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Travel Bloggers: What to Write and How to Write a Travel Blog in 2024 (50+ Tips)

“I want to start a travel blog, what do you think I should write about?”

True story.

I was a few drinks down at a London Travel Massive event and a lady unknown to me had just targeted me with the above. In fact, interrupting the conversation I was having midflow. Usually full of advice and happy to dish it out this question had me stumped, as much as her demeanour.

travel bloggers writing

There’s no sugar coating it: I really think you should have at least a few ideas of what you want to write about before you start even thinking about setting up a travel blog. If not a few fully written posts so you have some material to play around with when it comes to style and design.

Since then I’ve often been asked how to write a travel blog, and think back to this night. 

Travel Blogger High

Talking about the interaction with a close fellow travel blogger the next day we established that both of us had lists of at least tens of articles we wanted to write, but seeing as we both worked full time at that point, never had the time to see them through. Though I could always rely on a  professional essay writing service  to help me with the writing part, that’s something that I prefer to do myself.

You can’t win.

If you’re in ‘clueless Cathy’s’ camp above, and are stuck for what to write about on your travel blog, what you need is some travel blogging inspiration.

Take a look a the ideas below on what to write in a travel blog and think about which idea appeals to you most. Then, just get started! 

This is a pretty long post so if you’re all good for inspiration but need some advice on how to write travel blogs , click to go to the second half.

what to write about

What to write in a travel blog: 10 ideas 

If you’re trying to work out what to write in a travel blog, here are 10 ideas for you. When it comes to travel blog writing you might just need a few ideas to start you off, and then the creative juices will start to flow and travel blog ideas will be flowing out of you. 

Use two or three of these to get you started writing your travel blog.

If you want to see a travel blog example, take a look around my blog, obviously – and also check out this list of the top 50 travel bloggers in the UK . If that doesn’t give you inspiration, I don’t know what will!


1. Write about your first holiday

This is a good way to get started in blogging about travel. Tell your readers about your memories of your first holiday – I did this when I found some Euro Disney memorabilia when I was cleaning out my room. It was my first holiday abroad and I’d kept the sugar sachets from Disney for almost 20 years! Think about describing the way it affected all your senses to get you started. Are there particular sounds, smells and sights that take you back to that moment in time?

Take my advice, first printed in Wanderlust Magazine in Could You Write a Travel Blog?

“Before you decide on a name, platform or topic, take a deep breath and close your eyes,” says travel blogger Victoria Philpott. Vicky, who blogs alongside her day job, suggests wannabe bloggers start by conjuring up their happiest travel memory and letting the story flow.”

2. Write about your locale

Travel blogging

London is the number one travel destination in the world, if you live there you’ve got enough content to see you through for years. Find unique events, have a unique view and there you have your next article. And that’s just an example of my blogging gone wrong – I lived there for years, got to know a few neighbourhoods really well, but did I write about them? No. They’re straight on the never ending to do list.

I spent my first 18 years in a village in the Midlands called Barton-under-Needwood (pop. 5000). A quick Google search shows me that no one has written any sort of guide to things to do there. There’s a unique opportunity, especially as there are new developments in the area. This might not seem like the most exciting post if it’s covering somewhere you lived for so long but your insider knowledge is invaluable and someone, somewhere, will be interested.

You never know when world interest in any place could start to peak and you’d be all set up to be the go to person on that area.

Writing in a travel bullet journal is a great way to get started.

Subscribe on YouTube to see more of my adventures

First travel blog post

Travel blog writing doesn’t have to be about exotic, faraway places, it can easily be your own neighbourhood. In fact, I find that a lot of travel bloggers who’ve been doing it as long as I have, have come back to England and decided to concentrate on writing their travel blogs about here, as it suddenly becomes so much more appealing. 

Follow me on Instagram @VickyFlipFlop for the latest.

Instagram VickyFlipFlop

3. Where shall I go on holiday next year?

Don’t answer me by saying , answer by writing in blogging about travel. Create a blog post with all the reasons you have to advise why I should go to a certain place on holiday. Another aspect of travel blogging is persuasive writing.

There are a few destinations I’ve been to that I’ve really, really loved and I want my readers to see them too. In writing about New York , Vietnam , Porto and now Tokyo I want to persuade my readers that they should go too.

If they like my blog I know they’ll like them, and a happy reader will come back for more.

Watch this little video of what to write about for more ideas…

4. Write about you

The juiciest posts are the most personal ones. They’re the ones I like to read to get to know the blogger I’m reading about. I admire people who can be so honestly open about life, people like Toni over handling mental, health and family issues while travelling and Planet D about how their travel blog saved their marriage .

Travel blog examples like these help you to see there are real person at the end of these blog posts – real people with real problems.

Me as a travel blogger

I find it very difficult to write posts like this. In fact there are only two on my blog: one about why I was going travelling when my boyfriend dumped me  and a dedication to my nan when she died, which I can’t read without crying as I’ve just proven to myself.

If you’re suffering from blogger’s block – bit like writer’s block – then this is the post for you.

READ MORE: 66 Positive Affirmations for Writers

5. Your thoughts on a destination

I really like writing about my impressions of a country once I’m back and have processed my thoughts, feelings and photos.

Posts like What Vietnam was Like For Me and What is Cuba Really Like? Busting the Tourist Myth may not be as instantly appealable as a quickie list post on the destination but writing them makes me happy.

I like to read back over them to remind me of how I felt when I was there as you can really use your experience and creativity in posts like this.

Pin this travel blogging guide for later?

writing a travel blog

Lists are popular for a reason – they’re easy to read and quick to do. Whole websites have been created to just feature lists although they’re usually pretty flakey.

Outlandish titles like 11 Awesome Ways to Sneak Alcohol into Festivals will usually generate a few more views too – if audience figures are one of your travel blogging goals that is. Look at other bloggers’ travel blog examples for inspiration.

Travel blogging course

When I’m in a destination I’ll look for the best things to do there and it’ll be a list I’m after, not some think piece I mention above. So give your audience what they want and write a well-researched useful to do list.

7. What’s popular?

Some of the most popular topics on my blog are Vietnam and Glastonbury. I rank well for these in Google and I can see from my analytics that my readers keep coming back for more. Once you know that you have a popular topic or post on your blog it makes sense to keep creating more valuable content around it.

Someone once said to me: “Go the extra mile, it’s less crowded there”. Meaning, put the effort in, more than anyone else, and you will be rewarded. Or something along those lines anyway. 

You can link from your already popular posts and know that your readers will enjoy it. Take a look at the keywords they come in on on Google Analytics for inspiration on how to write more.

how to write travel blogs

8. What do you want to read?

When you’re looking for information on a destination make sure to note the questions you have and the answers you can’t find – then you know the gaps to fill when it comes to you writing up your trip. 

From my research and subsequent article on The Best Things to Do in Vietnam According to Travel Bloggers I found that no one had really done a guide to travelling around Vietnam, it was just all advice on particular aspects.

What to write about

It took me ages to plan that trip so I wrote up all my findings and now my Two Weeks in Vietnam Itinerary is the second most popular post on my blog. More importantly, it’s inspired loads of people to explore Vietnam by themselves, rather than book on expensive tours.

I’ll pat myself on the back there.

9. Go niche

Sometimes the nichest of niche things work well when you’re blogging about travel, as you’ll be answering very specific questions.

Another of the most popular articles on my blog is 9-Hour Stopover in Qatar: Is it Worth Exploring? Not something an average reader would be interested in but because it’s so specific and not many people have written about it, it does well in Google search and again, I’ve helped people decide on what to do in Qatar.

Insider, actual tried and tested travel knowledge, is what makes a travel blogger stand out over the average travel company.

10. Interviews

Interviews are a great way to get started if you need some inspiration. Don’t just look to other travel bloggers though – unless you’ve got an exclusive or they’ve got a really interesting story there are already so many about.

What is Papua New Guinea Like?

Instead, interview people from your travels and write a profile of them rather than just a Q and A. This will help you to get more of you in there as well as them. It also means it’s not just an email exchange but a well thought out background piece.

How to write a travel blog without travelling

Learning how to write travel blogs isn’t easy, and it may take a while for you to find your style. Stick with it, it’s fun!

As you’ll have just read in those examples, you don’t actually have to be travelling to write a travel blog. Interviews, lists, you, they all work if you don’t have the time and money to be constantly on the road. 

Look on the bright side – you have the opportunity to spend the time over your writing instead of rushing between destinations. If it was me, I’d pick a destination or theme, and stick steadfastly to that.   

If you’re good at budgeting, you can help people plan their budget for their next trip, for example. Topics about  finding cheap flights  or hotels are in high demand. You can do some research and cover these types of helpful topics on your travel blog.

Having a tight niche is another way to really stand out over the many, many other travel bloggers. 

What is Guernsey like?

How to write a travel blog

Travel blogs examples to inspire your travel blog writing.

Once you have a few posts done and your fingertips are finding their way round that keyboard with rhythm start to think about the kind of writer you want to be. Think about how you want your travel blogging voice to develop, how you want readers to feel when they’re on your blog and what kind of topics you want to cover.

This is how you’ll start to gain a distinctive voice in the world of travel blogging – something that can be very difficult to do.

Travel blog examples

Here are a few travel bloggers, with travel blog writing examples, who really stand out to me for having been able to do this. When you’re writing for travel blogs, you can really make it your own, like these guys…

Becki Enright

Travel blogging what to write about

Becki from writes serious travel blog about sides of countries your average traveller wouldn’t get to see.

She’s even been on Sky News discussing tourism in North Korea and regularly produces the kind of political posts you won’t see on any other blog.

  • Inside the ‘Den of Espionage’ – Getting Inside the former US Embassy in Tehran
  • Visiting the West Bank in Palestine – Understanding the Conflict from Both Jewish and Arab Perspectives in Hebron

Brenna Holeman

Travel blogging what to write about

Brenna from creates beautifully written heartfelt stories about her life on the road.

She’s so open and powerful I enjoy reading her posts and know I can go to her site to be transported into her world.

Check out her travel blog for some major writing inspiration.

  • The Last Time I Saw You: London Edition
  • Being Happy with Being Content

Travel blogging what to write about

For another distinctive voice in the travel blogging world check out Dylan’s blog at At a risk of sounding like an imbecile, he uses a lot of ‘big words’. He’s an eloquent sesquipedalian .  These posts are a good example of the tone and style of writing Dylan is known for.

  • The palatal awakening of Mercatino del Gusto
  • The thunderous convergence of Rotterdam Unlimited

How to write a unique travel blog

All three of these travel blogger examples are very different to what I aim to do on my blog. There may be some crossover in topics but the four of us have very different writing styles and I bet you could spot it if we wrote for each other.

When you’re writing a travel blog you should sound like you , be passionate about the things you’re passionate about, and relay in your own style. In that way you’ll stand out above what is now a very crowded and saturated market place. 

writing for travel blogs

Writing my travel blog

As well as inspiring people to travel , like these guys, I also want to give practical advice on how to do it. My blog has advice on transport, money, where to stay, trip planning, itineraries and packing lists to make travelling as accessible as possible to my readers.

The best compliment people can give me about my blog is that it inspired them to travel, entertained them and made them laugh.

You don’t have to define and limit yourself straight off though when you’re writing for travel blogs. My advice would be to let your style, tone and topics instinctively evolve over time and with every post you write. You’ll soon come to find your natural writing flow and hopefully be distinctive too.

50 tips for travel bloggers on what to write and how to write a travel blog

Always be yourself

When I went to the Traverse conference in Brighton everyone was excited to see Will Peach on his panel. His open, truthful and at times offensive writing on and the now defunct was definitely entertaining whether you loved it or hated it. When I met him he didn’t seem the same as his douchebag online persona and a few weeks later he came out with this article about his disillusion with the travel blogging industry. After that he only posted a few more blogs before he went on to focus on the brilliantly written, yet less offensive,

Will’s angry voice was so distinct in the hyperbolically positive world of travel bloggers, but he wasn’t being himself. I’m glad he’s found his flow on his blog now – it’s still one of the most insightful out there.

Travel Blogger High

You’ve got to be yourself in travel blogging.

That’s the number one rule about putting any creativity in the public space. This is scary. I used to worry about people reading my stuff and sometimes I look back at my past work and wonder what I was on. But, I did what was right at the time. If you start worrying what advertisers / other bloggers / your mum, thinks then you’ll lose what’s interesting about you in the first place.

I also think that when you start writing a travel blog it can be hard to portray who you really are. You may be so used to writing for school or work that writing with a blog style and flair doesn’t come easily. This can also be improved with practice. The more you read travel blogs, and write your travel blog, the more you can work on your travel blogging voice. 

READ MORE: How Much Do Travel Bloggers Get Paid ?

How often should I blog?

Whenever you have something to say is always the best answer. I aim for at least twice a week but usually end up doing quite a bit more. Under promise and over deliver is my motto – even if it’s between me, myself and I.

The more you write the easier and better it will become. Worryingly I’ve seen a few resolution lists for this year where bloggers have said they want to ‘up their blogging output’, but I just think this is a dangerous goal. Set your aims too high and then travel blogging just becomes another pressure to live by, and for most people pressure is a fun killer, which ruins the whole point of travel blogging.

How to be a successful travel blogger

My writing style  

I tend to write everything I want to and then fit it together. I just keep going until it’s all out and then go back and edit. Often I’ll write it on my phone when the inspiration hits then just use my laptop to edit as when I sit at my laptop I get to distracted.

I like to write into Google Sheets and then I’ll upload to WordPress and edit. It takes me AGES to write a blog post now. With all the research, writing, picture research, look at SEO and formatting, it’s at least a day.

Ideal length of a travel blog post

I like to write over 2000 words per article when I’m blogging about travel. Not all posts on my travel blog will be that long, but that’s the goal. In reading other travel blogs I think it’s hard to get your points and personality across in any less. 

READ MORE: How to Make Your Travel Blogging Career Last for 10 Years+!

top UK travel bloggers

How to write a travel blog post

Learning how to write a good travel blog can be quite formulaic in the way it’s set out. Of course the creativity comes when you decide which words to choose. Think about these ‘rules’ when it comes to writing your travel blog.

  • Decide on a cool idea that you’re passionate to spend time writing. 
  • Write it, thinking in sections though. The best travel blog posts are divided by headers to make it easier for the reader. 
  • Think of a good headline that will draw the reader in and make them want to read more. 
  • Think in 500-1000 words. I know I said I do 2000, but I think that can be quite overwhelming if you’re still learning how to write travel blogs. 
  • If your idea is too big, then break it down into easier sections and write a few blog posts instead. You can always craft them back together again when you’ve finished, like my backpackers guide to Vietnam . 
  • Use photos to bring the post to life. If you know how to use Photoshop or Lightroom them brighten and edit for the best result. If not, don’t worry about it. 
  • Make sure you have a few H1s and H2s in there to help us readers, read the post. 
  • Proof read. 
  • Publish. 
  • Share! Social media is really important for travel bloggers. It might feel scary at first, to share your travel blog. I mean, I kept mine secret for at least a year. But the sooner you share the sooner you’ll get readers. And at the start your friends will help you to get word out there. Then they’ll get jealous of you travelling, but that’s future yous problem. 

Once you’ve learned how to write a travel blog, you can really start to have fun with it, and learn to express yourself through your love of travel.

Travel blogging writing tips

travel blogging changed

  • Write whenever the feeling hits you – even if that’s in the ‘notes’ section of your phone.
  • Keep practising – you don’t have to publish everything you write.
  • Read other travel blogs analytically as well as for fun.
  • Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
  • Write about what you want.
  • Use Pinterest to see what’s popular and for inspirational titles
  • Sign up to bloglovin ( follow me ) for a whole resource of inspiration. Make a note of the titles you actually click on.
  • Keep a spreadsheet, or similar, of all the titles you want to write. Use when necessary.
  • Keep a folder in your bookmarks of articles that have inspired you.
  • Offer to write for others to create your own incentives.

On that last point I remember way back when and I pitched to Flight Centre. I got a commission for three articles. At the time it was this financial incentive and the idea that they thought I’d be able to do it that got me going. I was so proud to see my work up on their blog and it just inspired me to write more.

Once you feel confident enough, start to pitch to other websites and blogs and see if they’ll accept your ideas. Here are a few travel websites that will pay you to write for them .

how to write a travel blog

More travel blog examples

If you’re looking for an example of a travel blog post, then check out a few of these, from me…

Travel blog example 1: ‘Things to Do’ listicle

Fun things to do in a destination. There’s a bit of snobbery around listicles in travel blogging, but personally I think they’re a really important and useful example of a travel blog.

You need to do them carefully though, and with heart and experience. If you want to write about traveling, listicle posts can be a good way to get started.

Check out my guide to fun things to do in Hobe Sound , or the best things to do in Levi, Finland . My guide to the best things to do in Lake Maggiore is pretty good too.

What to do lake maggiore

Travel blog example 2: a trip itinerary

Trip itineraries are so important, and often the backbone of any good travel blog. A tried and tested step by step trip itinerary is worth so much for people trying to plan a trip to the destinations you’re writing about.

Check out my two week itinerary for the Philippines , or my Norfolk road trip to get an idea of how to set these travel blog trip itineraries out.

Travel blog example 3: a real insight

Only you can experience a destination in the way you do – that’s why the real insights into destinations are one of the ways you can stand out from the travel blogging crowd. If you feel like you’ve had a really unique experience, or want to share exactly what you thought of a place, then these honest insights can make for a great travel blog.

Check out ‘ What is Cuba Really Like ‘, and ‘ What is Vietnam Like ‘ to see what I mean.

one week in vietnam

Travel blog example 4: personal stories

Ooo you can’t beat a personal story on a travel blog. The trouble is, you either need to really enjoy writing it, or not care if people read it or not. These personal stories are very hard to rank in Google, but they’re good to help your readers get to know you.

If you want to read some of my personal stories then check out these posts about when my boyfriend and I split up , the shock of going into lockdown, and my best moments in travel blogging.

Travel blog example 5: helpful guides

My helpful guides to what you can for for 9 hours in Qatar on a layover , how to avoid festival toilets and how to manage the overnight trains in Vietnam are some of the most popular posts on my travel blog.

If you’ve had a unique experience that will help other people who may go through the same then write about it!

Fill it with useful advice, personal anecdotes and interesting titbits to keep your readers intrigued, and Google showing it to them.

If you’re blogging about travel there’s no end to what you can write about!

Kokkari Bay

How to blog about travel in a pandemic

Ok, so feeling inspired to blog about travel during a global pandemic has been difficult.

Us travel bloggers have had to rethink, reuse and try harder than ever to keep readers interested and ourselves inspired. It’s not been easy.

You can see my latest posts to see what I have managed to write a travel blog about – mainly paddleboarding in winter , my pledge to walk 1000 miles, and responsible travel tips , as well as my camping trip to the Outer Hebrides and the most fun days out in the UK .

Writing a travel blog

How to create a travel blog in 2018

What you write about on your travel blog goes back to what you think a successful travel blog is . If you’re after views something like 50 reasons to travel in your 20s will do well, but if you want to flex your first hand experience a heartfelt think piece could be just your thing. I like to mix things up depending on my mood.

I really hope these travel blog writing tips have helped you see how to write a travel blog post. Writing a travel blog isn’t easy, and keeping it up is even harder. But once you settle in, and find your groove, you’ll start to enjoy it. 

When it comes to your travel blog you could write about anything – so long as you have the passion for it – that’s what’s so good about being a travel blogger. Just a coffee you enjoyed somewhere unique, an interaction with someone or a whole guide to your take on a destination could make for an interesting article with the right enthusiasm, interest and execution.

How do you decide what to write about on your travel blog?

Let me know in the comments box below. 


writing a travel blog

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Hi, I'm Vicky! I wrote this. You can find me on all the social media @VickyFlipFlop. I love a bit of adventure, will try anything once, and have a strong passion for the local food and drink, whatever it may be. I'm here to help inspire you to travel to places a little out of your comfort zone, or at least to explore the usual destinations in a different way. Stay, have a look around, and if you have any questions – let me know below.


Such a lovely guide. Just what I needed. I am just starting my own travel blog. I have put it off for too long but the passion of travelling… I struggled with what to write and was already focusing on likes and audience. Your post has really inspired me and now I have about 6 topics I can write on(that’s after I figure out how to use WP properly). Thank you very much.

Thanks for this – some good advise and ideas for me. I have had my blog on hold for the past 6 months. I have quite a few posts written but everytime I go back to them the message I want to give changes as I am in a different mood! So everything remains in edit mode!! Hopefully after reading your posts I will get the confidence to post soon.

Yeah the passing of time and changing of self is a weird one. I’ve got posts on here that totally make me cringe because I don’t necessarily agree with what I was on about at the time. But, the thing is, it’s like a time capsule. It captures us and our thoughts in a moment in time which is exactly why we should publish right away. Our thoughts and opinions can have an expiry date!

Great post with some good ideas for me as I am thinking of getting on with the bog I have had in edit mode for the past 6 months! Just need that confidence to post, but find what I want to say about each idea changes depends on the mood I am in when I go back to it!! So nothing posted yet… soon, I hope.

Before it was difficult for us to get idea and find topics to write about. But what we did is to just find out what is popular and create something about it.

Yeah that totally makes sense! Good plan!

Good idea Tristan!

Points are really great and I really love them. As we all know that writing something regarding traveling without getting your audience bored is not so easy. These points would definitely help us in creating new and unique posts.

Hello, oh I’m happy I could help!

Interesting points you have here. Like it! 🙂

Thanks Julex!

This is good beginning

i didnt notice that you wrote this on your blog, what an inspirational advice for someone like me. Thank you for let me know another inspirational travel blogger. It encourages me to write more

Great news! Glad you’re enjoying my work and to hear that it’s helped. I try!

First time I’ve seen this; have to say it’s a really great series. Best of luck with it.

Thanks for the mention too. Couldn’t have put it better myself!

Ah good, just read it again and I’m glad you didn’t find it offensive!

A really long detailed insightful post which is such a help to those starting out. Liked the tips about compiling engaging titles – something I really struggle with particularly when Google insists on short titles! Many thanks for sharing your tips.

Holy Cow. I’m so unbelievably glad I found you. This is by far the best advice I have ever read. Thank you so much!!

Aw, thank you! That’s one of the nicest comments I’ve read! 🙂

Great article! I love Brenna’s blog and started writing one when in moved to London from Australia but rarely update it even though I have so many notes with adventures I have been on. I know people back home like reading what im doing but I am just lazy after I finish work.

Yeah, it can be pretty hard to get the motivation when you’ve been working all day. I know the feeling!

Another awesome post Vic! I couldn’t imagine starting a blog if I didn’t already have an idea of what to write but you handle the subject of getting started really well. Plus I remember those guest posts you referred to – you were our go to girl for great content 🙂

Thanks Jayne. Yeah nor me, but I think sometimes there’s so many options it can be hard to pick something. I remember for my A Level English coursework I could choose any two books I wanted to write about and it took me about three months to choose the book and then a week to write it. I imagine getting started can sometimes feel like that. You just need some guidelines to get down to it.

Ha, thanks!

Again a really helpful and interesting post! My travel blog is just a travel diary at the moment but I’m looking forward to expanding it and writing about more things! Your vietnam writing was how I found your blog too, and it inspired and helped me so much with booking my trip out there in November! Thanks Vicky! X

Yay, love it when people tell me that Vikki 🙂 And happy I’m helping you to think about your blog too. Thanks for reading!

Thank you so much for including me here! I’m loving all of this advice so much – this is such a great guide for both beginners and those of us who have been around for a few years. x

No worries Brenna – I love your blog!

I can’t remember where or when I read it but it went something like this: “when the student’s ready the teacher will appear” and here you are! In my quest to create a useful blog I’ve read a lot, in fact I’ve read so much I have no idea what’s right and what isn’t. I’ve had a yearning to be me “warts n all” to write in my voice but have been scared it would hold my blog back, here you are giving permission to be me. I hope one day in the future when I have an audience I can write a post that has such a profound effect as this post has for me. Thank you Vicky for writing this post.

Aw, thank you Rob. Your comment has made me really happy. I’m really enjoying helping people in Travel Blogger High, and getting all these comments. And yes, the best, most honest and most interesting person you can be is you, so go for it and have fun!

Some great tips – lots of food for thought. I’m usually in the too many ideas, not enough time camp, so I’m actually trying to focus on writing the right pieces this year, whether that’s the ones I really want to do or the ones I think will appeal to readers (both for usefulness and hits…!). Like you say, when you’re putting pressure on to hit targets, the fun goes out of it.

Some of the best ones I’ve done have been ones which really touched a nerve with me, and so with my readers too, or the ones which filled a niche as no-one else has written about them, like you mention. I slightly fell into those by accident, so the tricky bit for me is working out what other niches are waiting to be filled!

That’s a good idea to think about their usefulness. I find that I go with the one that inspires me most in that minute that I’m choosing which one to write. I guess it depends whether you want to be a bit more tactical about it, which I probably should be. Yeah, if you can find something you’re interested in that no one else has written about you’re definitely onto a winner!

I don’t really have much to add to this. I come from another niche (whoop whoop for lifestyle/food/fashion) but thoroughly enjoying the challenge of writing for the travel niche. I started out with a spreadsheet of over 100 titles for blog posts and it keeps growing. I have so much to write and there’s not enough time. Ahhhhh!!!!

I love blogging, writing, sharing and travelling – so for me, travel blogging is a real passion project.

Agree with the spreadsheet and reading blogs analytically as well as for pleasure.

Yeah that’s how I feel. Especially when you’re travelling full time as well. Every day you see new things and have new experiences you want to write about it’s really difficult to keep up! I love it too though – wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂

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37 Best Travel Blog Examples to Inspire You in 2024

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You’ve come to the right place as I’ll be outlining 37 of the best travel blog examples to inspire you on your own journey.

Whether you’re a solo adventurer, niche enthusiast, or a family ready to blog about your travels, you’ll find many travel blog post examples in this list.

From personal storytelling to traveling that will captivate your audience, these successful travel blog samples are the perfect inspiration to start your blog.

What Makes a Great Travel Blog?

If you’re wondering how to write a travel blog, you’ll want to know the key elements of making a great one. Great blogs focus on a niche, and target a specific audience .

Woman working on her travel blog on her laptop.

So what’s going to set your blog apart?

  • Good travel blogs to read focus on quality content that meets user intent.
  • Good travel blogs focus on their main niche and cater to their readers.
  • Great travel writing blogs also design a way to help their audience with unique advice that readers can’t find anywhere else.
  • Good travel blog names help, too!

Of course, quality content and good SEO with a bit of personalization help content get found on search engines — and of course, having lots and lots of readers are a big part of making your travel blog truly great.

37 Top Travel Blog Examples

1. the planet d.

The Planet D blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Travel itineraries, digital nomad lifestyle, road trips, budget travel
  • 💰 Income streams: Affiliate marketing, display ads, partnerships, email marketing, digital products, YouTube

If you’re looking for an adventurous travel blog that has taken the world by storm, look no further than The Planet D adventure travel blog.

This power couple has been posting WordPress travel blog articles and traveling all seven continents since 2008. 

Their award-winning blog showcases unique experiences, detailed itineraries, and vlogs on YouTube where they share their adventures with a dedicated audience. 

To top off their unique travel blog, they also focus on nomad travel, teaching and inspiring their audience to earn money per month and travel — just as they have done for more than a decade now.

Travel Blog Examples

2. the blonde abroad.

The Blonde Abroad blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Solo female travel, lifestyle, photography
  • 💰 Income streams: Brand partnerships, ad income, affiliate marketing, digital products, all-female tours, photo presets

The Blonde Abroad is a notable name in the world of female travel and blogging. What started as a solo world tour to escape corporate life turned into a highly successful blog attracting travelers worldwide. 

This blonde travel blog reaches audiences far beyond what the name implies. The “blonde” here is blog creator, Kiersten Rich (AKA Kiki), and her blog covers lifestyle, photography , all-female trips, and more .

She also has a large following on Instagram, sharing her day-to-day adventures with a passionate audience.

3. Nomadic Matt

Nomadic Matt blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Budget travel, travel tips and guides
  • 💰 Income streams: Books, courses, display ads, affiliate marketing, email marketing

As one of the first true travel bloggers , Matt Kepnes AKA Nomadic Matt paved the way for countless other blogs that followed in his footsteps.

Now, he’s one of the biggest and best travel blog names on the internet and has even been featured in The New York Times.

His blog focuses on budget travel and destination guides, helping his audience travel without breaking the bank. 

The coolest thing? There’s no sponsored content on his blog. Matt and his team pay for every experience and excursion they write about. 

His commitment to authenticity and affordability has earned him a spot as one of the most inspirational budget travel blog examples for students on the list.

4. The Broke Backpacker

The Broke Backpacker blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Budget travel, digital nomad blogs
  • 💰 Income streams: Affiliate marketing, email marketing, and uniquely, The Broke Backpacker opened up Bali’s first co-working hostel

The Broke Backpacker is on a mission to get you to travel the world for $10 a day. It’s clear that this blog is one of the best travel blogs sites focused solely on affordable adventures .

Whether you’re looking for backpacking tips, hostel stays , or working remotely as a digital nomad, The Broke Backpacker has you covered.  

This simple yet effective blog features budget travel tips for hundreds of countries inspiring “broke backpackers” to get out and explore.

These are great travel article examples for students who are notorious for traveling on a budget.

5. Salt In Our Hair

Salt in Our Hair blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Digital nomads, social media, sustainable travel 
  • 💰 Income streams: Affiliate marketing, social media, email marketing, digital products, travel services, photo editing presets

Salt In Our Hair perfectly captures the essence of the adventurous couple behind it. Founded by a couple from the Netherlands, this bubbly blog inspires you to pack your bags and hit the road. 

Salt In Our Hair is a go-to resource for nomadic and sustainable travel .

Through an informative blog and popular Instagram, they offer an array of itineraries and travel guides for both popular and off-the-beaten-path countries. 

Whether you’re looking for unique experiences or responsible tourism, Salt in Our Hair continues to grow as one of the most inspiring and one of the best travel blog websites around.

🤩 Plus their website is absolutely gorgeous — it’s all custom-built by Nick who is a web developer, and Hannah who is a graphic designer. There’s no website builder in sight, but that doesn’t mean you need a custom website.

6. Oneika the Traveller

Oneika the Traveller blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Black travel, female travel
  • 💰 Income streams: Partnerships, email marketing, social media, affiliate marketing

Oneika the Traveller is more than just a female travel blogger — she’s a TV host, Emmy Award-winning journalist, and a great example of how a travel blog can open up a world of other opportunities.

Her unique perspective as a black female traveling solo has given her a loyal audience. 

With her blogging adventures spanning five continents, she collaborates with businesses big and small to spread her message. She even has a unique opinion section to share her thoughts SEO-free.

7. Hand Luggage Only

Hand Luggage Only blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Minimalist travel, photography, food, travel hacks, lifestyle
  • 💰 Income streams: Digital sales, ads, social media, affiliate marketing

If you’re looking for travel blogging inspiration, look no further than Hand Luggage Only .

This couple has made a name for themselves in the blogging world with their stunning photography, food recommendations , lifestyle hacks, and travel journals. 

Their site has a soft and inviting aesthetic with unique travel story examples — noticeably as fun and free as these two are.

8. Along Dusty Roads

Along Dusty Roads blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Packing tips, travel guides, digital nomad, photography journals 
  • 💰 Income streams: Display ads, photography sales, affiliate marketing, media trips (or, paid press trips)

Started in 2014 by a fun-loving couple, Along Dusty Roads is a blog about travel experiences where they passionately share their photography with the world. 

Filled with tips, tricks, and travel stories from more than 40 countries, their minimalist blog aims to help you travel better by sharing their travel wins and mistakes.

📸 They take every photo on their site, creating a personal and engaging experience of each destination for their readers.

If you’re looking to be wowed by incredible travel photography , then look no further.

9. I Am Aileen

I Am Aileen blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Remote work, digital nomadism, solo travel, food 
  • 💰 Income streams: digital products, display ads, YouTube, affiliate marketing, email marketing

Meet Aileen Adalid, the creator and blogger of the eye-catching I Am Aileen website.

Quitting her job in 2014, Aileen embarked on a journey to travel every continent as a full time digital nomad .

This abroad travel and lifestyle blog serves as one of the many great examples of the best travel blogs WordPress offers. This girls travel blog is also one of the best blog travel platforms for inspiration.

She’s become an expert in helping others make money while traveling the world through more than 400+ blog posts and vlogs .

In addition to her tips and insights in her blog for travelers on travel experiences, she’s also added a food travel blog section, combining her passion for travel and international cuisine in a travel meets foodie blog. 

 10. Expert Vagabond

Expert Vagabond blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: travel photography, digital nomad, outdoor travel
  • 💰 Income streams: affiliate marketing, display ads, email marketing 

Blogging life isn’t all high-end travel and expensive hotels. Expert Vagabond is focused on showing budget travelers and nomad enthusiasts that traveling doesn’t have to be complicated (or expensive). 

With more than a decade of nomad backpacking under his belt, this blog shares practical tips on traveling to hidden gems around the world. Plus, a bit of photography on the side as well.

 11. Honeymoon Always

Honeymoon Always blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Couples and honeymoon travel, travel planning
  • 💰 Income streams: Partnerships, display ads, affiliate marketing, YouTube and social media

This couples travel blog site is the ultimate go-to for couples seeking the perfect travel destination — whether it’s for a honeymoon, wedding, or just a romantic getaway.

This particular blog is the perfect example of a niche website . With a focus on luxury and all-inclusive vacations, Honeymoon Always has couple travel down to a science. 

They even partner with travel agents to help their audience plan every last detail of their romantic trip .

From intimate beach bungalows to all-inclusive getaways in amazing resort towns , Honeymoon Always makes it easy to plan trips with your favorite person.

 12. Practical Wanderlust

Practical Wanderlust blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Packing guides, travel tips, sustainable travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Partnerships, display ads, email marketing, coaching

Practical Wanderlust is a colorful and vibrant free travel blog that inspires readers to explore the world sustainably. 

They focus on travel tips and packing guides through their blog, podcast, and email list.

This couple even has a loyal travel community on social media, where they share their day-to-day responsible experiences. They’ve even shared their journey from couple travel to family travel blog writing.

 13. Hey Nadine

Hey Nadine blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: travel planning, lifestyle, vlogging
  • 💰 Income sources: Online courses, affiliate marketing, digital products, YouTube, partnerships

This chic and trendy travel blog is the inspiration you’re looking for. With more than 600,000 followers across the internet, Hey Nadine ‘s commitment to vlogging brings her travels to life. 

Hey Nadine is a great example of having a travel blog alongside a YouTube channel . Nadine has traveled to more than 60 countries, all recorded on video throughout the last 13+ years — that’s a lot of footage!

Her visually stunning site is full of packing guides , hidden gems , and travel inspiration.

14. Chasing the Donkey

Chasing the Donkey blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Balkan travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Affiliate marketing, display ads

Chasing the Donkey travel blog is as fun as it is informative — and another great example of a blog niche site.

From helpful travel guides to insider tips for getting around like a local , Chasing the Donkey focuses on all things Balkans travel. 

They’ve even thrown in some food inspiration to satisfy your traveling taste buds. This Balkan-based travel blog is a refreshing and exciting example of how informative a niche site can be.

15. Travel Mexico Solo

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Topics: Mexican travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Affiliate marketing, display ads, and digital products

I obviously had to also include my own website, Travel Mexico Solo .

I’m a former Miami travel magazine editor who ditched the office for the world. After traveling alone all over Mexico for one year, I decided to become a full-time expat in Mexico in 2018 .

I then decided to launch Travel Mexico Solo in 2020, in the midst of a pandemic. My website dispels Mexico travel misinformation. Instead, I provide accurate info from someone who lives in Mexico, and travels in Mexico often.

Today, my blog has more than 300,000 monthly readers and earns me a very healthy six-figure salary.

Travel Mexico Solo is a Mexico travel blog, and the perfect example of a niche website.

However, I decided to niche down even further when I launched my three other travel blogs: Travel To Merida ,  Travel To Oaxaca , and Tulum Travel Secrets .

16. The Barefoot Nomad

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Topics: Family travel, tech

Charles and Micki Kosman, the masterminds behind The Barefoot Nomad , bring a fusion of travel, tech, and family insights from their base in Kelowna, BC, Canada.

Launched in 2003, the blog has evolved from documenting the couple’s travels to sharing their experiences as a family of four 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

With about 75,000 unique monthly visits , it’s clear that what their doing is working.

The Barefoot Nomad provides a mix of travel tips, tech reviews, and insights into family travel , catering to a diverse audience.

What makes their blog really stand out is how they mix personal stories with handy tips. Their content ranges from destination reviews to technology insights, appealing to both travel enthusiasts and tech-savvy readers.

17. Indie Traveller

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Topics: DIY travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Affiliate marketing, book sales (author of Travel the World Without Worries)

Launched in 2013 by Marek Bron, Indie Traveller focuses on DIY travel — specifically focused on travelers looking to follow their own paths.

Today, Indie Traveler attracts more than 180,000 unique visitors each month who are eager to read Marek’s honest and inspiring travel guides.

With more than a decade of travel experience, he shares his extensive travel knowledge through various resources like gear reviews, travel tips , and destination guides , all based on his personal experiences.

His approach to travel is about following your own path and embracing the adventure, making Indie Traveler a go-to resource for independent travelers worldwide .

18. Our Escape Clause

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: World travel (including USA travel, Europe travel and Italy travel)

Jeremy and Kate are founders of Our Escape Clause . In 2016, they embarked on a journey, trading suburban life in the USA for full-time travel and adventure — and they’ve never looked back.

With more than six years of experience, they have become experts at sharing travel stories and personal reflections through their blog.

Our Escape Clause stands out for its comprehensive resources and actionable tips , aiding travelers in planning their trips.

The blog offers an extensive range of experiences, covering destinations across Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa and Asia.

19. Be My Travel Muse

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: Solo and adventurous travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Affiliate marketing, display ads, group tours

Kristin Addis, the voice behind Be My Travel Muse , offers a unique perspective on solo travel, especially for women. Celebrated as one of the top women’s travel blogs, it draws more than 5 million annual readers .

Kristin’s journey in solo travel spans more than nine years, during which she has gathered a wealth of knowledge about budget-friendly and adventurous travels .

Be My Travel Muse is not just about Kristin’s personal travel stories; it’s a comprehensive resource for solo female travelers . The blog covers a wide range of topics, including tour and destination guides.

Kristin extends her insights through videos, sharing her adventures and practical tips, making her blog a source of inspiration and guidance for anyone looking for solo female travel tips .

20. Goats on the Road

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: Travel and living abroad, Digital nomad travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Affiliate marketing, display ads, digital products and blogging courses

Founded by Canadian adventurers Nick and Dariece, Goats on the Road chronicles their journey since 2008. They offer insights on how people can travel the world and live a life of freedom, travel, and adventure.

More than a travel narrative, their blog dives into topics such as finding work abroad, embracing digital noma dism , and practical travel tips.

In addition to travel insights, Nick and Dariece offer courses on brand growth and SEO . These include courses include a free WordPress course and other advanced courses.

21. Adventurous Kate

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: Solo female travel
  • 💰 Income Sources: display ads, affiliate marketing, sponsorships & partnerships

Kate McCulley, the force behind Adventurous Kate , has carved a niche in the travel blogging world, focusing on independent female travel.

With more than a decade of experience and visits to more than 83 countries and seven continents, her blog garners more than 176,000 monthly page views.

She was also named one of the top travel influencers by Forbes in 2017.

The blog offers a trove of resources for solo female travelers , from safety tips to destination guides.

Her commitment to empowering women travelers is evident throughout her blog, making it a go-to resource for those looking to embark on solo adventures.

22. Camels and Chocolate

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: Travel, lifestyle — a little bit of everything
  • 💰 Income: Affiliate marketing, consulting, ambassadorships, sponsorships

Since its inception in 2007, Camels and Chocolate has been a vibrant internet presence.

It has been recognized with various accolades such as Southern Living’s Bloggers to Follow in 2015 and the Bloggie for Best Travel Weblog (2008-2010).

Kristin and her husband share their colorful experiences in travel, art, and murals, visiting numerous destinations worldwide.

Kristin’s writing skills shine through in her engaging and personal narratives , providing valuable insights for aspiring bloggers and writers.

Camels and Chocolate is an example of leveraging a travel blog to branch out.

Kristin has used the blog as a springboard for diverse projects, including the creation of Odinn Media, a tourism marketing and media production company.

23. Helen in Wonderlust

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: African travel, challenging stereotypes
  • 💰 Income: Display ads, affiliate marketing, tour company, book

Helen in Wonderlust stands out as a fantastic example of a niche travel blog, focusing extensively on Africa travel.

Helen shares her deep love for the continent’s wildlife, landscapes, and cultures, actively working to dispel common misconceptions about its safety for travelers.

Her blog offers a wealth of resources on African destinations , including guides for adventurous, safe travel , and budget-friendly travel.

Beyond Africa, Helen also provides travel guides for other global destinations, adding variety to her niche-focused content.

24.   PS I’m On My Way

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: Dynamic, interactive travel experiences
  • 💰 Income: Display ads, affiliate marketing, a tours business, trip planning

Founded by the award-winning journalist Trisha Velarmino, PS I Am On My Way is a travel blog known for its dynamic presentation and user-friendly design.

The blog is driven by a mission to inspire and assist others in living their dream life, with a strong emphasis on real-life experiences, entrepreneurship , and personal growth.

Trisha’s approach to travel is distinctive ; she immerses herself in a new culture by staying in one place for an extended period, usually three months or more. This allows her to deeply connect with the local lifestyle.

The blog is more than a travel guide; it’s a narrative about breaking societal norms and embracing a life of constant exploration and learning.

25. The Travel Book

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: Eco-friendly traveling, sustainable lifestyle
  • 💰 Income: Books, e-books, posters

Travel Book is dedicated to teaching readers about eco-conscious travel, providing insights into how to explore the world while minimizing environmental impact.

From offering tips on eco-friendly accommodations and transportation and sharing knowledge about the most beautiful yet sustainable destinations, Travel Book is a treasure trove of green travel guidance.

The blog, beautifully crafted on WordPress , intertwines engaging travel stories with actionable advice, catering to an audience passionate about sustainable tourism.

26. Two Monkeys Travel

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: Solo and global travel experiences
  • 💰 Income: Display ads, affiliate marketing, partnerships

Two Monkeys Travel , helmed by the globetrotting Kach from the Philippines, is a testament to the transformative power of travel.

With more than 500,000 monthly page views, the blog chronicles Kach’s journey from a fresh graduate to a full-time traveler who gave up her regular job in 2013 to explore the world.

Her blog stands as an inspiration for those dreaming of solo global adventures, showcasing her experiences in more than 180 countries with an aspiration to visit every nation on Earth.

The blog offers various content, from personal travel narratives to practical guides on various aspects of travel.

27. Roads and Kingdoms

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: In-depth storytelling, cultural exploration
  • 💰 Income: Publishing partnerships, brand collaborations

Roads & Kingdoms is a unique travel blog blending in-depth storytelling with cultural insights .

Celebrated for its comprehensive travel narratives, food journalism , and political commentary, the blog has earned accolades like the Emmy and James Beard Publication of the Year awards.

Its sections cover travel stories with stunning photography, culinary explorations, and detailed city guides.

This blog is a perfect example of incredible storytelling and jaw-dropping documentary-style travel photography .

28. Now In Portugal

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: Exploring lesser-known sites in Portugal
  • 💰 Income: Affiliate programs, display ads

Now In Portugal , started in 2021 by Yvonne Ivanescu, is a dedicated travel blog that delves into the hidden gems and less explored locales of Portugal .

This platform stands out as a prime example of a destination-focused niche site, offering readers an in-depth look at Portugal’s unique and often overlooked destinations.

The blog’s content ranges from comprehensive travel guides to personal experiences, all centered around showcasing the diverse and rich cultural, historical, and natural landscapes of Portugal.

29. Charlotte Plans a Trip

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: Personal travel stories, destination guides, travel tips
  • 💰 Income: Display ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, consultancy services

Charlotte Plans a Trip , managed by Dutch traveler Charlotte and her husband Ries, chronicles their global adventures — the website is in English and Dutch .

With more than 25 countries explored across multiple continents, the blog features a mix of personal stories, practical travel tips, and comprehensive destination guides.

The content is categorized into sections like Personal, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guides, Diary, Budget Tips, Travel Photography, and more.

Charlotte excels in creating both short and long-form posts with vivid images. She also maintains an active presence on Instagram, engaging her audience with regular updates and interactions.

30. Travel Freak  

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: Resources for unconventional and solo travel adventures
  • 💰 Income: Display ads, affiliate marketing

Travel Freak , created by Jeremy Foster, is a standout travel blog catering to those who don’t align with conventional travel norms. With more than a decade of travel experience, Jeremy’s blog has influenced millions.

The site is a treasure trove of resources for solo travelers , offering insights on working abroad, money-saving tips, and reliable travel equipment for various adventures.

A significant portion of the content is devoted to travel gear reviews , a great revenue-generating strategy.

31. BucketListly

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: Backpacking, hiking, and travel photography
  • 💰 Income: Guides, itineraries, and design resources

Based in Thailand, Pete Rojwongsuriya brings a unique blend of skills as a designer, blogger, and solo traveler to the BucketListly Travel Blog .

With more than a decade of experience, Pete specializes in creating comprehensive travel guides and backpacking itineraries. His blog is a reflection of his passions for adventure, photography and storytelling .

BucketListly stands out as an exceptionally well-designed travel blog, showcasing Pete’s expertise in design and programming.

The website is not just a resource for travel enthusiasts but also a visually stunning portfolio of Pete’s photography skills .

He also has a YouTube channel, which adds another dimension to Pete’s stunning visual storytelling of his travels.

32. One Girl One World

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: Travel, Beauty, Lifestyle
  • 💰 Income: E-books, one-on-one coaching, press, campaigns

Established in 2014, One Girl One World is a unique fusion of travel, beauty, and lifestyle from Francesca Murray. It offers another great example of a micro-niche blog.

It’s not just about travel; but a holistic guide for maintaining personal care during adventures.

The blog shares valuable insights on managing skincare routines and haircare while traveling, especially for natural curls.

One Girl One World stands out for its specific yet broadly appealing niche. Francesca, the blog’s creator, leverages her platform to forge exciting partnerships and diverse opportunities.

Her active engagement on Instagram and YouTube complements her blog, enhancing her digital presence and outreach.

33. Jessie on a Journey

travel blog entry example

  • 🌍 Focus: Solo female travel, blogging, wellness travel
  • 💰 Income: Ads, brand collaborations, consulting, affiliate marketing, sponsored blog posts

Jessie Festa’s blog, Jessie on a Journey , is a vibrant mix of adventure stories, travel tips, and personal insights. It’s a go-to resource for solo travel , wellness, and turning a passion for travel into a career .

Her blog is not just a collection of travel tales, but a guide for those looking to make a mark in the world of travel blogging. The blog covers a range of topics, including destinations, travel planning, and responsible tourism.

It’s also a hub for blogging advice, showing others how to monetize travel experiences through various channels like advertisements, collaborations, consulting, and affiliate marketing .

34. Uncornered Market

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: Responsible travel and experiential journeys
  • 💰 Income: Consultancy in tourism development and marketing, speaking engagements

UnCornered Market , created by Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott, champions the cause of responsible travel and the pursuit of personal growth.

The essence of their journey and the blog’s ethos centers on humanizing the places they visit. Through captivating photographs and storytelling , they aim to connect readers with diverse cultures and locales.

Beyond sharing their adventures, Daniel and Audrey have leveraged their blog’s influence to create remarkable opportunities. What started as a sustainable travel blog has evolved into a consultancy venture.

They now guide travel brands and tourism organizations in developing sustainable and community-focused tourism products and strategies.

35. Girl Eat World

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: Travel, Food, and Photographic Storytelling
  • 💰 Income Sources: Affiliate Marketing, Display Advertisements, Brand Collaborations

Girl Eat World stands as a quintessential example of a travel blog, where Melissa Hie combines her passions for food, travel, and storytelling.

Launched in 2015 as a personal diary, it has evolved into a well-followed platform, thanks in part to Melissa’s strong Instagram presence — she currently has more than 300K followers.

The travel blog description for Girl Eat World paints a picture of a unique blend of travel tales and practical food travel guides , complemented by Melissa’s distinct approach to Instagram photography.

Girl Eat World offers a feast for the eyes and the soul, making it a notable entry into the travel blogging sphere — particularly in the food travel niche.

36. The Everywhereist  

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: A little bit of everything, from travel to personal development
  • 💰 Income Sources: Books, brand partnerships

Geraldine DeRuiter, a former copywriter, initially began documenting her travels alongside her husband, Rand as heartfelt love letters to him 😍

What started as a personal endeavor soon blossomed into The Everywhereist , a blog that gained recognition from Time Magazine as one of the best blogs in 2011 .

Geraldine’s journey is not just about travel; it’s a tale of transformation and passion. After being laid off, she channeled her energy into blogging, a story eloquently captured in her book, All Over The Place .

This narrative offers valuable inspiration for aspiring bloggers, showcasing how a setback can lead to a fulfilling new path.

37. Time Travel Turtle

travel blog entry example

  • ✈️ Focus: Destinations, travel planning, food
  • 💰 Income sources: Display ads, affiliate marketing, photography sales, content production, speaking engagements, brand collaborations, sponsored posts

One travel blog that truly takes travel blogging to new heights is Time Travel Turtle .

The blog is a collection of Michael’s extensive travels, offering travel blog writing examples through vivid storytelling and stunning photography.

Notably, Michael sells some of his captivating photos, allowing companies to feature exotic locations and properties.

As a digital nomad, Michael continues his global explorations, add to his blog with practical travel tips and insights.

It’s Time To Start Your Own Travel Blog

Woman carrying her luggage and holding her phone.

If you’re ready to start your own travel blog , you’ll first need to get clear about your goals and your target audience.

Once that’s settled, learn about SEO and how to drive traffic to your site. 

From there, decide how you can help your audience — What can you offer them that no one else can?

Lastly, start creating quality content and begin your travel blogging journey .

Travel Blog Examples: FAQs

woman working on her laptop during a vacation

What makes a good travel blog?

The key elements that make a good travel blog are experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness , or what Google calls E-E-A-T.

The best blogs about travel deliver consistent, high-quality content to their readers. Really short travel blog posts usually aren’t long enough to offer quality content.

From original photos to unique personal experiences, top-notch personal travel blogs prioritize user intent .

They inform readers and drive them to take action – whether that means booking a trip, buying a product, or joining an email list.

How do I start a travel blog from scratch?

To start a travel blog from scratch, you’ll need to focus on strategic and physical efforts .

Strategically, choose a unique niche and conduct research to understand your competition and target audience. Learn about SEO and focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that provides value to your readers.

Physically, begin by selecting a reliable web hosting service. Purchase a domain name that reflects your niche and choose a responsive, visually appealing theme.

I personally use WordPress, and I use Kadence as a theme . However, some other bloggers use website builders like Divi and Elementor — but these can slow down your site.

You’ll also need to use blogging platforms and content management systems to publish and organize your posts effectively. Remember to continuously learn and adapt to trends and feedback for sustained growth and success.

👩‍💻  To help you start your travel blog, I highly recommend taking a course!  Check out this post for info on the  best travel blogging courses . I also did a review on the best course I’ve done,  head here .

low-cost hosting for travel blogs

For those looking to start a travel blog on a budget, shared hosting is the best option, as it is cost-efficient and provides all the basic features you need. 

Many people use cheap blog hosts like Bluehost or A2 hosting , but I personally love using Lyrical Host .

They are slightly more expensive, but you will be rewarded with a super speedy blog and 5 Star customer service. 

🤑 Lyrical Host Discount Code: Use code TRAVELBLOGGING101 to get 10% off all Lyrical hosting plans.

How hard is it to start a travel blog?

Starting a travel blog is not hard, but it does require consistent time and effort . Successful and inspiring blogs are not built overnight.

A travel blog WordPress site requires an abundance of quality content, building valuable backlinks, satisfying user intent, and more.

With patience and persistence, you can create a successful travel blog .

How do I write a travel blog?

To write a travel blog, you’ll first need to prioritize SEO to reach an audience and rank on search engines. This will help you understand user intent, incorporate EEAT signals, properly outline posts, and target the right keywords. 

Next, fill in your optimized outlines with accurate, professional, and personal information that will engage your readers.

Answer the question better than anyone else — show Google that you’re the expert in your travel blog.  

If you want to learn how to find keywords with big potential to earn affiliate income, check out my How to Find Affiliate Marketing Keywords Class .

Are travel blogs still profitable?

Yes — travel blogs are still profitable (or, they can be). With today’s ever-changing digital landscape, there are more opportunities than ever to monetize a travel blog and earn a living from it. 

Bloggers can choose from various income streams such as display advertising, affiliate links and marketing, digital products, email marketing, and more.

New and old travel blogs alike continue to generate money from valuable content . 

How do travel bloggers make money?

Travel bloggers have several options to make money . Two popular methods include affiliate marketing and display advertising. Additionally, bloggers can earn money through sponsorships and partnership opportunities.

Some bloggers choose to sell digital products or services directly to their audience – either on their blog or through email marketing.

Most travel bloggers choose to diversify their income streams with a combination of these methods.

Final Thoughts: Travel Blog Examples

Couple planning their trip together.

There’s no shortage of amazing examples of travel blog websites to inspire you to get out there and start your journey. 

Whether you’re passionate about backpacking on a budget, splurging on a luxurious honeymoon or helping others navigate your city like a local — the blogging examples here show there’s a place for you in travel blogging. 

If you’re ready to start your blogging journey, I have travel courses for every level.

If you’re new to this, start by exploring free travel planning tips on various platforms. These can be incredibly useful, especially since you’ll need to commit yourself to at least six months of travel blogging.

The blogging examples listed here, along with resources on Travel Blogspot and social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and TikTok, offer a wealth of information and community support to help you along the way.

Whatever your travel style might be, it’s time to grab your laptop and start creating .

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Top 33 Stunning Travel Blog Examples to Inspire in 2024

Arto Minasyan

1. Nomadic Matt

2. the blonde abroad, 3. oneika the traveller, 4. salt in our hair, 5. a broken backpack, 6. the barefoot nomad, 7. indie traveller, 8. wandering earl, 9. world of wanderlust, 10. expert vagabond, 11. our escape clause, 12. the broke backpacker, 13. let’s be merry, 14. the planet d, 15. travel hacking mom, 16. anywhere we roam, 17. female travel bloggers, 18. helen in wonderlust, 19. camels and chocolate, 20. adventurous kate, 21. getting stamped, 22. urban travel blog, 23. migrationology, 24. bucketlistly, 25. be my travel muse, 26. goats on the road, 27. two monkeys travel, 28. the world travel guy, 29. the travel book, 30. travelfreak, 31. a couple for the road, 32. places of juma, 33. roads and kingdoms, how to create your own travel blog.

Ready to check out some awesome travel blog examples that’ll totally fuel your wanderlust or maybe even inspire you to start your own blog? We’ve rounded up the coolest travel blogs of 2024, and trust me, they’re all about epic adventures and super handy travel hacks, straight from folks who know their way around the globe.

Travel isn’t just about snapping pics of cool spots. It’s about diving into new cultures, trying out weird and wonderful foods, and seeing the world in a whole new way. These blogs we’ve found? They’re like your best friends in travel, dishing out the real scoop with stories that’ll have you packing your bags in no time.

So, whether you’re dreaming about your next big trip or thinking of sharing your own travel stories, this list is your go-to. Get ready to get inspired and maybe even become the next big travel blogger!

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How do you write a travel blog?

  • Share your travel experiences, tips, and stories in a captivating way.
  • Choose a special focus for your blog to stand out.
  • Write in a relatable and vivid style, sharing your own adventures and insights.
  • Add useful travel advice, such as where to stay and what to do.
  • Use high-quality photos and videos to make your posts more interesting.
  • Keep your blog updated regularly and share it on social media to attract more readers.

How do you start a travel blog for beginners?

  • Choose a unique name: Pick a memorable and descriptive name that reflects the essence of your travel experiences.
  • Set up your blog: Use a blogging platform like WordPress or Blogger. Select a theme that is visually appealing and mobile-friendly.
  • Create quality content: Write engaging posts about your travels, including tips, guides, and personal stories. Incorporate high-quality photos and videos to make your posts more appealing.
  • Optimize for SEO: Use relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and tags to improve your blog’s visibility on search engines.
  • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, and connect with your readers on social media platforms to build a community around your blog.
  • Monetize your blog: Consider affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and selling digital products to generate income from your blog.
  • Stay consistent: Regularly update your blog with fresh content to keep your audience engaged and attract new readers.

How much money do you make from a travel blog?

  • New bloggers often make little to no money in the first few months or even years. 
  • Once you have a steady stream of traffic, you could earn anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per month.
  • Successful travel bloggers with large, engaged audiences can make significant incomes, ranging from high five to six figures annually.

What is the best travel blog?

Budget travel advice and tips.

What we liked the most about this site:

  • The website’s design is intuitive and easy to navigate, enhancing user experience.
  • It provides a wide range of travel-related information, from practical tips to personal travel stories.
  • The website features organized destination guides and travel resources, ideal for travel fans.

Nomadic Matt’s site, led by the well-traveled Matt Kepnes, breaks the myth that travel has to be expensive. His decade-long journey across over 100 countries informs the site’s rich content, designed for those seeking to travel affordably.

This is one of the best travel blog examples for budget-conscious travelers, offering a blend of practical tips, money-saving strategies, and thorough destination guides. It’s a hub where Matt shares his travel wisdom, inspired by his own transformation from a first-time traveler to a globetrotting expert.

Nomadic Matt’s website is user-friendly and easy to engage with. It attracts traffic via SEO, social media, and referrals, indicating a broad, loyal audience.

The site earns through affiliate links, selling travel guides, and courses, and offering blogging resources.

Solo female travel experiences.

  • The site features a chic design with captivating travel photography.
  • Offers specialized advice and unique perspectives for solo female travelers.
  • The blog provides a friendly, personal insight, like chatting with a friend .

The Blonde Abroad is Kiki’s cool twist on solo female travel blogging. Back in 2011, she ditched her corporate gig to roam the globe solo and share her stories. It’s a fab spot for women travelers, loaded with style tips, travel hacks, yummy food spots, and awesome photos. Kiki’s got you covered with awesome tools for booking flights, tips on travel cards, gear suggestions, and even job opportunities for travelers. It’s like your go-to travel buddy in blog form! The

Blonde Abroad site is super easy to get around and really catches your eye, which is a big plus for solo female travelers. It pulls in readers from Google, social media buzz, and loyal fans.

The way it makes money is pretty smart too – there are affiliate links, gear promos, preset sales, and exclusive women-only travel trips, all without feeling too salesy.

If you’re planning to start a travel blog, Kiki shares incredible tips on starting and running a successful blog while working full-time. Using the 10Web AI Website Builder , you can also create a similar website in minutes and customize it with a drag-and-drop editor.

Diverse global travel and culture.

  • Focuses on empowering travelers, especially with its unique “Travelling While Black” section.
  • Offers diverse travel insights from multiple continents.
  • The website creatively uses images, videos, and podcasts, enhancing the user experience.

Oneika Raymond is the vibrant personality at the heart of Oneika the Traveller. She shares her global adventures and experiences with a real and engaging touch. Her website is one of the best travel blog examples that is packed with travel tips and offers an insightful look into her life, focusing on her experiences as a Black traveler. You’ll find a range of content from blog posts to videos and podcasts, making it a diverse and enlightening destination for those interested in genuine travel stories and advice.

The website offers an easy-to-navigate interface with a well-structured and visually appealing design. The website attracts a diverse audience through various channels, including social media and organic search.

Monetization strategies include partnerships, affiliate marketing, and advertising, integrated seamlessly with the blog’s content.

Sustainable travel and photography.

  • Features stunning, high-quality images that beautifully showcase travel destinations.
  • The clean layout makes it easy for visitors to find information on various travel destinations and tips.
  • The site offers a wealth of engaging travel content, including detailed guides and personal experiences.

Salt in Our Hair, created by Nick and Hannah from the Netherlands, is all about awesome travel vibes with a cool twist. They’re all about blending photography and storytelling to share their adventures.

Plus, the site is a fantastic example of turning travel love into a career, mixing Nick’s web dev skills and Hannah’s design flair for a visually stunning journey around the world. And if you’re into sustainable travel, they’ve got heaps of eco-friendly tips and guides, making it a must-visit for earth-loving wanderers! That is why their website is surely one of the best personal websites to follow.

The site effectively draws traffic through social media, organic search, and a strong online community, reflecting its popularity.

Monetization is smartly implemented through a shop selling video filters and presets, Google maps, travel ebooks, as well as affiliate marketing, and partnerships.

Adventure travel and digital nomad life.

  • Offers a unique, personal perspective on travel, making it feel like you’re getting tips from a friend rather than a guidebook.
  • The site is full of detailed guides and tips for various destinations helpful for planning trips.
  • The website focuses on budget-friendly travel, providing tips for affordable exploration.

Melissa, a Canadian traveler since 2014, runs this cool blog showing you don’t need a pile of cash to see the world. She’s all about budget-friendly travel and even shares how to earn money while you’re out exploring.

Thinking of living abroad, backpacking, camping, or hiking? Melissa’s got loads of personal tips and stories. Plus, she dishes on the best travel spots, gear, and how to make some dough while traveling. It’s like a one-stop shop for savvy travelers!

A Broken Backpack is a user-friendly example of a travel blog with a clear, easy-to-navigate design. It draws visitors mainly through social media, organic search, and a community of regular readers.

The site monetizes through various methods, including affiliate marketing, partnerships, and advertising travel-related products and services.

Found inspiration? Your website is just a few clicks away. Start with 10Web AI Website Builder to effortlessly bring your vision to life.

Travel, tech, and family adventures.

  • The Barefoot Nomad highlights family travel, offering tips for journeys with kids.
  • The site covers a wide range of topics, from travel tips and destination guides to tech and family fun.
  • The content is not only informative but also engaging and easy to read.

Want to know what traveling with kids is really like? Check out the Barefoot Nomad blog by Charles and Micki Kosman, who’ve been doing it for over 10 years. Their site is jam-packed with their travel stories, super useful tips, and advice. You’ll find everything from cool destination ideas to food, travel apps, gear, and even travel insurance tips. It’s a goldmine for family adventurers!

The website has an easy-to-navigate layout that makes browsing a breeze. It gets traffic mainly from organic searches, social media platforms, and its established reader base.

Monetization strategies are subtly incorporated, with affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and travel product recommendations, all aligning well with the site’s family and tech travel focus.

Budget travel guides and backpacking tips.

What we liked most about this site:

  • The blog offers extensive budget travel guides and tips for cost-effective exploration.
  • It offers comprehensive guides for various global destinations, including Southeast Asia and Europe.
  • The site is packed with practical information and advice, from offbeat travel spots to digital nomad tips.

If you’re into indie-style travel, where you call the shots and embrace adventure your way, you gotta check out Indie Traveller. Marek, the guy behind it, has been globe-trotting for over 10 years. He’s all about sharing tips for DIY travel and making your own path. His blog is full of real-deal advice, from gear reviews to travel tips and guides based on his own experiences. It’s a great spot for honest and inspiring travel guidance.

Indie Traveller offers a straightforward and easy-to-use design, catering well to budget travelers. The website successfully attracts an audience through its organic search rankings and social media engagement.

Monetization is subtly incorporated with affiliate marketing and product reviews, as well as book sales.

Long-term travel and unique experiences.

  • Wandering Earl offers a real and adventurous take on travel, filled with personal stories and insights.
  • The site provides travel guides, tips, and unique destination insights, making it a comprehensive travel companion.
  • The website’s layout is straightforward, facilitating easy access to its rich content.

Curious about non-stop traveling? Check out Wandering Earl by Derek Earl. This guy’s been traveling for 20+ years and visited over 130 countries! He’s all about sharing his wild travel tales, tips on planning trips, and living the travel life.

Plus, he’s got the scoop on working while wandering. And if you wanna travel with him, Earl’s got a tour agency that takes folks to cool places. It’s like a treasure trove of real-deal travel experiences!

Wandering Earl offers a user-friendly experience with its straightforward and easy-to-navigate design. The website attracts a diverse audience through channels like organic search, social media, and a loyal reader base.

Its monetization approach includes affiliate marketing (as indicated by being an Amazon Associate), advertising travel-related products and services, and promoting personal tours.

Solo female luxury travel.

  • The blog offers a personal touch to travel storytelling, making it relatable and captivating.
  • It covers a broad spectrum of destinations, providing insights and tips for a variety of places around the world.
  • The website’s design is visually attractive, with beautiful photography.

World of Wanderlust is a fab spot for solo travel buffs. If you’re dreaming about your first solo adventure or you’re a seasoned traveler, this blog’s got you covered with tons of tips and ideas. It’s got everything from planning your first trip to picking the coolest European cities to visit. You’ll get personal stories, what to expect, and tips on getting around.

Plus, there’s even a section for fancy stays like top-notch hotels and island resorts. Perfect for upping your travel game!

The website garners traffic from various sources including social media and organic search, indicating a strong online presence.

Monetization is subtly integrated with affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and recommendations for travel-related products and services.

Adventure travel and photography.

  • The blog’s emphasis on adventurous travel is exciting and inspiring for those seeking thrill in their journeys.
  • Offers valuable photography tips, perfect for travelers wanting to capture their experiences.
  • The website’s design is intuitive, ensuring easy navigation and a pleasant reading experience.

Expert Vagabond is a super versatile travel blog great for all types of travelers. Matt, the guy behind it, is a pro in travel, adventure, and photography. He’s all about sharing new experiences, tips, and his own travel mishaps to help you out. You’ll find awesome travel guides, cool photos, and personal stories about different places. Plus, there’s a special photography section that’s like a visual trip through his adventures.

Expert Vagabond offers a smooth and engaging experience for users, with its adventure and photography-focused content. It attracts a wide audience through social media and search engines, showcasing its broad appeal.

The blog smartly integrates revenue streams such as affiliate links, partnerships, and adventure tour promotions, which complement its adventurous theme and are useful for its audience.

Couples travel and comprehensive guides.

  • Jeremy and Kate’s personal journey and stories make the blog engaging and relatable.
  • They offer detailed itineraries and guides, especially for Europe and the USA, useful for travelers.
  • The website is visually appealing and easy to navigate, enhancing the reader’s experience.

Our Escape Clause, run by travel pros Jeremy and Kate, is all about awesome adventures in the USA, Europe, and Italy. They’ve been at it for over six years, sharing stories and tips from their full-time travels. Their site’s packed with cool stories, handy guides, and tips for dream trips – think detailed city guides for Italy and Portugal, and sweet weekend ideas in the USA.

The website is easy to navigate, offering a wealth of travel stories, tips, and resources. It attracts visitors from various sources, including search engines and social media, indicating its strong online presence.

Monetization methods include affiliate links, as the site is an Amazon Associate, other partnerships, and display ads.

Budget travel and backpacking adventures.

  • The site is a treasure trove for budget travelers, packed with practical tips for traveling affordably.
  • It offers extensive guides and tips on various destinations.
  • The engaging and informative content makes it a great resource for those planning their next adventure.

The Broke Backpacker is a go-to spot for anyone wanting to travel without spending a ton. It’s packed with all sorts of savvy tips for affordable travel. Will Hatton, the guy behind it, is a seasoned traveler who’s all about pushing limits. The blog is split into cool sections like “Where to Go,” with top travel spots, and a budget travel section loaded with advice on snagging cheap stays, transport, and eats.

The Broke Backpacker website is impressively user-friendly, with a clear, engaging design that’s easy to navigate. It primarily attracts visitors through organic search and social media, showing its wide reach and popularity among budget travelers.

The site effectively monetizes through affiliate links, gear reviews, and partnerships, aligning well with its focus on budget and adventure travel.

Travel wellness and personal growth tips.

  • The blog advocates for wellness and personal growth while traveling, offering a refreshing perspective compared to typical travel blog websites.
  • Merry shares practical tips on staying fit and healthy on the road, including nutritious food choices and affordable exercise equipment.
  • The blog presents its health and fitness tips in an organized, easy-to-navigate manner.

Travel’s not always just fun – it can be pretty tiring too. Let’s Be Merry is this cool blog that gets into wellness and growing personally while you’re on the go. Merry, the blogger, dishes out all sorts of tips on how to keep fit and eat right when you’re traveling. You’ll find nifty advice on healthy eating, easy exercise gear, and whipping up good-for-you meals while you’re out and about.

Let’s Be Merry is easy to use, with a straightforward layout. It gets traffic mostly from social media and search engines, showing it’s pretty popular.

The main way it makes money is through ads, but they’re done in a way that doesn’t get in the way of the cool wellness and travel tips.

Adventure travel inspiration and tips.

  • It’s packed with experiences and destinations from all over the world, perfect for any adventurer.
  • The website is loaded with useful travel tips, itineraries, and destination guides.
  • The website’s design is visually appealing and easy to navigate.

The Planet D is super cool – it’s even been named one of the top travel blog examples by Forbes! Dave and Deb, the travel-savvy couple behind it, have been exploring the world for over 15 years. Their blog is all about showing you how to live an awesome life by following your passions. It’s packed with stories, tips, and itineraries from their travels, and they even talk about how to start living nomadically.

The Planet D offers a user-friendly experience with its well-organized layout and engaging content. The website attracts a diverse audience through search engines and social media.

The website subtly earns money through various methods like affiliate links, ads, partnerships, email campaigns, selling digital products, and YouTube content.

Tips on travel via point hacking.

  • The site offers valuable advice on how to travel affordably using points and miles.
  • The authors share their personal experiences and successes in travel hacking.
  • With a clear layout and comprehensive content, the site is full of useful tips for maximizing travel rewards.

Travel Hacking Mom is all about showing you how to travel big on a budget using credit card points. These three moms have racked up millions of points, jetting off to places like Hawaii, Paris, and Thailand. They share loads of tips and guides on destinations they’ve visited and how you can use travel points too. Plus, they’ve got a section with some of the best credit card offers for travel hacking.

Travel Hacking Mom offers a neat, user-friendly interface that makes it easy for readers to find information on travel hacking. The site primarily gains traffic from social media and organic search, suggesting a well-engaged audience.

Monetization is achieved through affiliate marketing, with clear disclosures, showing a transparent approach to earning while providing valuable travel tips.

Adventure and cultural travel insights.

  • The site offers a comprehensive range of travel guides, covering destinations from European cities to remote hiking trails.
  • It specializes in epic road trips and hiking adventures, appealing to adventure seekers.
  • The clean and visually inviting layout makes it easy to find and read about exciting travel experiences.

Anywhere We Roam by Mark and Paul rocks a cool minimalist design, but don’t be fooled – it’s packed with great travel info. The blog’s a breeze to navigate and loaded with awesome guides on hiking, city travels, road trips, and more. Plus, it’s got a ton of stuff on destinations across Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.

The website Anywhere We Roam showcases a user-friendly interface, making it accessible and easy for visitors to browse. The site’s traffic is largely driven by search engines and social media, reflecting a notable online reach.

It appears to generate revenue through discreet methods like affiliate links and partnerships.

Community and resources for female travel bloggers.

  • FTB fosters a collaborative environment where like-minded travel enthusiasts can connect and support each other.
  • The site offers a wealth of resources for starting and managing a travel blog.
  • The website design facilitates easy access to resources and community interaction.

Female Travel Bloggers (FTB) is a fantastic place for those starting in the travel world. It’s a community where people with similar interests in travel come together to support and help each other. They also offer a bunch of resources for anyone looking to start their own travel blog. This community is super helpful, especially if you’re just stepping into travel and blogging.

FTB offers a user-friendly platform, focusing on community building and resource sharing for female travel bloggers. Its traffic comes from diverse channels like social media, emphasizing its community-driven nature.

As for monetization, the site uses methods like affiliate marketing and sponsored content, aligning with its goal to support travel bloggers.

African travel focus and tours.

  • The site is rich in content about African travel, offering deep insights into the continent.
  • Helen’s own experiences add a genuine and personal touch to the travel stories.
  • The website’s design is aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate, enhancing the overall experience of exploring African adventures.

Helen’s blog is all about her passion for Africa, from its wildlife and landscapes to its people. She’s on a mission to break the myth that Africa isn’t safe to travel. Her site’s a treasure trove of tips on how to explore Africa safely, affordably, and adventurously. You’ll find everything from African travel guides and group tours to an e-book. Plus, she shares her travel experiences from other parts of the world too.

Helen in Wonderlust website has a user-friendly navigation, attracting visitors through search engines and social media.

Its monetization strategy is multi-faceted, incorporating display ads, affiliate marketing, revenue from a tour company, and sales of a specialized book.

Personal travel and lifestyle stories.

  • The blog offers a mix of travel recommendations, marketing insights, and tips for entrepreneurs.
  • Kristin Luna shares her extensive travel experiences and professional expertise.
  • The site’s layout is visually appealing and user-friendly, enhancing the browsing experience for various topics.

Kristin’s blog, “Camels & Chocolate,” is a feast for the eyes with its colorful vibe and stunning photos. She’s a journalist covering a cool mix of topics like travel, home renovations, and entrepreneurship. Her blog is perfect if you’re into balancing travel, family, and a career.

Kristin shares her own travel adventures and her journey to becoming a successful writer, which is super helpful if you’re thinking about starting your own blog.

Camels & Chocolate is one of those travel blog examples that has clear navigation and a diverse range of content. This travel blog example attracts traffic through social media and organic search, reflecting its effective online engagement.

Monetization is through a variety of channels, including advertising, editorial work, influencer campaigns, and digital marketing services, providing a well-rounded revenue model.

You can also create your own travel website that adopts a similar design using the 10Web AI Website Builder. Simply copy and paste the URL and we will recreate the layout for you.

Solo female travel blog.

  • Kate’s focus on solo female travel offers valuable insights and tips, making it a go-to resource for women travelers.
  • Her personal travel experiences add depth and authenticity to the blog.
  • The site’s layout is user-friendly, neatly categorizing travel guides, destinations, and safety tips.

Kate’s blog is perfect for anyone who’s into solo travel. She’s been all over – 83 countries and counting – and she’s got heaps of tips on doing it solo. H er website is one of the go-to travel blog examples if you need advice on what to do (and what not to do), where it’s safe to stay, and cool things to check out. Plus, she’s got a whole section just for solo female travel tips.

The website draws a wide audience from search engines and social platforms, highlighting its appeal and reach.

The website cleverly earns revenue through methods like affiliate links and sponsored posts, well-integrated with its engaging content.

Couple travel and photography adventures.

  • Provides useful travel guides and tips for global destinations.
  • Shares captivating travel experiences of Hannah and Adam.
  • Features an attractive, easy-to-navigate website layout with impressive photography.

Getting Stamped is one of the best travel blog examples for couples or families seeking travel ideas. Hannah and Adam, this couple from Wisconsin, kicked off their blog about ten years ago after ditching their office jobs for a life full of adventures and travel tips sharing.

The blog’s packed with useful stuff like guides on awesome places they’ve loved, some neat photography tips, and general travel advice. It’s a great spot to dig up some solid recommendations and insights on various destinations.

The website is user-friendly with an easy-to-navigate layout and clear sections like blog, destinations, and photography. Traffic is generated through organic search, social media channels, and YouTube videos.

The site makes money mainly through affiliate links, like those to Amazon.

Urban travel guides and stories.

  • Offers over 75 detailed guides for short city breaks, providing a mix of popular and unique destinations.
  • Features various adventures, nightlife, and festivals, giving a fresh perspective on urban exploration.
  • Features a clean, modern layout that enhances readability and user experience.

If you’re into city explorations, the Urban Travel Blog is a must-visit. It’s run by Duncan Rhodes, a travel journo who’s crafted over 75 city guides. This blog is all about the unique buzz of city life – think rich history, cool landscapes, diverse food, and awesome nightlife. It provides tips on what to see and do in different cities, covering everything from local festivals to the latest trends. Definitely a go-to for the inside scoop on urban adventures.

This website offers a pleasant user experience with its well-organized and appealing website design. It effectively draws traffic through a mix of social media engagement, using platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

In terms of making money, this example of a travel blog uses affiliate links and might have sponsored posts.

Food-centered travel experiences.

  • Excellently captures the essence of world cuisines, appealing to food lovers.
  • Offers comprehensive guides that focus specifically on the culinary aspects of cities around the world.
  • The site has a clean, appealing layout that enhances its food-focused content.

Travel is not just about sights and thrills; it’s a journey through the flavors and cultures of the world. Mark Wien’s blog is one of the top travel blog examples for those who love both food and travel. He dishes out guides on hotspots like Mexico and Bangkok, sharing the best food joints and must-try dishes. Beyond tasty eats, Mark hooks you up with practical stuff like visa tips, transport options, and places to crash.

The Migrationology website is user-friendly with a clear and engaging layout that’s easy to navigate. It generates traffic through various channels, including a strong presence on social media and YouTube, indicating a wide-reaching audience.

The site monetizes through a combination of affiliate links, advertisements, and possibly sponsored content.

Solo travel and photography.

  • The site offers over 600 travel guides and itineraries, providing thorough information for global travel planning.
  • It specializes in solo travel experiences and photography.
  • The website features a clean, visually appealing layout.

Pete, a Thai designer and blogger, shares his decade-long solo travel adventures on BucketListly. His passion for photography, adventure, and storytelling shines through his site, which also showcases his design prowess.

The blog is a treasure trove of travel tips, offering advice on finding affordable flights, hotels, and transportation. For aspiring bloggers, Pete’s site is a great source of inspiration for the readers, packed with videos, photos, and motivating content to kickstart their own travel blog websites.

Bu cketListly is also one of the well-designed travel blog examples with straightforward and accessible navigation, ensuring ease of use for its visitors. The blog’s audience mainly comes from social media and organic search results.

In terms of revenue, the site boosts its income by selling guides, itineraries, and website design resources.

Solo female adventure travel.

  • The website’s design is visually appealing, enhancing the browsing experience.
  • Offers comprehensive guides for various destinations, tailored for solo female travelers.
  • Provides relatable travel tips and personal stories, making it a valuable resource.

Jumping into solo travel, especially for women, can seem daunting, but Kristina’s blog is all about breaking those barriers. With over nine years of solo travel under her belt, she’s all about empowering women to explore the world on their own terms.

Her blog, recognized by big names like the Washington Post, is a treasure trove for solo female travelers. It’s packed with destination guides, travel resources, and heaps of solo travel tips. Plus, her videos are a great source of inspiration and practical advice.

Be My Travel Muse offers a smooth and straightforward user experience with its well-organized website design. The blog gains its audience mainly through social media platforms and organic search.

In terms of income, it appears to primarily use affiliate links and advertisements, alongside group tours.

Tips for sustainable and remote work travel.

  • The website opens with a beautiful full-screen image that captures the essence of travel.
  • Offers detailed travel guides and itineraries for a wide array of global destinations.
  • Focuses on promoting sustainable travel and provides practical advice for digital nomads.

Nick and Dariece, the duo behind Goats on the Road, have been globetrotting and living overseas for over ten years. This is one of the greatest travel blog examples for learning how to earn while traveling. It’s not just them – they’ve got a team of travel-loving writers sharing real-deal travel stories and advice, like working abroad and digital nomad life. They even offer courses on boosting your brand and mastering SEO, plus a free WordPress course for starting your own travel blog. And, of course, loads of cool travel destination info!

Goats on the Road is quite user-friendly, with an engaging layout that’s easy to navigate. It seems to attract traffic mainly from social media and search engines.

The blog makes money through affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and offering courses.

Luxury and adventure travel experiences.

  • The blog combines luxury travel with exciting adventures.
  • Features detailed guides on numerous global locations.
  • The site uses bright colors and provides a mix of travel tips, hotel reviews, and personal stories.

Kach from the Philippines totally rocks her travel blog, sharing how she swapped her regular job for globetrotting right after college. Since 2013, she’s hit up over 180 countries and isn’t stopping anytime soon. Her blog is one of the best travel blog examples for anyone keen on solo travel. You’ll find cool insights into the places she’s been, plus handy travel and outdoor activity guides – think hiking, cruising, and more.

Two Monkeys Travel Group offers an easily navigable and visually appealing website, enhancing the browsing experience. The blog attracts a diverse readership through its active presence on various social media channels and organic search.

Its revenue is generated through affiliate links, sponsored posts, online business courses, and collaborative partnerships.

Global travel tips and destination highlights.

  • The site is filled with stunning photos that really capture the beauty of each location.
  • Offers in-depth guides and practical tips for various destinations worldwide.
  • The content is based on personal travel experiences, adding a relatable and authentic touch.

The World Travel Guy is a cool example of a travel blog run by Davi, his wife Intan, and their team. They’ve put together an awesome, in-depth blog covering their travels across various continents. The site’s packed with posts about all sorts of destinations, even UNESCO World Heritage sites, and offers practical tips like where to stay.

They’ve sorted their content by continents and categories, like hikes and monuments, and there’s a sweet gallery of scenic photos too. It’s a great mix of budget-friendly advice and inspiring guides.

The World Travel Guy website has an organized and visually appealing layout. The site primarily attracts traffic through search engines and social media platforms.

As for monetization, the blog uses affiliate marketing and possibly sponsored content.

Eco-friendly travel and sustainable lifestyle.

  • The site promotes sustainable travel practices, focusing on environmental responsibility.
  • Offers detailed guides for various destinations, emphasizing sustainable travel experiences.
  • Features inspiring and high-quality travel photography, enhancing the user experience.

The Travel Book is a fantastic example of travel blog, especially for those who care about the environment. It’s a brilliant resource for learning how to enjoy luxurious, high-quality vacations in an eco-friendly way.

For avid travelers, this blog offers invaluable insights into sustainable travel practices. Plus, for anyone keen on starting a travel blog, The Travel Book is full of great content ideas and practices to emulate in your own eco-conscious travel blog.

The Travel Book’s website is user-friendly with an easy-to-use, clean layout. It uses social media, like Instagram, to draw visitors and engage well with its audience.

The site also makes money through its shop, selling books, eco-friendly products, and collaborating with various brands.

Adventure travel insights and professional tips.

  • The website features a visually appealing design with vibrant imagery that enhances the content.
  • Features diverse and detailed guides for numerous travel destinations.
  • Uses modern, easily readable fonts, contributing to a comfortable reading experience.

Jeremy’s Travel Freak blog is a real gem for those who want to break free from the norm and start their own travel adventures. With over ten years of travel under his belt, Jeremy’s site is a treasure trove of info for folks who dream of solo travel, working while wandering, or just saving some cash on the road. He’s got the lowdown on the best travel gear for any trip. Plus, despite some health challenges, Jeremy’s still rocking it with heaps of tips on being a digital nomad, blogger, and influencer.

TravelFreak is a user-friendly site with easy navigation. It effectively uses social media for audience engagement and traffic.

The website smartly integrates monetization through affiliate marketing and partnerships.

Culinary and cultural travel experiences.

  • The site offers a wide range of travel-related topics, including detailed guides and reviews.
  • The website features engaging and high-quality imagery that enhances the browsing experience.
  • The layout of the site is intuitive with well-organized categories and accessible information.

A Couple for the Road is a chill travel blog by Justin and Tracy. They show you how to travel without quitting your day job. They got the travel bug from big travel blog websites like Nomadic Matt’s and have been to over 75 places, sharing cool stories and tips on snagging awesome travel deals. They’re all about seeing the world while keeping your regular life humming.

A Couple for the Road is one of the best travel blog examples due to its simple, navigable layout. The website gains traction and audience mainly through its social media presence.

For revenue, it cleverly uses affiliate links and partnership agreements, all the while maintaining a user-friendly experience.

Detailed travel guides and beautiful photography.

  • The site offers diverse and detailed travel guides and information.
  • Showcases stunning images of various destinations, enhancing the visual appeal.
  • Features a well-structured layout, making it easy to navigate and find information.

Places of Juma is all about capturing those special travel moments through a lens. Martina and Jürgen, the duo behind the blog, mix cool photography with storytelling about their adventures. If you’re into photography, their blog is a treat. You can explore more photography website examples in our related article .

They’re not just about pretty pictures, though. They also dish out solid travel advice, complete with guides, tips, and ideas for city breaks. It’s a mix of stunning visuals and practical travel know-how.

Places of Juma is super easy to navigate, with awesome travel photos and great guides. The site mostly gets its visitors through social media and search engines.

They make their money through affiliate links and sponsored posts.

In-depth travel, food, and cultural stories.

  • Offers a rich blend of travel, food, and political content.
  • Features comprehensive guides and articles with unique insights into various destinations.
  • The website’s design is visually appealing and effectively showcases its varied content.

Roads and Kingdoms isn’t just another example of a travel blog. It’s a cool mix of storytelling and documentary-style photography that dives into all sorts of topics – travel, food, politics, you name it.

The travel section is filled with amazing stories and top-notch photos from experienced journalists and travelers. For foodies, there’s a whole section on the best dishes from around the world. And if you’re planning a trip, their city guides are super handy.

Roads & Kingdoms is user-friendly, featuring deep storytelling and engaging visuals. The website attracts its audience through social media and search engine optimization, indicating a broad reach.

Monetization includes affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and partnerships.

Creating a blog involves a series of strategic steps. This section will help you in turning your vision into reality and creating your ideal website.

1. Gather inspiration : Begin by exploring the various examples of the websites listed in this article that are handpicked by the 10Web Editorial team. Take notes of all the things that you like and that you’d like to see on your website as well.

2. Select the right platform: There are different website builders and platforms, each with its unique advantages and disadvantages. For example, WordPress stands out with its customization and wide range of themes and plugins, while Wix stands out with its easy-to-use editor.

3. Optimize website performance : Your website’s speed and responsiveness are crucial for engaging visitors and improving search engine rankings. Opt for reliable hosting that ensures your site is fast and accessible to all users.

4. Use AI to simplify website creation: AI can help with everything from design decisions to content creation, making the process more efficient. Use AI to automate and innovate, reducing the time you spend on website building and focusing more on growing your business.

All these and even more can be automated with 10Web’s AI Builder: 

  • Create a website with AI in less than a minute
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Generate Your Website

Travel blogs are now key tools for both new and experienced travelers, showcasing the impact of storytelling and stunning photography in engaging readers and sparking their curiosity. For those feeling inspired to create their own travel website, the 10Web AI Website Builder stands out as an easy and effective solution. Whether you want to replicate an existing design or start from scratch, 10Web AI can quickly generate a unique, content-rich travel website tailored to your vision, combining unique images and personalized content.

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36 Inspiring Travel Blog Examples For 2024

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Do you travel to exotic places in South America, Europe, and other parts of the world and want to build a website to document your experiences? Perhaps you own a travel blog but are struggling to attract visitors to read through your content?

Building a travel blog with interesting articles and engaging content is one of the ways you can reach and influence a wide range of people. You can use the best blogging platforms like Wix and Squarespace to design an attention-grabbing travel blog.

This article explores 36 successful travel blogs with catchy designs and engaging content you can use as inspiration when building your own travel blog.

Let’s get started.

1. Ash Owens

Made with Squarespace

1. Ash Owens - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Ash Owens is an award-winning digital content creator who has nurtured her passion for travel, beauty, fashion & lifestyle. The split-page feature on the hero section makes this personal blog stand out from the blogs of other solo female travelers. 

This blog page doubles as an eCommerce store where online visitors and travel enthusiasts can purchase useful products for traveling and merchandise. 

I love how she uses high-quality images and a unique color scheme with its dominant colors being black, white, and pale copper. 

2. Her Report

Made with W ix

2. Her Report - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Her Report welcomes visitors with a picture of snow boots and a short text about Re. The webpage features logos of top publication brands and organizations that have featured mind-blowing content about one of Nepal’s best female solo travelers. 

As a full-time traveler, she uses her travel website to promote online courses in copywriting, social media management, and affiliate marketing.

The atomic tangerine-colored site footer features icons for her social media platforms, email address, and contact form. I like how the parallax scrolling effect gives the webpage a sophisticated outlook.

3. Allison Anderson

3. Allison Anderson - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Allison Anderson is a skilled traveler, photographer, and creative who loves exploring and helping people have a taste of the world out there. 

This travel blog website welcomes visitors with a catalog of the latest blog articles and posts about her solo travelers in multiple grid-column layouts. Clicking on any of these images will transport visitors to a different page that contains interesting details for their consumption.

The search bar beside the three social media icons is a useful tool for locating relevant items and topics on the page.

4. Pack Up + Go

4. Pack Up + Go - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

The Pack Up + Go blog is a collection of travel tips, an exploration of amazing US destinations, and information about how the agency’s trips work. 

Excited visitors can click the dark slate gray colored “Book Your Vacation” CTA button at the top to begin your travel planning process and necessary bookings. 

I like how this travel blog features bold and stylish fonts to properly display its engaging messages in a visually appealing fashion. Interested visitors who want to have a great travel time can use the contact form on the site footer to get in touch with the agency. 

5. The Berlin Storyteller

Made with Wix

5. The Berlin Storyteller - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Dennis Behnke is the founder of The Berlin Storyteller. I like how this travel blog example uses a vertical slideshow in its hero section that showcases stunning photography of Berlin.

Exploring this blog’s travel stories and engaging content, you can use the sticky blue-colored navigation bar with a drop-down effect to achieve this feat. 

There is a stunning photograph of Dennis Behnke and an engaging biography that features content about his own travel adventures in Berlin.

6. All Inclusive Vacations

6. All Inclusive Vacations - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

All Inclusive Vacations is the blog section of the parent company SVH Travel which has been making waves in the travel industry. 

I like how this famous travel blog features heartwarming content from various places in a vertical format to encourage visitors to explore its content. 

Clicking on the blog post titles or the high-quality images will grant visitors access to the post contents, destination guides, and travel tips. The site footer houses the brand’s logo, multiple page links, and three social media icons that link to the direct online profiles.

7. The Bucket List Family

7. The Bucket List Family - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

The Bucket List Family blog contains amazing adventures of the Gee family who are a bunch of Family Travel Journalists.

I like how this adventure travel blog welcomes visitors with an attention-grabbing and informative video background of various locations in the hero section. 

This unique travel blog features multiple stunning images and colorful content, and the parallax scrolling effect makes all the content sync in an attractive format. 

Interested visitors can check for content about blogging tips, travel tours, and travel-related topics by clicking the YouTube subscribe button at the center of the page.

8. World of Wanderlust

Made with Teachable

8. World of Wanderlust - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

World of Wanderlust has been one of the world’s leading publishers in solo travel content since 2012. The search function on this sticky navigation bar makes exploring the solo traveler from every angle of this travel blog seamless and productive. 

This solo female traveler uses multiple grid-column layouts to structure the design layout of her website and display stunning images of various travel destinations.

The white-colored site footer contains vital information and content about every solo luxury travel, travel adventures, and various travel destinations.

9. Poe Travel

9. Poe Travel - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Poe Travel is a highly recognized and award-winning travel blog that has been in business for over two decades. I like how the webpage uses large text with bold fonts to communicate with visitors who are interested in the site’s content. 

The text format makes it impossible for visitors to ignore all the displayed travel deals designed to entice them to click the gray-colored CTA button.

I love how the Moss Green site footer features content like social media icons, a navigation bar, and a subscription form for constant updates.

10. Classic Travel Connection

10. Classic Travel Connection - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Christen Perry is the owner and travel advisor of Classic Travel Connection. The travel journal’s mega menu bar links to content sorted by specific destination to make the exploration process seamless.

You can click the pastel brown colored live chat widget at the right side of the page to get in touch with the officials of Classic Travel Connection. 

Classic Travel Connection uses a simple yet attractive color scheme that features catchy colors like Black, Pastel Brown, Ecru White, and Blue Bayeux.

11. The Hidden Italy

Made with Webflow

11. The Hidden Italy - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

The Hidden Italy opens up with a stunning image of the city and the caption “Cities and tours that we loved around Italy.” The white background makes the unique and eye-catching elements visible and appealing to online visitors. 

You can’t help but love the greed-colored “Book Tour” CTA button. If you want to check out some of the site’s contents in-depth, the white-colored sticky navigation bar makes exploring easy. 

Interested visitors and other travel bloggers can check out the interesting article section for sustainable travel advice and inspiration for future adventures. 

12. Kisty Mea

12. Kisty Mea - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Kisty Mea is a 28-year-old free-spirited girl who loves exploring. I like how this travel blog has a clean yet minimalist design layout featuring multiple grid layouts to display its latest posts.

Clicking the tangerine-colored “See All Blog Posts” CTA buttons will transport visitors to various content about travel services, news, guides, and ways to get travel inspiration.  

Visitors and fellow travelers can use the search bar at the base of the page to locate various items without breaking a sweat.

13. Selective Potential

13. Selective Potential - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Selective Potential is the brainchild of Tieka who spends a lot of time adventuring and lighthouse hopping around Michigan. 

Visitors can access this travel destination and lifestyle blog content by clicking the high-quality pictures or the “Read More” CTA button below each article's content. You can check out previous blog posts by clicking the “Older” call-to-action at the base of the page.

Interested visitors can use the navigation bar at the top and base of the home page to explore various aspects of this travel blog.

14. Earth + Ocean Travel Company

14. Earth + Ocean Travel Company - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Earth + Ocean Travel Company's blog focuses on vacations, destination weddings, luxury honeymoons, and guided getaways.

This travel blog website uses a two-column design layout with eye-catching images and bold cover titles as the gateway for visitors to explore the site’s content. 

Online visitors can click the “Cart” link on the navigation bar to explore the shopping page and purchase travel-related items. Earth + Ocean Travel Company’s site footer houses two unique social media icons that serve as direct links to the company’s online profiles.

15. Asiyami Gold

15. Asiyami Gold - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Asiyami Gold’s travel bold page welcomes you with stunning pictures that appear in a slideshow format in the hero section. This lifestyle blog features interesting content about different countries like Italy, India, and Ghana at the center of the webpage. 

If you want to view this content, you can click the “Read More” CTA button at the base of the page. The site’s footer houses multiple videos that link to Asiyami Gold’s Instagram page and a CTA button with a hover effect.

16. Somto Seeks

Made with LeadPages

16. Somto Seeks - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Somto Seeks is the brainchild of Somtochukwu, a full-time travel writer whose mission is to help you navigate this big and beautiful world with confidence. Interested visitors can use the search function at the top of the page to make locating items of choice easy. 

I like how the hero section features a short biography that helps visitors get acquainted with the owner of this travel blog page. As you scroll further, you will see multiple publication logos that feature this travel blog brand.

17. Bespoke

17. Bespoke - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Bespoke’s hero section features an automated slideshow displaying multiple high-resolution images to get visitors’ attention. 

I like how the texts and high-quality images from various angles of the page respond when visitors scroll around the webpage. Above the site footer, you will find a well-put-together contact form and a full-width map featuring various locations to explore.

I like how this travel blog features logos of its partners in a well-arranged format to boost credibility and social proof.

18. Chasing Buffaloes and Beyond

18. Chasing Buffaloes and Beyond - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Chasing Buffaloes and Beyond is a travel blog based on a family of three who love to travel, explore the world, and try new things. Visitors can use the drop-down navigation bar to explore various aspects of the blog page. 

The site’s footer features a short biography of the family with a stunning picture which helps to get visitors to put a face to the brand. 

I love how the Instagram reel section features multiple videos in a column grid layout that links to the blog’s original Instagram page.

19. Milk + Honey Travels

19. Milk + Honey Travels - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Bri is the creator of Milk + Honey Travels Milk. This travel blog has a minimalist yet clean design layout with ample use of white space that makes every relevant element attractive. 

Milk + Honey Travels uses a seven-column layout to display its mouth-watering blog content featuring high-quality cover images with a thumbnail effect to aid exploration. You can check out the content in the Instagram reel section for travel and destination-related inspiration. 

20. Explorateur Travel

20. Explorateur Travel - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Explorateur Travel has a mission to create life-long clients through perfectly planned itineraries customized to the client’s travel style. I like how this travel blog webpage features a slideshow element to display the blog’s recent posts in an attractive and attention-grabbing fashion.  

Clicking the red colored arrow or “Read More” navigation bar will help visitors explore the blog content for a closer view of the recent posts.

The parallax scrolling effect makes exploring the blog fun, lively, and engaging and encourages visitors to explore the site content. 

21. Allure Travel

21. Allure Travel - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Allure Travel blog offers the latest posts on business travel news, industry insights, technology trends, and travel tips. 

The first catchy element is a stunning image of a lady having a great time at the beach working and enjoying her vacation. Exploring this webpage is visible and seamless via the white-colored sticky navigation bar with a drop-down effect. 

I like how each article has a high-quality cover image with a thumbnail effect which is designed to grab visitors' attention on arrival.

22. Bouteco

22. Bouteco - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Bouteco travel blog focuses on luxury travel-related content designed to inspire and educate their audiences about various luxurious destinations. 

I love how this travel blog website features multiple grid-column layouts to structure the site’s design layout and display stunning images of various travel destinations. 

The combination of the parallax scrolling effect and high-resolution background image gives the webpage a sophisticated and lively outlook. 

Interested visitors can explore the content of various interesting articles with an engaging writing style that is available on the blog’s homepage.

23. Get Your Guide

23. Get Your Guide - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Get Your Guide blog post design welcomes visitors with a short biography and a high-resolution image in the hero section. The blog page features interesting articles about this travel niche and relevant resource materials that make the process seamless. 

I like how the white background makes the site’s color scheme and other relevant elements visible and attractive to online visitors and potential customers. 

Interested visitors can fill in their details in the newsletter column and click the blue-colored “Sign Up” CTA button to receive constant updates.

24. Under 30 Experiences

24. Under 30 Experiences - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Under 30 Experiences is a solo travel community that is designed for individuals between the ages of 21 and 35.

The first catchy element on this webpage is an engaging and informative background video in the hero section. 

This element features content designed to get visitors' attention and convince them to take necessary actions by clicking on any of the pink lemonade-colored CTA buttons.

Interested visitors can use the white-colored navigation bar with a drop-down effect to explore various angles of the page and acquire relevant information seamlessly.

25. Lost Leblanc

Made with Shopify

25. Lost Leblanc - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Lost Leblanc blog page’s hero section features a high-quality photo displaying a young man having fun on the beach. I love the caption “Lost Stories” which encourages visitors to explore further. 

As you scroll further, you will see various article content in a six-column grid display layout with a thumbnail effect for easy accessibility.

Clicking on any of these articles will help visitors get information about the digital nomad lifestyle, how to make travel videos and other engaging content. 

The permanent colored site footer features elements like a subscription column, multiple payment options, and social media icons.

26. Nathan Lee Allen

26. Nathan Lee Allen - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Nathan Lee Allen’s blog page features multiple full-width high-quality images displaying various travel destinations at different sections of the page.

The full-width images have a bold and catchy caption as its title which helps in categorizing each content section. Visitors can click the blue colored CTA button to get in-depth information about each blog category.

You will see various logos of past and present clients which serves as a solid source of social proof and helps to boost the blog’s credibility.

27. Alex Strohl

27. Alex Strohl - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Alex Strohl's travel blog welcomes visitors with a mind-blowing and engaging slider that features high-quality images of various locations and monuments. 

Interested visitors can click the white-colored “View Project” CTA button at the center of the hero section to get in-depth information about Alex Strohl's travel projects.

As you scroll further, you will see various high-quality and stunning photographs from various angles of the page. I like how each blog post and the posts are accompanied by incredible travel photography with thumbnail effects for further explorations.

28. Ever Changing Horizon

28. Ever Changing Horizon - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Quin Schrock, an outdoor adventure photographer based out of Southern California, is the mastermind behind the success of Ever Changing Horizon. 

This blog website features an ample use of white spaces to make all relevant images on the web page visited and appealing to online visitors. You can use the sticky navigation bar to explore various relevant content on this travel blog website without breaking a sweat.

My favorite aspect of Ever Changing Horizon is the strategic display of high-quality travel photographs in a multiple-grid format.

29. Benjam - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Benjam is a top-notch travel blog owned by Benjamin James Brown who is a photographer and YouTuber making waves in the digital world. This travel blog doubles as an eCommerce store. Visitors can click the cart icon on the sticky navigation bar at the top of the page. 

Interested visitors can check out the blog content by clicking on any of the columns in the center of the home page. Each column offers visitors the opportunity to drop a like and comment on the blog content after exploration.

30. Aperture Tours

30. Aperture Tours - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Aperture Tours’ blog page opens up with a stunning monument-based image to make visitors feel welcome. I like how this blog post layout features multiple contents featuring engaging texts, CTA buttons, and high-quality images to make the page visually appealing.

Online visitors can switch the site’s language from English to French by clicking the black-colored language switch button at the top of the page. Exploring the site page is seamless due to the presence of a sticky navigation bar with a drop-down effect.

31. A Way Abroad

31. A Way Abroad - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

A Way Abroad blog’s hero section features illustrations, motion graphics, a high-resolution image, and logos of top publication brands.  

I like how this travel blog example features a sticky navigation bar and hamburger menu bar to explore various angles of the page seamlessly. As you scroll further, you will see various high-quality images that give this webpage a fun and engaging design layout.

The black-colored site footer houses vital content like newsletters, social media icons, and links to resource materials.

32. Along Dusty Roads

32. Along Dusty Roads - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Along Dusty Roads welcomes visitors with a high-quality image displaying a desert view and a young man holding a bicycle. The white background makes all the colorful elements on the web page visually appealing and attractive to online visitors.

Navigating this webpage is like taking a walk through the park due to the availability of an easy-to-use sticky menu bar with a drop-down effect.

My favorite aspect of this blog page is the use of multiple grid columns with a thumbnail effect for seamless access.

33. Our Wild Abandon

33. Our Wild Abandon - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Our Wild Abandon is run by Jill and Kyla who are best friends and photographers who enjoy telling stories of the people and places.

The “Read Journal” section features a ten-column design layout to display the blog’s articles for easy identification and accessibility. Each column has a thumbnail effect on each title image which visitors can click to have a sneak peek into each article content.

The dark green colored site footer features an Instagram and Management link that transports visitors to the respective pages when clicked.

34. Corlu Travels

34. Corlu Travels - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Corlu Travels’ webpage has a well-structured design layout with multiple blog posts in a grid format from the top to the bottom of the page.

Each blog column has a thumbnail effect that grants visitors access to the content and a comment and like option to boost the reader’s engagement. The sticky navigation bar has a drop-down effect which makes exploration seamless and worthwhile. 

Interested visitors can click on any of the social media icons on the site footer to access more content about the travel blog. There is a newsletter section where visitors can submit their details to get updates on new blog posts in their email boxes.  

35. The Sofia Log

35. The Sofia Log - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Sophie Hollingsworth is a passionate adventurer and her works have been featured by National Geographic and the United Nations.

The Sofia Log welcomes visitors with an image of the world’s map and highlights specific locations she has visited. You will see a list of these countries in a vertical structure which links to a different webpage upon clicking. 

Online visitors can click any of the social media icons on the site footer to access more content about the travel blog. 

36. Big Adventure Travel Company

36. Big Adventure Travel Company - Inspiring Travel Blog Example

Big Adventure Travel Company was established by a bunch of serious world travelers in 2015. I like how the blog page welcomes visitors with a stunning high-quality image of a travel destination at the top of the webpage.

My favorite part is the unique writing style displayed in the engaging and informative site content to convince potential customers to go into business with them. 

The white background makes all the vital elements on the webpage attractive and visible for visitors to explore and enjoy the content.

Best Travel Blogs FAQs

You can become a successful travel blogger by researching your niche, coming up with a memorable blog name, picking a blogging platform, setting up web hosting, customizing your travel blog, establishing your branding, setting up the pages, publishing your first blog posts, and promoting and growing your audience.

Writing a travel blog is not as difficult as it sounds but if you follow these steps you will get the desired results. Understand why you're writing, make it your own, know the general rules of travel writing, edit your work, avoid cliches, be confident in your abilities, and continually hone your craft to ensure your delivery is always excellent. 

Every good travel bold post must contain the top destinations for families, couples, kids, and students, compelling reasons to visit, location-specific cultural elements to be aware of, where and what to eat, best gifts to bring back for friends, neighborhoods to stay, high-quality photographs of local culture, and what not to eat.

The travel blogging industry is a profitable one. You can expect to earn as much as $1,000 monthly after a year of running a travel blog successfully. The best travel bloggers like Brian Kelly, Adam Enfroy, Wandering Earl, and Mark Weins earn six figures annually from their travel blogs. 

Explore Further

  • Travel Website Templates
  • Travel Blog Website Templates
  • Travel Agency Website Templates
  • Travel Agency Websites
  • Travel Company Name Ideas Generator
  • Travel Blog Name Ideas Generator
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✈️ 15 Inspiring Travel Blog Examples in 2024

travel blog entry example

Looking for travel blog examples to inspire your own blog strategy and design?

We’ve collected 15 of the most interesting, beautiful, and successful travel blogs to showcase how each is finding success — and how you can emulate their best strategies on your own website.

15 Travel Blog Examples

Let’s take a look at some of the most intriguing and accomplished travel blogs out there.

  • Indie Traveller : DIY travel
  • The Hawaii Vacation Guide : Hawaii travel blog
  • Travel Hacking Mom : Traveling using points
  • Anywhere We Roam : Travel adventures
  • Bucketlistly : Travel guides and backpacking itineraries
  • The Blonde Abroad : Solo female travel
  • Salt In Our Hair : Travel photography
  • The Planet D : General travel
  • Expert Vagabond: Nomadic travel and photography
  • The Poor Traveler : Cheap travel tips
  • The Broke Backpacker : Budget backpacking
  • View From the Wing : Travel industry analysis
  • Charlotte Plans a Trip : Personal travel blog
  • The Barefoot Nomad : Family travel
  • Nomadic Matt : Digital nomading

We list certain metrics for each travel blog example. Here are the tools we used to find these:

  • Estimated monthly visits and Domain Rating (DR) :   Ahrefs
  • Content Management System (CMS): Wappalyzer
  • WordPress theme:

1 Indie Traveller

indie traveller homepage

📈 Traffic: ‏‏‎ ‎75k monthly visits

💪 DR: ‏‏‎ ‎52

⚙️ CMS: ‏‏‎ ‎WordPress

🎨 Theme: ‏‏‎ ‎Custom

Indie Traveller , launched by Marek Bron in 2012 after leaving his video game development job, is a user-friendly travel blog.

It provides practical destination guides, travel advice, and gear reviews, all inspired by Marek’s own two-year adventure, which started with a life-changing trip to Thailand.

What Indie Traveller Does Well

Marek reviews travel bags exceptionally well (it’s not an easy task ).

Here are two things you can take away from his approach to implement on your site:

He buys the backpacks.  Readers and Google know when you don’t have experience with a product. They won’t trust your reviews, and you’ll get lower rankings and earnings.

buying products to test

He uses product feature boxes. A product feature box shares pros and cons. It also has a button with an affiliate link users can click to buy the product.

Here’s an example of a product feature box on Indie Traveller:

product feature box example

You can create similar boxes with the free  GenerateBlocks plugin .

Published book: Travel The World Without Worries

Mediavine display ads

Amazon affiliate program

Travel booking affiliate programs: Kiwi , Agoda , 12Go , HostelWorld

Travel insurance affiliate programs: Heymondo , SafetyWing

Travel gear affiliate programs: Camelbak , Patagonia , GoPro

Blogging affiliate programs: Bluehost , Hover

Beyond the Blog

Marek sends out a monthly newsletter  where he shares updates on his adventures, inspirational messages, and travel advice.

2 The Hawaii Vacation Guide

the hawaii vacation guide homepage

📈 Traffic: ‏‏‎ ‎160k monthly visits

💪 DR: ‏‏‎ ‎38

🎨 Theme: ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎ Kadence

The Hawaii Vacation Guide  is a travel blog about visiting Hawaii.

Created by Jordan and Erica Fromholz in 2019 after moving to Maui from London, this blog is a unique and authentic guide to exploring Hawaii’s beauty and culture.

What The Hawaii Vacation Guide Does Well

The Hawaii Vacation Guide is a terrific example of a travel blog focusing on a specific destination.

Here are a couple of ways they’ve used this to their advantage:

Created Hawaii-focused itineraries. Travel itineraries are a hot commodity, and they convert best when your entire audience is going to the same location.

hawaii itinerary

Became the  go-to authority on Hawaii. When someone wants to learn about traveling to Hawaii, they visit The Hawaii Vacation Guide. For example, there are over 1.5k monthly searches for their website.

the hawaii vacation guide brand searches

Jordan and Erica have a YouTube channel  with over 100,000 subscribers. They post frequent videos on all things Hawaii travel, including trip planning, itineraries, reviews, and much more.

the hawaii vacation guide youtube channel

Sponsored content

Raptive display ads

Activity affiliate programs: FareHarbor , GetYourGuide , Viator

Accommodation affiliate programs: Marriot , VRBO

Car rental affiliate programs: Discount Hawaii Car Rental  

3 Travel Hacking Mom

travel hacking mom homepage

📈 Traffic: ‏‏‎ ‎8k monthly visits

💪 DR: ‏‏‎ ‎50

🎨 Theme: ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‎ Showit

Travel Hacking Mom  is a small travel blog by Alex, Pam, and Jess — a trio of moms who travel the world cheaply using credit card points and miles.

What Travel Hacking Mom Does Well

Despite only receiving 8,000 monthly visits, Travel Hacking Mom uses smart monetization strategies to maximize their earnings per visitor.

Narrow focus on high-value market. The site only covers using credit card points for travel, allowing them to capitalize on high-paying credit card affiliate products.

affiliate links to credit card

Travel hacking courses. They offer a pair of expensive courses that teach you how to travel hack.

travel hacking mom courses

Consultations. They offer two types of consultations – a free one where they will try to sell you on a credit card, and a paid $99 strategy session for more general questions.

travel hacking mom paid consultation

Between credit card affiliate commissions, course sales, and consultations, a single visitor could earn more than $1,000.

Alex, Pam, and Jess host The Travel Hacking Mom Show  – a podcast that covers the group’s latest adventures and travel hacking tips. This helps them connect with their audience and boosts sales potential.

travel hacking mom podcast

4 Anywhere We Roam

anywhere we roam homepage

📈 Traffic: ‏‏‎ ‎125k monthly visits

💪 DR: ‏‏‎ ‎57

🎨Theme: ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‏Uncode

Anywhere We Roam  is a travel blog that follows the journey of Paul Healy and Mark Barnes, who started this site in 2018 to escape their day jobs, find an outlet for their photography passions, and fund their love of travel.

What Anywhere We Roam Does Well

The minimalist design on Anywhere We Roam is award-winning, snagging the best Web Design / User Experience award at the 2021 Traverse Creator Awards  and other coveted awards.

anywhere we roam blog awards

The color scheme and layout are minimal, with black, white, and blue accents coupling nicely with the spaced-out elements and palette-matching imagery.

anywehere we roam blog post design

The minimalist approach spotlights Paul and Mark’s incredible photography and keep readers scrolling. Images are spaced just enough so the next comes into view as the previous one fades away.

anywehere we roam blog post design

The full-screen image headers at the top of each page are also a nice touch, ensuring readers are met with a captivating photo every time they open a new page.

anywehere we roam blog featured image

Flights & accommodation affiliate programs: , , VRBO , Expedia , Flight Centre

Transport affiliate programs: ,

Activity affiliate programs: GetYourGuide , TripAdvisor

Paul and Mark share gorgeous reels and photographs on Instagram – many of which are related to recent blog posts.

anywhere we roam instagram

5 BucketListly

busketlistly homepage

📈Traffic: ‏‏‎ ‎60k monthly visits

💪DR: ‏‏‎ ‎62

⚙️ CMS: ‏‏‎ ‎ LocomotiveCMS

🎨Theme: ‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‎N/A

BucketListly  is a travel blog specializing in travel guides, backpacking itineraries, and photography resources.

It was created in 2012 by Pete Rojwongsuriya, a web developer in Thailand who got fed up with his demanding corporate job. Pete has been traveling for 10+ years and has visited over 85 countries.  

What Bucketlistly Does Well

Bucketlistly displays affiliate links in a sophisticated, conversion-boosting manner.

These links are interpolated into the destination guides – extremely detailed itineraries based on Pete’s travels. Each guide features extensive original photos and detailed commentary on each location.

bucketlistly destination guides

Each destination’s category page has an array of affiliate links to relevant travel services for the destination, including flights, hotels, buses, trains, car rentals, and travel insurance.

bucketlistly affiliate links

Many of the travel guides also have embedded hotel recommendations from, who Pete is partnered with.

bucketlistly affiliate links

Selling Lightroom Presets

Flights & accommodation affiliate programs: Skyscanner ,

Transport affiliate programs: , Omio , Busbud

Activity affiliate programs: GetYourGuide , Viator

Travel insurance affiliate programs: Heymondo

Pete also shares incredible cinematic videos  on YouTube and travel and photography pins  on Pinterest.

bucketlistly pinterest profile

6 The Blonde Abroad

the blond abroad homepage

📈Traffic: ‏‏‎ ‎75k monthly visits

💪DR: ‏‏‎ ‎73

🎨 Theme: ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‎ ‎ Genesis

The Blonde Abroad  is a solo female travel blog. Launched in 2012 by Kiki Rich, a former corporate finance professional who quit her job to see the world, the site helps female travelers prepare for their own travel adventures.

What The Blonde Abroad Does Well

Kiki has mastered the art of creating highly engaging and scannable content on her blog.

Check out her Mykonos Beach and Party Guide , which includes many readability-boosting elements:

  • A “party craziness scale” graphic
  • 1 image per list item
  • Bolded sentences to highlight key points
  • Aesthetic subheadings

the blond abroad blog post design

And when Kiki includes normal text, she uses short paragraphs that are easy to read.

The bottom line? Make your content scannable and easy to read.

Images, graphics, headings, and other elements can make your posts easier to read, increasing their time on the page and improving their rankings.

Tour company: TBAEscapes

Selling Lightroom presets

Brand collaborations

Flights & accommodation affiliate programs: Going , , HostelWorld , HotelsCombined

Transport affiliate programs:

Travel insurance affiliate programs: World Nomads

Credit card affiliate programs: Card Ratings

Travel internet affiliate programs: Skyroam , ExpressVPN

Kiki has a successful Instagram account with over 500,000 followers, which helps her earn additional revenue through paid partnerships and promoting her tour company.

the blond abroad instagram paid partnership

7 Salt In Our Hair

salt in our hair homepage

📈Traffic: ‏‏‎ ‎350k monthly visits

💪DR: ‏‏‎ ‎63

🎨Theme: ‏‏‎ ‎‎Custom

Salt In Our Hair , run by Nick and Hannah, is a general travel blog that started as an Instagram account. The duo left their corporate careers to pursue their passion for travel blogging.

What Salt In Our Hair Does Well

Nick and Hannah use custom graphics in their content to present data more effectively.

For instance, instead of an unwieldy bulleted list or table, they crafted an easily understandable, appealing graphic to display weather information.

salt in our hair custom graphics

Another example is this graphic in their Java guide, which highlights essential spots for an 8-day visit.

salt in our hair route guide image

You can use Canva  to add engaging, helpful graphics to your blog, even without graphic design experience.

It’s a great tool for creating custom graphics, as it offers a wide array of templates you can fine-tune to match your site’s branding.

Trip consults

Selling Lightroom presets , mobile video filters , and customized Google Maps files

Flights & accommodation affiliate programs: , HostelWorld , VRBO , Trusted House Sitters , Skyscanner

Transport affiliate programs: SunnyCars , 12Go

Activity affiliate programs: Viator

Travel insurance affiliate programs: Heymondo ,  SafetyWing

Visa affiliate programs: iVisa

Salt In Our Hair started on Instagram, and the account  continues to thrive. Nick and Hannah have over 330,000 followers and get high engagement by posting video reels of their travel adventures.

salt in our hair instagram video reels

8 The Planet D

the planet d homepage

📈Traffic: ‏‏‎ ‎800k monthly visits

💪 DR: ‏‏‎ ‎77

🎨Theme: ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‎Custom

Founded by ex-movie industry professionals Dave Bouskill and Deb Corbeil, The Planet D  is a comprehensive travel blog offering tips and covering over 110 countries.

Recognized as top travel influencers by Forbes, the duo has journeyed to more than 120 countries across all seven continents.

What The Planet D Does Well

Dave and Deb demonstrate authority in the travel blog space with a few replicable strategies:

Prominently displaying the publications and TV channels they’ve been featured on, which includes National Geographic, Forbes, and BBC.

the planet d publications

Here are a few other ways they showcase authority:

They build social proof by sharing the impressive size of their audience.

They highlight their expertise by listing the travel awards they’ve won.

the planet social proof

They also share the many minor brands they’ve collaborated with on their Work With Us page.

the planet d previous clients

These authority-boosting strategies help legitimize them in the eyes of readers and search engines.

While it might be tough for a newer travel blogger to get featured on TV or huge websites like Dave and Deb, you can establish authority in other ways:

  • If you get a backlink from a prominent website, ask if you can use their logo in the “Featured On” section of your homepage.
  • Apply for travel blog awards. If your content is good and your blog is well-designed, you might win something!

Dave and Deb have a YouTube channel where they post their travel vlogs and share trip guides.

the planet d youtube channel

9 Expert Vagabond

expert vagabond homepage

📈 Traffic: ‏‏‎ ‎110k monthly visits

💪 DR: ‏‏‎ ‎71

🎨 Theme: ‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‎ Mediavine Trellis

The Expert Vagabond  was started by Matt Karsten, a seasoned digital nomad who traded normal life for a one-way ticket to Guatemala in 2010.

This blog teaches you how to travel cheap, make money on the road, and take pictures while you’re at it.

What Expert Vagabond Does Well

Matt and his team include many relevant internal links in their blog posts. For example, their Best Travel Tips  post includes 47 relevant internal links.

expert vagabond post with internal links

These internal links use appropriate anchor text that explains what the other page is about, which helps Google understand your site better and improve your rankings.

Adding internal links to relevant pages in your blog posts helps boost your SEO and improves the user experience.

Here’s how:

They improve your site architecture . Google uses internal links to crawl your website. Adding relevant internal links makes it easier for the crawler to operate, which helps your SEO.

They help Google better understand your pages. Google uses the anchor text – AKA the text that a link is embedded in – to help it understand the topic of the page the link is pointing to. You can get higher search rankings by using descriptive anchor text in your internal links.

They increase the time visitors spend on your site. If a visitor finds one of your posts on Google, reads it, and clicks an internal link to another post, this sends a positive signal to Google.

It helps the reader. If there’s a topic that you think readers on a certain post should know about, linking to a post on that topic will improve their understanding.

Matt’s Instagram account  – which has over 135,000 followers – showcases his family’s latest travel adventures.

expert vagabond instagram profile

Flights & accommodation affiliate programs: Skyscanner , Going , , Trusted House Sitters

Transport affiliate programs:

Travel insurance affiliate programs: SafetyWing , World Nomads

Travel internet affiliate programs: Private Internet Access

10 The Poor Traveler

the poor traveler homepage

📈 Traffic: ‏‏‎ ‎550k monthly visits

💪 DR: ‏‏‎ ‎61

🎨 Theme: ‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎ Bailey

The Poor Traveler  was started in 2009 by Yosh Dimens and Vins Carlos after a series of mishaps on their early travels. It’s a budget travel blog offering in-depth guides to help novices avoid similar mistakes and travel more efficiently.

What The Poor Traveler Does Well

Vins and Yosh use content templates to structure their blog posts, providing consistency and a time-saving blueprint across similar posts. These templates eliminate the need to create a new outline for each post, streamlining the blogging process.

For example, if you compare their Tokyo Travel Guide  and Seoul Travel Guide , you’ll see that the outline structure is very similar.

the poor traveler content template

The same goes for their visa application guides.

the poor traveler content template

To speed up your blog growth, create content templates whenever you’re writing a series of similar posts.

Flights & accommodation affiliate programs: Skyscanner , Agoda

Activity affiliate programs: Klook

Tip requests

Vins and Josh run a popular YouTube channel  with over 150,000 subscribers, where they share weekly videos about their latest travels.

the poor traveler youtube channel

11 The Broke Backpacker

the broke backpacker homepage

📈 Traffic: ‏‏‎ ‎500k monthly visits

💪 DR: ‏‏‎ ‎69

🎨 Theme: ‏‏‎‏‏‎ Custom

The Broke Backpacker , created by adventurer Will Hatton, started as a collection of handwritten budget travel tips circulated among a small group of travelers.

It eventually evolved into a major travel blog, offering detailed guides on how to travel the world for a mere $10 per day.

What The Broke Backpacker Does Well

The Broke Backpacker has extensive profiles for their team members.

For example, the  Meet the Team page  provides details about the founder, writers, and other contributors behind The Broke Backpacker, including:

  • Their name and title
  • Links to their author pages, Instagram profiles, and personal websites
  • Their background and what they do at the company

the broke backpacker meet the team

But it doesn’t stop there. Each team member also has a personal about page, which provides a more in-depth bio, links to other social media profiles, and a list of all the posts they’ve contributed to.

the broke backpacker author bio

These pages are important for two reasons:

They let you showcase your team’s expertise and build trust with readers and Google.

They humanize your website and help build an emotional connection with readers.

Flights & accommodation affiliate programs: , HostelWorld , Skyscanner

Travel insurance affiliate programs: World Nomads , SafetyWing , Heymondo , Faye , RentalCover , Columbus Direct , Gadget Cover

Travel gear affiliate programs: REI , Nomatic , Kodiak Leather , TropicFeel , Mahi Leather , WANDRD

The Broke Backpacker has a Pinterest account that sends traffic to individual blog posts.  

the broke backpacker pinterest images

12 View From the Wing

view from the wing homepage

📈 Traffic: ‏‏‎ ‎72k monthly visits

💪 DR: ‏‏‎ ‎70

View From the Wing  is a travel blog created in 2002 by Gary Leff, known as “the godfather of the frequent flyer hobby.” He offers expert travel advice, credit card tips, analysis of the current state of the travel industry, and deep-dive trip reports.

What View From The Wing Does Well

Gary drives traffic to his blog by sharing new posts with his email list and social media followers.

He posts 4-5 news stories or opinion pieces daily. The mixture includes travel thought pieces, news about the industry, or interesting travel experiences submitted to Gary.

view from the wing news related posts

This focus on time-sensitive news content means Gary needs to pump out more content than the typical blogger to drive significant traffic.

However, there’s an upside: driving traffic through email and social media means Gary’s revenue is less affected by volatile Google algorithm updates.

Google AdSense display ads

Credit card affiliate programs

Gary is very active on X (formerly Twitter) , where he shares new blog posts with his 39,000+ followers.

view from the wing X (twitter) posts to blog

13 Charlotte Plans a Trip

charlotte plans a trip homepage

📈 Traffic: ‏‏‎ ‎16k monthly visits

💪 DR: ‏‏‎ ‎33

🎨 Theme: ‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎Tempest

Charlotte Plans a Trip  is a small travel blog run by a Dutch travel blogger named Charlotte, who was inspired to start blogging when her fiancee Ries convinced her to travel journey beyond Amsterdam. Their first big trip was to Canada, and she and Ries have been travel blogging ever since.

What Charlotte Plans A Trip Does Well

Charlotte’s blog is multi-lingual – she offers Dutch and English versions. You can toggle between them on the home page.

She’s essentially created two versions of her website. Her Dutch pages have different URLs than their English counterparts, and Google indexes them as separate pages.

charlotte plans a trip multilingual posts

The main benefit of this is a substantial traffic increase. Ahrefs shows that 40% of her traffic comes from Netherlands-based visitors.

charlotte plans a trip site traffic from different countries

This isn’t an easy trick to multiplying your traffic. Multi-lingual blogs have some downsides you should be aware of.

Native speakers can spot weak translations. Computer translations are getting pretty good, but native speakers will often be able to tell when a translation has been computer-generated. Don’t do this unless you are fluent in the language you’re translating to.

Non-English websites don’t make as much money. The highest-earning market for most blogs is the United States, where most people speak English.

It’s harder to build and maintain an audience. If you have audiences in 2-3 languages, you’ll have a harder time creating content for all of them.

Keywords don’t often translate between languages. Just because English speakers search for something on Google doesn’t mean Spanish speakers are also searching for it.

There’s definitely potential here – just know the limitations you’ll be up against.

If you want to create a multi-lingual blog, I recommend the WordPress Multilingual plugin .

Charlotte has a  small following on Instagram , where she shares her life, travels, and latest blog posts.

charlotte plans a trip instagram account

Brand collaboration

Travel consults

Flights & accommodation affiliate programs:   Skyscanner ,

14 The Barefoot Nomad

the barefoot nomad homepage

📈 Traffic: ‏‏‎ ‎24k monthly visits

💪 DR: ‏‏‎ ‎51

🎨 Theme: ‏‏‎ ‎ Valenti

Launched in 2009 by Charles and Micki Kosman, The Barefoot Nomad  is a comprehensive family travel blog.

Initially documenting the couple’s travels in Southeast Asia, the blog evolved to cover global destinations and kid-friendly travel upon their children’s arrival.

What The Barefoot Nomad Does Well

The Barefoot Nomad allows comments on their posts, which has spawned many rich discussions and added beyond the original post content.

the barefoot nomad post with comments

The responses from Micki and Charles aren’t brief “Thanks for reading!” messages either. Their replies are detailed and thoughtful, ensuring the commenter and anyone else who visits the comments gets a helpful answer.

Allowing comments on your blog posts has a few benefits:

Improves search rankings. Google favors user-generated content (UGC) in blog posts, like comments, as it offers diverse viewpoints. This is why UGC-heavy sites like Reddit and Quora perform well in search results.

Fills gaps in your content. If you forget to address an important point in your post, readers may comment about it. You can fill the gap with a thoughtful reply and an update to your post.

Lets you appear involved in your community. Responding to comments shows you’re engaged and willing to take the time to speak directly to audience members.

However, there are some downsides. Most of the comments you get will be spam, and you’ll have to moderate every comment. You’ll also have to spend time replying to comments.

If you want to add comments to your travel blog, consider the wpDiscuz  plugin. You should also use the Akismet Anti-spam plugin .

Micki and Charles have an Instagram account, which they use to review and promote travel, tech, and food products.

the barefoot nomad instgram

Flights & accommodation affiliate programs:   Skyscanner , , Expedia

Travel insurance affiliate programs:   SafetyWing

15 Nomadic Matt

nomadic matt homepage 1

📈 Traffic: ‏‏‎ ‎590k monthly visits

💪 DR: ‏‏‎ ‎78

🎨 Theme: ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‎Custom

Nomadic Matt  is a travel blog that helps people travel on a budget. It was founded in 2008 by Matt Kepnes after a trip to Thailand inspired him to leave his dull cubicle job and explore the world.

He and his team share money-saving travel tips, low-cost destinations, and other practical advice that enables everyone to travel to amazing places.

What Nomadic Matt Does Well

Nomadic Matt has extensive schema markup , which is structured data you can add to a site’s HTML to help search engines better understand the content on the page.

Here’s what the schema on NomadicMatt looks like:

nomadic matt schema 1

Adding schema to your blog is helpful because it ensures web crawlers – programs that Google and other search engines use to analyze websites – don’t misinterpret your content.

Most blogs contain some basic schema due to their themes or SEO plugins. However, the schema in Matt’s posts goes far beyond what a typical blog includes. 

For example, some of the schema types in his blog posts include:

  • Author: Shares information about the author of the post
  • Organization: Explains who owns the website
  • Logo: Shares the website’s logo image
  • mainEntityOfPage: Indicates the primary topic of a page

He also ensures that all of the sub-schema markup included in these major schema types are filled out. Some sub-schema types include:

  • sameAs: Provides URLs of related or identical entities across the web
  • Description: Offers a summary or explanation of the content or entity
  • inLanguage: Specifies the language in which the content is written
  • primaryImageOfPage: Indicates the main image featured on the page
  • wordCount: Specifies the total number of words present in the content of the page

You can use an SEO plugin like RankMath  to fill out as many schemas as possible. The easier you make it for Google to understand your page, the better your content will rank.

Matt converts readers to email list subscribers with a newsletter signup box and engages them with frequent emails containing beginner-friendly travel tips.

His welcome email sequence sends out 12 emails in less than a month!

nomadic matt emails

Published book: Ten Years A Nomad

Travel guidebooks

Blogging course

Travel writing course

Flights & accommodation affiliate programs:   Skyscanner , , Going , HostelWorld , Agoda , Trusted House Sitters , Hostel Pass

Travel insurance affiliate programs:   SafetyWing , Medjet , InsureMyTrip

Credit card affiliate programs:   Card Ratings , Bilt

Activity affiliate programs:   Walks , Devour Tours , GetYourGuide , Eatwith

Travel gear affiliate programs: REI , LifeStraw , Patagonia

Transport affiliate programs:   RVshare , , Japan Rail Pass

Travel job affiliate programs:   Worldpackers , myTEFL

Blogging affiliate programs:   HostGator , ConvertKit

What Does A Successful Travel Blog Include?

While there are many ways to build a successful travel blog, our analysis has revealed a few key components that nearly every great blog has.

Leverage personal experience.  You need to have personal experience with the destination or topic being covered. It’s obvious when the person writing about a location has never been there, and both readers and search engines will take notice.

Run display ads. Nearly every blog discussed was running display ads, and most were running Mediavine or Raptive . It’s a simple way to add revenue that will have little effect on your other blog monetization methods .

Have a coherent theme. Successful travel blogs typically focus on the travels of 1-2 people or a specific destination. More general sites without a connection to a person or a destination will struggle with branding and SEO.

Make social media accounts. Building an Instagram, YouTube, or Pinterest account in the visual-heavy travel niche adds authenticity and provides a new traffic channel.

Take great pictures.  The more impressive your images, the better the impression visitors will have on your site. If they’re really good, you can even sell photography gear and lightroom presets!

Recommend booking services. Every blog on this list recommends at least one booking service. Anyone interested in traveling will need these, and you’re missing out on revenue if you’re not pushing them to your preferred provider. To view the best options, read our list of hotel affiliate programs and airline affiliate programs .

If you do these 5 things, you’re well on your way to building a booming travel blog!

Making a successful travel blog is incredibly lucrative. In fact, our affiliate marketing statistics  show that travel is one of the three most profitable niches, with the average person earning $13,847 per month.

However, with great reward comes high competition – especially in the world of blogging.

Here at Authority Hacker, we’ve spent 10+ years helping more than 15,000 students – build their own successful blogs – including many travel blogs.

To help you get an edge on the competition, we’ve distilled our most essential blog-building knowledge into a free training.

In this training, you’ll learn the seven insider secrets that make new blogs 83% more successful.

Join the free training now.

travel blog entry example

Steve is the Content Manager at Authority Hacker. Prior to joining the team, he built a 7-figure content agency, generated millions of organic pageviews on his websites, and sold his primary niche site for a 6-figure exit.

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travel blog entry example

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7 Inspiring Travel Blog Examples For 2024

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How many travel blogs can you name off the top of your head?

If you can’t name any or can only name a few, you’re in the right place because we’ve crafted a list of the most inspiring travel blog examples from around the web.

Travel blogs are one of the most popular blogging niches on the web, and our list covers quite a few sub niches within that space.

We even include details on the types of content, income streams and social media platforms these blogs use.

We used a few different tools to uncover the following metrics for each blog:

  • Domain Authority (DA) – MozBar
  • Estimated Traffic by Monthly Views – Similarweb
  • Load Time – Pingdom (Washington, D.C. Test Server)
  • Content Management System (CMS) – Wappalyzer

The list is arranged from highest to lowest amount of traffic. Let’s take a look.

The most inspiring travel blog examples

  • Nomadic Matt – Run by nomadic traveler Matt Kepnes and his team of fellow travelers. Blog focuses on budget travel, publishing travel guides, tips and more.
  • The Broke Backpacker – Run by a team of nomadic, backpacking travelers. They share travel gear reviews, tips on how to travel on a budget, advice on backpacking and more.
  • The Planet D – Husband-and-wife travel blog run by nomadic married couple Dave and Deb, who share travel tips and guides through engaging list posts.
  • Our Escape Clause – Another husband-and-wife travel blog run by younger couple Jeremy and Kate. They share travel stories and tips on traveling in the USA and Europe.
  • Salt in Our Hair – A well-designed collection of travel advice by Dutch couple Nick and Hannah.
  • The Blonde Abroad – This blog is run by an all-female team led by Kiki, AKA “The Blonde Abroad.”
  • Charlotte Plans a Trip – A one-woman blog run by Charlotte of The Netherlands, who shares personal travel stories and tips with the world.

1. Nomadic Matt

nomadic matt homepage

DA: 74 | Traffic: 1.4 million+ per month | Load Time: 1.21s | CMS: WordPress

Nomadic Matt is a well-known, even famous travel blog, receiving over 1.4 million visits per month.

The blog was founded by and is still owned by The New York Times best-selling author Matt Kepnes, who wrote How to Travel the World On $50 a Day .

Matt founded the blog in 2008 after quitting his job two years prior to travel around the world on a budget. His goal is to teach people how to travel on a budget just as he did when he was starting out.

He’s been to over a 100 countries and territories ever since.

Now, he and his team work hard to produce new content, keep the Nomadic Network travel community active, and run FLYTE, a non-profit that makes travel more accessible to underprivileged youth.

Nomadic Matt publishes new content every few days to a wide range of categories.

nomadic matt blog page

They include categories for specific continents, types of travel, such as Family Travel, Female Travel and Couples Travel, and general travel-related categories, including Travel Gear, Travel Lists and Travel Tips.

Each post’s metadata excludes an author name, and there’s no author box.

However, the posts are written in first person, and there’s an email opt-in box in the sidebar that features a picture and first-person blurb about Matt, which makes it seem as though each post is written by him.

The blog mostly publishes specific guides, such as a guide on Japan’s rail system or a guide on the best hostels in Auckland.

nomadic matt blog post

You’ll also find personal blog entries and somewhat investigative posts, such as “Is Tulum Safe?”

Each post is written in long-form style and uses a lot of images.

The most unique element is a feature box at the bottom of each post. It’s different for each post and contains a snapshot of travel tips for the post’s destination topic.

nomadic matt feature box

Income streams

Nomadic Matt uses ads on blog post pages: one in the sidebar and another at the bottom of the browser’s viewport. Both are sticky, so they remain in view as the reader scrolls down the page.

They also use affiliate links in blog posts and sell guidebooks for specific countries.

Matt has a couple of online courses that teach fellow travelers how to become a travel blogger.

One costs $79/month or $199 per quarter while the other costs a one-time fee of $99.

The blog’s sister company The Nomadic Network hosts travel tours that net the blog a four-digit payout per spot booked.

nomadic matt tours

Matt also advertises his books on the homepage of the blog and a few other places, such as the website’s About page.

Social media activity

Nomadic Matt is active on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.

nomadic matt instagram post

They receive most of their engagements from Instagram and TikTok, a few hundred likes and views per post with some reaching a few thousand.

2. The Broke Backpacker

the broke backpacker homepage

DA: 58 | Traffic: 1.2 million+ per month | Load Time: 307ms | CMS: WordPress

The Broke Backpacker , as the name suggests, is another travel blogging website filled with tips on how to travel on a budget full time.

It was founded in 2013 and is run by a mixed bunch of individuals who all share a passion for travel.

Along with the average travel tips and guides that all travel blogs publish, The Broke Backpacker focuses on topics like travel gear and working abroad.

The Broke Backpacker updates posts regularly, so it’s hard to determine how many posts they publish per month.

the broke backpacker blog

However, the blog is quite active with multiple writers contributing to it, so the site is always pushing out new content.

While the site has a Blog page, they don’t insert a link to it in their navigation menu as most blogs do.

Their navigation menu features multiple parent and child categories instead, including parent categories for continents and major territories, and categories named Budget Travel, Work & Travel, Gear, and Travel Tips.

Common topics this blog covers include gear reviews, list posts for travel destinations in specific areas, many additional list post topics, and budget backpacking.

the broke backpacker blog post

The blog publishes longform posts with at least one image underneath each heading. Each image even has a cheeky caption underneath it, such as “two broke backpackers are better than one.”

The Broke Backpacker’s monetization strategy is built entirely around affiliate marketing .

They use affiliate links for hostels, hotels, flights and products they review.

The Broke Backpacker has social media accounts for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest but are not very active on any of them.

They receive a few dozen engagements when they do post.

3. The Planet D

the planet d homepage

DA: 63 | Traffic: 703,000+ per month | Load Time: 680ms | CMS: WordPress

The Planet D is a husband-and-wife travel blog that covers a wide range of travel topics, not just traveling on a budget.

Dave and Deb have been married for over 25 years and developed a love of traveling in the early 2000s after taking several trips to Asia, Africa, South America and Central America.

However, the couple found themselves in a rut over time and “didn’t inspire each other anymore.” They started the blog in 2007 as a way to reconnect and share their travel stories with the world.

They’ve traveled to over 120 countries since starting the blog and have been featured by Forbes, BBC, CNN, National Geographic and CBC.

The Planet D publishes new posts every few days and updates old posts regularly. Posts are published by guest authors and “The Planet D Team.”

the planet d blog

Parent categories include Travel Planning, Inspirational Stories, Travel Itineraries, Digital Lifestyle (for posts on living a digital nomad lifestyle), and Travel Tips.”

The blog publishes list posts primarily, usually on a specific topic for a specific city, such as “best dishes to try in the Philippines” or “best things to do in [insert city name here].”

the planet d blog post

They use long-form posts with a lot of images.

The Planet D uses a few ads on blog post pages.

They’re displayed along the bottom of the viewport, in the site’s sidebar and within the post itself.

A pop-up video ad also appears in the bottom, right-hand corner.

The blog also affiliate links for bookings in addition to ads.

The Planet D is active on social media, specifically Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest.

They receive most of their engagements from Instagram and YouTube.

While the blog hides their like counts on Instagram, the list of people who liked each post is quite lengthy when you scroll through it.

the planet d instagram post

Their YouTube channel has over 60,000 subscribers, and a number of their videos have a few hundred thousand views.

the planet d youtube channel

4. Our Escape Clause

our escape clause homepage

DA: 43 | Traffic: 650,000+ per month | Load Time: 903ms | CMS: WordPress

Our Escape Clause is another husband-and-wife blog. This one is run by full-time travel bloggers Jeremy and Kate.

The couple took a six-month trip around the world in the mid 2010s and enjoyed it so much, they decided to keep going.

They launched their travel blog not long after.

They post travel tips and guides for traveling in the United States and Europe (with a heavy focus on Italy), all while sharing their own travel adventures.

They’ve traveled to over 50 countries in five continents since 2016.

Our Escape Clause publishes a few posts per month .

Some of their categories include Travel Planning, Stories, Packing and Long-Term Travel. They also have tags for individual travel destinations and itineraries.

They have a huge focus on traveling in the United States and Italy, so you’ll find two top-level menu items reserved for these destinations.

Posts are published under Kate’s name.

our escape clause blog post

They’re written in long-form format and use a lot of images, definitely more than the previous travel websites on this list.

Most travel photography images have Jeremy, Kate or their dog Ranger in the shot, giving this blog a more personal tone that some travel blogs don’t have.

Our Escape Clause uses ads on blog post pages: a sticky ad at the bottom of the viewport, a sticky ad in the sidebar and a few throughout each post’s body.

The blog also uses affiliate links, including a few from Amazon .

Our Escape Clause is active on Instagram, where they receive a few hundred likes and a few dozen comments per post.

our escape clause instagram post

5. Salt in Our Hair

salt in our hair homepage

DA: 50 | Traffic: 500,000+ per month | Load Time: 778ms | CMS: WordPress

Salt in Our Hair is a travel blog by Dutch couple Nick and Hannah.

The blog originally started as an Instagram account, which the couple launched during their first backpacking trip.

They posted daily and decided to launch a blog under the same name a little over six months later in mid 2016.

Nick had experience in web design while Hannah was skilled as a graphic designer.

This allowed them to build one of the most beautifully-designed blogs in the travel blogging space, which is still going strong today.

Salt in Our Hair publishes guides, reviews and list posts to a number of different categories, such as different categories for specific travel destinations in Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

salt in our hair blog

Other categories include Travel Tips, Digital Nomad, Sustainable Travel, Budget, Tech and Lifestyle.

As the blog’s About page states, most of the writing is done by Nick while Hannah takes care of visuals.

The blog publishes long-form posts with stunning images accompanying each one.

salt in our hair blog post

Salt in Our Hair uses quite a few income streams , starting with multiple ads on blog post pages in the following locations: sticky ad at the bottom of the viewport, sticky ad in the sidebar and a sticky pop-up video ad.

They also use affiliate links for booking sites and photography gear.

Lastly, the blog has an online shop filled with digital products, including ebooks, Lightroom presets, mobile video filters, photo prints and the couple’s travel tips in Google Maps locations.

Salt in Our Hair is active on Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest but receive the majority of their engagements from Instagram.

salt in our hair instagram post

They still publish gorgeous travel photos and videos to Instagram. Images receive a few thousand likes per post, but videos often receive tens of thousands of likes.

6. The Blonde Abroad

the blonde abroad homepage

DA: 60 | Traffic: 270,000+ per month | Load Time: 1.28s | CMS: WordPress

The Blonde Abroad is one of the most successful travel blogs in the solo travel niche.

It’s run by an all-female team and was founded by Kiki, “The Blonde Abroad,” who traded a seemingly-glamorous life in Hollywood for one filled with philanthropic work abroad.

She launched The Blonde Abroad not long after.

Now, she and her team help other female solo travelers get started on their own journeys with over 1,500 blog posts, detailed guides, consulting services and travel tours.

The Blonde Abroad publishes content to a wide range of categories, namely Solo Travel, Girls Trip, Packing Guides, Blogging Tips, Couples Travel and Budget Tips.

the blonde abroad blog

However, after 1,500 posts, the blog has covered and continues to cover all sorts of different travel types.

That means you’ll also find categories like Female Travel, Luxury Travel, Adventure Travel, Student Travel, Volunteer Travel and Eco Travel.

The blog even has tags for individual destinations.

Plus, even though Kiki works with a team these days, the website is still branded as her own personal blog, so you’ll also find all sorts of personal blog entries and lifestyle blog posts.

And like Nomadic Matt, a blurb about Kiki displays in the sidebar, which is done in lieu of author metadata or an author box.

The blog publishes a mix of short and medium-form posts but uses large images to make it seem as though posts are longer than they are.

the blonde abroad blog post

Many images feature Kiki.

The Blonde Abroad has a lot of income streams, including ads that display on blog post pages.

Specifically, they use a sticky ad at the bottom of the viewport, another sticky ad in the sidebar and a few fixed ads in the body of blog posts.

They also use affiliate links, including affiliate links from Amazon.

Kiki has become quite familiar with travel photography over the years, so you’ll also find a shop filled with Lightroom presets and art prints .

the blonde abroad travel tours

The blog also offers travel services, including consulting and travel tours through a sister site TBA Escapes.

The Blonde Abroad is active on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Kiki has a YouTube channel with over 37,000 subscribers and a total of 3.1 million video views, but she hasn’t posted in a couple years.


the blonde abroad instagram post

She receives most of her engagements from Instagram and Facebook where she receives a few thousand and a few hundred likes respectively.

7. Charlotte Plans a Trip

charlotte plans a trip homepage

DA: 28 | Traffic: 105,000+ per month | Load Time: 2.56s | CMS: WordPress

Charlotte Plans a Trip is an adventure travel blog run by Dutch woman Charlotte, who travels the world with her husband Ries.

The blog is primarily a hub for her own personal travel stories. But because she’s become quite an avid traveler, she also publishes travel tips and destination guides.

The couple has visited over 25 countries in North America, Central America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania.

Charlotte Plans a Trip publishes posts to a small handful of parent categories, including Personal, Tips & Tricks, and Travel Guides.

Smaller categories include Diary, Budget Tips, Travel Photography, Packing Lists, Hotel Guides and Itineraries.

She publishes short to medium-form posts that use a lot of images.

charlotte plans a trip blog post

There are also a few long-form posts here and there.

Charlotte Plans a Trip uses ads and affiliate links to monetize her travel blog.

Sticky ads display at the bottom of the viewport as well as in the sidebar. There are also fixed ads in each post’s body text.

She also creates sponsored posts and offers consultancy services, including coming up with personalized itineraries.

Charlotte Plans a Trip is active on Instagram and Instagram alone.

charlotte plans a trip instagram post

She receives a few dozen to a few hundred likes per post.

Final thoughts

That concludes our list of travel blog examples.

These blogs come in a wide range of traffic, from blogs that receive hundreds of thousands of views per month to ones that barely reach over 100,000.

Some use teams, and some are run by couples who split responsibilities across their blogs.

Yet despite these differences, we can spot a number of different trends across each blog.

The first is the type of content they create.

While some blogs have a particular angle or cover all travel types, all of these blogs have categories and posts aimed at traveling on a budget.

This tells us that budget travel is its own sub niche within the travel blogging space.

The second trend we noticed is income streams.

Some blogs sell their own Lightroom presets, guidebooks and art prints. Some offer consulting services and host travel tours.

Income streams all travel blogs seem to have in common are ads and affiliate marketing.

So, if you’re just getting started with your own travel blog, consider looking into these income streams first.

Blogger favorites AdThrive and Mediavine are fantastic ad networks to use to display niche-specific ads on blogs.


The final trends we noticed have to do with social media.

The first is that the majority of these blogs are active on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and sometimes YouTube, but they all receive most of their engagements from Instagram.

The second trend we noticed is that there’s no correlation between social media popularity and web traffic.

Nomadic Matt receives four times the amount of traffic as The Blonde Abroad does, but her engagement rates on platforms like Instagram and Facebook are consistently higher than Matt’s.

The same is true for Salt in Our Hair, who receive less than half of the amount of traffic as Nomadic Matt receives, yet videos they post to Instagram receive tens of thousands of likes.

This shows us two things: you don’t need a large social media following to succeed in the world of blogging. Also, social media is a severely underutilized and misused form of marketing in the blogging space.

With that said, we hope this list has inspired a few new ideas for your own travel blog.

If you’d like to start your own blog, check out our step-by-step tutorial to get started.

Alternatively, you might find other posts in this series useful:

  • Lifestyle Blog Examples
  • Music Blog Examples
  • Food Blog Examples
  • Business Blog Examples
  • Fashion Blog Examples
  • Health Blog Examples

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Lyn Wildwood is a member of the Blogging Wizard content team and a freelance writer for hire with over a decade of experience in the marketing space. She loves sharing new tips on WordPress, blogging, and online business as a whole.

8 mins read

10 Travel Blog Writing Examples For Inspiration

Planning to be a travel writer? Don't start without looking at these 10 examples of exceptional travel writing! Plus, here's why you need a travel writing portfolio.

Image of Shreya Bose

Shreya Bose

Written by Shreya Bose , edited by Protim Bhaumik , reviewed by Eric Hauch .

23. Feb 2023 , updated 30. Jun 2023

Preview image of 10 Travel Blog Writing Examples For Inspiration

Nothing opens our minds quite like travel, does it? However, not all of us are lucky enough to travel more than once or twice a year (if that) while juggling a 9-5, school/housework, kids/pets, and everything else in between.

But there are certain people who actually choose to live a life of travel. No, I am not talking about trust fund babies but about the travel blogger.

Giving up the secure desk job to pursue travel stories, writing them, and getting paid is not the life for everybody. But I won't be lying if I say quite a few of us secretly (or not-so-secretly) wish we could live that life.

If you're thinking of embarking on a "job" that takes you around the world, and you think you can write travel blogs that delight and educate every reader, this article is for you. To get started, have a look at these 10 travel blog writing examples. The individuals discussed in this blog post are living the life you want, and exploring their work is a good way to start your travel writing career before building your unique voice and brand.

10 Amazing travel bloggers & their work (to inspire you to write your first blog)

Elizabeth chorney-booth.

travel blog entry example

Elizabeth Chorney-Booth is a Canadian writer exploring food, drink, travel, medical writing, and general interest topics. She is the weekly restaurant columnist for the Calgary Herald, a regular columnist on CBC Radio, and a weekly contributor to 's travel section. Her work has appeared in multiple publications like the Globe and Mail, Culinaire, Bold Travel, Savour, Leap, OnBoard, and more.

Gwendolyn Richards

travel blog entry example

Gwendolyn Richards is a Calgary-based food and travel writer & photographer who loves patent shoes, bourbon, and burgers. She has also written and published a cookbook named Pucker. If you're looking to have travel adventures (of the stomach especially) in and around Calgary, her portfolio and blog are must-reads.

Jamie Carter

travel blog entry example

Jamie Carter combines travel blogging with writing about science, and his portfolio and blog showcase the coolest, most eclectic collection of articles and images you'll come across. His work has been published in Forbes, Travel+Leisure, Sky & Telescope, BBC Sky At Night, South China Morning Post, TechRadar, and WhenIsTheNextEclipse?

Jamie's blog:

Louise Goldsbury

travel blog entry example

Louise Goldsbury runs a famous travel blog that has won her the Best Travel Writer award at the National Travel Industry Awards twice. She has also been a 2022 finalist for the same. She writes as a freelance for The Australian, Escape, and Explore. She is also the Editor-at-large at Cruise & Travel magazine (Big Splash Media)

Louise's blog:

travel blog entry example

Gina Rich is an award-winning freelance writer exploring topics around parenting, health, travel, and the natural world. She's also quite a coffee enthusiast, as her own travel blog will showcase.

Gina's blog:

Vicki Reeve

travel blog entry example

Vicki Reeve is a Cornwall/London-based freelance writer & editor who works on Departures International, Centurion, Compendium, and NetJets magazines, Vogue, Art Fund's Art Quarterly magazine, Elephant magazine, and Wylde (among others), and writes about Cornwall for the Mail on Sunday's travel section.

She is also a senior editor at Ultratravel magazine.

Salt in our Hair

travel blog entry example

Run by Hannah and Nick, two travel bloggers from the Netherlands, this award-winning blog has it all — travel stories, travel photography, travel tips, and even information for solo travelers.

By detailing their own travel adventures, Hannah and Nick provide helpful information and fun-laden itineraries for anyone looking to jet-set around the world.

This is a great travel blog example, encompassing everything from an adventure travel blog to laid-back travel ideas.

Hannah & Nick's blog:

The Blonde Abroad

travel blog entry example

Kiki has been traveling solo for years and collecting her experiences in her travel blog. She has visited over 70 countries and collates information specifically for solo female travelers. Of course, she also covers other categories like adventure travel, budget travel, couple travel, etc. But it's her tips for women traveling alone that really get her blog to stand out.

Kiki's blog:

The Travel Book

travel blog entry example

Is it possible to travel while being environmentally conscious? The Travel Book says Yes!

It doesn't matter what your travel destination is, this blog will tell you how to have amazing trips without leaving too much of a negative impact on the ecology. This is a great resource if you're looking to travel internationally since those long plane rides are just the start of expanding our carbon footprint. Tips from Karoline and Rasmus (who run the blog) help you counteract that, without missing out on the most beautiful places on this planet.

Karoline and Rasmus' blog:

Be My Travel Muse

travel blog entry example

Much like Kiki, Kristin has also been traveling solo for over 9 years. Her tips about saving money and traveling safely without missing out on any adventures have led her blog to be one of the most popular ones in its niche. She attracts about five million readers per year, and I don't have to tell you how impressive that is.

Kristin's blog:

Now that you've seen some top-shelf travel blog writing examples, let's move on to a related question.

Are you planning to create a travel writing portfolio?

You've obviously noticed that the first few examples are portfolios rather than blogs. I included them on purpose because these portfolios actually provide a more comprehensive view of the writer's work at one glance than a blog would. In a blog, you'd have to click through different sections or scroll around to find actual articles.

In a portfolio, it's all right there on the front page. Moreover, if you're planning to write about travel for magazines, editorials, and other third-party publications, you need a portfolio. Clients usually don't have the patience to scan through your blog to find relevant articles. Additionally, if you're a professional writer of any kind, you're expected to have an updated portfolio that can be sent out in a second. Failure to meet this expectation immediately demotes you from their list of potential candidates.

Moreover, clients may not end up actually reading/viewing your best work if they are left to scroll by themselves. On the other hand, you can curate your portfolio so that your best work shows up first, and you get to your best professional foot forward.

Ok, so... how do I create a travel writing portfolio?

There are an overwhelming number of portfolio builders available today. You've probably already heard of some — Squarespace, WordPress, Clippings, etc. They're all excellent options, depending on your profession, requirement, and professional seniority.

Before creating my own writer portfolio, I went through quite a few of these tools before choosing Authory. I'm not saying you should choose it too (but you should if you're a writer), but just telling you why it stood out to me over the other, more established, name-brand portfolio makers .

  • Automatic importing of ALL your bylined content from ANY digital source you enter. You enter the source website, and Authory finds all your bylined pieces and imports them into its database. You can import from an unlimited number of sources. Moreover, Authory won't just import all existing content from each source, but all pieces published in the future as well. You never have to copy-paste/manually upload any of your bylined pieces to your portfolio ever again. You can, of course, manually upload, non-bylined content if you want.
  • All imported content is permanently backed up, in the ORIGINAL format (text/media) rather than screenshots.
  • All imported content is downloadable as high-res PDFs or exportable as HTML files. No lock-in period.
  • Multiple, low-effort customization options to make your portfolio visually appealing and easily navigable.
  • Email notifications every time a new article is imported by Authory.
  • In-built search engine optimization and responsive design so your portfolio looks good on mobile screens and shows up on search engine results.
  • In-built analytics that provides real numbers on content performance (engagement, readership) across the web and popular social media sites every 30 days.
  • Allows creation of newsletters with a couple of clicks. Post setup, Authory will automatically send your newly published content to subscribers.
  • Widgets to display your portfolio on other sites, such as your personal website (if you have one).

If you're someone who reads reviews before making a purchase, I've got you covered. Check out these testimonials from Authory users:

today i've looked at 100+ applications for freelance writing projects. tons say something like, "I'm qualified but can't share my ghostwritten samples." just use @Authory to do this. hiring managers need to see your best samples! not an ad, just trying to make my life easier 😆 — Jimmy Daly (@jimmy_daly) February 15, 2023
Epic tool I recently discovered 👇 With @Authory , podcasters, influencers, journalists, businesses and personal brands can create a professional portfolio that highlights their best articles, stories, episodes and other written content including PR. — Adel (@AdeldMeyer) February 15, 2023
I just started using @Authory , it looks great, let's you organize your content super easily and can automatically import all your pieces from the web. It also keeps a backup of everything in case one of your articles is ever taken down. ~8-10 bucks a month 🙌 — Historian turned techie👩‍🎓👩‍💻 (@christina_haaa) February 9, 2023

Emma Wilkinson

I do still love Authory - I do nothing just sit back and let it collate all my work (and tell me interesting things about stats etc) and I now have 1.4k articles on there 👍If you want a bit of a longer free trial to have a go yourself try this link — Emmajourno (@Emmajourno) February 7, 2023

Is it any wonder that Authory is chosen by 6X Emmy winner David Pogue , Steven Levy, Editor at Large, WIRED , Brian Fung, a Technology Reporter at CNN , and other industry stalwarts to create their portfolio?

Get started with Authory for free today!

Seasoned writer & editor working with B2B & B2C content since 2017. Writes about music on weekends. Trying to overcome caffeine addiction.

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121 Travel Blog Niche Examples to Inspire You in 2024

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Table of Contents

Considering starting a travel blog, but need some inspiration? I’ve gathered over 100 travel blogs in different niches, with completely different audiences, to help you understand the variety of options you have.

I didn’t even know some of these niches existed until I started researching this post and asked the lovely members of my SEO for Travel Bloggers Facebook group to pitch in.

This is not going to be a completely exhaustive list, as there are nearly infinite specific types of travel blogs. That’s the great thing about this niche!

I will note quickly that if you want to start a travel blog and hope to make money from it , it’s best to find a niche that already gets some traffic/is well known to your audience, but not one that’s too saturated with big names.

Here’s how I determined each of the summary points:

Niche : Manual check from About Page, Homepage, top content, and blog theme

Monthly Traffic : Similar Web (for accuracy, it said my traffic was about 30% higher than it actually was in September 2023 when I tested 4 of my sites)

Primary Traffic Source : Similar Web

Page Speed : Pagespeed Insights (Speed Index Score)

CMS : Host Advice

Blog Host : Host Advice, Web Hosting Hero, Accuwebhosting, Hosting Checker

Theme : What WP Theme Is That, Satori Studio, manually inspecting code

Monetization Methods : Manual check in no particular order

Founded : About Page, Dupli Checker, Whats My DNS

Backlinks: Ahrefs Backlink Checker (free) (Linking Websites)

Please note that these metrics can change at any time. I endeavour to provide the most up to date figures, but due to the ever changing nature of blogging, some of these figures may have changed by the time you’re reading this.

SEO Roadmap 3

SEO Roadmap for Travel Bloggers

Ready to make thousands of dollars passively each month?

Get my SEO Roadmap course!

This one-stop-shop teaches bloggers in every niche how to scale their traffic and their passive income. I went from $0 a month to $30k/mo in 13 months with my techniques – and now I’m sharing them with you!

Nomadic Matt homepage. Image of Matt wearing a red backpack looking out over mountains beside the tag line

1. Nomadic Matt

Nomadic Matt is one of the best known travel blogs on the internet, especially if you’re into budget travel and backpacking.

Matt Kepnes founded the blog in 2008 to teach people how to travel on a budget, which also inspired his New York Times Bestselling Book, “How to Travel the World on $50 a Day”. It’s the book I used when I did my gap year after university.

The blog covers everything you can imagine about budget travel, including the best hostels to stay at, budget friendly things to do across the world (Matt’s been to over 100 countries), product reviews, and recently he’s been branching more into travel credit cards.

Matt has gone on to found The Nomadic Network and FLYTE. He also ran TravelCon but recently sold it.

Matt announced that he was stepping back from the site in February 2022 . It doesn’t seem like it stuck though, as he still appears to be posting (or perhaps his writers are) and he’s active on social media.

Niche : Budget travel/backpacking

Monthly Traffic : 1.22 million+

Primary Traffic Source : Organic Search (i.e. Google)

Page Speed : 3.3s

CMS : WordPress

Blog Host : Linode

Theme : Genesis Framework + Custom Theme

Monetization Methods : Affiliates, Ads ( Mediavine ), Books, Blogging Course, Group Tours

Founded : 2008

Backlinks : 21k

The Blonde Abroad's homepage. Images of Kiki hiking and in front of a sphinx in Egypt.

2. The Blonde Abroad

Kiki is the reason I quit the solo female travel niche: she’s got it covered!

Her blog has been around for over a decade and has articles covering all things solo female travel. You’ll also find articles on lifestyle topics and photography.

I love her mission to support non-profits while sharing helpful information to allow women to be more independent.

It’s hard to compete with a blog Kiki’s size, with over 1500 articles and over 1 million people on her email list (according to her homepage opt in).

She’s also founded TBA Escapes, where she hosts female group trips to areas women often feel uncomfortable traveling to alone.

Niche : Solo female travel

Monthly Traffic : 291k+

Page Speed : 3.7s

Blog Host : : Digital Ocean

Monetization Methods : Affiliates, Group Tours, Ads (Mediavine), Digital Products, Social Media Marketing, Consulting (according to her about page )

Founded : 2012

Backlinks : 9.5k

Be. MyTravel Muse homepage. Mix of blue and pink colours with a photo of Kristen walking on sand dunes behind the words

3. Be My Travel Muse

I met Kristin at Travel Blogging Summit Denver in 2022 and learned a lot from her. She’s the second reason I abandoned all hope with my solo female travel blog: again, she’s got it covered!

Kristin is a former investment banker who realized she wasn’t able to express her creativity and really wanted to write. She quit her job and headed to Bangkok, where she made her dream of living fully from her creative work a reality.

Now she runs Be My Travel Muse and Parenthood Adventures (after having her first child).

Kristin is known as a heavy weight in both the travel blogging and travel writing (i.e. for journalism) worlds.

You’ll also find her on Youtube where she demonstrates her stunning photography.

Monthly Traffic : 350k+

Page Speed : 2.3s

Blog Host : Digital Ocean

Monetization Methods : Group Trips, Ads (Mediavine), Affiliates, Book

Backlinks : 5.4k

The Planet D homepage with a photo of Dave and Dev at Lake Louise and the text

4. The Planet D

The Planet D crops up in basically every travel niche because of their more general approach. While they state that they’re Adventure Travel in some places on their site and Digital Nomad travel in others, I’d classify them as a General Travel niche site.

Most general travel sites don’t see the same success as Dave and Deb, but the landscape was a bit easier back in 2007. It’d be much harder to be successful with this type of site today.

The Planet D is an award-winning travel blog that follows its founders, Dave and Deb, around the world. They’ve visited over 120 countries now and document all their original experiences on their blog.

I like that their site is the first on the list so far that I didn’t have to enlarge the text on. Their simple but functional theme is very SEO optimized.

Niche : General travel (but in different places on their website they say adventure travel and digital noad)

Monthly Traffic : 1.26 million+

Page Speed : 1.6s

Blog Host : Cloaked by Cloudflare

Theme : GeneratePress + Custom Theme

Monetization Methods : Affiliates, Ads ( Raptive ), Sponsored Posts, Photography, Public Speaking

Founded : 2007

Backlinks : 13k

two wandering soles homepage screen

5. Two Wandering Soles

Katie and Ben met in high school and went on to have the most epic adventures together. They founded Two Wandering Soles to share their experiences traveling around the world.

They cover everything from teaching English in Korea to living in their campervan “Vinny” in the US.

Their site is incredibly well researched and has lots of great videos from their Youtube channel. I also follow them in Instagram for their travel stories.

I found Two Wandering Soles when I was starting out because they shared their income reports up to 2020. It’s a great way to see how much someone can actually make blogging!

Niche : Eco and Adventure Travel, also an extensive Van Life pillar

Monthly Traffic : 360k+

Page Speed : 2.8s

Blog Host : Host Gator

Theme : Flatsome Theme

Monetization Methods : Ads (Mediavine), Affiliates, Blog Course, Sponsored Posts

Founded : 2014

Backlinks : 4.7k

world of wanderlust homepage screen

6. World of Wanderlust

World of Wanderlust came to my attention on Instagram for Brooke’s lovely pictures.

The blog began in 2012 to document her adventures in Asia, but quickly grew to cover her solo travel adventures worldwide. Brooke also grew a popular Instagram account with over 570k followers.

She stepped back from the blog in in May 2022 to focus on her passion for baking. It seems that she either sold the site or has hired writers to keep it updated.

You can now find her in Australia at Brooki Bakehouse, where she gets to live her passion for baking (and has a very successful Tiktok about the company).

Niche : Solo Female Travel

Monthly Traffic : 147k+

Page Speed : 7.6s

Blog Host : Dreamhost

Theme : Lavoie by Pipdig

Monetization Methods : Ads (unclear, but maybe Google Ads), Book, Digital Product, Blog Course, Sponsored Trips

Backlinks : 5.9k

bacon is magic homepage screen

7. Bacon is Magic

This is my favourite blog name of all time.

I first found Ayngelina when I was looking for Canadian travel bloggers for a school project (yep, I used to work travel blogging into my Master’s degree for every assignment).

Ayngelina founded the blog to be for “Food Hunters” instead of Foodies. They travel to eat like locals, which I really appreciate.

They blend in recipes from Canada and abroad (the Empress Gin Sour looks amazing! I was a bartender when the gin first came out and got to have a sip of one of the first batches. It’s truly magical!).

Niche : Foodie Travel and Recipes

Monthly Traffic : 99k+

Blog Host : Vultr

Theme : Tiny Salt by Loft Ocean

Monetization Methods : Ads (Mediavine), Affiliates , Sponsored Posts

Founded : 2010

broke backpacker homepage screen

8. The Broke Backpacker

The Broke Backpacker is actually ahead of Nomadic Matt in the budget travel space traffic-wise. Where Matt does $50 a day, Will Hatton goes down to $10 a day!

They began the blog in 2013 to teach others how to live on the road like they were doing.

I love their gear reviews as I’m just starting to get into camping (feel free to tweet me tips!). I do find them a little bit chunky (i.e. needs shorter paragraphs) and could stand to have a quick summarization for people on the go. But with their extensive audience, they’ve earned enough trust that I believe people would slow down to read it all.

Matt is the first person on our list to found a physical business located in one spot: a hostel. He cofounded Tribal Bali, a very pretty coworking hostel.

I really love the “Travel Expertise:” highlight in the author boxes on this site.

Niche : Budget Travel and Backpacking

Monthly Traffic : 1.41 million+

Page Speed : 4.1s

Blog Host : Google Cloud Platform

Theme : Custom Theme

Monetization Methods : Ads (Raptive), Affiliates, Hostel (cofounded)

Founded : 2013

Backlinks : 17k

expert vagabond homepage screen

9. Expert Vagabond

The Expert Vagabond, aka. Matt Karsten, shares tips for people looking to travel to unique destinations in a sometimes extreme way. He has posts on camping on erupting volcanoes, saving money for travel, how to take pictures of the Northern Lights.

Matt’s site is really interested because it has these custom author box-affiliate disclaimer hybrids on the posts that are customized to the location or type of travel for each post.

I like how clean and simple the whole site is. It’s very easy to information on what you need – as long as you know the continents.

Not only is their site popular, their Instagram has over 140k followers and their newsletter is 15k+ strong.

Niche : Adventure Travel and Photography

Monthly Traffic : 200k+

Page Speed : 2s

Theme: Trellis by Mediavine

Monetization Methods : Ads (Mediavine), Affiliates, Sponsored Posts

Founded : 2011

Backlinks : 9.6k

the points guy homepage screen

10. The Points Guy

The Points Guy was founded in 2010 by Brian Kelly to help people travel hack their way to their dream trips.

If you’re not aware, travel hacking is where you use points (i.e. credit card reward points and sign on bonuses, hotel reward schemes, etc) to lower the cost of your trip. It’s also got a component of finding good travel deals.

Their main monetization looks like it’s through their affiliates to various credit cards and banks – which they promote for the sign on bonus points.

The site has massive monthly traffic, but also a large team of over 35 people!

So don’t compare yourself too harshly when looking at your traffic. Think of it as aspirational for how far you could grow!

Niche : Travel Hacking

Monthly Traffic : 13.31 million+

Page Speed : 7.8s

Theme: Custom Theme

Monetization Methods : Ads (looks like Adsense but custom curated ads), Affiliates

Founded: 2009

Backlinks : 42k

our escape clause homepage screen

11. Our Escape Clause

Our Escape Clause turned a 6 month global expedition into a business that allowed them to leave their desk jobs.

They initially focused on Europe, but have since expanded to cover US travel as well.

You’ll find tons of travel itineraries on their site for locations across the US and Europe.

They’ve got a very basic theme that is laid out a little bit oddly, in my opinion. I don’t love the map on the Destinations page as it kept glitching – I’m never a fan of maps though, to be honest, because they usually have some sort of issue like this.

Although they do sponsored posts occasionally (according to their contact page), I couldn’t find any on their site. So I anticipate their income is primarily from the Mediavine ads and affiliate links in review posts on their site.

Niche : USA and Europe Travel

Monthly Traffic : 639k+

Page Speed : 6.7s

Theme: GeneratePress

Founded: 2016

Backlinks : 6.5k

young adventurous homepage screen

12. Young Adventuress

Liz Carlson moved to Spain alone to teach English and started Young Adventuress their time abroad. After a few years of Spanish travel, she moved to New Zealand and became a full time travel blogger.

I started following Liz when I moved to New Zealand and needed some tips on ways to spend all my money in the first month I arrived.

Liz is best known for their Instagram, where they take stunning photos of their global travels. They now own NODE, a plant store in New Zealand, and lead tours to the Arctic Circle.

You can join their 213k followers on Instagram as well. This is where the bulk of their following is and shows the power of Instagram for a travel blogger, but also that it doesn’t always translate to blog clicks.

Niche : Solo Female Travel and New Zealand Travel

Monthly Traffic : 36k+

Primary Traffic Source : Organic Search (i.e. Google) – this really surprised me from the size of their Instagram following!

Page Speed : 12.9s (because of a slow loading pop up. Closer to 4s really)

Blog Host : Amazon Web Services

Monetization Methods : Ads (Mediavine), Sponsored Instagram

Founded: 2011

Backlinks : 2k

disney tourist blog homepage screen

13. Disney Tourist Blog

This site has the best About Page I’ve ever seen – even referencing robot walruses at one point.

I recommend checking it out, not just to learn about the Disney Tourist Blog’s origins when Sarah and Tom Bricker founded it.

The blog is definitely a one-stop-Disney-shop where you can get all of your Magic Kingdom (that’s a Disney thing, right?) answers in one spot.

One of the items in their navigation is a “Quote Request” that takes you to a Disney travel agent site. I’m not sure if Tom or Sarah are agents for this company or – more likely – if this is a custom affiliate deal they’ve negotiated. I’m inclined to believe the latter.

Niche : Disney Travel

Monthly Traffic : 2 million+

Blog Host : HostDime

Theme: Sensational by My Theme Shop

Monetization Methods : Ads (Raptive), Affiliates, Be Our Guest Vacations Connection

Backlinks : 10k

goats on the road homepage screen

14. Goats on the Road

Goats on the Road have one of my favourite blog taglines: “Turn Travel Into A Lifestyle”.

It fits perfectly with their niche of digital nomad-ing. I actually didn’t find them until I was already well into my journey of living abroad, but I learned a ton about housesitting from them. In fact, I think they were the first to bring Trusted Housesitters into my life.

Nick and Dariece founded their blog in 2012 and it has gone on to be a massive name in the travel blog industry. They have a big team of 14 writers beyond themselves.

They’ve been featured in Forbes, on the Today Show, and in Lonely Planet.

I think they have one of the best menu bars I’ve seen so far on this list. It’s very clear, well organized and easy to follow. The only thing missing is a clear “Contact Us” section, which is in their footer (a pet peeve of mine).

Niche : Digital Nomad

Monthly Traffic : 604k+

Blog Host : Tools returned two answers: Bluehost (not gonna lie, my jaw DROPPED at this) and Cloudflare. I assume they used to be with Bluehost and are now cloaking with Cloudflare so I can’t find their current host

Monetization Methods : Blog Courses, Ads (Mediavine), Affiliates

Founded: 2012

Backlinks : 6.8k

rieland before you die homepage screen

15 . Ireland Before You Die

Stevie Haughey is on a mission to get everyone to Ireland before they die – ergo the name of the site!

They started the site at university in 2014 and it went on to amass over 1 million readers per month. It looks like it’s dropped down since that claim on his author page, but that’s liable to happen over time.

Posts vary from travel specific, like the best spa hotels, to Irish names for kids (a great place for a Name Generator !).

They are the first site on our list to have physical products for sale. In the site’s shop I found t-shirts and posters. But it also looks like the may have sold rings are one point.

Niche : Ireland Travel

Monthly Traffic : 498k+

Page Speed : 11.5s (not surprising as they use Elementor)

Theme : GeneratePress with Elementor base

Monetization Methods : Ads (Raptive), Affiliate, Digital Product, Physical Products

Founded: 2014

Backlinks : 8.2k

anywhere we roam homepage screen

16. Anywhere We Roam

Mark and Paul quit their jobs to found this adventure and off the beaten path travel blog.

They’ve won numerous UK blogger awards, highlighting their expertise.

I couldn’t find any digital products or sponsored posts on their site. So I’m assuming they’re just using Mediavine and their affiliates to monetize.

They also have a “Buy Me A Coffee” button, which has become more popular with bloggers in recent years. I had one on my site eons ago and it never made me a penny. But I’d be interested to know if a more established blog like theirs does well with it.

Niche : Adventure Travel

Monthly Traffic : 264k+

Page Speed : 4.9s

Theme: Uncode by Undsgn

Monetization Methods : Ads (Mediavine), Affiliates, Kofi

Founded : 2017

Backlinks : 1.8k

salt in our hair homepage screen

17. Salt in Our Hair

This is my favourite blog theme on the list. It’s so cute and yet also so functional!

I’m very upset it was custom coded by them so I can’t even hire the developer cause I LOVE it.

But back to the site. Salt in Our Hair is a sustainable travel blog that follows Nick and Hannah around the world. The Dutch couple founded the company on Instagram first (I think that’s a first for this list!) and then moved it onto the blog.

Hannah was a graphic designer and Nick a web developer, which speaks to their amazing site. They’re also great photographers with a big focus on photography tips on their site.

Interestingly, they sell Google Maps guides. I’m not sure of the legalities of selling a Google Map but I expect they looked into it. I’d look into it on your own before doing the same, but that could be a great digital product for most travel bloggers.

I have like 400 just from 2023 with all my travels across Canada and the US.

They seem to be focused on Asia and the Middle East in their recent content, but they have articles for places across Europe, too.

Niche : Sustainable Travel

Monthly Traffic : 774k+

Page Speed : 3.8s

Theme : Custom Theme they built for themselves

Monetization Methods : Digital Products, Ads (Mediavine), Affiliates, Sponsored Posts

Founded : 2015

Backlinks : 5.1k

travel off path homepage screen

18. Travel Off Path

I met Kashlee in Nashville at the same summit I met the Blonde Abroad (y’all go to summits in person. They’re epic!).

She shared a lot about her site, but the most interesting thing to me was that it’s primarily a Google Discover site. Her team (she has over 65 writers across 5 sites – this is just one of them) publish posts EVERY SINGLE DAY.

She takes a very “news” style approach to her content, publishing shorter pieces that are on trending topics.

You’ll notice her titles are very skewed for Google Discover and less for SEO.

Two of her other sites that are doing similarly well are The Cancun Sun and The Bali Sun.

Kashlee is a great case study for a very different way of getting clicks from Google.

Niche : Travel News and Travel Tips

Monthly Traffic : 4.18 million+

Primary Traffic Source : Organic Search (i.e. Google Search) – Similar Web doesn’t differentiate between Discover and normal Google traffic so I couldn’t do a breakdown between the two on it but about 300k according to Ahrefs are organic traffic

Page Speed : 1.9s (and one of the few passing Core Web Vitals)

Blog Host : Big Scoots

Monetization Methods : Ads (Mediavine) *Kashlee revealed at the summit that her only income from the blogs is ad based but that she plans to start doing affiliates. She also does paid speaking gigs.

Founded: 2017

Backlinks : 12k

travel fashion girl

19. Travel Fashion Gal

Travel Fashion Gal comes up so often when I’m doing keyword research for my clients. They rank for a lot of terms, but especially for “Best X” where X is travel gear or clothing.

Packing lists are their game, so they also sell ebooks of their lists for what on the surface looks like their most popular regions.

Alex started the blog in 2008, but also does a good amount of promotion on other platforms too – with social being pretty close to Organic Search for their top traffic source.

Pinterest seems to be their biggest platform with 6 million monthly views and over 100k followers.

Niche : Packing Lists and Fashion Travel

Monthly Traffic : 884k+

Page Speed : 12.3s

Blog Host : Liquid Web

Theme : Divi

Monetization Methods : Ads (Raptive), Affiliates, Digital Product

packs light

20. Packs Light

I wanted to highlight Gabby Beckford on this list because she has made over $100k in Q1 of 2023 without an insane amount of traffic on her site.

Yes, it’s in Mediavine. But the majority of Gabby’s income seems to come from her social media.

She founded Young Travelers Network on Facebook (9.6k members), has over 158k followers on Instagram, has over 325k followers on Tiktok, AND has a significant Twitter and Linkedin presence.

She is literally EVERYWHERE hustling and it’s paying off.

The #1 thing you can learn from Gabby’s PTO (paid travel opportunities) site is how to build a community.

Her Delusional Confidence TedX talk changed my life.

Niche : Paid Travel Opportunities and Study Abroad

Monthly Traffic : 65k+

Page Speed :

Theme : Soledad (looks custom)

Monetization Methods : Ads (Mediavine), Affiliates, Digital Products, Group Tours, Sponsored Posts

Backlinks : 1.5k

Untitled design 8

100+ More Travel Blog Examples in Different Niches

We’d be here for 40 years if I was to do a deep dive into every travel site I found (or even all 236 that were submitted in my Facebook group thread ). Especially because I want to rep as many different niches as possible.

So for the sake of expediency, I’ve included the Blog Name – Niche

  • Adventurous Kate – Solo Female Travel
  • Introvert With Itchy Feet – Africa Travel
  • Caribbean Uncovered – Caribbean Travel
  • Offbeat Greece – Greece Travel
  • Meandering Wild – Nature and Wildlife Travel
  • Follow the Yellow Shell – Camino de Santiago and Other Long Walks
  • Culture Feasting – Foodie Travel
  • Adventures with TuckNae – RV Travel
  • York Travel Expert – York, UK Travel
  • Exploring South Australia – Southern Australia Travel
  • New Zealand Travel Tips – New Zealand Travel
  • The Hiking Helper – Hiking & National Park Travel
  • Atlantic Destinations – Nova Scotia, Canada Travel
  • Adventure Awaits – Canada Travel
  • Nina Out and About – Living Abroad/Expat Travel
  • Ottawa Things to Do – Ottawa, Canada Travel Blog
  • Traveling With Your Pets – Dog Friendly and Service Dog Travel
  • Corks and Tacos – Turks and Caicos Travel
  • Will Travel For Lattes – Coffee and Foodie Travel
  • The Autistic Traveler – Autistic and Neurodivergent Travel
  • Continent Hop – Cultural Travel Through a POC Lens
  • Four Around the World – Family Travel
  • Life in Rural France – Southwest France Travel
  • World on Wheels – Accessible Travel
  • Continuous Roamer – Luxury Adventure Travel
  • Alberta Mamas – Alberta, Canada Family Travel
  • Sydney to Anywhere – Solo Female Travel in Spain, Portugal, and Morocco
  • Take Me To Sweden – Sweden Travel
  • The Home That Roams – RV and Boat Travel
  • The Stoke Fam – Pacific Northwest Outdoor Travel
  • Veganderlust – Vegan Travel
  • Jessica Lynn Writes – Military Family Travel
  • Mariee Travel – Honeymoon and Luxury Couple Travel
  • I Travel Peru – Peru Travel
  • Camping Kiddos – Outdoor Family Travel
  • Money For Mangos – Liveaboard Sailing Travel
  • Inspired By Croatia – Croatia Travel
  • This Noshtalgic Life – Camping and Alaska Travel
  • 3 Tickets Please – Budget Family Travel
  • Japlan Ease – Japan Travel
  • Dining Duster – Foodie Midwest Travel
  • Sally Sees – Latin America Travel
  • Kuala Lumpur With Kids – Kuala Lumpur Family Travel
  • Colorful Journeys – Culture and Photography Travel
  • Wine Travelista – Wine Travel
  • Exit 45 Travel – Nomadic Retired Travel
  • Pina Travels – Responsible and Sustainable Tourism
  • The Art of Living in Turkey – Turkey Travel
  • Lor & Jor Explore – Van Life Travel
  • Caballe Family – Catholic Family Travel
  • Celiac Travel Pack – Celiac and Gluten Free Travel
  • Sas Crossing Countries – Family Road Trip Travel
  • The Gypsy Chiring – India Travel
  • Gathering Waves – Surf Travel
  • Sunset Travellers – Couple Travel
  • Germany Things to Do – Germany Travel
  • Brissie Life – Brisbane Travel
  • Second Dad to the Right – Disney and Disney Cruise Travel
  • The End of Everywhere – Career Break Travel
  • Glimpses of UAE – United Arab Emirates Travel
  • The Cruise Blogger – Cruise Travel
  • Histo Travel – Historical Travel
  • G Extreme Travel – Colombia Travel
  • Nomadasaurus – Travel Photography
  • Hannah on Horizon – Affordable Luxury Travel
  • Wild Trail Finder – US Hiking Travel
  • The Honeymoon Guide – Honeymoon Travel
  • My Cruiser Life – Living on a Boat in North America Travel
  • Every Steff – Eco Luxury Travel
  • Thrive and Wander – Solo Female Travel
  • Travel Linger Relax – First Time Female Travel Over 40
  • Remote Lifestyle Guide – Remote Work
  • Paige Minds the Gap – Southern US Travel
  • Nigel and Sue Adventures – Australia Road Trips
  • Bridget Gutierrez – Oahu, Hawaii Travel
  • Not Another Backpacker – Long Term Backpacking
  • Laure Wanders – Cultural Travel
  • A Single Woman Traveling – Solo Female Europe Travel
  • Extended Getaway – Budget Travel Photography
  • Dreams in Heels – Latina Solo Female Travel
  • Dabbling in Jet Lag – Living in France
  • Salut From Paris – Paris Travel
  • California Wonderland – Central California Travel
  • Korea Travel Planning – South Korea Travel
  • Gotta Love New York – NYC Travel Blog
  • Travel Across the Borderline – Hidden Gem Travel
  • Home to Havana – Cuba Travel
  • Discover Portugal – Portugal Travel
  • A Love Letter to Asia – Senior Asia Travel
  • Shades of Summr – Slow Travel
  • Deyewa – Maryland Family Travel
  • Traveling in Focus – US National Park Travel
  • Kaylee Janell – Bucket List Travel
  • Postcards From G – Postcards
  • The Golden Star – Golden, BC News and Travel
  • Red Around the World – US Hiking and Road Trips
  • The Luxury Japan – Luxury Japan Travel
  • Laurens Lighthouse – Outdoor Adventure and Luxury Couple Travel
  • Guide Your Travel – Southeast Asia Travel
  • Gather and Go Travel – Travel With Teens
  • The Abroad Guide – Studying Abroad

Photo of a sleek silver laptop on a wooden desk. The screen displays a simple travel blog homepage with bold text reading 'Travel Blog' at the center. Surrounding the text are four large photos capturing different travel experiences: a sandy beach with crystal blue waters, snow-capped mountains under a clear sky, a bustling urban market, and a serene forest path.

How to Select a Blog Niche

Considering starting your own travel blog?

You need a niche!

Why? Because “travel” is about as specific as saying you’re going to “North America”. Um.. Canada? the US? Mexico??

That answer would not fly with my Russian grandma and “travel” won’t fly as a niche with Google – or to start building an audience.

Here are my tips for beginners:

Step 1: brainstorm.

Write a list of the ways you travel and the ways you enjoy to travel. Note places you’ve been.

Think about the places people ask you the most questions about.

For me, this was how I was traveling alone and moving so much. I went with the solo travel side of it at first, but realized it’s too competitive of a niche, so I went with moving abroad after the fact.

Think about the things you know that you didn’t find much research on online when you were learning about it for the first time.

Step 2: Market Research

Just because you have an idea for a niche, doesn’t mean there’s demand for it.

On the other hand, sometimes there is demand, but there’s already plenty of supply to meet it.

We want a niche that is unique, you have personal experience and expertise in, and that gets traffic but isn’t too hard to join in.

Pick your top idea or top 3 ideas from the brainstorming session and look for competitors.

You want to see a few blogs under DA 30 ranking on the first page of Google for some of the terms.

Lower DA’s = lower competition.

Yes, you can build a high DA – I’ve seen someone grow to a DA of 53 on a new domain in under 2 years in the travel niche.

But it’s a LOT of work – and probably money, cause you’ll likely need to outsource some of it.

You should also see that some of those sites are on a premium ad network ( Mediavine or Raptive ) – you can tell this from the logo beside the Mediavine ads and the “Raptive Publisher” in the footer that some of their partner blogs have.

We want to see that there is an audience searching for this (I usually gather keywords too and get at least 100k pageviews worth of keywords I could realistically rank for to check the viability of a niche.

Check this with Keysearch or Ahrefs, or whatever your keyword research tool of choice is.

👉 Get Keysearch – my favourite keyword research tool – for 30% off with code “sheknowsseo”!

You also want to make sure your competitors have missed something .

If you have nothing new to add, there’s no point starting the site. You need to have something unique to add to the conversion in the niche.

I’ve yet to see it where there is truly nothing you could cover that’s new.

Step 3: Be Prepared to Pivot

Steer into the skid if something you didn’t expect takes off.

For my site, it was my 2 living abroad posts driving all of my organic traffic. I changed to that side of my niche and BAM my site blew up and hit 50k sessions in 6 months.

You don’t need to plan for this necessarily. But just know that even the best laid plans can go awry.

So pick a niche, do your best to stick to it, but know that some things can change down the line and it’ll be ok.

Tips for Experienced Bloggers

For my tips for experienced bloggers who need to niche down an existing site, I teach helpful strategies in my 6 Months to 50k Masterclass here.

How to Start a Travel Blog

Looking to start your travel blog?

You’ll need some things.

See the above post for all the details on this. But you’ll also need a blog name that reflects that niche.

Check out my helpful name generator to start sparking some ideas.

2) A Domain Name

I recommend Namesilo – the only registrar I’ve been with who doesn’t change the price every year.

Get $1 off your domain with code “nina”

Blogs live on WordPress, but you need This is hosted via a blog host (think of it like the address your blog lives on and the WordPress bit is the house with all your stuff parked on it).

Get the best host for your blog! Lyrical Host increased my site speed and fixes all my tech issues. Get 10% off with code “sheknowsseo”

I recommend Kadence (free is all you need).

5) Keyword Research

Keywords will drive your site.

Essentially they’re the terms that users pop into the search bar in Google.

We want to answer those questions. But we need to know how many people search for them, and how hard the competition is at the top.

6) Write Your First Post and Launch!

Don’t second guess things for too long.

Your first posts will suck. It’s just a fact.

Even if they were “perfect” to you today, in a year you’ll be a completely different person and be like “what 4th grader wrote that??”

…no? Just me? Every single year?

Well, it happens to most of us. Don’t be afraid to be mediocre for a bit as you learn. It’ll get easier.

Check out my guide to the number of blog posts you need to launch.

7) Start Building Backlinks

Want to get a DA as high as our top 20 on this list? You need backlinks!

I rounded up over 100 travel blogs accepting guest posts that you can check out here.

How I Did My Analysis

Tools I Used : Moz , Similar Web , Pagespeed Insights , Host Advice , Web Hosting Hero, Accuwebhosting , Hosting Checker , What WP Theme Is That, Satori Studio , Dupli Checker , Whats My DNS , Built With

Thank you for exploring the wonderful world of niche travel blogs with me.

These sites are not necessarily the “best travel blogs ever”. They’re just meant to show the variety of travel types available to us as bloggers.

And they might even inspire your next type of travel! I know some of those beach destination sites have me eyeing Skyscanner.

Choosing your niche can be the hardest part of starting your blog because there’s so much pressure to get it right. But don’t let it hold you back!

If you’re absolutely stuck, try writing a post in each of your niche ideas to see what you enjoy most.

I started She Knows SEO and had never written about SEO before in such a long form. I hated it for a while so I paused writing. Once I felt more confident in my research methods, I found my love for it.

But if I’d taken a minute to pause beforehand I could have saved myself 6 months of hosting costs when the site basically sat empty.

Your homework is to pick a niche for your site. And make it EXPLICIT on your homepage, your about page, and in the posts you write about.

I had to exclude some sites from this list because I just couldn’t figure out what the heck their niche was, or the niche they told me seemed very different from what I saw on the site.

Make it simple for your audience so they can know if you’re the right fit for them.

I’d love to hear some of your favourite niches in  my free Facebook Group, SEO for Travel Bloggers! (please no links as the spam filter blocks them). Have you stumbled across a weird or unique niche site that I didn’t cover? Let’s hear it!

Like this post? Share it with others!

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Want to learn how to grow your blog to 6 figures with SEO? Check out my SEO Roadmap for Travel Bloggers course ! It includes all my SEO secrets and strategies that I used to grow my blog to 50k sessions in 6 months and scaled to $30k/mo 7 months later!

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Nina Clapperton is a multi-6 figure travel blogger and the founder of She Knows SEO. After sharing her stories of living in over 12 countries in 10 years on all platforms and making $0, she learned SEO and scaled her blog to 50k sessions in 6 months. Within 13 months, she was making $30k/mo passively. Now Nina runs a portfolio of niche sites and helps over 3,500 students grow their blogs. She's on a mission to help bloggers achieve financial freedom via passive income from their hobby blogs.

  • 30+ Best Travel Blog Examples (2023)

Ogi Djuraskovic

Most people who have a 9-to-5 job usually travel once or twice a year. However, some occasionally end up inspired by one of these trips and decide to embrace traveling as a way of life. Yes, I’m referring to travel bloggers who have often given up safe and profitable jobs to pursue their true passion and earn money by traveling the world.

If you’re reading this and feeling butterflies in your stomach, this is the article for you. You can travel around the planet and get paid for it, but you’ll need a solid blog to get started .

In this article, you’ll be presented with a variety of top-rated travel blog examples that provide compelling travel content, attractive photos, and modern design to attract readers. If you’re ready for your first lesson on how to become a travel blogger , pay attention to the rest of this article.

35 best travel blogs

When you start looking up travel blogs on the internet , you’ll come across hundreds of different websites. That’s why I have attempted to pick 35 of them that are currently active and growing. They are great examples of travel inspiration, guides, tips, and photography.

1. Salt in Our Hair

Salt in Our Hair Homepage

Follow Hannah and Nick, two creative travel bloggers from the Netherlands, who own and run the Salt in our Hair blog. This award-winning travel blog will get your attention with its fantastic travel stories, guides, and tips, accompanied by spectacular Instagram-friendly photos.

Main topics covered: travel tips, travel guides, lifestyle Built with: WordPress The main source of income: presets, e-book The most popular post: Ultimate 3-Week Route Guide on What to Do in Bali Instagram account: @saltinourhair

2. The Blonde Abroad

The Blonde Abroad Homepage

Kiki is a beautiful blonde who’s been empowering women to travel solo for many years. Throughout her journey, this blogger has managed to visit over 70 countries and collect material for high-quality blog posts that focus on tips for female solo travelers.

Main topics covered: travel tips, packing guides, photography, lifestyle Built with: WordPress The main source of income: presets, product sales The most popular post: Travel Bucket List for 2021 Instagram account: @theblondeabroad

3. The Travel Book

The Travel Book Homepage

While this may seem like a travel couple’s simple blog at first, it’s actually much more than that. This blog will teach you how to travel and remain environmentally conscious at the same time. You can expect a lot of eco-friendly advice and travel tips from this travel blog while also learning about some of the most beautiful places on the planet.

Main topics covered: eco-friendly traveling, sustainable lifestyle Built with: WordPress The main source of income: book, e-books, posters The most popular post: Lofoten — Must-See Places Instagram account: @thetravelbook

4. TravelFreak

Travel Freak Homepage

Jeremy is a travel blogger with an exceptional eye for photography. He’s been traveling for more than a decade now, and his blog is like an art gallery where you will find extraordinary pieces featuring different kinds of scenery from the most diverse places. Check out his website and see for yourself why Forbes, New York Times, and Vanity Fair consider Jeremy worth mentioning.

Main topics covered: travel tips, travel gear, inspiration and mindset, working abroad Built with: WordPress The main source of income: partnerships, advertising, content creation, product reviews, affiliates The most popular post: 17 Best Travel Backpacks for Every Adventure Instagram account: @travelfreak

5. Be My Travel Muse

Be My Travel Muse Homepage

Kristin is another solo traveler that’s been exploring the planet for more than nine years. Her travel blog is one of the top websites of this genre, attracting more than five million readers per year thanks to her useful money-saving tips and stories about wild adventures.

Main topics covered: travel adventures, money-saving tips Built with: WordPress The main source of income: books, courses, tours, clothing design The most popular post: The Cheapest Travel Destinations in the World in 2021 Instagram account: @bemytravelmuse

6. Adventurous Kate

Adventurous Kate Homepage

According to Kate, every woman can travel the world on her own after completing thorough research about a place. Still, in order to help you skip the daunting task of investigating a destination for hours, Kate has prepared a variety of guides that’ll make your female solo trip to almost any country in the world as easy as ABC.

Main topics covered: travel guides, travel inspiration Built with: WordPress The main source of income: advertising, campaigns, affiliates The most popular post: Backpacking Southeast Asia vs. Backpacking Central America Instagram account: @adventurouskate

7. Nomadic Matt

Nomadic Matt Homepage

If you want to find out how to travel the world on $50 a day, then Nomadic Matt’s blog is the first page you should check out. This New York Times best-selling author has helped millions of people travel on a budget and visit far-away places for as little cash as possible. Make sure to check out his website, as you’ll definitely benefit from reading his numerous travel tips and tricks.

Main topics covered: travel on a budget, planning and packing guides Built with: WordPress The main source of income: books, e-books, destination guidebooks The most popular post: The Ultimate Guide to Travelling When You Have No Money Instagram account: @nomadicmatt

8. Camels & Chocolate

Camels and Chocolate Homepage

Kristin Luna loves taking photos, trying delicious food, and doing both of these worldwide. As a true journalist, she tells her readers all about her travel adventures in her blog posts, along with stories about her hometown. At the same time, she touches upon details about becoming a freelancer and other useful things.

Main topics covered: travel, family, animals Built with: WordPress The main source of income: partnerships, consulting, marketing, editorial content The most popular post: Mingling Mermaids: Diving Into Grenada’s Culture Instagram account: @lunaticatlarge

9. A Broken Backpack

A Broken Backpack Homepage

If you don’t mind cutting down on a luxurious lifestyle in order to spend more time in an exotic country, make sure to take a peek into this broken backpack. The stories come from a woman who started her own travel adventures with a pile of student debt and learned how to save and earn money along the way in order to make her travel dreams come true. She shares these lessons with the world on this amazing blog.

Main topics covered: expat life, travel tips Built with: WordPress The main source of income: affiliate marketing, content creating, advertising The most popular post: Most Scenic Drives in Vermont Instagram account: @abrokenbackpack

10. Getting Stamped

Getting Stamped Homepage

The couple behind this blog doesn’t simply want to brag about all those countries where they have gotten stamped. Quite the opposite! These two have been trying to add meaning to each of the destinations they have visited and inspire their readers to travel more. Believe me — you’ll definitely get motivated to travel after you see their captivating photos and videos.

Main topics covered: travel tips, honeymoon guides, photography Built with: WordPress The main source of income: collaborations, affiliate marketing The most popular post: Top 12 Caribbean Islands for Beach Lovers Instagram account: @gettingstamped

11. Spirited Pursuit

Spirited Pursuit Homepage

If you’re particular about your next travel destination, and it has to be in Africa, you must take a look at the stories coming from this lovely lady. She believes that Africans should be the ones representing this beautiful continent and promoting its best qualities to the rest of the world, which is exactly what she has been doing in her travel and lifestyle stories.

Main topics covered: travel stories, retreats, lifestyle Built with: WordPress The main source of income: e-books, collaborations, partnerships The most popular post: 10+ Tips for Visiting African Countries Instagram account: @spiritedpursuit

12. SilverSpoon London

SilverSpoon London Homepage

Here is something for those of you who are interested in both travel and luxury. SilverSpoon London is a blog that has won many awards, such as the No. 4 UK Luxury Travel Blog by Vuelio in 2019 and the Best Luxury Travel Bloggers by Teletext Holidays. This speaks volumes about the kind of content you’ll find on this page.

Main topics covered: luxury travel and lifestyle, traveling with a baby Built with: WordPress The main source of income: collaborations, photography The most popular post: The Eight Most Romantic Places in Italy Instagram account: @angiesilverspoon

13. Limitless Secrets

Limitless Secrets Homepage

Ophélie is a beautiful and avid traveler, food connoisseur, and photographer living in Paris. On her blog you can discover the best sights to see and restaurants to visit both in Paris and around the world. Learn where you can get the best meals, take the most Instagram-friendly photos, and much more.

Main topics covered: Travel, photography, food Built with: WordPress The main source of income: Photography, collaboration, product or service promotions The most popular post: Best Instagram Spots in Chicago Instagram account: @limitlesssecrets

14. Goats on the Road

Goats on the Road Homepage

Even though this blog won’t actually tell you stories about goats, this couple from Canada considers this name ideal for a team of two wanderers, since goats clearly display this characteristic as well. Their travel blog is filled with great content available in both text and video format, and it’s user-friendly, so that you can easily find what you’re looking for.

Main topics covered: traveling, business, and money-making tips Built with: WordPress The main source of income: online business courses The most popular post: Ten High-Paying Online Jobs to Earn $3,000+ Per Month Instagram account: @goatsontheroad

15. The World Travel Guide

The World Travel Guide Homepage

David’s travel blog is one of those sites that can be easily understood by backpackers, millennials, solo travelers, couples… basically, anybody who wants to travel the world without spending a fortune. All of the images and videos on his blog are unique, and his readers can enjoy some breathtaking drone photos that can’t be found anywhere else.

Main topics covered: travel stories, photos, and videos Built with: WordPress The main source of income: partnerships, photography The most popular post: Cappadocia Turkey: Travel Guide, Map, Tours, & Best Cave Hotels Instagram account: @theworldtravelguy

16. Two Monkeys Travel

Two Monkeys Travel Homepage

Kach and her husband met on the road during a backpacking trip to Laos. The moment they saw each other, they recognized a mutual burning desire to describe their travel experiences on a blog. Together, they have visited more than 80 countries, while Kach has managed to personally experience a total of 143 countries.

Main topics covered: travel stories, itineraries, staycation, lifestyle Built with: WordPress The main source of income: online business courses The most popular post: What to Look For in a Great Travel App [Travel App Tips] Instagram account: @2monkeystravel

17. The Barefoot Nomad

The Barefoot Nomad Homepage

What started out as a couple has now turned into a family of four. Their combined love of traveling and technology has made all of their stories available online. If you want to see the world while living a fulfilling family life, make sure to follow their example.

Main topics covered: travel, tech, family Built with: WordPress The main source of income: advertising, promotions, product reviews The most popular post: The Best Small Travel Gifts Instagram account: @thebarefootnomad

18. One Girl One World

One Girl One World Homepage

Are you the kind of person who doesn’t want to miss out on taking care of their skin and hair while traveling? If the answer is yes, you’ll be happy to know that there’s finally a girl who can help you with all of it. Find advice not only about traveling but also on maintaining a good skincare and haircare routine while on the road.

Main topics covered: travel stories, skincare, haircare Built with: WordPress The main source of income: e-books, one-on-one coaching The most popular post: Your Ultimate Guide to Instagram Reels Instagram account: @onegrloneworld

19. Backpacking Matt

Backpacking Matt Homepage

Apart from being a traveler and Instagrammer, Matt is also a travel planner living in New Zealand who can map out your next trip to this distant country. Read his backpacking advice, contact him for trip organization, and don’t forget to pick up some tips about running an amazing travel blog.

Main topics covered: travel planning, adventures, lifestyle Built with: WordPress The main source of income: travel planning and booking website  The most popular post: Do’s and Don’ts in Italy Instagram account: @backpackingmatt

20. PlacesofJuma

PlacesofJuma Homepage

PlacesofJuma is a famous travel blog in Europe. The Austrian travel bloggers Jürgen and Martina launched PlacesofJuma in 2017 and their blog is with a focus on adventure, travel photography and how to organize perfect round trips. By 2021, they had published more than 600 articles about their travels around the world, where readers can learn more about the best places to visit and get useful tips and tricks about traveling.

Main topics covered: travel tips, how to organize your trip, best hotels, travel photography Built with: WordPress The main source of income: affiliate links The most popular post: 15 Best Places to Visit in Tuscany, Italy! Instagram account: @placesofjuma

21. Wandering Earl

Wandering Earl Homepage

A blog that’s been active for more than two decades definitely represents a good example of how things are done in this niche. Wandering Earl has helped many people make their travel dreams come true by building a platform that offers practical and easily applicable travel tips.

Main topics covered: travel tips and advice, travel costs, travel guides Built with: WordPress The main source of income: affiliate marketing, e-books, online projects The most popular post: Why I Travel So Much? Instagram account: @wanderingearl

22. Dan Flying Solo

Dan Flying Solo Homepage

By spending 1467 days on the road, this simple guy once working as a restaurant manager has transformed himself into a popular travel blogger. Dan has seen the world, and he wants people to see it too, which is why his blog is an ideal place for anyone in need of inspiration.

Main topics covered: travel, photography Built with: WordPress The main source of income: partnerships, advertising, photography The most popular post: Unique Honeymoon Ideas: Ten Alternative Romantic Escapes Instagram account: @danflyingsolo

23. The Poor Traveler

The Poor Traveler Homepage

Although these guys didn’t have a lot of money when they started their travel blog, the word “poor” in this context is used as a synonym for “unfortunate or unlucky” rather than “penniless.” They claim to have made some poor decisions on their travel journeys, but they have used these mistakes to develop a travel blog that everybody wants to read.

Main topics covered: travel guides and itineraries, visa guides Built with: WordPress The main source of income: advertising The most popular post: CENTRAL JAPAN: 25 Best Things to Do & Places to Visit Instagram account: @thepoortraveler

24. Let’s Be Merry

Let’s Be Merry Homepage

Being constantly on the road may seem fun and exciting, but it can often be tiring too. Your energy can be easily drained by all of those sleepless nights at airports, unhealthy fast food, and other tiny but significant things. However, if you read Merry’s travel blog, you can get some wellness tips that can help you maintain your health and fitness while on the go.

Main topics covered: travel, wellness, lifestyle Built with: WordPress The main source of income: commissionable links The most popular post: Dreaming of Travel? Consider These 6 Travel Trends for 2021 Instagram account: @lets_be_merry

25. Traveltomtom

travel blog entry example

Remember how I’ve mentioned people who start their career as travel blogger because of a single trip? Well, Tom is one of those people who is continuously traveling since 2012. No home base, not spending more than one week in a place. And that is a good enough reason to check out both his blog and Instagram account, and maybe become inspired to follow his lead.

Main topics covered: detailed destination guides, planning tips, budget traveling ideas Built with: Joomla! The main source of income: advertising, affiliate marketing, guided tours The most popular post: 13 Off The Beaten Path Destinations in Europe for 2021 Instagram account: @traveltomtom

26. Expert Vagabond

Expert Vagabond Homepage

Expert Vagabond has been writing his travel diary for over a decade now. He has been recognized by the Travel Channel, Lonely Planet, Nat Geo, and other renowned names from the travel industry. His blog, which is a great example of an all-inclusive travel platform, contains content for both families and solo travelers.

Main topics covered: travel, backpacking, photography Built with: WordPress The main source of income: affiliate and influencer marketing, travel photography, advertising The most popular post: 50 Best Travel Tips After 10 Years Traveling The World Instagram account: @expertvagabond

27. Time Travel Turtle

travel blog entry example

Time Travel Turtle will inspire you to check out not only the world’s top classic tourist destinations but also the protected UNESCO World Heritage Sites that aren’t easily accessible. Get access to ancient temples and cave arts, old factories, and much more incredible content by visiting this unique travel blog.

Main topics covered: UNESCO World Heritage Sites Built with: WordPress The main source of income: sponsorships, affiliate marketing, content creating The most popular post: Is Cambodia Safe for Travellers? Instagram account: @michaelturtle

28. A Dangerous Business Travel Blog

dangerous business travel blog

You don’t necessarily have to quit your job to become a travel blogger. On her blog, Amanda will show you how to make the most out of your current lifestyle and adapt it to your travel desires.

Main topics covered: solo-female travels, cost-effective travel inspiration Built with: WordPress The main source of income: advertising and affiliates The most popular post: Why I’m Not Afraid to Travel Alone Instagram account: @dangerousbiz

29. Indie Traveller

Indie Traveller Homepage

This is a travel blog that features an organized layout and simple design so that readers can focus completely on the content. You’ll find great travel tips on this website, so make sure to browse through it carefully.

Main topics covered: travel tips, budgeting, accommodation Built with: WordPress The main source of income: book, advertising, affiliate The most popular post: 9 Underrated Destinations You Must Have on Your Travel List Instagram account: @indietravlr

30. TheBohoChica

TheBohoChica Homepage

Read stories from a woman who lives in Dubai but has a passion for Arctic landscapes and the countryside. If this sounds like your kind of content, make sure not to miss this chica’s travel reports.

Main topics covered: travel stories, culture, hiking, cuisine Built with: WordPress The main source of income: print sales, advertising, affiliates, books The most popular post: Where to Stay in Dubai: Insider Guide to Dubai Accommodation (By A Local) Instagram account: @thebohochica

31. Of Whiskey and Words

Of Whiskey and Words Homepage

Yes, this guy also quit his job to travel the world, but though he still travels frequently he doesn’t do it full time like others on this list. All of these travel experiences helped him to realize what’s important in life: finding your purpose and achieving balance in your life. If this combo is what interests you too, feel free to glance at this travel blog.

Main topics covered: travel tips, location guides, packing advice, whiskey recommendations Built with: WordPress The main source of income: affiliate marketing, travel agency, and trip planning service The most popular post: How to Start a Travel Blog Instagram account: @ofwhiskeyandwords

32. Travel Hacking Mom

Travel Hacking Mom Homepage

If you still haven’t heard of travel hacking, make sure that you devote some of your time to this mom’s blog. Here, you can learn all about it thanks to her straightforward and engaging content.

Main topics covered: free travel using credit card points Built with: WordPress The main source of income: partnerships The most popular post: How to Travel for Free Instagram account: @travelhackingmom

33. Luggage and Lipstick

landl home page

All of you Baby Boomers out there will relate to this Boomer Blond. Perhaps you’ll even get motivated to finally plan that trip to your dream destination. Remember, age means nothing, as long as there’s a will to explore this lovely planet.

Main topics covered: outdoor adventure, beaches, solo travel, and unique experiences Built with: WordPress The main source of income: book, affiliate marketing The most popular post: 13 Jaw-Dropping Places to Visit Once in a Lifetime Instagram account: @luggageandlipstick

34. A Couple for the Road

A Couple for the Road Homepage

Lovers of music, history, art, and cuisine who want to travel the world while also keeping their current jobs can discover the exact way to do it on this travel blog. If this courageous couple can do it, so can you!

Main topics covered: travel tips and guides, food Built with: WordPress The main source of income: product sales The most popular post: Five Best Day Trips from Berlin Instagram account: @acouplefortheroad

35. World of Wanderlust

World of Wanderlust Homepage

Even with the recent traveling restrictions, this blog has been kept alive and it has continued inspiring women to travel on their own. Read their expert tips about solo trips and get ready for your next big adventure.

Main topics covered: travel, lifestyle, entrepreneurship, health and wellbeing Built with: WordPress The main source of income: travel courses The most popular post: 20 Best Places for Solo Female Travelers Instagram account: @worldwonderlust

As you can see, great travel blogs are everywhere around you, and they provide numerous tips and tricks on becoming a travel blogger yourself. If you’re confident that traveling the world is your calling, take a good look at the examples from this article, pick out the best parts from each travel blog, and start writing about your latest trip.

The first step is the hardest, but once you get going, it will become easier day by day.

2 comments on “30+ Best Travel Blog Examples (2023)”

Great post! It’s something I’ve been thinking about recently, and your explanation really clarified things for me. Thanks for sharing your knowledge! Looking forward to your next post.

Thanks so much! What specifically did this post clarify for you?

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8 Simple Tips: How to Write a Travel Blog Post (With Examples)

Did you know that bloggers who publish 16 travel blog posts a month get 4.5x more leads than bloggers that publish four times a month? 

An increase in traffic to your travel blog is proportional to an increase in blog posts. Blogs that have published 21 to 53 posts can increase traffic by as much as 50%. 

To have a successful blog, you need good travel posts and you need a significant amount.

It’s easy to say but not so easy to do, right?

In this article you will find out how to:

Choose a topic that will rank in Google Find niche travel post ideas Quickly plan your post (example template included) Craft a winning headline Write a killer intro (real blog examples included) End your post on a high!

Table of Contents

Choose a Great Idea

Consider the following when picking your travel blog post topic.

  • How will your post give value to the reader?

Is it niche content?

What are your audience and readers looking for?

Do they need you to solve a problem? Do they need specific information on a destination?

Think about questions they might type into Google to get answers.

What’s the public transport system like in …. ? How do I catch a bus in …. ? Where can I get vegan food? What are the best beaches for families? What’s the weather like in April? What’s the best hostel for a female traveler? The best hotels for disabled tourists?

Google Is Your Friend

Google can be extremely useful when choosing a niche for a travel blog post. Google will actually tell you what people are looking for. Do a google search for travel subjects that you have an interest in. You will find many google searches  show a box like the one below, giving specific questions that other people type into the search engine. I Googled the “best beaches in Spain”. As part of the search results, the following question box came up:

These questions can make great information to include in an article you may be writing about beaches in Spain.

Other Questions To Ask Yourself Include:

What inside knowledge do you have that people want to know but can’t find elsewhere?

To get ideas you can search on forums such as Trip Advisor and Reddit. See what questions people are asking and answer them in a blog post. You can then link back to your blog posts to answer the question in the forum.

Niche content is targeted content that is aimed at specific readers.

Travel blogging is a competitive market. There are many well-established travel blogs and you will be competing with them in the google search results.

Niche content is often easier to rank in Google as there is less competition.

But you need to make sure people are searching for what you are writing about, otherwise, you won’t get traffic.

Some potential niche ideas:

  • Holidays and travel for families with teenagers.
  • Travel for people with disabilities
  • Travel and food – restaurants, food markets, food production, cooking around the world…
  • A unique destination that you know inside out.
  • Travel with fitness (running on holiday, yoga retreats…)
  • Answer the questions other bloggers aren’t on a specific destination or trip

Again, check what questions people are asking on trip advisor and other forums to get ideas.

If you can find a gap in the market, your blog posts are more likely to rank on google as they will have less competition.

Once you have found a winning niche post idea, you can drill down on the topic and write more in that area.

It can be easier to become an expert in a niche area and your readers will come back for more information.

Your entire blog doesn’t have to be about one niche but starting with some focused ideas can help build credibility and still reach a huge amount of readers.

If you want more suggestions of blog ideas, check out this post on 84 travel blog post ideas your readers will love. 

Start with a Post Outline

You’ve chosen your topic. Now, it’s time to outline the post.

Have a simple structure for your post to make it easier and quicker to write. It keeps your writing focused.

An outline can be as simple as having a list of 10 or 12 subheadings to organize your content and write about.

Here is an example outline for an ultimate city travel guide post:

To save time, you can reuse outlines. Write a few basic posts and turn them into templates for others.

Use the same outline for all your city guides, another outline for you how to posts, another one for top 10 tips posts etc.

Craft An Attention-Grabbing Heading.

You’ve chosen your topic and outlined your post

Next, it’s time to write a catchy headline.

It can be worth brainstorming a few ideas and picking the best one.

Start with a working title and keep editing and changing it, until you are happy.

There are a few headline rules to follow:

  • Make sure it includes your keywords
  • Keep the headline under 70 characters so it doesn’t cut off in the search engine
  • Make it sexy. How? Use strong words. Powerful, blockbuster, brilliant. Consider alliteration “Perfect plan” or “Foolproof formula!

There are specific types of blog posts that perform well. They can be a good basis for your travel blog post headline. Here are five examples:

1.) Listicles – Numbered posts are very popular. Example: 42 Ways You Can Make Money and Travel the World | Wandering Earl

2.) The “Best” Headlines. Powerful for SEO because people type the word best a lot when they are searching on google. Example: The Best Time to Visit Israel | The Points Guy

3.) How To Posts. Another Powerful phrase for SEO. Example: How To To Visit Egypt On a Budget | Nomadic Matt

4.) Ultimate Guide to a Destination or Skill. Use your inside knowledge to write an in-depth guide. Example: The Ultimate Guide to Travelling When You Have No Money | Nomadic Matt

5.) Experience Headlines. This is where you teach people what you have learned in your travels. Example: 12 things I’ve Learned Through Living in Spain | MigratingMiss

Check out more tips on how to craft a catchy headline quickly. 

A Powerful Introduction

Once your reader has clicked through via your headline, you need to keep them on the page.

There are many ways to do this.

A short and snappy sentence that arouses curiosity often works.

It could be a shocking statistic. An interesting story. A burning question. A promise to solve a problem. Or a quote.

Here are some travel blog introduction examples:

A Quote Emily Dickinson once said, “To shut our eyes is Travel.” I disagree From: Will the Coronairus change how you live? It will for me. | Nomadic Matt

An Interesting Story Let’s ride a motorbike through Borneo “I was thinking to myself, this is crazy. I’m riding a motorbike through Borneo with two people I met only a few days ago.” From: Off-the-Beaten Path: Motorbiking Borneo | BeMyTravelMuse

Burning questions Have you ever asked yourself, “How will I possibly make money while traveling?” or “How will I survive on the road?” or maybe “How can I start traveling when I don’t have much money?”. From: 42 Ways You Can Make Money and Travel the World | Wandering Earl

And here is one I just put together:

Promise to solve a problem: In London? Short on time? Take my suggested 48 hour whirlwind tour. The most efficient and cost effective way to see all the major landmarks in this amazing city.

Write for the Internet

Most people won’t read your articles word for word.

Maybe they will when they realise how great you are. But when they first land on your page, they will be scanning.

This is why you have to write travel posts that allow people to scan as well as read.

Scannable text has the following elements:

  • Short sentences.
  • Subheadings.
  • Short paragraphs.
  • Bullet points
  • Larger font
  • White space

You can also highlight pieces of text in different ways. Have important parts in bold , italics, or in a slightly different font. Pictures and images break up the text. And perhaps the most important point of all:

Use Your Own Voice

Forget what you were taught about writing formally at school.

Writing blogs is about connecting with your reader. To do this you need to have a conversation with them.

How do you keep a conversational tone?

  • Keep the language simple
  • Try and address the reader like you would if you were chatting.
  • Tell stories – think about what you do when you speak to people. You tell them stories about your day. People connect with stories. But make your stories human and interesting. Share your fails as well as your achievements. The goal is to identify with other humans as a flawed human being yourself.
  • Create an imaginary reader. One good way to help achieve a good conversational tone is to write a profile of the person you are writing for. Create a persona with a name, job, occupation and lifestyle. Imagine you are having a conversation with them. What questions are they asking? Write like you are talking to them and a conversational tone will come naturally.


I don’t need to tell you that photographs are important in a travel blog.

Take and share lots. Practice photography as well as writing.

Photos inspire your reader. They will evoke emotions of desire to see the places you write about.

Therefore it important to learn the basics of taking a good photo.

Invest in good gear. And learn how to edit photos.

Images and photographs are also brilliant for improving your SEO.

Have a memorable conclusion

Don’t let a well crafted blog post tail off.

How do you do this?

Leave your readers what something to remember, inspire or call them to action.

An amazing photo A bonus tip An insightful lesson you’ve learned from your experience. Something they can do next.

There are your 8 tips.

But I’m going to finish with the most important point of all.

Just write.

Have fun with it.

Write what you know. Write what you love. Write what excites you.

But the important thing is to write. Yes, you’ll write bad posts. Yes, you’ll write posts that won’t get any traffic. But this is a right of passage for any blogger. You’ll learn how as you go. But you won’t learn anything until you publish and then publish again.

Get started. Write your first blog post. And enjoy!

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How to Write a Travel Blog: Tips, Tricks, and Examples for Travel Bloggers


by Outranking

How to Write a Travel Blog: Tips, Tricks, and Examples for Travel Bloggers

Table of Contents

If you’re just beginning your journey into the world of travel blogging, this article is for you. It’s hard to know where to start and what best practices to implement to optimize your blog traffic and achieve your goals.

Many people are interested in becoming digital nomads and travel bloggers. But even with major competition, if you follow these tips outlined below, the chances are very good that you’ll have a successful blog.

The numerous tips mentioned throughout this guide can help you start your own travel blog. Our emphasis is on the most effective ways to create successful blog content for aspiring travelers and how to use the best tools and techniques to write your own travel blog.

What is a travel blog?

A travel blog is a website written by one or more writers who blog about their travels. A travel blog can be a way to share and reflect on adventures and trips to inspire others to take the plunge into the world of travel technology solutions . It’s a great way to earn money, especially if you’re meticulous in branding yourself online and talented at photography and writing.

What are the benefits of writing a travel blog?

Writing a travel blog can help you share your experiences with others.

Writing a travel blog can benefit both the author and the reader. For the author, it is a way to share experiences with others and provide value to readers by answering questions that help them achieve something meaningful. It is also important to be clear and genuine in order to avoid excessive self-promotion. For the reader, travel blogs can be a valuable way to learn about new cultures and get inspiration for future plans.

The post What Vietnam Was Like For Me is a typical example of a writer sharing their travel experience with others.

Writing a travel blog guide can help you connect with other travelers

When you write a travel blog, you have the opportunity to connect with other travelers in person and online. This can help you get guest blog opportunities and referrals from other bloggers. You can also feature sponsored posts from other travel bloggers, which can help you finance your travels.

Writing a travel blog can build passive income and help you make more money

If you want to build passive income from your travel blog, you can take one of several approaches. You can sell advertising space on your blog, work with brands as an influencer, or do affiliate marketing.

Selling advertising space is one of the most common ways to make money from a travel blog. You can sign up with an advertising network like Google Adsense or Mediavine, or you can work directly with brands like Airbnb.

Working with brands is another great way to make money with your travel blog. Brands will often pay you to promote their products or services. This can take the form of a sponsored post, where you write about the brand, or affiliate marketing, where you promote the brand and earn a commission on sales.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn passive income from your travel blog. When someone clicks on your link and buys something, you earn a commission. This is an easy way to make money without having to do much ongoing work.

17 tips for writing your travel blog

Write about your personal experiences to show your travel blogging life.

People love reading personal travel blogs because they can immerse themselves in the experiences of the writer. It’s interesting to read about someone else’s experiences in a different place, and it can be helpful to get tips and advice from somebody who has first-hand experience.

When writing about your personal experiences on a travel blog, be engaging and interesting. Write in short passages and include plenty of detail so that readers can immerse themselves in your story. Use photos and videos to supplement your writing and help readers visualize what you’re describing.

Salt in Our Hair is a travel blog with lots of personal material that you can use for inspiration.

Salt in Our Hair is a travel blog with lots of personal material

Share your travel tips, ideas, and advice on your blog

When writing a travel blog, there are a few ways to make the content more effective. First, include practical advice – this can be anything from tips on saving money to information on the best times to visit certain places. Second, write advice on particular destinations. People want to know about the culture and atmosphere of a place, as well as what to see and do there. Sharing your own interesting experiences will make your blog stand out from the rest.

Here are some tips on how to go about this:

  • Write destination advice, as well as practical tips to help people save money or have a better experience.
  • Be honest and open about your travel experiences.
  • Use photos and videos to illustrate your points and impress your readers.
  • Use relevant keywords in your blog posts to make them more accessible to a wider audience. Learn more about how using SEO link building can benefit photographers.
  • Write in a clear, concise, and easy-to-read style.
  • Keep your blog updated regularly with new content to maintain reader interest.
  • Be prepared to answer questions about your experiences from readers who may be considering similar travel plans in the future.

Use plenty of photos and videos

Photos and videos are important in a travel blog for many reasons. For one, they bring your writing to life. Having your own photos of the places you visit shows that you have actually been there and captured scenes or moments that other people may not have experienced.

This can make your travel blog stand out from others. Additionally, beautiful photos convey the vastness of the world around us and help readers learn about different cultures and geographies.

How to Write a Travel Blog: Tips, Tricks, and Examples to be a Traveling Blogger

Be detailed and descriptive

When writing about travel, be as specific and detailed as possible. This will help your readers feel like they are right there with you, experiencing everything you are writing about. Pick one or two main attractions to write about when you have limited time in a place. This will allow you to go into more detail about those particular attractions, rather than trying to cover everything.

Include specific images, videos, and information about the attractions, such as walking trails or restaurants. This will give your readers a better idea of what they can expect should they visit the same place.

Write about different types of travel

If you’re looking to write a travel blog that covers different types of travel, then you’ll need to focus on a few key aspects. First, you’ll need to write about your favorite aspects of your travel experiences. This could include anything from your accommodation and views to the facilities and interesting experiences you had while traveling.

Also, provide details about any cultural or culinary hubs that you visit. Holidaymakers always want to know about good places to stay, eat, and sleep. By providing this information in your blog posts, you’re sure to pique their interest.

When describing different types of travel in your blog posts, be sure to focus on the atmosphere and what the place feels like. This is what will really give readers a sense of what it’s like to be there. If you can include any personal anecdotes or recipes for dishes you’ve eaten while traveling, all the better!

Share your travel stories and anecdotes with a good writing flow

Your readers likely want you to share your unique stories and anecdotes on your travel blog. By sharing your personal experiences, you can make the blog more relatable and engaging for the reader. In turn, this will make them more likely to stick around and continue reading.

To be a good storyteller, focus on creating a well-formed and vivid explanation. Keep your passages short and to the point, using strong verbs that paint a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. If you can transport them into your story and make them feel like they’re right there with you, then you’re on the right track!

Offer helpful information, courses, and resources

When creating a travel blog, it is important to offer information and resources that can be useful to readers. A great way to make your travel blog more resourceful is to write guides that include practical information such as relevant internal and external links on the best time to visit, where to stay, and how to get around.

Additionally, you can include essential information such as plug sockets and currency conversion in your posts. By making your blog interesting and valuable to readers, you will likely rank higher on Google.

Participate in travel blogging communities and share your travel life

If you’re interested in travel blogging, one great way to get started is by participating in a travel blogging community. There are many benefits to being involved in such a community, including meeting new people and finding holiday inspiration.

You can find travel blogging communities by doing a simple search online. Another option is to look for social media groups dedicated to travel. Once you’ve found a few communities that look promising, the next step is to participate actively.

This means commenting on other people’s posts, sharing your own experiences, and generally engaging with the community. By doing so, you’ll soon make friends and get inspired for your next trip.

Here is a link to the top travel communities you can join online.

Be active in the comments section of your travel blog

Participating in the comments sections of travel blogs, groups, and forums can help your blog in a few ways. First, it can help you understand readers and their perspectives. Second, it can help build a healthy conversation with them. And third, it can help you grow your readership.

Make friends with other travel bloggers

Travel blogging can be a lonely business if you don’t take the time to make friends with other bloggers. Attending networking events and annual conferences is a great way to meet other bloggers and professionals in the industry. Building relationships with others will help you stay sane when blogging solo.

To reach out to other travel bloggers, join online communities and forums. Becoming an active member of the travel blogging community will set you up for success.

Collaborate with other travel bloggers

Start by finding travel bloggers who are a good fit for your brand. Look for bloggers who have an engaged audience and produce high-quality content. Once you’ve found a few potential partners, reach out and introduce yourself. Be sure to explain what you expect from collaboration and how your brand can benefit their readership.

The best places to find fellow travel bloggers are Facebook groups, Twitter, and forums like Reddit. When looking to collaborate with another business, be prepared to offer something of value in return for their help.

This could be anything from free products or services to exclusive discounts or promotions. Keeping the lines of communication open throughout the collaboration will help ensure that both parties are happy with the arrangement and that the partnership is beneficial for both sides.

Monetize your blog with ads and affiliate marketing programs from a travel company

There are a few ways that you can make money from your travel blog, the most common being through advertising and affiliate marketing programs (like Awin, ShareASale, or Commission Junction). Advertising is easier, but it doesn’t make as much money per visitor.

Affiliate marketing programs can be more profitable, but it takes more time and development to get them running. The best way to monetize your blog is through a combination of both advertising and affiliate marketing. This will help stabilize your business and bring in more money overall.

Here is a list of the best affiliate programs for travel bloggers to earn a steady income.

Monetize videos with YouTube and promote the videos on your blog

You can monetize your travel blog by publishing videos. To do this, you can use advertising, affiliate marketing, and more. However, you must own all the rights to commercially use all visual and audio elements in your videos.

Here is an example of a travel YouTube channel:

Optimize your travel blog for SEO

If you want to rank well on Google, you need to optimize your blog posts for search engines. This includes adding keywords and telling search engines what the post is about. You can also optimize images and other content for SEO.

To improve your ranking, make sure to add an SEO title and description to your posts. Remember to include keywords in your title and description.

Here is a video on how to optimize your content for SEO using Outranking AI:

Create a blogging plan and be persistent

Before you start a travel blog, it’s important to have a plan. You should aim to write three posts per week to get started. Once you’ve written 100 or so posts, take some time to review and improve your old posts. Use a spreadsheet to keep a list of blog post topics so you never run out of ideas.

The most important thing is persistence. Keep writing and posting new content, even if it feels like no one is reading your blog. Over time, you’ll build up an audience of loyal readers who appreciate your content.

Here is how to use Outranking AI Strategist to build a content plan for your travel blog:

Track and optimize blog posts for better ranking after publishing

Your travel blog can be a great way to share your experiences with others and promote your business. To ensure that your blog ranks high in search engine results, use these tips:

1. Use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track which posts are doing well and getting a lot of clicks. This will help you determine what content is most popular with readers and tailor future posts accordingly. Preferably, use the Outranking AI Action feature and connect your Search Console to track your keyword positions and get optimization suggestions for better rankings.

2. Reach out to your readers to get honest feedback. This will help you improve the quality of your blog and also give you an idea of what topics are most interesting to your audience.

3. Make sure your travel blog posts are well-written and relevant to your target audience. Search engines favor high-quality, coherent content, so take the time to write posts that offer value to readers.

4. Use keywords throughout your post, and include them in the title and body. This will help search engines understand what your post is about and index it accordingly.

5. Write about interesting or unique experiences you’ve had while traveling. Readers are always interested in hearing personal stories, so share some of yours!

Tools you will need to set up your travel blog and write successfully

Grammarly helps you write better travel blog posts by catching grammar errors, punctuation mistakes, and more. It also rates the overall quality of your writing and measures clarity, engagement, and correctness. This can help you to improve your writing skills overall.

Proofreading your work is essential before publishing it to ensure that your readers have a positive experience. Grammarly is a great tool to help you find and fix errors in your writing. You can download Grammarly as a standalone application or as a plugin for browsers and other software.

Outranking: AI SEO content creation and optimization tool

Outranking is a tool that provides automated research and content writing. It helps optimize your SEO content, with features such as Featured Snippets and Google NLP.

Outranking provides a comprehensive SEO score for your content. This can help your travel blog in two ways:

First, if you are trying to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), using Outranking can help you improve your content so that it is more likely to show up near the top of the results. Here is how the African safari, travel, and destination blog, improved its organic traffic using Outranking.

Second, even if you are not focused on SEO, Outranking can help by providing automated content suggestions. This can save you time when writing new blog posts since Outranking will do some of the research for you. Whether you are trying to boost your blog’s traffic or just want to make writing new posts easier, Outranking can be a useful SEO keyword strategy tool . Here’s the overall process:

  • Start by brainstorming a list of potential topics for your travel blog. Consider what you hope to achieve with your blog, who your target audience is, and what kinds of information or stories they might be interested in.
  • Once you have a list of potential topics, begin researching relevant keywords that you can use in your posts. Use Outranking AI SEO Strategist to identify popular search terms and clusters related to your topic ideas.
  • Try to find a mix of high-traffic keywords (that get a lot of searches) and low-competition keywords (that are less competitive and easier to rank for). This will give you the best chance of ranking in search engines and driving traffic to your blog.
  • Include your keywords throughout your blog posts, in the titles, headings, and body text. Be sure to use them naturally and don’t stuff them in just for the sake of it – this will only hurt your chances of ranking well on search engines.
  • Promote your blog posts on social media and other websites to help get the word out about your content and attract readers from all over the web.

Here is a video on how to write SEO content for a technical keyword using Outranking:

How to do keyword research for a travel blog

Ahrefs is a research tool that can help you find the right keywords for your website or blog. You can use Ahrefs to track your website’s ranking progress and to see how your competitors are performing. Ahrefs also provides competitive intelligence, which can help you understand how your website stacks up against your competitors.

Here is a video on how to do keyword research for your travel blog using Ahrefs:

Semrush is a powerful keyword research tool for boosting your rankings and getting insights into your competitors’ keyword strategies.

To use Semrush for keyword research, simply enter a seed keyword into the search bar to generate a list of related keywords. You can then use the filters to narrow down the list of keywords to find those that are most relevant to your business.

To use Semrush for keyword research

Once you have a list of relevant keywords, you can track your rankings for those keywords using the Rank Tracker tool. This will show how well your website is performing for those keywords and indicate the necessary changes to improve your ranking.

Here is a video on how to do keyword research using the Semrush SEO tool:

You can get more insights into your competitors’ strategies by using the Competitive Analysis tool. This tool will show you which keywords your competitors are targeting and what their estimated traffic is for those keywords. This information can help you adjust your own keyword strategy to better compete against them.

Travel blogs and writing examples

Hiking travel blog example.

To write a hiking travel blog, start by planning your trips carefully. Write about your experiences while hiking, and include photos and videos. Write about the scenery, the wildlife, and the people you meet along the way. Make sure to include some safety tips.

MOON & HONEY TRAVEL is a typical example of a hiking blog.

MOON & HONEY TRAVEL is a typical example of a hiking blog.

Camping travel blog example

When creating a camping travel blog, focus on the full range of topics that will be interesting and useful to readers. Camping with Style is a popular blog that covers topics such as travel tips, campsite reviews, gear ratings, and guides . The site is well-designed and easy to navigate, making it a great resource for campers with all levels of experience.

Amanda Outside is another typical example of a camping travel blog.

Amanda Outside is another typical example of a camping travel blog

Faraway trip blog example

Anywhere We Roam is a great travel blog because it uses photos to communicate ideas effectively. The layout is simple and easy to navigate, which allows the photos to take center stage. This is a typical example of a travel blog focused on distant trips.

Faraway trip blog example

Food travel blog example

If you’re a food lover and traveler, then a food blog is the perfect way to share your passion with the world. But how do you go about writing one? Here are some tips:

  • Plan your content. Decide what topics you want to cover and make a list of potential posts. Consider including both general information (such as must-try foods in Paris) and specific recommendations (such as the best croissants in the city).
  • Take great photos. Food travel blogs are all about visuals, so make sure to take high-quality pictures of everything you eat and drink. If possible, use a DSLR camera or at least a solid smartphone camera.
  • Write engaging and informative posts. In addition to beautiful photos, your blog needs well-written content that will keep readers coming back for more. Share your personal experiences, offer helpful tips, and don’t forget to include links to useful websites (such as restaurant menus or booking pages).
  • Promote your blog on social media. Use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to let people know about your blog and drive traffic to your website.

Migrationology is a typical example of a food travel blog.

Migrationology is a typical example of a food travel blog

“Places to see” travel blog example

“Places to see” travel blogs cover different destinations and provide detailed information on what to do while there. They often give recommendations for specific hotels, restaurants, and attractions. These can be extremely helpful for planning trips and making sure you have a great time while you’re traveling.

An example of a “places to see” travel blog is Nomadic Matt :

An example of a "places to see" travel blog is Nomadic Matt

FAQs for becoming a travel blogger

What is a travel blogger.

A travel blogger is someone who enjoys sharing their travel experiences with a broader audience. A travel blog is a personal website that shares a collection of travel insights. Travel bloggers often earn an income from their blogs through advertisements, affiliate sales, or sponsored content.

How do I pick a travel blog niche to write about?

There are many different travel blog niches to choose from. It is important to pick a niche that you are passionate about. Research your niche carefully before choosing a topic. Some popular travel blog niches include budget, solo, luxury, and family travel.

How does writing a travel blog make money?

To make money from your travel blog, you need to attract a larger audience than just your family and friends. One way to do this is by participating in affiliate programs. This involves promoting products or services on your blog and earning a commission when someone buys something.

It takes time to build an audience and grow traffic. Therefore, don’t focus on making money right away. Instead, focus on satisfying your audience. Once you have a large enough following, you can then start taking advantage of the various options for earning money from your travel blog. A common way to make money is by selling advertising space on your blog or displaying ads from Google AdSense.

What is the perfect travel blog post title length?

The perfect length for the title of a travel blog post is between 8 and 12 words. Titles that are too long or too short are less likely to be shared on social media, which means they won’t get as much engagement. The best way to optimize your titles for SEO and engagement is to keep them between 8 and 12 words.

Is starting a travel blog worth it?

There’s no doubt that starting a travel blog is a lot of work. But with more people traveling now than ever, there’s still plenty of opportunity for new creators to join the fray. Not to mention, sharing your passion for travel with the world is an amazing feeling – and there’s no better way to do it than through your very own blog. So if you’re thinking about starting a travel blog, go for it! You won’t regret it.

Can I write about a trip without traveling experience?

Yes, you can write about travel without traveling. It is possible to write about your local area, past trips, or budget-friendly topics without ever having to travel. However, if you want to be a successful travel blogger, you need to have a tight niche that will set you apart from the many other bloggers out there. You may want to head out at least occasionally.

You could write about specific destinations, share your tips and tricks for traveling on a budget, or highlight unique experiences you’ve had locally or while traveling.

What are some travel blog writing examples for beginners?

There are a number of ways to write a travel blog. You can focus on the logistics of your trip, like packing lists and tips. You could also share your experiences and give readers a glimpse into what it’s like to travel to different places.

Additionally, you could write about food, culture, or history related to the places you visit. On the other hand, if you want to start writing a travel blog but don’t know where to begin, take a look at a list of top travel blogs . They are sure to give you inspiration and get your creative juices flowing.

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How to Start a Travel Blog (+ Get Paid Doing it)

While travel blogging is one of the most popular types of blogs, rest assured, you have not missed the boat (or plane) on your chance to start your own. While competition has increased over the years, so has demand: In fact, The World Travel & Tourism Council projects that travel and tourism in the United States will reach pre-pandemic levels in 2022, contributing nearly $2 trillion to the U.S. economy.

Today, the key to starting a travel blog is going into a niche and offering a specialty of focused content. New popular locations, adventures and hidden gems come to the surface every day. Even your own backyard and hometown might be unfamiliar to new readers, and you can add your unique perspectives to reviewing them.

In this guide, we'll help you navigate the field, from how to make a website and creating a blog to writing your posts and finding collaborations, to not only stand out but also get paid. Once you've learned how to start a travel blog, you'll have the world at your fingertips with this type of website .

Get started with the Wix Blog Maker .

Ready to start a travel blog now? Get started with Wix today.

How to start a travel blog

Choose the type of travel blogger you want to be

Pick a blog name and secure your domain name

Select your travel blog template

Create a blog logo

Prepare your footage

Write your first blog posts

Engage with your audience

Network with tourism partners and brands

Monetize your travel blog

Learn from the best (travel blog examples)

01. Choose the type of travel blogger you want to be

While you can cover all types of travel topics, choosing a niche will more easily lead to success. Think of who could benefit from your unique guidance and hone your content towards them. Not only will this naturally attract an audience of repeat readers, it will simplify the process of monetizing your blog , as you’ll have a defined value to bring to partners.

For example, Wix user Tales of Israel used her expertise as an Israeli resident to help citizens and tourists alike explore the country’s hidden corners.

Focus on a niche when you start a travel blog, example of Tales of Israel's blog

We Are Travel Girls grew a solid following of more than 415,000 Instagram followers by focusing on tips for women travelers.

Screenshot of We Are Travel Girls who started a travel blog for women

Here are some niche blog ideas in the travel space:


Budget travel

Luxury travel

Solo travel

Female travel

Traveling for work

Adventure travel

Family travel

Empty nesters

Accessible travel

Experiential travel

Festival travel

Couples travel


LGBTQ+ friendly travel

Traveling for seniors

02. Pick a blog name and secure your domain name

After choosing which direction you’ll take your travel blog, align it with a catchy name to help people discover and remember you. Just like naming a brand, coming up with a blog name should include some creativity and strategic vision of where you'd like to take your blog over the years.

Learn more:

Travel business names

Lifestyle blog name ideas

Travel blog name ideas

For example, if you’re going to be a city-based blogger, include it in your name. If you’re targeting solo travelers, try to pick a name that portrays that, so people know you’re catering to them. Just don’t let your name corner you in, as you still want to expand on topics in your niche.

Tip: Use a free travel agency name generator for travel name ideas.

Blog name generator tool showing travel blog names for inspiration

Securing your domain name

Once you've found the perfect travel blog name, make sure it's yours and only yours. To prevent confusion when promoting your blog , ensure no other companies or individuals currently use your blog name or hold your domain name. Check that social media handles are available and secure them as well. The more easily people can find your blog, the more likely they’ll return.

You might also want to consider using a .blog domain extension , to make sure your blog stands out.

Tip: Secure and buy your domain name with Wix.

03. Select your travel blog template

Photos and videos can bring your adventures to life and invite your visitors to join in on your journeys. And that’s why you should choose a visual-forward blog website template to display your travel blog content.

Make sure it also has an inviting homepage, a detailed “About Me” page, a well-organized blogging section and a dedicated newsletter sign-up section—all great places to share your media.

Below, we've showcased a few of our favorite mobile-optimized travel best blog templates :

Travel blog website template 1 features:

A large homepage image layout to make a powerful first impression.

A mid-page menu to take visitors to your different types of travel guides.

A highly-visible subscriber form to help grow your newsletter.

travel blog website template showing buildings in italy

Travel blog website template 2 features:

A dedicated “Work With Me” to showcase your partnership offerings.

A perfectly-placed blog logo that functions as a return-home button.

An attention-grabbing video background to greet visitors.

travel blog website template showing hot air balloons

Travel blog website template 3 features:

An embedded Instagram feed to seamlessly showcase your social media content.

A video page to display high-quality footage or promote your YouTube channel.

A Live Chat tool to communicate with visitors.

Trave blog website template showing women with hat looking at the ocean

04. Create a blog logo

A logo will help you build a brand around your travel blog. You’ll likely try out a few different tactics over the first couple of months as you cement your blog’s brand, like updating your site layout or changing your photography style. Use a blog logo on your site, professional email signature, and social channels to tie your online presence together with a distinctive trademark throughout the changes.

Tip: Get inspired by these blog travel logos and try creating your own with Wix’s free logo maker tool.

when you learn how to start a travel blog consider making a logo, image of logo maker tool with travel logos

05. Prepare your media

It’s easier to describe a must-see hot spot with images than simply words. In fact, articles with images get 94% more views as opposed to those with none. A good camera can help ensure your images are high-quality and properly-sized to look their best. It might be worth investing in a DSLR, drone, tripod, or other equipment to help elevate your visuals. You can also utilize stock images until you capture new content on your next trip.

Leverage photo tools to assist in gathering and preparing your content, and consider free photo editing software to filter and adjust your shots. What is a blog if not the perfect place to showcase your travel images.

Tip: Use a free Video Maker to craft a compelling video and check out these travel photography tips .

06. Write your first blog posts

Without articles, a live blog is just a website. Before sharing your travel blog with the world, write and publish at least three posts to give new website visitors a taste of the content you offer. This will also help create momentum behind your content creation strategy.

You can be as creative as you'd like when writing your blog posts. However, here are some blog ideas and blog formats you can build on:

The Ultimate [ insert location ] Travel Guide

How to See [ insert location ] in Just [ insert number ] Days

X Tips for Finding Cheap Flights During [ insert season or holiday ]

Best Things to Do in [ insert location ]

Why You Need to Go to [ insert location ]

Cheap Things to Do in [ insert location ]

Packing for [ insert type of trip ], What to Bring

What to Do on a Weekend in [ insert location ]

Awesome Stops on [ insert road name ] to [ insert location ]

Don’t forget to break up your content with rich media to hold your readers’ attention.

Over 80% of travel planning is done online, which means that your readers want to make decisions based upon your content—not just casually look for inspiration. (And if you are part of an affiliate network, those decisions can turn into real money for you.)

To make sure you get a slice of that active audience, make sure you optimize your content for search engines and make your site as visible as possible to these searchers.

Some blog SEO best practices are to:

Research keywords and common terms related to your destination or travel topic.

Include the keyword in the title, URL, a few times in the article in the SEO meta description.

Use internal linking in your blog and website.

Include alt text on images.

Editorial calendar

It’s good to set a regular schedule for publishing new content on your travel blog. It can be once a week or once a month—just keep your posting frequency consistent so readers know when to check back for the latest guides. Also, with new posts going live on the regular, Google will visit your site more often to index pages—improving your SEO.

To start filling out your content calendar, try one of these strategies to brainstorm great content:

Research the specific seasons, holidays or events happening at your destination to brainstorm content. There will be an influx of searches and demand for these topics at key times of the year.

Also, read competitor articles and blogs for inspiration. If you know what people have already said on specific locations or topics, you can add unique value and provide what’s missing.

07. Engage with your audience

Without interested readers, fans and followers, your blog is simply a diary. Use these channels and common methods below to authentically engage with your audience and drive traffic to your website :

Social media

Social media is an invaluable place to grow your travel blog. Up to 50% of travel enthusiasts use Instagram to find local places to explore.

You can use social to discover new audience members by:

Finding which social channels your target audience spends the most time on. See which hashtags they use, locations they tag and which brands and travel creators they follow.

Create content specifically geared to your target audience’s wants and needs. Check out our guide on social media content ideas .

Engaging with your target audience by following them, liking their content and commenting something meaningful on their posts. Here's how to increase your social media engagement.

Using social communities, forums and groups to connect and network with target audience members and fellow travel bloggers.

Tip: A social post maker can help you produce eye-catching, quality content.

Image of a social post maker tool

Word of mouth

Connecting with potential readers in real life can be a pivotal way to grow your travel blog. Aside from telling your friends and family about your blog, inform people you meet on your adventures that you blog.

Even if travel blogging is not (yet) your full-time job, when you meet people that ask about your occupation, slip in how you just started a new travel blog, and you'd love for them to subscribe or follow. Travelers love staying up to date with the amazing people they meet on their trips, and they’ll likely become new followers.

Once you've gained a few subscribers to your newsletter, you can send email marketing campaigns to engage readers. In your settings, set up an automatic email that dispatches newly published blog articles.

08. Network with tourism partners and brands

Starting a travel blog doesn’t have to be just a hobby. Partnerships with tourism companies, attractions, hotels, restaurants and brands can provide great compensation opportunities, either through an exchange of goods or cash payments.

For example, you can get a free stay in exchange for blogging about the hotel and capturing quality content for them to use on their social media or site. Another example is a suitcase company sending you a free bag to tag them in a post. You might also consider writing content in multiple languages to partner with relevant tourism brands, learn how to start a multingual blog to expand your reach.

How to reach out to brands:

Identify the brand you wish to partner with

Do thorough research on them to understand their audience’s needs

Reach out with a pitch of the exchange of services you can provide

Outreach email template:

Hi my name is [full name],

[Mention something personal you like about this company].

I’m the travel blogger behind [blog name/hyperlink website URL], who specifically covers [list three main topics your blog covers]. My current readers and followers amount to [insert your total reach here].

My audience is mostly [include audience insights and engagement rates if relevant]. I highly believe that it can be mutually beneficial for us to partner as I reach the same audience your brand seems to want to attract.

Please let me know if you're currently looking for new partnerships, as I'd be happy to [insert which services you'll provide, such as a blog post, rich images, social media posts]. In the past, I've partnered with [brand names] and here [insert link], you can see the examples of the content I've created.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

[Signature with your email, phone number, website link, logo and social media channels]

09. Monetize your travel blog

As much as sipping a comped piña colada by a hotel pool sounds extravagant, it won’t necessarily pay the bills. Therefore, you can use any or all of these nine creative ways to make money blogging:

01. Sponsored posts: Most travel blogs publish sponsored posts as their main income source. Agree with your partner on the goal and length of the post and how much you’ll receive in return. The average travel blogger charges an average of $200 per sponsored post.

For instance, a sponsored post about a Caribbean boating service could be about the best way to island hop, and you mention the boating company and link to their website several times in the article and as you review your experience using their services. Just remember to include a note that the post has been sponsored to keep your readers’ trust.

Learn more: How to make money as a travel blogger

02. Affiliate marketing: Many travel bloggers also earn commission from marketing another company's products. You promote their products on your blog, social media accounts, and other platforms using a unique tracked link and make a profit from each sale. To begin, sign up for affiliate marketing programs and send readers to buy from recommended referral links.

Here are some common travel affiliate programs to consider: Expedia Group Affiliate Program , Affiliate Program , Amazon Associates , Skimlinks , and AWIN .

03. Advertise: 94% of travel blogs sell advertising . When you're figuring out how to monetize a blog , one of the best ways is to get paid by running ads on your website. Tip: If your site is on Wix, you can add Google AdSense directly to your blog from the app market.

Google AdSense image for an idea for how to monetize your travel blog

04. Premium content: Consider charging readers for more exclusive information and production-intensive content, like premium guides, digital downloadables or eBooks to open an additional revenue stream. For instance, if you've made a PDF map with all the vegan restaurants in Paris, you could charge readers $5 to download it.

05. Donation: Donations are becoming more popular in the content creation world, so don’t be afraid to ask for them. Accept donations via Patreon, PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, and or even paper checks in the mail.

06. Workshops and courses: You're likely an expert in your niche, especially if you travel often. Share your tips and tricks with readers in exchange for payment with an online course or in-person workshop. The two famous travel couples behind Club Life Design , for example, offer a social media and photo editing course.

07. Freelance: You don't necessarily have to make money from your traveling sites . You can choose to be a digital nomad freelancer and make money doing online gigs while exploring the world.

Tip: Wix Marketplace is a great way to grow your client base by designing Wix users’ websites.

08. Sell photos and videos: Make money selling your photos online. If you own a drone, this can be a great way to sell premium video footage to partners, which isn't easy for them to produce. Here's our guide on how to make money as a travel photographer.

Additionally, many travel bloggers, such as Aloha Jana , make money selling photo color preset filters to others who want to beautify their images.

Mobile image of Aloha Jana's travel blog with filters

09. Make and sell products: Sell or dropship branded items like swimsuits, sunglasses and travel gear.

Tip: You can add an online store to your blog to sell directly from your site or create a dropshipping website .

10. Learn from the best (travel blog examples)

Sometimes the best way to start a blog is to see how others have done it before you. These Wix users have created travel blogs websites that make us feel like we’re alongside them for all their travels:

The Bucket List Bums

Bucket List Bums’ clearly understands what her readers want: Information to help them plan their trips. Beyond her high-quality, stunning travel shots, she organizes her blog posts by country under “places,” allowing readers to explore their destination of interest. She also clearly defines how many days travelers should spend in each location, as you can see in this Three Days in Baja post.

Aside from offering her readers value, she gracefully makes her blog work for her, too. She’s added affiliate links to her shop page and also cleverly embeds them into image captions.

Travel blog example by Bucket List Bums

Anika Pannu

Anika Pannu’s travel blog is modern and interactive—perfect for her target audience looking to replicate that same experience on their journeys. Beyond immediately capturing her visitor’s attention with a parallax scrolling effect on her home page (featuring video and scroll-triggered motion images), she also provides content details that speak directly to her audience.

For example, Pannu rates her recommended stays with a helpful euro sign rating system, as seen in her A Weekend Guide To Lisbon, Portugal . This allows readers to quickly get a sense of the costs associated with her listings without going the extra mile to find pricing ranges. To grow her brand deals, too, she's smartly created a dedicated partnerships page.

Inspiration for how to start a travel blog shown with Anika Pannu's blog

Zion Adventure Photog

Just landing on Zion Adventure Photog’s earth-toned homepage makes you feel like you’re already visiting the eponymous natural park. Since this travel blogger is local to Southern Utah, she helps to provide that inclusive experience throughout the blog.

On the content side, their hiking blog posts all consistently outline the length, difficulty, location, when to go, trail details, and additional info sections. Both regular visitors and new readers alike can easily navigate the posts and get the information they need. They also have a clear call to action to follow them on Instagram to grow and engage their community offsite.

That welcoming feeling extends to their blog monetization strategy as well: They offer various photography services and offer a transparent pricing plan to support their readers’ experience beyond the planning phase.

Screenshot of Zion Adventure's Photog. The image shows a woman hiking in Zion national park.

How to design and customize your travel blog

Customizing your travel blog is a great way to make it stand out from the crowd and reflect your unique personality and style. There are many different ways to customize your blog, but here are a few ideas:

Choose a theme. A theme is a pre-made design that you can apply to your blog. There are many different themes available, both free and paid. Choose a theme that matches the overall style of your blog and that is easy to navigate.

Customize your colors and fonts. Once you have chosen a theme, you can customize the colors and fonts to match your branding. This is a great way to make your blog look more cohesive and professional.

Add a logo. A logo is a great way to make your blog more recognizable and to give it a unique identity. You can create a logo yourself or hire a professional designer to do it for you.

Add social media buttons. Make it easy for your readers to follow you on social media by adding social media buttons to your blog. You can also use social media to promote your blog posts and connect with other travelers.

Add widgets. Widgets are small modules that can be added to your blog sidebar or other areas of your site. There are many different widgets available, such as recent posts widgets, social media widgets and calendar widgets. Choose widgets that are relevant to your blog and that will provide value to your readers.

Add images and videos. Images and videos are a great way to make your blog posts more visually appealing and engaging. Be sure to use high-quality images and videos that are relevant to your content.

Write a compelling bio. Your bio is a chance to introduce yourself to your readers and tell them why you started your blog. Be sure to include your interests, your travel experiences, and your goals for your blog.

Target audience: Keep your target audience in mind when customizing your blog. What kind of travel are they interested in? What kind of tone and style do they prefer? Tailor your blog to their needs and interests.

Make your blog mobile-friendly. More and more people are using their smartphones and tablets to access the internet. Make sure your blog looks good and functions well on all devices.

Use a consistent design. Your blog should have a consistent design throughout. This means using the same colors, fonts and overall layout on all of your pages.

Keep your blog updated. Make sure to update your blog regularly with new posts and content. This will keep your readers coming back for more.

By following these tips, you can create a customized travel blog that is both informative and visually appealing.

How to pick a travel blog name

Here are some tips on how to pick a travel blog name:

Make it easy to remember and pronounce. You want people to be able to easily find your blog and remember its name. Avoid using difficult or unfamiliar words or abbreviations.

Make it relevant to your travel niche. What kind of travel do you write about? Is it budget travel, luxury travel, adventure travel or something else? Choose a name that reflects your niche and interests.

Be original and unique. You want your blog name to stand out from the crowd. Avoid using generic or overused names.

Keep it short and sweet. A long and complicated name will be difficult for people to remember. Aim for a name that is 2-4 words long.

Here are some examples of good travel blog names:

The Wandering Trotter

The Budgeteer

The Luxe Voyager

Adventurous Kate

The Travel Junkie

Nomadic Matt

Off the Beaten Path

The Wanderlust Files

Passport & Plates

A World to Wander

The Globetrotter

Travel Lemming

Once you have chosen a few potential blog names, ask your friends and family for their feedback. You can also do a quick Google search to see if the name is already taken.

Can you start a travel blog writing about old trips?

Yes, you can start a travel blog writing about old trips. In fact, many successful travel bloggers started out by writing about their own travel experiences, even if those experiences were from years ago.

Here are some tips for writing a travel blog about old trips:

Write about your personal experiences. People are drawn to travel blogs that are authentic and personal. Share your stories, your insights and your tips from your old trips.

Use photos and videos. Photos and videos are a great way to bring your blog posts to life. Include photos and videos from your old trips to illustrate your stories and make them more engaging.

Update your blog regularly. Even if you're writing about old trips, try to update your blog regularly with new posts. This will keep your readers coming back for more.

Be specific and informative. When writing about your old trips, try to be as specific and informative as possible. Share details about the places you visited, the activities you did and the lessons you learned. The more information you can provide, the more valuable your blog will be to readers.

Add a contemporary twist. Even though you're writing about old trips, you can still make your blog posts relevant to today's readers. For example, you can share tips on how to save money on travel, how to find the best deals on flights and hotels or how to travel sustainably. You can also write about current events or trends that are related to travel.

Are travel blogs still relevant in 2024?

Competition amongst travel bloggers can be fierce. Travel blogs are still popular amongst travelers but with more blogs available, competition for readership is strong. Travel blogs now also have to content with social media influencers and their travel accounts. All of the things that have always made travel blogs useful and engaging, still apply - you may just need to share your content across more platforms and work harder to build an engaged community.

Other types of blogs to consider starting

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How to start a travel blog FAQ

Do travel bloggers get paid.

Yes, travel bloggers can get paid. There are a number of ways that travel bloggers can make money, including:

Affiliate marketing: Travel bloggers can earn money by promoting products and services related to travel, such as hotels, flights, tours and travel gear. When a reader clicks on an affiliate link and makes a purchase, the travel blogger earns a commission.

Advertising: Travel bloggers can sell advertising space on their blogs to businesses that want to reach their audience. The amount of money that travel bloggers make from advertising depends on a number of factors, such as the size of their audience and the type of advertising they sell.

Sponsored posts: Travel bloggers can write sponsored posts for businesses that want to promote their products or services. Sponsored posts are typically paid for by the business, and the travel blogger will disclose this to their readers.

Selling products and services: Travel bloggers can sell their own products and services, such as e-books, travel courses and photography prints.

How much does it cost to start a travel blog?

Is it worth starting a travel blog, how much money can you make from a travel blog, do you need equipment to become a travel blogger, how to start a travel blog without traveling, related posts.

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Wander Her Way

How to Write Travel Blog Posts: 13 Ideas from One Trip

travel blog entry example

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Travel Bullet Journal Ideas

How to Write Travel Blog Posts from One Trip: 13 Ideas and Examples

Do you want to learn how to create lots of content from a single trip?

Here are 13 travel blog post ideas you can write about for every destination you visit!

As a travel blogger, it can be challenging to create content if you aren’t traveling all the time. But even if you only take a few trips per year, these ideas will help you never run out of blog posts!

How to Start a Travel Blog

If you haven’t started a travel blog yet, be sure to read this post for a step-by-step guide on how to do it: How to Start a Travel Blog for Beginners.

Or sign up for my FREE  email challenge below to get your blog up and running in five days:

This will show you how to start a travel blog the right way  so you can make money blogging!

Tips for Your Trip

While you’re traveling, here are some things you can do to make sure writing blog posts about your trip is an easy experience once you get home:

  • Come up with blog post ideas beforehand so you know exactly what kind of content you need to gather while you’re actually traveling 
  • Take photos of EVERYTHING (you never know when a photo will be useful for a blog post)
  • Document your trip thoroughly, whether you write in a travel journal each day or just jot down helpful notes on your phone as you go

The more prepared you are, the easier it will be to write blog posts when you get home!

1. Itinerary

The first blog post you can write about your trip is an itinerary guide!

Whether it’s a short weekend guide or a full one-week itinerary to your destination, write about what to do, where to stay, etc. in order to have the perfect trip.

You can actually get even more blog posts out of this one if you write itineraries of different lengths… or you can combine several itinerary ideas all into one blog post.

Travel Blog Examples:

  • The Perfect Two Week Costa Rica Itinerary
  • The Perfect One Week Italy Itinerary

2. Ultimate Guide

Another idea is writing an ultimate guide to a destination.

This is exactly what it sounds like: a detailed blog post covering every aspect of a destination, including how to get there, where to stay, the best things to do, where to eat, what to pack, specific tips you picked up while you were there, and so on.

  • The Complete Guide to Castle Combe, England
  • Ultimate Guide to El Paredon, Guatemala
  • The Complete Guide to Cinque Terre

Is Antigua Guatemala Safe?

3. Things to Do

What are the best activities and can’t-miss sights in your destination?

Write a “listicle” style blog post about all the best things to do when visiting a destination.

  • 9 Awesome Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala
  • 11 Amazing Things to Do in Venice, Italy
  • Top 10 Things to Do in Copenhagen, Denmark

4. Where to Eat

People are always looking for the best places to eat in a destination. If you tried a bunch of great restaurants and cafes on your trip, write about them!

You can also put a spin on this, like best vegetarian restaurants or a gluten-free dining guide.

  • 10 Places for the Best Brunch in Paris
  • Where to Eat in Antigua, Guatemala

5. Where to Stay

Another idea is writing a guide to the best places to stay in a destination.

You can actually get multiple blog posts out of this (for example, writing a guide to boutique hotels and then a guide to budget-friendly accommodations) or combine them all into one big guide for a destination. This is a great way to work in hotel affiliate links.

  • Where to Stay in Cartagena, Colombia
  • 18 Best Boutique Hotels in New York City
  • Where to Stay in Copenhagen, Denmark

Top 15 Things to Do with Kids in NYC

6. Packing Guide

Packing guides for a destination are super useful to travelers!

Especially if you choose an angle like focusing on commonly-forgotten items to pack, or what to pack for a specific season. This is another blog post idea where you can easily work in affiliate links from Amazon or other retailers to the travel gear you recommend to pack.

  • What to Pack for Italy: 10 Essential Items
  • The Essential New York Winter Packing List
  • Disney Packing List: Don’t Forget These Items!

7. Travel Tips

I have picked up so many useful tips before visiting a destination by reading blog posts beforehand. Sometimes those tips are extremely useful and help me have a unique experience while traveling, or avoid making a common mistake in a destination!

You can compile all your best travel tips for a destination into one blog post.

  • 10 Tips for Surviving Disney World in the Summer
  • 40 Essential Guatemala Travel Tips
  • 5 Essential Tips for New York at Christmas

8. What Not to Do

Along the same lines as above, you can write a blog post sharing specific tips about what NOT to do in a destination, or common travel mistakes to avoid.

These types of posts are always popular because people don’t want to make mistakes on their trip!

  • What Not to Do in Italy: 10 Common Tourist Mistakes
  • 9 Disney World Mistakes to Avoid
  • 10 Common New York Tourist Mistakes to Avoid

havana travel tips

9. Inspirational

Inspirational blog posts are a great way to influence other people to visit a destination!

This can be anything from a “listicle” type blog post about the best reasons to visit a destination, or a collection of stunning photos that show off the beauty of a destination.

  • 9 Reasons You Need to Visit Cartagena, Colombia
  • 10 Photos That Will Inspire You to Visit Havana, Cuba

10. How to Guide

Did you figure out how to do something on your trip that other travelers would be interested in? 

This can be anything from how to get from one destination to another, how to take a day trip to a certain place, how to have a unique experience, etc. 

  • How to Take a Day Trip from Barcelona to Montserrat
  • How to Visit the White House
  • How to Take a Gondola Ride in Venice for Two Euros

11. Specific Places

Another ideas is writing a guide to specific places in a destination.

This could be literally anything such as museums, bookstores, street art, prettiest viewpoints, coffeeshops, and so on. Lots of options for this one!

  • 8 Best Bookstores in NYC You Need to Visit
  • The Best Winter Rooftop Bars in NYC
  • 7 Best Cotswolds Villages You Need to Visit

The Graham Georgetown Review

12. Hotel Review

I don’t often write hotel reviews on my blog, but some bloggers find them to be lucrative (you can use a hotel affiliate link in your blog post.)

So if you loved where you stayed, write about it!

  • The Graham Georgetown Review
  • Caribbean Luxury at The Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman

13. Experiences

People are always looking for real, personal reviews from other travelers.

Is there a specific activity or experience you did on your trip? Write a detailed review of it! This can include pros and cons, helpful information, costs, etc. to help other travelers.

  • Visiting a Cranberry Bog in Massachusetts
  • What’s It Like to Study Spanish in Antigua, Guatemala?
  • Disney After Hours Review: Is It Worth the Money?

More Travel Blogging Tips

These are 13 blog posts you can create from a single trip!

For more tips and ideas about travel blogging, check out the following blog posts…

  • How to Start a Travel Blog for Beginners
  • 50 Awesome Travel Blog Post Ideas
  • 6 Best WordPress Themes for Travel Blogs
  • How to Make Money with a Travel Blog

Good luck and happy blogging!

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how to write travel blog posts from one trip: ideas and examples

About Denise Cruz

Denise is a marketing executive who escaped corporate to travel the world… twice. A Brazilian native living in the U.S., she’s lived in 4 countries and visited 35+ others. After side-hustling her way to financial independence, she curates solo destination guides, slow travel tips, and travel blogging advice on Wander Her Way. When she’s not on the road, you can find her in Miami with her dog Finnegan.

travel blog entry example

How to Write a Travel Blog (Beginners Guide)

When starting a travel blog, many people don’t know where to begin. Answering the question of “How do I write a travel blog?” is easy. You just write. The better question is “How do I write great content for a travel blog?”.

Many new bloggers may not have a lot of experience in writing, let alone travel blogging. These tips will hopefully help you not only improve your writing but more importantly, improve your travel writing.

women reading

Reading, unfortunately, has almost become a lost art in this day and age. It is, however, still one of the best ways to improve your writing. Don’t read magazines or trivial fluff, but proper writing from successful authors.

Not only will this open you up to different styles of writing, but will also show you what good writing is, the type of writing that draws you in, shares information or stories and leaves you wanting more. This is the type of writing that helps you build a successful blog.

Read popular books about traveling, whether it be a guide to a particular country or area, but ensure it is written by a reputable writer and traveler. The results of sitting down for a week or two and just reading will show in the first paragraph you write with this newfound knowledge.

Passion and Love

It is easy to get lost in the idea of free holidays and trips if you become a successful blogger, but these things should not be the driving force behind your writing. Readers can tell the difference between passion and freebie hunting.

Instead, write with vigor and show your audience that this is a real passion and the rewards you get are irrelevant. This passion will instantly show in your writing and those freebies you were dreaming about will fall in your lap.

The structure is not a rule

globe in hand

It is not always necessary to write a story in the regular format of opening, middle, and end. If you have a great idea for a conclusion, write it down, if you have a juicy story for the body, write it down.

This will encourage you to start developing stories that aren’t linear, you won’t feel forced to come up with some fluff for a conclusion or to fill the body, all the ideas will already be there and you can piece them together.

Not every writer was born with this innate talent to tell stories and ensnare a reader’s senses. They were motivated and driven to be better. When reading they were dissecting what made the story or book good and then used those practices in their own writing.

You need to do the same, be driven to go out and learn as much as you can, and to make mistakes even, be motivated to learn the process and to be better. Like everything, being a good writer takes practice.

Creative juices

What inspires your writing? What do you do that just makes something in your brain go into overdrive, full of ideas?. This process is important to know, as there will be times when you are stuck with nothing and have zero inspiration.

This process doesn’t even have to be related to writing, is it watching a movie? Talking to your friends about their holiday? Whatever it may be, perfect that process, it will keep your mind running and you won’t ever be stumped for an idea.


woman on laptop

With all writing, telling a story that keeps your readers involved in what you are writing is of utmost importance. You need to know how to put your experience, holiday, or product review into a story that your readers want to read. This takes time, but there are tins of classes online on how to tell a story as opposed to just writing.

The chances of your first draft being perfect are almost zero. This is not a bad thing though. You need to be ok with not getting it right the first time. Failing helps you grow and helps you see where you went wrong.

You must write the post or paragraph or even sentence as many times as you want until you get it right, don’t feel pressured to be perfect all the time. Writing is a process and no process ends after step one. ( )

Knowledge is power

The one thing that will get your blog lost in the quagmire of the internet is to be like everybody else or to write about something you have barely any knowledge of. Writing what you know and writing it how you would write it is your greatest power.

There will always be a writer that knows more than you, writes better than you, and is generally just better than you. The one thing they can’t be though is you. They don’t have your imagination, or stories or way with words, use those things as much as you can.

man writing

Once you are finished with a piece, read it out loud. Hear how the sentences flow and how the ideas join together. This will give you great insight into how someone else will read it, and you will pick up on mistakes you would not have originally seen.

Outside opinion

The best way to see if your writing is good or needs improving is to have an outside source read it. In this case, someone who has no knowledge of writing or travel blogging. They will give you great feedback about how the post reads to an average Joe.

The chances of you impressing a far more experienced writer or travel blogger are slim to none, but they aren’t the majority of your audience. The average person wanting to know more about safaris in South Africa or the ski slopes in Austria, they are your audience, they need to love it.

Self-editing and critiquing

You need to start seeing where you went wrong in relation to sentence construction, grammar, and spelling. It is very easy to write a post, reread it, and then post it. But often you will spot a silly typo.

After you have written, leave your desk for a few hours, even a day or two, and then come back, with a clear mind, and reread what you have written. Get someone else to read it too, this process will help you spot mistakes.

These steps are not a fool-proof way to improve your writing, but they are definitely great steps in the write direction. Knowing how to write well is an art form, and like more artforms, it takes practice, patience, and a lot of time to get right.

Picture of Matt G Davison

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The 12 Best Travel Blog Examples for Students

Explore the top travel blogs for students passionate about writing and adventure. Get inspired by expert tips, stunning destinations, and blog writing examples.

On This Page:

Have you ever dreamed of capturing your travel adventures in words, just like your favorite bloggers? For students eager to dive into travel writing, exploring the 12 best travel blog examples is a game-changer.

These blogs are more than just beautiful photos and tales of exotic places; they’re a treasure trove of practical tips, unique storytelling techniques, and real-life experiences that resonate with the wanderlust in all of us.

From budget backpacking to luxury getaways, these blogs cover it all, offering you a roadmap to transform your journeys into captivating stories. But before;

What is Travel Writing and How Can Students Benefit from It? Travel writing is a genre that involves describing and reflecting on travel experiences, often blending personal insights with cultural observations. For students, it’s an excellent way to develop writing skills, enhance cultural understanding, and document their journeys in a meaningful way.

What Makes a Good Travel Blog for Students? A good student travel blog should be engaging and informative, featuring a mix of personal anecdotes, practical travel tips, and cultural insights. It should also include vivid descriptions and photos to captivate the reader’s imagination and provide a genuine sense of the places visited.

How Can Students Incorporate Educational Elements into Their Travel Blogs? Students can enrich their travel blogs by integrating educational elements like historical context, local customs, and language learning experiences. They can also reflect on how travel impacts their personal growth and understanding of global issues, making the blog a tool for both self-expression and learning.

Can I Start a Travel Blog Without Extensive Travel Experience? Absolutely! You don’t need to be a world traveler to start a travel blog. You can begin by exploring and writing about local attractions, day trips, or short journeys. This approach allows you to hone your writing skills and share unique perspectives on places close to home before venturing into more distant travels.

>> Generate a travel blog with AI AI tool that will generate tailored content pages & images!

Top Travel Blog Examples for Students

  • The Blonde Abroad
  • Wandering Earl
  • The Professional Hobo

Blog Example 1: The Blonde Abroad – for solo female travel

The Blonde Abroad homepage: a writing travel blog example for students

The Blonde Abroad is a travel blog written by a woman named Kiersten . Kiersten is originally from the United States but now lives overseas. Her blog focuses on solo female travel, and she offers plenty of tips and advice for women who want to travel the world on their own.

The Blonde Abroad is a popular travel blog that can serve as a good example for students looking to start their own writing travel blogs.

Here are three key points that make The Blonde Abroad a standout blog:

  • Well-rounded content strategy : The blog’s author, Kiersten Rich, emphasizes the importance of determining a specific focus for your blog, beyond just “travel.” She suggests a balance of travel guides, destination-based content, photography tips, and fashion & lifestyle posts. This approach ensures that the blog appeals to a wide range of readers and provides valuable information on various aspects of travel.
  • Unique and high-quality content : The Blonde Abroad distinguishes itself by offering quality content, including professional graphic design and epic photography. The blog features Kiersten’s adventures as she travels to different countries, shares stories, tips, and recommendations for other travelers, and showcases beautiful photos and videos from her travels. This combination of engaging storytelling and visually stunning content keeps readers coming back for more.
  • Engaging design and user experience : The Blonde Abroad’s website is visually appealing and user-friendly. It features a stunning full-width video on the homepage, an interactive map, an email signup form, stylish icons and buttons, and links to recent articles, among other elements. The blog’s quirky text gives it a relaxed, modern, and young feel, helping it appeal to its fan base. The Contact Page is particularly engaging, with photos of the blog’s authors, social media buttons, a contact email address, a contact form, and a comments section for reader-writer discussions. This attention to design and user experience enhances the overall quality of the blog.

Blog Example 2: Wandering Earl – for long-term travelers

Wandering Earl homepage: a writing travel blog example for students

Wandering Earl is a travel blog written by a man named Earl . Earl has been traveling the world for over 15 years, and his blog documents his adventures. He offers plenty of advice for long-term travelers, and his blog is full of stories and photos from his many travels.

Here is what makes Wandering Earl blog a good writing travel blog example for students:

  • Be Yourself : Wandering Earl’s blog is not just a travel blog, but a blog about his lifestyle, which happens to involve a great deal of travel. Earl writes about things happening in his life, how he feels, the challenges he faces, and the lessons he learns. This approach allows him to share his personal experiences, no matter what he is doing, and be more human and personal in what he writes.
  • Keep It Real : Wandering Earl is concerned about travel blogging becoming fake. He believes that it is better to provide a real look at travel, complete with the ups and downs, the rewards, and the struggles, so that readers can make informed decisions as to whether or not they want to try to achieve their own travel goals. He thinks that when travel blogging becomes fake, it no longer serves its purpose and just becomes more crap in a world filled with plenty of it already.
  • Travel as a Lifestyle : Wandering Earl has been traveling the world for 18 years , and he believes that travel has made him a better person. He is more compassionate, more understanding, more loving, and more involved in social issues. He thinks that travel is not just about seeing new places, but about experiencing new cultures, meeting new people, and learning new things. He encourages students to travel as a lifestyle, not just as a vacation.

Blog Example 3: The Professional Hobo – on homelessness and travel

The Professional Hobo blog homepage: a good example for students of a writing travel blog

The Professional Hobo is a travel blog written by a woman named Nora. Nora has been traveling full-time for over 10 years. She shares stories and advice on homelessness and travel, and her blog is full of beautiful photos from her many adventures.

The Professional Hobo blog is a great example of a travel blog for students because:

  • Sustainability : The Professional Hobo blog focuses on how to travel full-time in a financially sustainable way. This is a great lesson for students who may be interested in long-term travel but are concerned about the financial aspect.
  • Niche : The blog emphasizes the importance of finding a niche that you’re interested in exploring and have expertise in, in order to differentiate yourself from other travel bloggers. This is a valuable lesson for students who may be interested in starting their own travel blog.
  • Realistic : The blog also discusses the downsides of travel blogging, such as the amount of work it takes and the potential for burnout. This is important for students to understand, as it provides a more realistic view of what travel blogging entails.

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Continuing the List: Other Top Inspiring Travel Blog Examples for Students:

  • Salt in Our Hair : This blog features Kiersten’s adventures as she travels to different countries and experiences new things.
  • The Travel Book : This blog provides compelling travel content, attractive photos, and a modern design to attract readers.
  • TravelFreak : This blog offers a variety of travel inspiration, guides, tips, and photography.
  • Be My Travel Muse : This blog is run by a female traveler who shares her experiences and tips for traveling on a budget.
  • Adventurous Kate : This blog offers a variety of travel inspiration, guides, tips, and photography.
  • Nomadic Matt : This blog offers a variety of travel inspiration, guides, tips, and photography.
  • PS I’m On My Way : This blog provides a unique perspective on travel, with a focus on solo female travel.
  • The Poor Traveler : This blog offers a variety of travel inspiration, guides, tips, and photography.
  • Migrationology : This blog provides a unique perspective on travel, with a focus on food and local culture.

These travel blog examples can help students find inspiration for their own blogs, learn about different travel destinations, and discover tips for traveling on a budget.

Writing Sample of A Student Travel Blog

Title: “Hidden Gems in My Hometown: Exploring the Unseen”

Introduction: As a student, I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of travel and exploration. However, with limited resources and time, I’ve realized that adventures can begin right in my own backyard. In this blog post, I’ll take you through some of the hidden gems in my hometown, showcasing its unique charm and history.

  • The Old Bookstore on Main Street: Tucked away in a quiet corner of Main Street, this little bookstore is a treasure trove for book lovers. Stepping inside is like entering a different era, with shelves crammed with ancient tomes and rare editions. It’s not just a store; it’s a narrative of our town’s literary journey.
  • The Whispering Woods: Just a short bike ride from the city center, these woods are my sanctuary. Here, the trees tell stories, and the gentle streams hum lullabies. It’s a perfect spot for nature lovers or anyone seeking a moment of peace.
  • The Night Market: Every Friday, the town square transforms into a bustling night market. It’s a carnival of colors, scents, and sounds. From vintage clothes to homemade jams, the market is a testament to the town’s creative spirit and communal harmony.

Reflection: Through exploring these hidden spots, I’ve learned that travel isn’t just about distance; it’s about perspective. Each corner of my hometown holds a story, waiting to be unraveled and shared. This journey has not only given me a deeper appreciation for my roots but also sharpened my observation and storytelling skills.

Conclusion: Whether you’re a student like me or a seasoned traveler, I hope this blog inspires you to explore the uncelebrated corners of your world. Sometimes, the most remarkable adventures are just a stone’s throw away, waiting in the familiar alleys of home.

Closing Note: Stay tuned for my next adventure, and if you’ve discovered a hidden gem in your area, feel free to share it in the comments below!

This sample showcases a blend of personal narrative, descriptive writing, and reflective insights, which are key elements of an engaging travel blog.

How to Write a Travel Blog Posts for Students

Writing a travel blog post for students can be a fun and rewarding experience. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Choose a topic : Decide on a specific destination or travel experience that you want to write about. This will help you focus your writing and make it more interesting for your readers.
  • Write for your audience : Keep in mind that you are writing for students who are interested in travel. Make your writing engaging and informative, and try to include practical tips and advice that will be useful for your readers.
  • Be authentic : Write from your own perspective and share your personal experiences. This will help your readers connect with you and make your writing more interesting.
  • Use descriptive language : Use vivid and descriptive language to bring your travel experiences to life. This will help your readers feel like they are there with you.
  • Include photos and videos : Visuals can help bring your travel experiences to life and make your blog post more engaging. Include high-quality photos and videos to help your readers visualize your experiences.
  • Proofread and edit : Before publishing your blog post, make sure to proofread and edit it carefully. This will help ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and error-free.

By following these tips, you can write a travel blog post that is engaging, informative, and fun to read.

Writing Travel Blog for Students: Best Tips

1. keep it personal.

When you’re writing a travel blog, it’s important to keep your voice and perspective front and center. This is your blog, after all! Write about your experiences in a way that is authentic to you. Share your photos, your stories, and your perspectives on the places you visit. Let your personality shine through!

2. Use descriptive language

When you’re writing about your travels, be sure to use plenty of descriptive languages. Paint a picture for your readers of the places you’re visiting. Describe the sights, the sounds, and the smells. Help your readers feel like they’re right there with you on your adventures.

3. Be a storyteller

travel stories are some of the best stories to tell. They’re usually full of adventure, excitement, and even a little bit of danger. Share your tales of derring-do (or mishaps!) in a way that will captivate your readers. Be sure to mention any lessons you learned along the way, too.

4. Offer tips and advice

If you’re a seasoned traveler, then you likely have a wealth of knowledge to share with your readers. Offer tips and advice on everything from packing to choosing the best flight to navigate.

How to Start a Student Travel Blog

To start a travel blog for students, follow these steps:

  • Determine your niche : Choose a specific focus for your blog, such as budget traveling, adventure sports, or local cuisine. This will help your blog stand out in the saturated travel blogging community.
  • Create a memorable blog name : Brainstorm a unique and catchy name that reflects your niche and target audience. Consider using your own name or a combination of words related to travel and your chosen niche.
  • Pick a blogging platform : Choose a user-friendly platform like WordPress or Hostinger Website Builder. These platforms offer customizable templates and plugins to help you create a professional-looking blog.
  • Purchase a domain name and sign up for web hosting : Invest in a domain name that matches your blog’s name and register it with a reliable web hosting service. This will give your blog a professional and trustworthy appearance.
  • Determine your blog’s branding identity : Create a logo, slogan, and consistent visual design to establish your blog’s unique identity. This will help readers recognize and remember your brand.
  • Start creating content : Create captivating and informative blog entries detailing your travel adventures, insights, and suggestions. Enhance the allure of your content by incorporating top-notch photographs and videos..
  • Promote your blog on social media : Establish a presence on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to connect with your audience and attract new readers. Post regularly, use relevant hashtags, and engage with other travel bloggers and influencers.
  • Network with other travel bloggers : Join Facebook groups and online communities for travel bloggers to share ideas, ask questions, and collaborate with others in the industry. This can help you learn from experienced bloggers and gain exposure for your own blog.
  • Monetize your blog : Once your blog has gained some traction, consider monetizing it through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or selling your own products or services. Create a business plan and set long-term goals to help you achieve success.
  • Keep learning and improving : Stay updated on the latest trends and techniques in travel blogging by reading industry blogs, attending webinars, and participating in online courses. Continuously improve your writing, photography, and marketing skills to grow your blog and reach a larger audience.

Final Thought

In summary, students seeking to write travel blogs can gain inspiration from established blogs like The Blonde Abroad, Wandering Earl, and The Professional Hobo, and they can enhance their own blogs by maintaining authenticity, using descriptive language, and sharing personal stories and practical tips.

These were just a few examples of the many travel blogs out there. As you can see, there are a variety of ways to approach travel blogging. It all depends on what you want to focus on and what kind of voice you want to have.

>> Generate your travel blog instantly with AI

Let’s Q&A

What makes a great student travel blog.

A great student travel blog combines personal experiences with informative content. It should offer unique insights into the destinations from a student’s perspective, including budget-friendly tips, local culture, and educational aspects. Engaging storytelling, high-quality images, and practical travel advice are key elements that make these blogs relatable and useful to fellow students.

How Can Students Balance Travel Writing with Studies?

Balancing travel writing with studies requires good time management and planning. Students should schedule regular writing sessions and use travel experiences as a source of inspiration for their academic projects. Utilizing travel downtime for writing and integrating academic learnings into blog content can create a harmonious balance.

What Are Some Effective Ways for Students to Monetize Their Travel Blogs?

Students can monetize their travel blogs through affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and advertising. Collaborating with travel agencies, hosting guest posts, and selling travel-related merchandise or eBooks are also effective strategies. It’s important to maintain authenticity and disclose sponsored content to the audience.

How Important is Photography in Student Travel Blogs?

Photography is crucial in student travel blogs as it enhances storytelling and engages readers. High-quality, original photos can capture the essence of a destination and convey personal experiences more vividly. Students should focus on learning basic photography skills and effectively integrating images into their blog posts.

What Are the Best Platforms for Students to Host Their Travel Blogs?

Popular platforms for hosting student travel blogs include WordPress, Blogger, and Squarespace . These platforms offer user-friendly interfaces, customizable templates, and various tools for content management and SEO optimization. Students should choose a platform that aligns with their technical skills and blogging goals.

How Can Students Use Social Media to Enhance Their Travel Blog’s Reach?

Students can use social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to promote their travel blogs. Regularly posting engaging content , using relevant hashtags, and interacting with followers can increase visibility and drive traffic to their blog. Collaborating with other travel bloggers and participating in online communities can also expand their reach.

What Role Does SEO Play in Successful Student Travel Blogs?

SEO is vital for increasing visibility and attracting organic traffic to student travel blogs. Using relevant keywords, optimizing blog posts for search engines, and creating quality content that answers popular travel queries can improve search rankings. Regularly updating the blog and building backlinks are also important SEO strategies .

How Can Students Ensure Their Travel Blog Stands Out?

To stand out, student travel bloggers should focus on a unique niche or perspective, such as eco-friendly travel or studying abroad experiences. Developing a distinctive voice and style, sharing personal stories, and providing valuable insights that aren’t widely available elsewhere can differentiate their blog from others.

What Safety Tips Should Students Follow While Travel Blogging?

Students should prioritize safety by researching destinations thoroughly, staying aware of their surroundings, and keeping personal and travel information secure. Sharing travel plans with trusted individuals and having a contingency plan for emergencies are also important. It’s advisable to be cautious about the amount of personal information shared online.

Can Travel Blogging Be a Viable Career Option for Students Post-Graduation?

Travel blogging can evolve into a viable career option post-graduation, especially for those passionate about travel and writing. Building a strong brand, networking with industry professionals, and continuously improving writing and marketing skills are key steps. However, it’s important to have realistic expectations and consider it as part of a diverse career portfolio.

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The Ultimate Guide: How to Write a Travel Blog

The Ultimate Guide: How to Write a Travel Blog

If you’re passionate about traveling and travel frequently, you could actually monetize if you write travel blogs. Some people travel the world and make a living out of it. They visit new places, make new experiences, share information, and get paid for it. However, blog writing on travel starts way before you begin to write.

When you think of visiting a place, you have to research the famous places you are going to visit, where you are going to stay, new experiences that you can try there, etc. Doing your homework beforehand about the place can save you a lot of time and energy while exploring the location and getting a better experience.

How to Write Travel Blogs?

Create a list of ideas.

The ideas should focus on specific destinations and the places you have visited. The process of blog writing on travel must start by preparing a content plan that has a list of ideas and topics that suffice for a month minimum.

Creating content requires brainstorming and finding topics that will drive thousands of readers and ensure that there is something new for the writer to talk about.

The content should be fresh but different from what readers might find on the internet. You should use analytical tools and their insights to choose the trending topics that work well for your blog.

travel blog entry example

Pick your niche

Research and choose the type of blogs you would like to write and what the readers would like to read. You could do listicles, write travel blogs, and guides, write about your city, things to do in lists, suggest itineraries, travel blogging tips, interviews, etc. There are many options when it comes to the kind of content you would want to put out in your travel blog.

Prepare an editorial calendar

An editorial calendar for content marketing purposes helps you research, write and publish blog posts according to the timeline prepared by you.

This will help you set a frequency of blogs you will publish and ensure consistency. Irrespective of how frequently you publish a blog, always provide your readers with quality over quantity. Good quality blogs and consistency will always help you expand your readership.

Keyword research

Keyword research is very important before you start blog writing on travel. Various tools can help you research relevant keywords, related keywords, and topics for a blog.

You have to include these keywords in your blog so that they rank high on search engines. These tools help you with search engine optimization for your blog posts and help you draw the right target audience for your blog pages. The benefits of using keyword research tools are:

● Competitive analysis

● Improves SEO metrics that include web page traffic and search engine ranking

● Create personalized keywords for your blog

● SEO development

● Build an engaging audience

Prepare an overview of the blog

Prepare an overview of the blog before you start writing. It must include an introduction, subheadings that express the subjects that the blog covers, and a conclusion that summarizes the important aspects of the blog.

An overview of the blog’s main points not only helps the writer write better by segregating ideas but also helps the reader understand the context of the blog before reading the entire bit.

There are times when a reader is looking for specific information, and instead of reading the full blog, they might just want to jump to the section that provides them with the relevant information.

From a writer’s perspective, creating an overview and writing section-by-section can help them focus on individual sections instead of the whole blog. This way, the blog focuses on the topic and does not include any fluffs in writing.

Always proofread and edit before you publish

Always proofread and edit your content piece before you publish it online. At times, take a break and come back to the blog with a fresh perspective to understand if there is any scope for improvement. No reader will stay on your blog page if they notice spelling & punctuation mistakes and inconsistent grammar.

These could be reasons for you not being able to connect with the right target audience. You must take care of grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, spelling, and formatting before you finally publish it.

Several online tools can help you evaluate and refine the content you have written for your blog. Always produce, review, edit, and publish content.

Be sure to use only good quality pictures

Good quality pictures matter a lot in a travel blog. They speak a lot about the location, the surrounding, and the little elements in the picture. The pictures help attract the audience, make them more interested in knowing about the place, and hence, read your blog.

Use appropriate images according to the content that narrates the intricate details of what you are talking about. It is best to click the pictures yourself or collaborate with a professional photographer. You also can use stock-free images, but it might be difficult always to find the right fit with the content.

Write for the reader

Write the blog keeping the reader in mind and not yourself. You have to make sure that you provide relevant information in your blog and keep them interested throughout the blog your writing.

Ensure the content is 100% original

Avoid plagiarism in your blog. There are tools available online that can check the plagiarism percentage of your blog and give you details about the sentences that are plagiarised and from which websites.

Other than that, when you’re writing, write your unique thoughts and ideas and give the readers something original that they can appreciate. When you have to pick a quote, image, statistic, video, etc., you should give credits to the source by mentioning them and giving their link.

Tools That Will Assist You in Write a Travel Blog

We’ve mentioned using several tools to help aid your writing in the previous section. Let’s briefly talk about these tools and how they can benefit when you write travel blogs.

Grammarly is a tool that will ensure that there are no grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, sentences that are easy to understand, and more. It analyzes your writing, gives it an overall score, and measures the blog’s correctness, clarity, and engagement.

Canva is a free and customizable design tool that will let you create professional-looking creatives and videos for your travel blog and other platforms where you would like to promote your blog. It offers you a library of various templates, designs, elements, fonts, etc.

SEMrush can be used to find the relevant keywords to understand and reach your audience. It also helps you find trending topics that will do well on the search engines. Moreover, it provides you with a detailed analysis of your competitions.

MailChimp is a marketing platform that provides you with audience data, insights, and marketing channels to help you achieve your business goals.

It has a content studio that lets you create engaging content with design tools and creative templates. It offers tools that help you get to know your audience better and enhance the customer experience.

Pinterest is a great platform that can help you increase referral traffic on your travel blogs. You need to use the right tools and strategies to create interesting pins that link to your travel blog. People widely use Pinterest’s visual search engine to find pins that could be ideas or solutions.

Pepper Docs

As a travel blog writer, you need a writing platform that provides you with all the essential tools to create engaging and informative content. Pepper Docs can be the perfect solution for you. With its amazing features and easy-to-use interface, you can focus on what really matters – writing!

Pepper Docs offers a range of customizable templates, and writing and collaboration tools that can help you create content that stands out. Some features of Pepper Docs include content rewriter, plagiarism checker, keyword researcher, and more.

travel blog entry example

Top Indian and International Travel Blogs for Inspiration

Inditales by anuradha goyal.

Anuradha Goyal worked in the IT industry for more than 12 years and started Inditales in 2004. Since then, she has shared her travel stories with her readers through this platform.

Her writing shows her passion for traveling and experiencing new cities, which helps her readers choose their next destination for a vacation. She has traveled to 18 countries and received several awards for the content she has created over the years.

Romancing the Planet by Sai Karthik Reddy

Karthik loved traveling, trying new cuisines, experiencing different cultures, interacting with people, and making new friends. He gives travel advice, shares his travel stories, and offers travel tips and suggestions through his blogs.

He has been to 29 countries and visited several states in India. You can browse through his website and read the blogs categorized into themes, destinations, etc.

His blogs provide information that any traveler would require, and the list of categories makes it easier for a reader to find what they are looking for.

Dan Flying Solo by Dan

Dan worked as a restaurant manager in London and started his blog in 2014. He is now a photographer, a travel writer, a videographer, and a creative director at a media company in Portugal.

He is obsessed with exploring the world, as he says. He has a passion for photography and has used beautiful pictures of various destinations in his blog.

Dan has managed to turn his passion for traveling and photography into a job. He has used this platform to share travel tips, advice, and stories that can help other people explore the world.

He loves meeting new people while traveling alone and connecting with the locals to get an inside look at the destinations. He uses several social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook to promote his blogs.

A Broken Backpack by Mel

Melissa Giroux is a long-term Canadian travel blogger and entrepreneur who helps other people start their travel adventures. Before she was a social worker and now runs an online business and travels.

She offers her readers great travel tips through her blog that can help them stay on the road longer. Her blog has a section dedicated to readers planning to move or travel to Australia, the UK, or Southeast Asia.

Other than that, the blog provides information on budget travel tips, travel items and gears one must carry for upcoming adventures, and all about the life of a digital nomad.

Tips to Making Blog Writing on Travel More Thoughtful

Here are a few tips that could be of some help.

● When writing a travel blog about a place you have visited, write about it as soon as possible while your thoughts are fresh and you’re still motivated by the trip.

● When talking about the frequency of blogs you post in a week, always remember it is more important to post quality blogs than to focus on quantity.

● A travel blogger must focus on consistency and ensure that they post the number of blogs they have decided upon. Once you build a fan following, they start expecting a post from you, and you wouldn’t want to disappoint them.

● Always be honest about your experiences. If you did not like something, mention that because the readers care about your honest opinion, which is why they are reading your blog.

● Keep the tone of the content casual. Travel blogs are expected to be written by ordinary people like the readers, and the readers are likely to connect with this kind of casual approach.

travel blog entry example

Travel blogging starts as a hobby for most people, but only a few know how to monetize it. You can become a successful travel blogger if you have a passion for it and can write your experiences in a way that makes people fall in love with traveling.

Besides that, the above-mentioned steps and tips will surely help you understand travel content and create good travel content. Several online courses are also available that can help you get a deeper understanding of travel blog writing and how to make a career out of it.

Key Takeaways

● There are different kinds of blog types that you can choose from for your blog like listicles, write travel guides, write about your city, things to do in lists, suggest itineraries, travel blogging tips, interviews, etc.

● Prepare an editorial calendar for content marketing purposes that will help you research, write and publish blog posts according to the timeline prepared by you.

● Keyword research is important before you start blog writing on travel, and various tools can help you research relevant keywords, related keywords, and topics for a blog.

● Prepare an overview of the blog before you start writing.

● Good quality pictures speak a lot about the location, the surrounding, and the little elements in the picture and help attract the audience.

● There are several tools available online that will be great at assisting you to run your travel blogs, such as Grammarly, Canva, SEMrush, MailChimp, and Pinterest.

Matt Kepnes of Nomadic Matt, Johnny Ward of, Dave & Deb of The Planet D, and Earl of are among the highest-paid travel bloggers in the world.

There are some ways to make instant money by writing travel blogs. Those could be selling your travel pictures, doing freelance writing, promoting blogs on social media platforms, affiliate marketing, and placing ads on your websites.

A travel niche is something that you specialize in. It could be writing listicles, travel guides, clicking travel pictures, creating travel videos, etc.

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How To Write and Manage a Travel Blog

Last Updated: February 18, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Melissa Newman and by wikiHow staff writer, Cory Stillman . Melissa Newman is a Social Media Strategist & Content Developer based in Bristol, Pennsylvania. With six years of experience, she specializes in social media strategy, content development, and community management. Melissa earned an MS in Digital Innovation in Marketing from the Fox School of Business at Temple University and a BS from Temple University. She also holds certifications from Facebook, Google Analytics, Hootsuite, and HubSpot Academy. Melissa has won awards for her social media campaigns, including the Jesse H. Neal Award for Best Use of Social Media, a Hermes Creative Award, and an Azbee Award for Best Social Media Campaign. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 179,508 times.

Travel stories, with their myriad trials, tribulations, and adventures, are made for sharing. Today, the best way to do this is by starting a travel blog. While writing your blog seems daunting, in reality, the sheer number of blogging platforms out there has made it easier than ever. With some patience and creativity, anyone can blog about their adventures with ease. This article will help you create your travel blog.

Building Your Blog

Step 1 Find a place to host your blog.

  • Each hosting site will offer a different strength. WordPress is quite user-friendly for beginners, while Substack allows your blog to function more as a newsletter. Even Tumblr remains a viable option, perhaps for writers who plan to emphasize pictures in their posts.
  • While almost all blogging sites offer a free version, some also offer paid versions that grant you access to a wider variety of features and customization options. Consult these options carefully when deciding what is best for your blog and its long-term ambitions.

Step 2 Purchase a domain name.

  • You can host your blog on any site and have it redirect to a URL that you own.

Step 3 Think of your unique angle while traveling.

  • Is your blog just meant to keep friends and family in the loop about your travels, or do you hope to reach a wider audience?
  • What kind of perspective do you bring to a new place or country? Are you a foodie looking to compare different recipes, or an expat adapting to a new culture? Perhaps a photographer looking to capture something new?
  • What can you teach people from your trip? Are you an inventive budgeter, a student of art and history, or a camping guru? [2] X Research source

Step 4 Think about your blog's angle when designing your page.

  • Pictures: If you plan on using a lot of photos, choose a layout that offers lots of pictures on the screen at once. Many layouts have a homepage or top bar with slideshows or a collage of your pictures, making them front and center for your viewers. Often, these templates show off big, high-quality photos.
  • Essays: Consider your margins and your font here. You want a layout that is easy to read and doesn't distract viewers from the words on the page.
  • Mixtures: If you plan on posting a bit of everything, consider a simple, scrolling design. These usually give small clips of pictures or text in chronological order, with the latest post up top, allowing your viewer to scroll through and get an idea of what each post is about. [3] X Research source

Step 5 Choose a short, memorable name.

  • Try to avoid hyphens, numbers, and odd symbols or spellings whenever possible.
  • Make sure your URL and blog name are the same. This will help people find your blog, and it'll make returning users less confused.
  • Avoid changing your domain name and/or blog name frequently, if at all. You should decide on one blog name in advance that you know you won't change later.
  • Try not to look like you're impersonating an existing blog or company. Search your blog name to see if there are companies with similar names, and try changing it.
  • If you plan on blogging from a single location, consider incorporating that new city or country into your title.

Step 6 Plan when and how you can post while abroad, and let your readers know.

  • Know when you will have time to write posts and let people know your "posting days."
  • When out of service, write multiple posts. You can then schedule them all when you're back in internet range. Learning how to use your site's "Schedule Post" allows you to write many posts at once, then put them up every few days. This is perfect if you'll be leaving service again. [5] X Research source

Step 7 Set up your blog's pages.

  • The "Contact" page can also be a good way to receive feedback on your writing, and to redirect readers to your social media pages.

Writing Great Content

Step 1 Make an enjoyable trip your first priority.

  • Oftentimes, writing is best at the very end of the day, right before bed, or right when you wake up. You'll be able to reflect on the day you just had, then move on to the next one. [6] X Research source
  • Be sure to take lots of pictures while you travel. Your readers will love to see lots of visuals related to your topic. And even if you choose not to include them in your work, they will act as helpful visual cues/reminders while writing!

Step 2 Brainstorm ideas for posts based on your experiences.

  • Dedicate posts to describing cultural differences, like a post on food, a post on public transportation, a post on morning rituals, etc.
  • Dive deeply into one specific area, like a neighborhood or a hidden location.
  • Teach your readers how to do something, like how to plan their own trip, how to dress like a native, how to order at a restaurant, etc.
  • Travel blogging should remain insightful and informative, but don't be afraid to add a personal touch! Making yourself familiar to your readers is what will keep them coming back for more.

Step 3 Write or post every few days.

  • Stick to the schedule you promised your readers as much as possible. If you promised three posts a week, try not to publish any more or any less. [7] X Research source

Step 4 Diversify your posts.

  • You may be writing a blog, but feel free to consult professional travel writing for inspiration as well. Publications like Outdoor Magazine and National Geographic may have covered similar topics or locations. [8] X Research source

Step 5 Add visuals, music, and imagery.

  • Take some videos of great events or post a link to a song you heard. Engage the reader as much as possible so that they feel like they're on your trip with you.
  • If you don't have any photos or videos of your own, you can still find high-resolution images online to complement your writing. Just don't pass such pictures off as your own!
  • If you need to edit your photos, there are several free and paid photo editors out there. Pixlr and VSCO are two user-friendly options, while Adobe Photoshop remains the industry standard for those more comfortable with their photo editing skills.

Monetizing Your Blog

Step 1 Build a media kit.

  • If you are interested in finding corporate sponsors, Instagram may be your best bet for self-promotion. Several companies scour Instagram for influencers to provide with online codes or product samples.

Step 3  Comment on...

  • Be sure to familiarize yourself with SEO so your own posts can be found as easily as possible online.

Step 4 Set up an affiliate marketing account.

  • With an affiliate program, you are given a personalized link. Simply distribute this link in your posts, and receive a kick-back when users click the link and make a purchase.
  • You are probably already recommending various services and attractions in your writing anyway, so why not monetize those recommendations?
  • While you may also consider contextual advertising through a service like Google Ads, or selling ad space the old-fashioned way, affiliate marketing strikes the best balance between proper payout and ease of use.
  • Once you have built a large enough of a following, you may find it quite easy to sell your own ads, maximizing your profits along the way.

Step 5 Set up a subscription model for your blog.

  • Because your blog would take the form of a newsletter, Substack might be the best service to use if you want to explore a subscription model.

Expert Q&A

Melissa Newman

  • Be patient. It takes a long time to build up a solid following. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 1
  • Get a catchy name for your blog that reflects the content. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1

travel blog entry example

  • Don't be tempted to steal other people's material. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 0
  • If you are good enough, people will steal yours. Don't take offense; consider it flattering. Perhaps even contact them and ask them to link back to your blog. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Melissa Newman

To write a travel blog, start by finding a platform to host your blog, or consider buying your own domain name for a more professional presentation. Then, determine a unique angle or style you want to use to set your blog apart from other travel blogs, and keep it in mind when you're designing the look of your blog. Once you have your blog set up, work on writing engaging, enjoyable posts that are based on your experience, not on you personally. It also helps to come up with a posting schedule to ensure you continue generating great content for your readers. For tips on promoting your travel blog, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Write a Travel Blog

How to offer your readers an authentic travel journal

Travel blogs reveal the secrets and special points of interest for our dream destinations, describing personal experiences and making observations that cannot be found in any holiday catalogue. Re-living the experience is what makes a travel journal so appealing for readers. It allows their eyes and ears to travel to distant countries and unknown places before they actually decide to go there.

Travel is also a widespread topic in the world of literature. As early as the 19th century, people started to escape from their everyday lives by reading books. For the first time, sensational experiences such as the story of Robinson Crusoe or the hunt for the white whale, Moby Dick, mixed reality with fantasy. Utopian and fantasy stories such as Jules Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth or Jonathan Swift’s famous satirical travel diary, Gulliver’s Travels, take the reader to distant and wondrous places. These places are not necessarily desirable or even safe to travel to, but a reader can safely experience the thrill of the journey through the book. The heroic journey, which originated from the ancient Greek Mythology, is still the basis of almost every good story.

The desire to travel is the reason why so many people read travel diaries even if they are not currently planning a holiday. And since our planet has plenty of far and wide destinations to offer, the travel journal market is booming like never before, so much so that travel costs or affordability factors are taking second place for the time being. Many people enthusiastically read about climbing tours in the Himalayas or kayaking in the Grand Canyon – without any serious desire to try out these thrilling adventures for themselves.

In this article, we are mainly focusing on commercial travel reports to encourage readers to book their next holiday in the subject destination as well as individual experiences that are directly related to corporate travel. The latter falls within the scope of influencer marketing and independent research for travel-loving Internet users. Even the largest tourism companies have now realised that their customers inform themselves in advance. Ads are increasingly being ignored – there is more demand for personal experience reports, travel diaries, photos and videos of other travellers . This has put local travel providers under greater pressure to deliver on the promises of their glossy brochures.

Your passion for travelling is the most important requirement in any case. What you will learn on this page:  

  • what makes a good travelogue
  • how to write a great travel journal
  • how to create a travel blog with the right topics
  • mistakes to avoid
  • types of travelogue and experience reports
  • which is the right CMS for travel blogs
  • best examples of travel and holiday bloggers

What makes a good travelogue?

A good travel blog should encourage the reader to recreate the trip in their mind through your descriptions. It is about arousing the interest to travel to distant and exotic destinations. Your stories should encourage people to do the same and embark on a trip themselves. Some people simply don’t dare to experience the freedom of going on a backpacking trip through the mountains of Nepal, for example. But because you’ve explained how to do it, they are more likely to give themselves a push and follow your footsteps.

This is why a good travelogue must go beyond pure experience reports and be highly helpful to your readers. The more complicated the trip, the better you should, for example, be familiar with the necessary equipment, the environment and the laws of the respective country . Use your personal expertise or bring an expert into the team, whose experience stories can be turned into reports.

The layout also plays a big role, because the best texts are of no use if you cannot present them attractively. Create a webpage layout with meaningful headings, subheadings and paragraphs that loosen up the flow of text and break it down into easy to digest content. Images are extremely important because they attract attention and immediately provide an idea of what the content is about. Immersive videos can also be embedded in the articles. Some travel bloggers will even set the scene mainly as a video portal.

Always use responsive design to ensure that your travel reports are displayed optimally on mobile devices. This option is now standard for most themes and templates for CMS and website building tools.

Don’t delete any of your previously published content, since even old posts – especially if they ranked high – are still referred to frequently. Many people simply like to read stories and enjoy your writing style, while others may want to learn what has changed compared to the previous years. The more extensive your travel guide content becomes, the more it affects your status as an influencer. It will come across more trustworthy when it becomes clear that you have been travelling the world for years. Travel blogs with long-lasting appeal are good – but you have to earn this status with a lot of patience and exciting travel stories.

If you are writing about trips or activities that require special tools , make sure you use quality equipment. Many readers will be just as interested in the equipment and its correct usage as the actual travel report.

You are the deciding factor

Give your travel blog or portal a distinctive name that expresses the style of your travel stories . Introduce yourself to your audience and be as authentic as you were in all your texts and videos.

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How to write an inspiring travel journal

The greatest art when writing travel reports is to remember feelings, impressions and moods and to incorporate them into your texts. The longer the trip to be described, the harder it is to authentically reproduce such emotional factors . Even small tips and tricks that you collect during your stay in a distant place will quickly be put at the back of the mind. In order to keep your memory fresh, you should take notes while you are travelling . This will make it easier for you to write your exciting travel reports later at your desk. Alternatively, you can blog on the go and share your experiences directly with the online community thanks to WLAN and Wi-Fi.

When writing a travel blog, it is best to always show a positive attitude. After all, you want your readers to follow your steps and book the same trip. Many people are stressed by their daily routines or their job and long to take a relaxing holiday. Show them how much fun you had on your travels and let your feelings flow into words.

Decide on a suitable tense and keep it the same as throughout the content. This is why the present tense can help to capture a special moment:

As the splattering waves hit our kayaks, we race rapidly with the glittering fish that come whizzing past us on the left and right of the boat.

The past tense always works best. It is particularly suitable for all quieter activities and also for longer trips. Impressive moments often gain more weight:

I’d never seen a more impressive starry sky than that night in the desert. Nobody wanted to go to sleep – we sat around the campfire until dawn with sweet fruits and tea.

Hand holding bulb

SEO-content writing

Possible topics for your travel blog:.

The choice of topics is limited only by your imagination and your travel experiences. Always keep your eyes and ears open while travelling so that you can write every interesting detail, observation and all your insights in your travel diary.

Here is an overview of topics that many readers love reading about online:


Describe the quality and facilities of B&Bs, apartments or hotel rooms. Also highlight the fine details of the architecture or the beautiful view from the balcony. Was the staff friendly and competent? Were the sanitation facilities in order? Holidaymakers on backpacking, cycling or hiking trips want to know where there are overnight accommodations or places to camp. Perhaps on your last trip, you discovered a charming log cabin where you could warm up by the fireplace. For extreme travellers, an overhanging rock under which a crackling fire can be lit is a welcome place to sleep.  


Restaurants, bars, cafes and tea houses:

There are cultural and culinary hubs in every country. Whether cosy cafes in the old town of Paris, hip sushi bars in the streets of Tokyo or a small bar filled with cigar smell in Havana – if you write your experiences in lively and elaborate words, your readers will sit with you at the bar, lounge in the rattan chair or hang out next to you in the hammock. How did you find these places, what have you experienced there? The atmosphere often counts more than what’s on offer. You can also write about food and drinks in order to attract foodies.  


Culinary specialities from all over the world:

Food is one of the main reasons for many people to decide to travel to far and wide destinations. When you describe the best dishes on your travels, you should provide readers with mouth-watering details. A travel blog focused on food should also mention unusual delicacies for European readers. How about a bite of pufferfish in Japan or a piece of fermented shark in Iceland? In your food journal , feel free to describe how these dishes can be prepared at home. If your culinary story is tempting enough, the readers may soon hop on the plane to try the delicacies for themselves.  

culinary specialities

Adventures and experiences:

You will experience an incredible number of adventures on your travels. It is often the small activities that will linger in your mind. So, in addition to describing the hugely loud and popular events , dedicate a few lines for the quiet moments. Perhaps you were particularly fascinated by an old inscription on a house wall or a cool mountain stream that refreshed you on a hot summer day. Write down how you felt during those moments. Even bad or negative experiences should be included in your travel diary. The way in which you have overcome problems or obstacles on your journey can be a guide for your readers on their travels. It is often the mishaps you experienced during your travels that are laughed at the most later.  

experiences and adventures

People and their customs:

It is the inhabitants of a country that give the place a true identity. Personal encounters, mixing with a foreign culture and trying out other lifestyles are part of every holiday experience. Talking to people who are from a different culture will reveal a completely new perspective on our world. Tell your readers about these experiences. Encounters with other travellers can also create interesting stories.  

Tradition and culture

Landscape and nature:

If your own country’s local pastures and forests are no longer inspiring you, a change of scenery is necessary. The wonderful landscapes and natural beauties of distant countries on postcards attract the travellers, but so should a travel blog. Tell your readers about the white sandy beaches of the Caribbean, the lush greenery of the Scottish Highlands or the rugged majesty of the Grand Canyon. Even if the beauty of a country is not the real reason for the trip, it will still complete your visit. Especially in times of increasing environmental awareness and the desire to get involved in environmental protection, nature trips are becoming ever-more popular. Today, safaris are more common with a camera than a rifle, while whales are better watched than hunted.  

Nature and landscapes

Popular and lesser-known sights:

These are the cornerstones of all the classic holiday activities that go beyond sunbathing on the beach or by the pool. Many trips are designed from the outset to visit as many monuments, museums and historical buildings as possible. As a travel blogger, you tell your readers which of these places are really worth visiting. In addition, you should always look for lesser-known sights alongside the well-advertised attractions. List all the details that are important for travellers: where can you find tickets , when are the peak visiting times , what parking options are available and can the sights be reached on foot, by boat or by donkey and cart, etc.?


Here is some general information about travel arrangements and holiday destinations as part of your travel journal ideas:

What to pack:

Your readers will need to know what they should be taking with them to the country they are visiting. Some types of travel require special equipment – can it be transported to the holiday spot or rented there? It is generally advisable to create a what-to-pack list. Depending on the scope of the trip, you can even dedicate your own blog entry to the packing process. Also describe what kind of vehicle you are travelling with or list the necessary equipment for mountaineering, diving or paragliding. Keep in mind that in the role of an influencer, you have an impact on the purchasing decisions of your readers – only write about the equipment or travel accessories if you have actually tested their quality yourself.  


When is the best time to travel?

In the monsoon season, a holiday in the tropics won’t be a pleasant experience. When is it especially hot or cold in the subject country? Dates of popular festivals and events are also part of many holidaymakers’ travel itinerary.  

Best time to travel

What health precautions should be taken?

Different vaccinations are often required before visiting tropical countries or destinations with poor health care facilities. Holiday resorts and hotels should also mention whether they are wheelchair friendly and suitable for people with mobility problems.  


What is the security situation of the country?

Not all countries are as politically stable as the ones in Central and Western Europe. Adventure trips such as jeep safaris, hiking or climbing tours often take you through less developed regions that are beyond the control of the respective country. Inform your readers openly and honestly if such risks exist.  

security situation

What are the laws for tourists?

There are no separate laws for tourists – they are subject to the same laws as the locals of the respective country and must comply with their regulations. For example, some countries have very strict dress codes in public , do not allow alcohol or strictly observe driving speed limits .  

legal issues

What are the traveller’s obligations?

Does the accommodation need to be cleaned and tidied up before checking out? In some cases – for example on high-risk adventure trips – special health and safety training may be necessary in advance.  


Are there rental cars or other means of transportation offered?

If you don’t want to just lie by the pool whilst on holiday, you may have to hire a car, bicycle, or a boat . Make sure you write about your transportation experiences in your travel blog. While it should be easy to get a rental car in mass tourism locations, it may be necessary to book it in advance in the less developed countries.  

means of transportation

What to do in case of travel cancellations?

For example, will a percentage of the travel expenses be payable even in the event of cancellation? What can your readers do if they have to end their holiday prematurely due to the fault of the travel provider? For such legal questions, we generally recommend that you seek the advice of a lawyer so that you do not give false or outdated advice to your readers.  


Where can I exchange currency or get cash out?

Since nobody wants to be left without cash when travelling, this is an extremely important point, especially for adventure travellers in distant countries.  

exchange currency

Any recent changes to be made aware of?

Nothing stays the same in a country and even untouched holiday destinations can change over time. It can be either a man-made or natural occurrence, such as a new construction site, changes to the country’s law, floods, earthquakes, or even war. It is, therefore, recommended to write regular updates about your favourite places so that your readers know whether they can still find those sights or places to stay that you had previously described. For example, is that cosy little beach bar you had mentioned before still there? Are the old hiking routes still accessible or have weeds overtaken the trails? Are daring tourists still allowed to participate in the Running of the Bulls event in Pamplona?

travel destinations in change

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Things to avoid in a good travelogue

Long before YouTube, Instagram, travel blogs or TV holiday shows came about, there were slide shows. These consisted of mini-photos – the slides – being shown on a screen via a projector. Some people may recall such experience at a family gathering in a darkened room. If you belong to that generation, then you might agree that such slide shows were like watching paint dry… ultimately very boring. A countless number of photos pass by an increasingly sleepy audience under the monotonous rattling of a projector, followed by the uninspiring comments from the speaker saying things like: “Anna and I are standing by the pool here”. The few good photos that do appear pass too quickly and so do the interesting stories.

We are in no way knocking this old technology since slide shows could be quite funny. In fact, slide shows can be quite useful as long as the presenter makes a selection of the best pictures in advance and has really great stories to tell. So be sure to provide your readers with plenty of great photos or stories. A high-quality image in which composition, colours and image sections blend well together or capturing a very special moment is worth more than a whole series of pictures with interchangeable themes. What’s more, there should be no room for boredom.

A travelogue should obviously be free of misinformation . Nothing is more disappointing than arriving at the holiday resort and facing a completely different scene. Even if you describe your own facilities, or write on behalf of a travel agent, you should be careful not to go overboard. Of course, circumstances can change over time, but a recent travelogue must give readers the opportunity to adjust to any possible changes. For example, is construction site noise to be expected in a certain period of time? Can beaches be closed due to jellyfish, blue algae or similar seasonal phenomena?

Different types of travel guides and blogs

An online travel journal can be created using different media and content. For example, rankings and lists in which travel destinations or holiday locations are compared tend to be very popular with readers. It is generally advisable to accompany your travel report with photos. This is because pictures complement your texts in a vivid way and record the most important stages and experiences of your trip. Actually, no travel report is complete without pictures since they provide readers with a closer look at the destination , thus prompting them to book a trip themselves. An important tip: by using your own pictures you prove that you have actually been there and experienced all the described points of interest in person.

  • Create your own website: More information about CMS can be found below.
  • Create your travel diary: Gather your experiences using photos and texts in an appealing diary form layout.
  • Put your photo story together using your Instagram posts . You can also expand and continue these stories live from your holiday.
  • Social media stories: In addition to Instagram, you can share your travel experiences in quick and snappy posts with beautiful pictures on Facebook, Google+, WhatsApp and other channels.
  • Write in-depth blogs about your travels and combine them with photos and videos.
  • E-books are a great way to publish extensive travel reports in book form without the help of a publisher. Advice, travel novels, illustrated books… the sky’s the limit so use your imagination!
  • Travel videos: With its streaming services and video portals, the Internet is now well ahead of television. If possible, you should try to back up your reports from time to time using videos.
  • Hold lectures: The more exotic your trip, the more viewers will be willing to pay admission for a lecture. A particular advantage of this strategy would be: you can talk to your readers directly, get feedback and strengthen the bond with your fans.

Content Management Systems for travel reports

In addition to accounts on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube, you should also create an Internet presence that belongs only to you. In addition to various modular website systems, content management systems (CMS) are particularly suitable for this task. Among these software solutions, the open-source system, WordPress, stands out because it was specially developed for blogging purposes. WordPress is very easy to use so you can create your travel blog without external help.

Since it is one of the most widely used CMS worldwide, you will find thousands of different design templates and plug-ins for WordPress that can be used to expand and personalise your page. You can even create an online shop if you want to sell travel accessories, equipment or other travel-related products. Of course, there are other CMS options that you can use for your online travel guide.

An important tip: remember to secure your domain with the name of your blog from early on. It would be very annoying to plan your entire website and then find out that your desired domain name has already been taken.

Examples of successful UK-based travel bloggers

It’s always good to find role models and inspiration from successful travel bloggers. Here are a few examples:

Vicky Flip Flop Travels

The high ranking travel blog from the UK travel writer, Victoria Philpott , shows how to travel the world on any budget. For anyone who wants to travel on a shoestring or is looking for a luxury destination , Vicky has covered the world’s most interesting and inspiring places as well as must-see festivals. The aim of this travel blogger is to give her readers the knowledge and courage to embark on the journey on their own.  

Vicky Flip Flop Travels - Logo

Helen in Wonderlust

Helen Davies is an avid travel writer based in the UK with a special love for Africa. Her epic trips to this diverse continent have led her to gain a huge following on social media sites.  

Helen in Wonderlust - Logo

The Petite Cook

Andrea is a London-based self-taught chef with a large following (over 150,000) on YouTube and other social media sites. Her blog shows her love of authentic foods  

The Petite Cook - Logo

This is an award-winning cruise blog by Dave Monk , which started in 2005 and covers over 27 cruise lines. Dave has also written for Daily Mirror, Daily Telegraph, and Daily Star, to name some of the few newspapers. His latest blog is the top ten must-visit cruise destinations for 2020.

Ship Monk

The best travel blog always comes from the heart

If you enjoy travelling, let your passion flow into your blog posts. Unless you are already blogging live from the subject country, a travel diary will help you to remember the most important experiences.

Experienced authors can transform storytelling into exciting blog posts. If you lack the time or experience to write texts that awaken the senses in your readers, you can use external copywriters . As a travel blogger, you live the dream of many people. We wish you a lot of fun and great experiences on your next travels – and of course, good luck writing your travel reports!

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The Best Inspiring Travel Blog Examples For Students

travel blog entry example

Are you dreaming of exploring new horizons and sharing your adventures with the world? Look no further! Discover the best inspiring travel blog examples tailored for students like you.

Whether you’re itching to write, travel, or start your own blog, these examples are your perfect guide to embarking on an unforgettable journey. Dive in and let your wanderlust and creativity soar! But before;

Why are travel blogs particularly inspiring for students? Travel blogs offer a unique blend of adventure, cultural insights, and personal growth, making them ideal sources of inspiration for students. They provide practical tips and firsthand experiences that can ignite a student’s desire to explore and learn beyond the classroom.

How can students benefit from writing their own travel blog? Writing a travel blog allows students to develop valuable skills like writing, digital marketing, and photography. It’s a creative outlet that documents their journeys and reflections, enhancing their learning and potentially connecting them with a global audience.

What should students consider when starting their travel blog? Students should focus on their unique perspective and interests, choosing themes that resonate with their experiences. Important considerations include defining their target audience, ensuring consistent content, and leveraging social media for wider reach and engagement.

See >> Generate a travel blog with AI AI tool that will generate tailored content & images

What Are the Best Travel Blog Website Examples for Students to Get Inspired From?

Blog example 1. salt in our hair blog.

Salt in Our Hair Homepage: Travel Blog Examples For Students

Salt in Our Hair is a travel blog created by Nick and Hannah, a Dutch couple who started posting about their travels on Instagram during their first backpacking trip in 2015. The blog features travel guides, digital nomad resources, and sustainable travel tips. Here are three relevant points about what makes this blog special for students:

  • Travel Guides : Salt in Our Hair provides detailed travel guides for various destinations around the world, which can be helpful for students planning trips or studying abroad.
  • Sustainable Travel Tips : The blog also offers tips for sustainable travel, which can be important for students who want to reduce their environmental impact while traveling.
  • Digital Nomad Resources : For students who are interested in working remotely while traveling, Salt in Our Hair provides resources and tips for becoming a digital nomad.

Overall, Salt in Our Hair is a great resource for students who are interested in travel and want to learn more about sustainable travel, working remotely, and exploring new destinations.

Blog Example 2. The Blonde Abroad Blog

The Blonde Abroad Homepage: Best Travel Blog Examples For Students

The Blonde Abroad is a popular travel and lifestyle blog featuring travel tips, fashion, food, and photography from around the world. The blog is run by Kiersten, a California native who left her career in corporate finance to explore the world. Here are some relevant points for students about TheBlondeAbroad:

  • Travel for Free : The blog features an article on how to use travel reward credit cards to book free flights and hotels around the world. This could be useful for students who want to travel on a budget.
  • Starting a Blog : The blog also has an article on how to start a successful travel blog. This could be helpful for students who are interested in starting their own blog.
  • Lessons Learned : Kiersten has written an article on 20 things she wishes she knew before starting a blog. This could be useful for students who are interested in blogging or want to learn from Kiersten’s experience.

Blog Example 3. Be My Travel Muse Blog

Be My Travel Muse Homepage

Be My Travel Muse is a solo female travel blog by Kristin Addis, who has been traveling for over five years. The blog includes packing tips, adventures, and comprehensive guides.

  • The blog is especially useful for students who are interested in solo female travel.
  • The blog provides tips and advice on how to travel safely and confidently as a solo female traveler.
  • It also includes information on budget travel, which can be helpful for students who are traveling on a tight budget.
  • Additionally, the blog features guest posts from other travelers, which can provide a variety of perspectives and travel experiences.

Overall, Be My Travel Muse is a great resource for students who are interested in solo female travel and want to learn more about how to travel safely and on a budget.

[See: Convert a website to WordPress with AI Insert a URL to recreate its layout with AI ]

Blog Example 4. Nomadic Matt Blog

Nomadic Matt Homepage

Nomadic Matt ‘s blog is a travel website that provides tips and advice on how to travel better, cheaper, and smarter so that people can explore the world on a budget. The blog is especially useful for students who want to travel but have limited budgets. Here are three relevant points about the blog:

  • Budget Advice : Nomadic Matt’s blog is known for providing the best budget advice out there. The website has been featured in major media time and time again because of this. The blog provides tips on how to find cheap flights, cheap accommodation, and how to save money while traveling.
  • Travel Planning : The blog provides a step-by-step guide on how to plan a trip, including how to choose a backpack, how to buy travel insurance, and how to pick the right travel credit card. It also provides a packing guide and tips for new travelers.
  • Destination Guides : The blog provides destination guides for various locations around the world. It includes information on where to stay, what to do, and how to get around. The blog also provides solo female travel tips, family and senior travel tips, and school group tours.

Overall, Nomadic Matt’s blog is a great resource for students who want to travel on a budget. It provides practical advice on how to save money while traveling and how to plan a trip. The blog also provides destination guides for various locations around the world.

Blog Example 5. Goats on the Road Blog

Goats on the Road Homepage

Goats on the Road is a travel blog that aims to help people turn travel into a lifestyle. The blog provides tips on how to prepare and save for travel, and teaches ways to work remotely so that people can travel indefinitely.

While the blog does not have a specific section for students, there are some articles that may be helpful for students who are interested in traveling. Here are some relevant points about Goatsontheroad:

  • Plan Your Travels : Goats on the Road has a section that provides everything you need to know about planning for your next big trip around the world. This section includes articles on how to choose a destination, how to create a travel budget, and how to find cheap flights.
  • Be a Digital Nomad : For students who are interested in working remotely while traveling, Goats on the Road has detailed city guides to the best destinations for digital nomads. The blog also provides tools and advice for starting out as a digital nomad.
  • Work Remotely : Goats on the Road has a section that lists jobs that give people the freedom to work from anywhere, including their home, an RV, a cafe, or the beach. This section includes articles on how to find remote jobs, how to create a remote work schedule, and how to stay productive while working remotely.

Blog Example 6. Two Monkeys Travel Blog

Two Monkeys Travel Homepage

Two Monkeys Travel Group is a travel blog that focuses on luxury and adventure travel. The blog covers a wide range of topics related to travel, including visa applications for Filipinos.

The blog also features travel tips, inspiration, and DIY travel guides, from luxury to backpacker travel.

  • Students who are interested in travel may find the blog’s content useful for planning trips and getting inspiration for their travels.
  • The blog covers a wide range of topics related to travel, including budget travel, adventure travel, and luxury travel, which may be of interest to students with different travel preferences.
  • Additionally, the blog’s focus on visa applications for Filipinos may be helpful for Filipino students who are planning to travel abroad.

Blog Example 7. Places of Juma Blog

Places of Juma Homepage: Best Travel Blog Examples For Students

PlacesofJuma is a travel blog that provides travel guides and travel information for various destinations, including Croatia, Istria, Rovinj, Pula, Porec, Umag, Medulin, Novigrad, Rabac, Kvarner Bay, Opatija, Crikvenica, Rijeka, Selce, Senj, and more.

The blog offers insights into the best places to go on vacation, including medieval architecture, main attractions, and beautiful places in Edinburgh. PlacesofJuma has been recognized as one of the best travel blogs of 2023.

The blog is an excellent resource for students who are interested in traveling and exploring new destinations.

  • Travel blogs like PlacesofJuma provide invaluable resources for anyone who wants to travel, offering tips, insights, recommendations, and personal experiences while traveling.
  • Students can use these resources to plan their trips, learn about different cultures, and enrich their learning experience.
  • PlacesofJuma’s Instagram account also provides travel inspiration and ideas for students who are interested in exploring new destinations.

Overall, PlacesofJuma is an excellent travel blog that provides valuable information and insights for students who are interested in traveling and exploring new destinations.

Blog Example 8. Expert Vagabond Blog

Expert Vagabond Homepage

Expert Vagabond is a popular adventure travel and photography blog created by Matthew Karsten The blog features inspirational stories, photography, and budget travel tips from around the world.

The blog is a great resource for students who are interested in adventure travel and want to learn more about budget travel.

  • The blog provides useful travel tips and experiences from around the world, which can help students plan their own trips.
  • The blog also features fun YouTube videos and inspiring travel photography, which can be a great source of inspiration for students who are interested in photography or videography.
  • Additionally, the blog provides advice on the digital nomad lifestyle, which can be helpful for students who are interested in working remotely while traveling.

Overall, Expert Vagabond is a great resource for students who are interested in adventure travel, budget travel, and the digital nomad lifestyle.

Blog Example 9. World of Wanderlust Blog

World of Wanderlust Homepage

World of Wanderlust is a solo female travel blog that follows Brooke Saward around the world. The blog offers a variety of travel-related content, including packing guides, destination recommendations, and tips for solo female travel. Here are three relevant points for students about the blog:

  • Travel after a break-up : World of Wanderlust offers advice for those who want to travel after a break-up. This can be a great way for students to take a break from their studies and explore the world while healing from a difficult experience.
  • 20 Places in your 20s : The blog has a section dedicated to travel destinations for people in their 20s. This can be a helpful resource for students who are looking for travel ideas that are appropriate for their age group.
  • How to travel the world and get paid : World of Wanderlust has a post that explains how Brooke Saward was able to travel the world and get paid for it. This can be an inspiring read for students who are interested in pursuing a career in travel blogging or who want to learn how to make money while traveling.

Best Travel Blog Themes for Students

6 wordpress blog themes for students

Top student travel blog WordPress themes are:

  • Gowilds theme
  • Surround theme
  • Tonsberg – Travel Blog Theme
  • Maaya Blog – Travel Blog, Personal Blog
  • Piemont – Travel & Lifestyle WordPress Blog theme
  • Ofelia – Travel Personal WordPress Blog Theme
  • Springbook – Blog Travel Photography WP Theme
  • Thype | Personal Blog & Travel WordPress Theme

1. Gowilds theme

Gowilds theme for WP

Gowilds – Tour Booking WordPress Theme. It is a complete WordPress theme built for the tourism sector and is ideal for tour operators and travel agents specializing in day tours, tour packages, vacations, hiking and camping, city tours, cruise packages, etc.

  • The theme has its own powerful theme control panel with useful options and tools to manage the site.
  • It applies the latest web technologies such as Bootstrap 5, SASS, HTML5, CSS3, and Font Awesome.
  • The theme has features such as 4 Home Page Demo, Header Builder with Elementor, Footer Builder with Elementor, Page Layout with Elementor Page Builder, and Elementor Plugin Integration.
  • It also includes a one-click demo import, frontend dashboard page, calendar and tour price, gallery tour, comment and rating tour, and travel destination page design.
  • The theme is fully responsive and comes with the Elementor Page Builder, WooCommerce shop setup and products, and WPML support.
  • The theme is powered by Redux framework, which brings unlimited color and Google fonts options.
  • The theme is compatible with third-party plugins such as Elementor Page Builder, BA Book Everything, Slider Revolution, WooCommerce, Contact Form 7, and MailChimp for WP.
  • The theme is child theme compatible and includes basic child theme.
  • The theme has detailed documentation and extensive video guides on how to set up and customize the theme.

2. Surround theme

Surround theme for WP

“Surround Vlog & Blog” is a designed theme for micro niches and includes features such as a responsive and retina-ready layout, SEO optimization, cross-browser compatibility, and various layouts for blog pages and posts.

It also includes plugins such as a page builder, world map, and reviewer plugin, as well as shortcodes for various elements.

The theme is compatible with WooCommerce and various other plugins

>> Clone any travel blog with AI Insert a URL to recreate its layout with AI

How to make a travel blog as a student.. the simplest way and tools

Creating a travel blog as a student can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to document your journeys, share insights, and even build a portfolio for future opportunities. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to get started, along with some recommended tools:

1. Define Your Niche and Purpose

  • Why : Understand why you want to start a blog. Is it to document personal experiences, share tips, or build a portfolio?
  • Niche : Decide on a specific focus, e.g., budget travels, study abroad experiences, local explorations, etc.

2. Choose a Blogging Platform

  • WordPress : The most popular blogging platform. It’s flexible, customizable, and has a vast array of plugins.
  • Blogger : A free and straightforward platform by Google. Less customizable than WordPress but very user-friendly.
  • Medium : A platform that allows you to write and publish without worrying about design or hosting.

3. Pick a Domain Name

  • Namecheap or GoDaddy : Platforms where you can purchase and register a domain name.
  • Tip : Choose a name that’s memorable, relevant to travel, and resonates with your student identity.

4. Select a Hosting Provider (if using WordPress)

  • Bluehost or SiteGround : Affordable and reliable hosting providers with excellent customer support.

5. Design Your Blog

  • Themes : Both WordPress and Blogger offer free and premium themes from Elegant Themes or Envato for WordPress . Choose one that’s responsive (mobile-friendly) and visually appealing.
  • Customization : Adjust colors, fonts, and layout to match your style.

6. Start Writing!

  • Content Ideas : Share personal travel stories, tips for traveling on a budget, cultural experiences, academic insights from travels, etc.
  • Images : Use your own photos or free stock images from sites like Unsplash or Pexels .

7. Grow Audience

  • Comments : Enable comments on your posts to interact with readers.
  • Social Media : Create profiles/pages for your blog on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to share updates and engage with followers.

8. Optimize for Search Engines (SEO)

  • Yoast SEO : A WordPress plugin that provides real-time feedback on your content’s SEO.
  • Keyword Research : Use tools like Semrush , Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest to find relevant keywords.

9. Stay Consistent

  • Posting Schedule : Decide on a posting frequency (e.g., once a week, bi-weekly) and stick to it.
  • Content Calendar : Plan your posts in advance to maintain consistency.

10. Network and Collaborate

  • Guest Posts : Write for other student blogs or invite fellow student travelers to write for yours.
  • Join Communities : Engage in student travel forums, Facebook groups, or other online communities.

Tools to Consider:

  • Grammarly : For grammar and spell-check.
  • Canva : For creating graphics, banners, and blog post images.
  • Trello or Asana : For content planning and organization.
  • Google Analytics : To track your blog’s traffic and audience behavior.

Remember, the key to a successful blog is passion and consistency. As a student, you have a unique perspective, so embrace it and share your journey with the world!

How to blog about travel as a student: best tips and ideas

Blogging about travel as a student can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor. Not only does it allow you to document your adventures and share them with others, but it can also help you develop valuable skills in writing, photography, and digital marketing. Here are some tips and ideas to get you started:

1. Start with Why:

  • Purpose: Determine why you want to blog. Is it to document your journeys, share tips with other students, or perhaps even turn it into a potential career?
  • Niche: As a student, you have a unique perspective. Maybe you’re traveling on a budget, studying abroad, or exploring places during breaks. Find your niche and stick to it.

2. Budget-Friendly Travel:

  • Share tips on how to travel on a student budget.
  • Discuss student discounts, cheap accommodations like hostels or couchsurfing, and affordable transportation options.

3. Study Abroad Experiences:

  • If you’re studying abroad, share your experiences, challenges, and learnings.
  • Offer advice for students considering a similar program.

4. Local Adventures:

  • You don’t have to go far to have an adventure. Explore your college town or nearby areas and write about them.

5. Document Your Journey:

  • Use photos, videos, and journal entries. Remember, it’s not just about the destination but also about the journey.

6. Collaborate:

  • Team up with fellow student travelers or bloggers to share stories, guest post, or even start a joint blog.

7. Practical Tips:

  • Share packing lists, visa application processes, or how to balance travel with studies.

8. Engage with Your Audience:

  • Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and encourage readers to share their own experiences.

9. Be Authentic:

  • Share both the highs and the lows. Not every travel experience is perfect, and your readers will appreciate your honesty.

10. Learn SEO and Digital Marketing:

  • If you want to grow your audience, it’s essential to understand the basics of search engine optimization and digital marketing.

11. Consistency is Key:

  • Try to maintain a regular posting schedule, whether it’s once a week, bi-weekly, or even once a month.

12. Monetization:

  • As your blog grows, consider monetizing through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or selling digital products like e-books or courses.

13. Invest in Good Equipment:

  • A good camera, microphone (for podcasts or vlogs), and reliable hosting can make a difference in the quality of your content.

14. Attend Travel Blogging Conferences:

  • This can help you network, learn from seasoned bloggers, and get insights into the latest trends.

15. Stay Updated:

  • The world of travel is always evolving. Stay updated with the latest travel news, restrictions, and trends.

16. Personal Growth:

  • Share how traveling has impacted your personal growth, understanding of cultures, and worldviews.

17. Courses & Workshops:

  • Consider taking courses or workshops on writing, photography, or videography to enhance the quality of your content.

18. Backup Your Content:

  • Always have backups of your writings, photos, and videos. You never know when technical issues might arise.

19. Stay Safe:

  • Always prioritize your safety. Share safety tips and resources for other student travelers.

20. Enjoy the Process:

  • Remember, blogging is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the process of writing, exploring, and connecting with your audience.

Starting a travel blog as a student can be a fulfilling experience. It allows you to share your unique perspective, connect with like-minded individuals, and even open doors to potential career opportunities in the future. Happy blogging!

See >> Create a new blog with AI AI tool that will generate tailored content & images ]

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