villages and castles
  • Daytrip to Loire Valley – Experience some of Europe’s most beautiful gardens
  • French Riviera Roadtrip – Drive the scenic coastal roads of the French Riviera
  • Le Meurice – The most opulent 5-star landmark hotel in Paris
  • InterContinental Bordeaux – Another regal hotel in Bordeaux with old-world charm
  • Le 1615 Luxe et Spa –  A luxurious, charming historical hotel in the heart of Alsace
  • Hotel Negresco – Elegant beachfront resort located in central Nice

most visited countries in the world - lavender in provence

2. Spain: 85.17 million visitors

With white-washed towns, traditional flamenco tablaos, and centuries-old cathedrals, Spain is easily one of the most visited countries in the world thanks to its historical treasures and culture heritage. In 2018, Spain experienced the biggest increase in international arrivals (amongst the 10 most visited countries) as compared to the previous year.

There’s so much more to Spain than just pretty beaches: visit impressive museums in the capital city of Madrid, admire eclectic architecture and art in vibrant Barcelona , feast on paella in Valencia and fall in love with traditional Granada. Check out our recommended 2-week Spain itinerary .

There are hundreds of reasons why we decided to live in Spain . But you’ll have to visit to find out for yourself!

most visited countries in the world - ronda

  • Sagrada Familia – Visit Barcelona’s most visited landmark
  • Madrid Tapas Tour – Experience the Spanish tapas tradition and culinary culture
  • Daytrip to Consuegra and Toledo – Follow the footsteps of Don Quijote to Spain’s two most charming villages
  • Flamenco Show in Seville – Catch an authentic show in the home of flamenco
  • Catamaran Cruise in Ibiza – Sail to an islet at sunset and enjoy Ibiza’s beauty
  • W Barcelona – The most stylish and avant-garde hotel right on the beach
  • The Principal Madrid – A contemporary hotel housed in a historical building, with best views in town
  • Hotel Mercer Sevilla – A centrally-located stylish hotel in old town Sevilla
  • Hacienda Na Xamena – A slick all-white clifftop hotel overlooking the coast of Ibiza

sagrada familia barcelona - most visited countries in the world

3. United States: 66.48 million visitors

Stretching from California in the West to New York in the East, the United States of America covers an area of 3.79 million square miles. That’s a whole lot of country to explore! It has been on the top of the most traveled countries list for years.

The U.S. is as diverse as it is huge: with expansive national parks and vibrant cities visited by foreign tourists, local visitors and business travelers alike. For first-time visitors, we recommend doing a road trip, just rent a car and plan your route beforehand! The beauty of America lies in its backcountry. Yosemite and Grand Canyon National Parks are some of the best national parks in USA .   Be sure to check out our route 66 itinerary, 2-week California itinerary and our Florida road trip .

Alberto and I met in Miami 22 years ago, so Miami definitely means something special to us. Swimming with manatees in Florida also ranks high as one of our favorite travel experiences of all time.

fun things to do in northern california - yosemite national park

  • Cruise Around Statue of Liberty – Get up close to America’s most famous monument
  • Empire State Building – Head up to the highest open-air observatory in New York
  • San Francisco Bay – Cruise under the Golden Gate Bridge and visit Alcatraz
  • Daytrip to Yosemite and Sequoia – Visit two of California’s top national parks
  • Los Angeles’ Hollywood Studio Tour – Get a behind-the-scenes look in Hollywood
  • Authentic Luau in Hawaii – Experience an authentic farm-to-table luau
  • Scenic Flight in Alaska – Fly to Denali and see the wilderness from above
  • Swimming with Manatees – Snorkel with wild manatees in the Florida springs
  • Four Seasons Resort Maui – The absolute best luxury resort to stay on Maui
  • The Plaza – One of the world’s most well-known hotels is a must-visit in New York
  • Fairmont Heritage Place Ghirardelli Square – An iconic landmark in San Francisco
  • Casa del Mar – An oceanfront classic hotel at Santa Monica, Los Angeles

most visited countries in the world - horseshoe bend

4. Italy: 57.39 million visitors

Italy’s attractions are world famous: from the romantic canals of Venice to the charming fishing villages of Cinque Terre and the city of caves, Matera . It’s home to the most beautiful places in Europe. The country provides a diverse travel experience – you can drive from the Italian coast to rustic olive groves to dramatic mountains in one day.

Italy is one of our favorite countries in the world, and it’s obvious we’re not the only ones who have fallen for its charms. As far as tourism trends go, we predict that Italy’s tourism numbers will only keep rising. If you’re looking for Italy trip ideas, check out my Southern Italy itinerary and Cinque Terre travel guide .

We’ve been to Italy many times, the first time more than 15 years ago. And we just keep returning.

10 Most Visited Countries in the World 2024

  • Ancient Rome and Colosseum – Visit one of the world’s most impressive ancient sites
  • Vatican City Tour – Get to know a one-of-its-kind holy site for Christians
  • Amalfi Coast Roadtrip – Drive the scenic Amalfi Coast and see its stunning villages
  • Wine Tasting in Tuscany – Immerse in the Tuscan countryside and try local produce
  • Daytrip to Cinque Terre – Hike amidst the five cliff-edged villages
  • Aldrovandi Villa Borghese – Rome’s classic five-star landmark hotel in the city centre
  • Le Sirenuse – A postcard-perfect hotel poised on the hilltop town of Positano, Amalfi
  • Castel Monastero – A restored medieval hamlet surrounded by Tuscan olive groves
  • Grand Hotel Portovenere – A seafront landmark hotel in the Cinque Terre

most visited countries in the world -top tourist countries - venice

5. Turkey: 55.16 million visitors

Turkey has dropped one place since last year to come in at #5 on this list of the most visited countries in the world. Extremely diverse and packed to the brim with epic tourist sights, Turkey truly makes an outstanding destination for all kinds of travelers.

Spanning across Europe and Asia, Turkey is famed for its distinctive cultures, age-old traditions and varied landscapes. Historically, Turkey was home to distinctive civilizations through the centuries, with impressive Roman ruins and Ottoman architecture to bear witness.

Today, it’s home to many outstanding historical sites and natural attractions: from the unique cotton travertines of Pamukkale to the whimsical valleys of Cappadocia . Its biggest city, Istanbul, is the crowd-puller, attracting travelers around the world with its blend of East-meets-West and old-meets-new. Read our list of cool things to do in Istanbul .

most visited countries in the world - cappadocia

  • Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise – Cross the river that straddles Europe and Asia
  • Daytrip to Pamukkale – Stunning white travertines terraces and cotton castles
  • Hot Air Balloon Flight in Cappadocia – Float over whimsical fairy chimneys
  • Visit Ancient Ruins of Esphesus – Learn history at this historical site
  • See Whirling Dervishes – Witness the trance-like spiritual Turkish dance
  • Four Seasons Hotel Istanbul – Ottoman-style 5-star hotel with best views
  • Yunak Evleri Cappadocia  – Spectacular boutique cave hotel in Cappadocia
  • Richmond Esphesus Resort – Charming beachside resort close to Esphesus
  • Venus Suite Hotel – Comfortable hotel with excellent location in Pamukkale

most visited countries in the world - istanbul turkey

6. Mexico: 42.15 million visitors

Mexico remains at #6 on the most visited countries list. It’s easy to see why Mexico is on this list, considering you can just drive to Mexico from the United States. Check out our 2-week Mexico itinerary !

The number of visitors to Mexico alone is higher than the total number of visitors in the entire Caribbean (25.2 million). Most of these numbers come from the Yucatan Peninsula,  an extremely popular destination lined with gorgeous beaches, ancient Mayan ruins, and lush tropical jungles. Explore ancient Mayan ruins, snorkel in the world’s second biggest reef, and stay at some beautiful Tulum resorts . Check out my long list of things to do in Yucatan .

Mexico City , home to 12 million people, is also an excellent place to visit for history and culture. Major towns like Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende are also extremely popular with culture vultures who are interested in the colonial history and Mexican traditions. Food lovers flock to Oaxaca, best known for having Mexico’s best foods.

most visited countries in the world - mexico

  • Day of the Dead in Mexico – Experience Mexico’s most colorful and unique celebration
  • Mexico City Street Food Tour – Dig deep into the Mexican culinary world
  • Visit Teotihuacan Pyramids – Explore the pyramid that dates back to 100 B.C.
  • Daytrip to San Miguel de Allende – The most charming colonial city in Mexico
  • Explore Underground Cenotes in Tulum – Swim in natural sinkholes
  • Wander Guadalajara – One of Mexico’s major colonial cities
  • Chichén Itzá – Visit another major Mayan ruin on the Yucatan Peninsula
  • Las Alcobas DF – A contemporary hotel in Mexico City with an excellent location
  • Viceroy Riviera Maya – One of the best beach resorts on the Yucatan Peninsula
  • Belmond Casa de Sierra Nevada – A colonial mansion turned charming heritage hotel
  • Quinta Real Guadalajara – Another stunning colonial hotel filled with history

most visited countries in the world - chichen itza

7. United Kingdom: 37.22 million visitors

Most people rarely venture beyond the cultural capital of London; the UK actually has quite a lot to offer on its shores, beyond the cities. There’s the old-world charm of England, the dramatic landscapes of Scotland and the lesser known coastline of Wales. The Scottish Highlands definitely make for a good road trip, while a weekend in Edinburgh can be just as fun. Hiking in the Lake District is also one of the best experiences in England .

We spent a year living in London and loved the international vibes that London has to offer. For those short of time, you can see quite a lot with just a weekend in London: check out this detailed 3-day London itinerary .

most visited countries in the world - scotland

  • London Eye – See England’s capital from above and be prepared to be blown away!
  • River Thames Cruise – Take to the waters and see London’s main sights
  • Explore Lake District National Park – Immerse in the English countryside
  • See Loch Ness – Feast on the most dramatic landscapes of Scottish Highlands  
  • Daytrip to Stonehenge – The most famous historical site in the country
  • The Savoy – London’s most iconic landmark hotel poised on the banks of the Thames
  • Laura Ashley Hotel the Belsfield – The most famous 5-star hotel in the Lake District
  • Riverbed Lodges – A unique country lodge with wooden cabins and hot tubs
  • Mercure Salisbury White Hart Hotel – Another Georgian landmark hotel with a history

most visited countries in the world - tower bridge

8. Germany: 34.8 million visitors

Many of Germany’s major cities are tourist magnets especially in festive season – drawing in visitors with their Christmas markets, beer festivals and summer events. If you are planning to visit at Christmas, check out this list of the best Christmas markets in Germany .

Munich’s Oktoberfest itself accounts for a big percentage of the annual visitors, while Berlin and Frankfurt attract mainly European city lovers. If you rent a car in Germany , you’ll get to explore the Rhine River, Black Forest and more of its backcountry. Check out our list of best places to visit in Germany .

most visited countries in the world - berlin

  • Berlin Wall Bike Tour – Learn about Germany’s history on two wheels in the capital
  • Munich Old Town – A charming city packed to the brim with historical buildings
  • Daytrip to Neuschwanstein Castle – The iconic landmark that inspired Walt Disney
  • Rhine Valley – A UNESCO site with lots of vineyards and picturesque villages
  • Oktoberfest – The craziest time of the year to visit Germany!
  • Hotel Adlon Kempinski – Legendary 5-star hotel with best reputation in Berlin
  • Bayerischer Hof – A historic landmark hotel in Munich with a rooftop pool
  • Burghotel auf Schönburg – Experience staying in a castle at this Rhine Valley hotel
  • Wyndham Lahnstein Koblenz – A stunning hilltop hotel overlooking the Rhine Valley

most visited countries in the world - germany

9. Greece: 32.74 million visitors

Greece, with its stunning islands and rich history, attracts millions of visitors each year. The iconic Acropolis in Athens, the white-washed buildings of Santorini , and the lively beaches of Mykonos are just a few of the country’s many highlights.

There’s so much more to Greece than just its islands: explore the ancient ruins in Delphi, hike the Samaria Gorge in Crete, and experience the vibrant culture and nightlife in Thessaloniki. Greece is a destination that caters to history buffs, nature lovers, and beachgoers alike.

Most Visited Countries in the World - Greece

  • Acropolis of Athens – Discover the ancient citadel overlooking the capital
  • Sunset in Oia, Santorini – Witness the world-famous sunsets of Santorini
  • Island Hopping – Explore the Cyclades islands and their unique charm
  • Delphi – Visit the archaeological site and learn about its historical significance
  • Samaria Gorge – Hike one of Europe’s longest gorges in Crete
  • Hotel Grande Bretagne – A historic hotel in the heart of Athens with a rooftop view
  • Katikies Hotel – A luxurious cliffside hotel in Oia, Santorini
  • Mykonos Blu – An elegant beachfront resort in Mykonos
  • Blue Palace – A beautiful resort overlooking the island of Spinalonga in Crete

Most Visited Countries in the World - Greece

10. Austria: 30.91 million visitors

Austria, known for its breathtaking alpine scenery and cultural cities, draws millions of visitors annually. The historic city of Vienna, with its grand palaces and classical music heritage, and the charming town of Salzburg, famous as the birthplace of Mozart, are major attractions.

Beyond its cities, Austria offers stunning natural landscapes. The Austrian Alps are perfect for skiing in winter and hiking in summer. The picturesque village of Hallstatt and the serene beauty of Lake Wolfgang are also must-visit spots.

Most Visited Countries in the World - Austria

  • Vienna State Opera – Enjoy a performance at one of the world’s most famous opera houses
  • Schönbrunn Palace – Explore the former imperial summer residence in Vienna
  • Sound of Music Tour in Salzburg – Follow the footsteps of the iconic musical
  • Skiing in the Austrian Alps – Experience world-class skiing and snowboarding
  • Hallstatt – Visit the fairy-tale village and its stunning lakeside views
  • Hotel Sacher – A luxurious historic hotel in the heart of Vienna
  • Schloss Fuschl – A castle hotel overlooking Lake Fuschl near Salzburg
  • Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol – A stunning alpine resort in the Tyrolean Alps
  • Heritage Hotel Hallstatt – A charming hotel located in the center of Hallstatt

Most Visited Countries in the World - Austria

This is an official list taken from UNWTO Tourism Highlights , an annual report the UNWTO compiles based on tourism numbers.

France has once again topped the charts this year, with Paris being the main crowd-puller I guess. I’m super thrilled to see Spain climbing up to the second spot. As you know, Spain is my second home. I lived in Spain for over 8 years.

So did this list surprise you? I’m not surprised that it’s dominated by European countries considering how they are home to some of the most famous historical sites and tourist attractions in the world. What do you think? Leave your comments below!

Read more of my articles below for some travel inspo:

  • 10 Least Visited Countries in the World
  • World’s Most Remote Islands
  • Most Remote Places in the US
  • Best Summer Destinations in Europe
  • Best Wildlife Destinations in the World
  • World’s Best Treks

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links to companies I use and trust. I get a small commission when you click on my links, at NO EXTRA COST TO YOU.

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Most Visited Countries in the World

Nellie Huang

Nellie Huang is the founder of WildJunket. Originally from Singapore, Nellie has traveled to over 150 countries across 7 continents. As an accomplished travel writer, she has written for BBC Travel, CNN and Rough Guides . She is also the author of five travel books, including the latest Lonely Planet's Mexico guidebook. Read more about her here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram .

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The Comments

' src=

So happy to see that France is on top of the list! I absolutely love France and would love to live there again in the future

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Yeh Spain draws in huge amounts of tourists from around Europe.

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Love France and visit again in the future

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Very happy with the list. Would love to explore all the locations too.

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France is absolutely magical. As is Belgium & Switzerland. I can’t wait to visit Montréal, Havana, New Orleans, and Istanbul though!!

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My favourites are; England, France, Switzerland and Turkey ?

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Turkey is such an iconic country, Istanbul is my favourite city in Europe. Also Turkish Riviera is heaven on earth..

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Pema Chhophel

By my favorite place are United States of America, Singapore and Bhutan

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I like how United States was in third place :P

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The US is always third place lmao

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I also spent a really good time at France during my last journey and came back with a lot of pleasant memories.

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Thailand, yes, because it is affordable and has the most amazing tropical beaches, Buddhist temples, and nightlife. I’ve also visited Spain and I loved their food and culture. Not to miss Ibiza and Spain’s scenic beauty, architecture, country life. Nellie very accurately penned down list, and thanks for the additional information too.

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Thanks for sharing this information However I am shocked Austria is not among of them

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These are the 10 most visited countries in the world


According to the World Tourism Organization (or UNWTO), in 2023, countries around the world counted a total of around 1.3 billion international tourist arrivals. Travelers in search of a change of scenery set foot on five continents, from France to Mexico to Turkey.

France, the most visited country in the world

France has topped the chart of the most visited countries in the world for more than 30 years now. This country has something to charm every type of traveller: breathtaking natural sites , cities with culture and cuisine for all tastes, and quaint historic villages.

Although Paris remains the leading tourist city in France, international visitors are particularly fond of medium-sized cities by the sea or in the mountains. Some of the top destinations in France include Chamonix, a winter sports resort with lively streets in winter and summer alike, the old Provençal town of Aix-en-Provence and the capital of the Grand-Est, Strasbourg, for its stunning Christmas market, one of the most enchanting in Europe .

With the Olympic Games and the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings, France is set to welcome over 100 million tourists in 2024.

The top 10 most visited countries in the world in 2022

  • France – 87 million visitors
  • Spain – 82 million visitors
  • United States – 77 million visitors
  • China – 61 million visitors
  • Italy – 58 million visitors
  • Mexico – 39 million visitors
  • United Kingdom – 38 million visitors
  • Turkey – 38 million visitors
  • Germany – 38 million visitors
  • Thailand – 35 million visitors

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The US retains its prime position in the World Economic Forum's latest Travel & Tourism Development Index. Image:  Unsplash/EveLazco

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A hand holding a looking glass by a lake

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  • Pent-up demand after the pandemic is expected to drive passenger numbers back up to pre-pandemic levels in 2024.
  • The recovery of the travel and tourism sector since the pandemic has been uneven, however, and some nations are better placed than others to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the future.
  • The top three best-placed countries for travel and tourism are the US, Spain and Japan, according to the World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Development Index.

If you were desperate to get away after the restrictions and enforced staying at home of the pandemic years, you were far from alone.

Global international tourist arrivals are expected to meet pre-pandemic levels in 2024 driven by this pent-up demand. But, the recovery of the travel and tourism sector since the pandemic has not been without challenges. Add to that macroeconomic, geopolitical and environmental factors, which have added pressures on the industry.

These pressures will amplify and evolve over the coming years and, along with the growth of digital technologies and AI, may well force the travel industry to adapt.

Some economies are better placed than others to make these changes, respond to future risks and ensure that travel and tourism is a driver of economic growth and prosperity.

With this in mind, the World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI) aims to serve as a benchmark for stakeholders to gauge progress, inform decisions and policies, and encourage sustainable and resilient growth.

A mixed recovery in challenging conditions

Europe dominates the top 10 economies for T&T, as ranked by the 2023 index, although the top spot is clinched by the US.

List showing the countries on the overall rankings in the Travel and Tourism Index.

But the index also shows that while 71 of the 119 economies it ranks improved their scores between 2019 and 2023, the average improvement is just 0.7% above pre-pandemic levels.

On the one hand, the rebound in travel and tourism has coincided with rising global air route capacity and connectivity, improved international openness, and increased investment in natural and cultural resources driving tourism. On the other hand, non-leisure demand is still lagging, there are ongoing labour shortages, and air route capacity and connectivity, capital investment and productivity have struggled to keep pace with demand.

This has created a supply and demand imbalance which, along with inflationary pressures, has led to reduced price competitiveness and service disruptions.

Charts showcasing the scores for Travel and Tourism Index.

Europe and Asia-Pacific have the most favourable conditions

Of the top 30 TTDI scorers in 2023, 26 are high-income countries. Nineteen of them are based in Europe, and seven in Asia Pacific.

These countries benefit from favourable business environments and labour markets, open travel policies, advanced technology adoption, excellent transport and tourism infrastructure, and rich natural, cultural and non-leisure attractions.

As a result, this group of 30 accounted for more than three-quarters of T&T industry GDP in 2022, and 70% of GDP growth between 2020 and 2022.

Map showcasing the scores for Travel and Tourism Index.

But although this group is leading the way, many of the above-average improvements in scores come from low- to upper-middle-income countries, including sub-Saharan and North Africa, Eurasia, South America, South Asia, and the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

While many have shown improvements, these less affluent countries still make up the vast majority of below-average scorers in the index. More investment is needed to help increase their share of the market and improve their readiness for future risks and opportunities.

Progress needed on resilience and equality

The ability of the travel and tourism sector to grow is limited by challenges like tight labour markets, growing fiscal constraints and concerns around health and security conditions. Labour market resilience will be an increasingly important factor for the sector, but issues like equality of job opportunities, workers’ rights and social protection are holding many economies – particularly low- and middle-income ones – back in this area.

As other sectors proceed to decarbonize, the aviation sector could account for a much higher share of global greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century than its 2%-3% share today.

Sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) can reduce the life-cycle carbon footprint of aviation fuel by up to 80%, but they currently make up less than 0.1% of total aviation fuel consumption. Enabling a shift from fossil fuels to SAFs will require a significant increase in production, which is a costly investment.

The Forum’s Clean Skies for Tomorrow (CST) Coalition is a global initiative driving the transition to sustainable aviation fuels as part of the aviation industry’s ambitious efforts to achieve carbon-neutral flying.

The coalition brings together government leaders, climate experts and CEOs from aviation, energy, finance and other sectors who agree on the urgent need to help the aviation industry reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

The coalition aims to advance the commercial scale of viable production of sustainable low-carbon aviation fuels (bio and synthetic) for broad adoption in the industry by 2030. Initiatives include a mechanism for aggregating demand for carbon-neutral flying, a co-investment vehicle and geographically specific value-chain industry blueprints.

Learn more about the Clean Skies for Tomorrow Coalition's impact and contact us to find out how you can get involved.

Another major hurdle for the sector is balancing growth with sustainability. Although there has been broad progress in areas like energy sustainability, some progress – like the fall in emissions seen during the pandemic – is likely to only be temporary.

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World Economic Forum articles may be republished in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License, and in accordance with our Terms of Use.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum.

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World tourism rankings by country: top 20 countries.

In this piece, we will take a look at world tourism rankings by country. If you want to skip our analysis of the tourism industry and recent trends, head on over to World Tourism Rankings by Country: Top 5 Countries .

Tourism is one of the key determinants of global economic health. And it's an industry that has grown alongside advances in air transportation that have enabled people to travel to far flung destinations while traveling at speeds of hundreds of kilometers per hour.

This industry is also among the few that were left completely devastated in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Estimates from the United Nations' World Tourism Organization (WTO) show that international travel shrunk by an absolutely stunning 72% in 2020 as lockdowns and stay at home orders led to the closure of hospitality establishments and restrictions on the number of people that could be crammed inside an enclosed space such as an airplane. The impact of the pandemic was so severe that even by the end of 2022, the industry had recovered to 65% of previous levels despite more than a year of near normalcy.

Yet, tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world. For instance, according to research from Industry Arc, the global travel and tourism industry is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.1% between 2021 and 2026 to be worth an estimated $8.9 trillion by the end of the forecast period. Another report from Allied Markets Research estimates that the business travel market was worth $696 billion in 2020 and will grow at a CAGR of 13.2% to sit at $2 trillion by 2028.

At the same time, business and leisure travel are not the only constituents industries of tourism. Two additional markets are adventure tourism and luxury travel. Estimates suggest that the former was worth $282 billion in 2021 and after growing at a CAGR of 15.1% is estimated to be worth $1 trillion in 2030. As far as luxury tourism is concerned, it was quite lucrative, being worth $1.28 trillion in 2022, and should have a CAGR of 7.6% to be worth $2.32 trillion in 2030.

Building on this, the next logical question to ask is which countries are the most popular for tourists and which are the most visited overall as well as in continents such as Europe and Asia. Well, on this front, data from the World Tourism Organization once again answer all our questions. Its World Tourism Barometer report for December 2020 (the latest version that is publicly available) shows that France was the most visited tourist destination in the world and in Europe in 2019. Broadening our approach to see which are the top ten most visited tourist countries in the world, we find out that after France, the list is dominated by Spain, the U.S., China, Italy, Turkey, Mexico, Thailand, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Astute readers will note that this also makes China as the most visited tourist destination in Asia. In terms of numbers, 83.5 million people visited Spain in 2019 - the second most popular tourist destination in Europe while China attracted 65.7 million people.

At this point, you might be wondering which is the most popular and most visited city in the world. Well, and perhaps unsurprisingly, just as France is the world's and Europe's most popular tourist destination, the most visited city in the world is its capital, Paris. This bit of information comes courtesy of Euromonitor International, which adds that in addition to Paris, some other popular cities for tourists are Dubai, Amsterdam, Madrid, Rome, and London. Crucially, Euromonitor's stats are for 2022, while the WTO's data shared above is from 2019, and these facts when taken together indicate that trends in the tourism industry tend to stay similar over the years - a crucial conclusion as you'll find out below.

China's role as the most popular tourist destination in Asia and a leading global economy merits a deeper look at what's in store for the country's tourist fortunes. China kick started 2023 by removing nearly all restrictions on travel and tourism, and after initially faltering, the pent up tourism demand roared back to life. Data compiled by McKinsey shows that visits to one of its most popular cities Shanghai nearly doubled to ten million visitors from the pre coronavirus 2019 peak. At the same time, China also has some of the biggest outbound tourism travelers in the world, and McKinsey estimates that pend up demand from these visitors as well carries with it a strong chance of injecting fresh vigor into the global tourism industry.

Finally, it's relevant to conclude our analysis of the global tourism industry by taking a look at what's happening on the ground. On this front, the management of Expedia Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: EXPE ) outlined during its first quarter of 2023 earnings call conference :

And I’m pleased to have started the year with strong performance. We posted our highest ever quarter for lodging gross bookings and free cash flow and our best first quarter for revenue. Throughout the quarter, we saw strong consumer demand with acceleration in international and big city travel and more of Asia reopening. The reemergence of major international cities has meant increased hotel demand, offset in part by flattening demand in vacation rentals as travel demand mix to urban destinations over extended beach and mountain trips. Similarly, air has continued to mix towards international travel and away from COVID era concentration in domestic. By and large, prices have held up quite well after several years of inflation. We’ve seen lodging ADRs hold fairly steady across geos. Air ticket prices, however, continued to increase as strong demand continues to outstrip capacity. The only area where we have seen any meaningful decline in average daily rate is in the car rental space where larger inventories have allowed rental companies to drive more volume at the expense of price. Overall, we are pleased to see broad travel demand remain strong in what appears to be a more structural post pandemic environment of people prioritizing travel above most other categories of spend. This has held up despite inflation and recession worries and even, more recently, bank system concerns. While economists continue to debate potential recession outcomes and clearly many unknowns are still out there, consumers have so far shaken it off and continue to travel.

With these details in mind, let's take a look at the world tourism rankings according to countries.

Pixabay/Public domain

Our Methodology

To compile our global tourism ranking by country, we used data from the 2020 version of the United Nations' World Tourism Barometer report. While it lists out international tourism receipts for 2019, this is actually helpful since 2019 was the last economically stable year for the global tourism industry which is still recovering. For our world tourism rankings, we have used international tourism receipts which is the amount spent by international visitors in a country. On a side note, both countries and special territories are included, since the spending is quite substantial.

World Tourism Rankings by Country

20. portuguese republic.

International Tourism Receipts: $20.6 billion

The Portuguese Republic is a Southwestern European country. It has a $257 billion economy and is famous for its Gothic architecture and diverse cuisine.

19. Republic of Korea

International Tourism Receipts: $21.6 billion 

The Republic of Korea, commonly known as South Korea is a technologically developed Asian country. South Korea is quite popular with visitors from China - with thousands flocking to the country each year.

18. United Arab Emirates

International Tourism Receipts: $21.8 billion 

The United Arab Emirates is not a surprising industry in our list of world tourism rankings. After all, its economic hub Dubai is one of the most highly visited cities in Asia.

17. Republic of Austria

International Tourism Receipts: $22.9 billion 

The Republic of Austria is a Central European landlocked country. Some of its most popular tourist destinations include its capital Vienna, known for the Schönbrunn Palace.

16. United Mexican States

International Tourism Receipts: $24.6 billion 

The United Mexican States, or Mexico, is a North American country. It is well known for historical tourism, being the birthplace of the Mayan civilization as well as beautiful beaches.

International Tourism Receipts: $28.0 billion 

Canada is a prosperous North American nation. Canada is best known for its Niagra Falls, which has been a popular tourist destination for more than a hundred years.

14. Hong Kong SAR

International Tourism Receipts: $29.0 billion 

Hong Kong is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. It is known for its vibrant nightlife, historic temples, and of course, Disneyland.

13. Republic of Türkiye

International Tourism Receipts: $29.8 billion

The Republic of Türkiye is an Asian and European nation. Its Istanbul International Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world.

12. Republic of India

International Tourism Receipts: $30.7 billion

The Republic of India is one of the biggest countries in the world and is full of iconic tourist destinations such as the Taj Mahal, the Ganges River, and more.

11. People's Republic of China

International Tourism Receipts: $35.8 billion

The People's Republic of China is the most populous nation in the world. It has a centuries old culture lending it iconic destinations such as the Great Wall of China.

10. Macao SAR

International Tourism Receipts: $40.1 billion

Macao is another special territory of China. It is best known for its vibrant casino and gaming industry.

9. Federal Republic of Germany

International Tourism Receipts: $41.6 billion

The Federal Republic of Germany is Europe's largest economy It is known for its beer festivals and winter markets, that is quite a spectacle.

8. Commonwealth of Australia

International Tourism Receipts: $45.7 billion

The Commonwealth of Australia is a prosperous Oceanic country. It is known for having the world's largest coral reef system, the Great Barrier Reef.

International Tourism Receipts: $46.1 billion

Like China, Japan is also a historic country full of ancient temples and a historic culture.

6. Italian Republic

International Tourism Receipts: $49.6 billion

Another unsurprising entry on our list is Italy. Known for its Roman culture and art galleries, it is one of the best destinations for cultural tourism.

Click to continue reading and see World Tourism Rankings by Country: Top 5 Countries .

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Disclosure: None.  World Tourism Rankings by Country is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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top 10 countries with tourism

#15 in Best Countries Overall

Italy is a south-central European country, whose boot-shaped borders extend into the Mediterranean Sea. The country’s historical cities, world-renowned cuisine and geographic beauty make it a popular destination for more than 40 million tourists each year. The nation is home to Mount Etna, Europe’s tallest and most active volcano, and houses two countries within its borders – the Vatican and San Marino.



top 10 countries with tourism

#19 in Best Countries Overall

A number of independent kingdoms united in 1492 to form the Kingdom of Spain, a cultural patchwork that continues to shape the modern nation’s dynamic identity. Spain comprises much of the Iberian Peninsula, which it shares with Portugal on the southwestern edge of Europe. It also includes the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean and two enclaves in North Africa.

top 10 countries with tourism

#12 in Best Countries Overall

It is difficult to overstate the influence  France has on the world, both in the past and today. Located in Western Europe, France is one of the world’s oldest countries, and its reach extends around the globe through science, politics, economics and perhaps above all, culture. Starting in the Middle Ages, France evolved through kingdom, empire and finally, into a republic. It was one of the first nations to champion the rights of the individual.

top 10 countries with tourism

#26 in Best Countries Overall

Located in southeastern Europe, Greece as an independent nation is young, existing since the 19th century. Its civilization, however, is one of history’s oldest and most influential, credited with creating the concept of democracy as well as the ancient Olympic Games, and laying Western foundations in science, the arts and philosophy.

top 10 countries with tourism

#5 in Best Countries Overall

The Commonwealth of Australia occupies the Australian continent. The country also includes some islands, most notably Tasmania. Indigenous people occupied the land for at least 40,000 years before the first British settlements of the 18th century.

top 10 countries with tourism

New Zealand

#9 in Best Countries Overall

British and Polynesian influences course through picturesque New Zealand, an island nation in the Pacific Ocean southeast of Australia . Early Maori settlers ceded sovereignty to British invaders with the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, and European settlers flooded in. Today, 70 percent of Kiwis, a common term for the people of New Zealand after a native flightless bird, are of European descent. A sense of pride has surged among the Maori, the country’s first settlers who now account for about 14 percent, as homeland grievances become more openly addressed.

top 10 countries with tourism

#28 in Best Countries Overall

Thailand, which translates to “land of the free,” is the only Southeast Asian nation that did not encounter European colonization. Located just above the equator, the nation is wedged into the Indochina peninsula with neighbors Myanmar , Laos and Cambodia and has an arm that extends out to Malaysia .

top 10 countries with tourism


#1 in Best Countries Overall

Switzerland, officially called the Swiss Confederation, is a small country in Central Europe made up of 16,000 square miles of glacier-carved Alps, lakes and valleys. It is one of the world’s wealthiest countries, and has been well-known for its neutrality.

top 10 countries with tourism

#35 in Best Countries Overall

Egypt, with vast swaths of desert in its east and west and the rich Nile River Valley at its heart, is site to one of the world’s earliest and greatest civilizations. Its location at the northeast corner of Africa bordering the Mediterranean Sea has made it a cultural and trading center. But its location has also made it a prize to claim by empires and put it at the center of social and religious movements.

top 10 countries with tourism

#4 in Best Countries Overall

Canada takes up about two-fifths of the North American continent, making it the second-largest country in the world after Russia . The country is sparsely populated, with most of its 35.5 million residents living within 125 miles of the U.S. border. Canada’s expansive wilderness to the north plays a large role in Canadian identity, as does the country’s reputation of welcoming immigrants.

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Ranked: the 10 countries most dependent on tourism.

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Over the past month the global travel industry has slowed to a stop thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. With planes grounded, ships docked and trains running stripped back services to promote self-isolation, the countries most dependent on tourism to survive and prosper are among those being hardest hit. 

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So, when the wheels and propellers start turning and we begin to travel again – and it’s entirely likely we’ll see a quick boom in the industry in reaction to the lockdown – it’s worth thinking about where we’ll go and why. If you’re reading this, you probably love to travel, which may be reason enough to choose to go somewhere your dollar, pound or euro (or any other currency for that matter) will make a real difference. 

And looking at the definitive list that Official Esta has put together defining those countries most dependent on travel, it’s a happy coincidence that they are, without exception, extraordinary places to visit and likely not at the top of most people’s travel itineraries.

Based on the data accrued, Official Esta states that Bangladesh is the country most dependent on tourism with an extraordinary 944 related jobs for every 100 visitors to the country, or nine jobs for every tourist. 

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  • Bangladesh – 9 jobs per tourist (944 per 100)
  • India – 2 jobs per tourist (172 per 100)
  • Pakistan  – 2 jobs per tourist (154 per 100)
  • Venezuela  – 1 job per tourist (101 per 100)
  • Ethiopia – 1 job per tourist (99 per 100)
  • Madagascar – 1 job per tourist (93 per 100)
  • Philippines  – 1 job per tourist (83 per 100)
  • Guinea   – 1 job per tourist (77 per 100)
  • Libya  – 1 job per tourist (68 per 100)
  • Nigeria  – 1 job per tourist (66 per 100)

Typically, “this is really positive for the Bangladeshi community – and the people visiting there – because it means that there is a thriving economy that has a demand for roles to be filled,” noted Jayne Forrester, Director of International Development at   Official Esta, prior to the pandemic. Though now this leaves the country more exposed to a tourism shortfall and so at greater risk of unemployment.

In second spot, but far far behind in terms of numbers is India, with 172 jobs available for every 100 tourists. In a country as vast and populous as India, this equates to 26,741,000 tourism jobs or nearly two for every tourist. Interestingly, India isn’t just burgeoning as a tourism destination but is also one of the fastest growing outbound tourism markets in the world as well, with a particular boom in younger Indians exploring the world. 

The majority of the top ten is rounded out by other Asian nations as well as African and a lone Southern American country in Venezuela.

A simple infographic really hammers home the dependence Bangladesh has on tourism compared to any ... [+] other country.

The list is based on data showing the direct contribution of travel and tourism to employment to establish how many tourism jobs are created for every 100 visitors across some 170 countries worldwide. In 2019, 1.5 billion international tourist arrivals were recorded globally – a figure that was previously expected to rise by around 4% in 2020, although we’ll clearly now actually see a significant downturn in that figure no matter how soon things ‘return to normal’.

Tourism brings with it jobs in myriad forms, from the restaurant and bar workers to front and back office tour operator staff, local guides, hoteliers, car rental and so many more. Most of the time, tourism is a driver of job growth and a healthy economy – indeed, in 2017 one in five of all new jobs created worldwide came from the demands of tourism.

What this table doesn’t tell you is the trends around these figures, which reveals an interesting alternative perspective. In 2013, Iceland had just seven jobs available for every 100 tourists, but in 2018 this has risen by 109% to 15 – a legacy of its recent shift in the global consciousness to an en vogue destination thanks to its abundance of natural wonders, including the feted Northern Lights, and perceived progressive outlook on the world. 

Iceland leads the way for increased employment through tourism, with some interesting other entries ... [+] in the top ten.

Another great example of this is Grenada, which has seen its tourism job rate rise from five in 2013 to nine now, most likely down to price increases pushing people away from more established destinations like Barbados and St Lucia. In the first half of 2019 alone, Grenada saw 318,559 visitors – quite a few for such a small island!

So while you’re sitting at home, self isolating like a responsible citizen, but dreaming of far flung destinations, perhaps take a moment to consider if where you’re going will benefit the country you’re visiting as well as sating your own travel fantasies. 


Using data from Knoema and The World Bank, Official Esta analyzed the direct contribution of travel and tourism to employment figures across 172 countries. They then compared this to the number of tourists within each country to find out the total number of jobs compared to the total number of tourists. From this comparison they then worked out the total number of jobs created per 100 tourists in each country. Countries where the number of tourists were unavailable were not analysed. Data correct as of 15/01/2020. Data available here .

Duncan Madden

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The 10 best countries in the world, ranked

  • Switzerland regained the top spot on U.S. News & World Report's list of best countries in the world.
  • The 2024 rankings assessed 89 countries on factors including heritage, power, and entrepreneurship.
  • European countries tend to offer the best quality of life, while the US excels at power and agility.

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For the third year in a row, Switzerland was ranked the best country in the world.

The 2024 rankings, released Tuesday, were determined by U.S. News & World Report , which partnered with the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Switzerland took the top spot from 2017 to 2020, but in recent years was superceded by Canada. The Commonwealth nation fell to fourth in 2024.

The rankings, which examined 89 countries, considered factors such as quality of life, entrepreneurship, and power. Each country received scores on 10 categories, including business-friendliness and agility, which U.S. News describes as being "most adaptable to change." The weighted sum determined the overall score.

"The Best Countries report speaks to the value of having a strong global image as nations compete for foreign trade, tourists and socioeconomic influence," David Reibstein, professor of marketing at the Wharton School, said in a statement. "The Best Countries ranking is more than a beauty contest. Global leaders need to realize that how their countries are viewed affects their economies through tourism, foreign direct investment and foreign trade, all critical components of their GDP."

Below, read on for the best countries in the world, according to U.S. News, and the categories in which each one excels.

Population data for each country is from the US Census Bureau and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) information was sourced from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

10. Denmark

top 10 countries with tourism

Population: 6 million

GDP: $400.1 billion

Denmark — made up of a peninsula that juts out from continental Europe and more than 400 named islands in the North Sea — was 13th on last year's list of best countries in the world.

Although the Nordic nation finished 10th among the best countries in 2024, it finished first in several categories, including quality of life and social purpose. The latter category weighed human rights, the environment, and equality.

U.S. News also named Denmark the best country for raising kids and the best country for racial equality.

9. New Zealand

top 10 countries with tourism

Population: 5.2 million

GDP: $242.1 billion

New Zealand dropped one spot from last year but still remained in the top 10.

The small island nation in the Pacific Ocean ranked fifth on the list of best countries for a comfortable retirement and second on the list of best countries for social purpose.

New Zealand, however, did not make it into the top 20 countries best for cultural influence or power.

8. United Kingdom

top 10 countries with tourism

Population: 68.5 million

GDP: $3.2 trillion

Even after its exit from the EU in 2020, the United Kingdom remains a desirable place to live.

While it finished ninth in 2023, the UK made a small leap to the eighth spot this year.

The UK ranks highest in entrepreneurship and power — both fourth — but made no appearance in the adventure category and placed 15th out of 89 countries in heritage.

top 10 countries with tourism

Population: 84.1 million

GDP: $4 trillion

Germany was also ranked the seventh-best country in the world in 2023. Germany ranked first for entrepreneurship and is the second-best country to start a career in .

However, Germany did not crack the top 20 for best countries to retire in or best countries to travel alone in.

top 10 countries with tourism

Population: 10.6 million

GDP: $590 billion

Sweden sat comfortably at third on last year's list.

But even at its current No. 6 spot, it ranked high in other categories like quality of life and social purpose — second in both.

It's also the best country for women and the best country for green living.

Sweden did not finish in the top 20 for power or influence.

5. Australia

top 10 countries with tourism

Population: 26.8 million

GDP: $1.7 trillion

Australia fell from fourth last year to fifth this year, though its ranking was propelled by a third-place ranking for agility.

Australia ranked eighth for quality of life and adventure and ninth for social purpose. It is also the fourth-best country for a comfortable retirement and third-best for a headquartering a corporation.

top 10 countries with tourism

Population: 38.8 million

This year, Canada fell from second to fourth place, though it still ranked in the top five for quality of life, social purpose, and agility.

The Commonwealth nation ranked sixth for entrepreneurship and landed in the top 10 for comfortable retirement , raising children, and education.

Canada ranked 15th on the list of business-friendly countries and 14th on the one for influential countries.

3. United States

top 10 countries with tourism

Population: 336 million

GDP: $27.4 trillion

The United States rose to third this year from fifth last year, its highest placement in the overall list since the best countries ranking began nine years ago.

The US ranked first for agility and power, as well as second for entrepreneurship. The US was also third for cultural influence behind Italy and France, and took the top spot for most influential country and countries with the best education.

The US, though, did not make the top 20 for quality of life , adventure, or business-friendliness. The US was also notably not included in the top 20 of best countries for retirement — a finding echoed by many US citizens who have moved abroad for a cheaper, more comfortable retirement.

top 10 countries with tourism

Population: 123.2 million

GDP: $4.3 trillion

Japan jumped to second place overall from sixth place last year.

It ranked third for entrepreneurship and fifth for cultural influence.

Japan ranked eighth for power, agility, and "movers" which U.S. News defined as "ones to watch."

Japan also ranked highly in business and careers categories such as forward-looking countries, best countries to invest in, and top countries to start a career.

However, Japan did not crack the top 20 for being business-friendly, the best place to visit, or having a social purpose.

1. Switzerland

top 10 countries with tourism

Population: 8.9 million

GDP: $819 billion

Switzerland consistently ranked high among many of U.S. News' key criteria.

Switzerland ranked third for quality of life, fifth for entrepreneurship, and second for being open to business. It also topped the lists of countries for comfortable retirement and starting a career.

However, it ranked comparably lower, 19th, for "movers," which is also an indicator for countries with high-potential economies.

It ranked outside the top 20 for the heritage category, which considered cultural traditions.

top 10 countries with tourism

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Surprising Tasmanian town takes the title of Australia’s top tourist town for 2024

Devonport in Tasmania claimed the top honour at Australia’s annual Top Tourism Town Awards

Melissa Woodley

Australia is home to thousands of absolutely adorable small towns, each with its own charm. While every Aussie has a favourite – whether due to childhood nostalgia, a beloved country pub or a beautiful bushwalk – some rankings carry a bit more clout. One of the most prestigious is the annual Top Tourism Town Awards, which grants prizes to Australia’s very best tourism towns, small towns and tiny towns.

Earlier this year, finalists from each state and territory were revealed, with the gold winners going head-to-head in the national awards held at Parliament House this week. Tasmania was the only state to finish on the podium in all three categories, with the winners decided through a combined voting process that included both public votes and scores from an industry judging panel. 

Wide view of Back Beach, Devonport

Drumroll, please… the Top Tourism Town Award (for towns with more than 5,000 residents) in 2024 went to the charming Tasmanian town of Devonport. Located along the stunning north-west coast where mountains meet the sea, this waterfront gem is much more than just a landing pad for Spirit of Tasmania ferries. It’s small enough that you can take peaceful bushland walks, swim at secluded beaches , and have the whole rocky coastline to yourself. Yet, it’s big enough to boast all the luxuries of city life, including a sparkly new waterfront precinct, boutique stays, trendy cafés and a thriving arts scene.

The Top Tourism Town runner-up in 2024 was Victoria’s historic gold rush town of Bendigo , with Queensland’s outback town of Roma taking home the bronze.

Aerial view of Turquoise Bay, Exmouth

The next prize of the night, the Small Tourism Town award (for populations between 1,500 and 5,000), went to the sleepy coastal town of Exmouth in Western Australia. Known for its bucket-list adventures, Exmouth offers everything from swimming with whale sharks at the World Heritage-listed Ningaloo Reef to hiking the rugged peaks of Cape Range National Park. Victoria's spa capital of Daylesford came in second place, with  Tasmania's  incredibly  picturesque town of Richmond coming in third.

The final (and cutest) award of the night was the Top Tiny Town (for populations less than 1,500), with NSW’s peaceful haven of Huskisson claiming the prize . It edged out Stanley, a scenic coastal gem in Tasmania’s Bass Strait, and Gundaroo, a tiny historic village just 25 minutes from Canberra.  

You can read the full list of winners (and plan your next Aussie road trip accordingly) over here .

Here are the winners of Australia’s Top Tourism Town in 2024:

  • Gold : Devonport, TAS
  • Silver : Bendigo, VIC
  • Bronze : Roma, QLD

Here are the winners of Australia’s Small Tourism Town in 2024:

  • Gold : Exmouth, WA
  • Silver : Daylesford, VIC
  • Bronze : Richmond, TAS

Here are the winners of Australia’s Tiny Tourism Town in 2024:

  • Gold : Huskisson, NSW
  • Silver : Stanley, TAS
  • Bronze : Gundaroo, ACT

Stay in the loop: sign up for our free   Time Out Australia newsletter   for more news, travel inspo and activity ideas, straight to your inbox.  


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Top 10 African countries with the kindest people

Every community and nation on the planet understands the value of civil society and charity, and Africa is no different. People from numerous African countries to varying degrees participate in charitable acts, given the continent’s current socio-economic reality. Additionally, the culture in some of these countries encourages charity whether there is a significant need for it.

Top 10 African countries with the kindest people

  • Business Insider Africa presents the top 10 African countries with the kindest people.
  • This list is courtesy of the Charity Aid Foundation’s World Giving Index Report.
  • Kenya ranks number 1 on the list.

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Kindness, whether shown via volunteering or financial contributions, can help to overcome disparities. Donations to vulnerable populations, such as orphans, the elderly, and people with disabilities, for example, allow them to live with dignity, improve their quality of life, and empower them to actively engage in their communities.

Furthermore, volunteers frequently address the gaps left by poor or nonexistent formal services. For example, volunteers assist in running informal schools, provide tutoring, and mentor young people in isolated areas with little access to formal education.

SEE ALSO: Top 10 African countries with the highest number of donors

This develops the next generation of leaders, encourages innovation, and advances literacy. Volunteering fosters an inclusive and caring culture that helps communities become less dependent on outside help and more self-sufficient.

With that said, here are the 10 kindest countries in Africa based on the amount of people that donated their time or money in assistance to the less privileged.

This list is based on a report by the World Giving Index, by the Charity Aid Foundation (CAF) .

The organization noted that it gave more than £1 billion to hundreds of thousands of organizations in 119 countries in the most recent fiscal year.


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The 15 safest countries for LGBTQ+ travelers this fall revealed

Shutterstock/Wallophoto; Bill Perry; SCStock; Pajor Pawel

A recent study has ranked 203 countries based on their safety for LGBTQ + travelers. Luckily, their list features some of our all-time favorite ‘bucket list’ destinations .

The study looked at five key factors: the criminalization of LGBTQ+ relations; the criminalization of anti-LGBTQ+ violence; Gallup World Poll data measuring public attitudes; LGBTQ+ worker protections; and marriage equality.

Countries were rewarded or penalized for certain criteria. For example, countries with laws criminalizing same-sex sexual relations faced significant scoring penalties, while countries that criminalized hate-based acts of violence received a 50-point bonus.

The study was developed by MouseNotifier , a Disney dining alert software system.

Keep scrolling to find the top 15 safest countries for LGBTQ+ travel.

15. Luxembourg

Luxembourg City’s old town overlooking the Alzette River at twilight


Luxembourg had a total score of 290.

14. Ireland

Marchers celebrate Ireland Pride 2022 in Dublin, Ireland

Yaroslav Astakhov/Shutterstock

Ireland had a total score of 293.

The Eiffel Tower and River Seine at sunset in Paris, France

Catarina Belova/Shutterstock

France had a total score of 301.

12. Iceland

The rainbow-colored Skolavordustigur street leading to the Hallgrimskirkja Lutheran church in Reykjavík, Iceland


11. Switzerland

The Gornergrat tourist train crosses a bridge and a waterfall in Zermatt, Switzerland, with the Matterhorn towering in the distance


Switzerland had a total score of 311.

10. Belgium

Tulips in front of the Grand-Bigard castle in Dilbeek, Belgium


Belgium had a total score of 315.

The lights of Tivoli Gardens at night in Copenhagen, Denmark

Mike Squires/Shutterstock

Denmark had a total score of 316.

8. Portugal

Rua Nova do Carvalho or Pink Street in the Cais do Sodre neighborhood of Lisbon, Portugal


Portugal had a total score of 320.

Gaudi’s famed Park Guell at sunset in Barcelona, Spain


Spain had a total score of 329.

6. United Kingdom

Big Ben and Westminster Palace at twilight in London, United Kingdom

Patryk Kosmider/Shutterstock

The United Kingdom had a total score of 330.

Family celebrating Malta Pride Week 2022 in Valletta, Malta


Malta had a total score of 331.

Northern lights fill the night skies above the village of Reine in Norway’s Lofoten Islands

Yevhenii Chulovskyi/Shutterstock

Norway had a total score of 343.

3. The Netherlands

The picturesque canals of Amsterdam, The Netherlands


The Netherlands had a total score of 346.

Moraine Lake in the stunning Valley of the Ten Peaks in Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

Zhukova Valentyna/Shutterstock

Canada had a total score of 350.

A bustling street in the Gamla Stan, or old town, of Stockholm, Sweden


Sweden had a total score of 356.

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top 10 countries with tourism

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Stigma around those living with HIV is declining, but maybe not for the reasons you'd think: report

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France becomes world’s first country to enshrine abortion rights in constitution

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Joe Biden has tied the record for most LGBTQ+ judges confirmed in federal courts

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Little Gay Pub in D.C. vandalized over support for Kamala Harris for president

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Adam Lambert reveals his spiciest hookup stories in new Grindr interview with Katya

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JD Vance now says Haitian immigrants are spreading HIV after bizarre pet-eating claim flops

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Creator and host Karl Schmid fights HIV stigma with knowledge

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8 times LGBTQ+ Republicans were SHOCKED to discover the GOP hates them, duh Mary

Recommended stories for you, donald padgett.

Managing Editor at OutTraveler. Also write for Out, The Advocate, and Plus magazines.

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Bengaluru Airport on high alert amid Mpox outbreak; passengers from African countries to go through mandatory screening

Times of India TIMESOFINDIA.COM / TRAVEL NEWS , BANGALORE / Created : Sep 16, 2024, 14:44 IST

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Bengaluru's Kempegowda International Airport has begun screening all international passengers from African countries for the Mpox virus following WHO's declaration of a health emergency. Positive cases will undergo a mandatory 21- … Read more

Bengaluru's Kempegowda International Airport has begun screening all international passengers from African countries for the Mpox virus following WHO's declaration of a health emergency. Positive cases will undergo a mandatory 21-day quarantine. The airport is fully prepared with health protocols to control the spread, testing around 2000 passengers daily. Read less

Bengaluru Airport on high alert amid Mpox outbreak; passengers from African countries to go through mandatory screening

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Bengaluru Airport on high alert amid Mpox outbreak; passengers from African countries to go through mandatory screening

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Bengaluru Airport on high alert amid Mpox outbreak; passengers from African countries to go through mandatory screening

Bengaluru's Kempegowda International Airport has begun screening all international passengers from African countries for the Mpox virus following WHO's declaration of a health emergency. Positive case...

top 10 countries with tourism


  1. World Tourism rankings

    The top 10 international tourism destinations in 2023 were: [2] [3] Rank Destination International tourist arrivals (2023) [4] International tourist arrivals (2022) [3] Change (2022 to ... List of countries by international inbound tourists This page was last edited on 15 September 2024, at 10:41 (UTC). Text is available under the Creative ...

  2. The 58 most popular travel countries

    The Most popular travel countries and ranking of international tourism over 58 countries. USA ranks 6th. ... The top place was taken by France with 48.40 million tourists. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021 had a significant impact on the industry, which has been growing inexorably for decades. Travel restrictions caused massive declines.

  3. The world's best countries for tourism

    For 2024, six countries share the number one ranking - France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore and Spain. Five of those nations appear in the WEF's top 10, with Singapore a respectable 13th ...

  4. 10 Most Visited Countries in the World

    What are the top 10 most visited countries in the world? France, Spain, and the United States are the leading destinations for international tourism.. For more than 30 years, France has held the top spot as the most visited country globally, welcoming more than 100 million international tourists in 2023 and accounting for 8% of the global tourism market.

  5. World Tourism Ranking by Country 2024

    What is the top 10 most traveled country in the world? According to the UNWTO Global and Regional Tourism Performance Report of 2023, the top 10 most traveled countries in the world are: 1. France [100 million] 2. Spain [85.17 million] 3. United States [66.48 million] 4. Italy [57.25 million] 5. Türkiye [55.16 million] 6. Mexico [42.15 million] 7.

  6. Most Visited Countries 2024

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  7. Most Visited Countries 2024

    The impact has been particularly damaging in countries that rely heavily upon tourism as part of their GDP. Lost tourism in Macau, one of China's special administrative regions, led to a 79.3% drop in year-on-year gambling revenues, which caused overall GDP for 2020 to fall 43.1% compared to the previous year.. While tourism has picked up slightly in 2021, they still fall far short of the pre ...

  8. The World's Most Visited Countries

    In 2019, 1.5 billion tourist arrivals were recorded around the world, a 4% increase on 2018's figures. The Middle East is currently the fastest-growing region for international tourism, but European countries such as France, Spain and Italy remain the most visited. Find out the top 10 world's most visited countries below: 10.

  9. Ranked: The 10 Most Visited Countries in 2023

    10. Greece. Europe. 33. Spain followed France with 85 million visits in 2023, and the United States came in third place with 67 million tourists arriving in that year. China has been among the top destinations for years, but the number of visitors has dropped drastically in recent years due to COVID-19 restrictions.

  10. Top 10 Most Visited Countries in the World

    January 7, 2024. Here are the 10 most visited countries in the world, according to the last issue of the UNWTO World Tourism Barometer - January 2023: France: 48.4 million visitors. Mexico: 31.9 million visitors. Spain: 31.2 million visitors. Türkiye: 29.9 million visitors. Italy: 26.9 million visitors. United States: 22.1 million visitors.

  11. Countries ranked by International tourism, number of arrivals

    Arrivals data measure the flows of international visitors to the country of reference: each arrival corresponds to one in inbound tourism trip. If a person visits several countries during the course of a single trip, his/her arrival in each country is recorded separately. In an accounting period, arrivals are not necessarily equal to the number ...

  12. World Tourism Organization

    Tourism Statistics. Get the latest and most up-to-date tourism statistics for all the countries and regions around the world. Data on inbound, domestic and outbound tourism is available, as well as on tourism industries, employment and complementary indicators. All statistical tables available are displayed and can be accessed individually.

  13. Most-Visited Countries in the World

    According to rankings by the United Nations World Tourism Organization, Europe boasts 12 of the 20 most-visited countries. But Asia and the Pacific, with five countries on the list, is the fastest-growing region (expect to see these countries climb the rankings in the future). Read on to find out which nations made the cut.

  14. 10 most visited countries in the world

    Together with the rest of the top 10, they make up a whopping 41% of global tourist arrivals (i.e. overnight visitors). Here's the complete list of the most visited countries in the world. 10 most visited countries in the world. The below figures come from the 2020 edition of the UNWTO's International Tourism Highlights report.

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    France, the top-ranked country in 2019 - before the pandemic hit - had 90 million. ... 2021 international tourist arrivals: 10.6 million ... 10 Countries With the Best Health Care Systems.

  16. 10 Most Visited Countries in the World 2024

    Last Updated on July 19, 2024. Every year, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) compiles a report with international tourist arrivals for every country. This is the latest list of the most visited countries in the world, based on their recent report.. Here are the top 10 most visited countries according to UNWTO, listed from the most to the least visited.

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    According to the World Tourism Organization (or UNWTO), in 2023, countries around the world counted a total of around 1.3 billion international tourist arrivals. ... The top 10 most visited countries in the world in 2022. France - 87 million visitors; Spain - 82 million visitors; United States - 77 million visitors; China - 61 million ...

  18. 35 Most Visited Countries in the World: 2024 Rankings

    Saudi Arabia. Number of Arrivals: 13.6m. Saudi Arabia aims to welcome 30 million overnight tourists in 2024, with a revised 2030 target of 150 million visitors. The tourism sector's growth aligns ...

  19. These are the top 10 countries for travel and tourism

    Europe dominates the top 10 economies for T&T, as ranked by the 2023 index, although the top spot is clinched by the US. The US has retained its top spot as the best economy for travel and tourism. Image: World Economic Forum. But the index also shows that while 71 of the 119 economies it ranks improved their scores between 2019 and 2023, the ...

  20. World Tourism Rankings by Country: Top 20 Countries

    World Tourism Rankings by Country. 20. Portuguese Republic. International Tourism Receipts: $20.6 billion. The Portuguese Republic is a Southwestern European country. It has a $257 billion economy ...

  21. These Are the Best Countries for Tourism

    #10 in Good for tourism #4 in Best Countries Overall Canada takes up about two-fifths of the North American continent, making it the second-largest country in the world after Russia .

  22. 10 Countries With The Best Tourism Economies—According To A ...

    European countries dominate the World Economic Forum's top 10 list of strongest tourism economies in 2024, with six of them making the cut.

  23. Ranked: The 10 Countries Most Dependent On Tourism

    The Top Ten. Bangladesh - 9 jobs per tourist (944 per 100) India - 2 jobs per tourist (172 per 100) Pakistan - 2 jobs per tourist (154 per 100) Venezuela - 1 job per tourist (101 per 100 ...

  24. The 10 best countries in the world, ranked

    Switzerland regained the top spot on U.S. News & World Report's list of best countries in the world. The 2024 rankings assessed 89 countries on factors including heritage, power, and ...

  25. 10 pretty countries that you can visit with this single visa

    Travel. Top 10 countries with world's oldest (65+) population. Travel. Top 10 beaches to visit across India this October. Travel. India's famous tigers and tigresses: The legends of the wild.

  26. Devonport has been named Australia's Top Tourist Town for 2024

    Here are the winners of Australia's Top Tourism Town in 2024: Gold: Devonport, TAS; Silver: Bendigo, VIC; ... 🏆 Why Australia ranked as one of the world's best countries ...

  27. Top 10 African countries with the kindest people

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  28. Top 15 safest LGBTQ+ travel destinations revealed

    For example, countries with laws criminalizing same-sex sexual relations faced significant scoring penalties, while countries that criminalized hate-based acts of violence received a 50-point bonus. The study was developed by MouseNotifier, a Disney dining alert software system. Keep scrolling to find the top 15 safest countries for LGBTQ+ travel.

  29. Bengaluru Airport on high alert amid Mpox outbreak; passengers from

    Top 10 countries with most UNESCO World Heritage Sites. ... Also read: Why it's dangerous to travel to these 8 tourist destinations now If reports are to go by, if cases are quickly diagnosed ...

  30. Top 10 Places To Visit in Malta

    I recently returned from exploring the country of Malta and I want to share with you my favorite places & experiences. Enjoy this travel guide featuring Malt...