bambini al safari

Safari con i bambini: dai Big5 all’Orso Grizzly, idee e consigli utili

Safari con i bambini in Sri Lanka

Quanti tipi di safari si possono fare con i bambini? Tantissimi, tutti diversi! Si possono vivere infatti esperienze incredibili a tu per tu con animali selvaggi a molteplici latitudini, alcune non troppo distanti da casa. Vi raccontiamo le più adatte a chi viaggia in famiglia, insieme a qualche consiglio per preparare la valigia.

Una jeep davanti, un binocolo in mano, un cappellino in testa e tanta voglia di avventura: i bambini sono pronti per il loro primo safari . Un’esperienza unica, di quelle che non si dimenticano. Con gli animali che escono dalle pagine di libri e dispositivi tecnologici vari e passano davvero davanti ai loro occhi. A volte bisogna aguzzare la vista, altre restare in silenzio, il cuore che batte forte nell’attesa.

Nel nostro immaginario il safari per eccellenza è quello tra i big 5 dell’Africa, ma ce ne sono molti altri . Dagli Stati Uniti all’Asia, fino all’Europa, vi raccontiamo tanti luoghi incredibili dove osservare gli animali selvaggi all’interno del proprio habitat naturale in un viaggio a misura di famiglia.

Safari con i bambini in Africa: alla ricerca del Re Leone

Leopardi in Sudafrica

Il safari più iconico è senza dubbio quello africano. Ma quali mete scegliere per un viaggio con i bambini? Con i suoi ottimi collegamenti stradali, l’eccellente sistema sanitario e la varietà di paesaggi, il Sudafrica è una delle destinazioni più adatte per le famiglie. In Sudafrica ci sono tutti i Big Five – elefante, leone, leopardo, bufalo e rinoceronte – e soprattutto scegliendo di soggiornare all’interno delle riserve private , ci si può garantire sicurezza, vacanze malaria-free e strutture pensate appositamente per chi viaggia con i più piccoli. Un esempio è la Shamwari Private Game Reserve , a breve distanza da Port Elizabeth e da Cape Town , dove i safari family sono accessibili sin dai 4 anni di età . Nel nostro articolo sul Sudafrica da vivere con i bambini trovate ulteriori esempi di riserve e tante altre cose da vedere in questo meraviglioso paese.

Viaggio in Namibia con i bambini, leoni all'Etosha Park

Un’altra meta africana che vi consigliamo è la Namibia e in particolare l’ Etosha National Park , dove vive la più alta concentrazione di leoni di tutto il sud del continente. Anche qui ci sono moltissime riserve, come il campo di Onkoshi , formato da strutture di legno a basso impatto, dove quasi tutto funziona a energia solare. Oltre al safari classico poi, perché non farne uno a tema marino, alla ricerca di foche, delfini e tartarughe? Le esperienze in Namibia adatte ai bambini sono numerose.

Un momento di un Safari in Tanzania

Se cercate una vacanza che unisca l’adrenalina del safari al riposo tra acque incontaminate, la destinazione da scegliere è la Tanzania . Con ben 22 parchi naturali protetti, tra cui il Parco Nazionale del Serengeti e il Ngorongoro Crater , è una vera perla per gli avvistamenti che offre la possibilità di concludere il viaggio con un soggiorno mare a Zanzibar .

Anche il Kenya è una buona soluzione, con i due parchi del Masai Mara e dello Tsavo Park , ma ci sentiamo di consigliarla a bambini più grandicelli perché i tour sono spesso di durata maggiore e i più piccoli potrebbero stancarsi (intanto potreste cominciare col dare una sbirciatina alla webcam dello Tsavo National Park , che ne dite?).

Safari con i bambini in Asia: specie rare e incontri ravvicinati!

Safari con i bambini in Sri Lanka

Destinazione top per chi cerca un contatto speciale con gli animali è lo Sri Lanka , meraviglioso anche dal punto di vista culturale e storico e quindi perfetto per un tour che alterni il safari in uno dei parchi nazionali, come ad esempio il Minneriya National Park o il Parco nazionale di Wilpattu , alla visita di templi buddisti, giardini botanici, siti archeologici e villaggi locali. Tra le chicche che incanteranno i bambini potete prenotare la Elephant Walk Experience , proposta dalla ONG Millennium Elephant Foundation, una passeggiata insieme agli elefanti asiatici accompagnati da una guida locale che spiega curiosità e aneddoti divertenti. Potreste poi concludere la vacanza con qualche giorno di mare . Ad esempio a Nilaveli , lungo il Mar dei Coralli : a sole due ore d’auto dal parco Minneriya, è una cittadina molto adatta alle famiglie per la sua posizione tranquilla, le spiagge di sabbia bianca, la barriera corallina e le escursioni in barca per avvistare delfini e balene .

Uno dei paradisi tropicali per eccellenza, Bali in Indonesia , si inserisce a buon diritto tra le destinazioni adatte a un primo safari con i bambini. Nella zona di Gianyar infatti, nella parte orientale dell’isola, si trova l’incredibile Taman Safari Bali , un parco che ospita oltre un migliaio di animali straordinari appartenenti a circa 120 specie, tra cui alcune rare e in via di estinzione , come i draghi di Komodo , l’orango, lo storno di Bali e molti altri. Qui non solo è possibile vivere l’avventura del safari, ma persino nutrire direttamente gli animali prenotando l’attività Feed the Predator : per avvicinare tigri e leoni si resta all’interno di uno speciale tram con gabbia, mentre gli erbivori possono essere nutriti “a distanza ravvicinata”. Solo per veri temerari!

Safari con i bambini negli Stati Uniti: alci, orsi e bisonti

Parco Yellowstone, bisonte

I grandi parchi degli Stati Uniti sono un altro luogo cult dove avvistare animali in libertà per la felicità dei bambini, primo tra tutti il Parco Nazionale dello Yellowstone . Qui si incontrano facilmente i placidi ed enormi bisonti e con un po’ di fortuna l’ orso Grizzly . I migliori avvistamenti si hanno nella Lamar Valley , dove, come vi raccontiamo nel nostro reportage dallo Yellowstone con i bambini , noi abbiamo visto persino un coyote a caccia . Per chi non teme la drastica caduta delle temperature, un’esperienza magnifica è il safari invernale , non solo nello Yellowstone, ma in tutta la zona cosiddetta del Real America , dove si incontrano alci, si sale sulle slitte trainate dagli husky e si dorme in un vero ranch in legno, con stufa scoppiettante e atmosfera da veri esploratori.

Safari in Europa, sulle Alpi o in Lapponia

Marmotta in Austria

In attesa di mettere in agenda un viaggio importante in un altro continente, potreste cominciare a proporre ai vostri bambini emozionanti avventure di avvistamento di animali selvatici a distanza decisamente più ridotta.

Ad esempio tra i big five delle montagne dell’Austria . In Osttirol , tra le montagne del Parco Nazionale degli Alti Tauri , vengono infatti organizzati tour in compagnia di esperti ranger per avvistare marmotte, camosci, stambecchi, aquile reali e gipeti . Le proposte variano a seconda dell’età dei bambini, dal Nature Watch a partire da 6 anni fino al Forest Wildlife Camp dai 10 anni.

Oppure, che ne direste di portare da mangiare alle renne durante l’inverno insieme ai Sami? In Lapponia , tra le tante escursioni indimenticabili che si possono fare, c’è proprio l’incontro magico con le renne di una comunità Sami, raggiungendo il branco che si trova nella foresta sull’isola di Seskarö.

E in Italia? Per un primo approccio con la modalità “safari” si può scegliere di visitare un parco faunistico , noi ad esempio siamo stati allo zoosafari di Fasano in Puglia e al Safari Park Pombia in Piemonte, ma c’è anche il Parco Natura Viva in Veneto. Certo qui gli animali non sono completamente liberi ma non ci sono gabbie o vetri di protezione e l’effetto incontro ravvicinato è notevole.

Consigli utili per preparare la valigia

Safari in Sudafrica, rinoceronti

Quando decidete di organizzare un viaggio con i bambini che includa un safari, dovete tenere conto non solo della destinazione, quindi se ci sono vaccinazioni obbligatorie o altre precauzioni da prendere, ma anche dell’intensità dell’esperienza.

I tour si tengono infatti di solito all’alba e al tramonto , si deve stare a lungo in silenzio e si viaggia su jeep non sempre comode, ci si può quindi stancare notevolmente. Per questo vi consigliamo di dedicare ai safari non più di 2 o al massimo 3 giorni dell’intera vacanza.

Un altro consiglio è valutare eventuali proposte con jeep privata o condivisa con altre famiglie con bambini. Per contrastare un po’ di inevitabile noia durante gli appostamenti (non si vede subito tutto!), non dimenticate binocolo e fotocamera , saranno compagni di viaggio preziosi durante le attese, a cui aggiungere magari un piccolo leggero libro a tema .

Altri mai-senza da mettere in valigia sono cappellino, occhiali da sole e crema solare, spray anti-zanzare, vestiti dai coloro tenui, giacca a vento e maglione (sì, durante i safari può fare parecchio fresco e spesso vengono date delle coperte per le gambe). Noi vi consigliamo anche, per i bimbi ma pure per voi, pantaloni con tante tasche, vi aiuteranno ad avere sempre a portata di mano tutti i vostri accessori senza aprire e chiudere in continuazione lo zaino!

Copyright: FamilyGO. Foto di Depositphotos; Pixabay; iStock; Visit Kemi; South Africa Tourist Board

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Family Hotel

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Offerte in vetrina

bambini al safari

Estate nelle Dolomiti con offerta BIMBI GRATIS fino a 7 anni e attività nella natura!

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Teenie Weeks: super programma di attività all’avventura e poi relax con area Spa di 3.000 m².

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Vacanza in Maremma LAST MINUTE SETTEMBRE in bungalow vicinissimi al mare con servizio spiaggia incluso!

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A Settembre al mare in Abruzzo con le Settimane del Sorriso

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bambini al safari


Scopri le più belle località dove andare con i bambini la prossima estate!

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Le più belle spiagge e località di mare dove andare con i bambini. Idee e reportage.

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Scopri i campus dell'estate 2024 per bambini e ragazzi e scegli quello più adatto tra camp d'inglese, sport o tematici.

bambini al safari


Idee per il tempo libero delle famiglie: gite fuoriporta, eventi, viaggi brevi.

Vuoi ricevere idee e offerte per viaggiare con i tuoi bambini?

Family Go

  • Area riservata

Cerchi ispirazioni per le tue vacanze con i bambini?

  • Vacanze al mare
  • Vacanze in montagna
  • Vacanze a tema fiabe
  • Viaggi nelle Capitali Europee

Cerchi una struttura per le vacanze con i bambini?

  • Family hotel in montagna
  • Family hotel al mare
  • Agriturismi per bambini
  • Residence per vacanze con i bambini

Accetto il trattamento dei dati personali secondo la privacy policy* .

BambiniConLaValigia - Viaggi per Famiglie

Safari in Tanzania per famiglie

Fabio Viaggi Avventura , Viaggi di Gruppo Africa , avventura con bambini , avventura per famiglie , lodge tanzania per famiglie , safari , Tanzania , tour Africa , viaggi avventura 49

Dal Kilimangiaro al Serengeti con bambini e ragazzi

Un viaggio che vi porterà nel cuore dell’Africa, in Tanzania . Un tour itinerante creato a misura famiglia con safari in fuoristrada per scoprire i parchi di Manyara, Serengeti e Tarangire . Vi aspettano paesaggi indimenticabili con savana e foreste, antichi baobab, laghi, nonché la possibilità di vedere dal vivo tantissimi animali liberi nel loro ambiente naturale come i babbuini della Tanzania, le giraffe, i leoni, i leopardi, i rinoceronti, le iene, le zebre, gli gnu, gli elefanti, i coccodrilli e gli ippopotami, le antilopi, nonché i bellissimi fenicotteri. Visiterete i villaggi ed entrerete in contatto con le tribù locali come quelle dei Maasai , degli Hadzabe e dei Datoga . Emozioni uniche che vivrete a misura famiglia in un tour con safari in Tanzania con bambini e ragazzi che hanno già provato altre famiglie bambiniconlavaligia.

offerte viaggi gruppo vacanze bambini

Programma del Safari in Tanzania per famiglie proposto

Giorno 1 – Aeroporto del Kilimanjaro – Karatu 3 ore di trasferimento – Al nostro arrivo all’aereoporto del Kilimanjaro ci sarà la nostra guida in lingua italiano ad attenderci per il trasferimento fino a Karatu passando ai piedi del monte Meru. Potremo fermarci nei mercatini e nei villaggi locali lungo la strada prima di raggiungere il nostro magnifico lodge: il Marera View Lodge dove potremo rilassarci nel magnifico grande giardino e nella piscina, godendo della spettacolare vista sulla Valle di Marera e sulla Foresta del Ngorongoro .  Colazione, pranzo e cena al lodge.

lodge safari africa tanzania

Giorno 2 – Marera View Lodge, Lake Manyara National Park – Dopo colazione partenza per il Parco del Lago Manyara per avvistamento della fauna selvatica con pranzo pic-nic. Il Parco del Lago Manyara è uno dei parchi con la più alta biodiversità della Tanzania, in un parco di soli 330 kmq troviamo cinque differenti ecosistemi. Il parco è famoso per i gli schivi leoni arboricoli e la numerosissima colonia di babbuini che popola la foresta. Prima di rientrare al lodge visiteremo il villaggio di Mto wa Mbu dove vivono i masai . Pranzo picnic, colazione e cena al lodge.

safari in africa Ngorongoro

Giorno 3 – Central Serengeti – Oggi ci aspetta il tragitto Karatu – Ngorongoro – Serengeti con 3 ore di trasferimento. Dopo colazione lasceremo il villaggio di Karatu e subito entreremo nella Ngorongoro Conservation Area . Proseguiremo attraversando gli altipiani del Ngorongoro fino all’ingresso del parco Serengeti dove inizieremo il vero e proprio fotosafari. Il Parco del Serengeti è il parco più bello di tutta l’Africa, una pianura sconfinata che potremo ammirare dal punto panoramico a Naabi gate . La Grande Migrazione si muove nel parco alla ricerca di pascoli freschi attraversando i fiumi infestati dai coccodrilli. È il miglior parco in assoluto per avvistare felini e predatori in generale. Pernottamento al campo tendato una straordinaria struttura dotate di tutti i comfort ma in una location unica. Pranzo picnic, colazione e cena al lodge. Notte al campo tendato.

campo tendato Tanzania Serengeti

Giorno 4 – Central Serengeti –  Intera giornata di fotosafari nel parco del Serengeti . La regione del Serengeti Centrale è chiamata Seronera , nome che gli viene attribuito dall’omonimo fiume che la attraversa. La zona offre una visione straordinaria della Grande Migrazione , quando migliaia di gnu e zebre  attraversano le sue pianure. Questa zona costituisce l’habitat ideale per una grande varietà di animali residenziali tra cui erbivori e carnivori che si possono avvistare lungo tutto l’arco dell’anno. Pranzo picnic, colazione e cena al campo tendato. Notte al campo tendato.

leone durante safari in africa

Giorno 5 – Serengeti – Ngorongoro con fotosafari sulla strada – Dopo colazione partenza per il Ngorongoro Conservation Area per avvistamento della fauna selvatica nel famoso cratere con pranzo pic-nic. Nel cratere del Ngorongoro vivono oltre 30.000 animali e una grande quantità di uccelli, che si sono stabiliti nella zona grazie alla presenza dei laghi. Oggi potremo fotografare insieme diverse specie come zebre, gnu, facoceri e antilopi, non mancheranno i predatori come iene e leoni . Colazione e cena al lodge, pranzo pic nic. Pernottamento al Marera View Lodge.

zebre nel Ngorongoro

Giorno 6 – Karatu – lago Eyasi – Colazione la mattina presto e transfer al Lago Eyasi per incontrare gli Hadzabe e seguire i boscimani nella battuta di caccia,  poi visiteremo il popolo Datoga , specializzati nella lavorazione del ferro. Se possibile scenderemo anche al lago Eyasi e visiteremo le coltivazioni locali sempre accompagnati da una guida locale. Colazione e cena al lodge, pranzo pic nic. Pernottamento al Marera View Lodge.

popolazioni locali tanzania

Giorno 7 – Karatu – Tarangire – Dopo colazione partenza per il Parco del Tarangire per avvistamento della fauna selvatica con pranzo pic-nic. Il Parco del Tarangire prende il nome dal fiume Tarangire che lo divide in due metà e rappresenta l’unica sorgente d’acqua per gli animali durante la stagione secca. Il parco è famoso per i suoi branchi di elefanti e gli enormi alberi baobab, c’è molto da vedere ed esplorare. Pernottamento al Marera View Lodge.

Giorno 8 – Partenze – Colazione e trasferimento all’aeroporto del Kilimanjaro.

Il programma sovra esposto è indicativo, il nostro tour operator ti comunicherà la proposta finale in base alle tue necessità. Scrivi a [email protected] per una quotazione.

Costo indicativo del tour safari in Tanzania

  • Prezzo indicativo quota per persona da 2.550 a 2.780 USD (adulto)

Prezzo indicativo ad adulto da confermare su base preventivo, in base al periodo di partenza, durata, estensioni ed extra. Chiedi un preventivo per la tua famiglia, scrivi a [email protected]

Il nostro tour operator verificherà la possibilità di combinare il viaggio in aggregazione ad altre famiglie in modo che bambini e ragazzi possano viaggiare assieme, vivendo una straordinaria avventura in Africa.

  • trasferimenti menzionati nel programma
  • ingressi ai parchi “single entry” validità 24 ore
  • attività indicate nel programma
  • guida professionale in lingua italiana
  • jeep 4×4 ad uso esclusivo Land Rover o Toyota Land Cruiser attrezzata per safari
  • pensione completa salvo dove diversamente indicato nel programma
  • borraccia safari in omaggio
  • acqua minerale sulla jeep
  • assicurazione medica AMREF Flying Doctors (500 Km radius)
  • Guida in lingua italiana e acqua minerale durante i fotosafari
  • presenza di un membro team bambiniconlavaligia con gruppo minimo 15 partecipanti
  • il volo aereo internazionale (Italia-Tanzania e ritorno – vedi sotto)*
  • assicurazione viaggio
  • il visto d’ingresso (VISA)
  • “Zanzibar Infrastructure Tax” da pagare direttamente al hotel a Zanzibar.
  • le bevande presso hotel/lodge e campi tendati
  • il servizio lavanderia
  • i supplementi del periodo Natale/Capodanno e Pasqua
  • mance e spese di carattere personale
  • tutto quanto non espressamente incluso nel prezzo.

Assicurazione viaggio da quotare

A livello di programmazione è da considerare che a causa dei voli si parte dall’Italia un giorno prima e si rientra un giorno dopo.

* Volo internazionale da quotare

leopardi safari africa tanzania

Come prenotare il safari in Africa

Questo tour è stato creato da Fabio Sonce e Giulia Marchesan di bambiniconlavaligia per le famiglie (grandi e piccole) che viaggiano con bambini e ragazzi in collaborazione con il tour operator. Per prenotare scrivi a [email protected]

Le prenotazioni, l’organizzazione, la direzione tecnica e i pagamenti sono gestiti dal Tour Operator Savannah Explorers Ltd – Arusha, Tanzania – Engosheraton, Arusha 16726, Tanzania – P.O. Box 16726 – Tel. +255 784520453- [email protected] – Whatsapp:  tel. +255 784520453 (anche in italiano).

safari in africa

Un safari di famiglia nel rispetto delle civiltà locali

Savannah Explorers è il nostro tour operator per questo viaggio. È una joint-venture Italia-Tanzania di due grandi amici Roberto (Italia) e Greyson (Tanzania), un Tour Operator specializzato in safari nell’arcipelago di Zanzibar. Alcuni dettagli dell’organizzazione:

  • Destinazioni: Karatu, Manyara, Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Lago Eyasi e Tarangire.
  • Guida professionale parlante lingua italiana.
  • Safari privato con uso esclusivo della jeep. 
  • Jeep 4×4 Land Rover o Toyota Land Cruiser.
  • 100% su misura

Tutti gli alloggi proposti nel programma sono di ottimo livello, scelti con cura e periodicamente visitati dai nostri responsabili per offrirvi il migliore servizio. Il viaggio è concepito in modo responsabile e sostenibile contribuendo allo sviluppo della Tanzania e della sua popolazione:

  • Impiegati, collaboratori e fornitori di servizi sono per la stragrande maggioranza tanzaniani.
  • C’è un programma di formazione lavoro per gli aspiranti meccanici, impiegati e guide presso la sede di Arusha.
  • Sono stati costruiti alloggi per parte dello staff e delle loro famiglie nelle vicinanze dell’ufficio.
  • Si utilizzano alloggi che impiegano personale tanzaniano e utilizzano prevalentemente prodotti locali.
  • Il t.o. si impegna a limitare il più possibile l’uso della plastica.

bambini al safari

Fabio Sonce

→ Fabio Sonce

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Buonasera Alessandra, inoltriamo la tua richiesta al nostro t.o. per la preventivazione. Cordialmente Fabio

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Sarei interessata al viaggio. Il mio bimbo a giugno 2022 avrà quai 7 anni. Saremmo in tre 2 adulti e un bimbo. Grazie!

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Salve vorrei un preventivo x 2 adulti e 2 bambine di 8 e 10 anni x il viaggio in Tanzania

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Salve vorrei un preventivo x il tour in Tanzania 4 persone due adulti e ste bambine 3 e 5 anni Grazie

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Salve potrei avere un preventivo per il viaggio in sud Africa, x 5 persone ( 3 bambini di 4, 10 e 12 anni) Grazie Alessandra

Buongiorno Alessandra, il viaggio è in Tanzania, desidera ugualmente il preventivo?

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Buongiorno sarei interessata al safari in Tanzania. Potrei avere un preventivo per 1 adulto e 2 bambini di 6 e 11 anni? Grazie mille

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Buongiorno, sarei interessata al viaggio in Tanziana e vorrei un preventivo per una famigia di 5 persone formata da 2 adulti con 3 bambine di 6, 8 e 11 anni.

Si certo!! Grazie mille

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Sarei interessata al safari in Tanzania e vorrei un preventivo per 2 adulti e 2 bambini di 9 e 6 anni. Grazie

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Vorrei preventivo 2 adulti e 2 bimbi sotto i 12 anni ……. Compreso i voli Info su profilassi antimalarica per bimbi

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Buongiorno, sarei interessata ad un preventivo completo per il safari in Tanzania, due adulti e due bimbi di sette e nove anni. Grazie e buon lavoro

Inoltriamo la richiesta al nostro t.o.

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Salve, sarei interessata ad un preventivo completo al safari con anche volo e assicurazione. Siamo due adulti e due bambini di 8 e 11 anni. Grazie

Inoltro subito al nostro t.o.

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Ciao! Posso avere un preventivo per il viaggio in Tanzania per due adulti e tre bambini di 12, 10 e 4 anni con anche i voli? Se volessimo poi prolungare con una settimana a Zanzibar si può fare tramite il vostro tour operator? Grazie! PS pensate che il tour sia adatto per un bambino di 4 anni? Grazie

Ciao Marta, 4 anni sono in effetti pochi, noi suggeriamo dai 6, però avete abche 2 figli grandi, se pensi che possa reggere i trasferimenti in fuoristrada forse non è un problema, ne possiamo parlare con il nostro t.o. al quale giro la tua richiesta.

Grazie mille!

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Buongiorno vorrei un preventivo per il safari per 1 adulto e 1 bambina di 4 anni. Grazie mille

Inoltriamo al nostro t.o.

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Buonasera, sarei interessata al viaggio in Tanzania, vi chiedo un preventivo compreso di voli per una famiglia 2 adulti e 2 bambini di 8 e 3 anni… e chiedo anche se il viaggio non è proprio adatto ad un bimbo di 3 anni (4 a fine giugno)…

Giriamo la domanda al nostro t.o.

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Vorrei sapere se le date possono variare. Purtroppo dal 16 al 20 ho già pagato un’altro viaggio

Al momento abbiamo solo questa partenza ma inoltriamo la richiesta al nostro t.o. ugualmente

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Buongiorno vorrei un preventivo compreso di volo per due adulti e due bambine di 6 e 11 anni

Inoltriamo la vostra richiesta al nostro t.o.

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Buongiorno, sarei interessata. È possibile avere un preventivo compreso volo per una famiglia composta da 2 adulti e 2 bimbi (9 e 6 anni)

Buongiorno Sara, certo, ti facciamo contattare dal nostro t.o.

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Buongiorno sarei interessata ad avere un preventivo per un adulto +2 bambini dell’età di 6 anni e di 10. Noi partiremo da Reggio Calabria e vi chiederei anche la possibilità di sapere come muovermi con i voli

Buongiorno Simona, ti facciamo inviare il preventivo direttamente dal nostro t.o.

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Buongiorno, sarei interessato al viaggio in Tanzania, siamo 2 adulti e un bambino di 9 anni. Grazie

Buongiorno Daniela, ti facciamo contattare quanto prima dal nostro t.o.

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Buongiorno, vorrei sapere se sia possibile prolungare il viaggio di 4/ 5 giorni a Zanzibar.

Non dovrebbero esserci problemi.

' src=

Buongiorno, siamo due adulti , un ragazzo di 12 anni e un bambini di tre e mezzo, il viaggio è adatto al bambino? siamo interessati alla partenza del 16 giugno 22 grazie !

Ciao Valeria, noi e il nostro t.o. suggeriamo dai 6 anni.

' src=

Ciao! Io e la mia famiglia saremmo interessati, potete contattarmi per favore? Grazie Rosanna carpentieri

Certo, lascio il contatto al nostro t.o.

' src=

Buona sera vorrei un preventivo per un viaggio di 1 adulto e 3 bambini , 7 e 9 anni..compreso di volo .grazie

Buonasera Alice, inoltriamo la richiesta al nostro t.o. in Tanzania

' src=

Salve, vorrei un preventivo per agosto 2022 per una famiglia di 4 persone, con 2 adulti + 2 bambini di 13 e 10 anni. Possibile avere anche preventivo del volo ? Grazie, Francesco

Certo, giriamo la richiesta al nostro tour operator locale.

' src=

Buongiorno, siamo una famiglia di 5 composta da 2 adulti e 3 figli di 13, 12 e 7 anni. Siamo interessati al safari in agosto 2023, e poi a una settimana a Zanzibar. E’ possibile avere una quotazione del safari e separatamente anche del resto? Grazie

Certo, inoltriamo la vostra richiesta al nostro tour operator locale.

' src=

Buonasera, viaggio con mio figlio di 13 anni. Posso essere contattato? Grazie

Certo Paolo, per favore scrivi a [email protected] così ti mettiamo in contatto con il nostro tour operator locale

' src=

Vorrei un preventivo per un safari in Tanzania per 4 persone 2 adulti e 2 ragazzi di 14 e 17 anni. Che comprenda anche il costo del volo da Roma

Scrivici per favore a [email protected]

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Safari in Africa con i bambini

Impronte a Nord Ovest - Contattaci

Stai pensando di andare in safari con i bambini, ma non sai cosa aspettarti? È comune credere che i viaggi in famiglia e i safari non vadano bene insieme, ma la verità è tutt'altra.

Questo articolo risponderà ad alcune delle tue domande e ti dimostrerà che puoi vivere un'esperienza safari africana indimenticabile, anche con bambini piccoli.

Ecco quindi alcune informazioni pratiche che potresti voler sapere quando pianifichi un safari in Africa con bambini piccoli.

Safari con i bambini

1. Quali Paesi africani sono i migliori per i safari con i bambini?

In linea generale, il Sudafrica e la Namibia sono i Paesi migliori per le famiglie che viaggiano in Africa. Ci sono diverse ragioni:

  • entrambi i paesi hanno una buona visione della fauna selvatica che è facilmente accessibile. Puoi visitare il Kruger National Park o l'Etosha National Park con la tua auto a noleggio. Questo non è comune nella maggior parte degli altri Paesi africani, dove è necessario affidarsi ad una guida / autista per visitare i parchi nazionali. Il safari in auto a noleggio è sempre più economico e ti consente di portare i bambini di qualsiasi età.
  • La Namibia e il Sudafrica hanno entrambi un rischio di malaria molto limitato in determinati periodi. Quindi puoi portare i tuoi bambini in safari senza dover ricorrere a profilassi.
  • Entrambi i Paesi sono relativamente sicuri per un viaggio in famiglia. Diciamo "relativamente" perché, come in ogni altra parte del mondo, devi usare il buon senso.

Safari con i bambini

2. Quanti anni devono avere i miei figli per fare un safari in Africa?

Mentre la maggior parte dei viaggi di safari organizzati e game drive hanno varie restrizioni di età, non esiste un limite di età per i safari self-drive.

Esistono comunque delle soluzioni di safari con guida che accettano anche bambini di età inferiore ai 6 anni. Altri ancora permettono ai bambini di fare un giro in safari, ma con la condizione di non fare fermate in prossimità del grandi felini (leoni, leopardi, ghepardi). Infine, alcuni lodge permettono l'accesso dei bambini ai safari ma solo se organizzati in modo privato, ovvero non condivisi con altri ospiti della struttura.

Safari con i bambini

3. Di quanti giorni ho bisogno per un safari con i bambini?

Questo dipende dalla destinazione di tua scelta. In Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana e molti altri paesi africani, lo scopo dell'intero viaggio è l'osservazione degli animali. Quindi sarai a bordo di un veicolo da safari tutti i giorni. Probabilmente questo tipo di viaggi è troppo lungo per la maggior parte dei bambini piccoli.

Ecco perché - ancora una volta - il Sudafrica e la Namibia sono scelte eccellenti per portare i tuoi bambini in safari. Entrambi i paesi hanno molto di più da offrire oltre all'osservazione degli animali, quindi puoi combinare safari in auto con molte altre attività.

Safari con i bambini

4. È pericoloso portare i bambini in safari?

Come ogni altra cosa, se fatto con buon senso il safari è perfettamente sicuro per i bambini.

Per i self-drive, ricorda di rimanere sempre nel tuo veicolo. Se non vedi animali, non vuol dire che non ci siano. Non fare troppo rumore in macchina quando gli animali sono nelle vicinanze, e ovviamente non mettere le mani fuori dal finestrino, nemmeno per fare una foto.

Per i game drive guidati con i bambini, devi ricordare che sei in un veicolo aperto. I bambini, come gli adulti, non devono fare rumore e non devono mettere la testa o le braccia fuori dal veicolo. Segui scrupolosamente le istruzioni della tua guida.

Safari con i bambini

5. C'è bisogno di vaccinazioni speciali quando si è in safari con i bambini?

In alcuni paesi africani sono necessari dei vaccini, sia per i bambini che per gli adulti. Assicurati di controllare le informazioni mediche per il paese che stai visitando prima del viaggio o scrivici per maggiori informazioni. Alcuni paesi richiedono la vaccinazione contro la febbre gialla, il Sudafrica e la Namibia no (al momento della pubblicazione di questo articolo, agosto 2019).

Safari con i bambini

6. Cosa mettere in valigia per i bambini in safari?

Non hai davvero bisogno di mettere in valigia qualcosa di speciale per i bambini durante il safari. Un consiglio è quello di portare dei binocoli: consentono ai bambini di mantenersi interessati e impegnati durante i safari. Tieni conto che l'andare in safari richiede molte ore di guida e molta pazienza ed il binocolo è meglio di qualsiasi giocattolo. Non sprecare i tuoi soldi con binocolo giocattolo, ci sono molti binocoli di buona qualità a prezzi accessibili che i bambini possono usare.

Se i tuoi figli sanno già leggere, potrebbe essere interessante portare un libro o una guida della fauna selvatica africana, in modo che possano cercare nel libro che tipo di animale hanno visto. Ma attenzione, le strade durante i safari sono sconnesse e leggere potrebbe essere difficile!

Porta sempre un maglione caldo, spray anti-zanzare, crema solare, cappello da sole e occhiali da sole. Lascia tutti i giocattoli a casa, a meno che tu non stia facendo un safari in auto, in quel caso metti in valigia tutto ciò che normalmente porteresti per mantenere i bambini impegnati e felici in macchina. Gli audio-libri possono fare miracoli!

Safari con i bambini

7. Devo comprare vestiti color cachi per il safari con i bambini?

È sempre consigliabile portare con se un abbigliamento che richiama i colori della terra, ma questo non vuol dire comprarsi un nuovo guardaroba! Basterà portare i capi meno luminosi e lasciare a casa quelli con i colori vivaci.

Se vuoi acquistare qualcosa, allora opta per una camicia safari marrone chiaro con maniche lunghe. Si può indossare in modo vario, anche sopra altre magliette, protegge dalle zanzare e anche dal sole.

Porta sempre qualcosa di caldo, un maglione e una giacca, e opta per i colori della terra. Non vedrai nessuno indossare abiti sgargianti durante i safari.

Safari con i bambini

8. Cosa succede se mio figlio deve andare in bagno durante un safari?

In alcune aree questo potrebbe essere un problema. Se sai che stai andando in una zona in cui è vietato uscire dall'auto, assicurati che tutta la famiglia vada in bagno prima di partire. E pianifica alcune fermate negli altri campi lungo la strada. Ad esempio, nell'Etosha NP ci sono alcune aree pic-nic recintate con servizi igienici, e sono indicate sulla mappa del parco che si prende all'ingresso.

Non è consigliabile fermarsi in aree non attrezzate perché, come già detto, se non vedi animali non vuol dire che non ci siano.

Safari con i bambini

9. Tema cibo: si possono fare degli spuntini durante il safari?

La maggior parte dei viaggi di safari organizzati prevede una sosta di ristoro. Di solito, la guida fermerà il veicolo in un'area sicura, apparecchierà la tavola all'esterno e godrai di un pasto indimenticabile nella savana africana. La maggior parte dei safari guidati includerà anche acqua e altre bevande, ma dovresti sempre portare un po' d'acqua con te, e sicuramente degli spuntini per i bambini. Non c'è niente di peggio di un bambino affamato, stanco e annoiato, non è vero? Gli snack preferiti possono salvare la giornata durante i lunghi safari con i bambini.

Safari con i bambini

10. Esistono altri modo per vedere gli animali africani con i bambini, piuttosto che sedersi su un veicolo che guida per ore su strade sconnesse?

Si, ci sono. Ma occorrerà selezionare bene le strutture del tuo viaggio. Uno dei modi migliori per vedere gli animali africani è visitando pozze d'acqua o fiumi. Alcuni lodge, hotel o campi hanno delle belle pozze d'acqua con molti animali che le visitano durante l'intera giornata. Alcuni altri hanno le pozza d'acqua, ma non sono frequentate da animali. Molti altri ancora non ne hanno affatto. Detto questo, la natura è sempre imprevedibile e nulla può mai essere predetto!

Safari con i bambini

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The Passport Kids

Adventure Family Travel

African Safari with Kids: Things I Wish I Knew Before

In: Africa , Blog , South Africa by Nicole Last Updated: January 25, 2021

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An Africa safari with kids was on our bucket list to experience as a family, and it was honestly one of the best things we could have done in South Africa. We explored Kruger National Park with the kids, saw the Big 5 animals, spent days on safaris and had an experience that was beyond expected in Africa. There is something truly amazing about this country and I left my heart in Africa on our 1 year trip around the world .

Safari with Kids - What you need to know before you go on African Safari with kids! All the questions and answers about taking a safari with children from choosing a safari, lodging, cost, safety, minimum age restrictions, difference in safaris, and best time to go to Kruger National Park in South Africa, and more. All the things I wish I knew before planning an African safari to make it the best family experience with your children. #safariwithkids #safari #southafrica #familysafari #big5

Taking the kids on a safari had always been on the shortlist of experiences we wanted to do as a family. But when we first set out on planning the safari I had so many questions and concerns I didn’t know where to start or things to consider when arranging an African safari. So many misconceptions or things I felt really clueless about. We knew of a few people that had been on a safari but none with kids.

So I have decided to pull together all the questions that I had to help others take their kids on a safari. Basically… all the questions I had nobody to ask. So here they are:

What you need to know before you go on an African Safari:

Can children go on safari.

Yes, they most certainly can go on a safari! Kids love to see and watch animals in their natural habitat, so why wouldn’t they be able to go on a safari?! I know, I had the same question and I’m not sure where the preconceived notion came from but YES kids can go on a safari. Our kids were 5 and 8 when we went.

Kids Animal Safari

What is the minimum age for safari?

It all depends on the camps that you are lodging at. My best advice is to read the details or contact the lodge for clarification on age restrictions. Some can accommodate babies, toddlers, kids, and some consider 12 year olds to be adult age.

Some camps will have restrictions on open-air vehicles or bush walks with kids and some are adults only camps. Each of the camps has their own restrictions so depending on the safari experience you want, be sure the lodge can provide it for your family needs.

We found, in gen eral, more kid-friendly options for camps for kids age 6 and above. But, we found a camp that could accommodate our daughter who was 5 and son 8 in an open-air traditional land rover vehicle. They also had a junior ranger program and very kids focused camp. They may have been the only kids at the camp the few days we were there, but the lodging was very welcoming of kids!

Where is the best African safari?

We debated on a few different areas in Africa but decided on Kruger National Park in South Africa for a few reasons.

  • Price of Flights: We got a fantastic price to get to Cape Town on flights as compared to some of the other areas in Africa.
  • Time of Year:  We wanted to go in October, so the climate was a good fit for safari timing in Kruger National Park .
  • Immunizations: Due to the shortage of Yellow Fever immunization we ruled out a few countries (ex. Kenya).
  • This was our first African country and overall we felt most comfortable with going to South Africa.

We looked into other safaris in Kenya, Tanzania, Namibia, Botswana and other areas in South Africa. Honestly, I think any safari experience will be amazing so try not to get overwhelmed, because I know I was. Look through the remainder of the questions below and it should narrow down your search criteria.

Next on our list would be Botswana or Namibia, just to try somewhere new.

Children Africa Safari

How to decide on Safari lodging?

We booked our safari lodging only 5 weeks before we arrive. We also ended up coming during a school break, so we stayed longer in Cape Town and honestly started to look for any lodging that was available and would meet the minimum age restrictions. Look further down to what we would do differently… this is one of them!

Now that I know a bit more, choose your lodging based on the animals you want to see. So if you are wanting to see lots of elephants you should stay at a lodge that has plenty full in that area, etc. But, if all else fails this method worked and got us to a safari. Next time, we will book earlier and book based on animal experience.

Child Friendly Kruger National Park

Is it safe to take children on a safari?

In my opinion, yes it is safe to take children on a safari. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have taken my kids! There is some danger for anyone on a safari, regardless of age. Safety with animals, driving or other factors. We listened and asked lots of questions from our hired guide and rangers from the camps for the common sense safety tips when on a safari. With our youngest being 5 at the time, the ranger did advise us at the beginning of every game drive just to ensure the kids were sitting at all times, but that may have been from more of the driving versus the animal danger. At no point did I feel unsafe or in danger on our safaris or in our camps.   

Kids Safari

Did you need to take malaria pills?

Yes, we chose to take malaria pills for our family. Mosquitos are in Kruger National Park and carry the disease, so there is a risk. Malaria Monday’s was medication day for our family, one week prior to entry into the region and four weeks following. It was the first time the kids had to take actual pills (no chewable ) but well worth the opportunity to see these animals.  

What is the difference between the safaris?

Basically, there are 3 different types of safaris that you can take.

Lodge Safari

The first and most likely vision you have in your mind is the open vehicle safari. These are typically arranged and included in with the lodges that you book . So you will most likely go out in the early mornings and late afternoon for open-air safari. A ranger and animal tracker will accompany you on the game drives around the lodges private (or shared) land. If it is private land, the vehicle can go off-roading and not be contained to the roads. This can sometimes allow you to get closer to the animals.

Africa Family Safari

Hired Driver/Guide Safari

Another kind of safari is where you can hire a local to drive you (either an open-air vehicle or closed vehicle) and drive you around the Kruger National Park. These are typically all day events but can be shorter if you arrange with the hired driver. A hired driver is a local who knows the areas of the parks, can gauge the type of animals you are interested in seeing, educate you about the park etiquette and allow you to look for animals versus driving.

Self-Drive Safari

As the name precludes, this is where you drive yourself around Kruger National Park. So just as the locals do with their families, you can pay an entrance fee into the park and have a day pass to explore the park on your own. There are some rules and guidelines that need to be followed but this gives you the freedom to explore on your own.

We did all three of these types of safaris, and each has their uniqueness to the experience so just consider what you are looking for in your safari. I do suggest though in this order first a hired driver (to learn a bit about the area), then self-drive (feel like a local)  and lastly lodge safari (up close with the animals).

Self Drive Safari

How long should you go on a safari?

We spent 1 week in the Kruger National Park area. 4 nights in one lodge and then 2 nights in another lodge. My suggestion would be to split it up between lodges, maybe 3 days of safari, especially if you are on a private lodge. After 2 nights in the private lodge, we were ready to move onto another and see a different area. With the private lodge, you are usually restricted to their routine – breakfast, lunch and supper served, game drives and activities all on a pre-scheduled time so freshness from another lodge after a couple of days is recommended. The one lodge we spent 4 nights at was more of a camp where we had to arrange our days, so we spent days not only on safaris but visiting a few things in the area too. Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre , Reptile Centre , etc.

Family Safari

What is the best time of year to visit Kruger National Park?

The best time to go to Kruger is at the beginning or end of the region’s dry season, which falls between April and September. This also coincides with the peak season in Kruger National Park , but look for the shoulder seasons for some deals. We ended up going in mid-October, the weather was comfortable for touring around. Some cooler mornings in the open-air vehicles with some rain, but also sunny warmer days too.

Think about looking for animals with your timing, this was a reasonably easy time of the year to see animals because there was minimal greenery and foliage for the animals to camouflage into.

What is the best African Safari tours?

We looked into a full 10-day tour of Kruger National Park with an African safari tour and decided against a pre-arranged tour. These are the ones where your entire 10 days are booked with food, what to do, transportation, etc. These tours were extremely expensive for us and we prefer to book things on our own.

We decided to book our own accommodations and review the places we wanted to stay at. With the private lodge, like our stay at Kambaku Safari Lodge , all the game drives, bush walks and food was included with their pricing. The other lodge had breakfast and dinner included in the price, and I contacted the owner directly for her recommendations on a local hire for safari. There is also the option of booking these tours individually here which is another great option if the lodging doesn’t offer it independently. 

So it all depends on the experience you want. For us, we felt the extra cost of the heavily organized tour was not the experience we were looking for. We wanted the safari experience, and we were able to accomplish that without a tour operator. 

Here are some other options for tours that you can book directly with the company for day trips:

Can you hire/rent a car for a safari?

Yes, you can hire/rent a car and drive in Kruger National Park. In hindsight, we rented a car and probably should have splurged for the SUV or truck to be able to see higher up, but it was just fine. No issues with clearance or driving a rented vehicle in the park for a safari. These can be rented from the airport, but be sure to book in advance since the airports are smaller and vehicles are limited.

Warning – you might be driving on the other side of the road… left side road driving here so it might be a bit of a change for people from North America. Ensure you have an international drivers license too!

If you are only going on a private safari you will not need to rent a car, the pickup and drop off from the airport is usually included in the lodging prices or can be arranged with the lodge itself for a fee.

What are the Big 5 on a safari?

One of the goals of going on a safari is to see the Big 5! This also helps keeps the kids eyes busy looking for animals. The BIG FIVE was derived from the 5 most difficult animals in Africa to hunt by foot.

  • Rinosuarous
  • African Elephant
  • Cape Buffalo

Safari with Kids - What you need to know before you go on African Safari with kids! All the questions and answers about taking a safari with children from choosing a safari, lodging, cost, safety, minimum age restrictions, difference in safaris, and best time to go to Kruger National Park in South Africa, and more. All the things I wish I knew before planning an African safari to make it the best family experience with your children. #safariwithkids #safari #southafrica #familysafari #big5

What are animals you will see on African Safari?

Although the BIG 5 animals are truly remarkable animals, there are plenty of other animals that should be on your list to see on a safari. Our other favourites were:

  • Hippopotamus

Safari with Kids - What you need to know before you go on African Safari with kids! All the questions and answers about taking a safari with children from choosing a safari, lodging, cost, safety, minimum age restrictions, difference in safaris, and best time to go to Kruger National Park in South Africa, and more. All the things I wish I knew before planning an African safari to make it the best family experience with your children. #safariwithkids #safari #southafrica #familysafari #big5

How much is a safari trip to Africa?

There is a large range in cost for safaris from cheap budget camps to luxury camps. It all depends on what you want, we split it between both budget and luxury. Over our entire year of full-time travel this was the most expensive week, but totally worth every dollar spent! I would spend it all over again for the experience. We also spent 12 nights in Cape Town at the front of our trip so the cost of the flight could be distributed over 20 days total in South Africa. I broke down our approx cost below:

  • Flight ( Abu Dhabi – Cape Town One way) – $3,300 for 2 adults & 2 kids
  • Flight (Cape Town – Hoedspruit Return) – $2,500 for 2 adults & 2 kids
  • Kambuka Lodge – $2,900 for 2 nights
  • Nadabushi Lodge – $1,100 for 4 nights
  • Hired Safari Guide – $500 per day
  • Car Rental – $200 for 4 days 
  • Food & Extras – $500
  • Total – $11,000 CDN for 1 week

Prices will vary with peak season, lodging and where you are flying from. But, for us this cost was drastically lower than booking from a tour operator.

South Africa with Kids

Would we go back to Kruger National Park or another safari?

Yes, a thousand times over! We have stated that if any of our family or friends are going we would gladly go again. We think it was the best option for us to have our first safari, but Botswana and Namibia are now on our next list to check out.

What would we do differently?

We would book earlier. Not that we didn’t enjoy the lodges that we went to, they were fantastic, but we didn’t realize how many options there are and would like to select now based on the viewing of the animals. We would like to stay IN Kruger National Park at one of the lodges there for a different experience. These generally get booked up well in advance, so after visiting a few of them on our self-drive and hired drive we would like to stay inside the park next time.

Do you have any other questions? If so, post them below in the comments and I will help in any way that I can.

Happy safari planning!

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Safari with Kids - What you need to know before you go on African Safari with kids! All the questions and answers about taking a safari with children from choosing a safari, lodging, cost, safety, minimum age restrictions, difference in safaris, and best time to go to Kruger National Park in South Africa, and more. All the things I wish I knew before planning an African safari to make it the best family experience with your children. #safariwithkids #safari #southafrica #familysafari #big5

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bambini al safari

Ana Katrina Lopez says

April 20, 2019 at 5:58 am

Thank you for these tips! I actually am planning to go on a family safari trip with my cousins and some of them are young children. I’ve been worried about having them tag along. But I feel a little more relieved after reading your post. It doesn’t seem as stressful as I thought it would be to have children join in the safari. I hope my family enjoys the trip as much as yours did!

The Passport Kids says

April 24, 2019 at 10:59 am

I am glad the tips helped relieve some worrying. It will be amazing!!! To be honest sometimes having the viewpoint of the kids along will open your eyes too. We had one fellow guest that was at our safari lodge that requested to go with our family because of our kids. She wanted to experience the safari with how kids see it and all the different questions and things they see differently. It surprised both us and the guide because most adults don’t want kids around to “ruin” their experience, but in the end, she felt it gave her a better experience and thanked us for allowing her to join our family on the safari. Enjoy every moment of the safari and the more you are relaxed then the more the children will relax and marvel at the experience. So excited for you – have an amazing time!

Mindy Jollie says

July 10, 2019 at 2:34 pm

I like that you incorporated all three types of safari into the experience with your kids. I imagine the interactive component is the most important part to any kid. If I did go on a safari with my family, I would want to be able to see and interact as much as possible.

July 15, 2019 at 10:59 am

Totally, the interactive part of the safari is an important part of experience. All are so different but so great for a family. Learning and observing about these animals is such a great experience for the entire family.

jim corbett says

July 18, 2019 at 6:25 am

Safari with the kids is amazing because they get chance to close with nature and wildlife. And these are the amazing tips to do it with kids. Thanks for this great post, I really appreciate your work.

July 18, 2019 at 9:48 pm

Thanks so much Jim. Safaris are truly amazing for kids to experience! Nature and wildlife is the perfect combo with kids.

Ernest Elisha says

March 30, 2021 at 3:12 pm

What a great post, Thanks for sharing!

March 30, 2021 at 4:47 pm

So glad you thought is was helpful and so wish we could start planning for our next family safari!

Gerald Eseru says

April 4, 2023 at 6:49 am

thanks a lot this article is so helpful

May 10, 2023 at 12:50 pm

So happy you found it useful

Aa tours Rwanda says

April 2, 2024 at 9:30 am

very nice article thanks a lot

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The Best Destinations for a Family-Friendly African Safari

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TripSavvy / Jess Macdonald

Going on a family safari will be one of the most rewarding and exciting vacations you'll ever take. However, traveling on a shoestring is more difficult when you have kids in tow and as such, your African adventure is unlikely to be cheap. Because of this, it's something you may only do once - so choosing the best destination and itinerary possible is important. In this article, we take a look at Africa's most family-friendly countries along with itineraries and lodges that cater specifically to children.

Choosing Your Destination

The first step to planning any safari is deciding where you want to go. If you're traveling with children, there are several things you need to consider. Safety is always the top priority for parents, so a politically stable country with access to decent medical care in case of an emergency is a good idea. The fewer vaccinations required the better, while malaria-free destinations win top marks for obvious reasons.

Cost is another factor when you have more people to pay for, so choose a country with reasonable accommodation and tour prices. Destinations that lend themselves well to self-drive safaris are another great choice for families on a budget and give you the benefit of being flexible with your travel plans. For all of these reasons, we recommend Southern African nations like South Africa, Namibia and Botswana over the iconic safari destinations of East Africa .

South Africa for Families

With its first world infrastructure and world-class national parks, South Africa is the obvious choice for a family safari. There are game-viewing destinations for every budget, ranging from exclusive private reserves like Shamwari and Ulusaba to national parks like Kruger and Addo . The latter are a great option for families on a budget, as they allow self-driving and offer affordable accommodation in the form of campsites and self-catering chalets.

Self-driving is an excellent option for families, giving you the flexibility to stop whenever you like, cut game drives short if your kids get tired and deal with tantrums without worrying about other guests. South Africa is made for independent exploration, with good roads and car rental services in every big city. Many South African game parks are malaria-free and you don't have to worry about other tropical diseases like yellow fever or Zika virus.

Finally, there's more to South Africa than its incredible game reserves. If a full two weeks of wildlife-viewing sounds like a stretch for your kids, there are countless other activities for children . Consider township tours in Joburg, breathtaking Cape Town beaches, whale-watching off Hermanus or ostrich-riding and caving trips near Oudtshoorn.

Recommended itineraries: Best of South Africa for Families , Cape & Kruger Family Holiday , The Ultimate South Africa for Families

Recommended lodges: The Motse, Tswalu Kalahari, Ant's Nest, Waterberg

Namibia for Families

Namibia offers many of the same benefits as South Africa. With the Namibian dollar pegged to the South African rand, you can expect to pay similarly low prices for accommodation, park fees, fuel and day-to-day living. Though they're often gravel instead of tarmac, the roads are exceptionally well-maintained and many travelers claim that they feel safer in Namibia than anywhere else on the continent. Much of the country is malaria-free (except for the magnificent Caprivi Strip ).

Namibia's most famous national park, Etosha, is one of the best wildlife-viewing destinations in Southern Africa with almost guaranteed rhino sightings. In between game drives, there are plenty of other attractions to keep kids interested, from dune surfing in the Namib Desert to visiting traditional Himba villages in Damaraland and exploring Sossusvlei's otherworldly landscapes. Bear in mind that Namibia is a huge country and kids will need to be able to cope with long journeys.

Recommended itineraries: Namibia Family Camping Safari , Northern Namibia for Families , Namibia Self-Drive Family Safari

Recommended lodges: Sossusvlei Desert Lodge , Mushara Bush Camp

Botswana for Families

Botswana is another excellent option for a family safari. It offers the perfect balance of safety and adventure, with good infrastructure, a stable government and some of the most rewarding game parks on the continent. It's probably best for families with a bigger budget, however, because it's more geared for fly-in safaris than self-drive itineraries, especially if you want to visit the Okavango Delta (and trust us, you do). You'll also need to fork out for malaria prophylactics , the most child-friendly of which are expensive.

The need to take malaria medication is one reason why Botswana is suited to slightly older kids. Older kids will also be able to enjoy walking safaris and traditional canoe or mokoro trips which are two of the country's best experiences. Game parks like Chobe , Moremi, Kgalagadi and Savuti are arguably better for wildlife-viewing than those of Namibia or South Africa, but bear in mind that there are fewer alternative activities for kids that are easily bored. Unlike in the other two countries, you can't divide your time between the bush and the beach.

Recommended itineraries: Classic Botswana Family Safari , Northern Botswana Family Explorer Safari , Botswana Family Safari Adventure

Recommended lodges: Footsteps Camp , &Beyond Sandibe Okavango Delta Lodge

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Namibia, Botswana, Zambezi

Top Safari Adventures for Young Explorers


Your Guide to Africa

Melissa Siebert

Going on safari with your kids, or even with your parents and your children, promises to be one of the most memorable journeys of your lives. What’s more wonderful than a child’s excitement at first spotting an elephant, or sharing African tales around a fire with the next generation? Bonding in and through nature can last a lifetime.

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For every family safari booking, we donate USD20 to our Children in the Wilderness non-profit partner, enriching the lives of children in the rural areas where we operate, through leadership and conservation training. Creating an army of young eco-warriors.

We have endless adventures in store for you and your cubs. Wild creatures feature of course – on game drives, walks, in our libraries and research centres. Much to marvel at zoologically. Botanically, ecologically, and culturally, too. The bush is the best classroom, and our guides are incomparably trained to teach not just the facts, but the appreciation. The love. Our staff can also share special moments with your children making pizzas and other culinary delights; drawing and painting; learning their way around Olympus camera equipment; identifying constellations in awesomely starry skies; finding the beat on a djembe drum; and so much more. Age restrictions apply in some cases, but ultimately there’s something for everyone.

Here’s a taste of what awaits you, in some of our camps in Namibia, Botswana, and the Zambezi region (Zimbabwe and Zambia). We’ll keep you safe and happily occupied. Entertained. Enthralled. Engaged. Together with your children, and sometimes apart, to give you a break and them some extra youth-orientated attention on an African safari for families.

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Namibia Family Safaris

Namibia will wow your children, and you as well. With its landscapes of rust-coloured desert, plains, canyons, mountains, edged to the west by a wild coast where the desert meets the sea, it’s otherworldly.

At Little Kulala , race up and down 300-metre high dunes at Sossusvlei, like ‘Big Daddy’. Our exclusive-use access point gets you there faster, keeping everyone more content (fewer ‘are we there yets?’). On game drives or walks, spot desert-adapted wildlife such as ostriches, springbok, gemsbok, brown hyaenas, black-backed jackals, bat-eared foxes, perhaps an aardwolf, or the endemic dune lark. Age permitting, explore the sands by e-bike or eco-sensitive quad bike. At dusk hear geckos bark; set out for a fairy circle dinner in the desert, prefaced by a ‘critter night walk’. Later, follow a guide and UV light on a scorpion safari. Stargaze in one of the darkest places on Earth, counting the constellations by laser.

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Damaraland Camp offers guided nature walks for the young ones (and their elders), taking in fascinating desert-adapted life such as strange plant species and elephants almost camouflaged by the dust.  A visit to Tywfelfontein introduces your children to astounding San rock art and engravings dating back 6 000 years. In camp at Damaraland, fireside boma evenings of song, dance, and local stories will captivate all of you.

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More desert-adapted wildlife is seen at remote, stunning Hoanib Skeleton Coast , where you can treat your team to a private dinner at the in-camp research centre as a scientist regales you with ‘lion tales’ – stories of the desert-adapted predators they’re studying, along with elephant and hyaena. An uber-highlight for the family: take a rollicking guided 4X4 drive over the floodplain and dunes to the Skeleton Coast, a wild stretch of the Atlantic where the cold Benguela current collides with the warmer sand, sending miles of mist upwards. Where white beaches are dotted with whale bones and shipwreck remains. Picnic on the sands to the cry of seabirds and Cape fur seals. Discover the remnants of Strandloper – Beachcomber – lifestyle from centuries past. Fly back to camp for an aerial view of what seems uninhabitable, but is full of life. Walk with a guide to witness that life, including the smaller creatures, an impressive variety of birds, and unusual flora.

bambini al safari

Serra Cafema , our camp in Namibia’s far north, lies in one of the most untouched places on Earth – along a river incongruously rushing through an ochre desert. Explore the local geological wonders, like the phenomenal rocky outcrops of ancient metamorphosised granite at Bogenfels. A wonderland of natural crevices, caves, and bizarre rock formations that your young ones can investigate with a guide while you ease into your sundowners. Meet with a community of Himba, Namibia’s last semi-nomads still living traditionally, and local custodians of the land. Hear their stories, and share yours. When water levels permit, boat on the Kunene, with Angola’s craggy mountains in the distance and plenty of aquatic life all around.

bambini al safari

Explore the dunes on foot and in game vehicles, perhaps spotting oryx, springbok, Hartmann’s mountain zebras, or tiny desert chameleons. Along specially allocated, low-impact pathways, quad bike across the untamed, lunar landscape. Disconnect and connect at the same time.

Botswana Family Safaris

Botswana spoils for choice, whatever age you are. Most of our camps in the Okavango Delta and the Linyanti Wildlife Reserve offer both land- and water-based game viewing, so the family-friendly adventures just keep coming. Private game-drive vehicles are booked for families with children younger than 12 years of age. At our Delta camps, children upwards of six years old can learn the art of poling in a  mokoro ( traditional dugout) along safe, shallow channels. Watch their faces light up as they glide across the deep-blue water, spying reed frogs, colourful water birds and huge waterlilies.

bambini al safari

Enjoy boating and catch-and-release fishing at our water-based camps in Botswana 

Our camp in Botswana’s Central Kalahari, Kalahari Plains , offers a complete contrast – and unforgettable encounters with desert-adapted wildlife, like the iconic black-maned lion, and with a local San community. Africa’s ‘first people’ strive to preserve their culture, one of great indigenous wisdom, invaluable to the planet. A cultural walk with a San family will stay in your family’s hearts forever.

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For foodies of all ages – at Seba Camp , aside from a classic Delta safari, you’ll get to make pizza in an unused termite mound.  DumaTau in the Linyanti, sited between two wildlife corridors and boasting one of the largest elephant meta-herds in Africa, delights with evenings on the floating firepit, serenaded by hippos and other creatures, brunch or supper on a barge, and bush breakfasts where children can play sous-chef. Our flagship camp in the Delta, Mombo , promises not only some of the best game viewing in Africa and lessons in impactful tourism (rhino conservation, leaving a light footprint, etc.), but also stages harvest table meals in the bush, where your family can feast to your hearts’ content. At lovely Vumbura Plains , you can loll about on cushions, picnicking on a Delta island perhaps, while your children enjoy supervised play.

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Zambezi: Zimbabwe & Zambia Family Safaris

The legendary Zambezi River – slow-moving, vast, and a significant piece of African history – is a destination on its own. It separates Zambia to the north and Zimbabwe to the south, flowing like a giant silvery ribbon through gorgeous, game-rich wildernesses. Victoria Falls, a must-see natural wonder and the world’s largest water curtain, sits midway along the river’s course from north-west Zambia to the Indian Ocean. Thrills await the entire family: getting pleasurably drenched by the Falls’ mile-high spray and immersing yourselves in the endless plains of some of Africa’s most pristine reserves, bristling with wildlife.

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Reading animal tracks with our expert guides excites just about any child, teen – or adult. Our camps in Hwange, Zimbabwe’s largest national park – Linkwasha , Little Makalolo , and Davison’s – offer exceptional tracking experiences. Stop at a pan or waterhole; shoes off; start deciphering the latest creature ‘news’, the stories in the sand. Hwange’s Ngamo Plains, dotted with vleis and ilala palms, serves up a never-ending wildlife parade. On a guided walk or game drive, find uncountable dust-kicking buffalos; some of the 40 000 local elephants; herd after antelope herd, with predators like lions, cheetahs, or African painted dogs in their wake; the more elusive pangolins, lesser bushbabies, and honey badgers; more than 400 bird species, including raptors, which fill the skies once the rains start. At night, a simple white sheet and flashlight or lantern attract dozens of weird bugs; identifying them is a hit with the young ones. As is roasting marshmallows over an open fire, to deep lion roars and hippo grunts. Or a sleepover in a Star Bed, up in a tree.

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Zimbabwe’s Mana Pools – a World Heritage Site that is home to our camps Chikwenya , Ruckomechi , and Little Ruckomechi – mesmerises with its albida forests bathed in golden light, where elephants stand on tiptoe foraging for seed pods. While the hours away catch-and-release fishing in the shallows of the Zambezi, trying to catch little bream, imbiri, and chessa. Your littlest ones will love to ‘dobba-dobba ’, catching the tiniest fish and letting them go, to grow.

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Many call Zambia ‘the real Africa’, and rate its safari experiences above all others. Our camps Shumba and Busanga Bush Camp , sited in Kafue National Park’s renowned Busanga Plains, do not disappoint. For five months each year, before the rains return, watch a wildlife extravaganza play out on the infinite floodplains. Witness hundreds of red lechwe, puku, and other plains game, often fleeing predators. Like the famous ‘flying lions’ leaping across the channels after prey – the area’s show-stealers. Boating, game drives, catch-and-release fishing, and an engrossing introduction to birding are just some of the unforgettable activities that can be tailored to younger guests.

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Finally, a shout-out to our Bush Buddies – throughout your journey they’re there to help with the younger set, both children and teens. Highly trained in child care and education, our team ensures the best safari experience. Customised activities, co-ordinated by staff between camps to avoid duplication, include:

  • Guided walks in camp, pointing out the miraculous minutiae often missed on game drives;
  • Tracking lessons and competitions, and making plaster casts of tracks to take home;
  • Bird and animal-call identification;
  • Collection and identification of leaves, insects, dung, etc.;
  • Scrapbooking;
  • Treasure hunts;
  • Soccer and volleyball games with staff;
  • Popular board games;
  • Assisting a camp chef;
  • An assortment of arts and crafts (painting, sculpture, drawing, jewellery-making, basket-weaving, writing and telling stories, etc.);
  • Dancing and drumming lessons;
  • Stargazing and astronomy lessons.

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Let’s do it together - book your luxury family safari at a Wilderness camp today!

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When we say we’re there every step of the way, we mean it, literally. From planning the perfect circuit, to private inter-camp transfers on Wilderness Air, and easing you through Customs. We’re with you on the ground, at your side, 24-7, from start to finish. Ready to take the road less travelled? Contact our Travel Designers to plan an unforgettable journey.

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Pilanesberg National Park

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Aquila junior ranger kids safari

11 of the Best Places in Africa for a Memorable Family Safari (for families with kids)

Let's face it, theme parks are great but can't compete with a family safari in Africa. Wouldn't you love to give your kids a chance to form lasting memories watching actual wildlife on exciting adventures in the African bush? Imagine their wide-eyed wonder as a giraffe stretches its neck across the jeep, or the squeals of delight when a playful troop of monkeys swings through the trees.

An African safari isn't just for adults anymore! Sure, the thought of long journeys and limited Wi-Fi might have you picturing tantrums instead of zebras. But fear not, intrepid parents! Your children will gain a newfound respect for nature, a curiosity about the world, and maybe even a lifelong love of wildlife documentaries (goodbye to endless cartoons!). We bring you 11 of the best places in Africa to embark on a family safari designed to keep your little adventurers engaged and enthralled!

1. Victoria Falls Family Safari – Zimbabwe or Zambia

Victoria Falls family safari

Victoria Falls is one of Africa's most iconic destinations and one of the world's largest and most awe-inspiring waterfalls. The area offers plenty of activities that cater to all ages, making this a perfect family safari destination. The Victoria Falls waterfall can be visited from either Zimbabwe or Zambia .

Victoria Falls Tour Tour Length — 4 days

Children of all ages are welcome on this excellent 4-day Victoria Falls Tours, staying either in Zimbabwe or Zambia – the choice is yours. Our Victoria Falls guide explains the difference .

This family-friendly Victoria Falls Tour includes three nights of hotel accommodation and activities - a Zambezi River sunset cruise, a cultural village tour, a 15-minute helicopter flight over Victoria Falls, and a Chobe National Park safari. It also includes a half-day canoe trip on the Upper Zambezi, but the minimum age for canoeing is 10 years old.

  • Zimbabwe Victoria Falls Safari Package
  • Zambia Victoria Falls Safari Package

2. Cape Town Family Safari – South Africa

Sanbona family safari near Cape Town

If you are visiting Cape Town, South Africa, there is a great selection of family safari packages to choose from. These are family-friendly and malaria-free wildlife safari options located a short drive from the city. They make a perfect addition to a family holiday in Cape Town and offer a range of activities to keep your little people occupied.

Cape Town Safari to Sanbona Wildlife Reserve

Tour length:.

  • 2-Day Sanbona Safari
  • 3-Day Sanbona Safari
  • 4-Day Sanbona Safari

Encounter an array of wild animals, birds, and small creatures in the 58,000-hectare Sanbona Wildlife Reserve, which hosts Africa's Big 5 (leopards, rhinos, elephants, buffalos, and lions).

Sanbona is an ideal South African destination for a family safari. It offers a "Kids on Safari" package where your kids receive an explorer kit and undertake a range of fun activities, from treasure hunts, day and evening mini bush walks, fascinating rock art tours, insect catching and nighttime "frogging" expeditions. The family-friendly lodge also has interactive activity books, educational DVDs, and a selection of puzzles, board games, and books to keep curious minds occupied. Child minding services are also available (at additional cost).

Big 5 Cape Town Safari to Aquila Game Reserve Tour Length:

  • 1-Day Aquila Safari Daytrip
  • 2-Day Aquila Safari
  • 3-Day Aquila Safari
  • 4-Day Aquila Safari

Junior rangers - Aquila family safari

Aquila Private Game Reserve is a 10,000-hectare conservancy close to Cape Town. It is home to the Big 5 – elephant, lion, buffalo, rhino, and leopard - as well as a host of other birds and animals and dramatic Karoo landscapes.

Aquila, another top destination for a family safari in South Africa, welcomes explorers of all ages. There is an exciting Junior Ranger Programme, perfect for youngsters aged 4 to 12. This educational program lets them learn about amazing animals, track animal footprints, and discover the secrets of the Karoo wilderness.

Many reserves have an age restriction for children on game drives, but in Aquila, children can enjoy the game drives with their parents. The family-friendly lodge also has a dedicated Kids Adventure Zone for indoor and outdoor fun. Here, your little ones can enjoy the mini golf course, challenge you to a game of giant chess, build sandcastles, swing on the jungle gym, or unwind with electronic games. Come nightfall, the family can gather around the fire for a marshmallow braai (barbecue) and do stargazing under the star-studded Karoo sky. Child minding services are also available (at additional cost).

Check out other family-friendly  Cape Town safari options to malaria-free Big 5 game reserves near the city.

3. Garden Route Family Safari – South Africa

Garden Route family safari

The Garden Route is one of the most scenic stretches of land in southern Africa, with beautiful beaches and bays, lakes and mountains and indigenous forests. See our Garden Route travel guide for all the highlights .

These Garden Route tours depart from Cape Town in South Africa.

Accommodated Garden Route Tour, South Africa Tour Length:

  • 3-Day Garden Route Safari
  • 4-Day Garden Route Safari

This family safari takes you through the beautiful Robertson Valley with its mountain scenery and vineyards. Then to Oudtshoorn to learn about ostriches and the astonishing Cango Caves. You take a hair-raising drive up the mountains of the Swartberg Pass and through breathtaking scenery and more beautiful mountain passes en route to the popular coastal town of Knysna, and then a safari in the private Botlierskop Game Reserve en route back to Cape Town.

The 4-Day Garden Route Tour spends 2 nights in Knysna with visits to the indigenous forests of Tsitsikamma National Park and breathtaking Natures Valley, with an option of visiting Monkeyland Primate Sanctuary and Tenikwa Wildlife & Rehabilitation Centre. Children of all ages are welcome on this family safari with accompanying parents or guardians. The Garden Route tours involve quite a bit of time on the road, so children need to be up for this.

4. Addo Elephant Park Safari & Gqeberha – Eastern Cape, South Africa

Addo family safari, South Africa

Port Elizabeth (renamed Gqeberha) lies on the coast, with golden beaches lapped by the warm Indian Ocean. As you travel inland, the landscape transforms into a diverse wonderland of the rugged mountains of the Zuurberg range rising majestically above pockets of thick bushveld and sprawling grasslands that host the Addo Elephant National Park and other game reserves close by.

Addo Elephant Park Safari in South Africa

Tour length — 1 day.

Full-Day Addo Elephant Park Safari - South Africa

Experience Africa's iconic marine and land animals on this full-day family safari - a rare and unique wildlife adventure for children aged 5 & over.

This family-friendly tour begins with a boat trip in Algoa Bay (weather dependent) in the marine section of Addo Elephant National Park where you can spot whales, sharks, large dolphin pods, seals and the massive penguin colony of St Croix Island. In whale watching season (June to November ) southern right whales and humpback whales are often spotted here! This marine adventure is followed by a guided game drive in the inland section of Addo Elephant Park. The game drive takes you in search of the Big 5 – elephant, lion, buffalo, rhino, and leopard - and an abundance of other African wildlife and birds. Home to almost 700 elephants, Addo is one of the best places in Africa to see elephants in the wild.

Tour Length — 5 days

  • Addo Park & Kariega Big 5 Safari

Kariega family safari

Starting and ending in Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth), this affordable and malaria-free Big 5 safari explores Addo Elephant Park and Kariega Private Game Reserve in the Eastern Cape.

Spend the first two nights in Addo Elephant National Park, one of the most popular malaria-free Big 5 safari parks in South Africa In between game drives in the tour vehicle, relax at the rest camp that has a swimming pool, shop and restaurant, as well as a floodlit waterhole where wildlife can be viewed, even after dark. There is also an underground wildlife hide at the waterhole and a bird hide. There is an option of night drives in the SANParks open-sided game viewing vehicles but with a minimum age restriction of 7 years.

The next two nights are spent at Kariega Game Reserve, near Kenton-on-Sea about one and a half hours' drive away. Close encounters with lions, elephants, buffalos and rhinos are relatively common here. Kariega Game Reserve's Main Lodge caters to families with a dedicated "Kids on Safari" program offering a range of exciting adventures for the little ones. The energetic and knowledgeable staff lead children on guided trails within the lodge grounds, teaching them about the plants, insects, and animal tracks they encounter. They'll even get to make cool souvenirs by creating animal track moulds and "Bushman paintings." The playroom is stocked with toys, books, and even wildlife DVDs to keep all ages entertained. Older children (16+ years) may join the guided bush walk alongside experienced rangers. Child minding services are also available (at additional cost).

See more Addo Safari options for a malaria-free family safari in South Africa.

5. Pilanesberg Safari & Johannesburg – South Africa

Bakubung Pilanesberg safari walk

Less than a three-hour drive from Johannesburg, Pilanesberg is one of the best family safari destinations in South Africa, and it's home to the Big 5 animals.

Pilanesberg Safari in South Africa 

Tour length: 1 day.

  • Pilanesberg Safari Day Tour in South Africa

The Pilanesberg National Park is South Africa's fourth-largest game park, covering approximately 55,000 hectares (135,908 acres). It is one of the best Big 5 game reserves near Johannesburg and one of the country's most easily accessible safari parks. This malaria-free game reserve features unique geology because it is in an extinct volcano. Spend a day on a safari game drive, or stay over at Bakubung Bush Lodge, where children of all ages are welcome.

Pilanesberg Safari in South Africa – Bakubung Lodge Tour length:

  • 2-Day Pilanesberg Safari  
  • 4-Day Pilanesberg Safari

Bakubung Bush Lodge overlooks a large waterhole where you can sit back and watch the resident pod of hippos wallowing, while other animals come down to the water's edge to drink. The lodge offers daily game drives as well as a bush braai (barbeque) on a Wednesday and Saturday evening. They have both tennis and volleyball courts, as well as a children’s playground and board games. The Junior Ranger program is a week-long programme teaching children about the wild, with different activities each day. At the end of the week, children are awarded a certificate at a graduation ceremony. Each day of the programme can also be taken on its own. Child minding services are also available (at additional cost).

  • Pilanesberg Safari to Kwa Maritane Bush Lodge

​Tour Length — 4 days

This Pilanesberg safari includes easy pick-up and drop-off options from any Johannesburg hotel and spends 3 nights at Kwa Maritane Bush Lodge. The lodge boasts a dedicated playground with a trampoline while budding naturalists can embark on guided bush walks or learn about animal tracking alongside experienced rangers. There is an underground hide for a unique perspective on animals visiting the lodge's waterhole, two swimming pools, one perfect for tiny tots, mini-golf, tennis courts for friendly family matches, and a selection of board games for cosy evenings. And for those aged 6-12, the exciting Junior Ranger program is a week-long programme teaching children about the wild, with different activities each day. At the end of the week, children are awarded a certificate at a graduation ceremony. Each day of the programme can also be taken on its own. Child minding services are also available (at additional cost).

6. Kruger National Park – Family Safari South Africa

Kruger family safari

The Kruger National Park is South Africa's largest, most popular game reserve. It has a wide variety of habitats and many rest camps with conveniences to suit every family. Read more in our comprehensive Kruger National Park safari guide . 

Most Kruger National Park tours depart from Johannesburg.

  • Kruger Park Lodge Safari to Timbavati

Tour Length — 3 days

This Kruger National Park safari spends two nights at a safari lodge inside the renowned Timbavati Private Game Reserve, sharing unfenced boundaries with Kruger Park. Timbavati is world famous for its legendary pale lions (the white lions of Timbavati) and today hosts a healthy pride of these unique lions, considered to be the ancestors of all white lions worldwide. The tour includes Timbavati game drives and a morning game drive in Kruger National Park proper. In the heat of the day, retreat to the lodge, where the kids can enjoy the swimming pool, relax in a shady spot or play board games and pool on the upper deck overlooking a bustling watering hole watching animals coming to drink. After high tea at the lodge, head back into the game-rich bush in search of more of the wildlife! Children aged 2 & over are welcome.

  • Kruger Safari in South Africa -Thornybush Nature Reserve

Tour Length — 3 days 

Children of all ages are welcome on this budget-friendly Kruger National Park Lodge safari. Spend two nights at a safari lodge located in a private nature reserve bordering Thornybush Nature Reserve, 400 hectares of prime bushveld in the Greater Kruger Park area.

Enjoy game drives in the reserve and then relax at camp and enjoy views from the lodge's viewing decks as animals come to drink at the nearby watering hole. There is a swimming pool for cooling off, a lush garden perfect for exploring, and evenings spent by the campfire in the outdoor boma area, enjoying refreshments under the African sky. Spend a day inside the Kruger National Park in search of its many animals.

7. Namibia Family Safari

Etosha family safari

Namibia is a country of vast open spaces and the oldest desert in the world. It is home to an incredible array of wildlife specially adapted to live in these desert environments. Fascinating Etosha National Park is one of the largest national parks in Africa. Read more in our comprehensive Namibia travel guide.

  • 3-Day Etosha Namibia Safari - Budget Camping Tour

This camping adventure starts in Swakopmund, finishes in Windhoek, and is suitable for children aged 5 & over. It is a full participation Namibia camping safari which means that guests are responsible for putting up and taking down their own tents and cleaning their own dishes.

Etosha National Park is over 22,000 km² (8,494 mi²) in size, located in northern Namibia. At its heart is Etosha Pan, a massive salt pan, fringed by sparse bush that hosts an incredible array of wildlife. You can look forward to two nights camping at Okaukuejo Rest Camp which has a swimming pool, shop & restaurant, and a floodlit waterhole that allows for watching wildlife inside the camp, day and night. Spend a full day on a game drive safari in Etosha Park, viewing all sorts of animals like lions, elephants, rhinos, giraffes, and more. Then head back to camp to spend unforgettable evenings around the campfire under the most breathtaking star-studded skies.

8. Kenya Family Safari 

Kenya family safari

Kenya promises a safari adventure for your whole family with some of the most famous 'Out of Africa' safari destinations and fascinating culture, with opportunities to visit traditional Maasai villages and learn about their way of life. The Masai Mara is world-famous for its incredible concentration of animals, from the Big 5 (lion, elephant, leopard, rhino, and Cape buffalo) to zebras, giraffes, and wildebeest. Seeing these animals in their natural habitat will be a magical experience for children of all ages. See our comprehensive Kenya travel guide .

  • Masai Mara Kenya Safari (Luxury Camping)

Tour Length — 4 days   This exciting 4-day camping safari adventure, starting and ending in Nairobi, is available to children of all ages, travelling with accompanying parents or guardians. The adventure takes you to Kenya's legendary Masai Mara Reserve via the scenic Great Rift Valley . You spend three nights at a tented camp set on the banks of the Oloirigynyisho River where zebras, wildebeest, elephants and other wildlife regularly come to drink. The camp boasts a swimming pool to cool down in between game drives. Epic Masai Mara balloon trips can be arranged at extra cost (and must be booked in advance), as well as cultural tours for your children to experience local Masai culture.

  • Kenya Wildlife Small Group Camping Safari

Tour Length — 12 days

Children of all ages are welcomed on this small group tour travelling in a small private group of 6 people at most, starting and ending in Nairobi. This is the ultimate Kenya Wildlife Safari exploring a diversity of world-class game parks, including the famous Masai Mara, Samburu National Park, Lake Nakuru, Amboseli, and Tsavo West.

Travel through incredible African scenery, from the Great Rift Valley to open savannah plains and views of Africa's tallest mountain, Mt. Kilimanjaro. Apart from Masai Mara, highlights include viewing hippos swimming beneath the surface of the water from the underwater viewing chamber at Tsavo West National Park. Stay in an authentic tented safari camp inside Amboseli Park near the Tanzania border that has fantastic views of Mount Kilimanjaro in the distance. Visit Sweetwater's Game Ranch near Mount Kenya that is a chimpanzee rehabilitation sanctuary. The Samburu area is also home to interesting people with a rich indigenous heritage. At Lake Nakuru, get the chance to see one of the largest concentrations of white and black rhinos in the country, together with vast flocks of flamingos and other birds.

9. Tanzania Family Safari 

Tanzania safari lion family

Tanzania offers a range of family-friendly adventures. It boasts some of the most definitive African Safari destinations, particularly the wildlife-rich 'northern safari circuit' which includes the famous Serengeti plains and the fascinating Ngorongoro Crater. Along the balmy Indian Ocean coastline lies exotic Zanzibar Island, a perfect tropical beach destination. Read more about this fascinating country in our Tanzania travel guide .

  • Private Tanzania Safari - Lodge & Camping Tour

Tour Length — 7 days

The tour begins and ends in Arusha, the gateway to Tanzania's Northern Safari Circuit. This is a small group tour, travelling with 6 people at most and staying at a combination of private tented camps and well-selected safari lodges. The itinerary may have some long travelling days, so we would not recommend this trip for children under the age of 6 years.

This family adventure of a lifetime explores the famous northern safari circuit of Tanzania, game viewing in four of the country's best safari parks in just one week! Spend the first two nights in Tarangire National Park, one of East Africa's best places to see elephants up close. The third night is spent in tented rooms at a comfortable safari lodge set on the ledge of the Great Rift Valley  with stunning panoramic views of Lake Manyara and the Great Rift Valley floor below. Lake Manyara is a shallow alkaline Great Rift Valley lake attracting huge seasonal flocks of flamingos and various other waterfowl. Then to Serengeti National Park  - the highlight of our Private Tanzania Safari! The Serengeti aptly derives its name from “Siringitu”, the Maasai word for endless plains that truly appear to stretch onto infinity, providing prime hunting territory for Africa's big cats, especially cheetahs. Spend two nights at a private camp in the Serengeti where you get to explore top areas for wildlife, visit the best viewpoints to get fantastic photos, and enjoy the scenic landscapes teeming with animals with your knowledgeable guide. Last, but not least, your adventure takes you to Ngorongoro Crater , known as the Eden of Africa. Spend the last night at a coffee plantation nearby and drive to the rim of the crater to be met by the spectacular sight of the huge caldera below. Take a last game drive through the crater, home to a dense population of Africa's Big 5 (lions, elephants, buffalos, rhinos, and leopards) and many other animals and birds.

10. Zanzibar Family Holiday

Zanzibar family holiday

  • Zanzibar Beach Resort Package

Tour Length — 4 days

Enjoy a family beach holiday after your safari adventure or for a perfect escape from regular life or the cold weather! This short Zanzibar Beach Resort Package is one of the most affordable Zanzibar vacation packages to this true tropical paradise. Read our comprehensive guide to Zanzibar Island .

Zanzibar has a treasure trove of experiences for the family! The resort offers beautiful beaches, a range of water sports & land-based activities, and delicious meals at various restaurants. Children will enjoy excursions like exploring the Jozani Forest with its playful red colobus monkeys or visiting the Zanzibar Butterfly Centre. Historic Changu Island is home to giant Aldabra tortoises, while a snorkelling trip offers a peek into Zanzibar's vibrant underwater world teeming with colourful fish. Kids may also enjoy a spice farm tour, sail on a traditional wooden dhow, or a fascinating reef walk at low tide, discovering hidden marine life exposed by the retreating ocean. And when it's time to cool down, the resort's massive swimming pool, just steps from the beach, awaits!

11. Okavango Delta – Botswana Family Safari

Okavango Delta, Botswana family safari

The Okavango Delta in Botswana is one of the world's most unique safari destinations. It is a river delta with no route to the sea, so it empties into the vast Kalahari desert. The year-round water supply makes it a magnet for wildlife, large and small and is a true bucket list safari destination.  Read more about the Okavango Delta in our comprehensive guide .

Botswana Safari: Okavango Delta Mokoro Safari

The tour begins and ends in Maun, Botswana, travelling into the idyllic Okavango Delta by road and returning in a light aircraft. The first two nights are spent at Xaoo Safari Camp, a family-friendly safari camp nestled on a forested island overlooking the Okavango Delta flood plains. Each day you explore more of this fascinating area, embarking on a morning and afternoon activity of your choosing - a mokoro ride in traditional-style mokoro canoes, a walking safari, a 4x4 game drive, or a cultural village tour.

Then fly by helicopter over Moremi Game Reserve to the northern floodplains of the Khwai River where an impressive variety of wildlife gathers. The next two nights are spent at Camp Khwai, a well-positioned tented camp overlooking the Khwai River floodplain. Elephants, antelopes, and predators all concentrate in and around the Khwai River Area, making it a great place for wildlife spotting. Note: The family unit tent sleeping 5 carries no age restrictions - but a private vehicle must be booked for activities. The return transfer to Maun is in a small plane  – this offers sweeping aerial views over the fascinating Okavango Delta.

Plan your Family Safari

With so many incredible destinations to choose from, Africa awaits your family! The best safari for you will depend on your children's ages, interests, your budget, and the wildlife you'd most like to see. Think about the activities offered beyond game drives, like kid-friendly camps with amenities and experiences that will keep them engaged. This list gives just a taste of the many fantastic adventures that are available.  Chat to one of our friendly consultants at African Budget Safaris who will help you pick the African family holiday that would suit you best. By choosing locations and activities that cater to everyone, you're sure to create lasting memories that will ignite a lifelong love of nature and wildlife in your entire family.

Sue Maude Author

Sue Maude

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Would you like to know about the best family-friendly Safaris in Africa ? I spoke with Raphael Curiger – Africa Guru – in order to provide a list of top 10 safaris for you.

Raphael is the founder of AMADI – a conscious travel company that creates conservation-led journeys across Africa. He shared with me the list of his favourite safari lodges which are perfect for families. 

Building on years of his experience and thousands of kilometers driven across Africa, you will get to find out the more genuine and less touristy side of Africa.

bambini al safari


There isn’t a more exciting place to travel as a family than in some parts of Africa. Rather than a usual holiday – going on a safari is an adventure . It is also an educational experience that bonds us together.

Above all, it is an incredible opportunity for children to learn and forge a deep connection to nature at a young age . Make memories for a lifetime and see what nature has to offer.


All in all, there is a couple of things you need to think about before deciding on a safari with children. These are as follows:

  • Kids from 8 onwards generally benefit more from safaris than younger children.
  • Avoid malaria high-risk areas. Instead, focus on no or low-risk areas . For example parts of South Africa, Namibia, and Kenya.
  • Most camps welcome children, but some have age restrictions . Similarly, certain activities (for example walking safaris) are also subject to age restrictions.
  • Some camps are specifically geared towards children and have kids’ ranger programs. Something to look out for.

bambini al safari


1 . arijiju.

WHERE : Kenya

Arijiju is unlike any safari lodge. It is more of a sanctuary, a private home on the exclusive Borana conservancy.

It’s the perfect place for everyone to just relax. Kids can choose from a list of activities and babysitter help is available. For example, kids can choose between playing tennis and squash or playing in the pool. Moreover, they can also join game drives and learn about rhino conservation. Last but not least there is also an option of a movie night.

This is probably our favourite on the list.

bambini al safari

2. Morokuru Family Madikwe

WHERE : South Africa

As the name suggests, everything revolves around families at Morukuru. They only operate in malaria-free areas.

They have 3 safari lodges in the Madikwe Game Reserve. Choose from game drives, spoor trekking, to pizza cooking classes.

bambini al safari

3 . Kalepo Camp

This is an exclusive-use tented camp that is extremely family-friendly. It is also run by a young family.

Above all, this place is about the landscapes and the Samburu culture (a tribe in northern Kenya).

Without a doubt, kids will love the Samburu warrior games and hikes. Finally, a visit to Africa’s only community-run elephant sanctuary (Reteti) is a must.

bambini al safari

4 . Camp Kalahari

WHERE: Botswana

What makes Camp Kalahari special is that it is the only one of three camps in a 1 million acre nature reserve. The lunar landscape is unique – you’re at the edge of the world’s largest salt pans. That also brings a unique flora and fauna.

Imagine doing walks with bushmen. They will point you to what they eat and which plants they use as medicine.In case that is not your cup of tea you can do quad biking over the pans (in dry season). Without a doubt, children will love spending time with habituated meerkats. Please note that they are not tame and mustn’t be touched.

bambini al safari

5. Phinda Homestead (&Beyond)

WHERE: South Africa

Where the bush meets the ocean. This game reserve is a conservation success story encompassing over 73’000 acres. Due to the proximity to the Indian Ocean it is more humid and lush than other safari destinations in Southern Africa.

You can explore the Big 5 on land or venture to the beach to sea turtles at night. Please note that this is a seasonal activity which runs from November to February. Given that the Homestead is an exclusive-use private villa you can expect all comforts and privacy as a family.

bambini al safari

6 . Cottar’s 1920 Camp

WHERE: Kenya,

In short, Cottar’s 1920 Camp is a family-run camp that embraces community conservation like no other. For this reason, it offers a chance to learn from the Maasai tribe.

IT is important to note that the land of the conservancy is fully community-owned.

Above all, Maasai Olympics (games for kids) and game drives are a must. Last but not least, it is a phenomenal place to go visit a local school.

bambini al safari

7. Linyati Ebony Camp

This is a small and intimate camp in the game-rich Linyanti channel. It is incredibly located between Okavango Delta and Chobe.

The Camp offers a great kids ranger programme. In case a family would like to have exclusive use of the camp it would need to be booked for 8 people.

bambini al safari

8. Marataba Conservation Camps

WHERE: South Africa, Waterberg

This is the perfect place to learn about conservation. Additionally, families can sponsor and part take in a rhino notching exercise.

This Camp offers a unique chance to get really close to rhinos and learn about their protection. Choose to stay at either Founders or Explorers Camp.

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9. Grootbos

Above all, Grootbos is an incredible place to learn about the uniqueness and diversity of the surrounding nature. Go sandboarding or learn about plants that are unique to the area of Grootbos. After that go onto the water and discover the Marine big 5.

Grootbos is ideal for whale watching from June to December. Stay at Garden Lodge or at one of the stunning private residences.

bambini al safari

10. Gomoti Plains

This is a family-friendly camp on a private part of the famous Okavango Delta. It is ideal for game viewing & feels very relaxed. Make no plans, just be there to experience nature at its best.

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In conclusion, if we only had to choose the top three spots from the above we would recommend the following:

First, Arijiju for its unique design and homely feel that makes it perfect for spending quality time with your family. In addition, Borana Conservancy is home to the original pride rock that gave inspiration to the Disney movie we all know – a nice side story for the kids. 

Secondly, Morokuru Family in the Madikwe . Their raison d`être is centered around families and you feel it when you are there. Also, the game viewing is great and the area is malaria-free. Thirdly, Camp Kalahari because the surrounding ecosystem is unlike any other destination. Indeed so very open that it feels lunar. The night sky, the meerkats encounter and other experiences are truly memorable.

I hope this list will help you create some memories for a lifetime with your family!

Also many thanks to Raphael for sharing his knowledge and tips! Enjoy!

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Twins and Travels

Everything You Need To Know About Going on Safari with Kids in 2023

Table of Contents

Safari with Kids

Going on safari with kids is the most magical thing in the world, and even more so if it’s the famous Maasai Mara in Kenya. I had wanted to take my children to Kenya for so long and couldn’t believe it was actually happening.  Whether you are 4, or 84, a visit to the Maasai Mara will stay in your hearts for ever. It certainly will for us after our first family safari with young children who were 4, 4 & 1 at the time of visiting. I will never forget their faces when they saw their first lion, the girls just sat silently with huge grins on their faces until one said… ‘is that the REAL Lion King Mummy?’

“You cannot leave Africa, Africa said. It is always with you, there inside your head. Our rivers run in currents in the swirl of your thumbprints; our drumbeats counting out your pulse; our coastline the silhouette of your soul.”

  • A fabulous safari quote from Bridget Dore

two kids on safari in the Maasai Mara pointing at a zebra out the window

Famous for the great wildebeest migration and some of the fastest animals, the Maasai Mara is easily one of the most breath taking places on Earth. With its dreamy sunsets, diverse landscapes and African plains full of wildlife, what is there not to fall in love with? You will be amazed that even the younger children will agree with this too – my 4 year olds are just as in love with Africa as I am and it goes to show that going on safari with kids really is possible.  

Safari with Kids in the Maasai Mara 

Many people thought we were crazy going on safari with kids. They didn’t think they would enjoy it, they certainly didn’t think they would be happy in a safari jeep for hours on end and why on earth would we want to make memories that they wouldn’t remember! This however, couldn’t have been further from the truth, the key here is variety.  

On our first full day on safari, we came across a female cheetah with her 6 one year old cubs. It is quite an achievement for a mother to keep 6 cubs alive and away from predators, but she has. We ended up seeing this family every day we were on safari. Some days they were playing, some days they were eating a kill, and on another day, they found shade under our jeep which was hilarious… they were so close to us – it was incredible!

onboard a jeep on safari in Maasai Mara with Kids looking at lions

During another of our game drives, we came across a huge heard of elephants walking in a line together. We followed them for at least 20 minutes before they stopped and naturally spread out around us. Being surrounded by a heard of elephants will take your breath way. It was such an amazing sight.  

We were so proud of the girls as to how well they coped and how much they enjoyed their first safari and time in Kenya. We took Matilda’s car seat which I would highly recommend if taking a baby or toddler on safari, and also pack plenty of snacks from home. Our children always seem to be starving the minute they get in a vehicle so I was glad we took them.

Safari with Kids – The Best Time to Visit the Maasai Mara

You can visit the Maasai Mara all year round and are guaranteed to see amazing wildlife. However, for those looking for an opportunity to watch the great wildebeest migration, then the best time to visit the Mara is from July to October but these are busy months.

There are two “rainy seasons” in Maasai Mara. The first, the “long rains” which lasts from March to May. The second, the “short rains”, which takes place from October to December. Animals will still be easily-spotted and the rain doesn’t last for long.

We visited in February/March and experienced a few showers in the afternoon but otherwise it was perfect.

bambini al safari

An Example Safari with Kids Itinerary 

Every day on safari will be slightly different. Whilst it is always an early start, each day will include game drives, and possibly some of the excursions such as visiting the local school, a Maasai village and a rhino sanctuary. These timings are typical of safari camps but are based on our stay at House in the Wild.  

Every day is flexible and you the guest have a say in how each day works out, the main structure looks something like this;

bambini al safari

6am up and out to meet your guide – it’s when you find the best game.  

Most mornings, after a bit of a drive we managed to find our lions. We saw ourselves sitting watching the big cats groom each other whilst the cubs played before they headed off to laze about in the African sun – they were so hard to find after that!  

Two lions standing up in the long grasses

We were very fortunate one morning to spot a leopard – just wow… an animal even Joseph hadn’t seen in a long time but she was gone in a flash. How we found her I will never know. We didn’t see her again.  

Leopard walking through the grasses in Kenya

8.30 stop for a bush breakfast – The guides are experts at finding safe spots to stop with breath taking views and space for little legs to run around. They know the plains like the back of their hand and they know exactly where to take you.  

11.30 Back to camp. Time for naps and downtime around the pool.  

twins wrapped in towels overlooking the pool at House on the Wild

1.30 Lunch which is usually back at camp

4pm   T ime to get back in the safari jeep and head off for either a full game drive or you may visit a Maasai village, followed by a shorter game drive.  

Two cheetah brothers sitting in the short green grass

6pm Sundowners and a picnic tea for the children.   Nothing beats watching the sun go down over a chilled drink.

7pm return to camp for supper (and to put young children to bed .)

father holding hands of children on safari in Maasai Mara with Kids with the sun going down

Experiences in the Maasai Mara with Kids

There are so many more experiences you can be part of in the Maasai Mara and if you are on safari with kids, you should keep your days varied and plan in some other experiences.  Your camp or lodge is likely to have a list of what they are and will be more than happy to arrange these for you, ours did at House in the Wild. Children really enjoy doing something a little different each day, it stops them getting bored of doing the same thing and gives them a taste for some real cultural experience and see how other people live.  

Visiting a Maasai Village

As you drive around on safari, you will often spot Maasai villages hidden up on the hill   sides, behind a fence made out of sticks. The fences are there to protect them from the wildlife. Inside are many round mud huts where the Maasai families live.  

The Maasai culture is truly fascinating and they live life so differently to us. To start with, they are allowed more than one wife – one of our guides had 26 brothers!! Each family sleeps in the tiny mud hut together which has a small fire in the middle. They drink blood and eat goat as their staple diet and their cattle are their wealth.

family surrounded by residents of Maasai Mara with Kids maasai dancers

Visiting a Massai village is one I would recommend experiencing. You are welcomed with open arms into their community. The people will greet you in traditional dress, dance for you and show you how high they can jump. This is something that the Maasai do as a part of their dances and in their tribes. We had a go too. I was amazed that my two shy girls who hide behind me most of the time, were gaining so much from this Kenyan experience.  

Visiting a Local School in the Maasai Mara

As we drove into the local school, we felt like Royalty. Children came from nowhere chasing our vehicle, shouting ‘Jambo, Jambo’ meaning hello in Swahili. We were greeted by the head teacher and offered him some gifts we had brought from the UK. I took some pencils and rubbers for the children. We also gave a small donation.  

family surrounded by members of the school in Maasai Mara with Kids

The children sang for us before we said goodbye.  

12 Tips for Going on Safari with Kids

  • Take snacks from home that your children like – Children are always hungry when travelling!  
  • Take plenty of bottled water. Your camp will provide this. Don’t drink the tap water.
  • Take sun cream in your safari vehicle. Despite the cold mornings, the Kenyan sun is hot and you will burn quickly.
  • Make sure you always have your travel medical bag with you. Children can become ill quickly that it is good to have a few medicines to hand just in case.  
  • Take a warm jumper and a waterproof for the early mornings, it is chilly.
  • Take a camera the kids can use. The twins loved using mine and really got quite good at taking photos!
  • Talk to your children about going on safari before you go. Explain to them that it could take a while to find the animals and that they are not automatically there to see. Read books and watch YouTube clips so that they know what to expect.  
  • You know your own children and how long they will last on a game drive. If they are starting to get irritable after a few hours, ask to head back to the camp for a play and run about and head out again in the afternoon.  
  • Take things easy. There is no need to rush. If you are on safari for more than 4 days with young children, take a day off and just enjoy the pool and relax. Tired children make really bad safari companions.
  • Do your research when booking your safari that the camp you are looking at welcomes young children as some will only take children over 6.  
  • Build excursions into your safari day such as visiting local villages, schools, and sanctuaries.
  • Prepare your children for seeing a kill. This may not happen but there is no hiding them if it does. Whilst we didn’t see a kill taking place, we did see lions and cheetah eating another animal.   We were very honest with the girls and told them what had happened and why they kill which they accepted.  
  • Take a car seat for babies/toddlers. Our toddler was happy for ages in her car seat. N.B. Whilst our vehicle did have seat belts, be aware that not all do. It could be worth checking.   We decided to take some strong cord to tie the car seat to the seat if we had to – vehicles are only moving slowly.  

Maasai Mara safari jeep with Kids sat  on the roof

Location of Maasai Mara

From Nairobi, there are two main ways to get to the Mara for tourists; have a driver drive you which takes around 4 hours depending on where you are staying, or flying. Flying takes approx 30 mins from Nairobi from Wilson Airport. On this occasion we flew but I actually love driving as you get to see the stunning landscape over the Rift Valley and, what I call, real Kenya – mama’s carrying water on their head, fruit being sold from the side of the road and young school children walking to school.

Where to Stay on Safari with Kids?

There are many lodges and camps that offer safaris with kids but when you are doing your research, be sure to check the ages the camps accommodate. Some will only accommodate children over 6. This is why we loved staying at House in the Wild as all my children were welcomed with open arms and we were a prime example that you really can go on safari with young children.  

twins sat alongside a pool in House in the Wild at Maasai Mara

Having arrived by plane from Nairobi, the girls were very excited to be on their first safari. Before we had even left the airstrip, they had spotted their first giraffe in the distance and insisted we got going and off we went to find it. We hit the gravel track and within minutes we had come across herds of impala and Zebra. Some with tiny babies. My goodness it was good to be back.  

We decided to head straight to our accommodation, House in the Wild, to get settled in and have some breakfast.  

House in the Wild is set on the edge of the Mara River, where hippo bathe in the sun, and crocodiles stalk prey.   A family friendly luxury camp that welcomes children of all ages. There are 4 cottages in total catering for two to six people. There is a main lounge and dining area to relax and dine in.  

twins stood on a field infant of the cottages in House in the Wild

At House in the Wild, they offer a pool, badminton court and table tennis table, so there is plenty to keep children happy whilst not on safari.  

More Information on Kenya

If you are interested in reading more about our Kenya trip, then why not take a look at these articles below;

Kenya with Kids

Nairobi with Kids

House in the Wild Review, Maasai Mara

Travel First Aid Kit

Taking children to Maasai Mara & Going on Safari with children in Kenya

9 thoughts on “Everything You Need To Know About Going on Safari with Kids in 2023”

' src=

All my life I dreamed of getting to Africa. I’m fascinated by everything there. I have a girlfriend who lives in Kenya. I don’t think she got to enjoy the safari. I will let her read your article.

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Ahhh I still can’t believe how amazing this holiday was. Your pictures are beautiful x

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How lucky are your children! I would’ve loved to do this and I’m sure it was an amazing experience for them. Great tips for families wanting to travel on safari too.

' src=

This is such an interesting piece! I’d love to go on a safari! And if I did, our little one would be coming with us. Thanks for such a wonderful piece!

' src=

Fantastic info and amazing photographs! My other half has already been to Africa, and it is definitely on our list!

' src=

I am so jealous! This is my dream!

' src=

This is so helpful! I have always wanted to go on safari but thought it would have to wait until the kids are grown! Great tips and advice

' src=

This must have been a truly amazing experience for you all – what a family holiday!

' src=

Ohhhhhh wow, what an experience for the children…..and you guys! Fantastic tips and brilliant blog post

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Hi, I’m Anna, a travel loving wife to Tristan and Mother to 6 year old twins Poppy and Tabitha, their 3 year old sister Matilda, and together we are Twins and Travels.

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The Elephant Experience at Somalisa Acacia

A Guide to Family Safaris in Africa

Reading Time

Rebecca Niarra Travel crop

Africa is a big place

Really big. Its 30-million square kilometres make up over 20% of the earth's landmass. Fifty-four African countries are home to a seventh of the world's population, speaking more than a third of all global languages (over 2,000). Experiences on this epic continent are as varied as they are many, but for this guide, we’re sticking to our most popular family trip destinations, primarily in southern and eastern Africa.

So, if you're thinking of planning a family adventure to Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa, or Namibia, look no further.

Family engaging with Bushmen, cultural highlight of a family African safari

Is Africa safe for family travel?

Our quick answer is yes, absolutely! It's not only safe but also mind-expanding and incredibly varied. After months of restricted travel and too much screen time, we can’t think of a better way to spend quality time together than throwing the senses into overload through encounters with culture, communities, wilderness and wildlife that will cast a lifetime of memories.

By travelling with a reputable travel specialist, you'll be in the best possible hands on the ground. This doesn't only help to iron out any lingering safety concerns and guarantees the whole family gets the most from your trip. By travelling with Niarra, you'll make sure it positively impacts people and nature, too.

Where is best in Africa for a family safari?

It depends! Whether you're a multigenerational family group aged 8 to 80 after maximum flexibility, have teenagers up for a life-enriching adventure, or would like a little downtime from younger ones thanks to experienced babysitters and child-focused guides, we'll help you find the perfect safari.

Luxurious tented camp in Botswana, perfect for family safari

South Africa 

South Africa is ideal for families with younger children because there is no need for yellow fever vaccinations and there are some superb safari areas that don’t require malaria medication. Wildlife is brilliantly accessible, hospitality and service are exceptional everywhere you go, it's possible to self-drive, and distances needn't be too epic.

With so much to potentially see and do, many families decide to stick to a region to reduce transfer time. Cape Town, the Winelands, the Garden Route, and the Karoo work well together, as does the Eastern coast, Kruger, Johannesburg, and the Drakensburg. Whichever you pick, you won't be disappointed, and you may well want but you will long go back for more.

It's possible to spend weeks in Cape Town and the Western Cape alone entertaining kids of all ages. Even little legs can manage the cable car to Table Mountain's top or set sail on the Jolly Roger Pirate Boat from the V&A Waterfront. Older kids will appreciate the surf scene in Muizenberg or kitesurfing in the West Coast National Park. Family holidays are also a brilliant chance to facilitate meaningful cultural exchange, like Uthando's ethical and inspiring tours of enterprises in Cape Town's townships (best for teenagers).

Accommodation is as diverse as the wildlife and landscape, so there's something for all family needs and configurations. Private houses or apartments tend to work best, such as Morukuru Ocean House's private four-bedroom coastal escape, More Quarter's home away from home in Cape Town, and Madikwe River House for those after a private family-friendly safari.

Morukuru River House 5

11-day trip

A family adventure in south africa.

A multi-generational adventure to Cape Town and the Whale Coast before a safari in Madikwe Game Reserve.

From € 9330 PP

Royal Malewane Game Drive

12-day trip

Private south africa.

Experience the highlights of South Africa from a selection of the very best exclusive-use villas for the ultimate private African adventure for your family and friends.

From € 18745 PP

Kenya and Tanzania 

These East African safari destinations offer something for all ages, but families with kids over eight get the most from it. Slightly older kids tend to be more patient on driving and walking safaris. Interactions with eastern Africa's 100 unique cultures and communities, whether through crafts in a village, learning tracking skills from a Maasai warrior, football games with a local school, may also have a more lasting impact on older children.  

Kenya and Tanzania are world-renowned wildlife destinations home to the Masai Mara National Reserve, Serengeti National Park, and Amboseli National Park. Rather than join lines of safari vehicles in over-touristed spots, we opt for lodges in privately protected areas or community concessions, where families can enjoy a greater variety of wildlife encounters on their terms.

Luxury camps and lodges like House in the Wild , Borana , and Kicheche Mara are committed to protecting wildlife in partnership with local communities. This makes the experience more holistic – more about people and their connection to a place than ticking off a list of animals – while also offering some fantastic ‘young ranger’ activities created just for children.

For those after a bit of downtime or water-based fun, Kenya and Tanzania are good options for a beach and safari combo. Families will love Robinson Crusoe days dipping between white sand and azure sea at Chumbe Island off Zanzibar.

Maasai tribe standing in front of wildebeest

A Family Adventure in Kenya

This trip is a real family adventure, combining the freedom of a Laikipia Ranch with a classic safari on the Maasai Mara.

From € 7760 PP

Angama Mara Safari Camp Masaai Mara tents 16

Private Kenya Safari

A fabulous private safari adventure to Kenya, perfect for friends and family after luxury, freedom and a great mix of activities.

From € 16215 PP

The Kalahari Desert, lunar Makgadikgadi salt pans and legendary Okavango Delta are some of Africa's least spoilt landscapes. Such a haven of untouched wilderness is thrilling for teenagers but not recommended for toddlers. Botswana lends itself to adventure, from riding safaris to quad bikes, so no one is in danger of arguing over screen time. In Botswana , our top family trip is a private weeklong walking and mobile camp expedition with seasoned guide Andrew Harkness.

Leroo La Tau18

Delta and Desert Mobile Safari

A week-long expedition across Botswana’s diverse landscapes, from the dry Central Kalahari and Makgadikgadi to the Okavango Delta.

From € 6785 PP

Namibia  is one of the best countries to embark on a road trip with kids. Roads are easy to navigate, and the landscape is varied and epic, from Sossusvlei dunes to the other-worldly Skeleton Coast. Like South Africa, there's no malaria or yellow fever. Activities are plentiful for kids of all ages, including kayaking with seals in Walvis Bay, sandboarding down the Namib Desert's dunes, and tracking rehabilitated leopards at the AfriCat Foundation.

For a few nights of utter silence and dark skies, Wolwedans is a collection of camps in the Namib Rand Nature Reserve. Here, families with toddlers can enjoy the privacy of a lodge or camp to themselves, while older kids are welcome throughout the five different camp options.

Scenic drive in Wolwedans, Namibia.

When to go?

Every month brings something new, so there isn't a wrong time to travel to any of our Africa family travel destinations. June to September tends to be the preferred time in Kenya, Namibia, and Tanzania. In winter, it's cooler, and wildlife is easier to spot. The Great Migration happens in July and August, too. 

South Africa enjoys warm, blue skies between January and April. July and August, however, are the best months to spot migratory whales. Most visitors prefer to head to Botswana between May and October when waterways are high, and days are sunny.

Family on a game drive in Kenya, a must for family safari

What can I expect on a first family safari?

Most camps will not let children aged five or below on safari drives with other guests. A private vehicle and guide will make the whole experience much more enjoyable anyway – you can plan to start earlier or later and tailor the experience to the attention spans of little ones.

We select our partners for their passion and no critter or creature is too big or small to learn from and be amazed by. This is important when going on safari with younger kids who may find a scuttling dung beetle more fascinating than a sleeping lion. The whole experience is more enjoyable if you have time and space to follow their interests as much as yours.

Many luxury lodges have specialist childcare onsite, so if adults do want to head out into the bush without kids, that's easy to arrange. It can be hard to wrench them away from activities like cooking lessons, Maasai Warrior School, or fishing expeditions on return.

Mountain cutout 2

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  • 5 Favourite places to visit in Africa for a safari with kids

Can you go on an  African safari with your kids ? Absolutely! 

A safari will give your kids a deep and resounding appreciation for nature and its wild inhabitants. Not only will close-up animal encounters be exciting for children, it encourages a better understanding of animal conservation and the part they can play later on in their lives. 

This experience is not only rewarding for children, but for parents too.  Game drives are a wildlife adventure that create cherished family memories, from the very-changing dramatic landscapes to the sights of wild animals that roam the untamed terrains. 

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Africa safari with kids

The wilderness is the best open-air classroom for learning, more than any school or zoo could teach. It is vulnerable and deserving of care to be preserved. Plus, passionate safari guides will be some of the most inspiring teachers children can have. Many guides dedicate their entire lives to the protection of precious species.

To ensure the best family experience it’s important to do your research into the best places, activities and facilities that work for your family. Your needs travelling with older children or teens will be different to if you have very young kids. To help you in your safari holidays search we’ve rounded up the five best family-friendly safaris and family-friendly lodges to enjoy.

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Madikwe Safari Lodge, Madikwe Game Reserve, South Africa 

The Madikwe Safari Lodge is one of the largest reserves in Southern Africa. It’s been called a ‘Modern Noah’s Ark’ with more than 8,000 animals released onto the rehabilitative reserve.

Madikwe is one of the only places to witness endangered wild dogs in the wild . The reserve has gone to great lengths to preserve the wild dog population, making it a privilege to witness the packs roam freely and prowl on the hunt. You can expect to see prides of lion , an abundance of elephant and giraffe to name a few species known to the reserve.

As a  family-owned lodge there is an emphasis on wholesome connection and many custom family-friendly tours await you.

The Lelapa (translating to Family) Family Luxury Suites are perfect for larger groups with young children. With nature themed bunk-beds, tailored kiddies’ menus and play areas near the swimming pool, Lelapa allows the entire family to engage in natural surroundings but within a comfortable setting where both adults and children can enjoy separate and personalised spaces. 

There are many tailored programs for kids to enjoy at the eco-friendly centre. From identifying animal skeletons and endemic plants and trees, to learning about and caring for bonsais. As well as a big play area, children can bake and cook their own food with child-friendly crockery and watch nature-centred movies and documentaries. This is the perfect place for families.

Madikwe also host the Kids Safari Club . This is a unique programme that highlights learning from the wild. Kids will feel like budding guides with activities such as bug identifying, bush walks and dung tracking. Surprise treasure hunts, rock-painting, cupcake decorating, and dress-ups are creative ways to keep kiddies busy from early morning to late evening.

Game Drives at Madikwe Safari Lodge 

The Lodge offers two daily game drives , morning and late afternoon safaris. During the day the Big 5 can be spotted as well as cheetah, wild dogs and the Secret 7. At night it is possible to spot apex predators like lion, leopard and hyena . Smaller animals like porcupines, honey badgers and bush babies are nocturnal and special to see in the wild.

Children older than 10 years are able to join safari game drives. Bush walks cover more ground and intimate sightings of elephants and giraffes; these are not suitable for young children. 

Africa safari with kids

Singita Serengeti House, Grumeti Game Reserve, Tanzania

The Singita Serengeti House in Tanzania, East Africa, lies in the Grumeti Game Reserve on the northwestern border of the famous Serengeti National Park. It is known as the ‘migratory corridor’ because it supports large herds of animals passing through. You can see large populations of giraffe, elephant, zebra and lion . 

The Grumeti River sees cheetahs on the riverbanks, and the waters are home to crocodiles and hippopotami . This area is also teeming with beautiful birding life . The Grumeti River is an exceptional place to witness the treacherous crossing of Wildebeest during the annual Great Migration . The reserve was designated by the Tanzanian Government in 1994 to protect the Wildebeest migration route. 

Children of all ages are welcomed at the Singita Serengeti House . Spacious two-bedroom family suites cater for younger children and the Lewis Suites are ideal for teenagers. Tasting menus can also be enjoyed by the whole family, curated for little ones and adults who can indulge in multi-course dinners paired with Singita’s renowned wines. 

For younger childre n, babysitting facilities are available whilst adults can look forward to spa treatments or relaxation in their suites overlooking the bushveld.

Activities for the family are plentiful. Children are invited to join the Singita Mini Rangers Course that hosts animal tracking, bird viewing and bush survival skills. You may even be lucky enough to witness the great annual Wildebeest Migration from the proximity of your camp. 

Game Drives at Singita Serengeti House

Twice-daily game drives in open-game viewing vehicles leave you spoilt for choice when deciding on activities. Children of 10 years or older can join their families, supervised on these safaris. Bush walking safaris are ideal for children older than 16. 

Africa safari with kids

Governor’s Camp, Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya 

The Governor’s Camp lies at the heart of the Masai Mara National Reserve ; one of the best wildlife viewing areas renowned for impressive populations of lion, African leopard, cheetah and African bush elephant . This is an important biosphere as it is a protected ecosystem for endangered wild animals. The camp is based on the Mara River banks providing sightings of the resident hippos and crocodiles.

The Governor’s Camp celebrates family safaris, believing nobody is too young to step into the wild and discover the wonders of nature. Governor’s is best suited to young travellers with specially designed family-sized tents that can comfortably sleep up to four and include baby and toddler cots, if needed.

The most exciting addition to the camp is the Governor’s Mongoose Club . The club aims to keep children happily entertained and engaged with the idea of inspiring the youngest visitors and exposing them to an authentic Kenyan safari experience . 

Educational activities at the Mongoose Club include learning about the importance of ecosystems, tree planting, and learning about Masai culture on school visits with local children. The club also teaches kids how to identify animal spoor and and to participate in bird watching with binoculars and cameras on the ready.  

Kids can test out the camera traps around the camp , to capture animal sightings and can learn about constellations with an onsite telescope and laser star pointer. Making pizzas using eco-ovens and roasting popcorn on the fire are fun inclusions for the whole family to join in on. There is also a workshop where everyone can learn how to make handmade wooden bowls and even walk away with their own Masai jewellery piece after learning the tricks of the trade from knowledgeable Masai community members .

Game Drives at the Governor’s Camp

You can take part in three exciting game drives per day ; sunrise, late morning and afternoon drives. Walking safaris are an eye-opening experiences for families and a favourite at the Camp. Masai scouts will guide you through the bush tracking giraffe, buffalo, hyena, zebra and even lion close up. Game drives and walking safaris are only ideal for children older than 10 years. 

This will be the safari of a lifetime for children to gain a true appreciation for nature in this wild setting of the camp, learning life-long skills and whilst having heaps of fun in the process.

Africa Safari with kids

 Footsteps Across the Delta, Okavango Delta, Botswana 

The Young Explorers Adventure Safari and Camp at Footsteps Across the Delta is dedicated to introducing children to the beauty of Africa from a minimum age of 7, by combining educational and inspiring activities, along with lots of fun. 

Set in the Eastern Okavango Delta , the location is perfect for spotting elephants and giraffes and going on thrilling game drives. Tents at both safari camps can be converted to sleep up to three people, for families with small children. 

The tailored Young Explorer’s Safari allows families to experience exclusive African wilderness. Families will have their own private tent, staying on a campsite with onsite professional guides, a personal chef, waiter, housekeeper and Mokoro water guides – what an incredible experience!

The Young Explorers safari is a true African adventure with an emphasis on educational experiences ; learning how to track game on foot in a bush walk or in supervised game drives if previously arranged with expert guides.

Children are taught how to make animal traps, start a fire with only two sticks, identify spoor and the endemic bird species of the area. They can also learn how to pole a mokoro, shoot at air rifle cans and upon completion, will receive a young explorer’s certificate, t-shirt, and cap to commemorate the achievement and experience. 

Game Drives at Footsteps Across the Delta

Walking safaris, game drives in 4×4 vehicles and mokoro guided lake tours can be enjoyed by families with kids aged ideally over the age of 16 years.

The balance of land-based and water activities brings opportunities to see diverse semi-aquatic and aquatic species – commonly spotted are the red lechwe and hippos . The area is also known for sightings of endangered wild dogs, lions, leopards and has regular appearances from herds of impala and giraffe as well not to mention thriving bird-life. 

Africa Safari with kids

Somalisa Acacia, Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe

Deep into the Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe, Somalisa Acacia Camp is turning heads with exhilarating itineraries and authentic African safari accommodation. The park is proudly home to more than 100 species of mammal and 400 species of bird . It has the largest variety of mammals in any national park not just in Africa but in national parks around the world. It is home to one of the largest free-roaming populations of elephants , making it a noteworthy destination to visit and tick off your African destination bucket list!

Somalisa Acacia Camp provides an unforgettable experience at the Hwange Lodge for families with young children who will fall in love with the African bush during their enrichening stay.

The camp is designed especially for families . The family units each have interconnecting ensuite rooms for space and comfort. This will truly create an ambience of a homely retreat in the wilderness.

The Ngwana Club caters to family needs, entertaining younger safari enthusiasts and keeping children engaged in informative activities with nature walks around the camp, spotting wildlife, pizza cooking lessons and tastings to fill hungry bellies, and sustain young minds for the day. Arts and crafts , painting, and bead-making sessions are a favourite activity for children to create their own specialised mementos from their safari stay.

Cultural excursions to local schools and outreach programs bring children of different backgrounds together for shared learning experiences. Children are even provided with mini-ranger outfits to feel part of the conservation community and learn from their expert guides.

At the end of a full day of fun, storytelling under the stars , at the campsite with guides, brings family members together to reflect on safari sightings and memorable moments. 

Game Drives at Somalisa Acacia

The camp guides two daily game drives ; one in the morning and the afternoon. Young children are allowed at discretion of the guide and under parental supervision. During a game drive you can expect to see elephants, cheetah, zebra, giraffe and hippos , all in close proximity to your camp. 

Africa safari with kids

Going on a safari trip with the kids is a completely unique experience that allows families to reconnect with one another and to slow down and take a step back from the hectic pace of everyday life. An African family safari is time for families to learn together, to embrace talking and laughing around a campfire and, of course, to share unique wildlife sightings.

Children can learn how to conserve and protect their environment from a young age after experiencing Africa for themselves. We hope you consider embarking on an African safari with kids to some of these 5 destination  African safari packages .

Africa safari with kids

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bambini al safari

Katja Gaskell

Dammi La Mano Blog

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Safari in africa con i bambini si può.

Maggio 27, 2021 by Guest Blogger 6 Comments

Abbiamo conosciuto Giulia di Land of Emotion tramite la sua intervista per la rubrica “Famiglie in viaggio” . Oggi invece le diamo la parola per raccontarci un’esperienza di viaggio che, anzi, oserei definire L’Esperienza con le lettere maiuscole!

Perché, diciamocelo: chi da bambino non ha mai sognato di fare un VERO safari nella savana africana?! Io non mi tiro di certo indietro : il mio sogno di fare un safari risale (ovviamente) ad un libro letto e amato da piccola .

Si tratta di “Nata Libera” di Joy Adamson che racconta la storia di una leonessa orfana (Elsa), allevata e poi reintrodotta in natura. L’edizione italiana non si trova più, ma vi riporto alla fine dell’articolo la versione in inglese e il film che ne è stato tratto. Tramite quel libro ho sognato per anni di fare un safari in Kenya , sul lago Rodolfo (oggi Turkana) e chissà che un giorno non lo realizzi! Intanto l’ho inserito nella nostra Travel Wishlist!

Con le bambine finora abbiamo solo potuto “simulare” un safari al Parco Natura Viva di Bussolengo (VR) e se penso alla loro eccitazione di quella volta (erano molto piccole), non oso immaginare lo stupore e la meraviglia di essere davvero nell’habitat naturale degli animali più incredibili che conoscano. Brividi!

Spero davvero di poter fare quest’esperienza con loro un giorno, ma ora lasciamo la parola a Giulia che ci introdurrà a passo felpato, proprio nella savana africana.

Safari con i bambini

I viaggiatori di domani sono la forza del mondo: scoprire l’umanità da piccoli fa si che da grandi si sia più propensi ad accettare, capire ed accogliere ciò che è straniero e diverso .

Tra tutte le tipologie di viaggio, il safari in Africa è secondo me una delle più coinvolgenti . È impossibile non commuoversi di fronte alla maestosità della natura o non provare un profondo senso di meraviglia mentre si percorre la savana in jeep.

La parola Safari deriva dall’omonimo termine Swahili che significa “viaggio” .

Si tratta infatti di un’ escursione naturalistica in parchi o riserve private effettuata soprattutto nell’Africa Orientale ed Australe, con l’obiettivo di avvistare fauna selvatica .

Nel continente africano esistono diversi tipi di safari: il safari su veicolo , il safari a piedi , il safari notturno , il safari in barca e il gorilla trekking .

Il safari più classico o “game drive” si svolge di giorno in fuoristrada o veicolo 4×4 . A seconda dei regolamenti vigenti e in base alla stagione, i veicoli possono essere completamente aperti, con tettuccio o chiusi .

I momenti migliori della giornata per effettuare i safari sono le prime ore del mattino, dell’alba, e del tardo pomeriggio, al tramonto , quando i predatori generalmente sono più attivi, le condizioni per la fotografia migliori e (soprattutto nella stagione estiva) la temperatura più gradevole; tuttavia, nei grandi parchi solitamente il safari può protrarsi anche per tutta la giornata .

Forse non tutti sanno che esiste un codice di comportamento appropriato da adottare durante la permanenza nel “bush” per incrementare la possibilità di osservare la fauna selvatica nel modo più ottimale e, ancora più importante, minimizzare l’elemento di disturbo che la presenza dell’uomo crea nei confronti del naturale svolgimento della vita degli animali.

Sia l’ecosistema che gli animali stessi devono essere rispettati e l’uomo deve per questo evitare di lasciare dietro di sé alcuna traccia del proprio passaggio. Alcuni esempi: indossare abbigliamento dai colori naturali che si mimetizzano con l’ambiente, parlare a voce molto bassa, non utilizzare dispositivi elettronici, non infastidire gli animali con il flash, non dare cibo agli animali, non fumare o consumare cibo : odori (e anche suoni) sconosciuti potrebbero spaventare gli animali.

È inoltre molto importante rimanere sempre seduti senza sporgere alcuna parte del corpo dal mezzo in quanto gli animali riconoscono il veicolo come una singola entità. Così facendo, tutti saranno al sicuro: noi e gli animali stessi. 


Sono tanti i motivi per cui consiglio di effettuare un safari insieme alla propria famiglia. 

È un momento importante, per grandi e piccini, per comprendere quanto siano piccoli i problemi che ci poniamo tutti i giorni .

Facciamo capire ai nostri bimbi, ma forse ancora di più lo capiamo noi, quanto sia importante a volte rallentare … per seguire il ritmo della natura e ricercare la serenità dentro di noi. I tempi di un safari sono dettati dal sole e dalla luna e per qualche giorno nessun impegno ci costringe a seguire una “to-do-list”.

Un safari è un importante momento di condivisione che appassiona adulti e bambini assieme. Si crea affiatamento nella scoperta e nella ricerca che rinnova il legame speciale tra tutti i componenti della famiglia.

Complici l’assenza di stimoli esterni ed artificiali, come tv e dispositivi elettronici, possiamo osservare l’imponenza delle stelle insieme ai nostri figli e le serate diventano momenti dedicati alle fiabe che la natura stessa ci racconta .

La savana è una fonte infinita di conoscenza : dal comportamento degli animali alla catena alimentare, dalle proprietà curative delle piante al senso dell’orientamento. Sono nozioni che, se viste e vissute direttamente sul campo, non verranno mai scordate e anzi, alimenteranno la voglia di scoperta dei nostri cuccioli .

L’esperienza del safari africano nutre la consapevolezza di vivere in un mondo variegato , in cui i diritti che noi diamo per scontati sono considerati altrove dei grandi privilegi.

bambini al safari


Un safari in Africa è un’esperienza estremamente affascinante, tuttavia è necessario scegliere con cura l’itinerario migliore, affidandosi a guide e strutture specializzate .

In particolare, consiglio di pianificare un viaggio in Africa con i bambini con largo anticipo, considerando il periodo migliore dell’anno, pianificando tutti gli spostamenti e organizzando le visite giorno per giorno, così da ottimizzare il nostro tempo e i nostri soldi.

Un paese ormai prontissimo ad accogliere le famiglie è il Sudafrica, che gode di standard igienico-sanitari ed infrastrutture nord-europei . Non solo: i voli per raggiungere il Sudafrica sono comodi e il fuso orario è di appena 1 ora</strong&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt;, il che è molto vantaggioso perché non ci costringe a prevedere giornate di adattamento al fuso, che spesso anche nei bambini provocano spossatezza e malumore.

Ma cosa ancora più importante se parliamo di safari: in Sudafrica esistono moltissime riserve “Malaria Free”, ossia libere da malaria .

bambini al safari


Ecco qui di seguito delle indicazioni generali che in linea di massima valgono un po’ per tutte le Riserve Malaria Free, ma di volta in volta è bene informarsi sul regolamento specifico di ogni singola riserva che scegliamo per il nostro viaggio in famiglia.

Nelle riserve Malaria Free i bambini di età superiore ai 6 anni possono tranquillamente effettuare i safari . Anche i bambini dai 3 a 6 anni possono partecipare, ma solo a bordo di un veicolo privato . Ciò significa che la nostra famiglia viaggerà su un veicolo in esclusiva con una guida dedicata. Ovviamente questo incide sul costo totale del viaggio. Il supplemento per un veicolo privato può variare dai 200 ai 300 euro al giorno, ma ricordiamoci che non è necessario fare tanti giorni in savana. Basteranno un paio di giorni di safari per far sì che i vostri figli si innamorino della natura che solo qui possono vedere così autentica e generosa.

Tra le altre cose, alla fine di ogni safari solitamente le guide offrono un piccolo regalino ai bambini , così che abbiano un ricordo di questa esperienza così intensa.

Per i bambini più indipendenti e per le mamme e i papà più intraprendenti,&amp;amp;amp;lt;strong&amp;amp;gt; in molte riserve è disponibile il servizio di baby-sitting, obbligatorio per i bimbi al di sotto dei 3 anni</strong> che non possono essere portati con sé in safari.

Ma non è tutto. Molte riserve organizzano attività dedicate esclusivamente a bambini e ragazzi .

bambini al safari


Il safari non è l’unica attività meravigliosa da poter effettuare con in bambini in Sudafrica.

Città del Capo, prima di tutto, è molto sicura e variegata , e offre tantissime esperienze interessanti per tutta la famiglia: l’ isola prigione di Robben Island (che ha ospitato anche Nelson Mandela), Castle di Good Hope , il quartiere Bokaap e i Victoria & Alfred Waterfront , cuore del porto della città.

Nella top list c’è sicuramente anche la Table Mountain che domina la città dall’alto e che merita, solo lei, una giornata intera di escursione.

Non scordiamoci poi della Penisola del Capo, ideale per avvistare la grande colonia di foche e la Riserva Naturale del Capo di Buona Speranza che, con le sue enormi scogliere, baie, spiagge e valli è uno dei punti più panoramici del Sud Africa.

Ci sono poi tante escursioni da effettuare.

Comodamente con la propria auto a noleggio e seguendo i propri ritmi, possiamo percorrere tutta la Garden Route, una strada panoramica che da Cape Town arriva fino a Port Elizabeth per circa 1000 km. Lungo questa strada si trovano un sacco di punti e città di interesse tra cui poter scegliere: tutta l’area dei vigneti (Stellenbosch e Franschoek), Hermanus e Gaansabai per l’avvistamento delle balene, Cape Agulhas dove si incontrano i due Oceani Indiano e Pacifico, Oudtshoorn famoso per gli struzzi e per le Cango Caves che si trovano nei pressi, George, Knysna, Plettenberg e Jeffrey’s Bays e l’Addo Elephant National Park .

bambini al safari

Consigli di lettura

nata libera libro


L’appassionante storia di Elsa, la leonessa che la Adamson e il marito hanno allevato, accudito e cresciuto, fino al suo necessario reinserimento in natura. 

La storia di una famiglia, di una vita wild, di un rapporto unico tra persone e fiere, ovviamente da contestualizzare nel periodo storico in cui è stata scritta, a metà degli anni ’60.

Per me è una pietra miliare, vale la pena leggerlo e magari guardare il film che fortunatamente si trova in dvd.  È uno dei libri della mia infanzia e lo porto tuttora nel cuore. 

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Novembre 13, 2021 at 10:21 am

Sono assolutamente d’accordo con te, il safari è un tipo di viaggio assolutamente adatto ai bambini, a patto che si osservino alcune misure igieniche. Il Sudafrica, tra l’altro, è stato il primo della lunga serie di safari che abbiamo fatto, ne serbo un ricordo bellissimo!

' src=

Novembre 15, 2021 at 10:58 am

Che bellezza! Sicuramente con i bambini bisogna avere 1….000 riguardi in più! 🙂

' src=

Aprile 27, 2023 at 8:08 am

Caspita come ti invidio, è il mio sogno fare un safari, sembra incredibile e deve essere stata un’esperienza magica!

' src=

Maggio 2, 2023 at 10:12 am

Sogno di visitare l’Africa un giorno

Maggio 18, 2023 at 8:43 pm

Un viaggio da fare almeno una volta nella vita!

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Wildlife safaris in africa.

Africa is home to many of the biosphere's most majestic and glorious creatures. No matter where you go on safari, you are assured of once-in-a-lifetime wildlife, historical and cultural experience.



We tailor-make your itinerary to your needs and desires. Bespoke and Private Safaris by AfricanMecca offer the utmost personalization for your activities and timetable based on your specifications.



Africa evokes romance and adventure in all who visit. Nothing bonds you more with your loved one than celebrating your new married life together and sharing precious moments during your safari travels.



A family safari is fun-filled and educational for children and adults alike! Surrounded by cultural, historical and natural treasures are enlightening ways to spend time bonding as a household.



A boutique safari offers the utmost in wilderness poise and authentic grandeur. Discreet and friendly staff tends to your every wish, leaving you to indulge simply in the many personalized services.



Your Photo Safari by AfricanMecca is more than just reaching the best locations for superb pictures. We team up with specialist nature photographers and provide you with lessons and expert insights.



The many native cultures of Africa are some of the oldest in the world. A Cultural Safari by AfricanMecca is your chance to meet and interact with indigenous people on a personal and intimate level.



The human-like behaviors, social interactions and playful antics of primates capture the hearts of people. Our safaris are led by guides with an intimate knowledge of primate habitats and behaviors.



A bush walk allows you to authentically peer into miniscule worlds of Africa. You study and investigate the earth for animal tracks, wildlife droppings and learn ancient techniques for tracking fauna.



Ornithologists, avian enthusiasts and like-minded twitchers looking for resident and migrant feathered creatures will love the specialist AfricanMecca Birding Safari that are tailored to your needs.



Uncovering the beauty of Southern and Eastern Africa on a horseback is unlike any other experience that takes you into the pristine wilderness. The experience is sure to be a highlight of your trip.



Take your dream Africa trip to a new level on a balloon ride over some of the most beautiful landscapes! You simply cannot imagine the spectacular beauty that unfolds below you as you drift silently.



Your wedding day should be a time to reflect on the depth of your devotion, and celebrate the life you begin together in unity. We know the perfect locations in the wilds of Africa to give you a dream wedding.



The juxtaposition of inland wilderness and coastal tropical beaches makes Africa one of the best destinations for adventure travelers. Experience terrestrial, avian and aquatic fauna alongside distinct flora.


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Review Africa's beautiful Indian Ocean coast and islands where the turquoise waters tenderly wash up white sand beaches that create a serene ambience.


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There are infinite reasons to visit Africa e.g wildlife safaris, gorilla and chimp treks, birding, beaches, mountain climbing, cultural tours and more.


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Greetings to you and our most fervent thanks for a wonderful trip of Kenya, Zanzibar, South Africa & Victoria Falls. Everything went very well. This was truly a perfect vacation. Thank you so much for all your arrangements.

Adrienne & Barrie Carter - Canada

Dear Raza, The accommodations you recommended were superb. We loved them all -- Giraffe Manor, Wilderness Trails, Governor's Il Moran, Ngorongoro Crater Lodge and Mnemba Island Lodge.

Pat Bernard, Vice President, Global Channel Sales, Novell Corp - New Hampshire United States

AfricanMecca Safaris created a remarkable honeymoon tailored to our interests and desires. The quality of service and delivery of experience was unsurpassed. I highly recommend AfricanMecca Safaris to honeymooners, families, or any traveler.

Noorin & Jason Nelson - Maryland, United States

We had a great time on your safaris. Thank you very much for all that you did for us. We were in Africa overall for 5 weeks and spent time in South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Tanzania. We just totally loved it.

Bruce and Susie Ironside - New Zealand

I cannot say enough about the quality of AfricanMecca. Their teams in Kenya and Tanzania were top notch. Raza, again thanks to you and your entire organization! We will be repeat customers.

Dan Kobick - Managing Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers - New York, United States

I booked my safari holiday through AfricanMecca. They were the most helpful company I have ever dealt with and I work within the travel industry. I had the most amazing time. The holiday went as clockwork with no hitches anywhere.

Shelley Roberts - Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom

This is to let you know my guests, The Bryant's, had a wonderful time on the trip Samburu, Masai Mara/Kenya, Chobe/Botswana & Victoria Falls/Zambia. Everything was perfect! Thank you..

Christine Milan - MT Carmel Travel - Connecticut, United States

Safari booking & tour holiday idea for africa.

When visiting Africa, we recommend your tour to varied national parks in Africa like Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania , Kruger in South Africa , Chobe and Okavango Delta in Botswana , Masai Mara in Kenya to climbing Kilimanjaro , or gorilla and chimpanzee primate safari treks in Rwanda & Uganda ending with beachfront retreat to Zanzibar Island or Cape Town.

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Il nostro primo Safari con i bambini, proposte e itinerari per un viaggio avventura.

safari in Sudafrica con i bambini

Da una vita sognavamo l’avventura di un Safari con i bambini.

La scorsa estate finalmente abbiamo realizzato questo desiderio così grande: tutti insieme in sudafrica..

L’Africa ci è sempre sembrato un paese straordinario dove poter fare tante cose diverse con loro avendo 9, 8 e 3 anni.

Io e Pierluigi abbiamo sempre amato viaggiare. Ma con i figli abbiamo riscoperto un modo diverso, fatto di tempi più lenti e nuovi entusiasmi di chi vede le cose per la prima volta.

E quante nuove scoperte !


La preparazione del viaggio è stata una parte molto divertente. ha contribuito a far crescere l’eccitazione nei bambini e in noi. tutti non vedevamo l’ora di osservare da vicino leoni, giraffe ed elefanti..

Abbiamo deciso di andarci ad agosto, nella stagione secca (il loro inverno) , perché c’è un clima ottimale, senza pioggia e con temperature né troppo calde né troppo fredde e c’è una minore incidenza della malaria.

L’itinerario con le varie tappe è stato pianificato nel dettaglio, senza lasciare nulla al caso, almeno per i pernottamenti e molti spostamenti, che abbiamo prenotato già dall’Italia.

Ovviamente, avendo a disposizione solo 15 giorni, abbiamo dovuto scegliere tra le innumerevoli cose da fare e vedere in un paese che potrebbe tranquillamente girarsi in un mese senza mai annoiarsi.

Per il volo ci siamo affidati alla compagnia Emirates che da Roma fa scalo a Dubai, per poi proseguire per Cape Town, la nostra prima tappa. In aereo i bambini sono stati abbastanza tranquilli, hanno guardato molti film e hanno giocato con i gadget della Lonely Planet for kids molto carini.


L’arrivo a Cape Town è stato piuttosto semplice, infatti avevamo scelto un Hotel a misura di famiglia, il More Quarters , davvero carino e in una zona vicina al centro.

Safari con i bambini dove dormire

Ci hanno riservato un’accoglienza calorosa facendoci trovare dei peluches sui letti dei bambini e dei giochi per la piccola Penelope!

Città del Capo o Cape Town, il primo insediamento europeo del Sudafrica, è una città di 8 milioni di abitanti, dove convivono realtà molto diverse tra loro. Zone moderne fatte di enormi grattacieli e lussureggianti giardini botanici, zone antiche con edifici in stile cape Dutch e zone estremamente degradate.

Arrivando dall’aeroporto la vista delle township o squatter camps (baraccopoli) ci ha fatto riflettere sulle condizioni in cui vivono moltissime persone. E anche i bambini sono rimasti molto impressionati.

Cape Town con i bambini

I luoghi più interessanti da visitare sono la strada storica Government Adderley , che attraversa la parte alta città da nord a sud, passando per i giardini botanici attraverso Company’s Gardens . Su questa via si affacciano la maggior parte dei musei e molti edifici storici tra cui il  South African Museum con numerosi documenti sulle culture e la fauna dell’Africa australe.

Nella stessa zona si trova la piazza  Green Market Square che ospita tutta la settimana un variopinto mercato che vale la pena di visitare.

La zona più centrale si sviluppa attorno a  St. George’s Mall  ed è ricca di centri commerciali tra cui il  Golden Acre Center , un tempo stazione ferroviaria e uffici.

Un’altra zona molto vitale é il molo del  Victoria & Alfred Waterfront  una delle mete turistiche più rinomate della città in quanto è piena di negozi, ristoranti e vi si trovano il museo marittimo e il  Two Oceans Aquarium , in cui si può ammirare la fauna marina dell’Oceano Atlantico e dell’Oceano Indiano tra cui pinguini, foche e squali!.

Qui i bambini si sono divertiti molto soprattutto ammirando una particolare vasca con i pesci pagliaccio in cui si può mettere la testa!

Safari con i bambini

Ma l’attrazione che ci è piaciuta di più è stata di sicuro l ’altissima ruota panoramica , da cui si gode un panorama della città a 360 gradi.

Africa con i bambini

Nella zona sud della città c’è il quartiere dell’osservatorio , che rappresenta un po’ il cuore culturale della città e l’allegro quartiere malese di Bo-Kaap , che si snoda dalle pendici della Signal Hill ed è caratterizzato da numerose moschee e case basse del primo XIX secolo dipinte in colori sgargianti.

case colorate in Africa

Una gita che ci è piaciuta tantissimo è stata quella alla Table Mountain.

Una delle montagne più antiche del mondo che fa da sfondo e da simbolo allo skyline di Città del Capo.

Una volta arrivati in cima con un funivia mozzafiato o con una scalata piuttosto impegnativa, si gode di un panorama pazzesco.

Safari con la famiglia

Il punto più alto della montagna si trova a 1 km sopra il livello del mare e dall’alto si può ammirare il golfo di Table Bay e la sua costa che si estende in lontananza. Il panorama è uno dei più spettacolari di tutta l’Africa.

Sulla cima della montagna può fare piuttosto freddo, data l’altitudine.

Noi siamo saliti con la funivia di Table Mountain Aerial Cableway che parte ogni 10-15 minuti da Tafelberg Road. Durante il tragitto di pochi minuti, il panorama diventa ancora più spettacolare e la cosa pazzesca è che il pavimento gira e i bambini si divertono davvero molto!

SudAfrica con i bambini

Ci sono anche vari sentieri escursionistici molto belli che portano in cima alla montagna, ma richiedono molte ore di cammino (alcuni anche 5 o sei giorni!) e con i bambini non ce la siamo sentita.

In caso di maltempo, la funivia, che è aperta tutto l’anno, non è in funzione e quindi oltre a prenotare per evitare la fila, è bene controllare sul sito internet prima di partire.

Avendo al seguito i bambini, una visita la meritano anche il parco giochi di Mouille Point nella zona di Green Point che è un  vero e proprio adventure playground sul mare con tanto di arrampicate e trenino.

Da Città del Capo abbiamo fatto alcune escursioni molto interessanti.

Siamo partiti in macchina con alcuni amici romani (che abbiamo incontrato per caso sulla ruota panoramica) e ci siamo diretti verso sud in direzione della penisola del Capo fermandoci ad ammirare le splendide spiagge di sabbia bianca della baia di Clifton.

Abbiamo proseguito per Hout Bay , un piccolo porto da cui partono ogni ora delle brevi crociere per Seal Island , l’isola delle foche dove abbiamo ammirato migliaia di otarie “appollaiate” su uno scoglio!

Safari con i bambini otarie

Dopo pranzo abbiamo proseguito per Simon’s Town , per ammirare i pinguini africani di Boulders Beach .

Dopo aver parcheggiato e attraversato una passerella di legno si apre alla vista uno spettacolo pazzesco: questi piccoli e adorabili animali che passeggiano, nuotano e accudiscono i loro piccoli.

I pinguini sudafricani fanno un verso buffo che assomiglia al raglio degli asini, cosa molto divertente, ma sono una specie in pericolo a causa della riduzione dell’habitat: rifiutano il pesce e sono infastiditi dai i loro dirimpettai umani.

Fortunatamente parte degli introiti dei biglietti dei visitatori vengono destinati proprio a programmi di conservazione e protezione gestiti dai Parchi Nazionali del Sud Africa South (SANParks).

In Sudafrica a vedere i pinguini

E infine, sempre nella stessa giornata, ci siamo diretti verso il luogo magico della Riserva Naturale del Capo di Buona Speranza.

Un territorio di circa 7700 ettari che si estende lungo 40 km di costa e ospita numerose specie di uccelli, struzzi, antilopi, gnu, facoceri e babbuini..

La penisola alla fine si sdoppia in due punti: quello più elevato e spettacolare è Cape Point , sede di due fari ed un ristorante che si trova 1200 metri e il Capo di Buona Speranza , che invece è più basso e pianeggiante e consiste praticamente in una spiaggia di ciottoli.

Dopo aver lasciato l’auto in un comodo parcheggio, ci siamo avventurati per un ripido sentiero roccioso per salire a piedi fino al faro di Cape Point.

Si può salire anche con una comoda funicolare che ha il nome simbolico di Flying Dutchman , ovvero l’Olandese Volante, il mitico vascello fantasma che solcava i mari settecenteschi e ottocenteschi senza meta. Putroppo quel giorno era fuori servizio, ma la camminata non è stata troppo faticosa.

Arrivati in cima a Cape Point (inizialmente battezzato con il nome Capo Tempestoso) è difficile non emozionarsi.

Qui si apre un panorama pazzesco e maestoso e il vento e l’infrangersi delle onde evocano le avventure dei grandi navigatori che nei secoli, fino all’apertura del canale di suez hanno coraggiosamente doppiato il capo..

Per gli appassionati di trekking esiste un percorso di due giorni, il Cape of Good Hope Trail , che parte dall’entrata della riserva, e prevede il pernottamento in rifugio vicino al Capo di Buona Speranza. Le prenotazioni vanno fatte tramite

Safari con i bambini e famiglia


Dopo cape town ci siamo mossi verso le famose “terre del vino sudafricano” che si estendono dalla regione settentrionale della west coast sull’atlantico al vicino deserto del klein karoo..

I vigneti, situati a circa 30 km da Citta del Capo, occupano più di 100000 ettari e il vino è prodotto in più di 340 cantine e tenute vinicole.

Tra le varie località abbiamo scelto di dormire a Stellenbosch , rinomata per la sua deliziosa architettura detta olandese del Capo, e per le maestose querce che ne ornano le vie. È una città universitaria oltre che un importante centro vinicolo da più di 300 anni.

Abbiamo dormito in un posto incantato, forse il mio preferito di tutto il viaggio: il Babylonstoren , una fattoria costruita nel 1690, oggi trasformata in un hotel dove si può vivere la vita di campagna senza farsi mancare le comodità.

Safari dove dormire con i bambini

La struttura del Babylonstoren è composta da una villa principale, diverse casette arredate in maniera deliziosa con cucina e salotto, uno spazio dedicato alla degustazione di vini, un forno che produce quotidianamente pane e dolci, un posto dove comprare i formaggi prodotti in fattoria, una spa esterna ed una piscina.

Il ristorante, Babel, è ricavato all’interno di quelle che erano le stalle e tutto quello che porta in tavola viene direttamente dall’orto o dalle fattorie vicine.

La mattina all’alba si può partecipare alla raccolta delle uova delle galline e proseguire con passeggiate nei giardini godendosi un momento magico..

Safari con i bambini dove dormire

A disposizione degli ospiti ci sono le biciclette con cui i bambini si sono molto divertiti e a pochi passi c’è un bellissimo laghetto con canoa e canne da pesca a disposizione , e li abbiamo trascorso un piacevole pomeriggio tutti insieme.

Sudafrica con i bambini in bicicletta


Da stellenbosch abbiamo fatto una gita in giornata per andare ad avvistare le balene, i giganti del mare che arrivano dall’antartide..

Il posto migliore per il whale watching in Sudafrica è Hermanus , una piccola cittadina all’inizio della garden route. Tra luglio e novembre infatti, molte balene si avvicinano alla costa frastagliata per far nascere i loro cuccioli ed è possibile ammirarle da terra con i numerosi telescopi che si trovano lungo i vialetti del paese.

Noi abbiamo optato per una gita in barca di due ore con Hermanus Whale Cruise : partendo dal porticciolo ci siamo diretti verso la baia dove notoriamente stazionano le balene e abbiamo assistito ad uno spettacolo impressionante.

A poche decine di metri dalla nostra barca 5 o 6 esemplari molto grandi, con i loro piccoli, che nuotavano e schizzavano  e si immergevano.

Le balene emettono un suono molto impressionante, che si può anche ascoltare nella sala audio dell’old harbour museum , nel vecchio porto: qui viene trasmesso il canto delle balene, registrato da un microfono sottomarino nella baia..

Le balene in Sudafrica con i bambini


Da stellenbosch siamo tornati a cape town e abbiamo preso un volo per hoedspruit , per raggiungere il kruger , il parco nazionale più grande del sudafrica chiamato dagli abitanti il “wildtuin”, giardino selvaggio.

Safari con i bambini in aereo

Abbiamo pernottato per quattro giorni al Camp Jabulani , un albergo davvero meraviglioso, che si trova nella riserva naturale privata di Kapama , nella provincia di Limpopo.

La riserva, il cui nome deriva da Kapama, un re dello Swaziland, è stata istituita nel 1993 e copre 13.000 ettari di territorio all’interno del quale è stato sviluppato un programma di ripopolamento che ha portato una grande varietà di animali selvatici tra cui elefanti, bufali, rinoceronti e grandi popolazioni di giraffe, impala, blu gnu e kudu.

Con l’aiuto della nostra guida, Ruan, un ragazzo di 25 anni, che si è impegnato moltissimo per farci vedere tanti animali, anche di notte, abbiamo avvistato tutti i famosi big five e tantissime giraffe, ma soprattutto i bellissimi leopardi che sono molto difficili da vedere, di cui uno su un albero.


È stata una esperienza unica e indimenticabile!

A pochi metri da noi abbiamo potuto ammirare animali stupendi, nel loro habitat naturale e una sera perfino i leoni che divoravano un bufalo e gli ippopotami che dormivano..

Safari con i bambini leoni

Le esperienze più entusiasmanti sono state durante il night safari (dalle 18.30 circa quando il sole tramonta, fino alle 20)

In questa occasione abbiamo visto 4 leoni maschi adulti enormi passeggiare e poi, seguendo una iena, la guida è riuscita a trovare un gruppo di leonesse con un cucciolo intente a divorare una gazzella..

É stata una scena molto forte per la voracità delle leonesse e il rumore che facevano, ma i bambini, per niente impressionati erano entusiasti.

Di notte abbiamo visto anche un bellissimo camaleonte, che Ruan ha preso da un albero e ci ha fatto delicatamente accarezzare!

Che emozione e che sensazione strana. Penelope ancora ne parla!

Safari con i bambini di notte

Una menzione particolare meritano gli elefanti, bellissimi, enormi, maestosi e anche un po’ pericolosi, li abbiamo visti spesso, anche con i cuccioli fare il bagno in un lago.

Safari con i bambini elefanti

Una giornata l’abbiamo dedicata ad una gita molto interessante: il centro per la protezione delle specie minacciate (Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre) .

Inaugurato nel 1990 è un centro che si occupa della conservazione e della difesa di animali vulnerabili e a rischio di estinzione come i rinoceronti vittime del bracconaggio e i ghepardi, considerati una specie in via di estinzione a causa della perdita del loro habitat naturale.

Safari con i bambini animali

Dopo essere stati curati molti animali possono poi essere liberati in natura.

Nel centro i ranger ci hanno portato in giro a vedere come gli animali vengono accuditi e nutriti e abbiamo preparato il pasto per alcuni ghepardi e licaoni nonchè per degli avvoltoi!

Safari con i bambini riserve


Da Hodespruit abbiamo preso un altro aereo per Johannesburg dove abbiamo noleggiato un’auto per raggiungere l’altra riserva che volevamo visitare, Madikwe .

Abbiamo allogigato presso il Madikwe safari lodge , una splendida struttura molto adatta alle famiglie,  con una piscina proprio di fronte ad una pozza d’acqua dove a turno tanti animali come zebre, gnu e facoceri vanno ad abbeverarsi, offrendo uno spettacolo davvero unico per ammirare da vicino questi animali muoversi in libertà nel loro habitat naturale.

Immerso nella savana, questo lodge è un posto perfetto per i bambini in quanto oltre ai consueti safari in jeep, offre molte attività per i piccoli da svolgere presso la eco-house, uno spazio dove è possibile osservare gli scheletri e le corna di molti animali della savana e dove possono colorare e fare laboratori a tema.

Safari con i bambini riserve animali

Anche qui abbiamo fatto due safari al giorno, uno di mattina e uno di sera e grazie alle preziose istruzioni della guida abbiamo imparato a riconoscere le tracce (impronte ed escrementi) di molti animali.

Safari con i bambini

Questa cosa del riconoscere le “cacche” ha molto divertito i bambini: gli elefanti la fanno enorme e all’interno ci sono rami, foglie ed erba. I rinoceronti di un gruppo la fanno tutti nello stesso posto. Quella degli impala assomiglia a chicchi di caffè.

Abbiamo visto una mamma rinoceronte con il suo piccolo e dei tramonti meravigliosi!

Safari con i bambini animali

Per non avere sorprese sul posto è bene ricordare che in tutti i parchi sudafricani i safari di gruppo sono vietati ai bambini minori dei 6 anni di età.

E’ possibile però prenotare un safari privato, che logicamente ha altri costi: oppure noleggiare un’auto e gestire gli spostamenti in autonomia.

Ricordate di portare dei binocoli e giacche a vento e cappelli. Anche creme solari repellenti per le zanzare!

A noi il Mal d’Africa è venuto, non vediamo l’ora di ritornare!

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Africa for Kids: Best Kenya Safari Camps for Families

  • By Sandy Pappas

bambini al safari

When we asked Rothschild Safaris to design our  family safari itinerary in Kenya, we requested to stay in a mix of high-end and midrange tented camps that would offer unique and varied experiences along the way. Longtime travel designer Kimi Cristopolous rose to the challenge admirably, giving our family an opportunity to see amazing wildlife and connect with new cultures while making the logistics easy and stress-free.

Tented camps tailored for safari guests abound throughout Kenya, but some are more suited to families than others, so choosing the right ones is key to a successful trip. Here are the camps we experienced and loved.

Best Tented Camps for an Africa Safari with Kids

Best Kenya Safari Camps with Kids

Lewa wildlife conservancy, northern kenya.

A short one-hour flight on a small plane from Nairobi, Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in northern Kenya is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This conservancy’s success in preserving the environment and wildlife population has become a model throughout Africa.

There are only four camps within the Lewa Conservancy, with a total of 60 beds, ensuring guests’ game drive experience will never be crowded. We experienced two of the four — o ur first was the Lewa Safari Camp,  which has 12 very private tents. We stayed in one of the two family tents with two bedrooms and two baths. Our favorite ritual was enjoying early morning wake-up drinks on our large veranda and watching the sun rise over the stunning dry river valley.

Our very knowledgeable and helpful guide, Laban, proved to be a highlight of our stay at Lewa Safari Camp. My daughter was working on a school research project about giraffes, and Laban brought the information to life from his experience of observing these animals every day.

TIP : Since Lewa is located within the conservancy, it has strict rules. Night game drives aren’t allowed, and guests must always be in vehicles.

Our second camp in the Lewa Conservancy was Sirikoi — the epitome of a luxury safari camp. It is family-owned by Sue and Willie Roberts, who are icons in the luxury camp business and have perfected the safari experience with their meticulous attention to every detail, from the incredible decor and the organic garden to the outstanding staff. As a boy, Willie moved from England to the Kenyan bush with his mother and five siblings — a fascinating story he shared at dinner one evening.

Best Tented Camps for an Africa Safari with Kids

Sirikoi has four tents and two cottages perfect for families. We stayed in the three-bedroom cottage, which looked like something out of an interior design magazine. Our house steward anticipated our every need: He appeared outside our door with umbrellas when it started to rain; he was waiting to take our drink orders; and he had yummy “bitings” (the Kenyan term for snacks) ready after we showered for dinner. And m y daughters still talk about the homemade lemon cake served at afternoon tea. 

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Best Tented Camps for an Africa Safari with Kids

Laikipia Plateau

A 45-minute flight brought us to the heart of the famous Laikipia Plateau. On the approach to the airstrip (really just a field), our pilot had to wait for a herd of antelope to clear the way for us. We soon arrived at  Sosian , a beautifully restored 1940s African ranch house run by a fantastic young couple, Simon and Rosie, and their wonderful team. Simon had as much energy as my 11-year-old daughter and made every effort to ensure the kids were having as much fun as the adults.

The lodge can accommodate up to 14 guests. We stayed in the family cottage with a private veranda. 

Sosian offers a wide range of activities other than the normal safari game drives, which is ideal for families. The property is a working cattle ranch with 26 horses, including ponies for kids and novice riders. For experienced riders, a safari by horseback through this beautiful terrain is incredible.

Another highlight: tubing down the Ewaso Narok river and jumping off the waterfall into the deep pool below. Afterward, we did a quick change of clothes before heading out for a camel ride — just a typical fun-filled day at Sosian!

Best Tented Camps for an Africa Safari with Kids

Maasai Mara National Reserve

Next, it was on to southern Kenya and the Maasai Mara National Reserve. Offbeat Mara was the most remote and traditional tented camp that we experienced, with six tents and a makeshift “bucket shower” (water for the shower is heated over a campfire and brought in a bucket).  It was nice to be off the grid for a few days with no WIFI and the ability to use the charging station at the solar-powered dining tent only between 6 and 10p.

Best Tented Camps for an Africa Safari with Kids

Since Offbeat Mara is located on private grounds adjacent to the Maasai Mara National Reserve, guests have the opportunity to do many things that are not allowed in the reserve, such as bush walks, night game drives with an infrared spotlight and driving off-road.

5 great safari experiences with kids in Africa

Insider tips from a family safari expert >

Best Tented Camps for an Africa Safari with Kids

All the guides at Offbeat are from the local Maasai tribe. Our girls were mesmerized by the stories our guide Joseph told us about growing up in the Maasai Mara, walking 6 km to school past lions and other wildlife. Joseph also took us to a local school where we were able to visit the 6th and 8th grade classrooms, the same grades as my girls. It was such an authentic and unforgettable experience.

Best Tented Camps for an Africa Safari with Kids

Sand River camp is located on the southernmost tip of the Masaai Mara National Reserve, bordering Tanzania. It is a prime location to view the wildebeest migration from June to September. We stayed in the huge family tent, a luxurious Out of Africa -style home base with incredibly comfortable beds and a fabulous view of the Sand River. Best of all, after a dusty day on safari, we had the choice between a massive bathtub, a rain shower or an outdoor shower from which we could view elephants feeding.

The service at Sand River was wonderful, from John, our tent butler, to Newton, our guide. Tim, a wonderful British gentleman with a tremendous amount of experience in the hospitality industry and a Wildlife PhD, oversees the staff.

Best Tented Camps for an Africa Safari with Kids

Having breakfast looking across to the Tanzanian side of the river, with animals crossing, was unforgettable — a private migration!  Unlike most camps, where guests eat together at scheduled times, Sand River has a eat-anytime policy.

Families Should Know

Because tented camps come in all varieties for different budgets and can offer quite different experiences, we highly recommend working with a trusted tour company to create an experience perfect for your family. Ciao Bambino Family Vacation Advisors  are well-connected with the premier kid-friendly safari operators and can make the right match for the trip you have in mind. Just send us a request for help!

Relevant Links:

Browse all tips and ideas for family adventure travel on Ciao Bambino

72 Hours in Cape Town with Kids

Unforgettable adventures and off-the-grid family time in Kenya with Rothschild Safaris

Tips for planning an age-appropriate African safari

Editor’s note: Sandy received a media rate from Rothschild Tours. As always, our thoughts and opinions on Ciao Bambino are our own. Photos by Sandy Pappas except where noted.

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I’m looking forward to placing a booking ! Thanks for the info 🙂

I think an African safari tops my ultimate travel bucket list – pinning for future reference!

We want to do this so badly! Thanks for the info (and inspiration!).

We just booked with Rothschild also. So excited!

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I più bei safari con i bambini

Chi, da piccolo non ha mai sognato di vedere da vicino il fiero leone, il maestoso elefante, il feroce Grizzly o la simpatica antilope. Fare un safari è un’esperienza affascinante ed emozionante per tutti, specialmente per i bambini. Chiaramente il primo posto che viene in mente per un safari sono le spettacolari riserve faunistiche dell’Africa, ma in realtà ci sono luoghi splendidi in cui organizzarlo anche in Sudamerica, in India e negli Stati Uniti. Qui di seguito troverete alcune mete molto interessanti e particolari, che siamo sicuri vi faranno venir voglia di programmare un safari con i vostri bambini!

bambini al safari

Pochi parchi al mondo come quelli del Kenya offrono condizioni migliori per vedere gli animali. I più visitati sono i tre parchi del sud, il Masai Mara, lo Tsavo e l’Amboseli facilmente riconoscibili dal Kilimangiaro sullo sfondo. Qui si possono ammirare antilopi, zebre, ippopotami, leoni e ghepardi, oltre a migliaia di uccelli. Due idee alternative alle tradizionali escursioni in jeep, potrebbero essere quella di sorvolare la savana su di una mongolfiera oppure di raggiungere il Lago Turkana e di effettuare un safari a dorso di cammello.

bambini al safari

Restando nel continente africano, ci spostiamo nel Sudafrica, la terra dei cosiddetti Big 5: il rinoceronte, il bufalo, l’elefante, il leone e il leopardo. Il Kruger è sicuramente il parco più conosciuto e visitato del paese e ospita tutti i principali animali africani, mentre l’Addo Park, che si trova più a sud è più piccolo e meno frequentato ma permette comunque emozionanti incontri ravvicinati, in particolar modo con gli elefanti. Vi segnaliamo, infine, anche la riserva di Oudtshoorn che accoglie le simpatiche suricate (come Timon del Re Leone).

bambini al safari

Come accennato prima, un altro continente dove è possibile fare degli ottimi safari è il Sudamerica. Pensate che in Brasile, nel Mato Gross, vivono 102 specie di mammiferi, 650 specie di uccelli, 270 di pesci, 177 specie di rettili e 40 di anfibi. Accompagnati dalle guide locali potreste osservare da vicino la lontra gigante, il callicebo e il ciripote dal naso bianco. Oltre al Mato Gross, è possibile visitare anche il Parque Natural do Caraça, dove ogni sera viene portato da mangiare ai lupi dalla criniera, che d’improvviso, escono dalle tane e si fanno ammirare.

bambini al safari

Cambiamo paese e andiamo nel confinante Perù. Qui si può fare un’avventurosa navigazione sul fiume Tambopata, che conduce fino a dei lodge nell’Amazzonia, da dove è possibile incontrare capibara, scimmie, tartarughe, alberi giganti, scoiattoli, insetti e rane. E se nei pressi di Puerto Maldonado pappagalli e martin pescatori la fan da padrone, sulle Ande ci sono i famosissimi lama, simbolo del paese.

bambini al safari

Stati Uniti

Anche nel paese dei cowboy è possibile ammirare da vicino animali a noi non troppo famigliari e che ci lasciano a bocca aperta. Nelle Montagne Rocciose o nel Parco di Yellowstone, attraverso vaste distese di natura selvaggia si possono avvistare alci, grizzly, linci, orsi neri e puma, ma anche lontre, coyote, lupi e bisonti.

bambini al safari

Infine, desideriamo portarvi in India, la casa di numerose specie animali. Visitando questo sconfinato paese è facile imbattersi nelle simpatiche, ma spesso anche dispettose scimmie, che si trovano in quasi tutte le regioni e principali città. Visitando la Little Rann of Kutch, avrete l’opportunità di incontrare antilopi, gazzelle, volpi del deserto, pellicani, fenicotteri e cicogne. Le riserve del Periyar e del Madhya sono invece i luoghi giusti per poter fotografare le tigri e gli elefanti, mentre nel deserto di Thar è possibile fare un safari a dorso di cammello tra le dune sabbiose.

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  6. Bambini in safari , avventura per tutta la famiglia!

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    Safari with Kids. Going on safari with kids is the most magical thing in the world, and even more so if it's the famous Maasai Mara in Kenya. I had wanted to take my children to Kenya for so long and couldn't believe it was actually happening. Whether you are 4, or 84, a visit to the Maasai Mara will stay in your hearts for ever. It certainly will for us after our first family safari with ...

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  15. Africa Family Safari Experience With AfricanMecca Safaris

    Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and South Africa are the key first-time safari destinations for families to safely and comfortably enjoy their experience. Parks and reserves like the Lower Zambezi, South Luangwa, Great Rift Valley lakes of Nakuru and Naivasha, Samburu, Laikipia, Masai Mara, Serengeti, Tarangire, Sabi Sand, Shamwari and Phinda are ...

  16. Il nostro primo Safari con i bambini, proposte e itinerari per un

    Da una vita sognavamo l'avventura di un Safari con i bambini. La scorsa estate finalmente abbiamo realizzato questo desiderio così grande: tutti insieme in Sudafrica. ... Anche qui abbiamo fatto due safari al giorno, uno di mattina e uno di sera e grazie alle preziose istruzioni della guida abbiamo imparato a riconoscere le tracce ...

  17. Africa for Kids, Kenya Family Safari

    The lodge can accommodate up to 14 guests. We stayed in the family cottage with a private veranda. Sosian offers a wide range of activities other than the normal safari game drives, which is ideal for families. The property is a working cattle ranch with 26 horses, including ponies for kids and novice riders. For experienced riders, a safari by ...

  18. 11 incredible safaris for kids to experience before they grow up

    1. BEST FOR FANS OF THE LION KING: andBeyond Grumeti Serengeti River Lodge (Tanzania) "The Great Migration" - an opportunity for your kids to experience The Lion King movie in real life. This part of the Serengeti is known for its large prides of lions (four prides of 20 to 60 lions live in the area). A unique family experience awaits you ...

  19. I più bei safari con i bambini

    Qui di seguito troverete alcune mete molto interessanti e particolari, che siamo sicuri vi faranno venir voglia di programmare un safari con i vostri bambini! Kenya. Pochi parchi al mondo come quelli del Kenya offrono condizioni migliori per vedere gli animali. I più visitati sono i tre parchi del sud, il Masai Mara, lo Tsavo e l'Amboseli ...

  20. Krasnogorsky District, Moscow Oblast

    Krasnogorsky District (Russian: Красного́рский райо́н) is an administrative and municipal district (), one of the thirty-six in Moscow Oblast, Russia.It is located in the center of the oblast.The area of the district is 224.99 square kilometers (86.87 sq mi). Its administrative center is the city of Krasnogorsk. Population: 179,872 (2010 Russian census); 149,679 (2002 ...

  21. Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast

    Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast. /  55.82167°N 37.33861°E  / 55.82167; 37.33861. Krasnogorsk ( Russian: Красногорск, IPA: [krəsnɐˈgorsk]) is a city and the administrative center of Krasnogorsky District in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located on the Moskva River, adjacent to the northwestern boundary of Moscow. It has a population of ...

  22. PDF Linee guida per la verifica delle app

    1.3 Categoria Bambini La categoria Bambini è un ottimo modo per trovare facilmente le app pensate per i più piccoli e le più piccole. Se vuoi contribuire alla categoria Bambini, devi concentrarti sulla creazione di un'esperienza straordinaria, pensata appositamente per utenti più giovani. Queste app non devono includere link esterni,

  23. Sports Venues & Stadiums in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast

    View about Sports Venues & Stadiums in Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast on Facebook. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and...

  24. Category:Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast

    Media in category "Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast" The following 27 files are in this category, out of 27 total.

  25. Album dei ricordi: storia della Safari. Nike SNKRS

    All'epoca, Tinker sapeva cosa voleva, quando ideò la scarpa che avrebbe presentato la stampa Safari al mondo. Quel che ancora non sapeva era come realizzare il modello. "Avevo quest'idea di prendere una scarpa sportiva e renderla volutamente non sportiva, ma comoda ed elegante", racconta Hatfield, ricordando la nascita della Nike Air Safari.