22 things you need to know before going to Sri Lanka

Emma Boyle

Oct 14, 2023 • 11 min read

travel to sri lanka from india

Get to grips with Sri Lanka's complex culture with these top tips on health, safety and etiquette © Cavan Images / Getty Images

Floating in tropical waters off the southern tip of India, Sri Lanka is defined by its gentle Buddhist culture, friendly people and laid-back way of life despite its troubled recent history.

A little knowledge goes a long way when it comes to having an easy trip to this Indian Ocean island. For such a small nation, Sri Lanka is hugely diverse. Surf-pounded coastlines rise to forested national parks , temple-studded plains and jungle-covered highlands – with the added perk that nowhere is that far from a  beach .

Most visitors start on the coast and duck inland to tea gardens, ancient cities and national parks, but navigating Sri Lanka 's frenetic public transport system and cultural sensitivities can be confusing for new arrivals. To help you out, here are some of the things you need to know before traveling to Sri Lanka.

1. Apply for a visa in advance

As a first step, check the latest visa requirements for Sri Lanka. Most nationalities need an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) in advance of travel, but fortunately, they're not hard to get.

2. Check your travel vaccinations

Sri Lanka is a tropical destination, so check with your doctor to make sure you're up to date with your travel vaccinations. Recommended vaccinations for Sri Lanka include diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis A, hepatitis B and polio. Long stayers might also consider getting vaccinated against typhoid and rabies (although rare, rabies can be fatal, and it's carried by dogs, cats and monkeys in Sri Lanka).

3. Plan your trip according to the monsoons

Between May and September , the south coast and west coast of Sri Lanka are lashed by the southwest monsoon, which brings plenty of rainfall and choppy seas, while northern and eastern parts of the island are fine and dry. When the northeast monsoon hits Sri Lanka between November and March, the south and west are at their best, and it's the northern and eastern parts of Sri Lanka that see the showers.

In fact, monsoon rainfall in Sri Lanka is quite sporadic – expect short, sharp downpours interspersed with long, hot sunny spells. Traveling to different parts of Sri Lanka during their rainy "off-seasons" has its rewards – visitor numbers fall and hotel rates drop quite significantly.

Sri Lankan Buddhists gather at a temple building in front of burning insence

4. There's no alcohol for sale on full moon days and religious events

Sri Lanka has a huge number of bank holidays, and almost half of these are poya days, marking the arrival of the full moon, an auspicious event in Sri Lankan Buddhism. All poya days are dry days – alcohol is not sold in shops, restaurants or bars (though you can still access your hotel room’s minibar). The ban on alcohol also extends to other religious events such as the Buddhist festival of Vesak in May.

5. Carry cash: the currency is the Sri Lankan rupee

Stock up on rupees on arrival in Sri Lanka (not before), and don't change more than you need. Sri Lankan rupees are hard to exchange outside of Sri Lanka. ATMs are widespread all over the country – stick to Bank of Ceylon ATMs where possible as they don't charge a fee. Card machines are common in larger hotels, restaurants and tourist-oriented shops.

Try to build up a stash of lower denomination notes wherever possible (for example, withdraw LKR5900 rather than LKR6000). You'll need small bills to pay for tuk-tuks, to buy things from local shops and markets, and for tipping. Carrying some cash in dollars, euros or pounds sterling is also useful – all are widely accepted in tourist areas.

6. Be realistic about how much ground you can cover

It takes a surprising amount of time to travel around Sri Lanka thanks to winding routes and the limited number of roads crossing the island's interior. Traffic also has to navigate a variety of hazards including badly surfaced roads and roaming wildlife (buffaloes, cows, feral dogs and even elephants). To do Sri Lanka justice, don’t rush. You’ll need at least a month for a circuit of the island with detours to national parks, ancient cities and tea plantations.

Thanks to Sri Lanka’s improving expressway network, road travel from Colombo to southern towns such as Galle ,  Matara and  Tangalla is fairly rapid. With its twisting, congested roads, the  Hill Country is the most time-consuming region to navigate (consider taking trains to explore instead).

Two young children run out of the sea towards their parents on a sandy beach backed by palm trees

7. Pack the right clothing for Sri Lanka’s hills and religious sites

Sri Lanka’s mountains reach elevations of over 2,000m (6,560ft) and temperatures are lower in the highlands than on the coast. Pack a light jumper for cooler nights and early morning starts (particularly between December and March). Also bring a sarong – you can use it as a beach blanket or towel, as a shawl or skirt to cover your shoulders or knees when visiting temples, and as a warm layer when traveling on air-conditioned buses or for pre-dawn safari jeep drives.

When making trips to religious sites, wear clothing that covers the legs and upper arms and shoulders. Remove your shoes and headwear before entering any Buddhist or Hindu temple or mosque, even if the site is a historic ruin. Socks are allowed (and you'll need them on scorching hot sunny days).

Tourists are less common in  Jaffna and the north where a distinct Sri Lankan Tamil Hindu culture predominates. Respect local etiquette when visiting Hindu temples – ask for permission before entering as non-Hindus are barred from entering some shrines. Some temples also require men to remove shirts and enter bare-chested (for example, Jaffna’s vast Nallur Kandaswamy Kovil ).

8. Plan ahead for the hill country trains

Sri Lanka Railways runs the nation's trains, including services on the spectacular Main Line that slices east from Colombo  through the island’s highest mountains, cloud forests and tea estates. It’s a stunning journey and hugely popular with tourists and locals alike, particularly the section between Kandy and Ella .

Book tickets in air-conditioned first class or fan-cooled second class well ahead to guarantee a seat, either in person at stations or online via booking sights such as 12GoAsia . Tickets are released 10 days prior and sell out quickly.

9. Swimwear is for the beach only

For the most part, Sri Lankans are socially conservative and deeply religious. Swimwear is fine for the beach, but not when wandering about town. Going nude or topless is not permitted on any Sri Lankan beaches.

10. Avoid public affection and disruptive behavior

Public displays of affection are frowned on, as is loud or brash behavior and losing your temper in public. Keep the latter in mind when haggling – this should never be an angry process.

Two bare-foot monks enter the ruins of a temple building

11. Show respect to Buddha images

Sri Lankan Buddhists take depictions of the Buddha very seriously and these should always be treated with respect. People have been deported from Sri Lanka for displaying "disrespectful" Buddha images, so avoid wearing clothing with Buddha images and if you have tattoos of Buddhist iconography, keep these covered. The same rules apply to statues – posing for selfies with a Buddha statue is a definite no-no, as is turning your back toward a Buddha image.

12. Be considerate when taking photographs

When photographing people, always ask for permission first. Note that if you photograph the famous stilt fishers at Koggala, you may be asked for payment (genuine stilt fishers are a rare breed nowadays). Flash photography isn’t allowed in temples (nor in the vicinity of military sites) and taking photos may be banned entirely at some Hindu sites. If you are photographing temples, be careful not to stand with your back toward a Buddha statue while you are snapping.

13. Use your right hand to eat

Traditionally, Sri Lankans eat with their right hand, using the tips of their fingers to mix rice and curry into little balls, and their thumb to gently push the food into their mouths. You may be encouraged to try this if you are invited into a local home for a meal, but always wash your hands first. Avoid eating (or shaking hands) with your left hand as it is used for less sanitary tasks such as personal ablutions.

14. Tipping is customary

Tipping is a way of life in Sri Lanka and many restaurant workers rely on the extra income this practice brings. Most larger hotels and restaurants add a 10% tip as standard; use this as a guide for how much to tip in places that don’t. 

Tourists photographing elephants from vehicles in grassland

15. Give wildlife space

In 2017, a British journalist died after being snatched by a crocodile at a lagoon near  Arugam Bay . Such attacks are rare, but they happen, so be vigilant in rivers and lagoons. Dangerous sharks are not a problem in Sri Lanka, but poisonous snakes are found in waterlogged areas like paddy fields. 

Keep a keen lookout for elephants on roads leading to national parks when walking or driving in the hills. If you see one, keep your distance and be ready to back away. Never feed a wild elephant – this habituates elephants to associate humans with food and act aggressively.

16. Take standard safety precautions

Sri Lanka is one of the safest countries in Asia when it comes to petty crime. Violence against tourists is very rare, and theft and robberies are uncommon, though they do happen occasionally. As a precaution, wear a money belt and use your hotel safe.

Female travelers should avoid traveling alone at night, particularly on public transport, and take care walking alone on empty beaches. Given Sri Lanka’s conservative culture, long sleeves and dresses are culturally appropriate and will reduce the chance of being harassed.

17. Do not drink the tap water

Sri Lanka's tap water could theoretically be used for brushing your teeth but we don't recommend it, and it's certainly not safe for drinking. Bottled water is plentiful and better hotels provide clean drinking water for guests. If you do buy bottled water, check that the seal is intact and look for the Sri Lanka standards certification mark. Always dispose of empty bottles responsibly – filling your own drinking water bottle from a large bottle is better than buying lots of small plastic bottles.

A beachside fort with a tall watch tower

18. Beware of scams and pickpockets

Scammers are active in  Galle Fort , Kandy and Colombo’s Galle Face Green . Never buy gems hawked on the street – they will almost certainly be convincing fakes made from colored glass – and be dubious of any shop trying to sell you gems to "sell at a profit back home." Seek out information from official tourist offices and directly from operators rather than trusting agents, particularly if they seek you out first.   

Keep your money and valuables out of sight when on busy trains and buses, and when exploring crowded areas streets such as Colombo’s Pettah market district . Tuk-tuks have a habit of overcharging tourists – ask drivers to use the meter (and take another tuk-tuk if they refuse), or order a ride via Uber or local app,  PickMe .

19. Protect yourself against mosquitoes

Mosquito bites are one of the biggest health concerns in Sri Lanka. Although malaria has been eliminated, mosquitoes can carry debilitating dengue fever, a painful illness that can have serious side effects. No vaccinations are available for dengue and treatment can only reduce symptoms. Protect yourself by covering up at dawn and dusk, sleeping under a mosquito net and wearing strong repellent containing high levels of DEET ( diethyltoluamide ).

20. Be road-safe in Sri Lanka

Traffic is one of the biggest dangers facing visitors to Sri Lanka. Accidents involving motorcycles and trucks are common, and bus collisions – often involving pedestrians – are also a problem. Common causes of accidents include dangerous overtaking, overloading and pulling in suddenly to pick up passengers on the roadside.

Private bus company drivers tend to drive more recklessly than their government-run, SLTB counterparts. Don’t expect vehicles to stop at pedestrian crossings and keep your wits about you when walking beside any roads (sidewalks are rare in Sri Lanka).

A surfer stands on the edge of a sandy beach looking out to sea

21. Never underestimate the ocean

Sri Lanka's beaches may be idyllic, but there are few lifeguards and strong currents are a danger (particularly during the monsoon seasons). Many beaches shelve steeply and drowning is the second most common cause of death among tourists after road accidents. Seek local advice before swimming in unfamiliar water.

22. Natural disasters are a risk

Sri Lanka was one of the countries worst affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which swept away more than 35,000 people and devastated many coastal areas. Following the disaster, early warning systems have been put in place in major towns and resorts, but not in rural, isolated areas, so be alert to signs of earthquakes and tsunamis.

The most common natural disaster in Sri Lanka is localized flooding during the southwest and northeast monsoons, which can cause landslides in highland areas. Sri Lanka is also vulnerable to tropical cyclones and periods of drought. For up-to-date weather warnings and situation reports, bookmark the country’s Disaster Management Center website .

This article was first published Mar 7, 2022 and updated Oct 14, 2023.

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All you need to know if you’re traveling to Sri Lanka from India!

Sometimes you don’t have to travel very far to enjoy the holiday of your dreams and that is certainly true for Indian travelers. International travel to faraway continents and long haul flights may still seem a bit unnerving for some and that’s why Sri Lanka is the perfect choice for Indian travelers yearning for a change of scenery right now. A short 1.5-3.5 hour flight from any major Indian airport, will bring you to a tropical paradise surrounded by golden beaches, misty mountains, breathtaking waterfalls, mouth watering food and some of the friendliest people you will ever meet. With the vaccination drive in full swing and the recent removal of ‘On Arrival PCR’ and quarantine measures for new arrivals, now is the perfect time to holiday in Sri Lanka!

Top 7 things to know if you’re traveling to Sri Lanka

1. is sri lanka safe.

Yes. Sri Lanka, like most countries, entered a ‘3rd wave’ of the pandemic back in July 2021, however thanks to quick and decisive action by the Sri Lankan government’s Covid Task Force, millions of people were vaccinated within a matter of weeks. As a result, since early September the number of detected Covid-19 cases in the community have been on a steady decline. As of 28 September, over 11 out of the country’s total population of 21 million people have received both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine. Over 54% of the total population has now been fully vaccinated, placing Sri Lanka ahead of the country average for global vaccinations. Sri Lanka hopes to have over 70% of the population fully vaccinated by year end. For a current vaccination status in Sri Lanka please click here. For live information on Covid-19 stats in Sri lanka please click here.

2. Am I allowed to travel to Sri Lanka from India?

Indians are welcome to travel to Sri Lanka and there are no existing travel restrictions for Indian travelers. You can refer here for more information.

3. Which carriers are operating between India and Sri Lanka?

Catching a flight from Delhi, Mumbai, or Chennai is the best way to reach Colombo and it takes less than 2 hours to travel from Chennai to Colombo. Most international carriers now operate with regular flights between India and Sri Lanka including Sri Lanka’s national carrier Sri Lankan Airlines. Visit the Sri Lankan Airlines website for more information.

4. What is the process if I want to travel to Sri Lanka?

a. Make sure you are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 and have proof of vaccination. b. Apply for the Sri Lanka Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) – more information here. c. Provide a negative PCR test result carried out within 72 hours before entering Sri Lanka. d. Fully vaccinated travelers who have completed 14 days of recommended doses of vaccination and arriving with a negative COVID-19 PCR Report done within 72 hours of embarkation / negative COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test report done within 48 hours prior to embarkation, will be released from airport and do not need to Day 1 PCR Test or undergo quarantine after arriving in Sri Lanka. e. You are free to travel anywhere in Sri Lanka with a negative COVID-19 PCR Report done within 72 hours of embarkation. f. ‘Non vaccinated and partially vaccinated’ travelers have the option of staying under the protection of the ‘Tourism Bio-Bubble’ created for international visitors by Sri Lanka Tourism. More details here. g. All visitors pay mandatory local covid insurance of 12 USD with one month cover of 50,000 USD. Pay through visitsrilanka.gov.lk. h. All visitors other than fully vaccinated will pre-pay the mandatory PCR Tests (40 USD per PCR test). Pay through visitsrilanka.gov.lk.

5. What documents do I need to carry with me?

a. Proof of vaccination. b. Valid passport. c. Completed Health Declaration Form. d. Completed Electronic Travel Authorisation

6. Who can I contact for any travel related issues?

More important contact details here

7.Will I have to undergo quarantine requirements upon return back to India?

Some Indian states require Indian nationals returning from overseas to take RT-PCR tests on arrival according to the new guidelines More information here and here.

Visit www.lovesrilanka.org for holiday inspiration or ideas to plan your trip to Sri Lanka!

All information correct as of 20 October 2021

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That Goan Girl

Traveling to Sri Lanka from India? Here’s all you need to know!

The Pearl of the Orient – Sri Lanka is an extraordinary country. This tropical paradise boasts sleepy villages, lip-smacking food, swoon-worthy beaches, endless tea plantations, abundant wildlife, well-organized cities, and friendly, hospitable people. This jewel-shaped country in the Indian Ocean has so much to offer but has been getting a bad rep due to its poor economic standing.

If you’re planning a trip to Sri Lanka from India, don’t hesitate to book those tickets and experience the beauty the country is bursting with. Here’s everything you need to know to help you plan your Sri Lankan getaway.

travel to sri lanka from india

Is it safe to travel to Sri Lanka?

Don’t believe everything the Indian media feeds you. Sri Lanka is safe to travel to in 2023. It is a fact that the country has faced a lot of civil strife and shortages of food, fuel, medicines, and essentials on and off over the last few years. All this has been brought on by the deteriorating economic situation in the country. Before that, the country was affected by natural disasters, COVID-19, and inflation. All this has led to a lot of political unrest and mass protests.

While the country has had a couple of tough years, as of May-June 2023 when I visited, it was safe, peaceful, and beautiful. The people are peace-loving and hospitable and there is no shortage of food, fuel, FOREX, electricity, or anything else. However, it is always a good idea to keep abreast of the happenings in Sri Lanka (or any country) before you plan your trip.

How do I get a visa to Sri Lanka?

Indians require a visa to enter Sri Lanka, and you can either get one online beforehand or get a visa on arrival. For visa on arrival, make sure your passport is valid for at least 3 months before you fly. Alternatively, getting your visa/ ETA (Electronic Travel Allowance) before you travel is easy to do and allows for a stress-free trip. A Sri Lanka tourist visa will cost $20 and grant a 30-day stay in the country with double entry.

To get your Sri Lanka Visa/ ETA, apply to the official website and receive an acknowledgment. You will receive the ETA approval within 3 days. You will need to carry a printout of this to submit to the immigration officers at the airport. The ETA approval certificate is valid for 180 days after being issued.

What’s the best way to travel in Sri Lanka?

If you’ve been a reader of ThatGoanGirl for a while, you’ll know my love for road trips . The roads in Sri Lanka make for absolutely stunning road trips, and if I have to pick the best mode of travel in the country, a self-drive car would be it. The endless stretches of greenery, great road conditions, and the fact that everyone follows traffic rules make driving a fun experience.

That apart, the places to visit in Sri Lanka are 3-4 hours away from each other, so you won’t be spending all day driving and yet, can have your fill of beautiful drives without wasting days on the road. Granted, it is more expensive than other options, but if you’re traveling with family (or even if you’re not), there’s nothing better. I work extensively while on the road, and I love working in the car, stopping for roadside tea/coffee, pausing to admire the scenery whenever I fancy, and driving through little villages and fields. More on renting a car below.

travel to sri lanka from india

If self-driving is not an option, don’t worry. The transport system in Sri Lanka is efficient and affordable. Uber works just fine and you will always find an Uber tuk-tuk or Uber cab options available. no matter where you are. You can also flag down a taxi or tuk-tuk from anywhere, which is good if you know how much your fare to your destination should be and can converse in the local language. Otherwise, be prepared to pay whatever the driver asks for.

Lastly, you can travel from city to city by train, and much like the Indian Railways, you can either book your ticket online or visit the counter at the train station on or before the day of travel. There are a/c coaches and non-a/c coaches and you can choose to pay for a meal or not.

How do I get an international driving license in Sri Lanka?

Getting a temporary driving permit or an international driving license in Sri Lanka is fairly easy. In my case, the car rental company I chose in Colombo (ShineAway Cars) got all the formalities done, even before I landed in the country. For a fee of USD 35, they took care of it all and all I had to do was send them a copy of my passport, driver’s license, and a photograph.

To get a Sri Lanka driving license as a foreigner, you have two options:

  • Get an International Driving License/ Permit (or IDL / IDP, for short)

Get an IDL or IDP that you have obtained in your home country. For Indians, that means heading to your local RTO (Road Transport Office) with your Indian driving license and documents such as a Form 4A Application, a valid Passport, a valid Visa (where applicable), a valid air ticket (for verification) and proof of Indian Nationality. This license will be valid for a year or up to the expiry of your Indian license, whichever comes first.

  • Use your home-country driving license to get a temporary driving license

If you hold a Foreign Driving License (and Indian Driving License, in my case), you must obtain a temporary Sri Lankan Driving Permit from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to be able to drive legally in Sri Lanka. Head to the DMV, which is 30 mins from central Colombo, in a place called Werahera. It is open from Mon-Fri, 9 AM-3 PM, except on Sri Lankan holidays. The process may take 30 minutes and go up to a few hours. If your license is not in English, a translation by the respective Embassy or any authority in each country is required. Carry these documents:

  • Driving License from your country (English copy/ translation if not in English) + photocopy
  • Your Passport + photocopy of profile/photo page and Sri Lankan Visa page

What places should I visit in Sri Lanka?

From the tea plantations of Ella to the beaches of Galle , Sri Lanka is a diverse country, offering much to see and do. Depending on the number of days you have in hand, your budget, and your style of travel (slow travel, checklist travel, backpacking, long holiday, long /short weekend getaway) – you can curate your itinerary accordingly.

On my trip to Sri Lanka, I visited Colombo, Kandy , Ella, Galle, and Negombo over 2 weeks. I’ll be writing detailed itineraries and posts about these places, so be sure to check them out. Other places I’d like to visit on future trips include the beaches of Mirissa, Bentota, and Arugam Bay, as well as Sigiriya for ancient city ruins and rock fortresses, and Nuwara Eliya for endless tea plantation views. Some other less popular destinations include Unawatuna (yet another beautiful beach town), Udawalave National Park, Sinharaja Forest Reserve, and Minneriya National Park.

What’s the best time to visit Sri Lanka?

Like South India, the weather in Sri Lanka is hot and humid throughout the year, especially since Sri Lanka lies on the equator. It is best to travel between December and May when the temperature is cooler. If you like avoiding crowds and the thought of rain spells for days refreshes you, you could consider visiting during the monsoons. My trip lasted from 24th May – 6th June, so while I did get the fag end of the hot, humid days, I also enjoyed Sri Lanka’s first rain showers, which brought the mercury down for a bit.

Flights – costs, layovers, durations.

There are direct flights from Mumbai , Delhi , Bangalore, and Chennai to Sri Lanka’s Bandaranaike International Airport – the only airport you can fly into, located in Negombo, an hour’s drive from the capital city of Colombo. From Bangalore and Chennai, the flights are an hour long.

Pro Tip – For all my local Goan readers, I’d suggest flying to and from Sri Lanka via Bangalore. While the flight time is the same, whether you fly in/out from Bangalore or Chennai, Chennai airport is one of the saddest airports you’ll ever come across. Bangalore airport offers much more to do and see. It is also more comfortable and has better choices of restaurants, cafes, and seating. Pick a flight that has a layover of around 4 hours. From Goa to Colombo, a one-way ticket would cost around INR 12,000 with a stop at Bangalore or Chennai, while a one-way ticket from Bangalore or Chennai to Colombo would cost around INR 6000 – INR 7000.

Where do I exchange currency in Sri Lanka?

Sri Lankan Rupees (LKR) are not widely available in India, and I was surprised that not even Bangalore Airport had the currency available at the FOREX counter, given that it is one of the top 2 airports to fly to Sri Lanka from. Your best bet would be to exchange money as you exit Colombo Airport. While the rate will not be as high as you would get elsewhere (since tourists have no choice but to exchange at whatever rate they get, the counters have the upper hand and offer low rates), it is a good idea to exchange more than enough money here to last you the initial 1-2 days.

Once you get your bearings, you will find several money exchange stores in Colombo and elsewhere offering you a much better exchange rate. I’d recommend exchanging your money in Colombo rather than anywhere else. Since it is a city, you have more money exchanges and ATMs available than you would find elsewhere.

What local SIM card works best in Sri Lanka?

Buying a SIM card in Sri Lanka is as easy as it is in India. They are available at local markets and shops. From experience as digital nomads, we picked up two SIM cards from two different providers to ensure that at least one works in low-network areas. Wi-FI is available at most hotels, cafes, and Airbnbs, but getting a SIM card is important, especially for phone data for Google Maps and Whatsapp. I recommend buying a local SIM card at the airport in Colombo. Major network providers like Dialog, Mobitel, and Airtel have the counters here. You’ll need a photo ID and you’re good to go.

Is it expensive to visit Sri Lanka? What should my Sri Lanka budget look like?

I get this question a lot, and I never have an answer. Your budget will be based on several factors – how long your trip is, how many places you’d like to see, do you plan to travel via public transport/cab/self-drive car, do you plan to stay in Airbnbs, budget hotels, luxury hotels or hostels? Do you value dining experiences, art, history, and nature and would splurge on a visit to a museum, a fine dining meal, a visit to a hatchery or national park… or would you like to spend your days eating street food, backpacking and lazing on the beach? There is no one-size-fits-all budget for Sri Lanka.

However, it is *not* cheap to visit. The country is not a budget destination, at least according to Indian standards. Be prepared to pay anywhere from 20-40% more for everything – fuel, food, shopping, stays, and more, and this is purely due to inflation.

I hope you found this blog post helpful. If you’ve got any more FAQs you’d like me to answer, drop me a comment and I’ll get to it as soon as I can. Catch me on Facebook and Instagram !

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' src=

Hello, how was the rental car company you used? No problems?

' src=

Hi! It was a great experience. Hassle-free and no problems at all.

' src=

Pl send me yr detailed itenary along with accommodation details etc. I intend visiting SL in the month of end Feb.

Hi, I’ve written a detailed blog about each place I visited as well as a 14-day itinerary. https://www.thatgoangirl.com/my-14-day-sri-lanka-itinerary/

' src=

Hello! This is a great blog, some very useful tips. Just wanted to check if the roads are safe to drive (for someone who has driven around in India)

Yes, the roads are an absolute pleasure to drive on! People follow traffic rules, the conditions of the roads are great and if you can drive in India, this will be a cakewalk!

' src=

That lot of info…thanks

My pleasure! Hope it helps you on your trip.

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This is great, liked your simple messages and information provided!

Thanks, Anurag! I appreciate your comment 🙂

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Great article. I’d also suggest a good tip on money in Sri Lanka. ATMs are a good way of getting cash and you can use apps like ATM Fee Saver – it helps finding the fee-free and lower fee ATMs in the region along with withdrawal limits for foreign card holders. worth adding to your list of tricks!

Thanks Paula, that’s very neat! I didn’t know about this app. I’ll definitely look it up and include it.

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Nice n informative blog. Thanks

Thanks, Rahul.

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Sri Lanka travel guidelines: Latest rules for entry to Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Travel Guidelines

As Sri Lanka reopens its doors to the world, precautionary measures are being taken to make your stay at the paradise island secure and safe. Here are the travel requirements you need to keep in mind while planning your trip to Sri Lanka in a post-COVID world.

Before arriving in Sri Lanka, all travellers must make note of the following points:

  • If passengers are fully vaccinated, they need not do an RT-PCR or Rapid Antigen test before travelling to Sri Lanka
  • There are no minimum days required for a stay.
  • No restrictive quarantine is required.
  • Travellers that are fully vaccinated, can now stay at any type of accommodation without an RT-PCR test
  • Travellers who aren’t fully vaccinated can stay in a ‘flexible bio-bubble’ with all facilities of a hotel, for a duration of 7 nights/8 days only.
  • Children below the age of 12 years are exempted from on arrival RT-PCR or Rapid Antigen tests.
  • Travellers must ensure to have COVID-19 insurance of 12USD with one month cover of 75,000USD

Travel from India to Sri Lanka

Flights to Sri Lanka are available from almost all major cities in India . Airlines including Air India , Indigo, Spicejet, Vistara are all now operational.

Visas to Sri Lanka

Travellers planning a trip wanting to visit Sri Lanka can apply for an online visa here .

Wanderlust Storytellers – An Inspirational Family Travel Blog

12 Money-Saving Tips for How to Plan Sri Lanka Trip from India


Home » 12 Money-Saving Tips for How to Plan Sri Lanka Trip from India

On the Southwestern coast of Sri Lanka lies the mystical land of Colombo with its captivating allure.

From its glistening beaches to its delectable cuisines, travelers have a lot to explore here.

However, high airline fares often become an issue for tourists looking forward to soaking in the vibrant culture of Colombo.

Humayun Tomb New Delhi, India

Fret not because we have the ultimate tips to help you find affordable Mumbai to Colombo flight tickets and have a fulfilling tour without straining your pockets.

Top 12 Tips On How to Plan Sri Lanka Trip from India

Sri Lanka is considered one of the best Asian countries to visit and should feature on all traveler’s bucket lists!

Below we share our top 12 tips to embark on a budget-friendly trip from India to Sri Lanka, Colombo.

1.  Be an Early Bird

Vistara Plane on Tarmac

If you want to grab the best discounts on flight tickets from India to Sri Lanka, you will have to be an early bird. Most airline companies, including the best airlines in Asia , are always increasing their flight ticket prices at the last minute.

So, you will be able to explore discounted rates by booking your tickets in advance.

Usually, you should consider purchasing an international flight ticket around no less than 4 to 6 weeks before your travel date.

Airline companies will set a baseline price, which will continue to go higher with time. When you are booking the ticket in advance, you will be able to get it at the baseline price.

2.  Book Your Flight Ticket in Another Currency

sri lanka

Budget airlines often require you to pay in the currency of your departure location.

But at times, using a different currency can lead to cheaper flight tickets. If you are paying using another currency, leverage a credit card without any foreign transaction charges to truly save money.

Another method is to utilize a virtual private network (VPN) and set your location as another country when booking your ticket.

3.  Find the Cheapest Days for Travelling

Hunting down the cheapest airfare can feel like an art and science mixed. The key is flexibility.

Rather than just entering dates and hoping for the best, take an hour to really immerse yourself in the world of flight options across an entire month.

Visually scan the rates day-by-day using your handy flight search engines. You’ll start to see trends appear before your eyes – weekdays are usually cheaper than weekends on certain routes or vice versa.

But there’s no hard and fast rule across every destination. It takes research, but that’s part of the fun. And be sure to use travel websites to compare your options across airlines and get the full picture.

Sign up for fare alerts, too, so irresistible deals don’t slip by unnoticed.

If you study the patterns and stay agile with dates, you’ll land on that magic stretch of days where the airfare plunges. Then, you can celebrate getting to where you want to go for less.

4.  Don’t Choose Direct Flights

Street Market in Colombo Sri Lanka

Saving money on flights to exotic locales often means getting creative rather than booking that convenient nonstop.

Opting for a flight with a short layover in the Sri Lankan hub rather than having it be the final destination proved to be a sneaky travel hack that led to huge savings.

And considering Colombo is a major transfer hub, the savings realized by enduring a brief stopover can amount to significant rupees.

5.  Enjoy Discounts at the Last Minute

Each airline has a set amount of discounted tickets available, and once they are sold, prices increase.

Although it is commonly thought that booking flights at the last minute means higher prices, there are instances where waiting until the final week can result in getting exclusive last-minute deals directly from the airline.

Of course, this is subject to customer demand and the specific route.

Temple Statues in Colombo, Sri Lanka how to plan sri lanka trip from india

6.  Take Advantage of Frequent Flyer Programs

Frequent flyer programs are the ultimate way for loyal customers to be rewarded for their dedicated choice of airline.

Whenever you fly with a specific airline, you’ll earn points that accumulate in your account. These points can be exchanged for exciting discounts and even free flights.

7.  Travel During Off-Season

Visiting Places in Goa with Family, India with Kids

Most buyers who are looking for affordable flights from India to Colombo Sri Lanka, often consider travelling during the off-season.

During peak holidays and seasons, airlines strategically raise their ticket prices. Ticket prices can significantly increase within just three weeks of the departure date.

To save money, it is recommended to either book your tickets a month in advance for peak-season travel or opt for off-season travel.

8.  Keep Your Flight Searches a Secret

When you search for flights, several websites are likely to save your browsing history. Unfortunately, frequently searching for a certain route can make the prices go high.

Guide on how to obtain an electronic visa for your next family vacation

That’s why you should search for flights in incognito or private mode. This way, your browsing history is not saved, and you get to explore the cheapest flight fares.

9.  Get Hold of Non-Refundable Tickets

One sneaky trick to score the lowest fares for your next adventure is to search for non-refundable tickets specifically.

Airlines can afford to offer these for cheap since there’s no risk of getting them back. A non-changeable ticket means major savings compared to pricier refundable options.

While locking yourself in can feel risky, as long as you’re confident in your travel dates, embrace the non-refundable route.

10. Check Payment Method for Hidden Flight Discounts

Booking flights from India to Colombo Sri Lanka , is the fun part; paying is usually just a tedious necessity.

But hold that credit card a minute before you check out – the payment you pick could end up saving you big time. Lots of times, there are various discounts – 10, even 20% cash back – just for choosing a certain payment method over another. 

Elephants Sri Lanka

Maybe your Visa offers triple airfare rewards points for checkout, while Mastercard features a site-wide airline coupon.

So before auto-piloting to whatever card is handy, check all avenues first. The way you pay could unlock one more exciting discount off that hard-earned vacation budget.

11. Enjoy Student and Adult Discounts

Airline companies offer special discounts to students and elderly people.

Student discounts are available to those under the age of 26. Senior citizens can also enjoy special discounts on flight tickets.

Students and senior citizens can also enjoy extra baggage allowance, which can help them save even more.

12. Don’t Fly During Long Weekends

Flight prices reach an all-time high during long weekends or the holiday season. This happens due to the rush of tourists.

South Goa Visiting Places, Goa with Kids, India

You should avoid traveling during these times to enjoy discounted flight fares for your trip.

Final Thoughts: How to Plan Sri Lanka Trip from India

If you want the best deals on India to Sri Lanka flight tickets, Cleartrip should be your go-to place.

This website has exclusive offers on domestic and international flights to help wanderlusts explore enticing locations without breaking the bank.

So, check out the deals and book your ticket today.

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Andrzej Ejmont

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Sri Lanka ETA Visa

  • How To Apply?
  • Extend ETA?
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travel to sri lanka from india

General Information

Sri Lanka ETA is a kind of approval letter granted by Sri Lanka Immigration System which enables all nationalities are eligible to visit Sri Lanka on short term stay.

Sri Lanka ETA is an electronic visa and valid to stay up to maximum 30 days on Double Entry or Multiple entry basis as per policy.

All foreign nationals are eligible to apply eVisa who want to visit Sri Lanka. Applicant can apply personally through our secured error free assistance system or via approved agencies or Embassy/Consulate.

This upgraded portal provides a facility to apply and process on behalf of applicant request through various error free security method. ETA fee and our processing fee is paid via online payment gateway is protected by E Services. Once visa is issued and will not be refunded. For more details visit terms and condition before process.

What is Official Sri Lanka ETA

Official Sri Lanka Immigration Department announced an Electronic Approval Note ( ETA) for a short term social visit to Republic of Sri Lanka from 1st January 2012 onwards.

A Sri Lanka Approval Note (ETA) is an online Visa permit to enter Sri Lanka for non Sri Lankan nationalities and valid to stay as per visa policy.

Persons plans entry to Sri Lanka which should hold a valid (ETA) Approval Note issued by Sri Lanka Immigration. Tourists/Business can apply online for Sri Lanka ETA which is completely electronic processing online submission and the approval for the same will be communicated via email.

An ETA is an Electronic Approval Note (Visa) for visit to Sri Lanka for a stay of up to 30 days. The Sri Lanka ETA is issued electronically; it is not required to submit original travel document or other documents for processing. Applicant need to complete and submit our online application form and the Sri Lanka ETA can be processed within 24 hours. Most of the Sri Lanka ETA will be processed immediately as per Immigration approval.

It is very important that the information on the request form is accurate and exactly matches the traveller's passport. Name, Date of Birth, Citizenship, Passport Number and Passport dates must be correct.

Extension Policy

A Foreign traveller staying more than 30 days may eligible to apply for an extension of stays.

On first time extends 60 days, second time 90 days and third extend upto 90 days. Overall total 270 days applicant can stay from the date of first arrival.

Applicant should be visit personally visa section of Immigration department alternatively through immigration extension portal [ extension ].

If you unable to use the above services then you may proceed the any authorized agency.

Please note that applicant cannot apply for extension on this portal.

travel to sri lanka from india

Recent Update - Visa Policy:

All srilanka destinations are open for tourist. No self quarantine is required unless if any symptom occur. Below are the key points of new guidelines visiting sri lanka

Revised entry requirements:

  • Precaution measures for any foreigners arriving during these pandemic periods is removed.
  • Vaccination certificate is not compulsory to produce by person arriving via Sea Port or Airport.
  • Requirement for Pre boarding and on arrival visa negative COVID-19 test result is removed.
  • If foreign travellers become COVID-19 positive after arriving then they should mandatorily quarantine for 7 days in private hospital/hotel/accommodation. The cost of treatment must be borne by their own.

Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate requirement

Below listed nationalities are required to submit YELLOW FEVER VACCINATION certificate must comply with International Health Regulation (WHO) at the port of arrival to Sri lanka

List of Sri Lanka ETA Visa types

Sri lanka tourist visa.

A Visitor planning for a short term stay to Sri Lanka for following purposes, must obtain ETA prior approval for their arrival.

  • ​Sightseeing, holidaying
  • Visiting friends and relatives
  • Medical treatment including Ayurvedic and yoga
  • Participate in sporting events, competitions and activities relating to cultural performance

Sri Lanka Business Visa

A person visiting Srilanka for Business prupose on the following categories only must obtain Business ETA Visa.

  • ​Participate in business meetings and negotiations
  • Participate in Conferences, workshops and seminars
  • To take part in Short term training programs (less than one month)
  • Participate in Music, Art and Dance Cultural Events
  • Attending in Religious activities
  • Participate in Conference Meeting

Sri Lanka Transit Visa

A person visiting third countries via transiting Sri Lanka for transit prupose on the following purposes only must obtain ETA Visa.

  • ​Transiting through Sri Lanka
  • ​Short trip layover upto 48 hr

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travel to sri lanka from india

$87 Find Cheap Flights from India to Sri Lanka

This is the cheapest one-way flight price found by a kayak user in the last 72 hours by searching for a flight from india to sri lanka departing on 10/24. fares are subject to change and may not be available on all flights or dates of travel. click the price to replicate the search for this deal., search hundreds of travel sites at once for deals on flights to sri lanka.

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Good to know

Faqs for booking flights from india to sri lanka, what are popular stopovers on flights from india to sri lanka.

Whilst there are direct flights to Sri Lanka, it might be easier for you to fly indirectly. If so, a popular stopover is Chennai Airport (MAA) on IndiGo flights from Dehli or Mumbai Airport (BOM). On flights from Dehli to Trincomalee Airport, you will likely stop at Colombo Airport with SriLankan Airlines.

Which beaches are close to the airport?

Sri Lanka is blessed with some great beaches and the highlight is you won’t have to travel far once your flight lands in Bandaranaike International Airport (CMB). From the airport, you can reach popular beaches such as Morawala Beach in about 35min by car.

Are there direct flights to Sri Lanka?

You can get a direct flight to Sri Lanka from various airports across India, making it a great option for holidays. For example, you can fly directly to Colombo Airport (CMB) from New Delhi Airport (DEL), Mumbai Airport (BOM), Chennai Airport (MAA), and Kochi Airport (COK), so you can explore the country of Sri Lanka easily.

Are there streaming services on flights from India to Sri Lanka?

You can access streaming on a range of airlines operating this route. For example, on a flight from New Delhi to Colombo, you can get streaming entertainment with SriLankan Airlines. Meanwhile, if you’re flying from Mumbai to Colombo, streaming is provided by Malaysian Airlines, Vistara and SpiceJet.

Are there certain laws I should know when hiring a car from the Sri Lanka airports?

Everyone in the hire car must wear their seat belt at all times. Whilst there are no child seat rules in the country, it’s strongly advised that small children are in a suitable child restraint when driving. You can use a mobile phone in the car but only if it is an entirely hands-free device.

What is the best airport to fly into to see Kandy Lake?

If you want to explore the popular city of Kandy and its famous lake, then you will need to fly to Colombo Airport before continuing your journey by car or bus. A car journey takes approximately 3h 5min from the terminal building to get to this mountainous city in the rainforest.

Which airports are hubs for airlines that travel to Sri Lanka?

New Delhi Airport (DEL), Kochi Airport (COK) and Chennai Airport all benefit from SriLankan Airlines operating flights from them to its hub in Colombo. This means that you can expect more regular direct flights and competitive pricing.

How does KAYAK find such low prices on flights from India to Sri Lanka?

KAYAK is a travel search engine. That means we look across the web to find the best prices we can find for our users. With over 2 billion flight queries processed yearly, we are able to display a variety of prices and options on flights from India to Sri Lanka.

How does KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy my flight ticket from India to Sri Lanka?

KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a flight to Sri Lanka from India is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

What is the Hacker Fare option on flights from India to Sri Lanka?

Hacker Fares allow you to combine one-way tickets in order to save you money over a traditional round-trip ticket. You could then fly to Sri Lanka with an airline and back to India with another airline.

What is KAYAK's "flexible dates" feature and why should I care when looking for a flight from India to Sri Lanka?

Sometimes travel dates aren't set in stone. If your preferred travel dates have some wiggle room, flexible dates will show you all the options when flying to Sri Lanka from India up to 3 days before/after your preferred dates. You can then pick the flights that suit you best.

Top tips for finding a cheap flight out of India

  • There are two main airports you can fly to in Sri Lanka. Colombo Airport (CMB), in the west of the country, gives you access to the capital city. Meanwhile, Trincomalee Airport (TRR), in the north of the country, is the perfect place to visit for relaxing beach holidays.
  • If you're flying to Sri Lanka and you want to visit more than one city, you will first have to fly to Colombo Airport (CMB), which is the main airport on the island. You should then be able to take internal flights to other parts of the country from there.
  • Even though the flight is relatively fast, some airlines will include food in the booking. Vistara flights from Mumbai to Colombo Airport provide a light meal, while SriLankan Airlines provides a meal from New Delhi to Colombo. On flights from New Delhi to Trincomalee Airport, you can get meals if you fly with AirAsia India and Air India.
  • The main religion in Sri Lanka is Buddhism, so beware of travelling to this country during the same time as a religious festival as it can get very busy. For example, during Duruthu Perhera, a grand temple procession, many families will be travelling to celebrate together so it’s likely flight prices will be more expensive.
  • Indian citizens can travel to Sri Lanka with ease, providing they have a valid passport and have completed the Sri Lanka Electronic Travel Authorisation before arrival. You will then get a visa on arrival which lasts for 30 days. 

Top 4 airlines serving from India to Sri Lanka

Flight was delayed more than 18 hours, checked in bag damaged, no accountability from vistara ground staff. Worst experience. Shall compensate all the charges with double Ticket refund

The flight was an hour late. There were no gate announcements or displays. After getting on the plane, there was a further delay without any explanation.

The flight was on time. I upgraded to Premium Economy and it was comfortable. The food was very good. Staff were courteous.

Flight was delayed but no announcements were made. Till the boarding it was still showing original schedule time at the monitor and also on your mobile app. It left the gate half hour later than scheduled.

It’s really very nice experience with very nice behaviour respected crews n all Vistara members thankyou so much Vistara to give us humble hospitality

My wife with 5 month son were traveling. No proper support was provided for luggage handling. Although it was requested in prior. My wife sole manage everything and was not as expected.

This was an old 320 without a screen or USB charging port even in the business class. The food could have been better.

a real good flying experince. Everything was excellent right from check-in to baggage collection at destination.

Food is tasting bad, and it is a fusion but not authentic.

Excellent experience and now my preferred airline. Even a fantastic meal with dessert in a 2 hour flight.

Was good, comparatively. A330, with good crew set.on time depature. And crew try there best, to make thing efficient.

Spesific ,Crew and cabin manager, look after all pax on board despite being in a old A320 equipment.Got free seat upgrade as well,but old style seats, no much comfert on it.But food and the spesific crew, was amazing.maintain airlanka standerd.the cabin manager, who was so much keen,keen operate as per SOP.

Was got free upgrade, on old A320.aircraft is out dated kind of.bt service ,cabin manager, tried there best.and food was excelent.

When flying from Indian Sector, should be more prepared with Indian food

KAYAK Real time status update is not accurate.the flight inbound rejected and go around.and came back and land. Delay abt 30 min.still shows ontime.track ur self if u wana real time.and cabin crew s are nicer. Aircraft is jst ok.old airplane.and in midflight ,seems have some compressor issue.airconditioning was nt work properly either.I could litarary see guests were cheking if AC is working.bt on landing it start to gv cool.which probably some one intentionaly kept .which was so bad.even breathing was bit difficult.otjer than that.for me all ok.

This leg of the trip was smoother than compared to the initial trip. Sri Lankan Airlines still have much work to do to improve the overall travel experience.

The staff was absolutely phenomenal but the other elements of Sri Lankan Airlines need some serious adjustments. The day started off with terrible news that the flight was cancelled from Male and that the plane went to Malta. As an American, when such delays occur, the airlines find suitable ways to accommodate their customers such as putting them in an Airport hotel or lounge while waiting for the next flight. A 1.5 hour trip turned into 12 hours with no accommodations from the Airlines except a ticket to eat breakfast. For such a Billion dollar industry, a cheap breakfast is an insult toward the customer and something greater should have been done.

Very good crew, very efficient. Unfortunately not all items listed in duty free catalog were available.

Many changes need to be addressed from airport check in to flight departure. If they observe other major airlines, then they can expect what Sri Lankan airlines need to update their procedures.

Very professional and well managed. On time, great staff and comfortable.

Worst checkin experience. Lot of delays. Checkin agents rude. Flight delayed. No regrets by the airline.

Level of service is definitely going down, cannot expect the same service as earlier

Crew was horrible. No greetings. Did not ask for any food. The crew seemed like they were forced on the flight against the wishes. Should be de-roastered.

Worst. Did not feel like it's an international flight.

Indigo attempts to make you pay for a seat during check in. I opted to not do this. The result - they allotted me and my minor son seats apart. In the interest of making maximum money, they seem to have lost common sense too. Similarly, even during the flight, the crew are busy trying to serve food to those who’ve already paid for it. By the time they’re done, it’s time to land and no one else is able to get anything. Sadly this seems to be what makes them profitable, customers just need to bear with it till a better airline comes along.

As usual invariably delayed Lots of time in getting chkd in baggage

Staff needs to be trained in managing customers better. Indigo appears to be a low cost airlines in all aspects.

Flight was delayed and also lots of mosquitoes on the flight

Two times the gate was changed and flight got delayed

INDIGO Never On Time & Always Prefer to Shuttle Passengers Like shuttle Corks

I will never ever book air india in the future. I was with my family and at delhi airport I had to go through too with horrible experience. My 12 years daughter saud that she will never come bqck to india the way people treated us. There was no line for bags drop off since we checked online and print tag at their Kiosk as per email instruction. People working at the counter were so careless and rude. They were keep talking to each other than taking care the customers. I will not recommend anyone to fly via air india. I had horrible experience. Especially, the staff at checking counters was very very rude and careless. I have feeling if air india won't change the way they doing their operations they will out of business in a few years. Air hostes were not happy . I did not see a smile on anyone in the plane. I called twice for the assistance and no one showed up. I hope you will sene this to the Hire authority. I left a video with an another employee of air india who asked me about my experiences. I hope they will make some changes ASAP. Regars, Mohinder Kumar

Food quality deteriorated after Tata aquired the airline. No alcoholic drinks till last meal on a long haul 15 hour flight. Entertaiment systems needs a complete overhaul.

Entertainment screens were either broken nor did not work. Also seat back did not work. Definitely not comfortable journey

Non reclining seats on a 14 hour flight. Crew skipped drinks for my row at least twice.

Everything was bad and entertainment did not work and no landing cards and overall done with Air India

Too bad. Got too much trouble with security screening at New Delhi

only 3 meals in a 17 hr long flight. first meal after take off then nothing for 8hrs for people boarding at 2pm at orgin. you expect people to go without any food for 8 waking hours? there should have been 4 meals during a 17hr long flight. food quantity was also less. when asked for food the flight attended said they are about to begin food service then didnt do it for 2hours after saying that. terrible experience

The planes are dated and need upgrades. Seats are not comfortable and entertainment equipment doesn’t work

Direct Connection is the biggest advantages. Aircrafts are now better but food and beverages could be better and served more often in a ultra long flight

Poor behavior by ground staff in Mumbai. Very harassing. Initially they did not let me board with my little violin. They do not have the correct information. No concept of hospitality. The food on the flight was not good.

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Travel Advisory September 5, 2023

Sri lanka - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued after periodic review with updates to protest information. 

Exercise increased caution in Sri Lanka due to civil unrest , and terrorism.

Country Summary: Protests over the economic and political situation in Sri Lanka could erupt at any time. In some instances, police have used water cannons and tear gas to disperse protesters. U.S. citizens are reminded to avoid all gatherings, even peaceful ones, that could turn violent with little or no warning.

Terrorist attacks have occurred in Sri Lanka, with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets, shopping malls, government facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural events, educational institutions, airports, hospitals, and other public areas.

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in remote areas. 

 Read the  country information page . 

 If you decide to travel to Sri Lanka: 

  • Be aware of your surroundings when traveling to tourist locations and crowded public venues. 
  • Follow the instructions of local authorities. 
  • Monitor local media for breaking events and adjust your plans based on new information. 
  • Avoid demonstrations and crowds. 
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program  ( STEP ) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency. 
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter . 
  • Review the  Crime and Safety Report  for Sri Lanka. 
  • U.S. citizens who travel abroad should always have a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist. 
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel. 

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

Must be valid for six months from expected date of departure from Sri Lanka.

One page required for entry stamp. 

Yellow fever vaccine is required for individuals above nine months of age who are traveling to Sri Lanka from a country designated by the World Health Organization (WHO) to have a risk of yellow fever transmission, including transit more than 12 hours in an airport located in such a country. For more information, please refer to WHO .

Foreign currency over USD 15,000 must be declared.

If exiting with foreign currency over USD 5,000, the full amount brought in or acquired in Sri Lanka must be declared.

Embassies and Consulates

U.s. embassy colombo.

210 Galle Road, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka Telephone: +(94) (11) 202-8500 Fax: +(94) (11) 202-7345 Email:  [email protected]

Destination Description

See the Department of State’s Fact Sheet on Sri Lanka for information on U.S.- Sri Lanka relations.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

U.S. citizens visiting Sri Lanka must have either an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) or a visa to enter Sri Lanka. 

U.S. citizens intending to visit Sri Lanka for purposes of tourism or transit require an approval notice from Sri Lanka’s Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) System), onward/return ticket, and proof of sufficient funds. The ETA system is available online or at the port of entry; however, visitors are strongly urged to use the online system to avoid lengthy delays at the port of entry. This travel authorization allows entry for up to 30 days.  

U.S. citizens intending to visit Sri Lanka for short-term business activities such as participating in business meetings, engaging in business negotiations, or attending conferences and workshops are required to obtain a business ETA. Business ETAs are not available online. Business travelers must obtain travel authorization either from the nearest Sri Lankan Embassy or Consulate before arrival in Sri Lanka, or at the port of entry in Sri Lanka.

U.S. citizens intending to visit Sri Lanka for religious or volunteer work or for local employment must obtain entry visas from the nearest Sri Lankan Embassy or Consulate before arrival in Sri Lanka. These visas are not available at the port of entry or through the online system.

All visitors staying beyond the expiration date of their visa must obtain a visa extension from the Department of Immigration and Emigration in Colombo and pay the relevant visa fees.

Specific inquiries regarding entry and exit requirements should be addressed to the  Embassy of Sri Lanka , 3025 Whitehaven Street NW, Washington DC 20008, telephone (202) 483-4025, fax (202) 232- 2329. Contact the Sri Lankan Embassy by  e-mail ; the Sri Lankan Consulate General in Los Angeles at 3250 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2180, Los Angeles, CA 90010, telephone (213) 387-0210; or the  Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations  in New York City, 820 Second Avenue, 2 nd Floor, New York, NY 10017, telephone (212) 986-7040, fax (212) 986 1838. There are several honorary Sri Lankan consuls general and consuls in the United States. Visit the  Embassy of Sri Lanka website  for current visa information.

The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Sri Lanka. 

Safety and Security

Terrorism: Terrorist groups and those inspired by such organizations are intent on attacking U.S. citizens abroad. Terrorists are increasingly using less sophisticated methods of attack – including knives, firearms, and vehicles – to target crowds more effectively. Frequently, their aim is unprotected or vulnerable targets, such as:

  • High-profile public events (sporting contests, political rallies, demonstrations, holiday events, celebratory gatherings, etc.)
  • Hotels, clubs, and restaurants frequented by tourists
  • Places of worship
  • Shopping malls and markets
  • Public transportation systems (including subways, buses, trains, and scheduled commercial flights)

The last terrorist attack in Sri Lanka occurred on April 19, 2019, when terrorists carried out coordinated bombings of hotels and churches in Colombo and Batticaloa, killing more than 250 people and injuring more than 500 more. The terrorists were Sri Lankan nationals associated with the Islamic groups National Thowheeth Jama’ath Millathu Ibraheem. Authorities believe the perpetrators of the attack are dead or have been captured. Many hotels and shopping areas increased their physical security presence in response to the bombings and security screenings of guests and bags has become standard in many locations.

For more information, see our Terrorism page.

Most crimes against U.S. citizens continue to be petty crime and crimes of opportunity (e.g., pickpocketing, hotel room thefts, and fraud). There is some organized criminal activity, which can involve drug-related crimes and gang-on-gang violence, but these events do not tend to involve foreign travelers.

There are occasional reports of credit card fraud. Authorities have arrested foreign nationals and organized groups for complicity in financial crimes. Avoid situations where your card is removed from your view. There have been reports of employees at reputable businesses (e.g., restaurants or chain grocery stores) wearing data skimming devices in their clothing and scanning a victim’s credit card or using other methods to steal credit card information. ATM skimming is also a threat. If you use an ATM, be on the lookout for skimming devices. Cover keypads with your hand.

Street hustlers are common around popular hotels, shopping areas, and other tourist sites. There are occasional reports of snatch and grab theft of purses or jewelry owned by tourists, but no recent reports of armed robberies.  Beware of tuk-tuk or taxi drivers offering “special” tours or access to festivals or gem shops. This common scam often results in tourists being heavily pressured to buy “gems” that are either cut glass or are worth much less than the price being asked.

Likely due to Sri Lanka’s economic situation, there is a scam in which a tuk-tuk driver charges your ride using an app on their phone, claiming the meter is broken. When you get close to the destination, the phone either slips down or the app closes, and they charge a much higher amount than the routine cost. If a tuk-tuk does not have a meter, agree on a price before beginning the ride, and try to have the correct amount of cash so you do not need change.

Surf schools are known to run scams where they claim renters damaged their boards and demand exorbitant prices to repair the damage. Examine and take pictures of your surfboard before taking it into the water.

Sexual harassment is pervasive. Both foreigners and locals, more commonly women, report instances of cat calls and physical harassment (grabbing of body parts) while in crowded areas and/or public transportation.

Demonstrations  occur frequently. They may take place in response to political or economic issues, on politically significant holidays, and during international events. 

  • Demonstrations can be unpredictable, avoid areas around protests and demonstrations. 
  • Past demonstrations have turned violent. Police may deploy water cannons and/or tear gas in response to violent protests.
  • Check local media for updates and traffic advisories.

In general, demonstrations in Sri Lanka are peaceful, resulting only in traffic congestion. However, some have ended in violence between the protestors and police or opposition groups. Demonstrations can involve confrontations with police, resulting in the use of water cannons and tear gas to disperse crowds. Large political rallies are common. These rallies are generally peaceful but can disrupt traffic.

International Financial Scams: See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for information.

Internet romance and financial scams occasionally occur in Sri Lanka. Scams are often initiated through Internet postings/profiles or by unsolicited text messages and WhatsApp messages. Common scams include:

  • Romance/Online dating 
  • Contracts with promises of large commissions 
  • Work permits/job offers

Tips to avoid scammers:

  • Look for red flags like their location is far away, their profile was recently created or seems too good to be true, the pace of the relationship is moving too quickly, or they ask for money.
  • Set up a phone call/video chat in the initial stages.
  • Do a reverse image search on the profile picture.
  • If they ask for help, you should refer them to the closest U.S embassy or consulate so we can assist them.

Be cautious of using dating apps/online dating websites abroad as U.S. citizens can be targeted by scammers. Make sure to inform your friends and family of your whereabouts, meet at a well-known public location, and do not consume suspicious food or drinks. Avoid traveling alone to bars or nightclubs.

Technology Usage Abroad: Mobile devices are vulnerable to compromise, theft, and physical damage anywhere in the world. Best practices prior to traveling abroad are keeping all software (operating system and apps) updated, and use virtual private network and encrypted voice over IP (VoIP) applications if possible. Make sure that all VPN/VoIP are reputable, and U.S. based. Do not connect to unknown open Wi-Fi.

Victims of Crime: U.S. citizen victims of sexual assault are encouraged to contact both the tourist police (hotline: 1912 or 011-242-1451) and the U.S. Embassy (011-202-8500) for assistance. Report crimes to both the tourist police and the U.S. Embassy. Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crime.

See our webpage on help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

  • Help you find appropriate medical care ;
  • Assist you in reporting a crime to the police;
  • Contact relatives or friends with your written consent;
  • Provide general information regarding the victim’s role during the local investigation  and following its conclusion;
  • Provide a list of local attorneys ;
  • Provide our information on victim’s compensation programs in the U.S. ;
  • Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution;
  • Help arrange flights home; and
  • Replace a stolen or lost passport .

Domestic Violence: U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence are encouraged to contact the Embassy for assistance.

Tourism: The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and facilities do not commonly occur. Hazardous areas/activities are not always identified with appropriate signage, and staff may not be trained or certified either by the host government or by recognized authorities in the field. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is typically available only in/near major cities. First responders are generally unable to access areas outside of major cities and to provide urgent medical treatment. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance . 

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties: You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. If you break local laws in Sri Lanka, your U.S. passport will not help you avoid arrest or prosecution. It’s very important to know what is legal and what is not where you travel. 

In places like military checkpoints, you may be taken in for questioning if you do not have your passport with you. When arriving in Sri Lanka, ensure your luggage does not contain prohibited or restricted items, such as weapons, ammunition, explosives, gold, narcotics, and pornography. In some places, it is illegal to take pictures of certain buildings.

Penalties for possessing, using, or trafficking in illegal drugs in Sri Lanka are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines. Under the Cultural Prosperity Act and the Antiques Ordinance, the unlicensed export of antiques from the country is considered a criminal act.

Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the U.S., regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the  Department of Justice  website.

Arrest Notification: If you are arrested or detained, ask the police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately. See our  webpage  for further information.

Counterfeit and Pirated Goods:  Counterfeit and pirated goods are prevalent in many countries and they may be illegal according to the local laws. Counterfeit and pirated goods may pose significant risks to consumer health and safety. You may be subject to fines and/or have to give up counterfeit and pirated goods if you bring them back to the United States. See the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website and U.S. Department of Justice website for more information.

Special Circumstance : Sri Lanka recognizes limited  dual nationality . For further information, please contact the Sri Lankan Embassy in Washington, D.C., the Consulate General in Los Angeles, or the Sri Lankan Mission to the United Nations in New York City.

The Sri Lankan police and military maintain several checkpoints throughout the country. U.S. citizens are advised to always carry identification such as their passports with them while in Sri Lanka. Photography is prohibited in designated high security zones and near many government facilities such as offices and military installations.

U.S. citizens who arrive by yacht or private boat should be aware that all marine harbors are high security zones. Travelers arriving by sea should be prepared for Sri Lankan Navy officials to inspect their vessels and should always wait for radio clearance before coming into port. 

Religious Laws: Tourists should be mindful of restrictions and observances when planning to visit any religious establishment, whether Buddhist or Hindu temples, mosques, churches, or other locations considered sacred by the local population. Posing for a photograph with your back to a statue of Buddha is a serious offense in Sri Lanka, punishable by a fine or arrest. Travelers should also be cognizant of displaying religious imagery, including tattoos of Buddha, while traveling to and transiting within the country, as foreign nationals have been arrested or denied entry to Sri Lanka due to such tattoos.

Faith-Based Travelers: See our following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report  – see country reports

International Volunteers:

  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

Women Travelers: If you find yourself in a life-threatening situation, you are encouraged to call the tourist police immediately (hotline: 1912 or 011-242-1451) and follow up with a call to the U.S. Embassy (011-202-8500). We can sometimes connect you with a non-governmental organization in Sri Lanka that may be able to provide assistance.  If you are victimized overseas, you may be entitled to receive compensation for counseling and/or other services such as relocation back to the United States. For further information, visit the U.S. Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women .

Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes committed in Sri Lanka. See our tips for  Women Travelers .

Students: See our  Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips .

LGBTQI+ Travelers : See our  LGBTQI+ Travel Information  page and section 6 of our  Human Rights Report for further details.

Travelers Who Require Accessibility Assistance: While in Sri Lanka, individuals with disabilities may find accessibility and accommodation very different from what you find in the United States. The Sri Lankan Supreme Court has directed that steps be taken to provide easy access for persons with disabilities to public buildings. Although there are regulations on accessibility in place, lack of wheelchair access in most buildings limits access for people with disabilities. Potholes and sidewalks in poor repair can make movement very difficult. The road network in Sri Lanka is improving, but many roads remain in medium to poor condition. Sidewalks and road crossings in most major towns tend to be congested with vendors, stray dogs, and groups of people loitering on street corners. 

Ambulance Services: For ambulance services in the Sri Lanka, dial 1990.

Ambulance services are widely available, but response times vary, and training and availability of emergency responders may be below U.S. standards. Ambulances are typically not staffed with trained paramedics and often have little medical equipment. Injured or seriously ill travelers may prefer to take a taxi or private vehicle to the nearest major hospital rather than wait for an ambulance.

We highly recommend that all travelers review the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Travelers’ Health webpage and general Traveler Advice for Sri Lanka. 

  • Review all sub-sections including the Travel Health Notices, Vaccines and Medicines, Non-Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, Stay Healthy and Safe, Healthy Travel Packing List, and After Your Trip.  
  • Reasons for Travel (for example: Adventure Travel, Spring Break Travel)  
  • Travelers with Special Considerations (for example: Allergies, Long-Term Travelers and Expatriates)  
  • General Tips (for example: Traveling with Medications, Travel Vaccines)  

The Department of State, U.S. embassies, and U.S. consulates do not pay medical bills. Be aware that U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance.

Medical Insurance: Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See our webpage for more information on insurance overseas. Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas.

The Department of State strongly recommends supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation.

Medical Facilities: There are six large hospitals in the Colombo area, including four facilities with emergency medical and trauma service: Asiri Surgical Hospital; Lanka Hospital; Asiri Central Hospital; and the government-run National Hospital of Sri Lanka. Medical facilities outside Colombo are limited. Hospitals and doctors typically require payment “up front” prior to service or admission. The availability of medical supplies is uneven; therefore, travelers should always carry any prescription medications with them. Serious medical conditions can require evacuation to the United States or to a nearby country with more advanced medical facilities, such as Thailand or Singapore. Neither Thailand nor Singapore require U.S. citizens to have entry visas.

The U.S. Embassy maintains a list of doctors and hospitals . We do not endorse or recommend any specific medical provider or clinic.

Pharmaceuticals: Exercise caution when purchasing medication overseas. Pharmaceuticals, both over the counter and requiring prescriptions in the United States, are often readily available for purchase with little controls. Counterfeit medication is common and may prove to be ineffective, the wrong strength, or contain dangerous ingredients. Medication should be purchased in consultation with a medical professional and from reputable establishments. Please visit U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information.

Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription. Check with Sri Lanka's Ministry of Health to ensure the medication is legal in Sri Lanka.

Air Quality: Visit AirNow Department of State for information on air quality at U.S. Embassies and Consulates.

Water Quality: In many areas, tap water is not potable. Bottled water and beverages are generally safe, although you should be aware that many restaurants and hotels serve tap water unless bottled water is specifically requested. Be aware that ice for drinks may be made using tap water.

Infectious Diseases: Several mosquito-borne diseases, including dengue fever, Chikungunya, and Japanese encephalitis are present in Sri Lanka. Dengue fever, in particular, is widespread in Sri Lanka’s Western Province, where the capital Colombo is located. Adequate mosquito protection is strongly advised to prevent this serious illness.

Vaccinations: Be up-to-date on all  vaccinations  recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recommended vaccines that are specific to this region include Japanese encephalitis and typhoid (and rabies pre-exposure prophylaxis for some travelers).

For additional health information about Sri Lanka, please visit:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Travel and Transportation

Road Conditions and Safety: While in Sri Lanka, U.S. citizens may encounter road conditions that differ significantly from those in the United States. Vehicular traffic in Sri Lanka moves on the left (British style). Traffic in Colombo can be congested. Narrow two-lane highways, overloaded with trucks, poorly driven buses, and a variety of conveyances on the road, ranging from ox carts and bicycles to new four-wheel-drive vehicles, make driving dangerous. Unexpected roadblocks and one-way streets are common and may not be clearly marked. Many visitors hire cars and drivers for long trips through the country. Individuals who choose to hire three-wheeled vehicles (“tuks” or “three wheelers”) should use metered vehicles or negotiate prices beforehand to avoid confrontations upon arrival. If you are renting a vehicle, you should specifically request one with working seatbelts.

Heavy rains sometimes cause flooding which can make roads inaccessible for several days and bring with them the risk of landslides.

GPS Navigation Apps are helpful in getting U.S. citizens around in a foreign country. Prior to using the GPS app make sure you research the route to make sure it is safe. The GPS navigation app may give you the shortest route without safety considerations.

Public Transportation: While public buses are readily available, the U.S. Embassy does not recommend using them due to safety concerns.

See our Road Safety page for more information. Visit the website of Sri Lanka’s national tourist office and national authority responsible for road safety.

Aviation Safety Oversight: As there is no direct commercial air service to the United States by carriers registered in Sri Lanka, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has not assessed the government of Sri Lanka’s Civil Aviation Authority for compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards. Further information may be found on the FAA's safety assessment page.

Maritime Travel: Mariners planning travel to Sri Lanka should also check for U.S. maritime advisories and alerts . Information may also be posted to the U.S. Coast Guard homeport website , and the NGA broadcast warnings .

For Additional Travel Information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on  Twitter and  Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

For additional IPCA-related information, please see the  International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act (ICAPRA)  report.

Travel Advisory Levels

Assistance for u.s. citizens, sri lanka map, learn about your destination, enroll in step.

Enroll in STEP

Subscribe to get up-to-date safety and security information and help us reach you in an emergency abroad.

Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Make two copies of all of your travel documents in case of emergency, and leave one with a trusted friend or relative.


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Traveling Without a Passport

India Vs Sri Lanka

India Vs Sri Lanka: How to Choose the Right Destination For You

travel to sri lanka from india

India and Sri Lanka have both successfully managed to capture the interest of travellers from across the globe in search of unique cultural experiences and delicious local cuisine. If you’re still in planning mode tossing up between India Vs Sri Lanka, we’re here to help you make the right decision.

Read on to find out where you should visit this year.

What kind of traveller is India suited for?

To describe India in one word would be “incredible,” – but that doesn’t mean that it is suited for everyone. We’re not going to say that first-time travellers should steer away from India, but we need to mention that some of the experiences can be more intense than those in the more tourist-friendly destinations in nearby Asia including Thailand, Vietnam or Cambodia.

With over a billion people living in India, the population density is high, most cities are incredibly busy with people and traffic and it is easy to become overwhelmed. That being said, that experience of being overwhelmed is different for everyone, so as long as you’re prepared to battle the crowds to jump on an overnight train in a small town where almost no one speaks English, then go for it!

A trip to India can be completely life-changing (in a good way), and there are many incredible lessons you will learn during your travels that you won’t find elsewhere. If you’re ready to take on the incredible adventure of India, we can almost guarantee you won’t regret it.

See Also: Choosing Between Northern India vs Southern India

India Vs Sri Lanka

There’s so much to take in when you arrive in India – the the sights, the sounds, the smells – but what stood out for us the most was the hospitality at some of the hotels and resorts where we stayed. Indians truly believe that when a guest arrives in your home, he/she should be treated like GOD! We were blown away by the level of attention to detail, and we left with the impression that the Indian people are a very generous, humble and jovial bunch. The most important advice we have for anyone traveling to India is to plan their trip in advance. That’s where O’Harani comes in! Our one-of-a-kind experiences and knowledgeable guides enable us to create the perfect, customized itinerary curated specifically for each traveler, based upon his/her likes/dislikes and travel patterns. Having a game plan and a solid itinerary are key to having a phenomenal journey in royal, regal, resplendent India. – Patrick & Jitin, O’Harani

Should I travel solo in India?

There are some destinations where you can be fairly relaxed about leaving your bag out of reach or walking around late at night without checking over your shoulder. India is not that type of place. There is no doubt that travellers can easily travel through India solo, but you do need to make sure extra precautions are taken.

To answer the question, yes, India is safe to travel solo however it depends on your comfort levels when moving through busy cities where your language is not readily available. Small precautions such a taking note of local emergency numbers, carrying a portable charger, buying a local sim-card and avoiding unfamiliar neighbourhoods can help you to stay safe in India. If you’re still set on travelling solo, go for it! Just make sure to keep reading and do your research beforehand.

See Also: 10 Things You Shouldn’t Do While Travelling Solo in India

If your travel buddies don’t share the same passion and excitement about visiting India, you might want to think about joining a small group tour. Most group tours will include a tour guide (otherwise known as your walking, talking Wikipedia guidebook of knowledge!) so you can learn more about India and forget about navigating tricky situations solo. Also, meeting like-minded travellers is always a win-win!

India Vs Sri Lanka

How do I get around India?

It goes without saying, that India is a HUGE country. But, you can easily get from A to B via a number of transport modes. If you’re travelling independently, most travellers will find that local transport is fairly easy to navigate, through might not always be time-effective.

With the exception of air travel, it’s worth noting that most services operate on “India time,” meaning the bus/train/taxi/tuk-tuk will often arrive whenever it wants at whatever time.

  • Domestic flights: Travel by air is a great option if you are short on time when in India and is often inexpensive.
  • Car: The most popular choice would be to enlist the help of a private driver to travel between cities, and it is advised to avoid hiring a car or embarking on the self-drive option.
  • Bus: The most cost-effective mode of transport is to travel by bus. Buses will always make toilet and snack stops along the way.
  • Train: Take your pick from a sleeper cabin or an upright passenger seat. A train journey can be long, but some of the views from your seat will be the most beautiful.

What is the food like in India?  

Indian food in India is simply out of this world. Aside from being incredibly cheap, Indian food is a haven for vegetarians. Each dish is not as spicy as you might expect, but be careful – if you order a spicy dish, it’s going to be seriously hot.

See Also: Frequently Asked Questions About Travelling to India, Answered by Indians

Top experiences in India

Take savasana art the beaches of goa.

Take time away from the frenzied cities of India and enjoy time in Goa at the beaches of Anjuna, Palolem and Patnem and practice a few yoga sessions with local masters.

Travel on an overnight train 

Note: this experience, while being mostly entertaining, is not for those who enjoy creature comforts.

Throw colourful powder at Holi Festival 

As one of the most notable festivals in the world, make the most of your chance to throw colourful powder in the air to celebrate the arrival of spring.

Head south to explore Kerala 

Make time to explore this famous area that holds significant value and cultural importance.

Explore out the Taj Mahal 

Built in the 17th century, this marble mausoleum exists as one of the many architectural icons of India.  

The first time I had ventured to India was 9 years ago with my family. I instantly fell in love with the vibrant colors, contrasting culture and of course the humble people I interacted with. The culture, people, and the way society works is beyond fascinating and is by far one of the most eccentrically beautiful destinations this world has to offer. My most important piece of advice when traveling to India is pack light and keep an open mind. Embrace the sounds, the contrasts in culture, try the food and relax. With so much hustle and bustle many people can get overwhelmed, but I would really recommend to talk to people, get to know them and simply explore. – Perri, Where is Per

18 Most Affordable Places to Travel for Under $18 a Day

India is my motherland and I love exploring this magnificent country. As of now I have covered only places in South India as India is a huge country. I am slowly and surely going to enjoy exploring the entire country with time. Now that I am traveling abroad, I miss my country’s spontaneity. Sure, everything moves slow in India, but you can do anything at anytime. Reservations are not that important, you can spontaneously do anything you like, go any place you want. I would advice travelers to India to avoid tourist traps like Goa and the Golden Triangle. These spots are overcrowded and overrated in my humble opinion and are heavily exploited by the tourism industry. India is much more than Taj Mahal or Goa. There are tons of incredible places all over the country like Meghalaya, Lakshadweep. – Priyadarshini, Glorious Sunrise

Phrases and Words

India Vs Sri Lanka

What kind of traveller is Sri Lanka suited for?

If you haven’t been to Sri Lanka, then you should. Simple as that. As for the type of traveller that Sri Lanka is most suited for? Everyone.

From families to couples or solo travellers and everyone in between, Sri Lanka is an unexpected surprise that will not disappoint. Filled with friendly faces, charming towns and luscious landscapes, many travellers seem to overlook this undiscovered country.

Located just a hop, skip and a jump away from the well-travelled grounds of neighbouring India and wider southeast Asia, Sri Lanka is the up-and-coming destinations suited to all types of travellers.   

18 Most Affordable Places to Travel for Under $18 a Day

Sri Lanka has so much to offer the intrepid traveller – from ancient civilisations, incredible wildlife, tea plantations, a stunning coastline and delicious cuisine. For me, I adore the quiet serenity and beauty of the old tea estates. Staying in one of the old planters bungalows is something really special. It’s a place to unwind, contemplate, relax and enjoy homestyle Sri Lankan cuisine. The temperature is cooler than the coast so is perfect for strolling around the plantations. Before booking a trip to Sri Lanka be aware that much of the coastline is not suitable for swimming because of the strong currents, there are a few exceptions, namely Hikkaduwa and Unawatuna areas where there are protective reefs but follow the advice of the locals if you are unsure.  -Torie, Chill and Mint

Should I travel solo in Sri Lanka?   

Planning on travelling solo in Sri Lanka? Go for it, and don’t hold back! As a predominantly Buddhist country, it is a safe and welcoming destination for solo travellers.

See Also: 18 Bucket List Adventures You Need to Experience in 2018

How do I get around Sri Lanka?   

Whether you’re travelling solo or about to join a group tour, there are a few modes of transport that you can make the most of while exploring Sri Lanka.

  • Bus: Possibly the most popular form of transport in Sri Lanka, fares are inexpensive which makes bus travel one of the best ways to get around.
  • Flights: Domestic flights are available however they are not always the most affordable way to travel. If you plan in advance then flights will be fine however if you’re planning on booking a last minute trip, don’t bet on being able to book a flight on arrival on a whim.
  • Three-wheelers: Known in other parts of Asia as tuk-tuks, these vehicles can be found almost everywhere in Sri Lanka and are a popular way to get around.
  • Taxi: Only some are metered however in most cases, the fare will be very reasonable and travel by taxi is incredibly convenient for most travellers. In Colombo, Uber is a popular mode of transport.
  • Car: Over recent years self-drive car hire has risen in Sri Lanka, however, this is only recommended for the more confident drivers or someone who is able to navigate complicated roads.

India Vs Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka for us had everything…from the nature to the wildlife and the beautiful beaches. We were originally supposed to visit Sri Lanka for three weeks but extended our stay to three months! It was so easy to adapt. The transport system was efficient, the people were super friendly and the food is something that we often find ourselves craving! We became dhal and sambol addicts! Embrace the experience! Sri Lanka is an under rated country that doesn’t get half as much exposure as it should do! The people speak amazing English, the local transport, buses especially, are some of the most efficient we’ve experienced and the island on the whole is full of natural beauty. – Charlie & Lauren, Wanderers & Warriors

What is the food like in Sri Lanka?  

If you’re yet to experience the beauty of Sri Lankan cuisine – then you’re missing out on a food experience like no other. With that being said, the best place to sample Sri Lankan cuisine, is of course, in Sri Lanka. Some of the best dishes you need to try include:

  • Appa (otherwise known as a Hopper ) 
  • wambatu moju

For an in-depth guide for where to find the best food experiences in Sri Lanka, you can find out food guide by clicking right here for more information (you won’t regret it).

India Vs Sri Lanka

Top experiences in Sri Lanka

Feast on a hopper.

While the name might sound strange, an encounter with a hopper will be just the start of your food journey in Sri Lanka.

food in sri lanka

Explore the Dambulla Cave Temple

Head underground and set your sights on 150 stunning Buddha statues and religious artworks hidden in a cave filled with mystery.

Cycle to the ancient rock fortress of Sigiriya

Remnants of a once mighty palace can be found here, along with impressive gardens and out-of-this-world scenery.

See Also: Why You Should Take a Cycling Trip in Sri Lanka

India Vs Sri Lanka

The thing we have enjoyed most about visiting Sri Lanka is undoubtedly the nature. We have seen beaches that are postcard-worthy, spectacular sunsets and rolling hills of emerald green palm trees. The wildlife is abundant and we have seen wild dolphins, humpback whales, blue whales, peacocks, cheeky monkeys (throwing mango stones at us from a telephone wire!) and swam with turtles. We are really looking forward to visiting elephants in the national park, going on a river tour to see crocodiles and hopefully spotting a leopard while we are here. Make sure you move around a bit. The beaches are so pretty and the sunsets so gorgeous that it would be easy to bunk down in one coastal resort and not see the rest of the island. There are ancient temples, majestic mountains and endless tea plantations to explore so grab a backpack and a tuk-tuk and get out there! As a bonus piece of advice I would say to bring a portable Wifi hotspot and portable charger as power cuts are frequent and good Wifi is rare. – Hannah, Adventure Travel Family

Trek through Yala National Park

For the animal lovers, this is where you need to go to spot abundant wildlife.

Ride along the Nine Arch Bridge in Sri Lanka

Take a ride on the iconic Nine Arch bridge and roll past lush jungles views.

My favorite thing about Sri Lanka is the diversity of the country. Every area is relatively close to each other, but you can experience everything from Mountainous terrains to safaris, to lush jungles, and stunning beaches. Southern Sri Lanka would be my personal favorite area. The beaches are some of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen and are covered with lush tropical palm trees. Book your transfers with a reliable source. You will likely need to take a taxi to get around to many areas. You can hire a taxi service in advance and communicate on whats app to make sure you have a safe, reliable, and fairly priced transfer from one area to the next. There are not many highways in Sri Lanka so be prepared for some the drives to be a little longer than you would expect! – Jessica, Choosing Chia

See Also: 18 Most Affordable Places to Travel for Under $18 a Day

Comment below and tell us where you will visit next. Will it be India or Sri Lanka? 

travel to sri lanka from india

Gemma Music

Gemma is a travel-lover from Melbourne. When she's not surrounded by the great outdoors, Gemma can be found spending her time with family and friends or planning her next trip overseas.

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  • India to Sri Lanka Cruise

Sri Lanka Cruises from India

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Enjoy a splendid Cordelia Cruise | Chennai-At Sea-Chennai

India to Sri Lanka Cruise Packages

Cordelia cruise | chennai-at sea-chennai.

Enjoy a splendid Cordelia Cruise | Chennai-At Sea-Chennai

Meeting Location: Island Grounds, Flag Staff Road, Port Trust Officers Quarters, Sathya Nagar, Chennai Port Trust, Chennai, Tamilnadu, 60009

Departure Dates(2023): 3 June, 17 June, 1 July, 15 July, 29 July, 12 Aug, 26 Aug, 9 Sep


  • 8:30 PM (3 June)
  • 6:00 PM (23 September)

Note: Please reach the meeting location one hour before departure.


  • 9:00 AM (5 June)
  • 8:00 AM (25 September)

About the Cruise:

Embark on an amazing cruising experience in Chennai and enjoy sailing in the azure waters of the Bay of Bengal. Take in the unending views of the ocean, that will fill your soul with sheer bliss. Spend two nights on the uber-luxurious Cordelia Cruise & enjoy a lavish stay in the comfortable rooms of The Empress. Have a memorable stay with your loved ones and avail of various luxurious amenities. Savour delectable Indian and International cuisines throughout the cruise. Have fun tapping your toes to the beat of different entertainment programs or take a relaxing break at the spa.


  • Dining: Treat your taste buds to mouthwatering Indian and International cuisines in the Food court & various restaurants on the ship.
  • Casino: Try your luck and spend a fun time with your folks while playing various games at the Casino.
  • Bar: Take a sip of the finest liquors including cocktails and spirits at various bars such as Chairman's Club, Connexions, & Pool Bar.
  • Fitness Center: Complete your workout sessions during this exciting journey with the fully equipped fitness center available on the cruise.
  • Theatre: Enjoy amazing programs including magical shows, musical performances, and more at the Marquee Theatre.
  • Spa: Relax & unwind by pampering yourself as you enjoy the panoramic views of the sea at Spa & Salon.
  • Kid's Play Area: Your little ones will love spending their day playing fun-filled games in the playing area, Cordelia Academy.
  • Gaming Zone: Spend a fun-filled time with your friends as you play some old-fashioned video games at the amazing gaming zone, Challenger Video Arcade.
  • Reading Zone: Enjoy reading your favorite book in the tranquil ambiance of the Reading Zone while admiring the breathtaking views of the vast waters.

Cordelia Cruise | Chennai-At Sea-Hambantota

Hop on Cordelia Cruise

Departure Dates: 5 June 2023, 12 June 2023, 19 June 2023, 26 June 2023, 3 July 2023, 10 July 2023, 17 July 2023, 24 July 2023, 31 July 2023, 7 August 2023, 14 August 2023, 21 August 2023, 28 August 2023, 4 September 2023, 11 September 2023, 18 September 2023

Duration: 2 Nights/3 Days

Check-in time/ Departure (Day 1): 9:00 PM

Check-out time/ Arrival (Day 3): 7:00 AM

Meeting Location: Flag Staff Rd, Port Trust Officers Quarters, Sathya Nagar, Chennai Port Trust, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600009

About the cruise:

Cordelia Cruise offers you a lavish stay with splendid views of the surroundings, including the glimmering waters of the Bay of Bengal. Embark on this amazing cruising experience starting from Chennai to Hambantota and enjoy sailing with your buddies. Take in the unbounded ocean views and spend two nights in the uber-luxurious Cordelia Cruise with your folks & enjoy a lavish stay in the well-maintained cabins of this cruise, offering a comfortable stay along with various luxurious amenities, and delicious cuisines to make your stay memorable here.

  • Dining: Tingle your taste buds with mouthwatering Indian and International cuisines in the Food court & various restaurants on the ship.
  • Bar: Take a sip of the finest liquors including cocktails and spirits at various bars i.e. Chairman's Club, Connexions, & Pool Bar.
  • Fitness Center: Complete your workout sessions during this exciting journey as the fully equipped fitness center is available on the cruise.
  • Spa: Calm your senses and give a pampering treatment to yourself while enjoying the panoramic views of the sea at Spa & Salon.
  • Reading Zone: Enjoy reading your favorite book in the tranquil ambiance of the Reading Zone while admiring the breathtaking views of the surroundings.


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Cordelia Cruise | Chennai-At Sea-Trincomalee-Chennai

Embark on an amazing cruise journey with Cordelia cruises that provides with a luxurious experience

Departure Dates: 9 June, 23 June, 18 June, 7 July, 21 July, 6 August, 4 August, 18 August, 1 September, 15 September

Check-in: 5:00 PM (Day 1)

Check-out: 01:00 PM (Day 4)

About The Cruise:

Experience the adventure of going on a sailing journey of 3 nights & 4 days to the beautiful region of Sri Lanka, Trincomalee-on the luxurious Cordelia Cruise. You will embark on a fun tour which takes you on a voyage through the beautiful view of the Bay of Bengal, showcasing the beauty & diversity of this unique region. Begin your sail from Chennai, the capital city of Tamil Nadu which is famous for its rich cultural heritage, temples & beautiful beaches. Have a memorable journey on the opulent Cordelia cruise which provides top-class amenities & facilities to give you an amazing sailing experience. From sumptuous dining options to exciting entertainment activities, you will never run out of things to do on board. Admire scenic views while sailing over the serene waters of the Bay of Bengal, from the deck of the cruise. You can gaze out at the endless expanse of water or soak up the sun rays on your skin & relax in the pool. Once you reach the enchanting city of Trincomalee in Sri Lanka, you will have the opportunity to explore this historic city and its iconic landmarks. So have an amazing cruising experience with Cordelia Cruise which gives you a lavish experience of sailing.

  • Luxurious Accommodation: Have a memorable & comfortable journey with Cordelia Cruise as it provides you with a luxurious experience with lavish rooms, private balconies, and modern amenities.
  • Fine Dining: Enjoy multiple dining options available onboard as you can have different cuisines in gourmet restaurants, snacks in the cafe, and grab a glass of your favourite drink from the bars..
  • Entertainment: You will be entertained with numerous fun activities available on the cruise which includes live performances, DJ nights, casino & pool parties.
  • Spa and Wellness: Go for a relaxing spa session inside the spa room available for you onboard, where you can calm your senses & mind while sailing to Sri Lanka.
  • Kids' Zone: While you are enjoying the journey by exploring Cordelia cruise’s various luxurious amenities, your kids can play & have fun at the specialised kid zone.
  • Internet and Communication: Don’t miss to update your social media profile with exciting photos of your trip, as the cruise provides wifi services.

Cordelia Cruise | Chennai-At Sea-Hambantota-Trincomalee-Chennai

Enjoy cruising on the prestine waters

Departure Dates: 5 June 2023, 3 July 2023, 31 July 2023, and 28 August 2023.

Note: The departure location of Cordelia Cruise might change depending on the weather conditions.

Duration: 4 Nights/5 Days

Check-out time/ Arrival (Day 5): 10:00 AM

About the Cordelia Cruise:

Take a cruise through the pristine waters of the Bay of Bengal. Have a unique experience as you take part in various activities while enjoying the mesmerizing views of the ocean. Have a luxurious 5D 4N stay with access to various amenities. Enjoy tapping your toes on the beat to different entertainment programs or have a relaxing break at the spa. Book the Cordelia Cruise, relax on the open deck area, and enjoy the beautiful surroundings while sailing on the surface of the water.

  • Dining: Delight your taste buds with scrumptious International and Indian cuisines in the Food court & various restaurants on the ship.
  • Casino: Play various games and spend a fun time with your folks while trying your luck at the Casino.
  • Bar: Enjoy some of the finest liquors including cocktails and spirits at various bars i.e. Chairman's Club, Connexions, & Pool Bar.
  • Fitness Center: Continue your workout sessions during this exciting journey as the fully equipped fitness center is available on the cruise.
  • Theatre: Watch amazing programs including magical shows, musical performances, and more at the Marquee Theatre.
  • Spa: Have a relaxing and rejuvenating experience while enjoying the panoramic views of the sea at Spa & Salon.
  • Kid's Play Area: Kids can enjoy their day playing fun-filled games in the playing area, at Cordelia Academy.
  • Gaming Zone: Spend a fun-filled time as you play some old-fashioned video games at the amazing gaming zone, Challenger Video Arcade.
  • Reading Zone: Enjoy reading your favorite book in the ambient Reading Zone while admiring the breathtaking views of the surroundings.


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Cordelia Cruise Chennai - At Sea - Trincomalee - Jaffna - Chennai

Head for an amazing Cordelia Cruise Chennai-Jaffna-Chennai

Departure Dates(2023): 19 June, 17 July, 25 June, 14 August, 13 August, 20 August, 11 September

Note: The departure dates of the Cordelia Cruise might change depending on the weather conditions.

Embark for a luxurious cruising experience with Cordelia Cruises that lasts for 4 nights & 3 days, where you will be catered for lavish facilities onboard with a beautiful view of the sea. Go on a voyage of exploring the beautiful coastlines, serene waters & cultural heritage of the regions like Chennai, Trincomalee & Jaffna. Your cruising journey will begin from the port of Chennai, where you'll board the luxurious Cordelia ship. The cruise is equipped with world-class amenities, fine dining & entertainment options to make your journey more memorable. Step on the deck of the cruise from where you can take in the amazing view while sailing across the serene waters of the Indian Ocean. Explore two beautiful port towns in Sri Lanka - Trincomalee and Jaffna, where you can gain cultural experiences & explore ancient temples, forts & also try the local cuisine. So, have the experience of going on a cruise journey to the beautiful cities of Sri Lanka on Cordelia Cruise with lush facilities & services and learn about the region's rich history & culture.

  • Luxurious Accommodation: The ship offers luxurious cabins and suites with stunning ocean views, private balconies & modern amenities.
  • Fine Dining: Enjoy multiple dining options available on board, including gourmet restaurants, cafes and bars serving a variety of cuisines from around the world.
  • Entertainment: Your cruising journey will be loaded with a range of entertainment options, including live shows, music performances, movies, games & more.
  • Spa & Wellness: Relax inside the spa or go for exercise in the fitness centre which helps you to refresh your mind & body.
  • Swimming Pools: You can dive into multiple swimming pools, including a rooftop pool to get refreshed and enjoy the scenic view of the sea while sailing.
  • Kids' Zone: Step inside the kid zone where you can play a range of activities & games to keep the young ones entertained.

Cordelia Cruise | Chennai-Hambantota-Trincomalee-Jaffna-Chennai

Enjoy cruising on the soothing waters

Departure Dates(2023): 12 June, 26 June, 10 July, 24 July, 7 August, 21 August, 4 September,18 September

Duration: 5 Nights/6 Days

Check-out time/ Arrival (Day 6): 10:00 AM

Cruise through the serene waters of the Bay of Bengal. Make your experience unique as you get involved in various types of activities. You will be enthralled by the serene views of the ocean and beautiful surroundings while sailing on the surface of the water. Have a luxurious stay on the cruise along with access to the open deck. Savor delectable Indian as well as Internation cuisines throughout the tour. Have fun tapping on your toes to the beat of different entertainment programs or have a relaxing break at the spa.


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Cordelia Cruise | Hambantota-Trincomalee-Jaffna-Chennai

Enjoy your perfect cruising on Cordelia Cruise

Duration: 3N/4D

Check-in time (Day-1): 6:00 PM

Check-out time (Day-4): 10:00 AM

Embark on this amazing cruising experience in Chennai and enjoy sailing in the azure waters of the Bay of Bengal. Witness the unending ocean views that will fill your soul with sheer bliss. Spend three nights in the uber-luxurious Cordelia Cruise with your folks & enjoy a lavish stay in the well-maintained cabins of this cruise, offering a comfortable stay along with various luxurious amenities, to make your stay memorable here. Savor delectable Indian as well as International cuisines throughout the tour. Have fun tapping on your toes to the beat of different entertainment programs or take a relaxing break at the spa experience. Start from Hambantota, reach Trincomalee, explore Jaffna and end your trip to Chennai.

Cordelia Cruise | Colombo-Galle-Trincomalee-Chennai

Cordelia Cruise | Colombo-Galle-Trincomalee-Chennai

Check-In:   8:30 AM (Day 1)

Check-Out: 9:30 PM (Day 4)

Embark on the amazing trip from Colombo to Chennai via Galle and Trincomalee on the Cordelia cruise and spend memorable vacations with your family. Stay comfortably in the well-maintained rooms and suites and enjoy the spectacular views of the surroundings. Get amazed by the panoramic views of the beautiful sunset while spending a peaceful time at the open deck.

Spend an enjoyable evening at the bars, lounges and nightclubs available at the cruise. Enjoy an evening party or try your luck in the casino with your friends. At the cruise, satisfy your cravings as the Indian and Global buffet is served by professional chefs. You can have it all on this mesmerizing 4-day cruise where you can have the experience to treasure eternally.

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Cordelia Cruise | Mumbai-Goa-Kochi Colombo-Trincomalee-Chennai

Cruise through- Mumbai-Goa-Kochi-Colombo-Trincomalee-Chennai

Departure Dates:   May 28

Check-In:  8:00 PM (Day 1)

Check-Out: 10:00 AM (Day 8)

Spend a memorable time with your loved ones on this magnificent cruise, and spend all 7 days exploring different destinations by staying on the blue ocean. Experience a lavish stay in the well-maintained cabins of this cruise, offering a comfortable stay along with various luxurious amenities, to make your stay memorable here. Indulge in a range of activities at the lounges and nightclubs and make your evening enjoyable.

Enjoy the outstanding views of the ocean and surroundings while spending leisure time in your rooms. Sit at the open deck and get amazed by the outstanding views of the beautiful sunset. At the cruise, the Indian and Global buffet is served by professional chefs to satisfy your cravings. Enjoy movies and entertainment shows in the evening at the special outdoor space. Experience a cruise like never before with a panoramic view of the azure ocean that offers a pure bliss feeling to the customers of the cruise.

How to Reach?

The cruise sails from their home port, Mumbai. Arrive at the gateway of India that is the hub for the majority of the ships. The port is located at a distance of 25 KM from the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International airport, 7.1 KM from the Mumbai Central railway station and can be reached easily via public and private transport.

Note : The departure location of Cordelia Cruise might change depending on the weather conditions.

Cordelia Cruise | Kochi-Colombo-Trincomalee-Chennai

Cordelia Cruise | Kochi-Colombo-Trincomalee-Chennai

Check-In:  8:30 PM (Day 1)

Check-Out: 9:00 AM (Day 5)

Embark on a 5-day trip from Kochi to Chennai on Cordelia Cruise and spend a fun-filled and memorable vacation with your family. Board the cruise from Kochi and gear up for an amazing and unforgettable trip to Chennai. Check in the well-maintained rooms and suites which are furnished with modern amenities and facilities. Enjoy the mesmerizing and breathtaking views of the ocean and beautiful surroundings while spending leisure time in your room.

Make your evening enjoyable by indulging in a range of activities and entertainment shows. Head towards the nightclubs and lounges and enjoy the evening party there. You can also try your luck while playing games in the casino with your friends. Never miss out on the delicious and mouth-watering meals prepared by the professional chefs on the cruise. Plan your trip on Cordelia Cruise and get a unique experience like never before.


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Cordelia Cruise | Cochin-Colombo-Trincomlee-Chennai

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Cordelia Cruises greets you with open arms to behold the majestic panoramic sceneries of the clear blue waters with this unique cruise sailing experience of 5 days 4 nights starting from Cochin which will let you enjoy a once in a lifetime experience. Wake up to the amazing scenery of the ocean that will make your soul contented with delight. Embrace the luxurious stay in aesthetically designed cabins equipped with all the modern amenities meant to make your stay experience truly memorable. Content your soul and mind with this delightful experience and have a time full of thrilling adventures.

Cordelia Cruise | Chennai-Jaffna-Chennai

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Departure Dates: 9 OCT 2023, 23 OCT 2023, 6 NOV 2023, 20 NOV 2023, 18 DEC 2023, 27 DEC 2023, 15 JAN 2024, 29 JAN 2024, 12 FEB 2024, 26 FEB 2024, 11 MAR 2024, 25 MAR 2024, 8 APR 2024, 22 APR 2024, 6 MAY 2024

About the Cruise :

Cordelia Cruises greets you to embark on this amazing 3-day cruise starting from Chennai to Jaffna in the laps of breathtaking surroundings where you can have an experience like never before. Grab your bag, pack your things and get ready to embrace the luxurious stay amidst the azure waters. Relish the experience to stay in the aesthetically designed cabins meant to give you the utmost comfort with all the luxurious amenities and a majestic view of the ocean to behold.

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Cordelia Cruise | Chennai-Colombo-Galle-Trincomalee-Chennai

Cordelia Cruise will create a new experience for you

Departure Dates: Dates Not Opened Yet

Check-In: 8:00 PM (Day 1)

Check-Out: 10:00 AM (Day 6)

Create one of the greatest memories ever with your friends and family on this magnificent Cordelia Cruise, and get to tour around the serenity of Chennai, Colombo, Galle, Trincomalee. Get ready to have an experience like never before with this 6 days 5 nights cruise starting from Chennai where you can witness the magnificent beauty of Colombo, embrace the colours of Trincomalee and the mystical nature of Galle. Behold the amazing views of the crystal clear water gushing towards the shore and get the delight to indulge in various activities that will surely make your experience truly memorable. Stay in aesthetically designed cabins with all the luxurious amenities come with a magnificent view of the ocean meant to give you true comfort.

Cordelia Cruise | Chennai-Hambantota-Colombo-Kochi

Embark on an amazing journey from Chennai to Kochi on the luxurious Cordelia Cruise

Departure Dates (2023):  23 September

Duration : 6 Days 7 5 Nights

Embark on an amazing journey from Chennai to Kochi via Hambantota & Colombo on the lavish Cordelia Cruise. Stay in well-maintained rooms which are furnished with essential amenities to provide comfort throughout the trip. Spend a memorable evening as you enjoy a range of musical shows and dance performances at the Marquee Theatre. With a range of amazing facilities like a spa, fitness center, outdoor swimming pool, theatre, food court, restaurants & bar, the cruise provides an unforgettable experience. Book the Cordelia Cruise, sit on the open deck area, and take in the outstanding views of the blue ocean.

  • Dining:  Enjoy delicious Indian and International cuisines in the Food court & various restaurants on the ship.
  • Casino:  Play various games at the casino with your friends and try your luck.
  • Bar:  Have a drink of the finest liquors including cocktails and spirits at various bars i.e. Chairman's Club, Connexions, & Pool Bar.
  • Fitness Center:  Visit the fully equipped fitness center at the cruise and complete your workout sessions during the journey.
  • Theatre:  Spend an amazing evening enjoying outstanding programs at the Marquee Theatre, including magical shows, musical performances, and more.
  • Spa:  Rejuvenate your body with a pampering treatment while enjoying the panoramic views of the sea at Spa & Salon.
  • Kid's Play Area: Visit the playing area known as Cordelia Academy with your little ones where they will enjoy playing a range of fun-filled games.
  • Gaming Zone:  Get involved in some old-fashioned video games at the fantastic gaming zone, Challenger Video Arcade.
  • Reading Zone:  Spend time in the peaceful ambiance of the Reading Zone, take in the breathtaking views of the surroundings, and enjoy reading your favorite book.


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Cordelia Cruise | Chennai Colombo Male Goa Mumbai

Cordelia Cruise will create a new experience for you

Check-In: 6:30 PM (Day 1)

Check-Out: 12:00 PM (Day 8)

Embark on an amazing trip to Chennai, Colombo, Male, Goa, and Mumbai on the magnificent Cordelia Cruise. Enjoy the 8-day holiday visiting these places with your loved ones or other companions onboard. Participate in adventurous activities, go for excursions, visit historical monuments, spend time on beautiful beaches and try your luck at casinos.

Along with the luxurious stay, you get access to Open Deck and Pool Bar where you can chill with the finest drinks and snacks. Have lip-smacking Pan-Asian cuisines, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, prepared by professional chefs. Get mesmerized by stunning ocean views throughout and come back with cherishable memories.



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Essential Information About India to Sri Lanka Cruise

What to expect on board during india to sri lanka cruise.

What To Expect On Board During India To Sri Lanka Cruise?

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What Should You Pack For India To Sri Lanka Cruise?

Do And Don'ts Of Cruise?

Do And Don'ts Of Cruise?

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Go for the exciting Jungle Safari at Wilpattu National Park

Sri Lanka Top Attractions

Sri Lanka

The Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic, nestled in Kandy, Sri Lanka, is a revered spiritual destination often featured in Sri Lanka tour packages. Home to the sacred tooth relic of Lord Buddha, the temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, boasting intricate Kandyan architecture and serene surroundings. Pilgrims and visitors are captivated by the rich cultural heritage and the daily rituals that honor the relic. The Esala Perahera, an elaborate annual procession, further enhances the temple's significance. Including a visit to the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic in Sri Lanka tour packages ensures a profound cultural and spiritual experience amidst the historical and religious grandeur of Kandy.

Adam's Peak

Adam's peak is a tall mountain of religious significance located in central Sri Lanka. This mountain is of religious significance for both the Hindus and the Buddhists. While the Buddhists believe that it has the footprint of Buddha, the Hindus believe that it is the footprint of Hanuman. The mountain is more than 2000 metres tall and is in a conical shape. It is alternatively known as Mount Lanka, Ratnagiri and Malayagiri. In fact, this mountain is also the origin point of three rivers- Kelani, Walawe and the Kalu Ganga. The mountain comes with six hiking trails that come with the best views from the top. Even prominent travellers like Fa Hien and Marco Polo have written about this hill during their travels. Apart from being a cultural landmark, Adams Peak also has geographical significance and continues to attract tourists from around the world. 

Minneriya & Kaudulla National Parks

Minneriya and Kaudulla National Parks in Sri Lanka beckon wildlife enthusiasts with their breathtaking landscapes. Often featured in Sri Lanka packages, these parks are famed for their annual gathering of elephants, known as "The Gathering." The vast reservoirs and lush surroundings provide a haven for diverse wildlife, including leopards, deer, and numerous bird species. The unique spectacle of hundreds of elephants converging is a captivating experience, making Minneriya and Kaudulla essential stops for those seeking an immersive encounter with nature's wonders. Including these national parks in Sri Lanka packages ensures a thrilling exploration of the island's rich biodiversity and natural beauty.Best For: Getting close to large herds of elephants. Best time to visit is during May to September to watch large number of elephants. Location: 182-197 KM away from Colombo. Price: Safari Price is LKR 6,500 for each National Park. Additional Price: Tickets per adult is LKR 1,500 and per child is LKR 750. Duration: safari duration is 4 hours. Timing: Evening Safari 2.30am to 6.30pm and morning safari is 5:00am to 8:00am.

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Sri Lanka tourist attractions for Indians: Dreaming of an international trip but on a tight budget? Sri Lanka awaits! No visa required, reach this beautiful country in just a 75-minute flight from Chennai and enjoy a unique experience.

Tourist guide! Explore visa-free Sri Lanka which is just 75 minutes from India RKK

When it comes to travel, everyone wants to go abroad at least once in their life. If you are also planning a foreign trip but are falling short on budget and holidays, then there is no need to worry. Sometimes the plan gets canceled even because of the visa. Today we are going to tell you about such a country. Where visa is not required to travel. Not only this, it can be reached in just 75 minutes. In such a situation, a foreign trip can be planned even in less money.

Actually, this country is none other than India's neighboring country Sri Lanka. Tourists come from far and wide to see the natural beauty of this country. Lakhs of people from India also visit Sri Lanka every year. To make travel between the two countries easier, Indigo has started a direct second flight. Which will go directly from Chennai to Jaffna. Although it takes about 3 hours to reach Sri Lanka, this flight will reduce the journey by 75 minutes. With which passengers will be able to reach Sri Lanka in just one and a half hours. According to media reports, this is the airline's second destination after Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, and the 34th international destination. Airlines took this step to meet the increasing demands. More than 21 thousand passengers booked flights to Sri Lanka in the last few months. In such a situation, if you are also planning to visit Sri Lanka, then you can explore these places.

Tourist guide! Explore visa-free Sri Lanka which is just 75 minutes from India RKK

1) Anuradhapura City

If you are going to Sri Lanka, do not forget to visit Anuradhapura city. This city is 2 thousand years old. Here you can see many things related to the glorious history and culture of Sri Lanka. Many forts and old buildings are also located here. According to the information, this city used to be the capital of Sri Lanka in ancient times. It was a major center of Theravada Buddhism, one of the main branches of Buddhism.

Tourist guide! Explore visa-free Sri Lanka which is just 75 minutes from India RKK

Located in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka, Jaffna is a Tamil-influenced city. Where facts related to Tamil heritage are seen. You can come here if you are interested in history. Jaffna is also home to many ancient Hindu temples. The colorful markets and unique culture here are captivating. If you are coming to Jaffna, don't forget to taste the street food.

Tourist guide! Explore visa-free Sri Lanka which is just 75 minutes from India RKK

3) Ella Rock

Well, the whole of Sri Lanka is a wonderful example of natural beauty. If you are also a nature lover then you must visit Ella Rock located in this island country. You can also experience trekking here. Ella Rock offers stunning views of lush green tea plantations, beautiful hills and valleys. There is often a crowd of tourists here.

Tourist guide! Explore visa-free Sri Lanka which is just 75 minutes from India RKK

4) Knuckles Mountain Range

The Knuckles Mountain Range is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. At the same time, those who like to do trekking. He must explore this place. The weather here is always cold. From here you can see palm forests, amazing species of wild animals. If you want to take time out from your busy life and go to a peaceful place, then visit it. This is the least crowded place in Sri Lanka.

Tourist guide! Explore visa-free Sri Lanka which is just 75 minutes from India RKK

5) Trincomalee

Sri Lanka has more than one beach. If you want to see the real beauty of the sea, then visit Trincomalee. There are many historical places like water activities, heritage sites and Fort Frederick on the beaches here. Which you can roam around.

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  • Trips To Sri Lanka From India: An Ultimate Guide For A Lovely Vacation

An aura full of charismatic charm, ethereal beaches, playful parade of elephants, historical places, incredible train rides, lush tea estates and mesmerizing landscapes, Sri Lanka is a country which should be in the bucket list of all the travelers. With so much warmth in the environment it becomes easy for travelers to travel to Sri Lanka without worrying about anything. With so much to offer, one should definitely book trips to Sri Lanka from India to enjoy an ultimate experience like never before. We are sure you will be spoilt for choice here. From surfing at the thrilling waves, and relaxing at the pristine beaches to taking scenic train trails and getting playful with the elephants, Sri Lanka is definitely a real jewel. Let’s stroll down to see what all Sri Lanka has to offer you.

Best Time To Book Trips To Sri Lanka From India

Sea Sri Lanka Travel Island Beach Ocean

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When it comes to weather conditions, Sri Lanka is blessed with tropical climate with dry and wet seasons. Though it can be visited at any time of the year, the best time to visit the east coast is from the months of April to September while for other parts of the country is from December to March. These months are just perfect to enjoy the beach activities, surfing, and also for the enthralling train rides to admire the scenic views. The weather remains cool and dry from December to March, making sightseeing and adventurous activities extremely pleasant.

5 Best Places To Visit In Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a mesmerizing country adorned with scenic and historical beauty. Let us tell you quickly some of its amazing places that you should visit when you travel to Sri Lanka from India .

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1. Nuwara Eliya

Nuwara Eliya

A lush green hill station in Central Sri Lanka is a must visit place which looks heavenly beautiful. Adorned with natural charm and beauty, the place is famous for its lush green tea estates. Visit the tea factory to know about tea making process and also sip one to witness the divine flavour of the fresh tea leaves. Other places of interest here are strawberry fields, Gregory Lake, and Victoria Park.

Must Visit Attractions: Baker’s Fall and Gregory Lake

Must Read: The Complete Guide To Applying For A Sri Lanka Visa For Indians

2. Sigiriya


A World Heritage Site, Sigiriya is a massive rock formation which is famous for offering scenic views of the surrounding lush green valley and the Sigiriya Fort. This place is a must visit place on a tour to Sri Lanka from India . It is quite a tough job to reach the top of the rock but once you do it you will be blessed with stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Timings: Opens seven days of the week from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm.

Suggested Read: 22 Places To Visit In Nuwara Eliya: The Mini London Of Sri Lanka!

3. Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

Sri Lanka being famous for its elephants, Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage is one of the best places to visit in Sri Lanka. Witness the giant yet cute creatures soaking in the water. It is a very joyous sight to witness seeing these massive creature getting playful. You also get to feed the baby animals and get endless selfies with them.

Suggested Read: 12 Things Not To Do In Sri Lanka If You Wish To Have A Hassle-Free Holiday

4. Temple of the Tooth of Relic

Temple of the Tooth of Relic

A Unesco World Heritage Site, the Temple of the Tooth of Relic is a spiritual, historical and a religious place. This place shouldn’t be missed out on your visit to Sri Lanka from India . Located in the city of Kandy, it is believed that this temple contains the sacred tooth relic of Buddha and hence it is very popular amongst the local as well as the tourists.

Timings: Open seven days of the week from 5:30 am to 08:00 pm.

Suggested Read: Viharamahadevi Park: A Handy Guide To Explore This Nature’s Paradise In Sri Lanka!


Mirissa is one of the most happening places to visit in Sri Lanka. Adorned with natural beauty and stunning beaches, Mirissa is also famous for its adventure sports. Fishing and swimming are some other activities to try here. Some of the best places to visit here are Secret beach, Parrot beach, Galle Fort, and Coconut Island.

Best night places to visit in Mirissa: Zephyr Restaurant and Bar, Central Beach Inn, Barista, Mirissa Eye, and Papa Mango

Suggested Read: Ceylon Tea Museum: The Perfect Spot To Relish The Taste Of The Authentic Sri Lankan Tea!

How To Reach Sri Lanka

How To Reach Sri Lanka

If you are looking for Sri Lanka tours from India , then how to reach Sri Lanka from India must definitely have popped into your head, stroll down to get all your answers.

By Air: The best way to get to Sri Lanka from India is by air. The aerial distance between Sri Lanka and India is approximately 883 miles and it takes around 1.5 to 3.5 hours to reach here depending on the city you are traveling from. Direct flights like AirIndia and SriLankan operate between India and Sri Lanka while indirect flights like IndiGo, Spicejet, and AirArabia operate between India and Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka trip cost from India excluding flight tickets would cost somewhere between 12,000 to 15,000 depending on the number of factors.

By Sea: A time consuming but adventurous mode of transport to travel to Sri Lanka from India is by sea. Ships from Chennai are available that will take you to Colombo port in around 7 to 8 days. It is suitable for people who are on a long travel excursion and wants to live that luxurious cruise life. The views no doubt will be breathtaking and you will surely feel the uber luxury vibe.

Further Read: The Ultimate Guide To Sri Lanka’s Dambulla Cave Temple

Sri Lanka is a perfect place for a family vacation, tour with friends or as a honeymoon destination. With so much scenic charm, welcoming people and pristine beaches Sri Lanka is definitely one of the best countries to visit near India. After reading so many good things about Sri Lanka, you must be definitely planning a visit to this gorgeous destination. Book your trips to Sri Lanka froom India for a vacay full of exciting and adventurous moments.

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Kirti Agarwal

A lover of romance, tea, and travel. Writing is something that comes from within her, so Kirti decided to convert her passion into a profession. Traveling is something that drives her crazy. She also holds a bit of interest in fashion and photography.

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₹ 6,712 Find cheap flights to Sri Lanka

This is the cheapest one-way flight price found by a kayak user in the last 72 hours by searching for a flight from india to sri lanka departing on 11/10. fares are subject to change and may not be available on all flights or dates of travel. click the price to replicate the search for this deal., search hundreds of travel sites at once for deals on flights to sri lanka.

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Good to know

Faqs - booking sri lanka flights, what are popular stopovers on flights from india to sri lanka.

Whilst there are direct flights to Sri Lanka, it might be easier for you to fly indirectly. If so, a popular stopover is Chennai Airport (MAA) on IndiGo flights from Dehli or Mumbai Airport (BOM). On flights from Dehli to Trincomalee Airport, you will likely stop at Colombo Airport with SriLankan Airlines.

Which beaches are close to the airport?

Sri Lanka is blessed with some great beaches and the highlight is you won’t have to travel far once your flight lands in Bandaranaike International Airport (CMB). From the airport, you can reach popular beaches such as Morawala Beach in about 35min by car.

Are there direct flights to Sri Lanka?

You can get a direct flight to Sri Lanka from various airports across India, making it a great option for holidays. For example, you can fly directly to Colombo Airport (CMB) from New Delhi Airport (DEL), Mumbai Airport (BOM), Chennai Airport (MAA), and Kochi Airport (COK), so you can explore the country of Sri Lanka easily.

Are there streaming services on flights from India to Sri Lanka?

You can access streaming on a range of airlines operating this route. For example, on a flight from New Delhi to Colombo, you can get streaming entertainment with SriLankan Airlines. Meanwhile, if you’re flying from Mumbai to Colombo, streaming is provided by Malaysian Airlines, Vistara and SpiceJet.

Are there certain laws I should know when hiring a car from the Sri Lanka airports?

Everyone in the hire car must wear their seat belt at all times. Whilst there are no child seat rules in the country, it’s strongly advised that small children are in a suitable child restraint when driving. You can use a mobile phone in the car but only if it is an entirely hands-free device.

What is the best airport to fly into to see Kandy Lake?

If you want to explore the popular city of Kandy and its famous lake, then you will need to fly to Colombo Airport before continuing your journey by car or bus. A car journey takes approximately 3h 5min from the terminal building to get to this mountainous city in the rainforest.

Which airports are hubs for airlines that travel to Sri Lanka?

New Delhi Airport (DEL), Kochi Airport (COK) and Chennai Airport all benefit from SriLankan Airlines operating flights from them to its hub in Colombo. This means that you can expect more regular direct flights and competitive pricing.

How long is the flight to Sri Lanka?

An average direct flight from India to Sri Lanka takes 6h 22m, covering a distance of 2026 km. The most popular route is Mumbai - Colombo with an average flight time of 2h 25m.

What is the cheapest flight to Sri Lanka?

The cheapest ticket to Sri Lanka from India found in the last 72 hours was ₹ 6,514 one-way, and ₹ 12,333 round-trip. The most popular route is Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji Intl to Colombo Bandaranaike Intl and the cheapest round-trip airline ticket found on this route in the last 72 hours was ₹ 18,121.

Which airlines fly to Sri Lanka?

SriLankan Airlines, Air India & IndiGo fly the most frequently from India to Sri Lanka.

What are the most popular destinations in Sri Lanka?

Based on KAYAK flight searches, the most popular destination is Sigiriya (100% of total searches to Sri Lanka).

How does KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy?

KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a given destination and date is likely to change within 7 days, so travellers know whether to wait or book now.

Top tips for finding cheap flights to Sri Lanka

  • Enter your preferred departure airport and travel dates into the search form above to unlock the latest Sri Lanka flight deals.
  • There are two main airports you can fly to in Sri Lanka. Colombo Airport (CMB), in the west of the country, gives you access to the capital city. Meanwhile, Trincomalee Airport (TRR), in the north of the country, is the perfect place to visit for relaxing beach holidays.
  • If you're flying to Sri Lanka and you want to visit more than one city, you will first have to fly to Colombo Airport (CMB), which is the main airport on the island. You should then be able to take internal flights to other parts of the country from there.
  • Even though the flight is relatively fast, some airlines will include food in the booking. Vistara flights from Mumbai to Colombo Airport provide a light meal, while SriLankan Airlines provides a meal from New Delhi to Colombo. On flights from New Delhi to Trincomalee Airport, you can get meals if you fly with AirAsia India and Air India.
  • The main religion in Sri Lanka is Buddhism, so beware of travelling to this country during the same time as a religious festival as it can get very busy. For example, during Duruthu Perhera, a grand temple procession, many families will be travelling to celebrate together so it’s likely flight prices will be more expensive.
  • Indian citizens can travel to Sri Lanka with ease, providing they have a valid passport and have completed the Sri Lanka Electronic Travel Authorisation before arrival. You will then get a visa on arrival which lasts for 30 days. 

Top 4 airlines flying to Sri Lanka

The flight was on time. I upgraded to Premium Economy and it was comfortable. The food was very good. Staff were courteous.

Flight was delayed but no announcements were made. Till the boarding it was still showing original schedule time at the monitor and also on your mobile app. It left the gate half hour later than scheduled.

It’s really very nice experience with very nice behaviour respected crews n all Vistara members thankyou so much Vistara to give us humble hospitality

My wife with 5 month son were traveling. No proper support was provided for luggage handling. Although it was requested in prior. My wife sole manage everything and was not as expected.

This was an old 320 without a screen or USB charging port even in the business class. The food could have been better.

a real good flying experince. Everything was excellent right from check-in to baggage collection at destination.

Food is tasting bad, and it is a fusion but not authentic.

Excellent experience and now my preferred airline. Even a fantastic meal with dessert in a 2 hour flight.

off late the crew and the air in the flight is becoming that of a budget airline not the earlier Vistara .

It wasn't clear from where to board flight international or domestic Airport

Was good, comparatively. A330, with good crew set.on time depature. And crew try there best, to make thing efficient.

Spesific ,Crew and cabin manager, look after all pax on board despite being in a old A320 equipment.Got free seat upgrade as well,but old style seats, no much comfert on it.But food and the spesific crew, was amazing.maintain airlanka standerd.the cabin manager, who was so much keen,keen operate as per SOP.

Was got free upgrade, on old A320.aircraft is out dated kind of.bt service ,cabin manager, tried there best.and food was excelent.

When flying from Indian Sector, should be more prepared with Indian food

KAYAK Real time status update is not accurate.the flight inbound rejected and go around.and came back and land. Delay abt 30 min.still shows ontime.track ur self if u wana real time.and cabin crew s are nicer. Aircraft is jst ok.old airplane.and in midflight ,seems have some compressor issue.airconditioning was nt work properly either.I could litarary see guests were cheking if AC is working.bt on landing it start to gv cool.which probably some one intentionaly kept .which was so bad.even breathing was bit difficult.otjer than that.for me all ok.

This leg of the trip was smoother than compared to the initial trip. Sri Lankan Airlines still have much work to do to improve the overall travel experience.

The staff was absolutely phenomenal but the other elements of Sri Lankan Airlines need some serious adjustments. The day started off with terrible news that the flight was cancelled from Male and that the plane went to Malta. As an American, when such delays occur, the airlines find suitable ways to accommodate their customers such as putting them in an Airport hotel or lounge while waiting for the next flight. A 1.5 hour trip turned into 12 hours with no accommodations from the Airlines except a ticket to eat breakfast. For such a Billion dollar industry, a cheap breakfast is an insult toward the customer and something greater should have been done.

Very good crew, very efficient. Unfortunately not all items listed in duty free catalog were available.

Many changes need to be addressed from airport check in to flight departure. If they observe other major airlines, then they can expect what Sri Lankan airlines need to update their procedures.

Very professional and well managed. On time, great staff and comfortable.

Worst checkin experience. Lot of delays. Checkin agents rude. Flight delayed. No regrets by the airline.

Level of service is definitely going down, cannot expect the same service as earlier

Crew was horrible. No greetings. Did not ask for any food. The crew seemed like they were forced on the flight against the wishes. Should be de-roastered.

Worst. Did not feel like it's an international flight.

Indigo attempts to make you pay for a seat during check in. I opted to not do this. The result - they allotted me and my minor son seats apart. In the interest of making maximum money, they seem to have lost common sense too. Similarly, even during the flight, the crew are busy trying to serve food to those who’ve already paid for it. By the time they’re done, it’s time to land and no one else is able to get anything. Sadly this seems to be what makes them profitable, customers just need to bear with it till a better airline comes along.

As usual invariably delayed Lots of time in getting chkd in baggage

Staff needs to be trained in managing customers better. Indigo appears to be a low cost airlines in all aspects.

Flight was delayed and also lots of mosquitoes on the flight

Two times the gate was changed and flight got delayed

INDIGO Never On Time & Always Prefer to Shuttle Passengers Like shuttle Corks

I will never ever book air india in the future. I was with my family and at delhi airport I had to go through too with horrible experience. My 12 years daughter saud that she will never come bqck to india the way people treated us. There was no line for bags drop off since we checked online and print tag at their Kiosk as per email instruction. People working at the counter were so careless and rude. They were keep talking to each other than taking care the customers. I will not recommend anyone to fly via air india. I had horrible experience. Especially, the staff at checking counters was very very rude and careless. I have feeling if air india won't change the way they doing their operations they will out of business in a few years. Air hostes were not happy . I did not see a smile on anyone in the plane. I called twice for the assistance and no one showed up. I hope you will sene this to the Hire authority. I left a video with an another employee of air india who asked me about my experiences. I hope they will make some changes ASAP. Regars, Mohinder Kumar

Food quality deteriorated after Tata aquired the airline. No alcoholic drinks till last meal on a long haul 15 hour flight. Entertaiment systems needs a complete overhaul.

Entertainment screens were either broken nor did not work. Also seat back did not work. Definitely not comfortable journey

Non reclining seats on a 14 hour flight. Crew skipped drinks for my row at least twice.

Everything was bad and entertainment did not work and no landing cards and overall done with Air India

Too bad. Got too much trouble with security screening at New Delhi

only 3 meals in a 17 hr long flight. first meal after take off then nothing for 8hrs for people boarding at 2pm at orgin. you expect people to go without any food for 8 waking hours? there should have been 4 meals during a 17hr long flight. food quantity was also less. when asked for food the flight attended said they are about to begin food service then didnt do it for 2hours after saying that. terrible experience

The planes are dated and need upgrades. Seats are not comfortable and entertainment equipment doesn’t work

Direct Connection is the biggest advantages. Aircrafts are now better but food and beverages could be better and served more often in a ultra long flight

Poor behavior by ground staff in Mumbai. Very harassing. Initially they did not let me board with my little violin. They do not have the correct information. No concept of hospitality. The food on the flight was not good.

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Sri Lanka to grant visa-free access to Indian travellers starting October 1, five must-visit spots

With visa-free access, indian travellers can now easily explore the beauty and diversity of sri lanka. whether you're interested in history, culture, nature, or adventure, this island nation has something to offer everyone..

Sri Lanka

Reports indicate that visa-free access will also be granted to travellers from countries such as Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, and others. This expansion follows the success of a pilot project launched in October 2023, which offered free visas to citizens from seven countries, including India and China. The favourable outcome of this pilot project likely influenced the government's decision to broaden the program. If you're planning a trip to Sri Lanka, here are five must-visit spots that showcase the best of what this beautiful country has to offer.

Sigiriya: The Lion's Rock

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Sigiriya is a towering rock fortress with breathtaking views. Climb to the top and marvel at the ancient frescoes and the remains of a palace. Don't forget to explore the surrounding gardens, which are home to a variety of exotic plants and animals.

Yala National Park: A Wildlife Haven

For wildlife enthusiasts, Yala National Park is a must-visit. This vast park is home to a diverse range of animals, including elephants, leopards, bears, and various bird species. Take a jeep safari and experience the thrill of spotting these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.

Galle: A UNESCO World Heritage City

Galle is a charming coastal town with a rich history. Explore the fortified Dutch colonial city, visit the Galle Fort Museum, or simply relax on the beautiful beaches. Don't miss the opportunity to watch a mesmerizing sunset over the Indian Ocean.

Nuwara Eliya: A Hill Station Retreat

Escape the heat and enjoy the cool, refreshing climate of Nuwara Eliya. This hill station is surrounded by lush tea plantations and offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains. Take a scenic train ride, visit a tea factory, or simply relax in the peaceful atmosphere.

Kandy: Cultural capital of Sri Lanka

Kandy is home to the Temple of the Tooth, a revered Buddhist site that enshrines a relic of the Buddha. Explore the city's vibrant markets, enjoy traditional dance performances, and experience the festive atmosphere of Kandy Perahera, a colourful annual festival.

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Sri Lanka Rolls Out Free 30-Day Tourist Visas for 35 Nations: Did Your Country Make the List?

Peden Doma Bhutia

Peden Doma Bhutia , Skift

August 26th, 2024 at 5:59 AM EDT

Thailand, Malaysia, China – and now Sri Lanka – are catching on: relaxing travel rules boosts tourism. With Sri Lanka eyeing a jump from 1.49 million visitors last year to 2.5 million this year, easing entry is their big play.

Peden Doma Bhutia

Sri Lanka is set to launch a six-month pilot program on October 1, offering free 30-day tourist visas on arrival to citizens from 35 countries, including the U.S., UK, Russia, India and China. The initiative, which temporarily waives the typical $50 visa fee, aligns with the island nation’s peak travel season, lasting from December to mid-April. This move is part of a broader strategy to revitalize tourism, a sector crucial to Sri Lanka’s economy.

Sri Lanka aims to welcome 2.5 million tourists and attract revenue worth $4 billion by the end of this year. Tourism arrivals peaked in 2018 in Sri Lanka, when 2.5 million tourists spent $4.4 billion in the country.

Last year in December the country finally announced its plans to roll out its global tourism marketing campaign urging tourists “You’ll Come Back For More,” marking the first such campaign since 2007.  

The free visa announcement comes amid ongoing concerns over a visa scam that has sparked significant controversy. In April, the Immigration Department, replaced the state-run telecommunications company Mobitel, which managed the Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) system, with a consortium of foreign companies. The companies included Singapore-registered GBS Technology Services, the UAE-registered IVS Global-FZCO, and the Dubai-headquartered VFS VF Worldwide Holdings.

Following a public outcry and multiple legal challenges, Sri Lanka’s highest court ordered a return to the local provider.

Tourism Resurgence

Tourism, a vital revenue stream for Sri Lanka, has seen a resurgence in 2024. Between January 1 and August 19, the country welcomed over 1.3 million tourists, with India, the UK and Russia being the top source markets.

travel to sri lanka from india

Earnings from tourism in the first half of 2024 soared to over $1.5 billion, a 78% increase year-on-year, highlighting the sector’s rapid recovery. This is particularly significant given the political and economic turmoil that had previously deterred visitors.

Europe continues to be a major influence, accounting for nearly half of all arrivals, while Asia and the Pacific regions have also emerged as key contributors. The increase in visitors from these regions underscores shifting dynamics in Sri Lanka’s tourism landscape.

In 2023, Sri Lanka saw a significant rebound in tourism, welcoming 1.49 million visitors – more than double the 2022 figures, according to the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority.

Industry Reaction

The travel industry welcomed the visa-free initiative. Sam Clark, CEO of Experience Travel Group, described it as a “game-changing blueprint” for the country’s tourism future. “It’s a huge opportunity for British ministers to negotiate a permanent visa-free arrangement,” Clark said.

From 2018, the British government had warned tourists from visiting the Asian country saying “food, medicine and medical services” may be limited by political unrest. This has had an impact on tourism to Sri Lanka, with bookings still well below 2018 figures.

Krishna Rathi, senior country director at Agoda, noted that easing travel restrictions typically leads to increased interest in a destination, as seen in other countries that have introduced similar measures.

“We saw an increase in Agoda’s search data when Thailand and Malaysia introduced visa waivers for Indian tourists, and the same effect occurred more recently when India removed tourist visa fees for Thai travellers. We’ll be sure to keep a close watch on how this impacts visitors to Sri Lanka,” Rathi said.

Sri Lanka Monthly Tourism Arrivals

Source: Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority

The Russia Angle

The visa-free program, while temporary, could serve as a catalyst for further growth, particularly from markets like Russia, where arrivals have been bolstered by direct flights.

However, the momentum has shown signs of slowing since May 2024, prompting calls for targeted measures to sustain and grow this important market. Industry experts suggest that reducing the financial burden on travelers could be key to attracting more Russian tourists. Proposed measures include exempting embarkation fees and landing and parking costs for flights, particularly at Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport, which has been effective in the past.

Additionally, allowing transactions in native currencies could further ease the travel process and enhance Sri Lanka’s appeal to Russian visitors.

The List of Countries

Travelers from the following countries will be approved for free 30-day tourist visas to Sri Lanka starting on October 1, 2024, until April 2025:

  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Korea
  • Netherlands
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Switzerland
  • New Zealand
  • Czech Republic

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Tags: asia monthly , india outbound , sri lanka , uk , visa , visas

Photo credit: Nuwara Eliya in Sri Lanka. Anton Lecock / Unsplash


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  1. Fly International To Sri Lanka

    Compare prices from 1,200 travel companies. See all your options and book today. Stop dreaming. Start booking. Plan your trip with Skyscanner.

  2. Cheap Flights to Sri Lanka

    Find Cheap Flights to Your Destination. Book with Free Cancellation! Save Even More on Your Flight. Find the Best Deals Available from 900+ Travel Sites.

  3. 23 things to know before traveling to Sri Lanka

    To help you out, here are some of the things you need to know before traveling to Sri Lanka. 1. Apply for a visa in advance. As a first step, check the latest visa requirements for Sri Lanka. Most nationalities need an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) in advance of travel, but fortunately, they're not hard to get. 2.

  4. All you need to know if you're traveling to Sri Lanka from India!

    Make sure you are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 and have proof of vaccination. b. Apply for the Sri Lanka Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) - more information here. c. Provide a negative PCR test result carried out within 72 hours before entering Sri Lanka. d.

  5. India to Srilanka

    Rome2Rio makes travelling from India to Srilanka easy. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from India to Srilanka right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can ...

  6. Traveling to Sri Lanka from India? Here's all you need to know!

    Indians require a visa to enter Sri Lanka, and you can either get one online beforehand or get a visa on arrival. For visa on arrival, make sure your passport is valid for at least 3 months before you fly. Alternatively, getting your visa/ ETA (Electronic Travel Allowance) before you travel is easy to do and allows for a stress-free trip.

  7. Sri Lanka travel guidelines

    Travel from India to Sri Lanka. Flights to Sri Lanka are available from almost all major cities in India. Airlines including Air India, Indigo, Spicejet, Vistara are all now operational. Visas to Sri Lanka. Travellers planning a trip wanting to visit Sri Lanka can apply for an online visa here.

  8. India to Sri Lanka

    There are 7 ways to get from India to Sri Lanka by plane, train, ferry, or bus. Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner. best.

  9. 12 Money-Saving Tips for How to Plan Sri Lanka Trip from India

    Below we share our top 12 tips to embark on a budget-friendly trip from India to Sri Lanka, Colombo. 1. Be an Early Bird. If you want to grab the best discounts on flight tickets from India to Sri Lanka, you will have to be an early bird. Most airline companies, including the best airlines in Asia, are always increasing their flight ticket ...

  10. Official Sri lanka ETA Visa

    The Sri Lanka ETA is issued electronically; it is not required to submit original travel document or other documents for processing. Applicant need to complete and submit our online application form and the Sri Lanka ETA can be processed within 24 hours. Most of the Sri Lanka ETA will be processed immediately as per Immigration approval.

  11. $96 CHEAP FLIGHTS from India to Sri Lanka

    Sri Lanka. Find flights to Sri Lanka from $96. Fly from India on FitsAir, IndiGo, Air India and more. Search for Sri Lanka flights on KAYAK now to find the best deal.

  12. Sri Lanka International Travel Information

    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.

  13. India Vs Sri Lanka: How to Choose the Right Destination For You

    Located just a hop, skip and a jump away from the well-travelled grounds of neighbouring India and wider southeast Asia, Sri Lanka is the up-and-coming destinations suited to all types of travellers. Sri Lanka has so much to offer the intrepid traveller - from ancient civilisations, incredible wildlife, tea plantations, a stunning coastline ...

  14. Cheap flights from India to Sri Lanka from $126

    The cheapest flight deals from India to Sri Lanka. Colombo.$126 per passenger.Departing Wed, Sep 4, returning Wed, Sep 11.Round-trip flight with FITS Aviation.Outbound direct flight with FITS Aviation departing from Chennai on Wed, Sep 4, arriving in Colombo Bandaranayake.Inbound direct flight with FITS Aviation departing from Colombo ...

  15. India to Sri Lanka Cruise 2024: Routes, Cost & Ship Info

    2. Chennai-At Sea-Trincomalee-Chennai. 3. Chennai-At Sea-Hambantota-Trincomalee-Chennai. 4. Chennai - At Sea - Trincomalee - Jaffna - Chennai. 5. Chennai-Hambantota-Trincomalee-Jaffna-Chennai. Travel on an India to Sri Lanka cruise to enjoy an unprecedented experience brimming with startling activities and entertainment options that await you.

  16. Cheap Flights to Sri Lanka from ₹ 4,869

    Colombo. Tue, 3 Sep MAA - CMB with FITS Aviation. Direct. from ₹ 4,899. Jaffna.₹ 5,475 per passenger.Departing Sun, 1 Sep.One-way flight with IndiGo.Outbound direct flight with IndiGo departs from Chennai on Sun, 1 Sep, arriving in Jaffna.Price includes taxes and charges.From ₹ 5,475, select. Jaffna.

  17. Tourist guide! Explore visa-free Sri Lanka which is just 75 minutes

    Lakhs of people from India also visit Sri Lanka every year. To make travel between the two countries easier, Indigo has started a direct second flight. Which will go directly from Chennai to Jaffna. Although it takes about 3 hours to reach Sri Lanka, this flight will reduce the journey by 75 minutes. With which passengers will be able to reach ...

  18. How To Go Sri Lanka From India

    Taking a direct flight from Delhi or Chennai to Colombo is the best way to travel cover the distance from India and Sri Lanka.The island is completely inaccessible by road and train so India to Sri Lanka by flight is a preferred option for travellers. Those wondering how to go to Sri Lanka from India by ship should know that Mumbai to Colombo cruise takes about 2 days and ferries are available ...

  19. Cheap Flights from India to Sri Lanka from $212

    Flex your dates to secure the best fares for your India to Sri Lanka ticket. If your travel dates are flexible, use Skyscanner's 'Whole month' tool to find the cheapest month, and even day to fly from India to Sri Lanka. Compare cheap India to Sri Lanka flight deals from over 1,000 providers. Then choose the cheapest or fastest plane tickets.

  20. An Ideal Guide To Plan Successful Trips To Sri Lanka From India

    The aerial distance between Sri Lanka and India is approximately 883 miles and it takes around 1.5 to 3.5 hours to reach here depending on the city you are traveling from. Direct flights like AirIndia and SriLankan operate between India and Sri Lanka while indirect flights like IndiGo, Spicejet, and AirArabia operate between India and Sri Lanka.

  21. Srilanka to India

    Indian Railways operates a train from Thakurganj to Delhi once daily. Tickets cost $7-210 and the journey takes 29h 58m. Alternatively, you can take a vehicle from Srilanka to Jama Masjid via Kakkarvitta, Kathmandu, Kathmandu, Delhi, and GTB Nagar in around 42h 10m. Airlines.

  22. 6,630 Cheap Flights to Sri Lanka

    An average direct flight from India to Sri Lanka takes 6h 50m, covering a distance of 2026 km. The most popular route is Mumbai - Colombo with an average flight time of 2h 25m. What is the cheapest flight to Sri Lanka? The cheapest ticket to Sri Lanka from India found in the last 72 hours was ₹ 6,516 one-way, and ₹ 12,085 round-trip.

  23. Sri Lanka to grant visa-free access to Indian ...

    According to recent news, starting October 1, 2024, Sri Lanka will extend visa-free entry to citizens from 35 countries, including India, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This six-month ...

  24. Cheap flights from India to Sri Lanka from ₹ 10,615

    India to Sri Lanka flight deals. Looking for a cheap flight ticket from India to Sri Lanka? Whether you're looking for a direct flight, return flight or one way ticket we've got you. Colombo.₹ 10,615 per passenger.Departing Sat, 28 Sep, returning Sat, 12 Oct.Return flight with FITS Aviation.Outbound direct flight with FITS Aviation departs ...

  25. Cheap flights from Sri Lanka to India from $142

    The cheapest flight deals from Sri Lanka to India. Chennai.$142 per passenger.Departing Thu, Sep 5, returning Tue, Sep 10.Round-trip flight with FITS Aviation.Outbound direct flight with FITS Aviation departing from Colombo Bandaranayake on Thu, Sep 5, arriving in Chennai.Inbound direct flight with FITS Aviation departing from Chennai on Tue ...

  26. Sri Lanka Rolls Out Free 30-Day Tourist Visas for 35 Nations

    Sri Lanka is set to launch a six-month pilot program on October 1, offering free 30-day tourist visas on arrival to citizens from 35 countries, including the U.S., UK, Russia, India and China.

  27. Cheap flights from India to Sri Lanka

    The cheapest flight deals from India to Sri Lanka. Colombo.₹ 4,892 per passenger.Departing Mon, 4 Nov.One-way flight with FITS Aviation.Outbound direct flight with FITS Aviation departs from Chennai on Mon, 4 Nov, arriving in Colombo Bandaranayake.Price includes taxes and charges.From ₹ 4,892, select. Chennai to Colombo.

  28. Sri Lanka approves free tourist visas for 35 countries to boost tourism

    Sri Lanka's cabinet approved issuing free tourist visas to visitors from 35 countries including China, India and Russia, a top official said on Thursday, in an effort to boost tourism and help ...

  29. IndiGo Commences Sri Lanka-Chennai Daily Flight Services; Check Key

    Domestic carrier IndiGo on Sunday started its daily flight services to Jaffna in Sri Lanka from Chennai. The new daily direct flights from Chennai to Jaffna cut down the travel time to the city from Chennai to 75 minutes, IndiGo said. IndiGo operates over 2,000 flights to 122 destinations including domestic and overseas.

  30. Sri Lanka to India

    There are 7 ways to get from Sri Lanka to India by plane, subway, bus, ferry, night train, or train. Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner. best.

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    Former India spinner Harbhajan Singh believes that Indian cricket team should not travel to Pakistan for the upcoming Champions Trophy 2025. Pakistan are scheduled to host the ICC tournament from February 19 to March 9 next year - their first ICC tournament since jointly hosting ICC World Cup 1996 with India and Sri Lanka.

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    As political tension between the neighbouring countries prevails, India did not travel to Pakistan for the 2023 Asia Cup, due to which the tournament had to be held in a hybrid model co-hosted by ...