
  • TOP UP a mobile phone
  • DISCOVER International Credit Transfer

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FAQ Welcome Travelers SIM cards

1. what are the welcome travelers data sim cards.

The Welcome Travelers Data SIM cards are prepaid SIM cards designed for travelers going to Europe. They include data only and thus enable only usage over the Internet. Calls and SMS can be made only over the Internet as well using dedicated apps such as What’sApp, Skype…Several packs are offered. Please refer to this link to discover the different packs

2. In which countries can I use these offers?

Andorra, Austria, Azores, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Canary Islands, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (including Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guyana, Reunion Island, Mayotte, St Pierre and Miquelon, St Barthelemy, St Martin), Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madeira, Malta, Monaco, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden.

3. What do I need to do to activate my SIM card?

4. what is the sims apn, 5. what is my pin code.

There is no PIN code. You won’t need to insert one

6. Is data tethering allowed?

Yes you can share your data connection between several devices with this SIM.

7. In what device can I use these SIM cards?

You can use this SIM card in any device provided it is unlocked: phones, tablets, hotspots…

8. What SIM formats are available?

The SIM cards are pre-cut in all three formats, standard, micro, nano to fit every phones

9. How much time is my credit valid?

Your credit is valid for 30 days. We don’t offer a recharge option yet. Once the 30 days are passed, please throw your SIM card away or purchase a new one here.

10. How much time is my line valid?

Your line is valid for 30 days. We don’t offer a recharge option yet. Once the 30 days are passed, please throw your SIM card away or purchase a new one.

11. I am out of credit, how can I recharge?

We do not offer a recharge option yet. If you are out of credit, please purchase a new SIM card

12. How can I know where to find my SIM ID?

Your SIM ID is the 13 digits number written on your SIM card.

13. How can I know how much credit I have left?

You need to connect to your Orange Top-Up account <a class=”open-login” href=”#”>here</a> to access this information. You will need first to create an account on Orange Top-Up and to do so to provide your SIM ID. Your SIM ID is the 13 digits number written on your SIM card. Once done you will be able to access information about your SIM card such as credit consumed, credit left, activation date, deactivation date…You will also receive text messages when you reach 80%, 90% and 100% of data consumed

14. How can I know how much time I have left to use my offer?

You need to connect to your Orange Top-Up account here to access this information. You will need first to create an account on Orange Top-Up and to do so to provide your SIM ID. Your SIM ID is the 13 digits number written on your SIM card. Once done you will be able to access information about your SIM card such as credit consumed, credit left, activation date, deactivation date…You will also receive text messages a few days before your SIM card is deactivated

15. I have several SIM cards, how can I check all these SIMs information on my Orange Top-Up account?

Each account on Orange Top-Up is dedicated to one SIM card. If you have several SIM cards, you will need to create several accounts on Orange Top-Up using different email addresses.

16. Can I make a call or send a text with these SIMs?

No you cannot make calls or send text through mobile networks with this SIM. However you can use your usual apps to call and text over the Internet (What’sApp, Skype…)

17. Can I receive a call or text message with these SIMs?

No you cannot receive a call or text message using regular mobile networks but you can receive a call or text message through your messaging apps (WhatsApp, Skype…)

18. My SIM card is not working, what can I do?

Please make sure first you checked all the following:

  <li>your phone is unlocked</li>

  <li>data roaming is active</li>

  <li>your phone downloaded the APN orange</li>

  <li>you deleted every other profile registered on your phone (parameters-&gt; general-&gt; profiles)</li>


If so, please contact our customer service

19. How can I contact your customer service?

Our customer service is available from 9am to 8pm UTC +1 from Monday to Saturday. They speak English and French

fluently and will do their best to answer you in your home language if you don’t speak English or French using Google

Translate. You can reach them <a href=”mailto:[email protected]” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>here</a>

Orange, the Orange logo and any other Orange name or logo used on this site Orange whose URL is https://topup.orange.com are trademarks of Orange Brand Services Limited, a Group company.

Service: The Service is the Orange Top-Up / Transfert Pays service which allows the transfer of telephone communications credits for the reloading of prepaid mobile accounts of Beneficiaries, customers of Mobile Partner Operators. The Service is offered to the Client through a Website accessible online at the URL: top-up.orange.com / transfertpays.orange.com .


Customer: The Customer is the person who orders and pays the Service in order to carry out the reloading of the Credit on behalf of the Beneficiary.

Beneficiary: The Beneficiary is the person for whom the loading is carried out by the Client via the Service. The Beneficiary holds a prepaid mobile account with one of the Mobile Operators partners of the Service. The Beneficiary is individually identified by its international telephone number (+ country code + telephone number).

Mobile Operator Service Partner: A mobile operator partner of the Service is one of the operators of mobile communications with which Orange Link SAS has the technical means and contractual agreements adapted to the realization of the reloading of prepaid mobile accounts in the conditions of the GTC. The current list of partner mobile operators is available on the Site.

Credit: The Credit is a telephone communication credit which, in connection with the supply of the Service, is transferred in the form of a reloading of the Prepaid mobile account of the Beneficiary. A credit is defined as an amount denominated in a mobile communications credit unit: for most Mobile Operators, the credit unit is the local currency of the country in which the Operator operates. This amount, hereinafter referred to as the “Face Value”, corresponds to the recharge that is actually credited and available on the Beneficiary’s mobile account.

Description and Terms of Service

Orange Link SAS does not provide a telecommunication service and is only a reseller of Credit of communication of the Mobile operators telecommunication partners, with a view to the reloading of prepaid mobile accounts of Beneficiaries, customers of these Operators. Orange Link SAS does not provide end-to-end service, the telephone service where reloading is performed is provided by the Mobile Telecommunications Operator. The communication credits of these mobile telecommunication operators are transferred to the Beneficiary, subscriber of the Operator, without recourse against Orange Link SAS in the event of failure of the Mobile Telecommunication Operator. The quality of service disputes, the number of minutes or any other telecommunications service provided by the Operator, the cost, the period of validity of the credit or any other condition of the transferred mobile telecommunication credit shall be dealt with directly The Mobile Operator partner.

Conditions of reloading, ordering and payment

4.1. Conditions of reloading The Site allows only to reload the prepaid accounts of the customers of the Mobile Operators recipients accepting it and having been the subject of an agreement with Orange Link SAS. Operators accepting this reload can change without notice, their list being published on the Site. The list of territories and the list of mobile operators can be modified.

The recharge does not have a monetary value. It is neither exchangeable nor refundable. The number of minutes is variable depending on the conditions and tariff offers of each Recipient Operator. The amount of reloading indicated can also change without notice as modified by the Recipient Operators. Similarly, the recipient Operator may apply any type of charges, such as taxes, taxes or other, without prior notice, thereby reducing the credit associated with the recharge amount in accordance with these changes at any time. Orange Link SAS is not responsible for these conditions and modifications made by the recipient Operator. The value of the Recharge may be modified in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Mobile Partner. Orange Link SAS is in no way responsible for the general conditions of these Mobile Operators or any change of these. Once the credit has been loaded into the Beneficiary’s prepaid mobile account, the use of the available telephone communications credit is then normally governed by the pre-existing contractual conditions between the Beneficiary and the mobile partner operator of which he is a customer. In particular, the validity period of the reload is defined by the mobile partner operator.

4.2. Order Process as an Intermediary, Orange Link SAS supports order taking by the Customer of credit reloads. To this end, Orange Link SAS offers the Customer, on the Site, an interface of order of the recharges of Credit. This interface has the following functional characteristics: – The Customer chooses a country from the list of proposed countries in which the Operators operate; – The Customer is then asked to fill in the telephone number of the Beneficiary, corresponding to the prepaid mobile account to be recharged: this number must be entered in the international format (+ country code + call number); – Then the Customer chooses a Credit amount from the list proposed by Orange Link for the Operator concerned. The TTC price of the Service is displayed to the Customer. The Client must then inform the information about his means of payment necessary for the smooth running of the online payment as described in Article

4.3. Below. The customer is finally invited to confirm his order by clicking on the button “confirm the purchase of the refill”. Through this action, the Customer gives irrevocable mandate to Orange Link SAS to credit the prepaid mobile account of the Beneficiary for its order and on its behalf. In accordance with Article L. 132-2 of the Monetary and Financial Code, the commitment to pay by card is irrevocable. By communicating his banking information at the time of the sale, the Customer authorizes the Seller to debit his card of the amount relating to the indicated price. The Customer confirms that he is the legal holder of the card to be debited and that he is legally entitled to use it. In case of error, or inability to debit the card, the Sale is immediately canceled and the order canceled. When the customer confirms the reload, Orange Link SAS performs the process of debiting the Customer and reloading the Beneficiary’s mobile account. Once completed, the Customer can not cancel this reload process. Any mobile recharge is final without possibility of refund or exchange. The Client is fully responsible for indicating without error the mobile phone number of the recipient of the mobile recharge. Orange Link SAS is not responsible for reloading to an incorrect or incorrect destination telephone number. The Customer must ensure that the prepaid mobile number indicated to receive the mobile recharge is correct. An automatic acknowledgment of receipt of the order is also sent by SMS to the Mobile Phone Number indicated by the Customer at the time of registration.

4.3. Terms and Conditions of Payment Payment must be made by credit card or by any other means specified on the Site. Any means of payment can be modified under the responsibility of Orange Link SAS. Orange Link SAS reserves the right to reject the order of a Customer with whom it has encountered payment problems.

The prices of the services mentioned on the Site, which are inclusive of all taxes included, are those in force at the time of the consultation of the Site and the validation of the order by the Customer. The content and the price of the offers made are subject to change according to the evolution of the offer of the Operators and also according to the fluctuations of the exchange rates of the respective currencies of the countries in which the Operators have established their activity.


The customer is informed that Orange Link SAS applies the following rules for the use of the service: – Maximum daily amount: € 220 – Monthly maximum amount: € 330 – Number of successful transactions per day: 15 – Number of successful transactions per month: 30 – Restriction CB: Couple IP address / country, – BC valid on site: Visa and MasterCard, Invalid BC on the site: business card or one In addition, Orange Link SAS may suspend the use of the service by the Customer in the event of fraud or attempted fraud from the Customer to the Service, in particular during the Transfer of communication credit made by the Client.

Cancellation of a validated order

In case a credit transfer transaction fails after validation of the order, for whatever reason (mobile account ineligible, refusal of the Operator, technical incident …) , The corresponding Customer’s order is canceled. The Customer’s payment corresponding to this order is also canceled. Orange Link SAS sends an e-mail to the Customer in order to notify him of the cancellation of his order and of the corresponding payment.

Renunciation of right of withdrawal

As the Recharge is an immediate service, and in accordance with Article L.221-28-1 ° of the Consumer Code, the customer expressly agrees to waive the right of withdrawal within the time limit Of 14 days, provided that the use by the Beneficiary of the Credit has commenced before the expiration of the said period of 14 days. Acceptance of the immediate start of the provision of the Service and the express waiver of the right of withdrawal is formalized upon validation of the order. As a result, purchases of credit refills are firm and final. They can not therefore give rise to exchange, refund or the exercise of a right of withdrawal.

Orange Link SAS and the Operator (hereinafter referred to as the “Suppliers”) will make their best efforts to ensure the best availability and quality of the Service. Suppliers will endeavor to keep the Service accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. However, Suppliers reserve the right, for maintenance reasons, to temporarily suspend access to the Service without notice. Interruption shall be entitled to compensation for the benefit of the Client or the Beneficiary. Suppliers shall put in place the means necessary for the smooth running of the Service. They shall take the necessary measures to maintain continuity and quality of service. As such, the Supplier shall not be liable in the event of force majeure within the meaning of the jurisprudence of the Court of Cassation. In any event, the Supplier shall under no circumstances be liable to repair any indirect damage suffered by the Customer or the Beneficiary in connection with the use of the Service. Indirect damages are those which do not result exclusively and directly from the failure of the Suppliers; Indirect losses include operating losses and commercial damages. The liability of the Suppliers for any reason whatsoever may be incurred only in the case of a fault proved in the execution of the services duly ordered by the Customer. Suppliers’ liability in the event of partial or total breach of their own contractual obligations is limited to the amount of the price received by Suppliers. Finally, the Suppliers are released from all responsibility for the use of the bank card that is covered by the cardholder’s credit card contract between the Client and the Customer’s bank. The site is usually available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, Orange Link SAS reserves the right to temporarily suspend access to the site for site maintenance and repair. It is recalled that Orange Link SAS does not provide mobile telecommunications services and it acts only as a reseller of Credit Refills. Therefore Orange Link SAS can not guarantee that the mobile services provided by the mobile operators will be executed without any defects or interruption and can not be held responsible for the performance quality of these mobile services.


In order to benefit from the Service, the Client must create his own account. When creating an account, Customer must provide accurate, complete and up-to-date information as requested on the registration form. The Customer certifies that the information provided is accurate, accurate and complete and agrees to update it if necessary.

Once registered, the Customer receives a user name and password and is fully responsible for any activity occurring under his account, including unauthorized use of his credit card. The Client must immediately notify any unauthorized use of his account at the following address: [email protected] The customer must be of legal age to use the refill purchase service on the Site. Orange Link SAS can not be held responsible for use by customers who have violated this rule. As a result, minors must obtain authorization from their parents (or persons with parental authority over the minor) to purchase Communication Credit for reloading purposes.

Customer Service and Claims

– For any question or information concerning these General Conditions or the Service, the customer can contact our customer service: By e-mail: [email protected] – Any complaint must be sent to Orange Link SAS no later than one month from the date of the event, under pain of forfeiture, and written in writing by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the following address: Orange Link SAS Orange Top-Up / Transfert Pays Customer service 12, Rue Rouget de Lisle 92130 ISSY LES MOULINEAUX Requests must include the following: – the country and the mobile number of the recipient of the reload, – the date and time of the order. – the transaction reference, – the user account identifier, – the specific reason for the claim.

Right of access to files and personal data

Orange Link SAS collects personal data relating to said customer (eg telephone number, e-mail) and the Beneficiary (telephone number) when ordering the Service by a customer. This collection allows Orange Link SAS to process the order but also to be able to improve its services with respect to its customers or to transmit to them in particular information about its services. By using the services of Orange Link SAS, any customer accepts, on the one hand, the processing of his data and, on the other hand, to receive free commercial offers. For the purposes of this Contract, the Beneficiary’s mobile telephone number shall be transferred to the Beneficiary’s Mobile Operator established in a country which may, if necessary, be outside the Union European Union. Such data may also be transferred to any provider or subcontractor involved in the provision of the Service. Pursuant to Articles 38, 39 and 40 of Law no. 78-17, the French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique, Files et Libertés) of 6 January 1978 (Law No. 78-17), the customer has the right to object, Access, rectification and deletion of any personal data concerning him obtained by Orange Link SAS when using the Service. To do so, please send your request to [email protected] or to the address of the customer service mentioned in article 11.

We inform the customer that during his visits to the Site, one or more “cookies” can be installed automatically on his computer. A cookie is a small file saved on the client’s hard disk. This file does not identify the client in a nominative way, but saves certain information related to its browsing (pages viewed, date and time of the consultation, IP address, etc …). The information collected is notably for statistical purposes. Such data shall not be passed on to third parties, but in the event of unlawful conduct on the site or a request from a judicial authority, such data may be communicated to the courts.

Applicable Law and Disputes

These General Conditions of Sale are subject to French law. Subject to the application of the provisions of article 48 of the New Code of Civil Procedure, in case of dispute concerning the interpretation, execution and / or validity of the present general conditions, and in case a regulation Amicably in case of dispute could not have been reached, express jurisdiction is attributed to the Courts of PARIS, notwithstanding plurality of defendants or call in guarantee, in all proceedings, contradictory or not, and even in the event of urgent procedures.

Legal information

Version of March 23, 2020. The site is published by Orange Link SAS, with a capital of 111 360 euros, RCS PARIS 501 614 788 – 12 rue Rouget de Lisle 92130 ISSY LES MOULINEAUX. Phone: +33 (0) 1 44 44 22 22. Director of the publication: Frédéric BLEHAUT Hosting : Orange Business Service SA 1 place des droits de l’Homme, 93210 SAINT-DENIS https://cloud.orange-business.com/

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Rolling Hills And Charming Inns Are The Calling Cards Of This Quaint Virginia Town

orange travel faq

  • Where To Eat & Drink
  • Where To Stay

Courtesy of Visit Orange Virginia

There’s a lot of history behind the town of Orange, Virginia, which celebrated its 150 th birthday in 2022. Nestled in the shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains, as part of Virginia’s Piedmont region, Orange is a quiet hamlet of around 5,000 folks that’s within easy driving distance of more populated locales like Charlottesville (20 miles), Richmond (60 miles), and Washington, D.C. (70 miles). If you take a trip to this lesser-known destination, expect small town charm from shops and restaurants in its Main Street district, hospitable hosts at local bed and breakfasts , and a lesson in history thanks to the town’s proximity to U.S. president and Founding Father James Madison’s Montpelier. Here are the 10 best things to do in Orange, Virginia.

What To Do In Orange, Virginia

Learn the town history.

There are several spots around town where you can get a glimpse into what Orange was like during its early days. The historic Orange County Courthouse, built in 1859 at the center of downtown, is a good place to start. A short walk away, you can learn all about the town’s history at the James Madison Museum of Orange County Heritage. Finally, stop into the Historic Orange Train Station, which was built in 1909 and now hosts the county’s visitor’s center, to get more general information about the town and its railroad past.

thejamesmadisonmuseum.net ; 129 Caroline Street, Orange, VA 22960; 540-672-1776

Visit James Madison’s Montpelier

The big attraction near Orange is the historic plantation and lifelong home of James Madison known as Montpelier. Visitors to the national landmark have an opportunity to not only see the place that one of our Founding Fathers called home, but to learn about his impact—both good and bad—on the country. The site serves as a memorial to both James Madison and enslaved people. It’s also a museum of American history and a place to learn about the Constitution. Exhibits and galleries like “Color Through A Child’s Eyes”, “The Mere Distinction of Colour,” and “Mysteries of Montpelier” aim to tell a more complete story of the historic site and the time in which it was built. Visit the site on the first weekend in November to attend the Montpelier Hunt Races , a steeplechase horse race that's taken place here for almost 90 years.

montpelier.org ; 1350 Constitution Highway, Montpelier Station, VA 22957; 540-672-2728

 Get Inspired At The Arts Center

For more than three decades, The Arts Center has been a hub for Orange’s creative community and appreciators of the arts. Visitors can check out two gallery spaces: the storefront Morrin Gallery, which features 6 to 8 curated exhibitions annually, and the Community Gallery, which hosts artist-led projects, residencies, and other community programming. The center also offers regular ceramic studio time, classes, workshops, camps, and more.

artscenterinorange.com ; 129 E. Main Street, Orange, VA 22960; 540-672-7311

Go Skydiving

If you want to take a walk—or should we say jump—on the wild side, book a session with Skydive Orange, which has been taking folks high into the sky since 1977. As one of the most established skydiving centers in the country, this is a great place to finally check off that bucket list item. You’ll free fall from a height of 13,500 feet in the air, leaving plenty of time to soak in the surrounding sights of rolling hills, dramatic mountains, and all-around stunning scenery.

skydiveorange.com ; 11269 Hangar Road, Orange, VA 22960; 703-SKY-DIVE

Shop Downtown

Strolling and shopping along Orange’s Main Street is the perfect afternoon activity. Restaurants, boutiques, and locally owned specialty stores line the cheery streets, so there’s plenty to pique everyone’s interest. A couple of extra-special spots include Grelen Downtown and Objects on Main . Grelen Downtown is a well-curated gift shop and sister store to The Market at Grelen , a European-style garden shop and café located on a 1,000-acre nursery just down the road from Orange. If you love Grelen’s downtown outpost, take the quick drive to its flagship, where you’ll also find six miles of hiking trails and u-pick fruit in certain seasons. Objects on Main is your go-to shop for eclectic home décor, art, furniture, apparel, and more.

Where To Eat & Drink In Orange, Virginia

Try the quail lewis at spoon & spindle.

Celebrated chef Edna Lewis, who’s often referred to as the Mother of Soul Food or the Grand Dame of Southern Cooking, was born and raised in Orange County. Her style of cooking contributed greatly to the world’s understanding of Southern cuisine. At Spoon & Spindle, Chef Lewis is honored with a dish called Quail Lewis (quail stuffed with wild rice and white grapes). Open for lunch and dinner, as well as brunch on Sunday, Spoon & Spindle offers an elevated Southern fusion menu where dishes like Boudin Spring Rolls, Bourbon Glazed Pork Loin, and Po’Mi (a po’boy-banh mi mashup) all share space on the same menu.

spoonandspindle.com ; 323 North Madison Road, Suite H, Orange, VA 2290; 540-360-3004

Enjoy A Farm To Table Dinner At Forked on Main

As a “farm to fork” restaurant, this downtown eatery is committed to creating tantalizing dishes using locally sourced meats, produce, and ingredients whenever possible. The dinner menu offers a little of everything, from Shrimp Scampi Risotto to Grilled Chicken Skewers to Steak & Frites. Come early to catch happy hour (Wednesday through Friday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.). For dinner and a show, make a Thursday reservation; there’s live music from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

forkedonmain.com ; 124 West Main Street Orange, VA 22960; 540-308-7660

Get A Classic Meal At Main Street Tavern

If you’ve got a hankering for a traditional meal, whether that be a hamburger with fries or meatloaf and mashed potatoes, Main Street Tavern is the place to satisfy your cravings. Snag a seat on its charming alley patio, or in the cozy dining room, order a craft cocktail or beer, and get ready to be impressed.

msttavernva.com ; 110 E Main St., Orange, VA 22960; 540-661-0004

Grab A Pint And Slice At Iron Pipe Alewerks

The father-son duo behind Iron Pipe Alewerks started their business in their family garage. Over a decade later, they’ve upgraded their operation to a brewpub inside the 1929 American Silk Mill Factory building downtown. Several of Iron Pipe’s brews have won awards, like their OC Light, which won the 2023 gold medal in the U.S. Beer Open, and the Gandalf the Haze, which won bronze in the same competition. Since nothing goes with beer like pizza, Iron Pipe also makes an awesome brick-oven pizza.

ironpipealewerks.com ; 323 N Madison Road Orange, VA 22960; 540-522-0673

Where To Stay In Orange, Virginia

Choose a charming inn.

Hotels and home rentals are both great depending on the vacation vibes you’re hoping to achieve, but in Orange, the undisputed best place to stay is an inn. Though the town is small, its selection of inviting inns is large. The Inn at Willow Grove is the ultimate in elegance and luxury with a 3,000-square-foot spa, full-service restaurant, and spacious suites. For a touch of romance, check into the 1895 restored plantation home known as the Mayhurst Inn . Its rooms feature period décor, Italian marble fireplaces, and whirlpool tubs. The Holladay House’s six guest rooms are situated conveniently in the heart of downtown. For an extra- special experience, make a reservation for high tea complete with porcelain teapots, finger sandwiches, and pretty pastries.

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  7. Frequently Asked Questions

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  8. Frequently Asked Questions

    Orange Holiday Zen: 4G Internet, Calls & Texts in Europe Prepaid Holiday Sim Card for $29.90 with 12GB highspeed 4G internet, 30min Calls and 200 Texts. Make worldwide calls and texts from all over European. Variable top-up options available.

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  10. My SIM card or eSIM is not working, what can I do?

    1- Make sure you have enabled data roaming on your phone. To do this, go to your phone's settings. If you have an iPhone: Settings > Mobile data > Mobile data options > Enable data roaming. If you have an Android: Settings > SIM card and mobile data > Select SIM card > Enable data roaming. 2 - Make sure your phone is unlocked.

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    Plans are usually pre-paid and then you can top them up for additional days, weeks, or months. Orange offers plans valid for 14 days, which is perfect for a trip in Europe. You can top them off as needed. The Orange Holiday Europe 20 GB eSim plan for 39.99€‎ includes unlimited calls and texts in Europe, along with 20 GB of data.

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  13. Orange Sim Card?

    Obviously, I could have just roamed with my US plan, but not having to think about cost per day charges is always nice. Here's what I got direct from Orange: With your Orange Holiday Europe offer, you benefit from: 1. 8 GB of data valid in Europe. 2. 30 minutes + 200 text messages (international) 3.

  14. FAQ about Holiday SIM card

    Germany : 49. Saudi Arabia : 966. United States / Canada : 1. I am not in Europe; can I test my SIM card before leaving? Can I use the Orange Holiday SIM card in a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot or in a tablet? I have registered my line but I am still receiving messages from Orange, why?

  15. Is Orange Travel SIM the best choice for your Europe trip?

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  19. FAQ Welcome Travelers SIM cards

    Orange Link SAS and the Operator (hereinafter referred to as the "Suppliers") will make their best efforts to ensure the best availability and quality of the Service. Suppliers will endeavor to keep the Service accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. However, Suppliers reserve the right, for maintenance reasons, to temporarily suspend ...

  20. Option Welcome Travelers for Top Up refills

    As a telecom operator in 30 countries with partnerships with the best local carriers all over the world, Orange provides one of the best network quality worldwide. Customer service. Our customer ...

  21. The 10 Best Things To Do In Orange, Virginia

    There's a lot of history behind the town of Orange, Virginia, which celebrated its 150 th birthday in 2022. Nestled in the shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains, as part of Virginia's Piedmont region, Orange is a quiet hamlet of around 5,000 folks that's within easy driving distance of more populated locales like Charlottesville (20 miles), Richmond (60 miles), and Washington, D.C. (70 miles).

  22. What information do I need to give to create an account?

    When creating your account, you will need to provide us with: your first and last name. your phone number. your email address. a password. A 6-digit confirmation code will be sent to you by email to validate your account.

  23. Login to your account

    Customer service. Our customer service is available 7/7 to assist you in finding the best offer and activating and using your travel SIM card. Securely access your Orange Travel account and ...

  24. Orange Travel

    Comment installer et configurer une eSIM Orange Travel avec un QR code sur un iPhone ? Comment puis-je enregistrer ma carte SIM ou eSIM, et de quels documents et informations ai-je besoin ? De combien de temps est-ce que je dispose pour effectuer l'enregistrement de ma carte SIM ou eSIM ?