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The Puy du Fou theme park

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The Puy du Fou historic theme park

Chariot race Puy du Fou

Puy du Fou  practical visitor information

Puy du Fou - Vikings

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Il existe des mondes et des époques que l’on croyait à jamais disparus. Pourtant, la forêt centenaire du Puy du Fou® est devenue leur refuge et l’Histoire continue.

Évadez-vous au Puy du Fou pour découvrir cette terre où les héros sont éternels. Venez percer le mystère de ce lieu hors norme et partez pour un spectaculaire voyage dans le temps des Romains au XX ème siècle !

Chaque spectacle, chaque aventure resteront gravés à jamais dans votre mémoire. En famille ou entre amis, préparez-vous à vivre une expérience bouleversante riche en émotions fortes, en grands spectacles et en souvenirs !

Puy du Fou, les émotions sont éternelles.

« Les Noces de Feu »

Et chaque soir, le rêve continue avec la féérie nocturne : « Les Noces de Feu »

Vous êtes invités au plus romantique des mariages pour vivre une fête inoubliable. À la tombée de la nuit, la Muse violoniste et le Pianiste virtuose célèbrent leur amour éternel dans une féérie d’eau et de feu où danseurs et décors géants surgissent des profondeurs du lac.

« La Cinéscénie® »

28 soirs par an, il est aussi possible d’assister à « La Cinéscénie® ». Le plus grand spectacle de nuit au monde est devenu un mythe avec plus de 13 millions de spectateurs, 2 550 acteurs sur une scène de 23 hectares, 1h30 de grand spectacle.

« La Cinéscénie® » débute à 22:30 en juillet et à 22:00 en août. Il est demandé d'arriver 1 heure avant le début du spectacle. Pour votre confort, nous vous conseillons de prévoir des vêtements chauds.

Vous aimerez…

  • L’'incroyable spectacle nocturne : La Cinéscénie
  • Assister aux grands spectacles qui font la renommée du parc
  • Oublier le XXIe siècle et partir pour un grand voyage dans le temps

Horaires et lieux de ramassage

Boulogne-sur-Mer – Gare SNCF* (sous réserve du nombre d'inscrits) :

Départ : 04:30 (Jour 1) / Retour 01:15 (Jour 3)

Aire-sur-la-Lys – Parking gratuit des Voyages Inglard :

Hazebrouck – Eglise Saint Eloi :

Départ 05:00 (Jour 1) / Retour 00:45 (Jour 3)

Saint-Omer – Parking de l'Esplanade :

Départ 05:30 (Jour 1) / Retour 00:15 (Jour 3)


  • Le transport en autocar grand tourisme
  • Les entrées pour les 3 jours au parc du Puy du Fou
  • L'hébergement pour 2 nuits en petit-déjeuner, base chambre double à l'Hôtel Mercure Cholet 4*
  • Le billet pour le spectacle de la Cinescénie
  • Le spectacle Les Noces de Feu
  • Le déjeuner  du jour 1 dans un restaurant en cours de route
  • Les déjeuners des jours 2 & 3 et le dîner du jour 1 sous forme de coupons repas d'une valeur de 15.00€ par personne
  • Le dîner du jour 2 au restaurant Les Deux Couronnes en formule buffet
  • Le supplément chambre individuelle : 150.00€ par personne
  • Les assurances
  • Les dépenses personnelles

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trip normand puy du fou


trip normand puy du fou


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10 incredible things to see at Puy du Fou

Voted the #1 Top Amusement Park in both France and Europe in the TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Awards 2018, Puy du Fou , is not in fact in Paris but an hour’s drive from the grand city of Nantes in the Loire. And if that news comes as a surprise to you, have a look at the 10 reasons why families love this particular park best, and all will become clear:

trip normand puy du fou

1/10   Six spectacular daytime shows

How do you engage kids with history? Puy du Fou literally transforms the past into living, breathing spectacles with six live-action shows, performed up to seven times a day. Each has the type of no-holds-barred approach to thrills capable of captivating an audience of thousands. And sensational special effects are matched only by breathtakingly realistic settings  – think gladiatorial combat in an authentic Roman amphitheatre and you get the idea.

You can also make some pretty wild promises to kids about Puy du Fou, and they won’t be disappointed. There are more than 300 birds of prey in Le Bal des Oiseaux Fantômes show alone; a 20m longboat rises out of the water in Les Vikings; acrobatic equestrians perform extraordinary feats of daring during Le Secret de la Lance, and Le Signe du Triomphe chariot races are as edge-of-the-seat nail-biting as they are spectacular.

  • Six different live-action shows cover eras from the 3rd to the 20th century
  • Each show lasts around 30 minutes, with up to seven performances daily
  • French language performance is auto-translated via the free Puy du Fou app
  • Grand Parc day tickets include all daytime show performances

Check out a clip of Le Secret de la Lance for showstopping stunt riding

trip normand puy du fou

2/10   Two incredible evening shows

Puy du Fou lake is the atmospheric setting for Les Orgues de Feu: a glittering after-dark display of fountains, fire and light orchestrated against the night sky. It’s a wonderful end to the day.

Unless of course, you’re lucky enough to have tickets for La Cinéscénie. Officially billed as the ‘greatest night-time show on earth’, this incredible theatrical work is staged by more than 4000 volunteers, lasts for just under two hours, and takes an entranced audience on the journey of one Vendée family from the Middle Ages to World War II.

The stage covers 23 hectares and the cast is almost as big as the drama, with 2400 actors (130 of them on horseback), ably supported by flocks of geese and sheep, multitudes of other animals and incredible special effects. Culminating in an immense firework display, the show is performed to an audience running into tens of thousands.

Tickets to Les Orgues de Feu (nightly) are included in the day pass; tickets to La Cinéscénie (Friday/Saturday night from June-September) are £25pp.

Take a look at clips of Les Orgues de Feu and La Cinéscenie for a glimpse of incredible in action.

trip normand puy du fou

3/10   Set sail on a global adventure

An immersive seafaring experience might sound daunting, but put your faith in Puy du Fou to take the whole family on the voyage of a lifetime and land them safely at journey’s end. Le Mystère de La Pérouse is a fabulous, interactive recreation of the legendary 1785 expedition from Brest into the glacial waters of Alaska, via a balmy Pacific and fearsome Cape Horn. Young wannabe sailors get to live every moment of the epic odyssey through the ship’s portholes, and they can expect sights, sounds and sensations beyond wildest imaginings – which is a pretty tall order.

Still got a bit of breath left on return to home port? Les Amoureux de Verdun is another of the park’s phenomenal walk-through experiences, this time in the trenches of one of the most bitter and protracted WWI battles on French soil.

Take a peep through the portholes of Le Mystère de La Pérouse  before you set sail.

trip normand puy du fou

4/10   Sleep in a different century

You can try to squeeze Puy du Fou into one day, but if you want to really see and do everything, it’s worth thinking about an overnight stay: especially as the five historic Puy du Fou hotels are almost as exciting as the park itself.

  • La Citadelle is like an authentic medieval fortress right down to its portcullis. You have to look closely to spot its true identity as a delightful hotel. And the theme is definitely heritage opulence, liberally infused with luxe essentials like aircon, WIFI, cable TV and large family bathrooms. Classic Family Room, sleeps up to five in the main bedroom, with separate kids’ bunk bedroom. From £60 pp per night including Park ticket and breakfast.
  • Sleeping in a stilt house suspended over water is the fantasy Îles de Clovis makes real for families. Designed as a medieval lakeside village, this extraordinary hotel covers seven hectares and thoroughly delights kids with everything from carp on the doorstep to cute thatched roofs. Family stilt house sleeps up to five in the family room with waterfront balcony. From £59 pp per night including Park ticket and breakfast.
  • Le Logis de Lescure is set in a beautifully restored 18th century Vendée country house. The elegant interior is meticulously traditional, and each of the four family suites has its own charming theme. Family Suite, sleeps up to six. From £80 pp per night including Park ticket and breakfast.
  • A glamping experience like no other is what to expect from Le Camp du Drap d’Or where authentic four-poster beds and Renaissance tapestries mix with contemporary luxury in a truly regal encampment. Family Tent, sleeps up to five. From £56 pp per night including Park ticket and breakfast.
  • Let La Villa Gallo-Romaine sweep you back 2000 years to the height of the Roman Empire. And just to add to the decadence of your surroundings, this grand hotel is minutes from Puy du Fou’s Gallo-Romaine stadium. Family Rooms sleep up to four. From £55 pp per night including Park ticket and breakfast.

Find out more about Puy du Fou’s  and other good value park packages offered by over 30 local hotels in partnership with Puy du Fou.

trip normand puy du fou

5/10   The stars of the shows

The real stars of Puy du Fou are its much-loved animals and birds who make celebrity appearances throughout the Park and in the skies above it. Count the different species (actually, over 70) amongst the 500+ birds of prey and marvel at the performances of the horses. Goats, sheep, pigs, ostriches, wolves and geese also enjoy celebrity status and younger kids will love spotting deer roaming in the woodland around the Park.

Take a look at Le Bal des Oiseaux Fantômes to see the park’s birds in action

trip normand puy du fou

6/10   Live history for real in Puy du Fou villages

Catch a breath between shows and step back in time into one of the amazingly realistic Puy du Fou villages. There are four, and each one’s flawlessly reproduced to simulate a fascinating past era. Kids can delve into an ancient Viking stronghold; meet artisans at work in a medieval hamlet; get a taste of 18th-century life in a country village or wander round the market hall in a typical French Bourg from the early 1900s. The period detail is astonishing, and if kids have ever come closer to time-travel: it’s time to share that secret with the world.

Visit the Medieval hamlet and see the local craftsmen at work

trip normand puy du fou

7/10   Even eating is entertaining at Puy du Fou

No surprise to find that Puy du Fou in France pays particular attention to feeding families fantastically well, and entertaining them at the same time.

Choose from 27 different places to eat –  you can even join in a traditional Wedding Feast with Belle Époque cabaret at Le Café de la Madelon.  Restaurants like Le Bistrot are great for all the family, with a free ice cream and carousel ride for the kids. The traditional Vendée aperitif, La Troussepinette, is a more grown up sort of treat. And even Puy du Fou fast-food is done with customary French flair.

Fresh local ingredients are on every menu, and since great value is a big part of the Puy du Fou promise, you can look forward to paying as little as £15 per adult or £8 per child for a fabulous three-course meal

Have a look at the fantastic food (and fun) cooked up by Puy du Fou.

trip normand puy du fou

8/10   Family fun in a natural setting

Puy du Fou is in the Loire, just a short drive from the stunning Vendée coast, so it won’t come as much of a surprise to find it’s dipped into breathtakingly natural surroundings.

In between the incredible shows and immersive experiences, feel free to wander the romantic 100 year old forest; stroll by limpid lakes, through Rose Gardens and explore every inch of the gorgeously landscaped gardens. Kids should keep their eyes peeled for the resident birds of prey in enormous aviaries. And keen horticulturalists can pick up potager tips from charming vegetable patches faithfully recreated from plans dating as far back as the Middle Ages.

Wander through La Vallée Fleurie for a hint of all natural enchantment.

trip normand puy du fou

9/10   Fabulously imaginative kids’ playgrounds

After all that excitement, most kids need some space to let off steam and explore on their own. And Puy du Fou knows exactly how to keep them happy.

Think playgrounds created like medieval citadels complete with turreted castles, ramparts to ramble round and puzzling mazes to solve. If that’s not exciting enough, head to the heart of the park and meet talking trees, animals and statues from the legendary Fables de La Fontaine. And when you need to cool down, there are fun jumping water jets, great for all ages.

Explore all the fun of kids’ playgrounds at Puy du Fou

trip normand puy du fou

10/10   Something for everyone from toddlers to grandparents

Award winning Puy du Fou has been voted one of the world’s leading attractions, and a big part of its success comes down to making sure everyone is engaged, entertained, wonderfully well fed, cared for and, most of all, amazed on a minute-by-minute basis. And when they say, everyone, that’s exactly what they mean: there is no lower or upper age limit to the adventure here and it’s all about the shared experiences that go to making great memories. Plus, you’ll be pleased to know, the balance of thrills and space to chill is also pretty much perfect for keeping kids of all ages calm and happy.

Discover why Puy du Fou is voted one of the world’s top attractions year after year

The lowdown.

One hour’s drive south east of Nantes in Pays de la Loire, western France.

An hour’s drive east of the Vendée Coast in western France.

How to get there

Direct UK flights to Nantes, one hour and 20 minutes.

Transfer shuttle from Angers train station to Puy du Fou, three times daily.

Opening hours

Puy du Fou is open between April and November from 9.30am.

Grand Parc day tickets.  Adults from £31. Children from £22. (Grand Parc tickets include all shows and activities except La Cinéscénie)

Puy du Fou Short Breaks from £412, based on a family of four, including one-night B&B in a themed hotel and 2-day Grand Parc family tickets with ‘Emotion’ fast-track passes.

Find out more about family days out and short breaks at Puy du Fou : Europe’s most popular theme park.

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How to plan a trip to Puy du Fou with kids from the UK who don't speak French

Puy du Fou Theme Park, France - Gladiator Stadium

Puy du Fou Theme Park, France - - show queues

Puy du Fou Theme Park, France - - viking longboat

  • The food at Puy du Fou by Big Stevie Cool
  • The Puy du Fou Shows by Practically Perfect Mums
  • Puy du Fou: An Extraordinary Theme Park by POD Travels
  • Staying at Les îles de Clovis at Puy du Fou by POD Travels
  • Staying at Le Camp Du Drap D'or at Puy du Fou by Extraordinary Chaos

How to plan a trip to Puy du Fou with kids from the UK who don't speak French


trip normand puy du fou

This really does look the most amazing place - such a fantastic spectacle.

This place sounds utterly brilliant. I’m tempted to take a detour on our trip next summer so we can pay it a visit!

We loved out trip to Puy Du Foy earlier this year. It's a unique theme park which our boys loved. The quality of the shows is quite unbelievable #fearlessfamtrav

trip normand puy du fou

This looks utterly magical! What a fantastic spectacle! I've heard so many amazing things about this place, I'm desperate to go!! Thanks for linking up to #fearlessfamtrav

I’d never heard of this place until recently and it looks amazing - my little would love #fearlessfamtrav

We loved our visit to Puy du Fou so much that it ended up on our list of the top 10 things to do in France with kids!!! #fearlessfamtrav

Thank you so much for this! We're planning a trip this summer & info in English is scarce.

This is so helpful! We’ve just booked our ferry crossing for this summer and now I’m booking here. I’m tempted to go for 3 nights after seeing how much there is, as we are taking a toddler too!

Hi, do you think emotion passes are needed for 2 days or just one of the days? They are now 28eur!

Thanks for the info. Never heard of this & we visit France quite a lot. Think we will go just the two of us old folks this September while we’re in the country. Our youngest grandchildren would struggle with it at the moment but it’s a definate one for the future along with the Nantes mechanical elephant & the Calais dragon. Thanks again

Le mime et l'étoile Puy du Fou 2024

Le "Meilleur Spectacle du Monde" est au Puy du Fou !

Pour la troisième fois en moins d'un an, le grand spectacle "Le Mime et l'Etoile" (nouveauté 2023) a été récompensé à l'international pour ses prouesses techniques, son originalité et sa mise en scène spectaculaire.

Visuel Vikings du Puy du Fou, bien plus qu'un parc d'attractions ou un parc à thème traditionnel, il vous propose de vivre un voyage dans le temps unique au monde

Tarifs Puy du Fou France

  • Tarifs des billets
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  • Pass annuels

Billet Puy du Fou



    trip normand puy du fou


    trip normand puy du fou


    trip normand puy du fou

  4. Le Puy du Fou, une expérience unique

    trip normand puy du fou

  5. 10 Reasons to Visit Puy du Fou

    trip normand puy du fou

  6. 5 bonnes raisons de découvrir le Puy du Fou

    trip normand puy du fou



    Nous téléphoner au GRAND PARC DU PUY DU FOU. 85590 Les Epesse. Trip Normand, votre partenaire loisirs en Normandie vous accompagne, entreprise ou particulier, dans toutes vos activités de loisirs.

  2. Votre partenaire loisirs en Normandie

    Découvrir trip normand Trip Normand, votre partenaire loisirs en Normandie vous accompagne, entreprise ou particulier, dans toutes vos activités de loisirs. ... Découvrez les offres du moment. OFFRE DISNEY DU 07/06 AU 01/09/24. En savoir + NOUVEAU PARTENARIAT !

  3. Puy du Fou

    9:30 AM - 7:00 PM. Write a review. About. The Puy du Fou features a multitude of spectacular shows, adventures for the whole family and new astonishments every year. Experience different centuries surrounded by unspoilt countryside and an even more exciting time staying in one of the Puy du Fou's four original hotels.

  4. Puy du Fou

    Located in Vendée, between the West Coast of France and the majestic châteaux of the Loire Valley, Puy du Fou is the ideal base for holidays at the heart of nature and France's heritage. Soak up the sun on the sandy beaches of the Atlantic Coast at Les Sables d'Olonne, La Rochelle, La Baule and Saint Jean-de-Monts.

  5. Trip Normand

    Puy du Fou, l'Histoire n'attend que vous ! Trip Normand vous propose de choisir votre expérience : - Samedi 20 et dimanche 21 juin 2020 avec la Cinéscénie :...

  6. Plan your visit to Puy du Fou

    Any time is a good time to come to the Puy du Fou! Each month has its own specificity, and it's up to you to choose the right period to make the most of your visit and live the Puy du Fou experience as you wish. The first months of the season, April and May, are perfect for nature-lovers! The sun comes back and the temperature starts to rise.

  7. How can I visit Puy du Fou in 1 day?

    5 tips to remember to make the most of your day at Puy du Fou . Download the Puy du Fou mobile app to benefit from a live translation of all the shows (remember to bring your headphones) . Plan your schedule ahead of time, taking account of how long it will take to travel between the various shows, making sure you arrive 30 minutes before the start of the performances, or use the schedule ...

  8. Puy du Fou

    Puy du Fou. 17,239 reviews. #1 of 8 things to do in Les Epesses. Amusement & Theme Parks. Closed now. 9:30 AM - 10:30 PM. Write a review. About. The Puy du Fou features a multitude of spectacular shows, adventures for the whole family and new astonishments every year.

  9. Puy du Fou is the most amazing theme park ever, wonderful for young and

    Puy du Fou: Puy du Fou is the most amazing theme park ever, wonderful for young and old. Easy access for everyone. - See 17,258 traveller reviews, 11,447 candid photos, and great deals for Les Epesses, France, at Tripadvisor.

  10. Votre partenaire loisirs en Normandie

    PUY DU FOU 1 JOUR - ADULTE. ... 02 31 82 48 65. à l'adresse. 121, rue Calmette 14120 Mondeville. Visitez TRIP NORMAND voyages PAIEMENT 100% SECURISE. Nos conditions; Mentions légales; Plan du site; Données personnelles; En savoir plus J'accepte. Les cookies assurent le bon fonctionnement des services de ce site. En utilisant ces derniers ...

  11. Trip Normand

    Le 8 avril le Puy du Fou ouvrira ses portes pour sa saison 2023 Procurez-vous vos billets non datés accès Grand Parc, dès aujourd'hui chez Trip Normand. Billet 1 Jour : Adulte : 44,10€ Enfant (3 à...

  12. PUY DU FOU (Les Epesses): Ce qu'il faut savoir pour votre ...

    Et comme c'est indiqué par le Puy du fou, il faut arriver 30 minutes avant chaque spectacle. Plus. Écrit le 9 août 2015. Cet avis est l'opinion subjective d'un membre de Tripadvisor et non l'avis de Tripadvisor LLC. Les avis sont soumis à des vérifications de la part de Tripadvisor.

  13. Amazing place to visit

    Puy du Fou: Amazing place to visit - prepare to queue - See 17,256 traveler reviews, 11,447 candid photos, and great deals for Les Epesses, France, at Tripadvisor.

  14. How can I visit Puy du Fou in 2 or 3 days?

    Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your 3-day stay at Puy du Fou: Plan your journey and book your tickets, hotels and restaurants ahead of time (up to 72 hours before your arrival date). This way, you'll be sure of availability and save money. Download the Puy du Fou mobile app.

  15. Review of Puy du Fou, Les Epesses, France

    Puy du Fou: Amazing day out - See 17,256 traveler reviews, 11,447 candid photos, and great deals for Les Epesses, France, at Tripadvisor.

  16. Trip Normand

    Idée cadeau n°21 Offrez des places pour le Puy du fou ! 1 jour + Cinescénie Billets datés sur réservation, plus d'informations sur notre site :...

  17. Puy du Fou

    Puy du Fou practical visitor information Open from the start of April to the end of September. Taking bookings for 2022. Advance single-day entrance tickets available online from 39 € Available from different vendors, including Tiquets. Puy du Fou ticket prices at the gate -2022 Entrance to the site, with daytime shows


    Les entrées pour les 3 jours au parc du Puy du Fou. L'hébergement pour 2 nuits en petit-déjeuner, base chambre double à l'Hôtel Mercure Cholet 4*. Le billet pour le spectacle de la Cinescénie. Le spectacle Les Noces de Feu. Le déjeuner du jour 1 dans un restaurant en cours de route. Les déjeuners des jours 2 & 3 et le dîner du jour 1 ...

  19. 10 incredible things to see at Puy du Fou

    Let La Villa Gallo-Romaine sweep you back 2000 years to the height of the Roman Empire. And just to add to the decadence of your surroundings, this grand hotel is minutes from Puy du Fou's Gallo-Romaine stadium. Family Rooms sleep up to four. From £55 pp per night including Park ticket and breakfast.

  20. Puy du Fou

    Mentions Légales Conditions générales de prestation / CGP Politique de protection des données Cookies Préférences cookies. Bien plus qu'un Parc d'attraction traditionnel, le Puy du Fou a été élu meilleur parc d'attraction du monde ! Le Puy du Fou propose une expérience qui se démarque des autres parcs d'attraction en vous proposant des spectacles grandioses et des hôtels insolites ...

  21. How to plan a trip to Puy du Fou with kids from the UK who don't speak

    Puy du Fou is where the North East's Kynren gained its inspiration and the team behind Puy du Fou have helped to bring Kynren to life. One day, Kynren hopes to become a theme park too and grow into something like Puy du Fou - as we walked around Puy du Fou I kept thinking to myself how there is NOTHING like this in the UK and if Kynren could pull something like this off, it would be incredible ...

  22. Find Transport to Puy du Fou

    The cheapest way to get from Normandy to Puy du Fou costs only $128, and the quickest way takes just 6 hours. Find the travel option that best suits you. ... Find all the transport options for your trip from Normandy to Puy du Fou right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant ...

  23. Tarifs des Billets

    Email. Contactez-nous. +33 (0) 820 09 10 10. (0,12€/min à partir d'un poste fixe) Horaires d'ouverture de la Centrale de réservation (heure de Paris), sans interruption : - du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 20h et le week-end de 9h à 17h en période d'ouverture, - du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 18h et le samedi de 9h à 17h en période de ...