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Astral Projection

Guide to astral travel and astral projection

Astral Body

The chakras, what is astral projection.

Astral projection, also called astral travel, is when someone has an out-of-body experience (OBE).The consciousness, spirit or soul, ‘leaves’ or exits the physical body and appears to float above it. This projection typically occurs during altered states of consciousness, such as during deep meditation, relaxation, or sleep.

There are two typical types of astral projection or astral travel. One is where the individual intentionally chooses to have this experience and retains some control. This is known as voluntary projection. The second type of astral projection is known as involuntary projection, where a person feels forcibly propelled out of their body, floating above it. This type of experience usually happens by accident as a result of trauma or anxiety.

OBEs are not new and people have been reporting this phenomena for centuries.

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn , believed astral projection was primarily for the purposes of visiting other worlds, heavens, hells and other dimensions. However, increasingly, the term has also been applied to non-physical travel around the physical world.

The astral body is believed to be a subtle, energy-based form that is distinct from the physical body. It is sometimes described as a duplicate or replica of the physical body but composed of a finer, more ethereal substance.

According to shamanism the astral body resembles the physical body but is made up of a subtle field of shining and flexible light that encases the body, visible only by a psychically sensitive person.

The astral body exits the physical body and comes to ‘life’ when it enters what is known as the ‘astral plane’. This plane is thought to be a realm of consciousness where individuals can have out-of-body experiences, lucid dreams, and other transcendent experiences. This can occur during periods of sleep when someone may experience ‘flying dreams’ and feel the sensation of actually flying. Astral travel can also occur when a person is under the influence of anesthetics or drugs, when someone is unconscious, or immediately after death.

When someone asks, what is it called when you leave your body when you sleep? The answer is astral projection.

9 Signs of Astral Projection

How do you know if you are astral projecting? Signs of an OBE can vary from person to person, but here are the top 9 signs:

  • Vibrations or energy sensations: Feeling intense vibrations or energy throughout your body before or during an OBE.
  • Feeling of floating or flying: Sensation of being detached from the physical body and floating or flying.
  • Seeing the physical body: Observing your physical body from an external perspective, such as looking down on yourself from a height.
  • Tunnel sensation: Feeling of moving through a tunnel or a dark space.
  • Meeting other beings: Encountering other entities, spirits, or beings during the experience.
  • Traveling to different locations: Experiencing a shift to different locations or realms, often beyond the constraints of physical space.
  • Recollection of details: Clear recall of specific details from the experience, distinct from regular dreams.
  • Lucid awareness: Maintaining a heightened state of awareness and control during the experience.
  • Silver cord: Seeing a silver cord connecting your astral body to your physical body. This cord ensures a safe return to the physical body after astral travel.

It’s important to note that experiences can be subjective, and not everyone may encounter all these signs during an out-of-body experience.

Additionally, some of these signs may also be associated with other phenomena, like lucid dreaming, near death experiences (NDEs) and sleep paralysis. Astral travel is also linked to bilocation (the supernatural ability to be in two places at once).

Note: astral projection is sometimes confused with etheric projection , in which the person leaves his body, but is clearly seen by whoever he visits.

How Common Are Out of Body Experiences?

OBEs are not uncommon; one study suggests that more than 5% of people have experienced an OBE. (Source: Out-of-body experience study , 2017).

Do You Actually Leave Your Body While Astral Projecting?

There’s some debate over whether the sensations and perceptions associated with OBEs happen physically or as a sort of hallucinatory experience. One recent astral projection study reviewed a variety of studies on people who survived cardiac arrest. It found that some of the people who reported a separation from their bodies were in fact able to report seeing events that they could not have actually seen if this ‘separation’ had not, in fact, taken place.

However, right now there is little scientific evidence to prove that our consciousness can travel outside of the body so, much of what we know, is as a result of personal experiences. Astral projection often happens spontaneously, but most documented instances of astral travel arise from people who have trained themselves to astral project voluntarily.

What Happens During Astral Projection?

Unless you have trained at inducing OBEs, the experience can happen without warning and does not usually last long.

During voluntary astral projection, the physical body enters a state of relaxation, allowing the ethereal body to detach itself while maintaining a connection through an infinitely long elastic silver cord. This silver cord serves as the tether that leads one back to the physical body in the event of an emergency.

The concept of the astral double is deeply rooted in antiquity, with ancient Indian writings describing the eight siddhis , or supernatural powers, attainable through the yoga practice of Pranayama. The sixth siddhi is identified as an astral projection, often depicted as “flying in the sky.” In Hebrew tradition, the astral body is known as the ruach , while the ancient Egyptians referred to it as the ka , and the Greeks as the eidolon . At the moment of death, it is the etheric double or astral body that separates from the physical body, ultimately severing the silver cord.

There is debate on the emergence point of the astral body from the physical. Some argue it leaves through the chakras , specifically the solar plexus, while others assert it leaves through the third eye or the crown chakra.

Chart of the 7 Chakras | KarinasTarot.com

How To Astral Travel

What is the best way to induce a voluntary OBE?

Like any skill, astral travel takes time and practice but those experienced in it tell fascinating stories of their experiences. Some travel to secret realms where they meet spirit guides and spend hours researching ancient texts in the Akashic Records . When they wake up, their clocks show that only a few minutes have passed.

As you begin to astral project, you might feel a gentle vibration or shaking in your body as your astral self separates from your physical body. You might even catch a glimpse of your sleeping form. With the power of your thoughts, your ethereal double can swiftly travel to any destination you choose. Whether you wish to be on the other side of the world or back home in an instant, skilled practitioners can cover vast distances effortlessly and in the blink of an eye.

While there is not a universally agreed-upon method, here are some general techniques that people explore to induce astral travel:

  • Find a quiet and comfortable space.
  • Lie down or sit in a relaxed position.
  • Focus on deep breathing to calm your mind and body.
  • Gradually release tension in each part of your body.
  • Practice regular meditation to enhance your focus and mindfulness.
  • These are symbols and pictures which help trigger astral travel. Tarot cards can be used as astral doorways but the definitive doorways, used by psychics for hundreds of years, are Tattwas. The five primary tattwa symbols are simple coloured shapes — a yellow square (earth), blue circle (air), red triangle (fire), silver crescent (moon) and black oblong (ether) – and each one can be used as a focal point to trigger astral projection and give access to a specific part of the astral plane.
  • Develop heightened awareness of your surroundings and sensations.
  • Pay attention to the subtle energy within and around you.
  • Some practitioners enter astral projection from a state of sleep paralysis.
  • Allow yourself to enter sleep paralysis and consciously initiate the astral travel experience.
  • Repeat positive affirmations related to astral projection.
  • Affirm your intention to have a controlled and positive experience.
  • Listen to audio tracks that use binaural beats or isochronic tones designed to induce altered states of consciousness.
  • To enhance the ability to recall and eventually direct astral journeys, the initial steps involve remembering regular dreams. It’s advisable to document these experiences in as much detail as possible in a dream journal. Following this, the next phase involves deciding, before bedtime, the specific dream you desire to experience—precisely where you want your etheric double to journey on the astral plane. Clearly articulate to yourself the destination and the individuals or scenes you wish to encounter. Subsequently, in the morning, meticulously document the dream details and examine if there’s any correlation with your predetermined desires. Through a brief training period, you’ll likely discover the ability to navigate the astral plane as you wish.

It’s important to note that experiences with astral travel are highly subjective and may not be the same for everyone.

What Can Trigger an Out-of-Body Experience?

Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) can be intentionally or unintentionally triggered by:

  • Sleep paralysis: A state where the body is temporarily paralyzed during the transition between sleep and wakefulness. OBEs may occur during or after sleep paralysis.
  • Hypnagogic or hypnopompic states: Transition periods when falling asleep or waking up, where altered consciousness may lead to OBE-like experiences.
  • Deep meditation or relaxation practices can alter the state of consciousness and contribute to OBEs. Some meditation techniques specifically focus on detaching from the physical body.
  • Individuals who have had near-death experiences may report OBEs as part of their overall NDE. The stress or trauma associated with a life-threatening event may trigger these experiences.
  • inner ear problems ( Floating sensation , Scientific America)
  • heart attack
  • brain injuries
  • sleep paralysis
  • Some psychoactive substances, such as certain cannabis, ketamine and LSD, can induce altered states of consciousness, including OBEs.
  • Frightening experiences, where there is severe physical or emotional pain, or being in life-threatening situations, such as accidents or surgery can sometimes lead to OBEs. OBEs during childbirth are not uncommon. ( Women’s Out-of-Body Experiences During Childbirth , 2017.) Typically, three forms of OBEs are described in this instance: floating above the scene, remaining close to the scene, or full separation of a body part from the main body.
  • Practices associated with various spiritual or esoteric traditions, such as astral projection, aura reading, lucid dreaming, or shamanic journeying, may involve intentional induction of OBEs.
  • Some researchers have explored the use of electromagnetic stimulation, such as through devices like the God Helmet, to induce altered states of consciousness, including OBE-like experiences.
  • People vary in their susceptibility to OBEs. Factors like personal beliefs, psychological makeup, and openness to the experience may influence the likelihood of having an OBE.

It’s essential to approach the topic of OBEs with a balanced perspective. While many individuals report such experiences, scientific understanding is limited, and interpretations often depend on personal beliefs and cultural contexts.

What Is The Difference Between Astral Travel and Remote Viewing?

Remote viewing is a type of  clairvoyance . It is the  psychic  ability to see objects or locations at a distant, beyond the range of the physical eye. A remote viewer does not travel beyond the physical world or leave the physical body. As soon as they do, it becomes an astral projection.

Typically, remote viewing is performed in a light meditative state, where the sitter is conscious enough to take notes and report on what they see. Someone who astral travels will be in a deeper trance or sleep state.

See also: Telepathy

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Karina, author of Tarot in 5 Minutes.

Guide to astral travel and astral projection

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A Beginner's Guide To Literal Out-Of-Body Experiences

Get ready to explore beyond the physical realm.

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If you're interested in meditation, lucid dreaming, or other holistic healing modalities, then the practice of astral projection has probably come up on your radar. Astral projection is an ancient esoteric practice that's native to many cultures around the globe, but it's also commonly used today as a self-help tool and a way to deepen your spiritual practice. Learning how to use astral projection and transcend your physical body sounds complicated — and it can be! But just like anything else, it's something almost anyone can do with patience and practice, and it can be a rewarding spiritual skill once mastered.

So exactly what is astral projection , anyway? To sum it up, it's an intentional out-of-body experience that involves going into a dreamlike but still-conscious state (which can be achieved by using practices like meditation and self-hypnosis) and "traveling" to other realms in space and time using the power of your mind. It's sort of like being in a dream , except you're fully lucid, conscious, and in control of your own decisions.

This concept is based on the notion that humans have "astral bodies" in addition to our physical bodies (which are sometimes referred to as our etheric, energetic, or subtle bodies), and that there is also an "astral realm" that spans far beyond the physical confines of the material realm that we live in. You may already be familiar with your energetic astral body or the astral plane if you practice crystal healing , reiki, or certain types of meditation. When someone astral projects, they connect with their astral body in order to transcend their physical body, and are able to mentally explore throughout space, time, and dimension.

"Astral traveling is a great way to explore [new realms], though it’s not necessarily the easiest task to learn and takes a great deal of practice," ascension guide and channeler Laura Brown tells Bustle. "However, it’s well worth it, because nothing is more freeing than realizing your physical self does not bind you." Ready to leave your physical body behind for a bit and explore some new and exciting dream worlds? Read on.

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Getting Started

There's no one-size-fits-all instruction manual when it comes to learning astral projection, as everyone will have a unique experience — but there are some basics that one can follow to start tapping into their astral body and accessing the astral plane . Before you grab your etheric passport and begin your astral travels, there are some practices that are helpful to master first, to help get you in touch with these more etheric parts of your consciousness.

"Beginners may want to start with some meditation," Brown says. If you don't already have a personal meditation practice, start by incorporating a few minutes of mental quiet into your routine each day. If it's hard to calm your mind and find your zen on your own, you can try meditating with crystals , looking up free guided meditation videos , or downloading a meditation app that can help get you into the zone.

From there, some people might want to start practicing self-hypnosis , during which you can go even deeper into a trance-like state. "Through self-hypnosis, we can go to the astral plane where we can connect with others," astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Bustle. This is similar to meditation, except that you go further into your astral body and begin focus on a specific intention and goal, such as astral travel.

Lastly, practicing lucid dreaming can be another helpful tool to start you on the path to astral projection, as it helps you get in touch with another state of consciousness in a more intentional and controlled way — especially if you're already into spiritual dream work .

Connecting To The Astral Plane & Your Astral Self

Now that you're able to get yourself into a deep, meditative trance , you can take steps to get in touch with your astral body. "[During meditation,] try to see your traveling self (a more transparent version of yourself) lifting up and out of the physical," Brown says. "Once you’ve mastered that, work on turning around and seeing your physical body." This may not happen overnight, but keep practicing. If it doesn't come naturally, try visualizing your etheric body and aligning with it consciously, and don't get discouraged if it takes many meditation sessions to truly feel connected.

Once you feel secure in your astral body, you can begin to access the astral plane , or the limitless mental space unbound by the material world. "We can connect and align to the astral plane through our dreams, meditation, controlled breathing, visualization, and by letting go of our consciousness," Stardust says. "When we attain a trance-like energy through heightened meditation or lucid dreaming (usually by thinking on a situation or person), we can travel outside our bodies, through space and time, to a place where we can unite with others and see situations from a different lens." At this point, by combining intention and astral-body awareness to your meditative trance, you can begin to move through astral space and connect with new energies, ideas, places, and spaces in time.

Start Astral Traveling

If you've reached this state in your practice, it may be time to begin your travels. "After [connecting with your astral body], consciously intend to send yourself to a specific destination," Brown says. It's best to enter the astral space with an intentional destination or goal in mind, so that you're not just aimlessly wandering. Your intention could be to connect with a spirit guide, visit a place in the past or future, or find spiritual answers to questions you're seeking in the physical plane. Remember to always be cautious when astral projecting and use energetic cleansing techniques afterward to ensure you didn't pick up any weird, unwanted vibes.

Once you get the hang of astral traveling and feel confident in your ability to access your astral body and move through the astral plane , you'll be able to access this state more easily. "Practice makes perfect!" Brown says. "At this point, as an avid astral traveler, I do a simple meditation that allows me to send my consciousness out to these spaces instantly." While beginners to the practice may not always reach their destinations or enter the astral realm as easily, the more often you practice, the stronger your skills will be. Happy (astral) travelin'!

This article was originally published on Oct. 14, 2020

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How to Perform Astral Projection

Last Updated: July 22, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Tracey McKee . Tracey McKee is an Astrologer & Intuitive Healer and the Founder of Mindful Soul Wellness, based in Waleska, Georgia. Tracey offers astrology readings, energy healing sessions, past life regression therapy sessions, and soul coaching sessions to empower people to live a more mindful, balanced, and engaged life. She has certifications as a Reiki Master, Soul Coach, Vibrational Sound Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, and Hypnotist. Tracey has a B.A. in Religious Studies and an M.A. in Elementary Education. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 5,094,806 times.

Astral projection refers to an out-of-body experience (OBE) during which the astral body leaves the physical body and travels to the astral plane. People often experience this state during illness or when involved in a near-death experience, but it is also possible to practice astral projection at will. This article contains instructions on how to get started.

Step 2 Start in the morning.

  • It's easier to perform astral projection alone than it is with someone else in the room. If you usually sleep with a partner, choose a room other than the bedroom to practice astral projection. A good time to do it is when no one else is in and make sure no one is going to walk into the room when you're in astral flight.
  • Draw the shades or curtains and rid the room of distracting noises. Any type of interruption could disrupt the state of relaxation you need to achieve.

Step 4 Lie down and relax.

  • Flex your muscles and then loosen them. Start with your toes and work your way up your body, gradually making your way to your head. Make sure every muscle is completely relaxed when you are through.
  • Breathe deeply and exhale completely. Don't hold tension in your chest and shoulders, just relax.
  • Focus your mind on your breathing. Don't get carried away with thoughts of outside worries, and don't get preoccupied yet with the idea of your soul projecting from your body. Just let yourself sink into relaxation.
  • It can be helpful to use a quartz crystal to raise and speed up your vibrations as preparation. Gently hold the crystal on your third eye slightly above the center of your eyebrows with closed eyes and breathe deeply. Feel the vibrations and your head clearing; you can envision golden, white, purple, or any colour light if you like. During the meditation and astral travelling, you can hold the crystal in your hand or place it on your chest or abdomen. The crystal will empower and protect you because of its high vibrations; negative energies have lower vibrations. [3] X Research source

Moving the Soul From the Body

Step 1 Reach a hypnotic state.

  • Broaden your focus on the rest of your body. Move your legs, your arms, and your head using only your mind. Keep your focus steady until you're able to move your whole body in your mind alone. [6] X Research source

Step 2 Enter into a state of vibration.

  • Your OBE is successful if you feel as though you are gazing upon your body from across the room, and that your conscious self is now separate from your body.
  • It takes a lot of practice to get to this point for some people, though for others it comes as naturally as breathing. Either way, it is possible for everyone if it is desired and practiced enough! If you have trouble completely lifting your soul from your body, try lifting just a hand or a leg at first. Keep practicing until you're able to move across the room. [8] X Research source

Step 4 Return to your body.

Exploring the Astral Plane

Step 1 Confirm that you are projecting your soul from your body.

  • Next time you practice the astral projection, don't turn around to look at your body. Instead, leave the room and walk into another room in the house.

Step 1 Confirm that you are projecting your soul from your body.

  • Return to your body. Physically go into the room you previously projected yourself into. Walk to the article you examined during the astral travel. Can you confirm the details you noted when you explored the object with your mind?

Step 2 Explore further.

  • There is so much to get into, but know that no harm will come to you unless you think it will. The thrill of having an OBE keeps some people out of their bodies for long periods, which is said to weaken the silver cord but the silver cord cannot be weakened. It is pure energy and energy can't be eliminated or removed, only moved from one place to another, or one form or another so don't worry about astral travelling; it is natural, powerful, and healing.
  • The silver cord can never be broken, but it is said that your soul can be delayed from re-entering your body if you spend too much energy outside of it. Yet your soul and body are so intrinsically entwined that the soul will naturally come back when it's right to.
  • Some say that demons can inhabit the body while the soul is being projected. If you fear this may happen, protect your body by blessing the room with a prayer before you perform the projection. It is only hearsay anyway and seeing as you'll have already asked for light protection nothing bad will occur.
  • Your soul can also interact with other astral projections. Try it with a friend who has practiced as much as you have. Some say astral sex is mind-blowing. However, remember to always return to your body.
  • It is possible to heal others during astral travel; this is a form of distance healing that is very powerful. Envision the sick person, perhaps lying in their bed. It doesn't matter if they're not physically in their bed while you're doing it because time and distance become void when you're in the astral plane. Always ask for protection, healing power, and guidance from whomever you pray to and envision light; you can ask during astral projection as and when you wish. See light in your hands as white and strong as you can, and if you feel ready put one hand on their forehead and another on their abdomen and pour the light into them. Your intentions must be pure and you should be feeling nothing but love for them. Sometimes people will report back to you that something amazing has happened to them, even though you didn't tell them you were the source of it! Enjoy your astral journeys!

Expert Q&A

Tracey McKee

  • Interactions while in the Astral Plane are unlimited. Thanks Helpful 29 Not Helpful 8
  • Visualize a white or yellowish light surrounding you while you Astral Project to protect yourself from bad entities who may suck your energy if you let them. Also, you can try to raise your vibrations. Thanks Helpful 41 Not Helpful 18
  • Astral Projection can turn into whatever you want it to be. It can also make your growth in anything spiritual raise quickly which is why you should not give up. It's pretty easy for what it can help you do in the future. Thanks Helpful 27 Not Helpful 12

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  • Beliefs play the largest part in Astral Projection. If you believe that you are going to be possessed, you may feel like you are possessed. If you feel in any sort of physical danger do not attempt to astral project. If you feel like your "silver cord" is "weak" and that you can't return, you will feel stuck. Feelings and thoughts are instantly manifested in the Astral Plane, anything you think/fear can seem to happen. Keep your thoughts positive. Don't try Astral Project after watching a scary movie. Thanks Helpful 43 Not Helpful 23
  • Astral projections are banned in some religions, like Catholicism, so find what your church teaches before you try. Thanks Helpful 47 Not Helpful 30

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Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about astrology, check out our in-depth interview with Tracey McKee .

  • ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxJEnwvbl8w
  • ↑ https://www.reaprendentia.org/en/how-to-astral-project-for-beginners-in-3-easy-steps/
  • http://www.finerminds.com/metaphysical/rope-technique-astral-projection/

About This Article

Tracey McKee

To perform astral projection, start by lying down in a dark, quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Once you're comfortable, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Lie like this until you're just about to fall asleep but you're still awake. When you start to feel vibrations in your body, imagine yourself standing up and stepping out of your body. If you're able to look around and see yourself lying down, you've astral projected! To learn how to explore the astral plane after you astral project, read the article! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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  1. XL Astra Travel

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    Astra Travel Head Office. 3,667 likes · 1 talking about this. XL Astra Travel is committed to giving you the best travel deals to suit your pocket. Contact us today for any travel assistance.

  3. About

    Let us show youthe world. Our team of travel insiders is obsessed with finding the best things to do everywhere: we travel. From Paris to Phuket to Perth, from traditional tours to once-in-a-lifetime experiences, we have something for every kind of. traveler. And we are proud to say that after 17 experience-packed years, we are the world leader.

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    XL Astra Travel. Primary Menu. Home; About; Packages; Club Med; Cruises; Car Rental. Make a Reservation; Cancel/Modify; Contact; Packages. Homepage. Packages. Search for: Hit Enter to search or Esc key to close. Destinations. South Africa (217) Indian Ocean Islands (200) South America (0) North America (7) Mediterranean (30) Europe (46)

  5. XL Astra Travel

    XL Astra Travel - Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom. 918 likes · 259 were here. Travelling around the world has never been cheaper!

  6. XL Travel

    Beyond The Ordinary. XL Travel ensures that the Group's procurement benefits, integrated with the entrepreneurial flair of its owner managed operations, provides both the corporate and leisure clients with the very best in service delivery and price as well as providing and supporting intelligent travel solutions. Find an XL Travel Office.

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    Address: 3 Arboretum Ave, Bloemfontein, 9301, South Africa. Phone: 051 447 6352. Back to map

  8. Contact

    Unit 2 35 Blackburrow Road Hayfields, 3201. +27 33 346 1157. Port Elizabeth. 26 Montmedy Road Lorraine Port Elizabeth 6070. +27 41 398 2000. Johannesburg. 93 Protea road, Chislehurston, Sandton, 2196. +27 86 002 2184.

  9. Astral projection

    Astral projection (also known as astral travel, soul journey, soul wandering, spiritual journey, spiritual travel) is a term used in esotericism to describe an intentional out-of-body experience (OBE) [1] that assumes the existence of a subtle body, known as the astral body or body of light, through which consciousness can function separately from the physical body and travel throughout the ...

  10. XL Astra Travel

    XL Astra Travel - Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom. 919 likes · 1 talking about this · 259 were here. Travelling around the world has never been cheaper! XL Astra Travel - Potchefstroom | Potchefstroom

  11. Astral Projection: Understanding Out-of-Body Experiences

    Definition. Astral projection, also called astral travel, is when someone has an out-of-body experience (OBE).The consciousness, spirit or soul, 'leaves' or exits the physical body and appears to float above it. This projection typically occurs during altered states of consciousness, such as during deep meditation, relaxation, or sleep.

  12. Trans-Siberian Railway Prices Calculation

    When comparing these prices with other travel packages, you get the impression that it is hardly worthwhile travelling individually on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Please keep in mind that most packages last no more than 14 days and you are herded like cattle through the most beautiful locations.

  13. A Beginner's Guide To Literal Out-Of-Body Experiences

    Once you feel secure in your astral body, you can begin to access the astral plane, or the limitless mental space unbound by the material world. "We can connect and align to the astral plane ...

  14. Astra Travel Head Office

    Astra Travel Head Office, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape. 5 likes. Travel agency

  15. How to Perform Astral Projection: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

    Close your eyes and try to clear your mind of distracting thoughts. [2] Concentrate on your body and how it feels. The goal is to achieve a state of complete mind and body relaxation. Flex your muscles and then loosen them. Start with your toes and work your way up your body, gradually making your way to your head.

  16. Astral Travelling Guide: How to Practice It

    Have an open mind. Any negative thoughts will prevent you from having this experience. After you get up at 4 a.m., get out of bed, and wash your face with water. After a few minutes, go back to bed and lie down. You will probably feel sleepy and will want to go back to sleep. Close your eyes and clear your mind.

  17. Day trip to Suzdal from Moscow: transport, sights, maps and tips

    Going to Suzdal via Vladimir is the best option as you will avoid traffic jams and can even travel in comfort is you choose to go via a high-speed train. Suzdal's bus station is located on the outskirts of the city, 1.5km from the centre. The closest airport to Suzdal is that of Ivanovo, which is 79km from the city and also a Golden Ring city ...

  18. Find an XL Travel Office

    Back to map XL Astra Travel - Potchefstroom. Address: Cachetpark, Shop 8, 75 Steve Biko street, Bult, Potchfstroom 2531. Phone: 018 297 6594. ... Find an XL Travel Office; Our Associate Members; Corporate Travel; Leisure Travel; About Us; Contact Us; XL Travel Ticketing; Global Covid-19 Restrictions Map Intranet / Members Log In; X Right Click.

  19. XL Spa, Moscow

    The large, modern XL Spa on 5 floors features a jacuzzi, Finnish sauna, Turkish bath, gym, chill-out area and bar, along with a darkened maze, private cabins. XL runs special events during the week, including party nights with drag queen shows, go-go dancers and live DJ's. Entrance fee R600 - only cash accepted. XL Spa & Sauna, Moscow - large ...

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  21. Astra Cargo

    Astra Cargo Home. Phone +7 495 474-06-77 Share. Directory of Freight Forwarders, Cargo Agents, Shipping Companies, Air, Ocean, Land, Logistics and Transportation Brokers ...