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20+ Things to Know Before You Travel By Bus in the USA

February 21, 2018 by Karen Turner 10 Comments

I have many talents, but driving is not one of them. I’ve never been given a driver’s license, so I’ve been forced to travel by bus in the USA. Although it’s maybe not “cool” to travel by buses around the United States, taking Greyhound buses and Megabus is often a good cheap way to travel around the USA.

Keep reading for my recommendations for the bus companies in the United States, reviews of different bus companies in the US, what to know about bus travel in the United States, and what to bring on long bus trips in the United States.

how to travel by bus

  • 1 Should you travel by bus in the US?
  • 2.1 Greyhound
  • 2.2 Megabus
  • 2.3 BoltBus
  • 2.4.1 Other Bus companies in the United States
  • 3.0.1 The bus stations…
  • 3.0.2 Finding the bus departure place may be harder than you realize!
  • 3.0.3 You might get dropped off in the middle of nowhere
  • 3.0.4 Avoid buses that depart or arrive late at night
  • 3.0.5 Book in advance to get the best times and prices
  • 3.0.6 Not every bus still has wifi… or working plugs
  • 3.0.7 You need identification and often your bus ticket printed
  • 3.0.8 Your bus ticket is typically non-refundable and for a specific time
  • Don’t drink too many liquids
  • Set an alarm
  • One suitcase and one backpack.  Keep your valuables with you.
  • 3.0.11 Be early for the bus!
  • 4.0.1 Be sure to bring antibacterial gel
  • 4.0.2 Travel Pillow.
  • 4.0.3 Backpack that will fit your valuables, including your laptop.
  • 4.0.4 Your iPad and a season of shows lined up with some headphones.
  • 4.0.5 Snacks.
  • 4.0.6 Wear layers and bring a sweatshirt.
  • 4.0.7 A good book and a reading light.
  • 4.0.8 External Phone Battery Charger

Should you travel by bus in the US?

Yes, and no. If your trip around the United States is focused on city hopping, especially within one region (e.g. East Coast), traveling by bus in the United States is a good choice.. It’s often cheaper and easier not to have a car in big cities in the United States as parking can add up.  However, it depends a lot on the city as some cities have great public transportation system while others have terrible public transportation systems.

If you’re planning on focusing on the beautiful National Parks, you’re going to have difficulty getting around more rural areas of the US without a lot of money spent on taxis.  Some National Parks have better infrastructure in terms of getting there without a car (e.g. Yosemite), but many parks are quite rural and require extra time/money to get there without a car.  It might make sense to take a bus for some legs of your journey and do tours once you’re within a city.  This will be cheaper than all-inclusive options.

Bus travel in the United States is far more sustainable than traveling by car around the United States.  People love to write about road trips, but bus travel is way more eco-friendly!  Similarly, not everyone can afford a car or it doesn’t make sense to drive into another big city.

As a result, I think that travel by bus around the US can be a great option for those on a budget, anyone who’s into sustainable travel, and for those who don’t want to have to bother with driving in big American cities.

Bus travel in the United States is often not as advertised online in terms of wifi and on-board entertainment. Although many bus companies are interested in creating more premium experiences and improving the average bus experience, my experiences traveling by bus in the United States has been gritty and unglamorous. This has been the case for my husband too. ( What did you think you were getting when you paid $25 for a 8 hour bus across the country?)

Photo of Chicago. Read tips for surviving overnight bus rides and things to know before traveling by bus in the United States! #travel #UnitedStates #USA

Photo from Chicago, which was a 14+ hour bus ride

National bus companies in the United States

You’ll encounter a lot of bus companies in the United States although many are regional bus lines that I haven’t personally encountered. Most of the time, unless it’s a major American holiday, bus travel doesn’t require significant planning beyond a day or two in advance.  American buses tend to be cheaper if you book way in advance with a major company (e.g. Greyhound or Megabus) while regional bus rates tend to rise less closer to the dates.

Greyhound is the most ubiquitous bus company in the United States.  Among the bus companies, the opinions about Greyhound buses online  tends to be more favorable although most people I know who regularly take Greyhounds aren’t their biggest cheerleaders.  The coverage of Greyhound buses is good across the country and you can get across the United States on a Greyhound on the drop of a hat.

However, you will probably have numerous stop-offs in various cities, which can add some time.  However, it’s possible to get to Yosemite with a Greyhound, which is why if you’re traveling in the United States without a car.  It’s often best to buy Greyhound tickets at least two weeks in advance and they have special deals if you buy online.

It’s basically very hard to get a $1 fare on Megabus at this point, but you can get some good deals on Megabus if you book ahead.  I started taking Megabus when it got started.  At this point, Megabus tends to be standard and their concept is getting you there.  The demographic for Megabus is considerably younger than Greyhound and you’ll find a lot of students taking Megabus.

Megabus tend to be stricter about bag sizes although they more uniformly have working outlets on their buses.  Coverage for Megabus is best on the East Coast, Midwest, and between college towns in the United States. They also have some coverage on the West Coast.

My husband has sworn off Megabus after the wheels almost caught on fire and the driver told the passengers it wasn’t safe to continue.  He was forced to wait in the middle of nowhere waiting for a new bus to come pick them up.  A couple of other friends have similar stories although I generally take Megabus given the choice as I find people are a bit more considerate.

BoltBus is a “premium” bus company that runs on the East and West coast.  Their buses tend to be much newer and nicer than others that I’ve taken, however the routes are more limited to major cities on the coasts.  Their plugs tend to work much more reliably and recently, they started including movies in the price of the bus.

I’ve generally liked BoltBus and I wish that they would expand to more cities.  It’s my go-to choice for traveling from New York City to Washington DC.

Trailways Transportation System

Trailways is a network of 70+ regional bus companies in the United States that compromises the oldest bus network in the United States.  Their network crosses the United States and I’ve taken Trailways quite a few times.  I find their buses not as uniform as you’re likely to be switching companies as you switch state lines.  Most of my experience taking Trailways meant that I had long layovers in rural Pennsylvania at one particular transfer point.

For smaller cities with less coverage on the big names, I find that Trailways is more reliable in helping you find a route although it might add time to your journey.  It depends on the bus journey, however I find that Trailway buses tend to stop off a lot more although it makes the journey through the United States far more scenic as you’re often taking non-highway routes.

Other Bus companies in the United States

Bus traveling along highway in the United States. Must-know tips if you're considering traveling by bus in the US!

Photo by Denis Rozhnovsky/Bigstockphoto

There’s a ton more bus companies in the United States, including Vonlane (Texas), Fullington Trailways (New York/Pennsylvania), Utah Trailways (Utah), Burlington Trailways (Vermont), Jefferson Lines, Bieber Tours (Pennsylvania/New York), Barons Bus Lines (East Coast),  Adirondack Trailways (Canada/New York), RedCoach (Florida; premium bus), Capital Trailways (South/Alabama), Hoosier Transportation (Midwest/Iowa/Michigan/Kentucky), Indian Trails (Michigan), Peter Pan (East Coast), Orange Belt (California), etc. There’s a ton more.  If you’re not seeing a route to where you’re going, I recommend stopping by the bus station to see if there’s a bus heading that way on a regional line.

On the east coast and the west coast, you’ll also find Chinese bus companies that run between the Chinatowns or downtowns of major cities on the East Coast/West Coast.  The Chinese bus companies are often the cheapest option if you’re traveling to/from New York City or LA to a nearby major city.

Due to price, I often took the Chinese bus companies.  These bus rides went by without incident for me, but my cousin was stranded in the middle of nowhere after a bus broke down and the bus company wasn’t helpful at all.

Things to know about bus travel in the United States

The bus stations….

With the creation of the interstate highway system, buses in the United States stopped being as popular as they were before.  The bus infrastructure has suffered as a result.  Most bus stations tend to be on the dingier side and do not require a ticket to enter the bus station, so it’s best to be aware of your belongings.  Most bus stations in the United States tend to be located in the city center, which aren’t always in the best neighborhoods.

In the case of many of the “newer” bus lines (e.g. Megabus), their business model is about cutting out the bus station to pass on savings to consumers.  This means that their bus station may be a Walmart parking lot or simply a curb on a sidewalk.  As a result, you might be forced to wait outside for the bus and/or there may be no bus station for you to wait inside at.  Bring an umbrella if you think this might be the case.

Finding the bus departure place may be harder than you realize!

Often, bus terminals for Greyhound and other regional bus stations are well-established terminals in the city center.  However, for some of the newer bus companies, they have their buses designated in a large area.  You’re going to need an extra twenty minutes at minimum if you’re taking Megabus to find your bus if it’s departing from most major cities.

In New York, I’ve found that I need the extra time to walk past all the buses waiting to find the correct departure point. Similarly, when I took BoltBus out of DC, I had to spend a while searching for the one departing for NYC as there were more than five buses departing around the same time.

You might get dropped off in the middle of nowhere

Modern-day America has been built for cars.  For most major cities, you’ll be dropped of at the bus terminal, which can be far from the non-downtown parts of a city. I used to often take one route and the bus terminal was over three miles from the main downtown area, which can be tricky if you don’t have a car.

In one case, I was forced to take a taxi as it wasn’t possible to get from the bus terminal to my final destination (the airport) without it.  It’s good to check where the bus stop will be as you don’t want to need to take a taxi to get there.  Google Maps in my go-to source.

Avoid buses that depart or arrive late at night

Trust me on this one. A lot of cities have poor transportation after a certain hour (often eleven at night), and often bus terminals are in the heart of the city center.  Unlike European cities, many American city centers aren’t uniformly safe and I recommend using some caution if you’ll be walking around with all your valuables late at night.  Crime in America is an issue.

Book in advance to get the best times and prices

Many bus companies, especially Boltbus and Megabus, advertise low rates if you book as far in advance as possible.  I often take Megabus and wait to see when the tickets go on sale, so I can get one of the first tickets, which is typically less than $5.  If you wait too long, especially for holiday weekends, the prices will go up considerably.  That said, you’ll find a bus to your destination within a day or two if you simply head to the bus station on short notice.

Not every bus still has wifi… or working plugs

Girl sitting on a bus. Read tips for traveling without a car in the United States and what to know about bus companies in the United States.

A good playlist is always a good idea. Photo by VadimGuzhva/bigstockphoto

Although many bus companies advertise that buses have wifi, the wifi on the bus is ridiculously slow, throttled for video, and unreliable.  I’ve been on countless buses where the wifi never worked because it didn’t have wifi, the wifi was broken, or there were too many people on it at once.

It’s become trendy to have outlets, but often, the outlets are somewhere really inconvenient or they don’t work.  A lot of people think initially that they’ll work on the bus, but I find that it’s not a conducive environment for working as the seat-tray makes it hard to fit a laptop in many cases.

This becomes especially true when others decide to lean their chair back.  I’ve been on buses where the outlets were above you in the “ceiling”, so unless you spend the whole bus ride holding your plug in the outlet, you will not be charging your electronics.  Some of the newer buses have improved upon this design and have easy-to-access plugs/usb ports.

You need identification and often your bus ticket printed

Typically, any photo identification will do, however the name needs to match the ticket. That means that you typically can’t use your friend’s ticket. If you’re a foreigner, I recommend having your passport on you.

Not all bus companies allow e-tickets, so I always print my ticket ahead as finding a good place to print my ticket isn’t always easy near the bus station.  Some bus companies are better about accepting e-tickets, so check the terms to see if it’s enough to have a ticket on your phone.

The real reason that I always print my ticket?  I need to have my phone charged enough for when I arrive.  As a result, I recommend having it printed, so you don’t need to worry about having your phone charged up for the next transfer or for when I arrive at the destination, particularly if it’s a long bus ride.  I often find myself playing on my phone, which can kill the battery.

Your bus ticket is typically non-refundable and for a specific time

Unless you pay extra for a refundable ticket, you’re often getting one for a specific time. Don’t miss your bus! Some bus companies allow you to change the ticket for the difference in ticket price in addition to a fee, but I’ve actually bought a ticket in most of those cases as it was cheaper than the change fee.

Oh, the people you’ll meet!


Dr. Seuss must have taken buses around the United States. While most of my bus trips have gone by without incidence, both my husband and I have some  memorable  bus travel stories as do most of my friends. Most people sleep, stare out the window, talk to friends on the phone, or chat with friends on the bus. Let’s be clear that most people you’ll encounter on the buses will be non-offensive, but as I have regularly taken regional buses through rural areas, you’re bound to meet some characters.

This following story is from my husband who took a twenty-four hour Greyhound bus from Pennsylvania to Kentucky via Ohio…

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, many students choose to take Greyhound home because it is so cheap.  You’re  not supposed to bring alcohol on the bus, however some people do.  This student had smuggled a bottle of peach flavored vodka on the bus.  He was hell-bent on talking to every girl on the bus and switched seats countless times.  He was drinking the vodka and kept offering it to the girls.  After they all rejected it and him, he sitting up next to me. There was a girl nearby from Hawaii who was heading to a friend’s house in Iowa to celebrate Thanksgiving.  The girl and the guy hit it off and get very drunk on the bus.  They start having a big make-out session, so the whole bus was just eavesdropping while some were openly watching them.   The issue was that it was night-time and they were being loud while everyone else on the bus was trying to sleep. The first leg took us to Columbus, which is a big switching point for buses.  I was heading south from there as was the guy.  The girl was heading further west from there. We get to Columbus and they decide that they’re in love .  The girl invites him to come to Iowa with her to her friend’s house and the guy actually switches his ticket to go to Iowa.  Sure enough, they left for Iowa together to her friend’s parents house. Imagine her friend’s reaction when she shows up hungover with this random guy she met on a Greyhound.

Don’t drink too many liquids

This is a newbie bus mistake.  It’s good to stay hydrated and I typically bring at least one bottle of water for longer journeys, however I generally avoid bus bathrooms.  More importantly: Some buses, especially regional ones for shorter legs, don’t have a bathroom on the bus.  Be sure to use the bathroom at the bus terminal before you leave!

It’s not a guarantee that your bus will stop off at a bus station or rest stop long enough for you to go inside.

For longer trips, keep in mind that the bus will probably stop off at a rest stop as they’re not allowed to drive over a certain number of hours without stopping.  It’s not a guarantee for shorter journeys that the bus will stop off at a rest station long enough for you get something to eat, so bring your own food/drinks ahead.

If it looks like you’ll have fifteen minutes waiting at a station for passengers, be sure to tell the bus driver that you’ll be back to ensure that the bus doesn’t leave without you.  There’s often a line for the restroom at rest stops.

Set an alarm

Photo of man sleeping on overnight bus in the United States. Read more tips for surviving long bus trips and what to know before taking a Greyhound bus in the United States.

On long bus rides, you might fall asleep. That’s fine, however if your destination isn’t the final destination, you’ll want to set an alarm on your phone before the time that your bus is supposed to arrive.  There might be traffic, but in general, it’s a safe move.

One suitcase and one backpack.  Keep your valuables with you.

Remember that you’re NOT on a plane. Some bus companies are more lax about luggage, however if it’s a crowded bus or you’re traveling over major holiday, you might need to pay for an extra bag.  I also recommend avoiding having your stuff in bags if possible as I’ve seen people get rejected from boarding onto buses when carrying their belongings in plastic bags.

I tend to keep my valuables in my backpack rather than below the bus, especially if the bus has a lot of stop off points  I recommend labeling your bag clearly as it’s hard to find a black suitcase among 50 other black suitcases .  Weird size luggage might cause issues, so ask beforehand.

Typically at stops, people take their items from the hull, so unless you want your bag taken by mistake, it’s best to keep your valuables in your backpack with you on the bus.  I’ve never had a bag stolen or taken by mistake, but if it’s a long ride with a lot of stops, I recommend labeling your bag clearly and packing your backpack carefully.

Be early for the bus!

Although it hasn’t often happened, buses leave on time.  More often than not, they’ll wait a couple more minutes for passengers who are running a few minutes late, but I’ve seen so many people running after the bus without success.  You need time to get your luggage under the hold.  Certain bus companies, including Megabus, overbook their seats, so if you’re not there early and it’s a full bus, you might get rejected on the bus and need to wait for the next one.

What to bring on long bus trips in the United States

If you’re wondering what to pack for an overnight bus trip, I’m well-experienced in these long miserable journeys that I’ve done to save money.

Be sure to bring antibacterial gel

how to travel by bus

Some bus bathrooms are best avoided.  Similarly, the soap dispenser may not work. Be sure to have your own antibacterial gel to clean your hands with, especially if you plan on eating.

Travel Pillow.

how to travel by bus

This is the MOST important item that you’ll want to pack for an overnight bus trip as I struggle to sleep without a good travel pillow. I have this exact travel pillow and I love how small it folds up!

Backpack that will fit your valuables, including your laptop.

how to travel by bus

I recommend looking for a carry-on friendly sized backpack that can fit your backpack as well as most of your valuables, so that they’re close to you.

Your iPad and a season of shows lined up with some headphones.

how to travel by bus

This is definitely not a necessity, but if you’re going to have a lot of long bus trips, I recommend bringing an iPad , so you can watch movies on the bus.  Download your shows before you leave wifi!

how to travel by bus

I recommend not buying your snacks at the bus station if possible as the prices tend to be a lot higher and the selection isn’t as good as going to the supermarket! Avoid peanuts as some people are really allergic.   I really like to carry granola bars with me as they’re hard to smoosh and non-messy.

Wear layers and bring a sweatshirt.

how to travel by bus

You never know when the bus will be too warm or too cold, so I always try to bring a sweatshirt to put on over my clothes in case I get cold! I recommend dressing comfy and you’ll be sitting for many hours.

A good book and a reading light.

how to travel by bus

For night buses, the driver typically shuts off the lights after a certain time. Although there’s a reading light from above, I’m often very conscious of it annoying the people around me.  Instead, I usually bring my own reading light as well as a good book.  For a good read, I recommend Night Film (which will take you many hours to finish), the Power , or On the Road for some American travel inspiration.

External Phone Battery Charger

how to travel by bus

You never know when there won’t be a working charger on the bus and you might need to make a phone call. Don’t let your phone die and carry an external phone battery charger .

Have you traveled by bus in the United States? Anything you’d add?

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Considering traveling by bus in the United States? 20+ tips from an experienced American traveler on what to know about bus travel in the USA & what to pack for an overnight bus journey. #Travel #USA #UnitedStates

About Karen Turner

New Yorker–born and raised. Currently living in the Hague, the Netherlands after stints in Paris and Amsterdam. Lover of travel, adventure, nature, city, dresses, and cats.

Reader Interactions

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February 24, 2018 at 12:47 am

Wow, I live in the US and I have never even considered bus travel (excluding taking the Megabus very occasionally from San Francisco to LA). That’s such a cool way to travel the country, and I will definitely have to consider it in the future! Thanks for sharing all these helpful tips.

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February 24, 2018 at 3:12 am

The US is so spread out that it’s difficult to see a lot of it without access to a car. Bus is often the only option for many travelers. I’ve never traveled long distance by bus in the US, but I’ve heard they’re pretty unpleasant.

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February 24, 2018 at 4:09 am

I haven’t been to the US of A but everyone has always told me that if you want to move around, you need a car. That is the only way to travel unless you consider flights which can get expensive. I was pleasantly surprised to know that the bus routes are usable.

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February 24, 2018 at 1:01 pm

Super comprehensive and useful guide! I felt I’ve learned a lot about the buses in U.S just from this post. The reading light is a great suggestion – I’m gonna consider that the next time I fret over bringing a book on trips! Same like you, I feel conscious that the overhead light will be disturbing to my neighbour 😉

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February 24, 2018 at 2:03 pm

I went to college in DC so def took the fung wa chinatown bus many times! I did have a greyhound driver once say (at a rest stop) “I dont count heads, I just count time” meaning he was rolling out at the designated time with or without you! I think now at age 40, I’ve graduated from Bus travel.

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February 24, 2018 at 2:32 pm

I’ve only ever taken the bus between NY and Baltimore (China Bus). I’m laughing at the Dr. Suess comment and the need for hand santizer!!! LOL

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September 17, 2018 at 5:18 pm

thanks so much, gonna do it now in advance! from the Uk to AmericaU here I come !!!

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May 12, 2019 at 5:00 am

Don’t use Greyhound bus.. Many of the buses are unsafe, employees for the most part are rude worst of all is the huge amount of lost luggage. Its piled in s warehouse in Dallas I think, and you will never see it again. Mine was lost last summer and none will help me get it back. Travel Greyhound at your own risk.

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May 20, 2019 at 2:37 pm

The buses are affordable but the catch is, IF YOU CANCEL YOUR TRIP, ITS ‘ZERO’ REFUND! However, they can reschedule you at no cost. So, think well and be sure before you book!!

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July 11, 2023 at 7:01 pm

Tip for sleeping on busses

If you are fortunate enough to have 2 seats to yourself push back your seat to the limit. Then leave the other seat in upright position. You can then test your Head on the other seatback. About as comfortable as it gets on a bus

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The Backpacking Site

How to Travel by Bus in the USA

Why travel by bus in the usa.

Buses operate 24 hours a day, so many travelers opt to take sleeper buses to avoid wasting waking hours traveling. While it is certainly possible to sleep on these buses, you would probably find yourself needing a night in a real bed after a few days of sleeping on buses!

The buses make intermediate stops to pick up and let off passengers, and pull over at rest stops every few hours, including breaks at typical meal times.

Not only is bus travel in the USA an affordable way to get around the country, bus travel is the more eco-friendly option for traveling. Win-win!

Travel by Greyhound Bus in the USA

Greyhound Bus is the largest network in North America and is one of the best ways to travel by bus. The Greyhound US bus network includes 3700 locations throughout the United States, and can take you to a further 1300 in Canada. With such a large selection of destinations and an attractive range of ticketing options, Greyhound is an excellent choice for the backpacker looking to cover a large distance on a budget.

Greyhound Bus Comfort

Greyhound buses are well-equipped with all the usual modern conveniences that you come to expect when traveling in the States. Buses have climate control, so you don’t have to worry about keeping cool while you are traveling around. Furthermore, buses are equipped with restrooms, reclining seats, and tinted windows. You will find that on popular routes, buses are even equipped with tv/video equipment.

Flexible Fares

Greyhound offers an impressive range of different fare and discount options, including discounts for children, students, the elderly, and military personnel. Military personnel and students with a valid ID card can save up to 10% off of fares.

You can buy online ahead of time, which will guarantee you the lowest possible fare. The online Fare types range from Economy, Economy Extra, and Flexible. The economy fare is the cheapest fare, but will cost money if you need to change your bus.

The Flexible fare costs a bit more but allows you to change your trip without any extra fees. You can always purchase your tickets directly in the terminal. 

The general tips for scoring the cheapest fares are to travel on Tuesdays and Wednesday, and to book online at least 7 days before your journey. The Greyhound website boasts that this can save you up to 30% of the ticket costs.

Greyhound Food Services

Greyhound operates its own cafeterias and gift shops at many stop-off points, and food is typical American fast food. Expect to choose from items like Pizza, Burgers, Chicken, and sandwiches. As can be expected at these locations where Greyhound has a “captive audience,” prices are slightly above average rates, but using these facilities is the easiest way to get a quick bite to eat while traveling.

Per Greyhound’s food policy , you will want to stock up for your trip. You can bring food and drink on the Greyhound bus with you. Remember, certain drinks and foods lend themselves better for travel. If you are traveling for an extended time, you may not want food that needs to be refrigerated. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on Greyhound buses.

Drawbacks to Greyhound Bus

Many Americans complain that Greyhound is slow compared to traveling by train or plane , but for a backpacker who can find something to see at every major stop on the route, this isn’t really a concern.

Greyhound Alternatives in the US

Greyhound has been around for the longest, but there are some newer bus companies that offer more options for anyone who wants to travel by bus in the USA. Since there are so many different companies offering bus travel in the USA, you should use the search site BusBud , which will show you options for Greyhound , Flixbus , Megabus , along with the regional bus companies.

Flixbus is one of the best Greyhound alternatives in the USA. They have an extensive network along popular travel routes along the West Coast and Southwest part of the USA. Flixbus USA covers popular bus routes all across the country and keep expanding every year.

They have an extensive network of bus routes in California, Arizona, and Nevada where they are the best option for traveling by bus. Flixbus has recently expanded to connect popular East Coast hubs like New York, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, and Boston.

Their buses are comfortable and their fares are affordable, with onboard restroom facilities and Wi-Fi. Some routes even offer in-seat entertainment. Despite all these perks, Flixbus is an incredibly affordable way to travel in the USA.

Megabus started out as a bus company on the East Coast is the local favorite for navigating between major cities like New York, Boston, and Washington, DC. They cover routes reaching more than 100 cities in the USA. Like Flixbus, their seats are large and comfortable with reclining seats and Wi-Fi onboard most buses.

Another alternative to bus travel is to travel by RV in the US . Especially if you’re traveling with a few other people, this could be an even more economical choice since you’ll be combining the costs for accommodation and transport.

You also have more flexibility with your itinerary, not to mention the ability to sleep in some of the world’s most awe-inspiring national parks. We cover everything you need to know about RV travel, as well as some incredible RV road trip routes in our article How to Travel the USA with an RV .

If you’re interested in renting an RV for an upcoming trip, check out RV Share . It’s an online database of privately owned RV’s that are available for rent, sort of like Airbnb for motorhomes and campervans.

Organized Group Travel

If you’re in the USA for a backpacking trip, there are situations when it might make sense to go with a guide or a small group. For these times, one popular option among backpackers is Contiki tours. These trips are geared toward travelers 18-35, and offers more than just transportation, it’s an organized social group travel, which is perfect for young solo travelers. There are Contiki tours that cover the entire United States or specific regions.

Another option for group travel is  G Adventures . They hand-select local guides to ensure authenticity and quality, and their affordable tours include accommodation for a range of budgets. Going with G Adventures is especially a good option for those traveling the USA alone who would like to meet up with like-minded travelers. Their most popular road trips in the USA are their 7-day New York to Nashville road trip and their 7-day San Diego, Grand Canyon, & Las Vegas tour.

Health and Safety while Traveling by Bus in the USA

As with traveling on any public transport, make sure you keep an eye on your luggage. Thefts do happen from time to time, but taking simple precautions like making sure your luggage is stowed away properly makes this much less likely to happen to you.

You should also lock your luggage with a TSA-approved padlock . If you’re concerned, we liked our experience with World Nomads travel insurance . They include accident protection as well as coverage against theft and travel interruptions.

Traveling on buses for long periods carries the same risks of Deep Vein Thrombosis as air travel. At rest stops, take the opportunity to get out and stretch your legs. If you’ll be traveling for a long bus journey in the USA, it’s wise to wear compression socks to prevent swelling. If you’re traveling on an overnight bus, you might also want to bring a travel pillow to avoid waking up with a bad sprain in your neck.

Useful Links for Bus Travel in the USA

  • BusBud – US nationwide search engine for buses. Search Greyhound , Flixbus , Megabus , and regional companies
  • Flixbus – Large luxury buses serving certain major routes in the USA
  • Megabus – Another option for buses covering popular routes on the East Coast
  • Contiki – Organized group travel for 18-35 year olds
  • USA Greyhound Website – main USA webpage for Greyhound buses
  • RV Share – Largest RV Rental Marketplace in the US.
  • USA Train Travel
  • Backpacking in the USA

Liked this article? Share it with others who might be after the same information!

A guide on how to travel by bus in the USA. Great information on bus services and Greyhound alternatives.

Clark, thank you for posting information on your website about bus travel in the United States. However a lot of the info that I read was in accurate . It looks as if the one who posted it simply took someone else’s information an posted it to your site. I work in the bus industry and it needs to be shown how this industry is hurting by the pandemic. Furthermore I’m always hearing reports on tv about the airline industry, but nothing about the bus industry. Holiday travel, weather related issues all affect this industry yet nothing is ever said on the air. We need exposure, we need to let the world know that were here and ready to get on the road. We should be telling the stories of how the federal government has left us. How FEDs always help the airlines, ut never the buslines.

Tanja scheffler

Hello is there a montly pass discovery available?


Hi Tanja – Unfortunately Greyhound does not offer monthly passes. There are commuter fares available on certain routes , as well as discounts for military or students. Our advice for scoring the best deal is to book online at least 7 days ahead of time, and to travel on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Hope this helps!

hussein mostafa

Hello how can I travel from New York city (air port Kennedy) to Pitt-Greenville Airport (PGV / KPGV) BY Greyhound Bus ? How much does it cost me, and how long the trip take? .Best Regards

Tim Albert

Couldn’t agree more with Wallace Inman. Buses are so undervalued and undersupported as a way of travel. Before the pandemic I revisited the trip I had taken around USA on Greyhound buses in 1969. It was still a great ride – and a wonderful way of getting to the real America.

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Amazing Regions for Bus Travel in the USA and Abroad

From sea to shining sea, the USA offers plenty to see and do. Whether you want to visit quaint New England villages, explore the Big Apple, hit the beach in Florida, wander the Great Plains or see Yosemite National Park, it can be hard to know where to start!

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Eastern canada.

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Western cape.

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Eastern Cape

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  • Bus to Mthatha
  • Bus Cape Town to Port Elizabeth
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  • Bus Johannesburg to Pietermaritzburg
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  • Bus Johannesburg to Welkom
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The vastness of India would require an entire lifetime to explore all of what this beautiful country has to offer. But no need to fear, here we have some great suggestions on where to start! In fact, more and more buses connect India every day.

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You can now search and book bus tickets for 3,800 of Greyhound’s North American routes directly on Busbud.com . To celebrate, we’ve made the United States our Country of the Month! Traveling in the US? Read up on everything you need to know about bus travel in The Ultimate Guide to Bus Travel in the USA .

New York City

Traveling in the US by bus is one of the best ways to discover the unrivalled scenic gems its regions have to offer – something you’ll definitely miss if you take the plane. With plenty of paved roads and highways that are perfect for creating the ideal road trip, not only is the bus a greener, more flexible alternative, but it’s also the least expensive way to visit the entire country. From deserts in the Southwest, to the bustling city centers of the East coast, here are our 10 tips & tricks for bus travel in the US.

1. Let the scenery sweep you off your feet Travelers with a penchant for wanderlust usually revel in the idea of an offbeat adventure, and choosing the bus will help you get there. Riding a bus in the US is perfect for visiting more than one city or town off the beaten path because they usually take routes that differ from those taken by the train. These journeys boast an array of mountainous panoramas, forests, lakes, and city lights, making it easy to unearth the many wonders that dot the US’ landscape. One example is the bus ride to New York City at night: You’ll see the Big Apple lit up from a distance as you approach the city, making for impressive, postcard-like photos.

Bear Lake, Utah - Todd Petrie, toddwendy

2. Take advantage of full stops Another great way to snap Instagram-worthy pictures is by getting off the bus! Not only are these breaks welcome during longer trips, they’re ideal for uncovering the territory’s geographic variety. If you’re traveling by day, you’ll begin sightseeing before reaching your destination – for free. How does stopping off at the rest stop in Bear Lake, Utah, which overlooks its National Forest’s picturesque lake and mountains, sound?

3. Pack snacks The best way to get through a long voyage is to pack travel-friendly snacks. Certain types of fruits travel well, while dried fruits, nuts, and pre-packaged goods are perfect for on-the-go munchies. You can also pick up a sandwich on the road at one of the many rest stop, which also have plenty of familiar fast food joints. Lastly, don’t forget to pack a water bottle to stay hydrated!

4. Dress for appropriate climates The US covers a vast amount of geographical territory, making for an array of diverse climates. From the notorious winters of the north, to resort-like temperatures in the south, the weather will definitely depend on when you’re traveling and where you’re headed, so ensure you dress wisely!


5. Get comfortable Consider upgrading to first class for the ultimate luxury. North America’s first class buses offer services that are often at par with certain airline amenities. Do your research in advance to ensure that your bus provider has a first class option as certain companies will offer reclining leather seats, head and food rests, ample leg room, WiFi, power outlets, and movie screens, among other perks.

6. Research and book your bus tickets online Search your departure date & time and book your ticket with Busbud . Once that’s done, simply arrive at the bus terminal and board stress free! What’s more, it’s an eco-friendly alternative to other modes of transportation.

7. Arrive early Seats are not assigned and work on a first-come, first-served basis. Be sure to arrive at least one to two hours before your bus is scheduled for departure and don’t be surprised to find fellow passengers already forming a line to get onto the next bus!

San Francisco

8. Remain organized If you’re traveling to or from a city in Canada or Mexico, avoid delays at border checkpoints by having your passport, additional pieces of I.D., and bus tickets in order and within reach.

9. Chat with your neighbors Unlike traveling by car, bus travel is the perfect way to meet fellow travelers. After all, it’s the conversations we have with the people we encounter along the way that make the best memories. Take the opportunity to chat with your neighbors and you may just make a new friend!

10. And your bus driver Chat your driver up during breaks. You’ll be amazed at how much they know – and how much they’ve seen. They will even give you tips on which side of the bus you should sit on to get the nicest views…and photos!

Search and book your bus tickets to and from the United States directly on Busbud.com

Have you taken the bus throughout the US and have some tips you would like to share? Let us know in the comments below!

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The Ultimate Guide To Traveling By Bus

The ultimate guide to traveling by bus by Travel Done Simple

This page may contain affiliate links which means I get a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase with them. This helps keep the site running and the travel tips coming! For more info, check out my Privacy Policy & Disclosure .

Traveling by bus is one of the cheapest ways to get to your destination and it’s a staple for backpackers around the world.  While not every country will have a train system, pretty much every country in the world will have some sort of bus company in operation that offers routes between destinations so no matter where you travel, be prepared to potentially take a bus or two!

On this page, I will tell you everything you need to know about traveling by bus so that you know exactly what to expect when you book your ticket.  I will focus on buses that travel between different cities.  

If you’re looking for information on local buses and other inner-city travel, check out my Guide to Public Transport .

So without further ado, here are the top 5 things you need to know about traveling by bus:

1. The quality of service can vary, but not by much

For the most part, a bus taken in one country will not be too much of a different experience compared to one taken in another country.  You will get assigned a seat (or maybe not) and it drives you to your destination.  Most buses will come with air conditioning and some might even have a toilet on board.  

Some fancier bus services offer free wifi and maybe even a free drink or snack on board, but you can’t be too sure of any of this.  If you’re traveling overnight or on longer routes, you might also get a reclined seat or flat bed to sleep on.

While some countries don’t really offer more than a basic service (like Laos where none of the above was included when I traveled there), there isn’t really a rule to be able to predict what kind of service you’re going to get in any specific country.  

I’ve taken buses between destinations in Thailand that were nicer than ones I’ve taken in Europe so it really depends. If you can find reviews for the bus service on a booking website, then you’ll be able to see what others have said about them, but for the most part it’s hard to know what to expect.

In my opinion, the best way to approach bus travel is to just go in not expecting anything except maybe air conditioning if you’re in a hot place.  This way you’ll come out the other end either satisfied or pleasantly surprised.  

Even if there’s no toilet on board, the bus will stop for toilet breaks on the way to your destination so that’s not an issue.   And if it’s an emergency, any reasonable bus driver will pull over for you anyways, not something you can ask a train conductor to do!

2. There is no such thing as Google Buses

Similar to trains, there is no one website that exists where you can book a bus for every country in the world.  However, a good way to see what bus operators there are for any route you’re looking for is to check Rome2Rio .  The best thing to do is to note down the bus operators it finds and then check out their specific websites to see schedules and pricing. 

One website that gets close to a Google Flights-like service though is Busbud .  They have bus itineraries for more countries than any other online booking service I’ve found so it’s worth bookmarking their website.  

Otherwise, for Europe I recommend also checking Omio and for Southeast Asia, East Asia (not including South Korea), Australia, New Zealand, and some destinations in South Asia, try 12go . Any bookings you make using these websites will add a small fee to the price.

If you can’t see itineraries for any buses on any of those websites, then you will have to inquire about the buses at the bus station.

3. Booking in advance isn't really necessary

It depends on the bus service and whether or not it’s a busy route or there is an event happening which is inflating passenger numbers, but in general, you don’t need to book your bus ticket too far in advance when traveling by bus.  

You can save some money by booking in advance for some bus companies, but for most you can just show up at the bus station and buy your ticket the same day. Booking online in advance is just more convenient as it means you can just show up at the station 15 minutes before your bus leaves and board your bus no problem.  

If online bookings aren’t possible, then you’ll need to go to the closest bus station to inquire about schedules and prices.  I recommend booking online when possible, especially in Europe and North America, as it can mean cheaper fares.

4. Seats can sometimes be reserved

Most long-distance buses operate on a first come-first serve basis.  They won’t sell more tickets than seats so you can rest assured that you’ll have a seat, but you often won’t know which one it will be until you board your bus and see what’s available.  The sooner you board your bus, the bigger the selection of seats you will have to choose from.

That being said, there are times when seat reservations are enforced and you can reserve your seat when you buy your ticket so it really all depends on the bus service.  Bus companies won’t typically charge you to choose a new seat if you don’t like the one you’re given when you book your ticket so you don’t need to worry about that.

5. The check-in process is simple

Because there isn’t one.  

As long as you have your ticket, all you have to do is find your bus, leave your luggage with the driver who will place it in the compartment underneath the bus, and then board it to find your seat.  You don’t need to show up at the station any sooner than 15 minutes before departure.  There is no check-in or security that you will need to go through.

If your bus is going to cross a border, then you will want to keep your passport and other border documents with you on the bus because you will have to get off the bus to cross the border on foot before getting back onto bus on the other side.  

At some borders, the border control officers might board the bus and either collect your documents and return them to you after checking them or simply check your documents in front of you on the bus.

And that’s all!

Traveling by bus is pretty straightforward and is ideal for the no-frills traveler.  Some destinations won’t have any other transportation options available and in others, it simply just makes sense financially.  As long as you know what to expect, you can travel by bus like a pro!  

Let me know if I missed anything in the comments down below and if you want to find out everything you need to know about traveling by ferry, check out my Guide to Ferry Travel .

Sebastian, the travel expert and traveler who is also the creator of a travel website called Travel Done Simple

About The Author

Hi there,  I’m Sebastian , founder and creator of Travel Done Simple. Since I turned 20, I have lived in 5 different countries and traveled to over 40 others! You can learn more about me on my  About page   and find me on social media.

Hi there, I’m Sebastian , founder and creator of Travel Done Simple. Since I turned 20, I have lived in 5 different countries and traveled to over 40 others! You can learn more about me on my About page   and find me on social media.


I’m Sebastian , the founder and creator of Travel Done Simple! I was born in Europe and raised in Canada, but I now consider myself to be a citizen of the world. When I’m not busy exploring new destinations, I’m here giving you the best travel tips so you can do the same! 

You can learn more about me on my About page and if it’s your first time on my site,  start here !

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9 Greyhound Bus Tips You Need to Know Before You Travel

All aboard!

how to travel by bus

For long trips, many would argue that flying is not only quicker, but the view from the sky is so much better.

However, along with that aerial view, comes congested airports, delayed flights, and the dreaded middle seat. Throw in rising airfares, long lines at the security checkpoint, and sketchy in-flight Wi-Fi, and it's a wonder any of us are still choosing to fly over driving. But there is another mode of transportation growing in popularity across many parts of the country—traveling by bus, or more specifically, Greyhound. Okay vacationers, before you rule out reaching your destination on the "Dirty Dog," hear us out: Greyhound is a lot cheaper and, depending on where you're going, faster. There's also free Wi-Fi, and did we mention no TSA? You're welcome.

As someone who has made both short and long-haul trips using Greyhound (I'm talking 20-hour road trips, y'all!), I'm not only making the case for traveling by bus, but I'm also sharing the things you should know to make it a less tedious and safer experience. Hey, it certainly beats spending hundreds of dollars on a plane ticket and having no legroom, right? Here, nine tips for your next great adventure on the open road —er, um—bus:

1. Book your tickets early.

Although it's not the norm, there are a few bus stations that operate like airlines, in that you board by the number on the ticket. If this is the case for the station you're departing from, the earlier you purchase your ticket, the lower your boarding number and cost. A low boarding number also guarantees first dibs on a good seat. Keep in mind, Greyhound has three different fare options to choose from, such as "Economy," "Economy Extra," and "Flexible," and you can also choose an express bus that provides quicker, non-stop service, with fewer (or no) transfers.

2. Arrive at least an hour before departure.

If it's your first time on a Greyhound bus, allow yourself enough time to get checked in and find your gate. On weekends and during peak travel season, this process may take longer, so arriving an hour before gives you more wiggle room.

3. And, get in line as quickly as possible.

Once the station attendant announces that the line for your bus is forming (provided that you're not restricted to a boarding number), make a beeline towards the front. As with any form of transportation, where you sit can make all the difference in your trip. And those passengers who board first have their pick of the seat litter. Trust me, you don't want to spend hours on a bus next to a crying baby.

4. Make your luggage stand out.

Bags are positioned under the bus, and without an identifying marker, design, scarf, or luggage tag, it's hard to tell one black suitcase from another. Placing something on your bag or choosing a brightly-colored suitcase will help you to easily find luggage when you have to switch buses for transfers.

5. Sit at the front.

You'll have a better chance of having two seats all to yourself, since everyone else will, undoubtedly, be heading towards the back of the bus. Personally, I prefer the front because it makes me feel more safe to be closer to the driver. Not to mention, you can make a swift exit when seated near the front, making it easier to get off and grab your luggage just in time for the next transfer.

6. Try not to use the bathroom.

Do we even have to explain this one? Get your bathroom breaks in before boarding and when the bus stops. At least the restrooms at the stations are cleaner, and you have the privacy of a bathroom stall. As a general rule of thumb, I try to eat lighter and limit my water intake.

7. Follow the driver's rules during stops and transfers.

Sure, you haven't had to follow the rules on a bus since you were a kid, but each Greyhound driver has their own set of restrictions to make the ride safer and more enjoyable. During stops and bathroom breaks, the instructions usually involve what time to be back on the bus, what you can and cannot bring back on the bus, and where to go for food.

8. Keep your carry-on bag and ticket with you at all times.

Guard your purse or carry-on with your life. There's no overhead bin or storage like there is on a plane, so if you leave anything on the bus during stops, you run the risk of it being stolen. For that reason, I tend to go for a smaller bag or backpack that's easier to take on and off the bus. And you'll need to show your ticket every time you board the bus, so make sure you have it at the ready.

WATCH: How to Pack for a Weekend Trip

9. For your safety, stay inside the bus station at night.

Unless your trip is short, you will have layovers, and most of those stops will be at night. No matter how much you want to explore, it's best to stay inside the Greyhound station. Also, make sure you've already made arrangements to be picked up once you arrive at your final destination.

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At Greyhound, we prioritize your comfort and convenience. Each passenger can bring one carry-on and one stowed bag, so you’ve got room for everything you need. Our buses come equipped with onboard WiFi , extra legroom, power outlets, and restrooms to ensure a smooth ride. With our simple booking platform and user-friendly app, planning your trip has never been easier. Book your ticket with Greyhound today and travel in comfort and style.

Popular Greyhound bus stops across the US

Explore key Greyhound bus stops across the United States, providing convenient connections between major cities and regions. Perfect for planning your next journey, our list highlights the most frequented stations for travelers.

San Antonio Bus Station, Texas

Atlanta Bus Station, Georgia

Houston Bus Station, Texas

Dallas Bus Station, Texas

New York Port Authority, New York

Chicago Bus Station, Illinois

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With FlixBus' extensive network of routes, you can easily explore some of the most popular cities in the US , as well as travel to Canada and Mexico. And thanks to our integration with Greyhound, our network is even more expansive, giving you even more options for intercity travel. Whether you're exploring New York City , spending a weekend partying in Las Vegas , soaking up the culture in Boston , or discovering the hidden gems of Los Angeles , FlixBus makes it effortless to experience all that the US has to offer.

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Traveling by bus is not just a convenient choice but also an environmentally responsible one, as bus travel reduces traffic and emissions compared to travelling by car. We are working to make bus travel even greener with high environmental standards across our fleet of buses, the use of alternative drive and fuel technologies, and the option for all passengers to offset their carbon when buying their bus tickets. So, when you travel with FlixBus you can know you are making a responsible choice

Travel in Comfort and Style with FlixBus

FlixBus not only prioritizes comfort and convenience for your journey, but also ensures that you can travel with all your necessary luggage. Each passenger is allowed to bring one carry-on and one stowed luggage with them on the bus. In addition to the luggage allowances, our buses offer amenities like on-board WiFi, extra legroom, power outlets, and toilets, making your trip as smooth and enjoyable as possible. With our user-friendly app and simple booking platform, planning your bus travel has never been easier. Book your bus ticket with FlixBus today and travel in comfort and style with all your luggage in tow.

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Getting Around New York City: Guide to Public Transportation

Everything you need to know to get around New York City

how to travel by bus

Wikipedia Commons

The easiest, most affordable way to get around New York City is by public transportation. New York City mass transit generally falls into two categories: buses and subways. The city has 36 subway lines (that go to 472 stations) and 5,725 buses that can take you anywhere you want to go. Once you know how to use them, you'll find them efficient, reliable, and easy. The only problem is you must learn the system.

This guide will tell you everything you need to know about navigating your way around New York City's public transportation. You'll feel like a local in no time, maybe even venturing to far away places you never thought you would.

How to Ride the New York City Subway

Most visitors will find themselves wanting to get around the city by subways. Subways serve most of Manhattan and the outer boroughs very well, and they take you directly to many popular tourist destinations.

  • Before you ride the New York City subway you need to buy a MetroCard. You will swipe this card every time you enter a subway station at the turnstiles. MetroCards cost $1 to purchase. Once you buy your MetroCard you can add money to it.
  • MetroCards may be purchased and refilled at subway station booths, MetroCard vending machines, and at  other vendors . You can use cash, credit, or debit cards to make your purchase.
  • New York City subway fares are $2.75 per trip. For visitors staying more than a couple of days you can buy a one week unlimited MetroCard for $33 or an unlimited monthly MetroCard for $127.00. People who are 65 or older or who have qualifying disabilities can get a reduced fare, which is half price. You must see an attendant at a station to purchase one.
  • Because New York City has so many subway lines, it's impossible to memorize them all. Even locals have to look up directions on occasion. The best way to plan your trip is to consult Google Maps or the MTA website . There are also a variety of apps that you can download before your trip to easily look up subway directions. You simply type in your point of origin and your destination, and the app will tell you the route.
  • New York City has some subways that run express. Your trip planning app will tell you exactly which line to take. If it tells you to take the 1, for example, don't get on the 2 or 3 even though it looks like it's going in the same direction. Those trains are express and won't stop at the station you need.
  • The New York City subway operates 24 hours a day, but service is more sporadic between midnight and 6 am and on weekends. If you're traveling on the weekends or late at night, you should be aware of service interruptions that might impact your trip. Taking a few minutes to review the planned service changes can save you a ton of hassle. Trip Planning apps like Google Maps are aware of these disruptions and can help you plan your route.
  • In every station there is an information booth where you can press the green button and talk to an attendant. If you are confused or need help it's a great tool to use.
  • MTA has a list of accessible subway stations on its website.

Other Transit Options

Subways serve most of Manhattan and the outer boroughs very well, but in those areas where the subway service is not ideal there are buses, trains, bikes, and boats that can take you where you need to go.

New York City Buses

The city has around 5,000 buses, and you'll find they are particularly helpful when you need to travel to the far east or west portions of Manhattan.

New York City bus fare is $2.75 per trip. Be aware that buses only accept MetroCards or exact fare in coins—drivers cannot make change. There are also some buses along major routes in Manhattan & the Bronx that have you pay your fare before you board to speed the process of boarding. It's called "Select Bus Service" and the kiosk for pre-paying your fare is usually very obvious and easy to use.

Google Maps and MTA Trip Planner can tell you the best buses to take (and whether you should take one instead of the subway.) You can also look up New York City Bus schedules.

The NYC Ferry Service

In the past few years New York City has launched new ferry services taking commuters and visitors to Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, & Bronx. Ferries are particularly advisable if you are traveling to places along the water (perhaps you are going from the South Street Seaport to Brooklyn Bridge park.)

The ferries are fun to ride because they offer incredible views and refreshments on board (even local wine and beer!) During warmer seasons you can sit on the outer decks and enjoy the sunshine. They are also relatively inexpensive at $2.75 a ticket. You can look up routes and ticket information on the website.

Railroad Services

If you need to get to the suburbs or areas around New York City you might need to take railroads. Metro North trains take you to Connecticut and Westchester. They leave from Grand Central Station.

Long Island Railroad takes you into Manhattan, and New Jersey Transit takes you to New Jersey. Both train services leave from Penn Station. Google Maps will tell you which service to take.

All train services are reliable and run frequently, but they can get crowded at rush hour. Sometimes it's standing room only during morning and evening commutes. Avoid those times (8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.) if possible.

Taxis and Ride Shares

Many New Yorkers prefer to take taxis or private cars, especially late in the evening when subway service is more sporadic. Yellow taxis are the iconic New York City cars. You can flag them down when you need them. If you are in Brooklyn or another outer borough, the taxis are green.

New York City has a variety of ride-sharing apps. Uber and Lyft allow you to book a private car or share a car with passengers traveling in a similar direction. Both are reliable services and usually arrive very quickly.

One of the best ways to get around New York City is by Citi Bike, New York's bike share system. There are stations in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens & Jersey City where you can unlock a bike with your credit card and return it when you get to your destination. Download the Citi Bike app to find the docking stations closest to your location.

While many parts of the city have bike paths, be careful when riding bikes in the city. Lanes can get congested, and sometimes bike paths are close to speeding cars. Accidents happen regularly so vigilance is key.

Rental Cars

While New York City has ample car rental places, it's not advisable. It's difficult to drive in New York City. There is usually heavy traffic, and taxis are used to swirling in and out of lanes. Parking a car can also be difficult especially in Manhattan.

Tips for Getting Around New York City

  • If you are traveling around Manhattan during the day, a subway is your best option.
  • Between midnight and 6 am and on weekends check trip planning apps to determine how to travel to your destination. Routes and lines get changed during those times.
  • Buses are your best option if you are traveling from East to West across the city.
  • If it's a pleasant day try to rent a bike or ride a NYC ferry. You will see more of the city and have fun.
  • NYC has many ride sharing options. If you are in a hurry choose a private car. If you have time and want to meet new people order a shared car. You never know who you will meet!
  • Driving is tough in the city. It's also hard to park. Avoid a rental car if possible.

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How to Ride a Public Transportation Bus

Last Updated: December 9, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Archana Ramamoorthy, MS . Archana Ramamoorthy is the Chief Technology Officer, North America at Workday She is a product ninja, security advocate, and on a quest to enable more inclusion in the tech industry. Archana received her BS from SRM University and MS from Duke University and has been working in product management for over 8 years. There are 13 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 542,276 times.

While learning how to ride the bus to get from point A to point B may seem overwhelming, it’s usually relatively simple. After taking a couple of trips on the bus, you’ll be riding it like a pro.

Finding Your Route

Step 1 Look at a bus route map.

  • You can typically find these bus route maps online at the city’s transportation website, or at local schools, shopping centers, and businesses along the bus routes.
  • Also check for an additional route map that’s for weekends and holidays, as the city you’re in may have different schedules or routes on these days.

Step 2 Refer to the route map’s timetable for arrival and departure times.

  • Often, bus timetables are colored-coded to represent each route. For example, If you look at the map and discover that you’ll need to take the yellow route, look for the a section of the timetable that’s highlighted in yellow.

Step 3 Look for intersecting routes if you think you’ll need to transfer.

  • If you find a place where the routes intersect, identify the stop and refer to the timetable to figure out what time you’ll need to get off of your original bus and get onto a different bus that travels the second route.
  • Look in the map key for phrases like “transfer point” and “transit center,” as these may be labeled on the map.

Step 4 Use an online trip planning feature if your city has one.

  • If you aren’t sure how to get to your city’s public transportation website, try Googling the name of your city followed by the words “public transportation.”

Boarding the Bus and Paying the Fare

Step 1 Get a bus...

  • Some public transportation systems offer a discounted rate for seniors and/or people with disabilities. You can apply for this discounted rate at your city’s public transportation website and/or office and then potentially receive a special bus pass that allows you to use the bus for a lower fare.

Step 2 Arrive at the bus stop a few minutes prior to arrival.

  • If you need to, ask the bus driver to lower the bus to make getting on easier for you.

Step 5 Pay for the bus.

  • If you aren’t sure what amount of cash to pay, check the farebox for a sign that displays the amount that’s required. [11] X Research source

Step 6 Ask for a transfer slip if you need one.

Riding and Getting Off of the Bus

Step 1 Sit in a seat and/or hold on.

  • Seniors and people who are disabled get first priority of the seats that are located at the front of the bus. If a person who is elderly or disabled gets on the bus and you’re sitting in the front, stand up and offer them your seat.

Step 2 Try to minimize the amount of space you take up.

  • To get away from the crowd, you can try sitting or standing towards the back of the bus.

Step 3 Pull the signal cord when your stop is close.

  • In the United Kingdom, buses usually have coloured 'stop' buttons located on the poles instead of signal cords. When pressed, you will hear a beep or bell sound and a panel at the front of the bus will light up to read 'bus stopping'.
  • Only pull a signal cord or press a 'stop' button once. Doing so again and again for one stop is disrespectful to the driver and can even distract them.

Step 4 Exit through the back door.

  • You can exit through the front door if you’re disabled, elderly, or need to remove your bike from the bike rack.

Step 5 Wait until the bus is gone to cross the street.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Make sure to follow all bus rules, such as staying clear of the aisle and not eating or drinking on the bus. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Whenever you first start riding on a public bus, consider sitting toward the front, where you can see the different places you pass. This may help you to become more familiar with the route. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Most North American transit systems will have an automatic announcer that calls out the stops, and will sometimes also be accompanied by a digital sign to do the same. When riding the bus, make sure to wait for your stop to be announced before ringing the bell to avoid requesting the wrong stop. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

how to travel by bus

  • Entering through the rear door of a bus is often illegal and, if caught, can subject you to a citation, regardless of whether or not you have a valid ticket or pass. Thanks Helpful 36 Not Helpful 2
  • Watch your pockets when you're standing close to someone - it's easy to get pick-pocketed on a bus! Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0

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how to travel by bus

Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about traveling, check out our in-depth interview with Archana Ramamoorthy, MS .

  • ↑ https://www.austintexas.gov/blog/how-ride-bus
  • ↑ https://new.mta.info/guides/riding-the-bus
  • ↑ https://www.rtd-denver.com/how-to-ride/bus-rail-system/bus
  • ↑ https://www.metro.net/riding/trip-planner/
  • ↑ https://www.cedar-rapids.org/residents/city_buses/riding_the_bus.php
  • ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gSkwbXbWdU&feature=youtu.be&t=3m26s
  • ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gSkwbXbWdU&feature=youtu.be&t=3m53s
  • ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gSkwbXbWdU&feature=youtu.be&t=3m57s
  • ↑ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/metro/rider-tools/how-to-ride
  • ↑ https://www.ny.com/transportation/buses/ridebuses.html
  • ↑ https://www.rideprt.org/inside-Pittsburgh-Regional-Transit/rider-info/how-to-ride/how-to-ride-the-bus/
  • ↑ https://www.metro.net/riding/guide/how-ride-bus/
  • ↑ https://www.sfmta.com/getting-around/muni/how-ride-muni-quick-start-guide

About This Article

Archana Ramamoorthy, MS

Before catching your bus, check a bus route map for a route and departure time that fit your schedule. If you can’t find a map, Google the name of the city you’re traveling in and “public transportation.” Get a bus pass or withdraw exact change to pay the fare. Make sure you arrive at the stop a few minutes early, and have your fare pass or money in-hand as you board. As you approach your stop, pull the signal cord and exit through the back door. To learn about using online trip planning features and applying for discounted rates, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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The Ultimate Packing Checklist For Bus Trips

Just Kasee

  • 17th June 2024
  • Travel , Bus Travel , Bus Travel Guides

The Ultimate Packing Checklist For Bus Trips

So what to pack for trip?

Key takeaway.

Key Takeaways for Your Bus Trip

  • 👗👞 Comfort and Versatility: Pack lightweight layers, sustainable clothing, and comfortable shoes for varying temperatures and activities.
  • 🧴💊 Hygiene and Health: Bring essential toiletries, medications, and a well-stocked first aid kit to stay fresh and manage any health issues.
  • 💵🆔 Identification and Finances: Carry cash, multiple forms of payment, and secure storage for IDs and travel documents.
  • 🗺️📲 Navigation and Information: Use both paper and digital maps, travel guides, and offline resources for easy navigation and local tips.
  • 🎧🍎 Entertainment and Snacks: Prepare with books, games, digital content, healthy snacks, and a reusable water bottle to stay entertained and energized.
  • 💤🔌 Essential Accessories: Ensure comfort with a travel pillow, earplugs, eye mask, and chargers for all your electronic devices.


Bus trips can be a fun and affordable way to travel, but they require careful planning to ensure a comfortable and stress-free journey. One of the most important aspects of this planning is packing the right items. This ultimate packing checklist for bus trips will help you prepare for your adventure with all the essentials you need.

From clothing and toiletries to entertainment and snacks, this checklist covers everything you need to make your bus trip enjoyable. Additionally, it includes important items such as maps, travel guides, first aid kits, comfortable shoes, and backpacks or small luggage that are essential for any traveler.

By following this comprehensive list, you can rest assured that your bus trip will be a success and you’ll be fully prepared for any situation that may arise during your journey.

The section on Clothing presents a comprehensive list of items to consider when preparing for travel, enabling individuals to ensure they have all necessary garments for their journey. When packing for a bus trip, it’s important to keep in mind that temperatures may vary throughout the day and night. This is where layering tips come in handy.

It’s recommended to pack lightweight layers that can easily be added or removed depending on the temperature. For example, a sweater or cardigan paired with a t-shirt and leggings can provide warmth when needed while also allowing for breathability during warmer parts of the day.

Another important consideration when packing clothing for a bus trip is opting for sustainable clothing options. Not only does this help reduce your carbon footprint, but it can also save space in your luggage by allowing you to pack versatile pieces that can be worn multiple times. Sustainable clothing options include items made from natural fibers such as cotton or linen, or recycled materials like polyester made from plastic bottles.

Additionally, opt for neutral colors and classic styles that won’t go out of fashion quickly, making them more versatile and long-lasting in your wardrobe. By incorporating these tips into your packing routine, you’ll not only be prepared for any temperature changes on your bus trip but also doing your part in reducing waste and being eco-conscious while on-the-go.

Clothing: Stay Comfortable and Prepared!

  • 👗 Layering Tips: Pack lightweight layers for variable temperatures.
  • 🌱 Sustainable Options: Choose natural fibers like cotton or linen.
  • 👕 Versatility: Select mix-and-match pieces for different outfits.
  • 🌦️ Weather Preparedness: Bring a rain jacket or poncho.
  • 👞 Footwear Coordination: Ensure clothes match your shoes.
  • 🧥 Comfort: Opt for breathable fabrics for long sitting periods.

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Comfortable shoes.

Comfortable shoes are an essential accessory for any bus trip. They should be supportive for walking and standing, as travelers may need to explore different areas on foot or stand in long lines at attractions.

Additionally, they should be easy to slip on and off, as passengers may have to remove them before boarding the bus.

Lastly, they should be appropriate for different activities such as hiking, sightseeing or shopping. Choosing the right pair of shoes can make a significant difference in a traveler’s comfort level during their journey.

Comfortable Shoes: Walk with Ease!

  • 👟 Supportive Footwear: Thick soles and arch support.
  • 👞 Slip-On Convenience: Easy on and off for quick transitions.
  • 🥾 Activity-Appropriate: Suitable for hiking or beach visits.
  • 🌬️ Breathability: Shoes made from breathable materials.
  • 👢 Durability: Sturdy shoes for extensive walking.
  • 🎒 Compactness: Easy to pack and space-saving.

Items in the Toiletries section are essential for maintaining personal hygiene during long bus trips. According to a study by the American Society for Microbiology, the average person’s hands carry over 3,000 different species of bacteria. Therefore, it is crucial to pack toiletries essentials that will help you keep clean and fresh throughout your journey.

Here are some packing tips to consider:

  • Bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer to use before and after eating or using shared surfaces.
  • Pack wet wipes or facial cleansing wipes to freshen up when water is not readily available.
  • Don’t forget toothpaste and a toothbrush for fresh breath and oral hygiene.

In addition, consider bringing deodorant, body lotion, and sunscreen. These items can help you feel more comfortable during long bus rides while protecting your skin from harmful UV rays.

Investing in these simple toiletries essentials can make your journey much more pleasant and enjoyable.

Overall, packing toiletries may seem like a trivial task but it can make all the difference in how you feel during your bus trip. By following these packing tips and ensuring that you have everything you need for personal hygiene, you’ll be able to focus on enjoying your adventure without worrying about feeling unclean or uncomfortable.

Toiletries: Stay Fresh on the Go!

  • 🧼 Essentials: Hand sanitizer, wet wipes, toothpaste, toothbrush.
  • 🧳 Compact Sizes: Travel-sized containers to save space.
  • 💧 Personal Care: Include hairbrush, razor, and hygiene products.
  • 💊 Medication Storage: Clearly labeled necessary medications.
  • 💄 Organization: Waterproof toiletry bag for easy access.
  • 🚺 Emergency Supplies: Extra feminine hygiene products.


Ensuring that necessary medications are packed for a journey is an important aspect of personal health and wellbeing. Managing medications while on a bus trip can be challenging, especially if you have multiple prescriptions or need to take them at specific times of the day. Before packing your medication, it is advisable to consult with your doctor or pharmacist to ensure you have enough supply for the duration of the trip.

When packing prescription medication, it is essential to keep them in their original containers and label them correctly. This will help prevent confusion and potential complications arising from taking incorrect doses. It’s also wise to pack extra medication in case of unexpected delays or changes in travel plans that may cause you to miss a dose.

In addition, keeping a list of all your medications, including their names, dosage, and frequency will come in handy if there’s an emergency situation where medical professionals need this information quickly.

By following these simple steps when managing medications during bus trips, travelers can enjoy peace of mind knowing they are taking care of their health needs while on the go.

Medications: Health First!

  • 💊 Prescription Management: Consult with your doctor and pack extra doses.
  • 📦 Storage: Use a pill organizer for daily doses.
  • 📝 Documentation: Carry a list of medications and prescriptions.
  • ⚕️ Over-the-Counter: Include common meds like pain relievers.
  • 🆘 First Aid Basics: Band-aids, antiseptic cream, and more.
  • 🔄 Backup Supply: Extra doses for unexpected delays.

First aid kit

Including a comprehensive first aid kit in your travel essentials can ensure that you’re prepared for any unexpected medical emergencies during your journey. A well-stocked first aid kit should include essential items such as adhesive bandages, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and tweezers. It’s also important to pack any prescription medications that you may need throughout the trip.

When managing medical emergencies on a bus trip, it’s crucial to stay calm and assess the situation before taking action. If someone is experiencing a serious medical emergency, it’s important to call for professional help immediately. In the meantime, having a well-equipped first aid kit can help alleviate symptoms or provide temporary relief until further assistance arrives.

When packing your first aid kit for a bus trip, consider the length of the journey and any potential risks associated with your destination. It’s always better to be over-prepared than underprepared when it comes to ensuring your safety while traveling by bus.

First Aid Kit: Be Prepared!

  • 🩹 Essentials: Bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers.
  • 🧴 Wound Care: Antiseptic ointment and sterile bandages.
  • 🚑 Emergency Items: CPR mask and small emergency blanket.
  • 🌸 Allergy Relief: Antihistamines and hydrocortisone cream.
  • 🔥 Burn Treatment: Include burn cream or gel.
  • 📖 Manual: Basic first aid guide for emergencies.


Exploring different forms of entertainment can enhance the overall experience of traveling on a long journey. Whether it’s a book, music, or a movie, having something to keep you occupied can make the time pass more quickly and prevent boredom from setting in. When packing for a bus trip, it’s important to consider both must-have and optional entertainment items that will make the journey more enjoyable.

Here are some ideas for must-have and optional entertainment items for bus trips:

  • Must-Haves:
  • A good book or e-reader
  • Headphones/earbuds
  • Phone/tablet/laptop charger
  • Travel games (such as playing cards or board games)
  • Portable DVD player or tablet with movies/shows downloaded
  • Puzzle books (such as crosswords or Sudoku)
  • Coloring book and colored pencils/markers
  • Travel journal/sketchbook
  • Podcasts/audiobooks

By packing these essential items, you’ll be prepared for any downtime during your bus trip. Remember to also pack light so that you’re not weighed down with too much luggage. With the right mix of entertainment options, you’ll be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!

When embarking on a long bus journey, having access to a variety of snacks can make all the difference. Choosing healthy options is important to maintain energy levels and prevent hunger pangs, ensuring a more comfortable and enjoyable travel experience.

Some great healthy snack choices include:

  • Granola bars

In addition to choosing healthy options, it’s also important to consider budget-friendly choices. Snacks bought at convenience stores or gas stations can be expensive and add up quickly.

Packing snacks beforehand not only saves money but also allows for more control over portion sizes and choices. Consider packing items such as:

  • String cheese
  • Crackers with hummus or peanut butter
  • Applesauce cups
  • Homemade snack mixes

This provides an easy and affordable option on your next bus trip.

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Water bottle.

In addition to snacks, staying hydrated is crucial during bus trips. Bringing along a reusable water bottle can help you save money and reduce waste compared to constantly buying plastic bottles at stops. Additionally, using a water bottle with a filter can ensure that you have access to clean drinking water even in areas where the tap water may not be safe.

When choosing a water bottle for your bus trip, there are several factors to consider. First, look for one that is durable and leak-proof to prevent any spills or damage to your belongings. Second, consider the size – a larger bottle will provide more hydration but may be bulkier to carry around. Lastly, think about features such as insulation or built-in filters depending on your needs and preferences.

Benefits of using a reusable water bottle:

  • Saves money by eliminating the need to buy single-use plastic bottles
  • Reduces waste and helps protect the environment
  • Provides access to clean drinking water with built-in filters

Remembering these tips when choosing a reusable water bottle will help ensure that you stay hydrated during your bus trip without sacrificing convenience or sustainability.

Travel pillow

When it comes to getting some rest during long bus trips, a good travel pillow can make all the difference. A quality travel pillow offers essential neck support and helps prevent stiffness or pain upon arrival at your destination.

Additionally, a compact design makes it easy to pack and carry with you, while versatile options allow for comfortable sleeping positions no matter how you prefer to rest.

Whether you’re traveling for business or leisure, investing in a reliable travel pillow is an excellent way to ensure that you arrive feeling rested and ready to take on whatever adventures lay ahead.

Neck support

Effective neck support is crucial for comfortable bus travel, as it can prevent stiffness, pain, and fatigue. When traveling long distances on a bus, passengers often find themselves sitting upright in uncomfortable positions for hours at a time.

Without proper neck support, the muscles in the neck and shoulders can become tense and painful, causing discomfort throughout the entire body.

To ensure that you have adequate neck support while traveling by bus, it is important to consider your specific needs when choosing a travel pillow or other supporting device. Some factors to consider include the firmness of the pillow or cushion, its size and shape (i.e., whether it is designed to wrap around your neck or provide support behind your head), and any additional features like built-in heat therapy or adjustable straps.

By taking these factors into account when selecting your neck support device, you can help ensure a more comfortable journey on your next bus trip.

Compact design

Moving on from the importance of neck support, another crucial aspect to consider when packing for a bus trip is the compact design of your items. As you travel on a bus, you will likely have limited space to store your belongings. Therefore, it’s essential to pack smartly and efficiently to ensure that you can bring everything you need without taking up too much space.

One of the best ways to save space in your luggage is by using space-saving tips and folding techniques. Rolling clothes instead of folding them flat not only saves room but also reduces wrinkles. Another great tip is to use packing cubes or compression bags that can compress bulky items like jackets or towels into smaller sizes.

Moreover, try choosing multi-purpose items such as a scarf that doubles as a blanket or an umbrella that has UV protection built-in so that you don’t have to pack multiple separate items. By utilizing these techniques and selecting multi-purpose products, you’ll be able to efficiently pack all of your essentials while still leaving some extra room for any souvenirs or unexpected purchases along the way.

Versatile for different sleeping positions

Adapting to various sleeping positions is a crucial factor to consider when selecting travel pillows, as it ensures that travelers can get the rest they need while on long bus journeys. The best pillows for comfortable bus sleeping should provide ample support and comfort for different sleeping positions.

Here are some tips for staying comfortable on long bus rides:

  • Choose a pillow with adjustable firmness levels that can be customized according to your preference.
  • Opt for a pillow with multiple functions, such as one that can be used as both a neck pillow and lumbar support.
  • Look for pillows made from breathable materials like cotton or bamboo to ensure proper ventilation and prevent overheating.
  • Consider investing in bedding accessories like eye masks, earplugs, and blankets to enhance your overall sleep experience.

By following these tips and choosing the right travel pillow, passengers can ensure they are well-rested during their bus journey, allowing them to arrive at their destination feeling refreshed and ready for their next adventure.

Incorporating earplugs into one’s travel essentials can offer a peaceful and uninterrupted journey, making it an essential item for any traveler. The benefits of using earplugs while traveling are numerous. Firstly, they reduce external noise levels, which can be particularly helpful during bus trips where the sound of the engine or other passengers chatting can disturb your sleep. Secondly, they can help prevent ear infections by keeping out dust and bacteria from entering your ears. Lastly, wearing earplugs can also aid in regulating air pressure inside the eardrum during takeoff and landing.

Choosing the right type of earplug is crucial to ensure that you get maximum comfort and effectiveness when using them on long bus trips. When selecting earplugs for travel purposes, consider factors such as size, material type, noise reduction rating (NRR), and whether they are reusable or disposable. To make this process easier for you, here is a table outlining some of the best earplugs available on the market specifically designed for bus trips:

By incorporating these simple yet effective tools into your packing checklist for bus trips, you will be able to enjoy a more comfortable journey without being disturbed by external sounds and distractions.

In addition to earplugs, another essential item that bus travelers should consider bringing along is an eye mask. Eye masks are incredibly useful for blocking out light and ensuring a good night’s sleep, especially during long bus trips.

The primary benefit of wearing an eye mask during a bus trip is that it helps block out any unwanted light and create a more comfortable sleeping environment. This is particularly important if you’re traveling overnight or in areas where there might be streetlights or other sources of artificial light. Additionally, studies have shown that exposure to blue light from electronic devices can interfere with our body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. By wearing an eye mask, you can minimize this exposure and improve the quality of your sleep on the bus.

When choosing an eye mask for your bus trip, there are several factors to consider. First, look for a mask that fits comfortably over your eyes without being too tight or slipping off during movement. Consider materials such as silk or satin which feel gentle against the skin and help regulate temperature. You may also want to choose a mask with adjustable straps so you can fine-tune its comfort level throughout the trip.

Ultimately, by taking these steps to ensure a good night’s rest on board your bus journey will become much more enjoyable!

Chargers are an essential item to pack when going on a bus trip.

Your phone charger should be at the top of your list as it ensures that you can stay connected and navigate through your journey without worrying about running out of battery.

A portable charger is also a great addition as it allows you to charge your phone on-the-go, especially if there are no power outlets available on the bus.

Additionally, if you plan to travel internationally, don’t forget to bring adapters for different countries’ electrical outlets.

Phone charger

The inclusion of a phone charger in one’s travel essentials ensures uninterrupted communication and access to digital resources during the journey. It is important to be informed about the different types and features of phone chargers available in the market before purchasing one.

There are several types of phone chargers such as wall chargers, car chargers, portable power banks, and wireless chargers. Each type has its own unique features that cater to specific needs.

When buying a phone charger for travel purposes, there are several tips that can come in handy. Firstly, look for a charger with multiple USB ports so that you can charge more than one device at a time. Secondly, choose a charger with fast charging capabilities as it saves time and ensures your devices are fully charged quickly. Thirdly, opt for a portable power bank if you’re going on long journeys or camping trips where access to electricity may be limited. Lastly, invest in high-quality chargers from reliable brands as they tend to last longer and offer better performance compared to cheaper alternatives.

By keeping these tips in mind when purchasing a phone charger for bus trips, you can ensure that you stay connected throughout your journey without any interruptions due to low battery life.

Portable charger

In the previous subtopic, we discussed the importance of bringing a phone charger on your bus trip. However, what happens when you’re on the go and don’t have access to an outlet? This is where a portable charger comes in handy.

Not only does it eliminate the need for wall outlets, but it also allows for multiple charges without any interruptions. The benefits of using a portable charger are numerous. First and foremost, they are incredibly convenient for travel as they allow you to charge your devices while on-the-go.

Additionally, they come in various sizes and capacities making them suitable for different needs. When choosing the right portable charger, consider factors such as battery capacity, charging speed, portability, and compatibility with your devices. By selecting the right one that suits your requirements best, you can ensure that all your devices stay charged throughout your journey!

Adapters for international travel

For the global traveler, having the right adapters for international travel can be a symbol of preparedness and an essential tool for ensuring electronic devices remain charged while abroad.

Adapters come in various shapes and sizes, designed to adapt to different sockets around the world.

Understanding which type of plug is needed in your destination country is crucial as it varies from region to region.

In addition, some countries have different voltage requirements that may require a voltage converter to avoid damaging your device.

Travelers should research their destination’s electrical standards before purchasing an adapter or voltage converter.

Some common plug types include Type A used in North America, Type C commonly found in Europe, and Type D used in India and South Africa.

Voltage converters are also important to consider since some countries use 110-120 volts while others use 220-240 volts.

Failure to use a converter could lead to irreparable damage or complete failure of electronic devices such as laptops or hair dryers.

By being aware of these differences and investing in the appropriate adapters and converters, travelers can ensure they stay connected while exploring new destinations without worrying about battery life or damaging their devices due to incompatible electrical systems.

Cash and ID

Prior to embarking on a bus journey, it is recommended to ensure one possesses sufficient cash and identification documents, as these items are fundamental for navigating through the various stages of the trip.

In terms of budgeting tips, it is advisable to carry enough cash for emergencies and unforeseen circumstances. This could range from having enough money for food and drinks during long layovers or delays, to being able to pay for transportation in case electronic payment methods fail. It is also important to research beforehand if there are any additional fees or taxes that may be required when crossing borders or traveling between different states.

In addition to budgeting tips, safety precautions should also be considered when carrying cash and identification documents on a bus trip. Keeping large sums of cash in one place can make you an easy target for theft, so it is best practice to distribute your money amongst different pockets or bags. It is equally important to keep identification documents such as passports or IDs in a safe place where they can easily be retrieved when needed, but not visible enough for potential thieves.

Furthermore, always have backup copies of important documents stored electronically or with someone trustworthy in case anything happens along the way. By prioritizing these two key factors before embarking on a bus journey, you will significantly reduce any stressors that may arise throughout your travels and ensure a smoother overall experience.

Maps and travel guides

When it comes to maps and travel guides, travelers have the option to choose between paper or digital formats.

While some may prefer the traditional feel of a physical map or guidebook, others may enjoy the convenience and accessibility of digital options.

Regardless of format, these resources provide valuable information such as local recommendations and tourist attraction details to help enhance one’s travel experience.

With so many options available, it is important for travelers to carefully consider their needs and preferences before selecting a map or travel guide.

Paper or digital options

The section highlights the available options for note-taking during travels and suggests ways to consider their advantages and disadvantages.

When it comes to packing checklists, there are two main options: paper or digital. One benefit of using a digital packing checklist is that it can be easily edited and updated. This means that if you forget to add an item or decide to remove something from your list, you can do so quickly without having to start over from scratch.

On the other hand, some people prefer the tangible nature of a paper checklist. It allows them to physically cross off items as they pack, which provides a sense of accomplishment and helps reduce anxiety about forgetting essential items. However, one downside is that if you lose your list or accidentally throw it away, you may have difficulty remembering everything you need to bring on your trip.

Ultimately, the choice between digital and paper options depends on personal preference and travel habits.

Local information and recommendations

This section presents valuable insights into obtaining local information and recommendations for travel destinations, which can enhance the overall travel experience.

One of the best ways to get a sense of your destination is by trying out the local cuisine. Food is an integral part of any culture, and trying new dishes can be a great way to immerse yourself in the local way of life. You can ask locals for their favorite eateries or look up recommendations online. Don’t be afraid to try something new – you may discover a hidden gem that’s not listed in any guidebook.

In addition to food, it’s important to research transportation options and safety tips when visiting a new place. Public transportation is often the most affordable and convenient option, but make sure you know how to use it safely before setting out on your own. Researching crime rates and dangerous areas beforehand can also help you avoid potential dangers while exploring your destination.

Local tourism boards or hotel staff may have additional recommendations for safe places to visit or activities to avoid at certain times of day or year. By taking these precautions, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip while discovering all that your destination has to offer.

Tourist attraction details

Now that you have a good grasp of the local information and recommendations for your upcoming bus trip, it’s time to dive into the tourist attraction details. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or new to exploring, this section will provide an overview of the top-rated attractions and off-the-beaten-path spots that are worth visiting.

First on the list are the top-rated attractions that should not be missed. If you’re looking for iconic landmarks, then make sure to visit places like the Empire State Building in New York City or Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. For history buffs, there’s no better place than Washington D.C., where you can visit national monuments like Lincoln Memorial or Smithsonian National Museum of American History. For those who love nature, national parks like Yellowstone or Grand Canyon offer breathtaking views and outdoor activities. These popular attractions may require some planning ahead as they tend to draw large crowds throughout the year.

But if you’re looking for something more unique and off-the-beaten-path spots, then consider exploring hidden gems such as abandoned ghost towns in Arizona, quirky roadside attractions along Route 66, or natural wonders like Antelope Canyon in Arizona or Niagara Falls in New York. These lesser-known spots offer a chance to experience something different from mainstream tourism and give insight into local culture and history.

Whether you choose to stick with tried-and-true sights or explore lesser-known destinations depends on what kind of traveler you are – but no matter where your interests lie, there is always something new waiting around every corner on your bus journey adventure!

Supportive for walking and standing

This section provides recommendations for items that can alleviate discomfort and facilitate mobility during periods of prolonged standing or walking.

When selecting shoes for a bus trip, it is important to prioritize comfort and support over fashion. Look for shoes with thick soles and arch support to prevent foot fatigue and pain. Additionally, shoes with adjustable straps or laces can provide a custom fit that will keep your feet secure during bumpy rides.

In addition to comfortable footwear, consider bringing compression socks to improve circulation in your legs and reduce swelling. Stretching before and after long periods of sitting or standing can also help alleviate discomfort.

Finally, if you know you will be standing for extended periods of time on the bus, consider bringing a small folding stool or cushion to provide extra support while waiting in line at rest stops or attractions.

By prioritizing comfort and mobility when packing for your bus trip, you can enjoy the journey without being held back by discomfort or fatigue.

Easy to slip on and off

Ensuring ease of use when selecting footwear for extended periods of standing or walking is an important consideration, as it can save valuable time and energy when getting on and off the bus. Slip-on shoe options are a great choice for travel because they allow for easy on and off without the hassle of laces or buckles. Look for slip-on shoes with a comfortable sole that provides support for your feet during long periods of standing. Opting for breathable materials such as mesh or leather can help keep your feet cool and dry during warmer weather.

Comfortable footwear is key when traveling by bus, especially if you plan on exploring new destinations once you arrive at your destination. Slip-on sneakers are a versatile option that can be dressed up or down depending on the activity. If you prefer sandals, look for ones with adjustable straps to ensure a secure fit while walking. It’s also important to consider the size and weight of your shoes when packing – bulky shoes take up precious space in your luggage. By choosing lightweight slip-on options, you’ll have more room in your bag for other essentials while still ensuring comfort during travel.

This table highlights some slip-on shoe options that provide comfort while traveling by bus. The comfort level is rated out of ten based on personal experience, with factors such as arch support and cushioning taken into account. The material column suggests different options to choose from depending on personal preference and weather conditions at the destination. By selecting slip-on shoes that are comfortable and easy to put on and take off, you’ll be able to enjoy your bus trip without worrying about foot pain or discomfort.

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Appropriate for different activities.

Suitable shoe selection for diverse endeavors is a crucial consideration while traveling, as it can impact one’s comfort and movement. When packing for a bus trip, it is important to consider the different activities that you might engage in during your vacation.

If you plan to spend most of your time outdoors hiking or exploring nature, then sturdy hiking boots with good ankle support are essential. These shoes will offer the necessary grip and stability needed to traverse rough terrains.

On the other hand, if you are planning a beach vacation, then flip flops or sandals might be more appropriate. These lightweight options are easy to slip on and off when walking on sandy beaches, and they also provide ventilation for your feet in hot weather conditions. Additionally, don’t forget to pack some water shoes if you plan to swim in rocky areas or participate in water sports like kayaking or paddleboarding.

Overall, selecting appropriate footwear based on your planned activities will ensure that you remain comfortable throughout your journey while enjoying all that nature has to offer.

When considering outdoor essentials for bus trips, remember that the right footwear can make all the difference in ensuring an enjoyable experience. From hiking boots with solid ankle support for long hikes through rugged terrain to flip flops and sandals perfect for beach vacations where sand between toes is part of the fun; there are many choices available depending on what type of activity suits your fancy best!

Backpack or small luggage

When selecting a backpack or small luggage for your upcoming bus trip, it is important to consider the size and weight restrictions of the bus company. Many bus companies have specific guidelines regarding the size and weight of bags that passengers are allowed to bring onboard. Choosing the right bag can make a big difference in your comfort during transportation, especially if you plan on carrying it with you throughout your trip.

One option to consider is a backpack, which has its pros and cons. Backpacks are great for those who need to carry their belongings with them at all times. They distribute weight evenly across both shoulders, making them comfortable to wear for extended periods of time. However, they may not be suitable for travelers who have back problems or difficulty carrying heavy loads.

Alternatively, small luggage such as rolling suitcases offer more space and tend to be easier on the back but can be inconvenient when navigating through tight spaces or crowded areas.

To help you choose between a backpack or small luggage for your bus trip, here are some factors to consider:

  • How long your trip will be
  • The amount of belongings you will need to bring
  • Your personal preference for style and convenience
  • Any physical limitations that may affect your ability to carry certain types of bags

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any restrictions on the size or weight of the backpack or small luggage allowed on a bus trip.

When traveling by bus, it is important to be aware of backpack regulations and luggage restrictions.

Backpacks are typically allowed on buses, but there may be size restrictions depending on the particular bus company and route. Some companies may allow larger backpacks as long as they fit in the overhead compartments or under the seat.

It is also important to keep in mind weight restrictions for both backpacks and small luggage. Overloading can create safety concerns and cause discomfort for other passengers.

Be sure to check with your specific bus company for their regulations before packing for your trip.

What types of snacks are not allowed on a bus trip?

When it comes to packing snacks for a bus trip, there are certain restrictions on what is allowed. Healthy options are always preferred, and alternative choices may be necessary for those with dietary restrictions or allergies.

Some common snacks that are not allowed include anything that requires heating or refrigeration, such as hot meals or dairy products. It’s important to also avoid any snacks with strong odors that could disturb other passengers.

Snack packing tips include bringing non-perishable items like granola bars, nuts, and dried fruit, as well as pre-packaged fruits and vegetables like apples and carrots.

Overall, planning ahead and being mindful of others’ comfort can help ensure a smooth and enjoyable bus trip experience for all passengers.

Are there any special considerations for packing medications on a bus trip?

When it comes to packing medication for a bus trip, there are several tips to ensure proper storage and accessibility.

First, it is important to pack medications in their original containers with the prescription label intact. This can help avoid any confusion or misunderstandings during security checks or if medical attention is needed while on the trip.

Additionally, medications should be stored in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. It may also be helpful to bring along a small cooler or insulated bag to keep medications at an appropriate temperature.

Finally, it is recommended to bring extra medication in case of unexpected delays or extended travel time.

By following these packing medication tips, travelers can ensure they have access to necessary medications while on their bus journey without compromising their safety or health.

How should I properly dispose of waste on a bus trip?

Proper waste disposal is a crucial aspect of responsible tourism and sustainable travel. It’s essential to minimize the impact on the environment by disposing of waste in an eco-friendly way.

Environmental consciousness should be at the forefront of every traveler’s mind, especially when it comes to waste management.

There are several options for proper waste disposal, such as using biodegradable bags or packing out trash, depending on the location and facilities available.

By taking small steps towards responsible tourism, we can all contribute to a cleaner and healthier planet while enjoying our travels with freedom.

What should I do if I lose my cash or ID while on a bus trip?

Losing cash or identification while on a bus trip can be a disconcerting experience. It is important to stay calm and report the lost items immediately to the appropriate authorities. Reporting lost items promptly increases the chances of recovering them, particularly if they were left on the bus.

In case your identification was stolen, you should also contact emergency contacts as soon as possible and seek assistance in getting replacement documents. To avoid such situations, it is advisable to carry only necessary identification documents and minimal cash for your journey.

Additionally, having an emergency contact list with reachable phone numbers is crucial when faced with these types of scenarios. It is essential always to be prepared for any eventuality when embarking on a bus trip by taking precautionary measures such as having backup copies of vital documentation and keeping them in safe places during travel.

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The ultimate packing checklist for bus trips is a comprehensive guide to ensure that you have everything you need for a comfortable and enjoyable journey.

From clothing to toiletries, medications to entertainment, snacks to maps and travel guides, a first aid kit to comfortable shoes, and a backpack or small luggage, this checklist covers all the essentials.

When it comes to clothing, pack items that are versatile and comfortable. Layering is key for different temperatures.

Toiletries should include toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, soap or body wash. Medications such as pain relievers or allergy medicine should be packed in case of emergencies.

Entertainment such as books or music can help pass the time on long journeys. Snacks such as nuts or fruit are great options for healthy snacking on-the-go. Maps and travel guides will allow you to navigate your destination with ease.

Lastly, don’t forget your first aid kit which includes band-aids and disinfectants.

In conclusion, whether you’re planning a short trip or an extended adventure by bus; this ultimate packing checklist has got you covered! Be sure to check off each item before embarking on your journey – it may just save you from any potential hiccups along the way. Remember: preparation is key when it comes to traveling comfortably!

What essentials should you pack for your bus trip?

  • 👗👞 Comfortable and Versatile Clothing: Pack lightweight layers, sustainable clothing, and comfortable shoes.
  • 🧴💊 Hygiene and Health Items: Bring essential toiletries, medications, and a well-stocked first aid kit.
  • 💵🆔 Identification and Financial Items: Carry cash, multiple forms of payment, and secure storage for IDs and travel documents.
  • 🗺️📲 Navigation and Information Tools: Use both paper and digital maps, travel guides, and offline resources.
  • 🎧🍎 Entertainment and Snacks: Prepare with books, games, digital content, healthy snacks, and a reusable water bottle.

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How to travel in Spain by bus

Jamie Ditaranto

Aug 20, 2024 • 7 min read

how to travel by bus

Spain's bus network covers its major cities, coastal villages, mountainous landscapes and everywhere in between. © Oscar Garces / Getty Images

As the largest country in Southern Europe, Spain is a destination with distinctive cultures, landscapes, and languages – and its extensive bus network can help you explore it all.

High-speed trains connect the country fairly well, converging on its central capital,  Madrid , but they can’t get you everywhere. For everywhere wild and rural in between, having a car is the easiest way to get around. However, when you’re on a budget, traveling solo, or aiming for more sustainable travel , the bus is best – and in Spain it can get you pretty far.

From long intercity trips to short seasonal routes, here’s everything you need to know about bus travel in Spain.

A modern public bus driving along a street lined with historic buildings in the city of Toledo in Spain

With most of the country’s population living in major urban hubs, popular destinations are well connected, and there are frequent departures between big cities like Madrid, Valencia , and Barcelona . Only about two thirds of Spanish residents hold a driver’s license, so there tends to be many alternative ways to reach smaller cities and even very rural regions if you’re willing to do a little digging.

Cost and booking

Traveling by bus is not always cheaper – especially on trips longer than four hours – but sometimes it is the only option if there is no train line or airport where you’re going. You will find the best fares on high-traffic routes. For example, you can get from Barcelona to Valencia for €20 with ALSA . Most of the time, these routes are also connected by train services, which are usually better value for a shorter transit time. 

Most companies allow you to book your tickets in advance, but only some routes offer seat selection. There may be a few rare times when it’s not possible to buy ahead of time, especially with a smaller bus company, so you will have to show up early and pay when you get on the bus. Bus drivers will usually accept credit cards but it’s always good to have cash on hand just in case. 

Book your ticket in advance as soon as you’ve decided on your travel plans – this goes double if you’re traveling to a popular day trip destination from a major city. I made this mistake one day in Barcelona when I decided to take a spur-of-the-moment trip up to the medieval beach town of  Tossa de Mar on a Thursday morning – I got all the way to the bus station just to find out it was already sold out. Always check online first because some websites will display how many seats are left.

A senior couple with luggage are walking over a crosswalk towards a bus in Spain.

Discounts and offers

Discounted tickets are generally, but not always, available for seniors and young adults (25 and under), as well as children and infants. While searching for tickets you can look for discounts or bonos  (bonuses) that can sometimes save you up to 50% on selected routes. If you plan to ride the same line multiple times, some companies like ALSA offer a “ bono gratuito”  ticket for as little as €35. This special bono allows for unlimited bus travel within a certain timeframe, but only for one route.

Bus occupancy and route types

If you plan on using public buses in a major city, you can expect them to be full at rush hour between 8am and 9am and between 5pm and 7pm. In my experience living in Barcelona, buses tend to be more full on the weekends from the early afternoon into the night, especially on routes that go to the beach or pass through the city center.

For regional transportation, service frequency is usually increased at times of high demand such as weekends and for holidays including Semana Santa (the week before Easter when most Spaniards have vacation days). There might be more departures around a holiday, but you should still book your tickets and accommodations way in advance. Weekends can also be busy depending on the season and destination.

A long stretch of ticket counters for different bus companies at a huge bus station in Madrid, Spain

Connectivity and comparisons

Standing in the ticketing wing of a busy Spanish bus station, you will see that there are dozens of different bus companies like ALSA, the largest intercity operator in Spain, as well as Europe-wide lines like FlixBus and BlaBlaBus , which can take you as far as Paris, Berlin and Milan. Smaller companies operate regionally, such as  Moventis , which operates in Catalonia , and MonBus and Avanza , which operate in multiple regions including Galicia and Andalucía .

It’s common that one company has dominion over a certain region. For example, in Catalonia you will need to check ALSA for connections to the Pyrenees , and Moventis for traveling on the Costa Brava . With so much variety, the best way to find out what bus to take is to check a travel planning website like Rome2Rio or BusBud and plug in your origin and destinations.

However, these websites often don’t include information about the seasonal bus routes that run in service of tourism in the high season. As I discovered in Catalonia, these can be game-changers when it comes to travel planning, with services including Rumbus , which ferries visitors to the trailheads in La Garrotxa Natural Park, and  Julivia Bus , which travels to the smaller coastal villages near Palafrugell. For this reason, it’s always worth checking local tourism sources to see if they offer something similar.

Service features

Public buses are different from city to city and, while reliability varies, they are generally all pretty clean and safe. Long-haul and regional bus services may include a WC, WiFi, and outlets on board but not always. Quality also varies from company to company. From personal experience, I’ve found ALSA to be the most comfortable.

There's usually a complimentary luggage allowance, but you might be charged extra if you have more than one bag over 20kg. Bikes are carried free of charge on certain routes and pets are sometimes allowed for an extra fee but they must meet vaccination and other requirements specific to each company. Service animals typically ride free.

A coach drives through a very narrow natural rock arch on a mountain road in Mallorca, Spain

Scenic bus routes in Spain 

Most of the time, bus travel in Spain is a convenient option, but sometimes it’s also a great way to relax and enjoy the scenery. Here are some of the top bus routes that can take you past fantastically scenic destinations.

Palma to Port de Sóller

Get to the small villages of Mallorca ’s Tramuntana mountain range – and save yourself time looking for parking – on Line 301. You can take the historic train from Palma to Sóller first and then connect to Port de Sóller by tram, before getting the bus back. Sit on the right for ocean views and hop off for sightseeing in the towns of Deià and Valldemossa .

Roses to Cadaqués

On the northernmost point of the Costa Brava, you can enjoy the fabulous mountain pass road between the beach town of Roses and the posh village of Cadaqués . The road down is winding so either side will have great views. Once in Cadaqués, you can connect to the lighthouse in the natural park by local bus.

Seville to Ronda

Make your way to the famous gorge-spanning town of Ronda from Seville to enjoy views of the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park , a gem of Andalucía, on the right.

Santiago de Compostela to Fisterra

Access the wild beauty of Galicia’s Atlantic coast on this journey from Santiago de Compostela , the end of the Camino, to Fisterra. You’ll head west and then follow the coastal road north, so get a seat on the left.

Santander to Fuente Dé

Travel from Cantabria ’s coastal capital to the wild and pastoral landscape of Picos de Europa National Park . You will need to stop in Potes to get a second bus to Fuente Dé, but from here you can take the cable car and continue your automobile-free journey all the way up to the mountaintop.

A bus driver talks to two passengers as they wait to boad a coach at a bus station in Barcelona, Spain

Tips for traveling by bus in Spain 

In large cities, you’ll typically find a small cafe or a few shops at the bus station but this is unusual for small towns, where there might only be a few buses per day. If you’re lucky, there will be a vending machine and a bathroom but, if not, you might need to take a walk to a nearby cafe. Always bring extra food and water in case the shops are closed during your transfer. Arrive at least 15 minutes before the bus leaves so you have time to confirm you’re in the right spot.


Throughout Spain, autonomous mobility is a priority and although it might vary between cities and different bus lines, most services are accessible for passengers with disabilities. Urban buses in Madrid and Barcelona have designated areas for wheelchairs and regional buses are often equipped to accommodate wheelchair users, even including discounted fares for companions. However, this is a case of “usually” and not “always” so it’s still strongly advised to research the service provider beforehand to confirm.

This article was first published Jul 13, 2024 and updated Aug 20, 2024.

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Residence hall move-in to affect campus travel Aug. 25 and Aug. 27-29, 2024

Commuters can expect delays in the campus area for UW Housing fall semester move-in. Some campus roadways will close or be limited to one-way move-in traffic. The move-in days are Sunday, August 25 and Tuesday through Thursday, August 27-29, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Parking lots located near residence halls will also be used as unloading zones. Transportation Services will send email notifications to permit holders in affected parking lots.  

East Campus Closures

  • Park Street between University Avenue and Langdon Street will be one-way northbound. The southbound lane will be restricted to move-in traffic only.
  • Lake Street between Dayton and Johnson Streets will be closed to thru traffic. Access will be restricted to primarily move-in traffic, one-way northbound only. The intercity bus stop will temporarily move to Johnson Street, north of Gordon Dining and Event Center.

West Campus Closures

  • Observatory Drive between Charter Street to Babcock Drive will be one-way westbound only and restricted to primarily move-in traffic.
  • Elm Drive north of Observatory will be restricted to primarily move-in traffic.

Campus Bus Detours

Any detours related to move-in will be posted at Madison Metro Transit’s website .

Delaware State travel issues, explained: What to know about situation, game and more

Portrait of Lorenzo Reyes

It looks like Delaware State will make it, after all — albeit after some significant travel issues .

The Hornets football team, ahead of its season-opening game at Hawai‘i, is on its way to Honolulu despite missing its scheduled flight Tuesday because of a shuttle bus delay. No changes have been made to the scheduled time of the game, which is set for Saturday at 6:00 p.m. HT, or midnight Sunday on the east coast.

In fact, Hawai‘i director of media relations Derek Inouchi told USA TODAY Sports Wednesday that the Rainbow Warriors athletic department is working with Delaware State to adjust practice times, but that there have been no discussions about rescheduling the game itself.

Here's everything you need to know about Delaware State's travel issues ahead of its game against the Rainbow Warriors.

Did Delaware State make it to Hawai‘i for Saturday's game?

Not yet, but the Hornets are on their way. The Delaware News Journal (part of the USA TODAY Network) reported that the football traveling party left Wednesday morning and is expected to arrive in Honolulu Wednesday afternoon. Although the Hornets initially wanted to avoid connections, their trip Wednesday is now requiring three separate flights.

How did Delaware State miss its flight to Hawai‘i?

Because the trip to Honolulu, from Philadelphia or Baltimore, is nearly 5,000 miles, Delaware State preferred to take a direct flight. The closest options were from New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport, requiring shuttle buses. The company contracted to shuttle the Hornets contingent, Wertz Motor Coaches, said Tuesday in a statement to HBCU GameDay that it had "an internal scheduling malfunction" in its reservation system, which led to a delay in picking up the Delaware State traveling party.

The Hornets, therefore, missed their scheduled flight, and had to spend Tuesday night in a New York City hotel while it arranged alternate travel plans.

As the team garnered national news coverage for its travel issues, players appeared to take advantage and keep the mood light, posting videos to their social media accounts.

"It was unfortunate with the bus company, but that’s another matter," DSU president Tony Allen told The News Journal Wednesday.

"I can tell you these are resilient guys," Allen added. "Things like this happen. They got it. I know they’ll be uber-focused on the game."

How much money is at stake in the Delaware State-Hawai‘i game?

According to an athletic event agreement contract obtained by USA TODAY Sports, the University of Hawai‘i is obligated to pay Delaware State $180,000 to participate in the game. The agreement was signed by the presidents and athletic directors of both schools in late February and is fairly typical for Hawai‘i when it plays FCS programs to fill out its schedule. By comparison, a similar athletic event agreement contract also obtained by USA TODAY Sports shows that the University is obligated to pay Northern Iowa $165,000 for a game set to take place September 21 at 6:00 P.M. HT.

As part of the agreement, Hawai‘i is required to pay Delaware State no later than 60 days following the completion of the game. The agreement also stipulates that Hawai‘i cover "round trip airfare for a travel party of 100 not to exceed fourteen hundred dollars ($1,400) per fare," but also notes that "all change fees shall be paid by Visiting Team." Hawai‘i also covers hotel lodging and transportation to and from the airport, hotel, practice facility and stadiums.

There is also language in the agreement that concerns cancellations, forfeitures or non-appearances. If either party were to commit a breach of contract, the offending party would be forced to pay the other program "a liquidated sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000)." That sum represents the estimated attendance revenues for the game. "The Parties further agree that the sum provided for herein is a reasonable estimate of the damages that would be incurred as a result of breach and is not a penalty," the agreement reads.

There is, however, protection in the agreement if a cancellation, forfeiture or non-appearance is caused by a "Force Majeure Event," which includes extenuating circumstances like "strikes, slowdowns, or labor disputes or troubles involving the Parties."

What to know about Delaware State-Hawai‘i fooball game

The Hornets went 1-10 last season and finished dead last in the Mid-Eastern Atlantic Conference, losing all five of their conference games. Delaware State scored 18 points per game last season, which ranked the program 102nd out of a possible 122 FCS teams.

The Rainbow Warriors are coming off of a 5-8 campaign and an eighth place finish (3-5) in the Mountain West Conference. Hawai‘i quarterback Brayden Schager led the Mountain West in 2023 in passing yards (3,542) and passing touchdowns (26). The Rainbow Warriors have won their last 20 games against FCS opponents.

How to watch Delaware State-Hawai‘i football game

For local audiences, the game will be broadcast on Spectrum Sports pay-per-view. For those outside of Hawai‘i, the game can be streamed through the Team1 Sports app, by searching "Hawai‘i football" in the channels tab.

The game is scheduled to take place at the Clarence T.C. Ching Complex, on the University of Hawai‘i's campus.

Contributing: Steve Berkowitz

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CBP Seal, U.S. Customs and Border Protection:  U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Links to CBP.gov homepage

  • Local Media Release

CBP seizes more than 90,000 rounds of ammunition leaving U.S.

EL PASO, TEXAS – U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers working at the El Paso port of entry seized 92,900 rounds of large caliber ammunition August 17, 2024. The ammunition was on a commercial bus leaving the U.S. and entering Mexico at the Bridge of the Americas (BOTA) port of entry.

Ammunition seized by CBP at the El Paso port of entry.

The seizure almost triples the amount of ammunition CBP officers performing outbound enforcement inspections at the El Paso field office have made during the last three fiscal years (FY) combined. CBP officers seized 15,678 rounds in FY 2021, 7,224 rounds in FY 2022 and 11, 205 rounds in FY 2023. 

“CBP’s primary mission is to inspect all goods and people entering the U.S. from abroad but the agency will also perform outbound inspections as part of our overall enforcement portfolio,” said CBP El Paso Director of Field Operations Hector A., Mancha . “The magnitude of this seizure is impactful. Had this ammunition fallen into the hands of transnational criminal organizations the impact could have been devasting.” 

This seizure occurred just after 7:00 p.m. when members of CBP’s Anti-Terrorism Contraband Enforcement Team (ATCET) initiated an operation at the southbound lanes of the BOTA port of entry. A commercial tour bus from Mexico arrived and was selected for exam. CBP officers noted that the two bus drivers depicted nervous behavior during the routine inspection. 

The bus was secured and CBP officers initiated their exam. During a search of the cargo bay they discovered multiple 27-gallon plastic storage totes that seemed very heavy. Upon inspection of the totes they were found to contain boxes of ammunition A total of 59,900 rounds of .223 ammunition and 33,000 rounds 7.62 x 39 ammunition were seized. 

The drivers were male citizens of Mexico. Both were turned over to Homeland Security Investigations and will face charges related to the failed smuggling attempt. CBP seized the bus.

Plastic bins filled with ammunition that were being smuggled to Mexico in the cargo hold of a bus.

At the time of the incident a total 16 passengers were on the bus. One was in the U.S. illegally and was processed accordingly. The remaining 15 were released and continued their journey on a different bus.

CBP will often initiate pulse and surge southbound operations at area ports to inspect traffic and identify export violations to include the smuggling of unreported currency, weapons and ammunition.

“CBP officers working at the El Paso port of entry target all threats to enforce laws on the international border and make our communities safer on both sides of the border,” said acting CBP El Paso Port Director Albert Barnes.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is America's frontline: the nation's largest law enforcement organization and the world's first unified border management agency. The 65,000+ men and women of CBP protect America on the ground, in the air, and on the seas. We facilitate safe, lawful travel and trade and ensure our country's economic prosperity. We enhance the nation's security through innovation, intelligence, collaboration, and trust.

A day late, Delaware State football team en route to Hawaii after bus snafu

Portrait of Kevin Tresolini

Delaware State University officials preferred taking a direct flight to Hawaii for the Hornets’ 2024 football opener.

Since none were available at closer Philadelphia or Baltimore airports, that required a bus ride to JFK Airport in the New York City borough of Queens.

It, instead, turned out to be a travel nightmare and another chapter in a history of bus excursions gone awry for Delaware State.

The DSU team missed that flight Tuesday morning because of what the bus company Wertz Motor Coaches termed “an internal scheduling malfunction,” in a statement made to HBCU GameDay.

The traveling party spent the night in a New York City hotel while scrambling to rearrange their plans.

The team flew to Hawaii on Wednesday morning, though three separate flights were required, with all expected to arrive in Honolulu on Wednesday afternoon.

Kickoff is at 6 p.m. local time Saturday, which is midnight back in Delaware. It’s a game that was already going to be a significant challenge for the Hornets, who were 1-10 last year and have now had their game-week preparation undermined. The team had planned to visit local sites after arrival Tuesday and practice Wednesday.

“It was unfortunate with the bus company, but that’s another matter,” DSU President Tony Allen told Delaware Online/The News Journal.

“I can tell you these are resilient guys,” Allen added. “Things like this happen. They got it. I know they’ll be uber-focused on the game.”

Contact Kevin Tresolini at [email protected] and follow on Twitter @kevintresolini. Support local journalism by subscribing to delawareonline.com and our DE Game Day newsletter.


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    Access will be restricted to primarily move-in traffic, one-way northbound only. The intercity bus stop will temporarily move to Johnson Street, north of Gordon Dining and Event Center. West Campus Closures. Observatory Drive between Charter Street to Babcock Drive will be one-way westbound only and restricted to primarily move-in traffic.

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    Plastic bins filled with ammunition that were being smuggled to Mexico in the cargo hold of a bus. At the time of the incident a total 16 passengers were on the bus. One was in the U.S. illegally and was processed accordingly. The remaining 15 were released and continued their journey on a different bus.

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