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Re­vi­val , das


das Wiederaufleben, Erneuerung (z. B. eines lange nicht gespielten Theaterstücks o. Ä.)

Synonyme zu Revival

  • Comeback , Wiedergeburt

englisch revival, zu: to revive = wieder beleben < (mittel)französisch revivre < lateinisch revivere = wieder leben

das Revival; Genitiv: des Revivals, Plural: die Revivals

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English-German translation for "revival"

"revival" german translation, „revival“ : noun, overview of all translations.

  • Wiederbelebung feminine | Femininum f revival revival
  • revival of architecture , Gothic revival Neugotik revival of architecture , Gothic revival
  • revival of business Geschäftsbelebung revival of business
  • revival of an old custom Wiederbelebung eines alten Brauchs revival of an old custom
  • Wiederaufgreifen neuter | Neutrum n , -aufnahme feminine | Femininum f revival of play, word et cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc revival of play, word et cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
  • revival of a play theatre, theater | Theater THEAT Wiederaufnahme eines (lange nicht mehr gespielten) Stückes revival of a play theatre, theater | Theater THEAT
  • revival of an obsolete word Wiederaufgreifen eines veralteten Wortes revival of an obsolete word
  • Wiedererweckung feminine | Femininum f , -geburt feminine | Femininum f revival restoration of vigour Wiederaufleben neuter | Neutrum n , -aufblühen neuter | Neutrum n revival restoration of vigour Erneuerung feminine | Femininum f revival restoration of vigour revival restoration of vigour
  • also | auch a. revival of religion religion | Religion REL especially | besonders besonders USA (religiöse) Erweckung , Revival neuter | Neutrum n also | auch a. revival of religion religion | Religion REL especially | besonders besonders USA
  • also | auch a. revival of religion religion | Religion REL especially | besonders besonders USA , especially | besonders besonders USA: , meeting Erweckungsversammlung feminine | Femininum f also | auch a. revival of religion religion | Religion REL especially | besonders besonders USA , especially | besonders besonders USA: , meeting
  • to hold a revival eine Erweckungsversammlung abhalten to hold a revival
  • Wiederinkrafttreten neuter | Neutrum n revival legal term, law | Rechtswesen JUR coming back into force revival legal term, law | Rechtswesen JUR coming back into force

Example sentences from external sources for "revival" (not checked by the Langenscheidt editorial team)

  • Source: OPUS
  • Original text source: Europäisches Parlament
  • Original database: Europarl Parallel Corups
  • Original database: News Commentary

Synonyms for "revival"

  • revitalization , revivification , resurgence

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Bedeutung von revival auf Englisch

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  • St Peter's Church is a striking example of mission revival architecture .
  • A 1970s fashion revival is sweeping Europe .
  • Cinema in Britain is undergoing a revival of popularity .
  • The new managing director brought about a revival in the company's fortunes .
  • The May Day festival originally celebrated the revival of life in early spring after winter .
  • bounce back
  • lick your wounds idiom
  • modernization
  • move with the times idiom
  • recrudescence
  • regeneration
  • regenerative
  • rejuvenation
  • resurrection

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in an energetic and continuous way

Trial, judge, and jury: talking about what happens when a criminal is caught

Trial, judge, and jury: talking about what happens when a criminal is caught

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▾ dictionary (english), revival noun —, aufleben nt, national revival n —, religious revival n —, cultural revival n —, revival movement n —, revival band n —, significant revival n —, great revival n —, clear revival n —, business revival n —, autumn revival be n —, noticeable revival n —, revival of demand n —, revival of business n —, spiritual revival n —, strong revival n —, robust revival n —, marked revival n —, economic revival n —, ▸ dictionary (english), revival noun, neuter —, revival-band f —, ▸ wikipedia, ▸ external sources (german), ▾ external sources (english).

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Zwei Gitarristen und der Kontrabassist auf der Bühne

The Revival Tour - Revival Road

Rockpalast . 17.04.2017 . 05:35 Min. . Verfügbar bis 30.12.2099 . WDR .

Klicke Dich hier durch die Sendung

  • The Revival Tour - Köln, Live Music Hall 2011 | video
  • The Revival Tour - Intro | video
  • The Revival Tour - Nomad By Fate | video
  • The Revival Tour - Me And Denver | video
  • The Revival Tour - Great Expectations | video
  • The Revival Tour - Prague (Revive Me) | video
  • The Revival Tour - Time Will Tell | video
  • The Revival Tour - Pretty Good Year | video
  • The Revival Tour - Pray For Tuscon | video
  • The Revival Tour - Resolutions | video
  • The Revival Tour - Jane | video
  • The Revival Tour - Trusty Chords | video
  • The Revival Tour - C'Mon Kid | video
  • The Revival Tour - It's What You Will | video
  • The Revival Tour - Let It Rain | video
  • The Revival Tour - Cut Em Down | video
  • The Revival Tour - Nothing Left To Prove | video
  • The Revival Tour - You Get What You Give | video
  • The Revival Tour - Irish Washer Woman | video
  • The Revival Tour - For Broken Ears | video
  • The Revival Tour - Between The Lines | video
  • The Revival Tour - Meet You In The Middle | video
  • The Revival Tour - The Boat | video
  • The Revival Tour - Interview: Chuck Ragan | video
  • The Revival Tour - Every Thug Needs A Lady | video
  • The Revival Tour - Annother Innocent | video
  • The Revival Tour - Hollow Sounds | video
  • The Revival Tour - It's Gonna Rain | video
  • The Revival Tour - Hurricane Season | video
  • The Revival Tour - This Light | video
  • The Revival Tour - The First Eviction Notice (Lawrence Arms) | video
  • The Revival Tour - Emma | video
  • The Revival Tour - Crawl | video
  • The Revival Tour - From This Oil Can | video
  • The Revival Tour - Lady Killer | video
  • The Revival Tour - The Diamond Church Street Choir | video
  • The Revival Tour - Old White Lincoln | video
  • The Revival Tour - Boxer | video
  • The Revival Tour - Here's Looking At You | video
  • The Revival Tour - Blue Jeans White T-Shirts | video
  • The Revival Tour - American Slang | video
  • The Revival Tour - On The Bow | video
  • The Revival Tour - The Bridge | video
  • The Revival Tour - I Was A Prayer | video
  • The Revival Tour - California Burritos | video
  • The Revival Tour - 59 Sounds | video
  • The Revival Tour - Revival Road | video
  • The Revival Tour (Unplugged) | video
  • The Revival Tour (Interview) | video
  • Jill Ragan (Interview) | video

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Jan Delay & Disko No. 1

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Orthodox Churches

St. Petersburg's greatest religious buildings are, of course, its Russian Orthodox Cathedrals and Churches. Although stone churches were built in St. Petersburg for little more than 150 years, the range of architectural styles is breathtaking, from the elegant charms of early baroque to the staggering ornamentation of the Russian revival. This directory covers all the historical Orthodox churches in the city limits, with superb photographs and comprehensive visitor information for all these varied and fascinating buildings.

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3-Day Tour in St Petersburg

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Ultimate 3-day private tour around Saint Petersburg with all the best the Northern Capital of Russia can offer.

Combine must-see and off the beaten path: river cruise, world-known cathedrals, royal palaces, the fortress, picturesque bridges and sculptures, historical downtown, finest landscapes, cozy nooks, local cafes and much-much more!

Highlights of Saint Petersburg:

  • See all the main sights of Saint Petersburg in one day, such as St Isaac’s Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral, Winter Palace, Faberge Museum and more!
  • Enjoy a flexible itinerary and customize your own authentic experience;
  • Learn all the secrets of St Petersburg;
  • Climb down the 2 nd  deepest station in the world;
  • Hear intriguing life stories about Russian Tsars and Emperors (and Empresses): Peter I, Catherine the Great and Alexander II;
  • Take pictures of plenty of bridges, like legendary Trinity and Palace bridges, Kazan and Italian bridges, and – just for fun – Red, Blue and Green bridges;
  • Combine must-see and off the beaten path of St Petersburg;
  • Go to best parks and cafes to meet locals and get a local insight;
  • Try Russian authentic cuisine;
  • Have Peter I’s favorite drink – coffee – in the best coffee bar of St Petersburg;
  • Make friends with your local guide on this exciting 3-day tour of St Petersburg.

Tour Itinerary:

Hotel pickup  (any time you wish)

Nevsky Prospect

Eliseev Emporium

Kazan Cathedral

Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood

Beloselsky Beloozersky Palace and Anichkov Palace

Russian National Library

Monument to Catherine the Great

Coffee experience  (optional)

Michael Garden & Michael Palace

Summer Garden

Field of Mars

Palace Embankment, Admiralty Embankment, Griboedova Channel, Moika Embankment and Lebyazhya Kanavka Embankment ,  Fontanka Embankment

Trinity and Palace bridges;

Bronze Horseman

Palace Square

The Hermitage

Marble Palace

Winter Palace

The buildings of Imperial Army General Staff and Royal Guards’ General Staff

Alexander column

The Narva Triumphal Arch

The Admiralty Garden

St Isaac’s cathedral

Red, Green, Blue bridges

Drop off  at your hotel or any place you wish.

Highlights of Peterhof:

  • Feel the breeze and on a round Neva cruise on a high-speed hydrofoil;
  • Have a chance to take memorable stunning shots of Saint Petersburg from a hydrofoil boat;
  • Explore the former residence of the Russian Emperors;
  • Experience the beauty of Russian Versaille: artistic architectural styles, sparkling fountains, finest landscape and more!
  • Learn about the life of Russian royalty back in the 19th century;
  • Admire the fantastic Ensemble Of Grand Cascade;
  • Have some fun in Joke fountains where you can get totally soaked (only in summer);
  • Enjoy a peaceful scenic walk around gold sculptures, serene ponds, fascinating monuments and original palaces;
  • Have Russian traditional pancakes on the shore of the Gulf of Finland.

Cruise along the Nera river

Peterhof Park and Gardens

Peterhof Fountains

The Grand Palace

The Grottoes of the Grand Cascade

Tsaritsyn Pavilion

The Special Treasury

Monplaisir Palace

Marly Palace

The Aviaries

The Catherine Block

The Bath Block

Cottage Palace and Alexandria Park

The Imperial Yachts Museum

Peterhof Hermitage

Ride back  to Saint Petersburg

Highlights of Peter and Paul Cathedral + Strelka island:

  • Discover the gems of Peter and Paul Fortress, the birthplace of the city;
  • Explore the oldest and the most striking building of St Petersburg;
  • Take a sneak peek into a prison museum and torture chamber – Trubetskoy Bastion;
  • Learn about outstanding Russian rulers;
  • Visit the tombs of Russian Emperors;
  • Get an insight into daily life of St. Petersburg in the 19th – early 20th centuries;
  • Catch the legendary gun shot when a cannon fires a blank shot from the Naryshkin Bastion;
  • Get impressed with the ceremony of the guard mounting (every Saturday during the summer season);
  • See a unique complex of the bells of Peter and Paul Cathedral;
  • See 500 items, including archeological finds, telling the story of Peter and Paul fortress;
  • See 600 items from the collection of furniture of the XVIII – early XX century;
  • See 5000 objects of porcelain and glassware of Russian and West European production;
  • Stunning views of Winter Palace, Vasilievsky Island and Neva river on our Trinity bridge walk;
  • Enjoy spectacular views over the St Petersburg skyline on the 138 feet high belfry;
  • Visit Vasilievsky Island which is the largest in St. Petersburg and one of the oldest parts of the city;
  • Reward yourself with refreshing drinks in a local cozy cafe or bar.

Peter and Paul Fortress:

Scenic Trinity bridge walk

Ioannovskiy Ravelin

Petrovskiy Curtain Wall and Gate

Kronverkskaya Curtain Wall and Gate

Nikolskiy Curtain Wall and Gate

Vasilievskaya Curtain Wall and Gate

Neva Curtain Wall

Peter and Paul Cathedral

Bell Tower and Belfry

Exhibitions of the State Museum of History of St Petersburg

Commandant’s House of Peter and Paul Fortress

Trubetskoy Bastion, Naryshkin Bastion, Gosudarev Bastion and Menshikov Bastion, Golovkin Bastion, Zotov Bastion

Main Treasury

Artillery Stores

Grand-Ducal Burial Vault

Monument to Peter the Great

The Guardhouse

The Boathouse

Museum of Cosmonautics and Rocket Technology

Alexeevskiy Ravelin

Vasilievsky Island

The Spit of Vasilievsky Island

What you get:

  • + Meet a local and make a new friend in Saint Petersburg.
  • + Exciting fun communication with a local, not just boring history lessons.
  • + Ask your guide questions about any subject, get genuinely connected with your guide.
  • + Private Saint Petersburg three day tour, customized itinerary, personalized experience.
  • + Flexibility during the tour: changes can be made at any time to suit your individual preferences.
  • + Your personal tour guide focuses solely on you and makes sure you get the most out of your experience.
  • + Your personal travel consultant is at your service any time via email, facebook, skype or whatsapp. You will not feel alone with Friendly Local Guides.
  • + Must do + off the beaten path of the city.
  • + An authentic experience of local life.
  • + Local cosy cafes and restaurants with traditional cuisine and interior.
  • + Lunch specials on weekdays (Mon-Fri).
  • + Best coffee shops in the city.
  • + A photo session amongst spectacular Saint Petersburg scenery that can be treasured for a lifetime.
  • + Special offers for taxi and hotels with good location and price.
  • + Expert local advice on what to do, where to go, and how to make the most of your time in St Petersburg.

*This tour can be modified to meet your preferences

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Coldwell Banker Home Page

3209 7th Avenue N,  Saint Petersburg, FL 33713

Single Family

Mary Burris

Biltmore Group Inc

Last updated:

August 21, 2024, 11:03 AM

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About This Home

Warm and Welcoming Mediterranean Revival /Spanish Bungalow located in one of St. Pete's most sought after neighborhood, Historic Kenwood. Centrally located this home is just a few miles from Downtown and around 6 miles to the nearest beach! St. Pete. HK is a front porch and sidewalk community. This lovely home welcomes you through an archway and up to a gated front porch where you and your pup can enjoy together! Step through the front door into the formal living room with wood burning fireplace and a stunning dining room that boasts two original built-in china cabinets. The kitchen is tastefully updated and though small in size functions well with the aid of a center island cabinet. Eat in nook area with view to the back yard and brick patio. Two bedrooms +Den/Home office with rustic barn door & french doors that lead to back patio.

Built in 1925

Price Summary

$435 per Sq. Ft.

Last Updated:

3 day(s) ago

Rooms & Interior

Total Bedrooms:

Total Bathrooms:

Full Bathrooms:

Living Area:

1,261 Sq. Ft.

Architectural Style:


Building Area:

1,557 Sq. Ft.

Year Built:

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  2. Eric Church: The Outsiders Revival Tour

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  3. Eric Church Revival Tour 2024

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  4. The Revival Tour ist wieder unterwegs ... Ticketinfo

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  1. Revival Tour

    The Revival Tour [3] was the second solo concert tour by American singer Selena Gomez, in support of her second solo studio album Revival (2015). The tour began in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the Mandalay Bay Events Center on May 6, 2016. The tour was projected to end on December 18, 2016, in Zapopan, Mexico at the Telmex Auditorium, but due to Gomez's problems and side effects with lupus, it was ...

  2. Revival Tour

    Revival Tour. -. Die Revival Tour war die zweite Konzerttournee der US-amerikanischen Sängerin Selena Gomez. Sie begann am 6. Mai 2016 in Las Vegas und endete am 13. August 2016 vorzeitig in Auckland. Die Tour brach sie aufgrund ihrer Erkrankung ab. Gomez stellte bei der Tournee ihr zweites Studioalbum Revival vor.

  3. Revival

    Das Dixieland-Revival in den 1950er-Jahren, als er in Europa wieder bis in die Hitparaden vorstieß. Noch in den 1970er-Jahren war Dixieland im Hamburger Onkel Pö standardmäßig im Repertoire.; Das sogenannte „Achtzigerjahre-Revival" Ende der 1990er- und besonders zu Anfang der 2000er-Jahre, als in der Popmusik Stile der 1980er-Jahre (wie New Wave, die New Romantics oder auch die Neue ...

  4. Revival Rechtschreibung, Bedeutung, Definition, Herkunft

    Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Revival' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Wörterbuch Textprüfung Alle Angebote . Duden-Mentor-Textprüfung ; Werbe- und Trackingfreiheit ... Bedeutung ⓘ das Wiederaufleben, Erneuerung (z. B. eines lange nicht gespielten Theaterstücks o. Ä.) ...

  5. revival

    Sortieren Sie Ihre gespeicherten Vokabeln. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'revival' in LEOs ­Englisch ⇔ Deutsch­ Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer .

  6. revivaltour Deutsch Übersetzung

    revivaltour Übersetzung, Englisch - Deutsch Wörterbuch, Siehe auch 'revivalist, revisal, revolutionary, revivalism', biespiele, konjugation

  7. The Revival Tour Concerts & Live Tour Dates: 2024-2025 Tickets

    19. 2013. Portland, OR. Aladdin Theatre. I Was There. Show More Dates. Find tickets for The Revival Tour concerts near you. Browse 2024 tour dates, venue details, concert reviews, photos, and more at Bandsintown.

  8. revival

    revival of architecture, Gothic revival. Geschäftsbelebung. revival of business. Wiederbelebung eines alten Brauchs. revival of an old custom. Wiederaufgreifen n, -aufnahme f. revival of play, word etc. examples. Wiederaufnahme eines (lange nicht mehr gespielten) Stückes.

  9. Revival Concerts & Live Tour Dates: 2024-2025 Tickets

    1) Revival - 'Music By Al Basim' was released in 1979. According to the legend Al Basim was an Iranian artist who was executed. In fact Al Basim was Bulgarian. An interesting ethnic fusion album... False starts, dead ends, broken cities, cross-country escapes - no hard feelings - and Revival is reborn in the sulking cold East Coast winter ...


    revival Bedeutung, Definition revival: 1. the process of becoming more active or popular again: 2. a performance of a play that has not….

  11. Peterhof Tour in St. Petersburg, Russia

    The Cottage was built in the Gothic Revival style in 1820-s. It was a favorite summertime residence of Emperor Nicholas I. The opulent interior is filled with romantic medieval spirit: works of porcelain, glass and bronze, a first-class collection of paintings and sculptures. ... + Private Saint Petersburg tour, customized itinerary ...

  12. revival

    Aufleben nt. One interesting trend in the music industry is the revival of music from the seventies. Ein interessanter Trend in der Musikbranche ist das Aufleben der Musik der Siebziger. less common: Wiederbelebung f. ·. Erholung f. ·. Erweckung f.

  13. The Revival Tour

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  14. a revival tour

    The 51-year-old John is not just a former hell-raising alcoholic dry 14 years but slightly offbeat: He's a Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young groupie who travels on the band's revival tour bus whenever he can and a devout Christian studying the Old and New Testaments in a weekly course that will take seven years to complete.

  15. revival

    revival n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (religious reawakening) Wiedererwachen Nm Nomen, männlich, maskulinum: Substantive des männlichen Geschlechts ("Mann", "Baum"). The early 19th century saw a huge revival in Christianity. Das frühe 19. Jahrhunderte verzeichnete ein Wiedererwachen des Christentums.

  16. revival

    orchard revival: Last post 26 May 10, 15:14: offers hope of an orchard revival kann mir bitte jemand helfen das auf deutsch zu übersetzen: 5 Replies: Greek Revival: Last post 17 Sep 09, 11:02-The details of the house are Greek revival, a style that was internationally fashionable in… 2 Replies: roots revival: Last post 13 Nov 09, 20:40

  17. Historic Churches of St. Petersburg, Russia

    Orthodox Churches St. Petersburg's greatest religious buildings are, of course, its Russian Orthodox Cathedrals and Churches. Although stone churches were built in St. Petersburg for little more than 150 years, the range of architectural styles is breathtaking, from the elegant charms of early baroque to the staggering ornamentation of the Russian revival.

  18. 3 days in St. Petersburg, Russia

    Description. Ultimate 3-day private tour around Saint Petersburg with all the best the Northern Capital of Russia can offer. Combine must-see and off the beaten path: river cruise, world-known cathedrals, royal palaces, the fortress, picturesque bridges and sculptures, historical downtown, finest landscapes, cozy nooks, local cafes and much ...

  19. The Revival Tour Fall 2009 Compilation (2009, CD)

    Vinyl —. 7", 45 RPM, Single. A Flight And A Crash. Hot Water Music. Released. 2001 — US. CD —. Album. View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2009 CD release of "The Revival Tour Fall 2009 Compilation" on Discogs.

  20. The Revival Concerts & Live Tour Dates: 2024-2025 Tickets

    The Revival's tour. Bandsintown Merch. Circle Hat. $25.0 USD. Live Collage Sweatshirt. $45.0 USD. Rainbow T-Shirt. $30.0 USD. Circle Beanie. $20.0 USD. About The Revival. Past and present. Band and audience. Instruments and electronics. It's in the fusion of these seemingly opposing entities that Winnipeg rock outfit Bright Righteous truly ...

  21. Coat of arms of Saint Petersburg

    The coat of arms of Saint Petersburg is a red heraldic shield with a field featuring two silver anchors. The Maritime anchor is oriented diagonally from left to right from the viewer, with two legs in the upper left corner, and the River anchor mirrors its position, with four legs in the upper right corner. Above them is a golden scepter with a ...

  22. Tour

    © 2023 The Revivalists. All rights reserved. Site by BelhumBelhum

  23. Saint Petersburg, FL 33713

    Find Property Information for 3209 7th Avenue N, Saint Petersburg, FL 33713. MLS# U8254099. View Photos, Pricing, Listing Status & More.

  24. Jamestown Revival Concerts & Live Tour Dates: 2024-2025 Tickets

    Scottsdale Civic Center Mall. Amber. October 10th 2023. First and foremost you start with an amazing band, then you add in a great venue that offers awesome service and sounds, and you get the perfect concert experience. Jamestown was amazing as always and the crowd brought the love! Solana Beach, CA @. Belly Up.