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Travesia Tour Chile

  • Travesia Tour Chile
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  • Sky Airlines
  • Radal 7 Tazas
  • Cajón del Maipo + Rafting
  • Cajón del Maipo y Embalse El Yeso
  • Termas Baños Colina
  • Tour Nieve Los Andes
  • Viña Concha y Toro
  • Isla de Pascua
  • San Pedro de Atacama
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Programas Turísticos

Pasajes aéreo, tours full day.

tours 7 tazas

Antes: $35.000

Radal 7 tazas, todo el día.

tours 7 tazas

  • Transporte privado ida y regreso
  • Ticket de entrada al Parque Nacional
  • Snack y bebestible a bordo
  • Visita Mirador Salto Velo de la Novia
  • Visita parque Radal 7 tazas
  • Visita Salto de la Leona
  • Visita Rio Claro
  • Caminata panorámica
  • Radios y monitoreo constante
  • Seguro de viaje y accidentes MAPFRE
  • Transporte climatizado
  • Coordinador Travesia Tour Chile

Hora de presentación. Calle Bandera 642 (Esquina Santo Domingo y Bandera) Santiago Centro.

Referencia: Metro Plaza de Armas, Salida a Puente.

Salida en dirección a Radal 7 Tazas.

Parada provisoria en bomba “COPEC” (15-10 min aprox)

Parada en Cascada de Velo de Novia (Pueden tomar fotos y recordar el lugar)

Llegada a Radal 7 Tazas

En donde iniciamos el recorrido, visitando los miradores: Salto el Claro, las 7 tazas y Salto La Leona

De igual forma descenderemos a las faldas del salto de La Leona para poder disfrutar, refrescarnos y bañarnos con esta majestuosa cascada de aguas turquesas.

Salida a Santiago

Retorno a Santiago (Metro Santa Ana. Salida a Av. Manuel Rodríguez).

1. Pago de $10.000 por persona

Para asegurar tus cupos puedes reservar con $10.000 (pesos chilenos) y la diferencia se cancela el día del Tour.

Puedes elegir los siguientes medios de pago: Efectivo o tarjetas bancarias (recarga del 3% por cada monto a cancelar) en Agustinas 1185, oficina 94, Santiago. Depósito o transferencia.

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  • CUENTA CORRIENTE: 21201081
  • RUT: 76.736.765-1
  • CORREO: [email protected]



tours 7 tazas

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Después de realizar la reserva enviar los datos personales y la foto de la transferencia o depósito al correo electrónico: [email protected]

Posterior a esto recibirás la confirmación de tu reserva.

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  • Testimonios

Pedrop Valenzuela

Pedrop Valenzuela #travesiatourchile #radal7tazas

Muchas gracias a todo el equipo q nos llevo ayer domingo al Parque Radal las 7 Tazas .. excelente atención y mucha cordialidad desde el chofer hasta la coordinadora Vanesa ... fue una experiencia inolvidable.. nos veremos para otro viaje !!! Saludos

Yuriangel Ortega Zamora

Yuriangel Ortega Zamora #travesiatourchile #radal7tazas

Realicé el Tour ayer al maravilloso parque las 7 tazas, todo estuvo buenísimo, pero lo mejor fue compartir con gente tan linda cómo la guía turística Fresia y el conductor de la vans Hugo, encantadores me llevo una muy linda imagen de Chile y su gente ? de parte de una Venezolana, Gracias.

Mario Aracena Villena

Mario Aracena Villena #isladepascua

Le doy las gracias a Travesia Tour Chile por el maravilloso tour a Isla de Pascua. Fueron unas lindas vacaciones que disfrutamos al máximo.

Sebastian Cubillos Muñoz

Sebastian Cubillos Muñoz #huilohuilo

Tremendo viaje!! Con gente genial, muy agradecido de la agencia y con Vanessa ya que fue todo espectacular.. partiendo con el lugar de alojo, los desayunos y las rutas que recorrimos.. definitivamente volveré a viajar junto a ustedes ?

Margarita Ulloa Diaz

Margarita Ulloa Diaz #travesiatourchile

De regreso sin contratiempos y feliz de haberlos conocidos. Ni decir gracias expresan lo que siento. Muchas bendiciones y éxito mucho éxito hoy y siempre!!!

Susana Luna Sanchez

Susana Luna Sanchez #huilohuilo #travesiatourchile

Excelente paseo por termas geometricas muchas gracias frescia y javier ....100% feliz.....y de poder compartir con nuevos amigos

tours 7 tazas

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tours 7 tazas

Radal Siete Tazas National Reserve

Radal Siete Tazas National Reserve

Nearby tourist attractions

Know radal siete tazas national reserve.

With 5147 hectares, the Siete Tazas (Seven Cups Reserve) is located in the Claro River shore and it is a beautiful animal and vegetal habitat. The flora includes species like chaguales and cacti, laureles, coigües, copihues, avellanos, canelos, litres, quillay, arrayan, cypress and oaks. The fauna is amazing and you can find species like chacañas, black woodpeckers, tricahues birds, aguiluchos and torcazas. It was created in 1996, and you can see its biggest attraction, a natural formation of seven small cascades called “Siete Tazas” and the big waterfall of “Velo de la novia”.

Información del Destino:

Flora and fauna.

All year except in June, July and August.

Trekking, horseback ridings, mountainbike, river kayak, high mountain tours, picnic, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.

Moderate mediterraneo weather. In the shore, the temperatures are moderate, with a dry season of 6 months by the north and 4 months in the south. During summer time, the high temperature goes from 19ºC to 30ºC, meanwhile, during winter the minimun temperature goes to 7ºC.

Outdoor activities, information center, camping.

Land route, from Curico to Molina. Then take Route K-15.

Iloca beach, Duao beach and bay, San Pedro Springs, Llico Bay, Carlos Condell Hill, Teno Lagoons, English Park, Curicó, Villa Prat town, Torca Lagoon National Reserve, Radal Siete Tazas National Reserve, Salinas de Boyeruca, La Leona Waterfalls, Las Siete Tazas waterfalls, Vichuquén, Vichuque Lake, El Planchón Volcano.

  • Embalse Colbún - 45 km Hacienda Los Lingues - 97 km Linares y Cordillera El Melado - 79 km Museo de Colchagua - 94 km Reserva Nacional Altos de Lircay - 31 km Ruta del Vino Valle de Curicó - 53 km Ruta del Vino Valle del Maule - 58 km Salto Las Siete Tazas - 13 km San Fernando - 90 km Santa Cruz - Valle de Colchagua - 94 km
  • Talca - 68 km Termas de Panimavida - 61 km Termas de Quinamavida - 64 km Termas del Flaco - 65 km Valle de Colchagua - 99 km Valle de Curicó y Radal Siete Tazas - 54 km Valle del Maule y Talca - 67 km Viña Casa Lapostolle - 89 km Viña Casa Silva - 95 km Viña Viu Manent - 90 km

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tours 7 tazas

Siete Tazas National Park, Chile: Your Complete Guide

Planning a trip to Chile and wanting to uncover some hidden local gems? Discover Siete Tazas National Park, a wild and beautiful national park close to Santiago.

Siete Tazas National Park, Radal Siete Tazas National Park or Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas is a gorgeous national park in the Central Region of Chile. Located 260km (3.5hrs) southeast of Santiago, it’s the perfect place to base yourself for a few days if you’re looking to get away from the bustling city and experience some wild and untouched nature.

Siete Tazas translates to ’Seven Cups’ in English and the name comes from the seven natural, rock pools, linked by small waterfalls, which in my opinion are the highlight of the park.

As someone who lived in Chile for 6 years, I can’t quite believe I’d waited some 4 years to visit this extraordinary place. We concluded that it was quite easily the best national park located close to Santiago.

During your visit to Las 7 Tazas, expect to see hectares upon hectares of native forest, two spectacular waterfalls, the ‘seven cups’ and lots of other spectacular landscapes along the way.

Salto La Leona Radal Siete Tazas

*This ‘ siete tazas national park’ post may contain affiliate links meaning I might make a small profit if you choose to book at no extra cost to you.

Best Time to Visit Siete Tazas, Chile

The warmest time to visit 7 Tazas Chile is during the Chilean summer months December- February. Note that January and especially February are Chilean vacation months so if visiting at this time, book your accommodation in advance and avoid weekends.

A great time to visit the park is during the spring September-December and autumn March-May, when you can see the landscape transform into a wave of beautiful autumnal colours.

During the winter the park may be closed due to heavy snowfall- check ahead of time when planning to visit during winter. My favourite time to visit is December-January or early March.

tours 7 tazas

How to Get to Siete Tazas Chile

The easiest and most convenient way to reach Las 7 Tazas Chile is by car. I’d highly recommend renting a car and driving over taking public transport.

Cars can be rented in Santiago for about $43 per day for a basic small car. We always use Rental Cars for the best car rental rates in Chile.

From Santiago head south on Highway 5 until you reach Molina. From Molina take the K-175 all the way to Siete Tazas.

Note that the roads in the National Park aren’t in great condition and at the time of writing but are still suitable for a small, non-4×4 to pass.

By Public Transport

From Terminal Alamada bus station in Santiago, you can catch a bus to Molina. From Molina you can change for another bus that goes to Radal Siete Tazas or Parque Ingles.

The local buses stop all along the road so you can get off earlier if your accommodation is outside the park. Some buses go all the way to Parque Ingles where there is a campsite and some cafes.

During low season May-September due to less demand, there are fewer public buses. Check here for timetables and booking your ticket online, although this isn’t necessary- some Spanish knowledge will help here. 


Hitch-hiking is fairly popular still inside the park so if you’d like a ride from one spot to another it’s an idea. If you’re going to hitch-hike in the summer find the portions of the road that are paved (there are a couple inside the park), otherwise you’ll get sprayed with a cloud of thick dust every time a car passes.

tours 7 tazas

Where to Stay in Siete Tazas

The most common form of accommodation in and around the 7 Tazas National Park is either camping or in rustic cabins. There is some, yet limited accommodation inside the park – many other options are located just outside the park entrance.

If you have a car then I’ll recommend staying outside the park as you have a lot more choice, which helps, especially during high season.

Where to Stay Outside Siete Tazas National Park

Cabañas Oasis – Rustic wooden cabins with all your basics covered. Located right in the middle of nature with stunning valley views. Close to the Rio Claro for refreshing cold water dips post-hiking. Find out more and book .

Cabañas Precordillera – A great alternative to the above, located very close to the park entrance. Simple but functional cabins. Find out more and book .

Where to Stay Inside Siete Tazas

Valle Las Catas – They have camping pitches available as well as rustic cabins (no electricity) to rent in a stunning part of the park. It does get very busy in high season so make sure to book advance. Find out more here .

Cabañas el Toro – Rustic cabins with all you need for a comfortable stay located just inside the park. Find out more here .

Camping Siete Tazas

If you’ve got your own gear, camping 7 Tazas is the way to go. Campsites, in general, are pretty well organised and they all have good pitches, bathrooms and washing facilities.

Pitches on campsites outside the park come with their own barbecues (ours did) which makes a great change for cooking food.  We camped at Eco-camping Entre Rockas  which I would highly recommend.

All their electricity and hot water are generated through solar panels and they also provide eco-friendly detergents. It’s a gorgeous site and you can camp right by the river.  Noteworthy campsites outside the park include Cabanas Alto Radal Siete Tazas  and  Cabanas Los Molles .

Camping in the Siete Tazas

Inside the park, you can also camp at Valle las Catas . They have cabins and pitches to rent and while they are more expensive they include the entrance fee to the park. If you don’t have a car I would recommend staying in Valle las Catas as it’s walkable to the main sites of the park. 

Staying at Valle las Catas includes your entrance fee to the park which is CLP$6,400 for foreigners otherwise.

Note that if you stay inside the park you won’t be able to light any kinds of fires which include barbecues, so make sure you have a camping stove.

Where to Eat

Self-catering is really the way to go in Siete Tazas. There are some cafes where you can grab some light meals and junk food in Parque Ingles and right before the park entrance there are some food trucks, coffee stands and grocery stores. 

If you’re coming by car, stop at a supermarket in Molina to grab all your groceries and supplies. If you’re taking the bus try to bring as much as you can from either Santiago and Molina. 

Read more: 20+ Chile Travel Tips You Need to Know Before Visiting

Top Things to Do in Siete Tazas Chile

Siete Tazas National Park has enough to do to fill up a couple of days. Here are the main sites and activities that cannot be missed during your stay.

Salto Velo de La Novia

This is the first waterfall you come to upon entering the park and there is a viewpoint from the road.

The waterfall is stunning and it tumbles over the craggy rocky cliff into the azul pool below. You’ll notice the native forest and vegetation all around it- creating a scene like something out of Paradise Lost.

You might, however, be surprised by how little water there is and this goes for the entire park. In 2010 Chile had a huge earthquake, which cracked and separated some of the bedrock and since then much of the water has flowed underground.

tours 7 tazas

Hike to and Marvel at Siete Tazas

One of the most beautiful sights you’ll see in the park- the Siete Tazas are seven rocky pools, each one placed at a lower elevation than the previous one.

Water spills from the top one down to the last one via small waterfalls. The water is the clearest, deepest, ice-blue you’ll see. While not big, these are some of the most scenic of all Chile waterfalls.

We arrived just after sunrise and enjoyed the stillness, tranquillity and the perfect golden light the location had to offer. 

To reach Siete Tazas and Salto La Leona (below) which is essentially past the start of the park you’ll have to pay the entrance fee which costs CLP$6,400 for foreigners and CLP$2,700 for Chileans. 

Siete tazas, 7 Tazas

Have a Picnic at Salto La Leona

Continuing down the path from Siete Tazas you’ll eventually start descending down the steep cliffs into the old riverbed of the Rio Claro (since the earthquake the river now flows underground to reappear at Velo de la Novia).

Jump over the huge boulders and make your way to peaceful Salto La Leona, one of the best waterfalls in Chile. At the base of it, you can bathe in the icy water of the plunge pool and there’s even a sandy/dust beach where you can relax on for the rest of the afternoon. It’s the perfect spot for a picnic.

La Leona Waterfall Chile

Hike Parque Ingles

Parque Ingles is a wonderful, green valley surrounded by jagged, wind-swept mountains and it’s great for a walk or a picnic. It’s also the starting point for many treks around the park. See the hiking section below for all the treks.

Sendero El Bolson

Relax in Nature

Even if you’re not of the adventure type, Siete Tazas is also a great place to relax, read a book and take in your surroundings. You can head to Parque Ingles, find a shaded spot and read a book or simply relax in a hammock at your cabin. It’s the ideal place for a digital detox too or just slowing down.

Rio Claro Chile

Bathe in the Claro River

Yes, the water in Siete Tazas is inviting and oh so clear it’s almost drinkable but don’t let that fool you.

It is ice-cold water that comes straight from the high Andes. In most places in the park, it’s impossible to access the river due to the steep cliffs that flank its side but at one point it opens up allowing you to bathe in the rock pools.

This point is called ‘Malacara’ and it’s accessed only by trekking from Parque Ingles. Read more in the ‘Hiking’ section below. 

Malacara Siete Tazas Chile

Visiting Santiago? Read The Best Hikes in Santiago, Chile: A Definitive Guide

Hiking in Siete Tazas Chile

Siete Tazas is loaded with hiking paths of varying difficulty allowing you to choose what you feel like doing.  Hiking in Siete Tazas isn’t difficult. There’s plenty of information available on the ground and hiking paths are all well-trodden and well-signposted.

Here are some of the park’s most note-worthy and must-do hikes.

This is one of the longest and most popular treks in the park.

Starting at Parque Ingles, the El Bolson trail snakes through the forested valley and around to El Bolson, a higher, spectacular valley fringed with towering peaks and cascading waterfalls.

It’s a stunningly wild place of pure, unadulterated nature. Upon arrival, rest and admire the view, have a picnic lunch and visit Cascadas Gemelas, a pretty twin waterfall closeby.

You can also camp at El Bolson and many people do so in the summer- the campsite is pretty barebones though. The trail is 11km one way and can be completed in a day and while it is very long it is a comfortable, almost- flat walk most of the time. Expect to complete it in 5-8hrs.

View of El Bolson Siete Tazas

La Montañita

Starting at Parque Ingles, this difficult trek or climb even, takes you out of the immediate valley straight up the adjacent mountain for the most beautiful views of the valley below.

It’s only 4km long but it’s a steep uphill almost all the time and takes about 5-6hrs to complete.

Malacara is a beautiful, short trail, perfect for those interested in swimming and those not interested in a long trek. The Malacara trail uses the same trail as El Bolson for the first 2km and then branches out towards the Rio Claro.

The trail winds through native forest, rustic footbridges and apocalyptic-looking trees that have been burned out by lightning. After 3.5km you’ll end up at Malacara where you can descend to the only part of the Claro river which can be accessed for swimming in the entire area.

You’ll find many natural rock pools of clear but ice-cold water to bath or soak your feet in. This is a gorgeous place for a picnic or to spend a few hours before heading back.

Sendero Malacara Siete Tazas

Los Chiquillanes

Another challenging option in the Parque Ingles valley is Los Chiquillanes, a steep path taking in native forest and an ancient volcano- its top long since blown off.

This 5.5km path (one way) will reward you with stunning views of the valley. Put aside 4-5 hours to complete this. 

Tree in Siete Tazas

Do you have any comments or questions about visiting Siete Tazas National Park, Chile? Let me know in the comments below , I’d love to hear from you.

Don’t travel Chile without travel insurance. For the last few years, I’ve been using  Safetywing Nomad Insurance  for all my individual trips and digital nomad lifestyle and there’s no better company for all my insurance needs. Cover starts from as little as $42 per month.  Get your quote below now .

Planning a trip right now? These are just some of my favourite websites I use to book everything from hotels to rental cars!

Rentalcars.com  for quick and easy car rentals worldwide

Booking.com  for great deals on hotels

Agoda  also for great deals on hotels

Get Your Gu i de  and  Viat or  for tours and adventures around the world

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20+ Must-Know Travel Tips for Chile (From a Local)

What To Do In Santiago, Chile: The Insider’s Guide

The Best Day Tours from Santiago, Chile

Leading Casablanca Valley Wineries in Chile Worth a Visit

Atacama Desert Chile: The Ultimate Self-Driving Itinerary


tours 7 tazas

Alex Wieteska

Alex Wieteska is a full-time travel writer and photographer. She has visited 50+ countries and lived in 4 long term. She's renowned for her ability to discover the world's most coveted destinations, chicest eateries, and unique accommodations. Her curated travel guides are read by thousands of people daily, whom she inspires to travel the world slowly and live more consciously. She visits every destination she writes about and handpicks all recommendations. Find out more about me

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El parque nacional radal siete tazas posee una rica variedad de especies nativas, reunidas de manera única en esta parte del mundo. es por esto que ésta área es denominada uno de los importantes puntos calientes de la tierra o “hot spot”. por eso que recorrer el parque nacional radal siete tazas es descubrir paso a paso una rica biodiversidad, la que debemos conocer y proteger para la preservación de este particular ecosistema., la fauna silvestre está presente por donde vayas, miles de animales dan vida al parque nacional radal siete tazas, los que mantienen en perfecto equilibrio el ecosistema endémico. ellos han hecho su hogar cada rincón de este mágico rincón del maule., pulmón verde único, por millones de años, un variado abanico de especies han elegido el maule para asentarse y elevarse por los cielos, dando forma a una floresta endémica que une de forma única el norte y el sur del país., la montaña tiene varios puntos de vista que debes conocer. por eso existen diversos senderos que te ayudarán a contemplar y comprender de mejor manera la majestuosidad de nuestra precordillera andina., siete tazas, chiquillanes, sendero de chile.

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tours 7 tazas

  • Siete Tazas – Camping y Cabañas Valle de las Catas

Ticket Siete Tazas

Conoce las siete tazas.

  • Manual del Viajero
  • Reglamento de Camping y Cabañas
  • Preguntas Frecuentes
  • Condiciones de compra y Devoluciones

¡Haz tu reserva!

Apertura camping y cabañas: viernes 13 al domingo 22 de septiembre

Apertura Ticket Siete Tazas: a partir del viernes 13 de septiembre

Abierto del viernes 13 al domingo 22 de septiembre 2024

Abierto desde el viernes 13 de septiembre 2024

Atención telefónica, correo y reservas en línea: a partir del  lunes 2 de septiembre .

Ven y conoce Siete Tazas

Visítanos y descubre las maravillas de la naturaleza que nos entrega el centro sur de Chile, en la zona pre cordillerana del Maule.

Ven y conoce nuestras cabañas

Equipadas con 1 o 2 dormitorios, comedor, baño con agua caliente y cocina.

No contamos con energía en el lugar, por lo tanto, no hay artefactos eléctricos. Tenemos luz solar solo para las ampolletas.

Visita nuestro Camping

La zona de camping cuenta con amplios sitios equipados con llave de agua, mesas y sillas rústicas y fogón con parrilla, además de mucha sombra y pozones de bajo caudal, aptos para refrescarse.

Tenemos baños equipados y duchas con agua caliente las 24 horas.

Descubre los beneficios del Ticket Siete Tazas

Conoce las Siete Tazas y las principales formaciones y cascadas a través de nuestro recorrido por la ribera sur del río Claro.

El sendero peatonal es de aproximadamente 1.5 Km, tiene área de estacionamiento, baños, e incluye cuatro miradores:

  • Mirador Puente Frutillar
  • Terraza-Mirador Saltos del Claro
  • Mirador Siete Tazas
  • Mirador Salto de la Leona

Descubre nuestros miradores

El perfil de nuestros visitantes está orientado preferentemente a grupos familiares y a todo aquel que disfrute de la tranquilidad, privacidad y seguridad.

Cuida y respeta el medio ambiente

Consejos y tips.

La reserva posee una vasta diversidad de especies arbóreas, entre las que podemos destacar: Olivillos, Cipreses, Raulíes, Robles, Coigües, Laureles, Quillayes, Litres, Peumos, Ñirres, Avellanos y Mañío de Hoja Larga. La fauna más notoria del área está constituida por los mamíferos y aves.


Ruta 275 s/n, sector radal 7 tazas Molina, VII Región, Chile

Lunes a Sábado: 9 a 13 hrs y de 15 a 19 hrs / Domingo: 15 a 19 hrs.

[email protected]

tours 7 tazas


Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas

Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas

Parque nacional, radal siete tazas.

Explora los Parques Chilenos en la región del Maule

¿Planeas viajar al Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas ? Podemos ayudarte. En nuestra «Guía de las Siete Tazas», encontrarás información actualizada sobre qué ver, accesos y tarifas, dónde dormir y buenos lugares para visitar.

Guía Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas

accesos alerce andino

Accesos y Tarifas

donde dormir alerce andino

Dónde Dormir

tours 7 tazas

Guía de Turismo Local

actividades en tolhuaca

Qué Visitar

mapa de tolhuaca

El Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas puede definirse de una manera, y esa es « el bello parque donde se forman las 7 tazas del Río Claro «. Recorriendo los senderos podrás encontrar los pozones y los distintivos saltos de agua el Velo de la Novia y el Salto de la Leona. Conocer el Parque Inglés y el Bolsón.

¿Por qué visitar Radal Siete Tazas?

Explorar Las Siete Tazas es adentrarse en un escenario natural único de la región del Maule. Este parque nos cautiva con la creación rocosa de los pozones que rodeados de la flora y fauna nos dejan ser testigos y visitantes de su belleza. Sus senderos van reflejando la naturaleza, y ofrecen unas vistas deslumbrantes entre árboles, saltos y montaña en los Andes. El Parque nacional Radal Siete Tazas es un santuario donde la biodiversidad convive entre si, formando una experiencia única que conecta al visitante con la esencia natural de la región del Maule.

Lo que opinan del Parque Nacional

Bello muy muy bello 😍

Google Logo

Muy lindo parque, tiene un entorno muy bello, mucha vegetación y nos encontramos con varias aves como el chucao, hued hued y carpintero.

Jorge Farfan Z Avatar

Precioso!! Muy bien cuidado y sobretodo limpio❤️ definitivamente volveré

Fernanda Rosales Avatar

Hermoso lugar para visitar, fuimos algo tarde así que solo recorrimos un sendero, pero la vista de la cascada era maravillosa 😌 espero que la gente se anime a conocer ... Ver más... estos lugares y recuerden llevarse su basura, debemos proteger nuestra flora y fauna.

Karina Dominguez Avatar

El acceso desde Victoria es ideal en camioneta, el paisaje es precioso, caminata de 2 km hasta cascada, el sendero casi plano.

Tania Catalina Cif Avatar

El lugar bonito (7 tazas)desde la entrada pésimo el camino ,malo muy malo sin poder llegar en vehículo y el valor de la entrada muy cara no vale la pena ... Ver más... destruir el vehículo para llegar hasta ahí.. Suciedad en todo el camino en el lugar (las 7 tazas )basura por doquier, baños insalubres ...

Sebastiana Torres Avatar

Linda experiencia a las siete tazas,recomendable . No para personas con dificultad para caminar

Amanda Alicia Madrid Avatar

Precioso pero insccesible

Clau Avatar

Espectacular lugar... Paisajes increíbles... Aguas naturalmente calientes, el Géiser impresionante...

Carlos CANS Avatar

Hermosos recuerdos

Victor Silva Moreno Avatar

Precioso lugar para ir a caminar y desconectarse

Ana González Avatar

Lugar de naturaleza para visitar

Pedro Natalino Avatar

Muy bonito el lugar. Limpio, bien cuidado y especial para desconectarse (no hay señal estando dentro... maravilloso) Recomendaciones: Ir en un vehículo idealmente alto y con buena suspensión. (Aunque llega ... Ver más... hasta el vehículo más sencillo, pero para un viaje más cómodo y cuidar los riñoses, se sugiere). Por lo anterior, podría haber un mejor camino para llegar allá. Ya que hay unos baches grandes en el camino de tierra, en una buena camioneta aguanta bien, aunque igual el vaivén con cualquier vehículo es inevitable. Y agregar un poco de señalética al sendero, creo que sería una oportunidad de mejora.

Alex Piñeda Escobar Avatar

Muy bello lugar, el acceso no esta pavimentado como tal, pero se puede llegar en cualquier vehiculo con precaución

Ignacio Paz Avatar

Conoce el Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas

«El parque al interior de Molina»… Así es reconocido este hermoso parque nacional. Un paraíso ubicado en la zona cordillerana de la región del Maule, en el centro-sur de Chile. Es declarado parque nacional desde el año 2008 y alcanza una extensión de 5.026 hectáreas aproximadamente.

En el P arque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas , los visitantes pueden realizar diversas actividades: senderismo (trekking o hiking) , avistamiento de aves , paseos y caminatas. 

Protejemos nuestros Parques

Nosotros somos visita en el habitat de ellos, reciclemos y reutilicemos prefiriendo lo orgánico, ¿qué visitar en el parque.

En el Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas , podrás maravillarte con sus famosos pozones y saltos de agua que dan nombre a este lugar. Entre la montaña verás los verdes bosques que bordean el cauce del río claro y conviven en el silencio de la naturaleza cordillerana.

Explora los 6 senderos trazados entre el bosque de coigües y robles. Así como La Montañita; Salto La Leona, es aquí donde más puedes apreciar las Siete Tazas; el Valle del Indio; Los Chiquillanes; El Coigüe; Sendero universal. Llegar al Parque Inglés una belleza natural para explorar y admirar en un suave silencio.

El Tiempo en el Parque Nacional

Este parque nacional , tiene un clima templado bastante lluvioso que lo mantiene con un verde intenso y magníficos bosques entre más de 8 lagos y lagunas.

Top Actividades

Si quieres aprovechar al máximo tu visita al Parque Radal Siete Tazas , tenemos la sección «Top Actividades». Emocionantes itinerarios, consejos locales y experiencias únicas para vivir la esencia del parque en tu visita. ¡Tu aventura comienza aquí! ¡Visita « Actividades TOP » y que tu viaje sea una experiencia inolvidable!

Reserva tu Alojamiento aquí

Radal siete tazas en instagram, #parquenacionalradalsietetazas.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida por Eduardo Sepulveda Parra (@eduuuu_89)
Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida de Benjamin Valenzuela Wallis (@benjavalenzuelawallis)
Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida por Trekking Chile Turismo Oficial ▪️Chile 🇨🇱 (@trekkingchile_turismo)

Los 4 Parques Nacionales Chilenos más cerca de Radal Siete Tazas

Distancia desde PN Radal Siete Tazas a PN Laguna del Laja: 5:30 horas. 434 Km

Distancia desde PN Radal Siete Tazas a PN Nahuelbuta: 6:30 horas. 453 Km

Distancia desde PN Radal Siete Tazas a PN Río Clarillo: 3:35 horas. 256 Km

Distancia desde PN Radal Siete Tazas a PN La Campana: 4:45 horas. 371 Km

Consejos ecoamigables para tu estadía

prohibido fuego parque nacional

No uses fuego

El peligro para la vida propia del parque es invaluable, por eso es esencial respetar la prohibición del uso del fuego

prohibido mascotas parque nacional

No lleves tu mascota

No se permite la presencia de mascotas en estas áreas que preservan una rica biodiversidad propia de la zona.

llévate tu basura parque nacional

Llévate la basura

Lo mejor para cuidar la belleza y vida del parque en su forma original, es que lleves la basura contigo. No dejemos rastro de nuestra visita.

prohibido drones parque nacional

No usar Drones particulares

En todos los Parques Nacionales y Reservas Naturales de Chile está prohibido el uso de Drones.

Gochile.cl, your first step to Chile

  • Radal Siete Tazas National Park
  • Destinations
  • Central Valley, Vineyards & Santiago

Trekking is one of the favorite activities for those who visit the Radal siete Tazas National Park. It has water pools suitable for bathing and forests of oaks, coigües and Ñirre of different colors.

tours 7 tazas

This is a gorgeous park with a surface area of 5,147.51 hectares (11,324.5 acres), whose major attraction is its 7 waterfalls and their respective ‘cups’ (tazas) that Claro de Molina river has carved over millions of years out of the basalt rock. This zone is an ecological transition between the draught-tolerant vegetation of the north and the more humid forests of the south. You will find various singing birds, such as thrush and tench, and predators like puma and leopardus colocolo.

Amongst the cypress and oak woods, you will also find traces of ancient nomad peoples and hunter-gatherers, like "piedra tacita" (stones used for the grinding of foodstuffs).

The park is an attractive destination for kayakers, who can navigate the rapids of the Claro river.

Radal Siete Tazas National Park Basic Information

Location: The park is located in the province of Curicó , district of Molina.

How to get there: The park is located 55 km away from Molina, and its main access is the road coming from the area called Parque Inglés. The first 7 km of this road are paved and the rest is gravel. Nevertheless, the last 9 km are difficult in winter due to the snow fallen in June and July. There is another access road coming from Talca and San Clemente. It is steep in some areas, so using a pickup truck or a jeep is recommended; the first 40 km are paved. To take this road you have to take the Pehuence International Road, then the crossroad to Corralones, and finally the Las Lomas turnoff for 28 km.

When to go: Year round

Business hours

  • Summer: from 8:30 to 20:00 hrs
  • Winter: from 8:30 to 17.30 hrs

Climate: Warm, temperate with long dry season. To the west there is mountain weather due to the higher altitudes. It is common to find snow in winter and spring, specially on the south and east slopes. The average year temperature is 14,7 ºC, and the precipitation index is 980 mm per year

Services: CONAF, accommodation, transportation

Infrastructure and services in Radal Siete Tazas National Park

Area Administration: It is located in the Parque Inglés area.

Park Ranger's office: Located las Siete Tazas area.

Environmental Information Center: Located in the Parque Inglés area.

Camping areas: Los Robles camping is located in Parque Inglés. It has 50 sites equipped with water, electricity, restrooms, bonfires, and vigilance. Camping for 6 people (site per day): CLP 8.000

Accommodation: In Parque Inglés there is a guesthouse called "La Flor de la Canela", which is open all year.

First aid: Radal infirmary, 500 mts away from the police post in Rada.

Services outside the area

  • Food: Molina, 55 km away from the administration area. Also in Flor de la Canela guesthouse
  • Phone: in Radal infirmary and the guesthouse.

Attractions in Radal Siete Tazas National Park

What to see:

The landscape in this beautiful reserve is dominated by the traditional forest of Chile's central area, with oaks, hualos, coigues, and ñirres. In winter, the green of these trees contrasts with the white peaks. In may, the color of the non-evergreen forest gets more intense.

This park hast beautiful landscapes, among which you can find Las Siete Tazas, which is a sequence of seven waterfalls and their respective pools which tumble into the black basalt rock of the Claro river. There are also two large waterfalls: El Velo de la Novia (Bride's Veil) and La Leona.

Claro river, south limit of the park has eroded the basalt rock for years, forming spectacular shapes, like Las Siete Tazas, El Velo de la Novia, La Leona, and other 22 pools along its bank.

  • Baths in ponds in Claro river(Parque Inglés and Radal).
  • Horseback riding (horses can be rented in Valle las Catas).
  • Mountain Biking (bikes can be rented in Valle las Catas)
  • Trekking in the different areas of the park.
  • Guided excursions
  • Kayak (only experienced kayakers)
  • Photography
  • Wildlife observation: everywhere in the park: Parque Inglés, Salto de La Leona, Siete Tazas, Velo de la Novia, Mondaca lagoons, and el Radal.

Several trails coming from Parque Inglés will allow you to get in touch with the area. There are also two interpretive trails.

Tours and viewpoints:

  • Siete Tazas: Spectacular view of the south bank of Siete Tazas
  • Salto de La Leona Viewpoint: A unique panoramic view of the valley of Claro river, from the top of Salto de la Leona.
  • Los Coigües Gully: a beautiful landscape with its own microclimate and exuberant flora made up by woods of coigües.
  • Mountain Cypress forest: this is the best preserved mountain cypress forest in the north of the country.
  • Los Chorros waterfall: impressive waterfalls of over 100 mts located in the slopes of Frutillar Hill.
  • Infrastructure for people with special needs: Trail to Siete Tazas, with an extension of 300 mts and covered in 30 min.

Indio Valley:

  • Extension: 15 kms
  • Estimated time on foot: all day

Los Chiquillanes:

  • Extension: 7 Km.
  • Estimated time on foot: 5 hours

La Montañita:

  • Extension: 1 Km.
  • Estimated time on foot: 2 hours

Salto la Leona Interpretive trail:

  • Extension: 1.200 metros
  • Extension: 1 km.
  • Estimated time on foot: 1 hour

Natural Heritage

Geomorphology: The topography of the area is rugged, with high peaks and crags, especially on the banks of the Claro river, but also some smoother slopes in Parque Inglés. Of the main summits, the peaks of El Alto (6,645 ft above sea level), El Frutillar (5,510 ft), El Fraile (4,674 ft), and El Cordon de Guamparo (7,038 ft) stand out.

Hydrography: The basis of the river system is the Claro river, which corresponds to the southern limit of the area. The main streams are the Campo, Toro and Radal, which empty their waters close to the eastern limit of the park. The source of these streams is permanent and the waters are remarkably clean. All these streams are important sources of water for the irrigation of the central valley.

Flora: The pre-Andean area where Radal Siete Tazas is located, is a place for sclerophyllus vegetation, typical of the Mediterranean-like zones of central Chile and the humid forests of the south. Large terebinth shrubs, Andean beeches, oaks and laurels grow together with soapbark trees, litres and peumos. In the driest part of the hills, you can see cacti and chaguales, typical of the more northern zones. The vegetation of the area is hugely diverse, especially in the southern part. In particular, there are species of Southern Beech found here, and species classified as ‘vulnerable’ in the ‘Simposio de Flora Arborea y Arbustiva de Chile con Problemas de Conservacion’ (Symposium of Chilean Arboreal and Shrub-like Flora with Preservation Trouble). They are for example, Santiago oak, coigue, nirre, hazel tree, laurel and long-leaf 'manio'.

Fauna: The most notorious fauna in the area are mammals and birds. You can find pudu, pumas, red and grey foxes, guinas and chingues. Two of the three species of marsupial in the country can also be found here: the yaca and the mountain monkey. Among the birds, it is worth mentioning the burrowing parrot, an "endangered species", chilean pigeons, austral parakeets, peregrin falcons, condors, eagles, white-tailed kite, red backed hawk, black woodpeckers, torrent ducks and many others.

Historical Heritage

Between May 1987 and December 1992 eleven pieces of archaeological research were carried out in this park. Their purpose was to determine the park's archaeological heritage, and get to know the customs of the pre-Columbian hunter-gatherers that inhabited the area. The research revealed the existence of 33 archaeological sites, 28 of which proved indegenous occupations, and other five with historical remains.

The studies carried out in Siete Tazas and its surroundings proved that the indigenous sites had traces of occupation left by Andean hunter-gatherers. These groups camped and stopped in open fields, woods, and the banks of Claro river and other streams. They used the andesita basailtic quarries and the deposits of obsidian to manufacture their stone utensils.


The climate is Mediterranean, hot in summer and cold in winter. The average annual temperature is around 13° C. The central zone of Chile is considered the warmest of the country. In summer temperatures surpass 30 ° C.

Stores in rural areas are open all day, but they close between 13.00 and 15.00. We advise you to carry local currency (Chilean pesos), since it isn’t possible to pay with debit or credit cards in kiosks and rural stores.

Do not litter on parks or streets. Taking care of our environment is everyone's responsibility. Avoid fines by following the rules.

Radal Siete Tazas National Park map

Come and discover radal siete tazas national park, hotels close to radal siete tazas national park, hotel casino talca .

Talca, at 32 mi from Radal Siete Tazas National Park

Hotel Casino Talca

Talca Casino Hotel's mission is to deliver a pleasurable and unforgettable experience to each of its guests. It has a style and decoration…

  • From CLP $ 92.225

Hotel Diego De Almagro Talca 

Talca, at 34 mi from Radal Siete Tazas National Park

Hotel Diego De Almagro Talca

The hotel counts with 107 rooms equipped with air conditioning system, frigobar, safe box, noise proof windows, cable TV and broadband…

  • From CLP $ 92.969
  • From US$ 130

Hotel Vendimia 

Santa Cruz, at 57 mi from Radal Siete Tazas National Park

Hotel Vendimia

Placed in the heart of Colchagua Valley Vendimia is a 4-star boutique hotel blessed by the charm of the city of Santa Cruz. Nearby,…

Articles about Radal Siete Tazas National Park

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Experience the Outdoors in Central Chile

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tours 7 tazas

  • Quienes Somos
  • Giras de estudio
  • Términos y Condiciones

tours 7 tazas

  • Transporte privado ida y regreso
  • Transporte climatizado
  • Ticket de entrada al Parque Nacional
  • Snack y bebestible a bordo
  • Visita Mirador Velo de la Novia
  • Visita parque Radal 7 tazas
  • Visita Salto de la Leona
  • Visita Molina
  • Visita puente Frutillar
  • Visita puente Radal
  • Visita saltos del Claro
  • Caminata panorámica
  • Radios de emergencia
  • Seguro de pasajeros
  • Coordinadores Caviahue Tour Chile
  • Pulseras de la actividad
  • Magnetico de regalo
  • Premios y concursos a bordo
  • 1. Pago de $9.990 por persona

Para asegurar tus cupos puedes reservar con $9.990 por persona y la diferencia el día del tour o pagar la totalidad.

Puedes elegir las siguientes formas de pago: En nuestra oficina: Efectivo o tarjetas bancarias.

Lunes a Viernes 09:00 a 13:00 hrs 15:00 a 18:00 hrs

Haciendo un Depósito o Transferencia a nuestra cuenta vista, solicita nuestra cuenta vista al WhatsApp +56986087217

  • 2. Envío de datos personales:

Después nos envías la foto de la transferencia o depósito a nuestro WhatsApp de full days: +56986087217 y los datos de los pasajeros que se mencionan a continuación para nuestro registro:

  • Nombre completo:
  • Nombre del Tour:
  • Fecha del Tour:

A reservar tus cupos !!

07:50 hrs:* Hora de presentación en metro Universidad de Santiago (referencia salida norte).

*las salidas de Rancagua 09:00 hrs (Ex Shopping) , Talca 10:00 hrs (Plaza de Armas)

08.00 hrs: Salida en dirección al Parque Nacional 7 Tazas.

11:00 hrs: Llegada y visita a Salto de la Novia.

12:00 hrs: Recorrido por los diferentes miradores hasta llegar a la Cascada el Salto de la Leona, sin antes visitar el puente frutillar y saltos del Claro

13:00 hrs: Llegada a la Cascada (Se recomienda almorzar y reposar para un posterior baño).

17:30 hrs : Regreso por el Sendero.

18:00 hrs: Regreso a Ciudad de origen.

21:00 hrs: Finalización de Tour

*los horarios son estimados y están sujetos a modificaciones mientras sea necesario.

  • Sandwich-Almuerzo frío.
  • Mochila para Trekking.
  • Bebidas hidratantes.
  • Lentes de sol.
  • Bloqueador Solar.
  • Ropa deportiva o trekking.
  • Zapatillas deportiva o trekking.
  • Traje de baño (dependiendo de la temporada)
  • Toalla (dependiendo de la temporada)
  • Sandalias (dependiendo de la temporada)
  • Corta vientos o casaca.
  • No permitido para embarazadas
  • Edad mínima requerida 5 años
  • Edad máxima 50 años (mayores de esta edad, consultar con un ejecutivo)
  • No se permiten niños en brazos
  • Una vez hecha la reserva podrás anular tu participación 72 horas antes del viaje, de no cumplir este requisito no habrá devolución.
  • De no asistir o llegar tarde el día del tour, no habrá posibilidad de postergación ni devolución.
  • Tiempo máximo de espera 10 minutos.

tours 7 tazas

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Vive Tour Chile


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RADAL 7 TAZAS + PARQUE INGLES ✅ Traslado ✅ Coordinador ✅ Ticket a Miradores: ✅ 7 Tazas ✅ Puente Frutillar ✅ Salto del Claro ✅ Salto la Leona ✅ Parque Ingles ✅ Tiempo libre Río Claro: 3 hrs. para bañarse, hacer trekking y disfrutar del paisaje cordillerano ✅️ Mirador Velo de la Novia ▶️ Primeros 7 PASAJES en 2x o 3x 1x $34.990 2x $66.000 3 o mas x $31.990 cada uno. ✅Después de 7 pjes en oferta $36.990 cu Recogida punto de encuentro: 7:00/Los heroes 7:30/Intermodal La Cisterna 7:45/ Parada Colon ⏺ tour con quorum mínimo de salida ⏺ Reserva $15.000 cada pasaje ⏺Estaremos de vuelta en stgo aprox 21 hrs Contáctanos: Carla Pedreros: +56 9 3081 1919 Luis Pedreros:  +56 9 9640 7614 Revisa nuestros términos y condiciones en www.vivetourchile.cl

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  1. Full Day Tour Siete Tazas from Santiago

    The Full Day Tour Siete Tazas offers a unique opportunity to explore the breathtaking natural beauty of Chile, with a visit to the seven cascading waterfalls in Radal Siete Tazas National Park, a stop at a local village, and a relaxing picnic lunch. The tour is a perfect blend of adventure, culture, and relaxation.


    Salida en dirección a Radal 7 Tazas. 09:30 hrs: Parada provisoria en bomba "COPEC" (15-10 min aprox) 11:30 hrs: Parada en Cascada de Velo de Novia (Pueden tomar fotos y recordar el lugar) 12:30 hrs: Llegada a Radal 7 Tazas. En donde iniciamos el recorrido, visitando los miradores: Salto el Claro, las 7 tazas y Salto La Leona

  3. Tour & Visit Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas

    The Full Day Tour Siete Tazas offers a unique opportunity to explore the breathtaking natural beauty of Chile, with a visit to the seven cascading waterfalls in Radal Siete Tazas National Park, a stop at a local village, and a relaxing picnic lunch. The tour is a perfect blend of adventure, culture, and relaxation. Read more.

  4. Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas

    Top ways to experience Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas and nearby attractions. Full Day Tour Siete Tazas from Santiago. Full-day Tours. from. $280.00. per adult (price varies by group size) National Park Radal 7 Tazas. 1. Multi-day Tours.

  5. Siete Tazas National park

    Siete Tazas is a National park in Chile, 260km south-east from Santiago. The name Siete Tazas from Spanish means "Seven cups" it refers to the seven natural rock pools one of the main attractions of the park. The landscape in Siete Tazas is incredible; rock pools, waterfalls, turquoise color rivers, and lush green forest a real paradise for ...

  6. National Park Radal 7 Tazas 2024

    Discover the secrets of Chile's wild places with a comprehensive, 2-day guided walking tour from Santiago. You'll visit Radal Siete Tazas National Park tucked away in Molina. It's known for its waterfalls and lush evergreen landscapes. A local guide knows all the secret spots in the park as well as at other sites you'll visit, like Cascada Velo de la Novia, English Park, and the south bank of ...

  7. Tour Parque Radal 7 Tazas (Full Day)

    Ver detalles de la salida. 1. Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas. Parada: 4 horas - Entrada incluida. Déjate encantar por la belleza y majestuosidad del Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas y dale la bienvenida a un día lleno de aventura y contacto con la naturaleza y sus admirables cascadas en un día al aire libre que jamás olvidarás. Leer más.

  8. Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas

    Las formas más populares de disfrutar de Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas y otras atracciones cercanas. Tour de día completo Siete Tazas desde Santiago. Tours de todo el día. desde. $266.543. por adulto (el precio varía según el tamaño del grupo) Parque Nacional Radal 7 Tazas. 1. Tours de varios días.

  9. Ultimate Santiago Adventure: Full-Day Siete Tazas Tour

    Embark on the Santiago Adventure: Siete Tazas Tour to discover the breathtaking natural wonders of Chile's landscape. This tour offers fantastic photography tips to capture the picturesque views of the seven natural rock pools, making it a paradise for photography enthusiasts.. Along the way, indulge in the delicious local cuisine, savoring the flavors unique to Chile.

  10. Radal Siete Tazas National Reserve

    Know Radal Siete Tazas National Reserve. With 5147 hectares, the Siete Tazas (Seven Cups Reserve) is located in the Claro River shore and it is a beautiful animal and vegetal habitat. The flora includes species like chaguales and cacti, laureles, coigües, copihues, avellanos, canelos, litres, quillay, arrayan, cypress and oaks.

  11. National Park Radal 7 Tazas

    Discover the secrets of Chile's wild places with a comprehensive, 2-day guided walking tour from Santiago. You'll visit Radal Siete Tazas National Park tucked away in Molina. It's known for its waterfalls and lush evergreen landscapes. A local guide knows all the secret spots in the park as well as at other sites you'll visit, like Cascada Velo de la Novia, English Park, and the south bank of ...

  12. Siete Tazas National Park Chile: Visiting an Underrated Gem

    Best Time to Visit Siete Tazas, Chile. The warmest time to visit 7 Tazas Chile is during the Chilean summer months December- February. Note that January and especially February are Chilean vacation months so if visiting at this time, book your accommodation in advance and avoid weekends. A great time to visit the park is during the spring ...

  13. 2024 (Chile) National Park Radal 7 Tazas provided by Santiago Tours

    per adult. From Santiago to the Andes: 4x4, horseback riding, waterfall visit and barbecue. 7. 4WD Tours. from. $300.00. per adult. LIKELY TO SELL OUT*. Santiago: Cajón del Maipo's activities mountain refuge.

  14. Home

    Diversos escenarios que pondrán a prueba tu voluntad. El Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas posee una rica variedad de especies nativas, reunidas de manera única en esta parte del mundo. Es por esto que ésta área es denominada uno de los importantes puntos calientes de la tierra o "hot spot". Por eso que recorrer el Parque Nacional Radal ...

  15. Siete Tazas

    Descubre los beneficiosdel Ticket Siete Tazas. Conoce las Siete Tazas y las principales formaciones y cascadas a través de nuestro recorrido por la ribera sur del río Claro. El sendero peatonal es de aproximadamente 1.5 Km, tiene área de estacionamiento, baños, e incluye cuatro miradores: Mirador Puente Frutillar.

  16. radal 7 tazas siete tazas tour 7 tazas camping parque ingles

    Tour Siete Tazas: VALOR OFERTA $29.700 NO INCLUYE LA ENTRADA AL PARQUE. Traslado en Ida y vuelta desde Santiago. Mirador Velo de la Novia. Mirador Puente Frutillar. Mirador Salto del Claro. Mirador 7 Tazas. Mirador Salto de la Leona. Pozón parque Ingles para bañarse.

  17. Tour Radal 7 Tazas

    🌳 Tour Radal 7 Tazas 🌳. VALOR GENERAL: $35.000 🔴 Hora y salida: 7:00 am. - Metro Los Héroes 🔴 Regreso: 21:30 horas aproximadamente. 🔴 Salidas disponibles: Febrero, sábados - domingos y festivos. Panorama imperdible en la Región del Maule, Parque Radal 7 Tazas ubicado a 275 km de Santiago, nos contempla una hermosa vista en medio de la cordillera, el 14 de octubre del 2008 ...

  18. Ven a visitar el Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas

    En el Parque Nacional Radal Siete Tazas, podrás maravillarte con sus famosos pozones y saltos de agua que dan nombre a este lugar. Entre la montaña verás los verdes bosques que bordean el cauce del río claro y conviven en el silencio de la naturaleza cordillerana. Explora los 6 senderos trazados entre el bosque de coigües y robles.

  19. Trekking in Siete Tazas National Park

    Radal Siete Tazas National Park. Trekking is one of the favorite activities for those who visit the Radal siete Tazas National Park. It has water pools suitable for bathing and forests of oaks, coigües and Ñirre of different colors. This is a gorgeous park with a surface area of 5,147.51 hectares (11,324.5 acres), whose major attraction is ...

  20. 7 TAZAS

    Para asegurar tus cupos puedes reservar con $9.990 por persona y la diferencia el día del tour o pagar la totalidad. Puedes elegir las siguientes formas de pago: En nuestra oficina: Efectivo o tarjetas bancarias. Haciendo un Depósito o Transferencia a nuestra cuenta vista, solicita nuestra cuenta vista al WhatsApp +56986087217. Después nos ...


    7:30/Intermodal La Cisterna. 7:45/ Parada Colon. ⏺ tour con quorum mínimo de salida. ⏺ Reserva $15.000 cada pasaje. ⏺Estaremos de vuelta en stgo aprox 21 hrs. Contáctanos: Carla Pedreros: +56 9 3081 1919. Luis Pedreros: +56 9 9640 7614. Revisa nuestros términos y condiciones en www.vivetourchile.cl.

  22. Novokuznetsk Map

    Novokuznetsk is a big metallurgy and coal city in the south of Kemerovo Oblast. Novokuznetsk has about 534,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.