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  • Viaggi con Elisa Polini e Luca Landoni
  • Viaggio Aurora Boreale: i migliori Tour Blueberry
  • Tour Fiordi Norvegesi
  • Aurora Boreale Svezia

Chi siamo e cosa facciamo

Abbiamo una   bella storia, tutto inizia con un bambino e gli aerei ....

  • Stefano da bambino pensa solo ad una cosa: gli aerei. L’aviazione civile gli entra sottopelle al punto di laurearsi nel 2003, con una tesi sul trasporto aereo e sulle nascenti No Frills. Decide che i voli avranno a che fare per sempre con la sua vita e con il suo lavoro. Dopo la laurea in Economia e Commercio, e dopo 5 anni di gavetta in Tour Operator con sede a Roma, decide che non è male l’idea di fare il lavoro più bello del mondo nell’isola più bella del mondo che è anche casa sua: la Sardegna. Grazie a questa “straordinaria” invenzione che si chiama internet, decide che la sua realtà sarà online. Coinvolge nel progetto i suoi assidui compagni di viaggio: il fratello Gian Paolo (all’epoca laureando in Giurisprudenza con tesi su diritto del Turismo) e la compagna di vita Roberta: ingegnere strutturista che decide di abbandonare solai e laterizi per la scoperta del mondo. Nel 2008 inizia la loro missione: far rivivere le stesse emozioni che provano loro nelle esperienze di viaggio che vivono e che, ogni volta, gli cambiano un po' la vita. Dal 2008 fino ad oggi Stefano, Gian Paolo e Roberta hanno allargato la famiglia Blueberry con nuovi, preziosi e indispensabili elementi nello staff e irrinunciabili Tour Leader formati e incredibilmente preparati.

Non a caso ci chiamiamo   blueberry

Nel 2008 durante un viaggio in Nord Europa in Nissan Micra dalla Sardegna fino a Capo Nord (e ritorno), Roberta e Stefano si sono ritrovati a fare un’enorme scorpacciata di mirtilli sotto la frizzante aria estiva della Lapponia Finlandese.

Una famiglia Sami, conosciuta durante il viaggio, gli aveva regalato un’intera cassetta di questa delizia garantendo che difficilmente avrebbero trovato una bacca più salutare.

Non avendo a disposizione in quel momento un cucchiaio o un piatto, la loro esperienza è stata una vera e propria scorpacciata a piene mani di quei frutti blu saltellanti, dinamici , succosi e ricchi di proprietà benefiche per la salute.

<< Ecco la sensazione che devono provare tutti i nostri viaggiatori dopo un’esperienza organizzata da noi! Quella del regalo di una vita più dinamica, più sana e appagante, in altre parole: migliore >>

Inoltre il mirtillo è il frutto preferito di Gian Paolo ed in Sardegna richiama il mirto: la preziosa bacca locale.

Nasce così il nome Blueberry Travel Company.

La filosofia e la passione ci guidano da oltre 10 anni. Continua a leggere per saperne di più. Vuoi anche le info noiose ma indispensabili? Allora vai alla pagina dei contatti e autorizzazioni .

Piedi per terra con la   mission

Creiamo e offriamo esperienze di viaggio immersive,  sostenibili e di valore che consentono a tutti i viaggiatori di essere al centro del loro viaggio, di sfruttare al meglio e in ogni istante il tempo a loro disposizione, per creare ricordi indimenticabili.

Utilizziamo i migliori strumenti tecnologici disponibili ma ci impegniamo a garantire sempre un contatto umano e personale, dalla prenotazione fino al rientro, contraddistinto da alta professionalità, passione ed empatia.

Testa tra le nuvole con la   vision

Vogliamo essere il Tour Operator di riferimento per tutti coloro che cercano dal viaggio un’esperienza di arricchimento personale.

Ti confidiamo la nostra   filosofia

Perchè viaggiamo? La nostra personale convinzione è che il motivo che di volta in volta ci spinge a lasciare il “nido” sia indissolubilmente legato al ruolo che il viaggio ha ricoperto nel corso della storia quando rappresentava lo strumento più importante attraverso il quale l’uomo poteva accrescere la conoscenza di luoghi, persone e modi di vivere, scambiando idee, saperi ed emozioni con le popolazioni che aveva modo di incontrare nel suo errare di meta in meta.

Tenendo fede a questa convinzione ma consapevoli del fatto che nel XXI secolo non esista un modo unico di viaggiare, abbiamo creato diverse linee di viaggio e tante collezioni speciali, tra le quali scegliere il più in linea con le esigenze del viaggiatore.

Quel qualcosa   in più

Non importa dove. La meta è secondaria, ciò che conta è l’emozione. La soddisfazione di un viaggio deriva dalle infinite combinazioni di atmosfere,  luci,  colori,  profumi e  sapori che ricorderemo per sempre.

Il sole è sempre lo stesso, ma il modo in cui  tinge montagne, prati e città è sempre diverso. La luna è sempre la stessa, ma il suo pallore o la sua brillantezza possono impreziosire qualsiasi paesaggio rendendolo unico. Il cielo è sempre lo stesso, ma le sue infinite gradazioni di colore e sfumature, talvolta sottili, talvolta increspate, creano atmosfere sempre diverse.

Cosa spinge a   viaggiare

Crediamo fortemente che non si viaggi mai per tornare. Se esiste infatti una realtà che accettiamo incondizionatamente è che siamo alla continua  ricerca del nuovo, dell’evoluzione costante.  Per questo  il viaggio rappresenta la forma di cambiamento più brusca che esista. Non viaggiamo mai per tornare allo stesso punto da cui siamo partiti, ogni esperienza ci cambia e ci aiuta ad evolvere.

Per questo vogliamo che i nostri viaggi siano innovativi, originali ed interamente  personalizzabili; soddisfare i desideri dei nostri viaggiatori è il nostro vero obiettivo.

Il rapporto con i nostri clienti non si interrompe mai dopo un semplice click sull’invio della mail di acquisto. Dal momento della scelta dell’esperienza di viaggio a quello dell’arrivo davanti alla porta di casa, blueberry vi segue e assiste per rendere la vostra esperienza unica e indimenticabile. Le nostre guide, così come qualunque altro fornitore di servizi, dagli autisti agli accompagnatori dei tour di gruppo alle linee aeree, vengono scelti con estrema cura per assicurarvi il massimo della qualità e competenza.

La squadra di   mirtilli

Stefano: il boss.

Lui è la scintilla, lui è Blueberry Travel. E’ laureato in economia e commercio e prima di fondare e dirigere Blueberry Travel ha fatto gavetta in due importanti tour operator con sede a Roma. Poi un giorno ha capito che gli mancava il pane carasau, e quindi è tornato a Sassari ed ha fondato Blueberry Travel. 

Fa sport ogni giorno in pausa pranzo (e poi doccia in ufficio prima di continuare a lavorare), appassionato di aviazione civile, di fotografia e di buon cibo. 

Gli piacciono i gialli scandinavi, il fai da te, le puntarelle ed è il papà di Aurora

In questa foto Stefano è in Norvegia mentre si cimenta nel trekking Trolltunga. Un’esperienza incredibile con panorami pazzeschi.

Gian Paolo: Perry Mason Travel

E’ la parte razionale della magia Blueberry.

Con il suo piglio pacato e rassicurante è sempre pronto ad affrontare ogni problema con una flemma invidiabile. Esperto di Giappone e “sarto” di esperienza individuali per i clienti più esigenti. Laureato in giurisprudenza con una tesi in diritto del turismo, ha unito la passione del Giappone a quella della legge.

Ama spostarsi in bicicletta, i panorami sul mare, le grigliate in terrazza, i dischi in vinile e non mangia funghi ed è il papà della piccola Sofia.

Roberta: mammarketing

Alla sua seconda vita lavorativa (in quella precedente è stata ingegnere strutturista), ha lasciato il settore dell’edilizia per dedicarsi ad una grande passione: la scoperta del mondo.

Si occupa della programmazione di GiappoTour, dei gruppi esclusivi Blueberry, e di marketing. Curiosa, chiacchierona e vulcanica, ma piena di pazienza.

Mamma di Aurora (si, è la moglie del boss), le piace ancora il calcestruzzo, le serie tv, cucinare (team bimby), il R&B e fotografare (e poi ha contagiato Stefano), odia la cipolla ma impazzisce per ogni tipo di zuppa (purché non ci sia cipolla).

Antonella: K-Money

La gemma preziosa di Blueberry Travel, colei che paga e alla quale tutti pagano. Antonella si occupa dell’amministrazione di Blueberry Travel ed è sempre molto attenta e disponibile con tutti i clienti. I suoi studi tecnici l’hanno portata a capire fin da subito che la sua strada sarebbe stata legata alla contabilità.

Cucina benissimo (lo spezzatino che prepara è epico) è appassionata di Egitto, è la mamma di Sara, non fa morire nemmeno una pianta e le piacciono le melanzane alla sassarese.

I K-drama l’hanno rapita e ogni tanto sogna ad occhi aperti di tornare in Corea del Sud.

Manuel: il più sardo di tutti

Professione “viaggiatore felice” da quando è nato, Manuel si è fatto le ossa nel tour operator di famiglia (a Monza) dove ha lavorato tanti anni.

Poi un giorno, ha aperto la finestra e ha desiderato vedere il golfo di Capo Caccia anziché la tangenziale. Così è diventato un mirtillo.

Si è trasferito ad Alghero ed ha così scoperto il suo DNA sardo. E’ un pozzo di scienza sulla Scandinavia e sui mondi ghiacciati, è sempre di buonumore, gli piace tanto mangiare (magari con un bicchiere di birra o vino), usa spesso la parola affascinante e soffre il solletico.

Paolo: giù le mani da GiappoTour® 

E’ cresciuto studiando l’inglese, sognando gli aerei e suonando il pianoforte.

Ha la sensibilità dell’artista e l’insaziabile curiosità del viaggiatore. Potevamo farcelo scappare?

Per lui GiappoTour®  è una questione personale, e se ne occupa ogni giorno. Coccola tutti i viaggiatori in rotta verso il Giappone, e da qualche tempo anche la gelida Lapponia sta conquistando il suo cuore.

Non beve vino né coca cola, è scorpione (quindi attenzione) e farebbe qualsiasi cosa per un buon piatto di gyoza.

In questa foto Paolo è a Tokyo al Teamlab durante una pausa dalle Hotel Inspection per scegliere gli Hotel migliori per GiappoTour ®

Sonia: un’esplosione di pazienza

Sonia è da poco entrata della famiglia Blueberry, ma la sua calma e la sua pazienza sono già diventate indispensabili.

Si occupa di operativo e booking per le destinazioni Blueberry Travel e ama follemente viaggiare nei deserti e nei paesi medio-orientali. Il suo ideale di vita è sempre immersa nella natura e il suo sogno è un safari in Sud Africa per fotografare the big 5.

Odia i peperoni, non beve caffè,  le piacciono i dolci del biscottificio Demelas ed ha una gatta che si comporta come un cane.  Ama il cinema ma ha anche un difetto: è una fan sfegatata dei Backstreet Boys 😉

Alessandro: tutto quadra

Era il più giovane del team (prima dell’arrivo di Giulia)! E’ sicuramente il mirtillo più genuino. Nonostante si occupi di amministrazione il suo primo giorno qui è stato contraddistinto da una task ben precisa: fare il passaporto. Ha provveduto subito perché sa che il mondo lo aspetta 🙂

E’ silenzioso, volenteroso, ama lo sport, la vita notturna (il venerdì e il sabato… tranquilli) ed impazzisce per un piatto di spaghetti con vongole e (ovviamente bottarga). 

Giulia: K-lover <3

E’ la più giovane del team! Giulia è diventata una mirtilla da poco, ma è già follemente innamorata della magia Blueberry in Corea. Per lei Seoul è la città più magica del mondo!

Ha pazienza (tanta), non perde mai la calma e si occupa in particolare dei CoreaTour, dei viaggi su misura in Corea ma anche dei b-tour perchè adora il contatto con i viaggiatori!

Adora follemente la skincare coreana, non ha un piatto preferito perchè ha una curiosità gastronomica infinita, detesta i ritardatari ed il suo miglior amico è il calendario di iphone (per un’ottima organizzazione). Non mettete in sua presenza musica latino americana o la ritroverete a ballare sul tavolo!

Francesca: grazie e scusa!

Si è unita alla squadra con una missione precisa: GiappoTour®! E’ la voce cortese che accoglie le chiamate dei viaggiatori!

La sua caratteristica principale? La gentilezza! Per Francesca l’assistenza al viaggiatore è una vera e propria missione, e tratta i clienti come se fossero i suoi più cari parenti in partenza per il Giappone!

Ama le maschere (di qualsiasi tipo), ed è una vera e propria artista! E’ vegetariana, ha sempre il sorriso e dobbiamo ancora capire se c’è qualcosa che la fa adirare!

Antonello: stratega grafico

Ha una barba lunga e folta ed un’intelligenza grafica fuori dal comune.

E’ un fine stratega (nel lavoro, nel gioco e nella vita), ed e’ la (saggia) mente dietro alle innovazioni grafiche Blueberry. E’ appassionato di hiking, di guerra simulata, di fotografia e ha “qualche” tatuaggio (se gli trovate nella schiena un cm di pelle non tatuata, fateci un fischio).

Graficamente testardo, non si accontenta di mostrare solo una soluzione ad uno stesso problema: quasi fastidioso per quanto è efficiente 😉


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By enneQuadro s.r.l. Partita IVA 02319360901 Via Torres 16/A 07100 – Sassari


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Acqua al 2 Restaurant Florence

  • Description
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Acqua al 2 is literally a stones throw from the Duomo. The restaurant is a bit small however the food is terrific and the ambience can't be beat. Acqua al 2 is decorated with plates signed by celebrities from around all over the world. When you do sit down at your table you will notice the restaurant is full with fellow travelers and local Florentines. The tables are on the close side to each other but it adds to the experience. It also gives you the opportunity to check out what everyone else is eating.

I suggest having their pasta sampler for an appetizer and blueberry steak as an entrée. Both were out of this world. The pasta sampler that is five small portions brought out one at a time. They all have different type of pasta and sauce. Each was better then the last. They cook the steaks medium rare and they are nice and juicy. The blueberry sauce is remarkable. The sauces on steaks (blueberry, peppercorn, balsamic) sound a little strange but when put together it is amazing. My son also had the pasta sampler and steak with the balsamic sauce and he said it was the best steak he had in Florence. My wife and daughter shared two salad samplers. Each one was very different and both were excellent. For her second dish, my daughter loved the cannelloni with mascarpone cheese and mushrooms. My wife said the chicken with the port-wine reduction was divine, and is real hidden gem on a great menu. The house Chianti is also great and reasonably priced. We finished by sharing the dessert sampler; it had four different amazing desserts.

The one problem is that they don’t provide an English menu, so you might have a hard time placing an order. Luckily our waiter spoke English. He was very pleasant and most helpful when we ordered our meal.

Acqua al 2 is very reasonable priced for the great quality of the food. When we revisit Florence, we will definitely return to Acqua al 2. I highly recommend it. Make sure you make reservations or you will be standing in the street looking in.

Phone number: +39 055 284170

Address: Via della Vigna Vecchia, 40r, Florence, Italy

Hours: Monday 7:00 pm to 1:00 am

Tuesday through Sunday 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, 7:00 pm to 1:00 am

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A lot of drama

A lot of drama. Operating like back door business. They do not care about their clients. Booked shuttle a month ago and today 25 August 24 we were made to wait at OR Tambo for 3 hrs 15 minutes to be picked. Called them from 1330 and the Indian guy I was talking to was not worried or bothered not even apologetic. I had just experience in a foreign land. L Only got picked up at 1530. Wasted a lot of air time on this company. Not Impressed at all

Date of experience : August 25, 2024


WARNING DO NOT USE !!! communication stopped !! just been advised by British Airways flight cancelled due to NON PAYMENT by BLUEBERRY TRAVELS !! 12K stolen !!! legal and criminal proceedings started

Date of experience : January 14, 2024

I feel compelled to write a review on…

I feel compelled to write a review on Blueberry Travels again . This review is a factual on two colleagues James and Betty that I communicated with. I was looking to book a holiday to the Maldives for my honeymoon , I found Betty and then James to be very unhelpful with my enquiry which in turn made y made me book elsewhere . My opnion of this company is very poor , I found two colleagues unhelpful and lack of knowledge which resulted in me being passed pillar to post and sign up for a holiday with another company. I can confirm this is a honest and a factual account of my experience with this company and the agents involved.

Date of experience : April 01, 2021

Reply from Blueberry Travels

Hi Paul, Please share your booking details as we could not find you in our system. We can surely look into this internally and get back to you. Regards, Customer Support Team

I have always used this when ever am…

I have always used this when ever am traveling with family or friends company and will highly recommend to anyone . There is a particular person I always want to speak with when am looking for ticket , he has got the patience and has the best customer service skills he is an asset to the company, he know his job very well and he is good at it , his name is DAVID very good person thank you David.

Date of experience : February 10, 2019

Dear Ms. Cole, Thanks for your feedback. We appreciate you taking out time and sharing your experience. Feel free to reach out to our customer support if you need any further assistance. Enjoy your trip and look forward to working with you again in future. Regards, Blueberry Travels



Date of experience : February 12, 2020

Dear Mr. Dinham, Thanks for your feedback. We appreciate you taking out time and sharing your experience. Feel free to reach out to our customer support if you need any further assistance. Enjoy your trip and look forward to working with you again in future. Regards, Blueberry Travels

Quick service

Date of experience : September 16, 2019

Dear Mr. Joshi, Thanks for your feedback. We appreciate you taking out time and sharing your experience. Feel free to reach out to our customer support if you need any further assistance. Enjoy your trip and look forward to working with you again in future. Regards, Blueberry Travels

Good customer service

Good customer service, enjoyed my experience with them

Date of experience : January 17, 2022

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13 things to know before visiting Italy

Angelo Zinna

May 16, 2023 • 9 min read

blueberry travel italy

Make the most of your trip to Italy with our top insider tips © Westend61 / Getty Images

With an unmatched abundance of Unesco World Heritage sites, diverse scenery ranging from some of Europe’s highest peaks to the turquoise waters of the southern coasts, and an endless list of regional cuisines to taste, planning an Italian adventure can easily get overwhelming.

Add a variety of dialects – both spoken and hand-gestured – and hard-to-decipher etiquette rules into the mix and attempting to dive into the local culture can quickly turn into feeling like a fish out of water.

Returning to Italy after years of living abroad has made many of the odd rules that dictate social interactions more evident to me – even I, as an Italian, find myself often questioning why things work as they do. While clear answers are not always available, I’ve done my best to compile a list of rules, customs and habits that will make every visitor's time in my homeland a little easier. Here's everything you need to know before visiting Italy.

1. Italians all go on holiday at the same time (more or less)

For some reason, we Italians have collectively decided that August is the best month to go on holiday. It's understandable – with temperatures regularly surpassing 35C (95F), expecting people to do anything other than lie on the beach is simply too far-fetched.

During the weeks surrounding the holiday of Ferragosto , on August 15, Italians migrate to the coast en masse, leaving humid cities half empty. Many businesses in the country’s interior close, prices rise significantly, and crowds are the norm on popular beaches. If you choose to travel in the high season , make sure to book your accommodation well in advance.

A smiling father and daughter in a Fiat 500 car in Italy, with the daughter standing up outside the sunroof

2. Italy was built for driving, but it’s not the only option

While the public transport infrastructure is cheap and mostly reliable , Italy remains devoted to driving. Recent stats have shown that the country is second in Europe after tiny Luxemburg when it comes to cars per capita – nearly 40 million vehicles are currently roaming around the country with 59 million inhabitants.

Part of this has to do with the mountainous, uneven geography of the peninsula. Trains cannot reach the more remote corners of the country and the low population of rural areas does not justify frequent bus services. There is also a cultural aspect to Italy’s love for driving – huge investments were put toward motorways in the post-war era, which made mobility increasingly car-centric and Italians more used to relying on cars.

Does this mean that a car is essential for visiting Italy? No. Renting a car will give you the most freedom, but trains and buses connect most urban centers and are a great, sustainable way to visit cities, medieval hamlets and coastal towns without worrying about traffic rules and limiting your intake of vino and spritzes. Train tickets can be bought online at Trenitalia or Italo  – tickets for slow, regional trains can be purchased on the spot without price increases, while high-speed train tickets are much cheaper when bought in advance.

3. If you do rent a car, be aware there's a shortage of vehicles

Among the many inconveniences the pandemic has brought upon travelers is a lack of available cars for hire. As the world went into lockdown and traveling became impossible, many rental companies sold their vehicles. Meanwhile, people got increasingly used to avoiding public transport and the demand for rental cars has grown.

During peak holiday season, prices skyrocket and in popular destinations, cars for hire can simply run out. If you are planning a road trip , make sure to book your car well in advance.

4. Card payments are now widely accepted, but carrying some cash is a good idea

For a long time, Italy has been a cash-first country. But in 2022, a new law introduced a fine for businesses not accepting card payments. Technically, paying by card should now be possible everywhere, although you can still encounter merchants frowning upon small electronic transfers or shops where the POS machine is mysteriously not working – having some cash on you is a wise move.

Apart from such (rare) exceptions, card payments will not be an issue. Most major networks are widely accepted, American Express is the only card provider that might be rejected by smaller businesses.

5. Regional pride is worth embracing

Moving abroad or to a different city has become increasingly common for members of the younger generations, but a sense of pride for one’s place of birth continues to pervade the consciousness of many Italians. You won’t have to wait long before meeting someone who will exalt the food, traditions, and landmarks they grew up surrounded by, often at the expense of neighboring regions or cities.

Such an intense form of pride – known in Italian as campanilismo  – translates into endless opportunities to taste carefully guarded flavors, participate in events rooted in the local folklore, and experience a different facet of the country each time you come back.

A group of friends sitting around a table in a vineyard and toasting each other with red wine in the sunshine

6. Learn the language of sarcasm

On the one hand there is local pride, on the other is the art of breaking down barriers by making fun of ourselves. Italian humor has long been reliant on a self-inflicted form of sarcasm and the exaggeration of those very stereotypes you’d think we’d rather forget about.

Self-deprecation is only one shade of it, however. When jokes are directed at others, they can be ferocious. In regions such as Veneto or Tuscany, blasphemy is considered part of the local lingo, while Romans are unchallenged when it comes to sharp irony. To the uninitiated, such wit may feel like crossing a line, but it’s usually well meant.

7. Imitate hand gestures 🤌 at your own risk

Italians are globally known for talking with their hands, but they don’t particularly enjoy having their body language mocked by foreigners who are not aware of the meaning behind physical communication. Hand gesturing does not happen randomly; while a burst of anger or excitement may get people moving more intensely than usual, each signal has a specific meaning that – like in any language – should be learned before being inserted into a conversation.

Shaking your hand while pinching your fingers, for instance, is typically used in combination with a puzzled look to mean “What are you talking about?” or “What are you doing?” with a tone that can range from the confused to the aggressive. Use at your own risk.

A front-view shot of a young man enjoying a delicious meal in Italy, he is wearing casual clothing

8. Don’t be overwhelmed by restaurant menus

Enter any osteria and you’ll find yourself deciphering a list of dishes split into categories such as antipasti (starters), primi (first courses), secondi (second courses), contorni (side dishes), dolci (desserts), vini (wines), amari (digestives). Yes, a full Italian meal is composed of all these elements.

You are not expected, however, to order a dish from each section of the menu every time you sit down. It’s perfectly fine to order a pasta course followed by a dessert, or a starter and a second course. Mix and match as you like.

9. Tipping is not expected unless the service is especially personalized

Leaving a tip is always a nice gesture, but you should not feel obliged to do so in every bar or restaurant you enter. Most people in the service industry do not rely on tips to get by. However, when someone is particularly attentive to your needs and actively trying to improve your experience, it's a welcome gesture to thank them with a tip.

Note that you will be charged for “coperto” in many restaurants – a cover charge of around 2€ per person. This is neither a scam nor a tip that goes to the staff. It is simply a flat fee that Italians are used to paying when sitting down at a table.

10. When it comes to eating and drinking, there is a time for everything

Everyone has heard of the “no cappuccino past 11 AM” rule – you should know that this is not the only dieting constraint Italian culture is attempting to force upon you. Milky coffee is considered a breakfast-only drink, just like an Aperol Spritz is considered a pre-dinner cocktail and limoncello is considered a post-prandial liqueur. Lunch happens around 1pm and dinner hardly ever starts before 8pm.

Such habits are often described as commandments set in stone, but know that the emphasis on their importance is often exaggerated. Not following the etiquette might be looked down upon at a formal gathering, but in cities where tourists are a permanent presence, exiting the boundaries of social conventions won't raise many eyebrows.

Three women enjoy cocktails outside in the sunshine in Italy

11. Drinking outside is allowed – and fun

While there are some municipalities that restrict drinking alcohol on the street in certain areas, this is not an issue in most of the country. On the contrary, many public squares fill up during summer evenings with people having a beer or a glass of wine in the open-air.

12. Cheek kisses can cause some awkward situations

Imagine meeting up with your Italian friends for an aperitivo and finding yourself lip-to-lip with your new acquaintance’s spouse – this is only one of the embarrassing situations you could fall prey to by underestimating the cheek kissing etiquette.

Italians often greet each other by giving two light cheek kisses. This happens almost exclusively in informal situations with people you’ve already met in the past – you are not expected to kiss your Italian language teacher or someone you’re being introduced to for the first time. People will typically start on the left side, although this is not a strict rule. If unsure, let the other person take the lead and go with the flow. Not comfortable in having your personal space invaded? A simple handshake is perfectly fine.

13. Political polarization is on the rise

Contrasting political views have always played a central role in the animated conversations of Italians, both in the private sphere and in the media. In recent years, however, polarization has become more evident. Part of this has to do with political conversations moving onto social media platforms where nuances and context fade away, favoring stark opinions over constructive debates. But this is far from the only reason.

A 2022 study showed that Italy is the only European nation where salaries have decreased compared to 30 years ago and conflicting opinions on issues related to migration flows, energy supplies, housing and workers’ rights have contributed to splitting the public opinion. In 2022, Italy elected Giorgia Meloni as its Prime Minister – the first woman to hold power and the first far-right leader since Fascist-era dictator Benito Mussolini. The ability to read the room is a useful skill to have if you choose to talk politics.

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Best of Italy

14 days | renaissance, romance and ravishing cuisine, from rome to venice.

Traveller taking a selfie in a Gondola

The enduring phrase ‘la dolce vita’ – or the good life – truly captures the essence of Italy. Spend 14 days discovering the heart of all things Italian on a culturally rich adventure from the piazzas of Rome to the canals of Venice. Tour the Tuscan countryside on a leisurely cycle along Lucca’s Serchio River, peer into Pisa and marvel at its Leaning Tower, take to the trails of the Cinque Terre for some stunning coastal views, and walk the Portofino Peninsula to be one with its glamourous residents. With time spent wine tasting in rural villages, ferry catching along Lake Como and relaxing among the vibrant centres of Milan and Venice, you’ll soon understand why Italy remains in the hearts of all who visit.

Trip overview

  • Take to the Tuscan countryside and cycle along the Serchio River in Lucca, working up an appetite for the region’s delicious local food and renowned wines.
  • Spend a free day exploring the beautiful villages, estates and gardens dotted around Lake Como, criss-crossing the lake by ferry, and consider exploring the grounds of Bellagio's grand Villa Melzi.
  • Head with your local leader to a quaint rural village in the heart of Piedmonte to sample world-class local wines from unique grapes grown only in this region – salute!
  • Test yourself on the hilly trails of the Cinque Terre, stopping by the picturesque pastel colour villages of Riomaggiore, Manarola and Vernazza. If you get tired, just jump on the train for the rest of your day!
  • Italy’s iconic Rome, Florence and Venice are a haven of renaissance architecture and historic sights. With plenty of time to discover at your own pace, you have the power to decide what you’d like to see.
  • The primary means of transportation on this trip is by train. Train travel is a fast way to traverse long distances, allowing you to avoid traffic jams and arrive right into the city centre. Trains are comfortable and all have toilets; however, they can often be quite busy.
  • Please note that we will store our bags at the railway station in Milan while exploring town. There is a limit of one bag per person for the lockers, so please make sure you pack accordingly. Please also note that you'll have to carry your own luggage on and off the trains, and up and down stairs at train stations and at hotels, so make sure it doesn’t exceed our weight and size recommendations. You can find this information in the 'What to Take' section of the Essential Trip Information. You may want to consider taking a backpack rather than a wheelie bag, however this is up to your personal preference and what you feel more comfortable with.
  • Don’t let the heat keep you from exploring the world! Summer temperatures can be extreme in many of the regions visited (over 40°C), which can be uncomfortable. It’s important to use sun protection, wear layers to combat the heat and drink plenty of water. Many hotel rooms in Europe are not equipped with air-conditioning. Please carefully consider the time of the year you wish to travel and your suitability to that season.
  • Hotel rooms in Europe can seem rather small by American or Australian standards and often don't have double beds, but rather two single beds that can be pushed together. Please also note that often hotels offer shared bathrooms rather than ensuite facilities.
  • On this trip you must pack as lightly as possible because you will be expected to carry your own bag and although you won't be required to walk long distances with your luggage (max 30 minutes), we strongly recommend keeping the weight under 15kg / 33lb. Most travellers carry their luggage in a backpack, although an overnight bag with a shoulder strap would suffice if you travel lightly. Smaller bags or backpacks with wheels are convenient although we recommend your bag has carry straps to accommodate the cobbled streets, uneven surfaces, stairs and steps you are likely to encounter while carrying your luggage. You'll also need a day pack/bag to carry water and a camera etc for day trips.

View the itinerary for departures between 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2024

Buongiorno! Welcome to Italy. Crowded with ancient ruins and religious monuments, Rome still pulses to the beat of modern life and is packed with designer shops, restaurants, cafes and exciting nightlife. If you arrive early, there are plenty of things to keep you busy. Maybe save the unmissable sights for later and today do as the Romans do – sip an espresso at one of the tiny streetside cafes and sample the many flavours of gelato that colour the city. For those captivated by the 'Eternal City', throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain to ensure a return visit to Rome. Keep in mind that there will be an important welcome meeting, usually at around 6pm, where you’ll meet your group leader and fellow travellers.

  • Hotel (1 night)

There are no meals included on this day.

  • Rome - Christian Catacombs - EUR10
  • Rome - Castel Sant'Angelo - EUR14
  • Rome - Galleria Borghese - EUR16
  • Rome - Keats-Shelley Memorial House - EUR6
  • Vatican City - St Peter's Dome Climb & Elevator - EUR10
  • Vatican City - Vatican Museum - EUR22
  • Rome - Pantheon - EUR5

Please look for a note in the hotel lobby or ask hotel reception where and when exactly the group meeting will take place. If you can't arrange a flight that will arrive in time, you may wish to arrive a day early so you're able to attend. We'll be happy to book additional accommodation for you (subject to availability). If you're going to be late, please inform the hotel reception. We'll be collecting your insurance details and next of kin information at this meeting, so please ensure you have all these details to provide to your leader. Please note that our accommodation in Rome is centrally located only a short walk from Rome Termini railway station in a lively local neighbourhood. Rooms can be small; however, they all are clean and have ensuite facilities.

If you are interested in visiting the Colosseum, we strongly suggest planning your visit for today before welcome meeting or Day 2 early morning and pre-booking your tickets at https://colosseo.it/en/opening-times-and-tickets/

If you are interested in visiting the Vatican Museums, we strongly suggest planning your visit for today before welcome meeting or Day 2 early morning and pre-booking your tickets at https://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en.html

Enjoy some free time in Rome or, if you wish, your group leader will be available for an orientation walk, taking in some of the best-known sights of Rome like the Spanish steps, the Colosseum, and the Roman Forum. No visit would be complete without a trip to Vatican City and St Peter's Basilica. Entry to the Basilica is free and there's a small charge to climb the dome for a breath-taking panorama over parts of the city. If there's time, visit the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel. In the afternoon you'll travel by train from Rome to Florence – Italy's outdoor museum (approximately 2 hours). Florence, the cultural heart of Tuscany, bursts with religious treasures and Renaissance masterpieces. It's been said that during the second millennium, a third of Europe's most important artists lived in Florence. The minds and talents of the Medicis, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Brunelleschi, Machiavelli, Donatello and Michelangelo all flourished here. After checking in to your hotel, join your tour leader for an orientation walk of Florence, then the rest of your evening is free to explore the city of the Renaissance. Food is also a major part of the city's identity, so why explore some of the Tuscan delicacies on offer with your travel pals.

Check the Vatican website for updated information on when you can visit. Tickets for the Vatican Museum can and should be booked online at http://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en.html . The Vatican Museum is closed on some days, including most Sundays. On the last Sunday of the month, it's open and free but expect huge crowds. Tickets for Galleria Borghese (closed on Mondays) can also be booked online at galleriaborghese.beniculturali.it/en/. The best day to visit will be your first day in Rome before the welcome meeting, or this morning before the departure to Florence. In order to allow enough time in the museum and to avoid the crowds, it is recommended to start the museum visit as doors open. Please note that pre-booked tickets are not required if you just want to visit St Peter's Basilica and its dome.

Today is a free day for you to explore all that Florence has to offer. It's impossible to see everything in this Renaissance wonderland, so take your time to work out a plan. The principal sights are easily discovered on foot – the Pitti Palace, Ponte Vecchio, Arno riverside, the many statues and monuments of the Piazza della Signoria, Palazzo Vecchio, 13th-century, the Baptistry and the Belltower, and the Santa Croce Church. Otherwise, take a visit to the Uffizi – one of the world's oldest art galleries and a work of art in itself. If you’re wanting to see Michelangelo's iconic statue of David, head to the Galleria dell'Accademia. In the evening, perhaps climb the steep stairs uphill to Piazzale Michelangelo a renowned sunset view across the rooftops of Florence. Afterwards, join the locals in taking a passeggiata – a leisurely socialising stroll – perhaps between Piazza Beccaria and Piazza della Repubblica. That is, if you aren’t enjoying a Tuscan meal instead.

  • Florence - Foodies Walk Urban Adventure - EUR79
  • Florence - Baptistry, Museo Opera del Duomo, Giotto Bell Tower and Brunelleschi Dome - EUR30
  • Florence - Accademia - EUR17
  • Florence - Uffizi Gallery - EUR24
  • Florence - Bargello Museum - EUR14
  • Florence: Hidden Gems and Aperitivo - EUR77
  • Florence - Accademia - EUR16

The individual Florentine State Museums have slightly different opening times and closing days between them. Check firenzemusei.it for everything you need to know about all of them, including the option to purchase tickets. It is highly recommended that you pre-book your visit to the Uffizi, as this museum experiences enormous queues – upwards of five hours – all year round. 

If you are interested in visiting the Galleria Uffizi and Galleria dell'Accademia, we strongly suggest planning your visit for anytime today and pre-booking your tickets at https://firenzemusei.it/

No doubt there'll be more to see in Florence this morning, then this afternoon, take a train to Lucca (approximately 2 hours). Lucca is one of Tuscany's real hidden gems, with centuries-old buildings, beautiful churches, charming piazzas and narrow streets within its ancient city ramparts. You’ll be captivated by this charming and medieval town. You’ll be staying in the city centre which allows easy access to all the sights, restaurants and bars – all an easy stroll from the hotel's front door. Make sure you join the traditional evening pastime of many locals and take a stroll along the top of the famous city walls that surround the perimeter of the old city.

Set off on a cycling tour following the scenic Serchio River through the Tuscan countryside (4 kilometres round the walls that are now a tree-lined avenue, and 14 kilometres by the river, approximately 3-4 hours). Your base in Lucca provides you with the perfect opportunity for a later outing to the nearby city of Pisa (approximately 30 minutes by local train). Here there'll be ample time for you to visit the world-famous Leaning Tower, as well as the nearby Duomo in Piazza dei Miracoli and the Pisa Baptistry. The Leaning Tower was built in the 12th century, but its foundation was on shifting sand and clay, meaning that it now leans at an angle of four degrees, after restoration and stabilising work. Continue to wander the streets past high-end boutiques and speciality book and antiques stores, perhaps stopping to enjoy an aperitif. Afterwards, head back to Lucca. An ideal way to end the day is to head to a local bar for a refreshing Prosecco and a delicious focaccia with finocchiona salami and pecorino cheese, best enjoyed in the shadow of the Palazzo Pretorio.

  • Lucca - Bicycle Tour
  • Pisa - Half Day Trip to Pisa
  • Pisa - Leaning Tower of Pisa - EUR27
  • Pisa - 5 Monuments Combo Ticket - EUR10
  • Lucca - Cathedral of San Martino & Ilaria del Carretto Tomb - EUR3
  • Lucca - Guinigi Tower Climb - EUR6
  • Lucca - National Gallery Villa Guinigi - EUR5
  • Lucca - Day Trip to Barga (by public bus) - EUR9
  • Lucca - Palazzo Pfanner House & Gardens - EUR6
  • Lucca - Cathedral Museum - EUR4
  • Lucca - Puccini concert - EUR20
  • Pisa - Leaning Tower of Pisa - EUR20

The bike ride may take place today or the previous day, depending on the weather forecast. Your leader will advise closer to the date. Please note that it’s not always possible to climb the leaning tower of Pisa.

Travel by train to La Spezia (approximately 3 hours) – the gateway to the gorgeous Italian Riviera. A medieval port town whose name is derived from its historic importance in the spice trade, La Spezia is your base for exploring the nearby stunning stretch of coast known as the Cinque Terre. The name comes from the five tiny villages – Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare, whose position, wedged into a series of coves between cliffs makes it one of the highlights in the whole of Italy. After lunch, explore the city or perhaps head out by ferry or bus to the pretty seaside town of Portovenere, known for its colourful houses straddling the waterfront. Return to La Spezia and walk around the pedestrian zone on Via del Prione to the gardens along the harbour. Otherwise, opt to take another ferry to Lerici – another small village across the Bay of Poets dominated by its castle – for a waterside dinner.

Please note that depending on yesterday's activities our visit to Pisa may take place today on our way to La Spezia.

This morning, venture out to visit the enchanted Cinque Terre. The footpaths that run between the villages were once the only way to travel in the region, and take you through olive groves, vineyards and on to idyllic, breath-taking vistas. If you're feeling energetic, walking parts of the path (up to 12 kilometres, approximately 5 hours) will give you the best taste of the villages and countryside, though will require a good level of fitness. Some sections of path can be difficult, as there are challenging uphill stretches, narrow paths, steep cliffs and foot bridges. It's also possible to take the train between any of the villages or back to your base in La Spezia whenever you want. Stop off for lunch at one of the towns and relax in the vibrant atmosphere.

  • Cinque Terre - Day Trip, including Cinque Terre Pass

Due to recent landslides in the area, it is currently not possible to walk the Via dell'Amore and the coastal section between Manarola and Corniglia. There are alternative inland routes, however these are of a higher physical rating and involve steep ups and downs. It is possible to take the train or a bus for these sections. Due to safety reasons some sections of any path can be closed at short notice. Please remember to bring comfortable footwear such as trainers or light hiking shoes.

Travel by train to Santa Margherita on the Peninsula of Portofino (approximately 1 hour). Store your luggage and set off on an energetic 5-7 kilometre walk, finishing in Portofino. Start by wandering down to the Santa Margherita waterfront, past small fishing boats in the marina, enjoying the views back to town. Continue along the road, passing beach clubs, private villas and hotels that command the skyline, where the hills of the Italian Riviera meet the Bay of Tigullio. Spot locals sunbaking in the coves, then cross through some undulating forested terrain. Descend down to the picturesque port of Portofino – the place where the rich and famous come to play. Continue up to the viewpoints surrounding the town, join the glamorous for coffee and people-watching along the harbour, or perhaps stop at a focacceria to try this typical Ligurian bread. Afterwards, enjoy the fabulous coastal scenery with a boat ride back to Santa Margherita (weather permitting). Continue by train to Asti (approximately 2.5 hours) in the Piedmont region, where mouth-watering culinary delights await. Be sure to try a dish flavoured with truffle and indulge in a tipple of Italian wine.

  • Portofino Peninsula - Walk and Boat Ride

This morning, take a private vehicle to the green hills of the nearby rural village of Castagnole Monferrato, where you’ll visit the home of a local winemaking family to sample their vintages. The Ruche grape variety is unique to this region of Italy – it's grown in just seven small villages in the province of Asti and produces a ruby-red, intense and aromatic wine. You may even like the option to enjoy a home-cooked lunch in the village, before returning to Asti. The town of Asti, located in the Piedmont region, was one of the most important towns in medieval times, sitting on trade routes between Turin, Milan, and Genoa. Today, it’s best known as the home of some of the finest and most sought after wines in Europe – excellent reds and the sparkling white ‘spumante’. It's also the best place to find ‘tartufo’, or truffles – a distinctive regional delicacy. You may be lucky enough to be here on a market day, when the Piazza del Palio hosts the region’s largest open-air market.

  • Asti - Village Winery Visit & Wine Tasting
  • Asti - Bike Hire - EUR3
  • Asti - Archaeological Museum - EUR10

Travel by train to Milan (approximately 3 hours) – Italy's second largest city and the capital of Lombardy – for a few hours to explore. In this most fashionable of cities, this is the place for stylish shopping and cafes! Explore the city's historic centre, visit the Gothic Duomo and walk between its rooftop sculptures, admiring the views and the stunning Gothic terrace. You may like to visit Leonardo Da Vinci's masterpiece – The Last Supper – if there's time, so be sure to book tickets well in advance. Alternatively, head to the park of Castello Sforzesco; the perfect destination on a hot day. Later in the afternoon, continue by train and bus to Lake Como (approximately 2 hours) – an area of stunning beauty full of unique and evocative landscapes. Your hotel tonight is on the shore of Lake Como where you'll be able to experience its true serenity.

  • Milan - Duomo Rooftop Visit
  • Milan - Half Day Trip
  • Milan - Castello Sforzesco - Free
  • Milan - La Scala Museum - EUR13
  • Milan - Leonardo da Vinci's 'The Last Supper' - from - EUR29
  • Milan - Duomo Rooftop Visit (with elevator access) - Free
  • Milan - Leonardo da Vinci's 'The Last Supper' - EUR16

Please note that your bags will be stored at the railway station in Milan while exploring the city. There is a limit of one bag per person for the lockers, so please make sure you pack accordingly. Many visitors to Milan will want to take a visit to Leonardo Da Vinci's masterpiece, The Last Supper. Tickets are limited, generally selling out extremely quickly – up to six months in advance. If you want to see the Last Supper, you must make arrangements in advance. Today between 1 pm and 3 pm is the most suitable time. The viewing is 15 minutes and, in order not to lose the reservation, visitors must arrive 15 minutes before the time allocated for the visit. For information and reservations visit https://cenacolovinciano.vivaticket.it/en?qubsq=791d9f9e-f901-42ca-9464-c6375c948286&qubsp=5469b369-939f-4493-99dd-f394789ec8cd&qubsts=1716894576&qubsc=bestunion&qubse=vivaticketoperator&qubsrt=Safetynet&qubsh=ff0b9ad3240f6e7c1b63c30476e0c2f5 . Other websites will only sell a ticket in conjunction with an additional product such as a guidebook, tour or another museum entry.

This morning, explore the pretty village of Bellagio. Here you can enjoy a walk through the countryside and discover the estate of the Villa Melzi. This grand white villa sits just back from the water and its surrounding estate is filled with rare and exotic plant life. The rest of the day is free to take the ferry between the various parts of this area of Lake Como, like Varenna, Cadenabbia, or the beautiful Villa del Balbianello, which film fans may recognise from films franchises like James Bond and Star Wars. Villa Carlotta is another waterfront villa open to the public. It holds a range of artwork and is surrounded by acres of manicured Italian gardens. Just past Cadenabbia is Tremezzo, where you can find delicious food or an aperitif – sitting dockside, lakeside, or out on a veranda. Simply strolling and admiring the beautiful views whichever way you turn is an ideal way to spend the day. With some fine Italian food tonight, of course.

  • Lake Como - Ferry Pass
  • Lake Como - Villa Balbianello - EUR22
  • Lake Como - Villa Carlotta in Tremezzo - EUR12
  • Lake Como - Villa Melzi Gardens in Bellagio - EUR10
  • Lake Como - Vezio Castle in Varenna - EUR5
  • Villa del Balbianello - EUR12
  • Lake Como - Villa Carlotta in Tremezzo - EUR15

Leave the lakes district behind and take your private vehicle to Milan and catch a train heading to Venice (approximately 3 hours) This grand city of bridges, towers, piazzas, canals, churches and gondolas – practically unchanged for 600 years. Venice is built over a hundred small islands connected by 400 bridges. There are plenty of things to keep you busy when you arrive. Join your leader and take a walk around the maze of streets behind Piazza San Marco and begin to understand the complex canal system of Venice. Your leader will introduce you to the local way of crossing the canal, by traghetto. It only takes a minute or so, but it is a quintessential experience to have in Venice. The rest of the day is free for you to explore. The Grand Canal is a great place to start, as you can stroll over the Rialto Bridge and browse the endless amounts of boutique shops that sell Venetian masks and handmade Murano glassware. For dinner, perhaps seek out Venice's distinctive culinary heritage, which goes back to ancient times and features rich risottos, saline baccala (salted cod) and creamy polenta.

  • Venice - Traghetto Ride

Venture out and explore Venice today at your own pace. There are only two ways to get around this city – on foot or by boat. Take in the famous sights – the Grand Canal, the Rialto Bridge, Doge's Palace, Piazza San Marco with its golden Basilica, and of course, the evocative Bridge of Sighs. You could take a vaporetto (water bus) over to the island of San Giorgio to climb the bell tower for the best view of Venice. No trip here would be complete without a journey down the Grand Canal in a Venetian gondola. See Venetian creativity and artisan wares in the glass in Dorsoduro or down the streets spreading out from the Campo Santo Stefano. Visit the Palazzo Ducale, overflowing with paintings by Italian masters, and contrast it with the modern Guggenheim. In the evening, join your tour leader for a cicchetti stop as a real Venetian, then continue for a celebratory dinner of Venetian specialities, such as fresh lobster and squid ink spaghetti.

  • Venice - Ciccheti Stop
  • Venice - St Mark's Basilica Treasury - EUR5
  • Ca’ D’Oro - Galería Franchetti - EUR15
  • Venice - Accademia Gallery - EUR16
  • Peggy Guggenheim Collection - EUR17
  • Venice - St Mark's Campanile - EUR12
  • Venice - Doge's Palace & Bridge of Sighs - EUR30
  • Venice - Gondola Ride - EUR80

If you are interested in visiting the Doge Palace, Venice, we strongly suggest planning your visit for anytime today and pre booking your tickets at https://muve.vivaticket.it/en/tour/palazzo-ducale/2478?qubsq=8cd3daed-1b9e-4df0-a209-4833f9c62371&qubsp=279989d9-9291-44b1-899f-169c3d93c415&qubsts=1716888509&qubsc=bestunion&qubse=vivaticketserver&qubsrt=Safetynet&qubsh=7cb44c49d26eb092de1552a748b8ae4c

There are no activities planned for the final day and you are able to depart the accommodation at any time. That doesn’t mean your adventure has to come to an end! As there is so much to see in Venice, you may want to consider extending your stay. There’s a range of Urban Adventures to embark on in Venice, including Cicchetti & Wine Tour, which takes you around the lanes and canals in search of the best of Venetian culture and wine. See urbanadventures.com/destination/Venice-tours for more information. If you would like to spend more time in Venice, we’ll be happy to organise additional accommodation (subject to availability).

  • Venice - The Sweet Taste of Venice Urban Adventure - EUR94
  • Venice - Chicchetti & Wine Tour of Venice Urban Adventure - EUR99

If you haven't had enough of Italy yet, why not consider combining this adventure with Intrepid’s Umbrian Discovery back to Rome, taking in the best of this beautiful Italian region, such as Gubbio and Assisi. Most departure dates are designed to create the perfect Classic Italy combination trip. Search trip code ZMSDC on the Intrepid website for more information.

9 breakfasts

Train, Private vehicle, Bicycle, Boat, Public bus, Metro

Hotel (13 nights)

Dates and availability

Important notes.

1. A Single Supplement is bookable on this trip, excluding Day 6&7, subject to availability at the time of booking. Please also note that due to the small properties we use in Europe there is only a limited amount of single supplements available per trip departure. If you would like to book a single supplement and enquire about availability, please speak to your booking agent.

Want an in-depth insight into this trip? Essential Trip Information provides a detailed itinerary, visa info, how to get to your hotel, what's included - pretty much everything you need to know about this adventure and more.

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    Blueberry Travel provides real-time travel advisories and keeps you informed about safety guidelines and local regulations for your chosen destination. You can also check government websites, and consular information, and subscribe to our newsletters for regular updates. Daily updates are made to the travel restriction information.

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    Canale Ufficiale di Blueberry Travel Company: il Tour Operator ufficiale dell'Aurora Boreale, di GiappoTour e dei viaggi social in tutto il mondo. Nel canale...

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  12. Acqua al 2 Florence Italy

    When we revisit Florence, we will definitely return to Acqua al 2. I highly recommend it. Make sure you make reservations or you will be standing in the street looking in. Phone number: +39 055 284170. Address: Via della Vigna Vecchia, 40r, Florence, Italy. Hours: Monday 7:00 pm to 1:00 am. Tuesday through Sunday 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, 7:00 pm to ...

  13. Italy Itinerary: Where to Go in Italy by Rick Steves

    A car is most helpful for exploring the hill town regions and the Dolomites. Major car-rental agencies have offices in many towns. Day 1: Arrive in Milan (sleep in Milan) Day 2: Milan to Lake Como (sleep in Varenna) Day 3: Lake Como (sleep in Varenna) Day 4: To the Dolomites via Verona (sleep in Bolzano or Castelrotto)

  14. Blueberry Travel

    At Blueberry Travel, we think business travel ought to be hassle-free. For this reason, we offer a wide range of services to meet your corporate travel needs, including ground transportation, travel insurance, itinerary management, and concierge services in addition to flight and hotel booking. We Simplify Business Travel.

  15. Blueberry Travels Reviews

    A lot of drama. A lot of drama. Operating like back door business. They do not care about their clients. Booked shuttle a month ago and today 25 August 24 we were made to wait at OR Tambo for 3 hrs 15 minutes to be picked. Called them from 1330 and the Indian guy I was talking to was not worried or bothered not even apologetic.

  16. 13 things to know before going to Italy

    If you are planning a road trip, make sure to book your car well in advance. This Italian road trip is one for the bucket list: From Napoli to Amalfi. 4. Card payments are now widely accepted, but carrying some cash is a good idea. For a long time, Italy has been a cash-first country.

  17. Blueberry Travel Italy Overview

    Blueberry Travel Italy Employees Size. 1000-5000 employees. Specialties. Airline Ticketing, Travel Insurance Facilitation, Worldwide Visa Application and Processing, Global Holidays, Tours and Travels Application and Management, Global Hotel Bookings and Reservations, Airport and Hotel Transfers, Car Rental Services. Founded.

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    [email protected] +971 4 770 7355 Learn More. About Us; Global Network; Safety Solution; Corporate Travel; Our Newsletter. Subscribe to our newsletter to get our news & deals delivered to you. Email Address ...

  20. Best of Italy

    Affordable travel packages and the experience of a lifetime. Book an Intrepid tour today. My Wishlist My Booking 1 800 970 7299 Destinations Ways to travel Deals ... Italy's iconic Rome, Florence and Venice are a haven of renaissance architecture and historic sights. With plenty of time to discover at your own pace, you have the power to ...