The 10 Best Music Apps for Touring Musicians: Updated 2023

Discover the top mobile apps designed for touring musicians. Explore how they can simplify your life on the road, assist with planning, management, and more!

In the dynamic world of music, live shows and tours have made a triumphant return post-covid. Musicians all over the globe are packing their instruments and hitting the road, eager to connect with their fans once again. As a touring musician, several music apps can greatly enhance your experience, simplifying everything from scheduling to tuning, organizing sheet music, route planning, and much more. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the top ten best apps for musicians that are indispensable for touring musicians, making your life on the road not only easier but also more productive and enjoyable.

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Road Trip MPG: Essential Navigation and Fuel Management App for Touring Musicians

Priced at just $6.99, Road Trip MPG falls under the category of navigation and management apps specifically tailored for touring musicians. This highly useful app provides a comprehensive set of features that allow you to keep track of your vehicle's fuel economy and expenses, store detailed maintenance records, and plan the most cost-efficient routes for your tour. With Road Trip MPG, you can proactively monitor mileage statistics, ensuring you have a clear understanding of your vehicle's performance.

One of the Essential Non-music Touring Apps

The app allows you to evenly divide gas costs among band members, avoiding any potential financial discrepancies. It can be a real headache for touring musicians to clearly split fuel costs over a whole tour. However, with Road Trip MPG, you can mitigate these issues and ensure all records are clearly kept, enhancing both your peace of mind and overall touring experience.

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Bandsintown: Premier Tour Management App for Musicians

Available as a free app, Bandsintown stands out as a leading artist management and promotional app specifically designed for musicians making a mark in the music industry. Recognized as the number one service platform for artists, Bandsintown provides an invaluable tool to connect more than half a million artists with their dedicated fans across the United States. With Bandsintown, you can efficiently manage and promote your tour dates across multiple platforms, ensuring maximum exposure and engagement with your audience. The app offers a personalized dashboard that caters to the needs of artists, managers, labels, and agencies alike, fostering smooth coordination and effective communication. Through Bandsintown, you can optimize your tour promotion efforts, reach a wider audience, and enhance your overall tour management experience.

master tour alternative

Band Mule: Top-notch Scheduling App for Band Members

Band Mule, available for free, serves as an indispensable scheduling app exclusively designed to streamline the coordination efforts among band members. Keeping the schedules of all band members in sync can often be a daunting task, but with Band Mule, this challenge is effortlessly overcome. The app boasts a range of features to alleviate the complexities of band scheduling, including a shared band calendar, a private chat room for seamless communication with other band members, and the ability to create and share setlists. Each band member has the flexibility to edit the shared calendar, allowing for the addition of rehearsal times or the blocking out of dates when they are unavailable. Moreover, the app enables band members to collaborate on setlists, which are conveniently saved in PDF format for easy printing. With Band Mule, you can achieve optimal synchronization among your bandmates, ensuring efficient planning and fostering a more cohesive touring experience.

master tour alternative

HotelTonight: Essential Last-minute Accommodation App for Touring Musicians

HotelTonight, available as a free app categorized under travel and accommodation, stands as an essential tool for touring musicians in need of last-minute accommodations. As any experienced musician knows, unforeseen circumstances or changes in plans can often lead to unexpected accommodation needs. HotelTonight addresses this challenge by offering an impressive selection of amazing deals on hotels for the immediate night or the next few days. The app specializes in providing musicians with a range of options to secure comfortable and convenient accommodations, even at the eleventh hour. Whether you find yourself in a situation where you haven't booked enough rooms or encounter issues with your current accommodation, HotelTonight is your go-to solution. With a few simple swipes, you can find incredible discounts on empty rooms, ensuring that you have a reliable backup plan, even in the most unpredictable touring scenarios. HotelTonight grants you peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your performances and enjoy a seamless touring experience.

master tour alternative

Cleartune: Essential Tuning App for Musicians

Cleartune, available for $3.99, falls under the category of music tuning apps, holding a well-deserved reputation as one of the music industry's best tuning solutions. For musicians of all backgrounds, having a reliable and accurate tuning app is indispensable, and Cleartune fits the bill perfectly. While it is not a metronome app, it is powerful chromatic tuner and pitch pipe app revolutionizes the way musicians tune their instruments, bidding farewell to old-fashioned visual and analog tuners. Cleartune features a user-friendly interface that incorporates a note wheel tuner, allowing you to quickly and effortlessly find your pitch and precisely tune your instrument, regardless of whether you play the guitar, piano, trumpet, or any other instrument that requires accurate tuning. With Cleartune in your arsenal, you can ensure that your performances are pitch-perfect, providing you with the confidence and assurance necessary to deliver exceptional music during your tours.

master tour alternative

Artist Growth: Comprehensive Business Management App for Touring Musicians

Artist Growth, available for free as a desktop app, stands as a comprehensive app falling under the category of business management apps specifically tailored for touring musicians. This all-in-one tool and app covers almost every aspect of tour and promotion management, providing an extensive range of features to enhance your touring experience. From efficient tour management and streamlined roster management to automated event notifications and collaborative tools, Artist Growth has you covered. The app seamlessly integrates with other apps and your calendar, ensuring that you stay organized and never miss a beat. Additionally, Artist Growth empowers you to track your finances and manage guest lists, further simplifying the complexities of tour management. With its comprehensive suite of tools, Artist Growth truly proves to be an indispensable asset for touring musicians, allowing you to focus on what matters most—creating unforgettable music experiences for your fans.

Setlist Helper: The Ultimate Setlist Organization App for Touring Musicians

Setlist Helper, available for free, falls into the category of music organization apps and serves as the ultimate companion for organizing your setlists as a touring musician. Say goodbye to guessing on setlists, organizing your sheet music or needing to print out set sheets.  This app offers a wide array of features designed to simplify the management of your song lyrics and organizing song ideas during a live performance. With Setlist Helper, you can effortlessly store your lyrics for easy access on stage, ensuring that you deliver flawless performances every time. The app also allows you to create and manage setlists for each gig, enabling you to customize your performance based on the venue and audience.

Get Rid of Unorganized Sheet Music or Needing to Scroll for Lyrics

Setlist Helper even provides a hands-free mode that automatically scrolls the lyrics during a live performance, freeing you from the hassle of manually turning pages on a sheet music lead sheet or scrolling on your mobile device. Supporting multiple languages and offering the convenience of importing and exporting setlists and songs, Setlist Helper streamlines your organization process, making it an invaluable tool for touring musicians seeking seamless setlist management.

Jammcard: The Networking App for Music Professionals

Jammcard, available for free download, has earned its reputation as the "LinkedIn for musicians." This invite-only social networking app features music professionals, fostering collaboration on new song ideas, and creating new opportunities within the music industry. Whether you're in search of a session musician to join your tour or aiming to expand your professional network, Jammcard is the go-to resource.

Connect and Create Music With Other Professionals

The app enables you to connect with fellow musicians, producers, and industry professionals, opening doors to potential collaborations, gigs, and career growth. By joining Jammcard's exclusive community, you gain access to a diverse and vibrant network of like-minded individuals, all driven by a shared passion for music. Jammcard is the ultimate music career networking tool that empowers you to forge meaningful connections and unlock new possibilities in your musical journey.

Mixing Station: Remote control Digital Mixers and In Ear Monitors

Mixing Station is a remote control app for mutiple brands of popular digital mixers. An excellent use case is touring musicians who use a digital mixer for their in ear monitoring. With Mixing Station, you can mix your own in ear monitors via your phone or tablet that is connected to the mixers internal WiFi. This allows personal and deep control over what you hear in your in ears - an invaluable ability for the touring independent musician. The app offers extensive customization options, allowing users to tailor their mixer's functionality to their preferences. It is MIDI/MCU compatible, enabling seamless integration with other equipment. Users can share their settings with others and impose access restrictions as needed. Mixing Station is an essential tool for personal in-ear monitoring mixing, removing reliance on house monitoring engineers and helping to get the best live performance possible.

Master Tour Mobile: The All-In-One Tour Management App

Master Tour Mobile, while offering free features, also provides premium options for more extensive use. This app stands as an all-in-one tour management powerhouse, designed to simplify and streamline all the features and intricate processes involved in managing a tour. With Master Tour Mobile, you can effortlessly manage schedules, production notes, guest lists, travel details, and finances, all from the palm of your hand. The app's intuitive interface and comprehensive set of features ensure that everyone involved in the tour, from band members to managers to crew, stays organized and informed. Furthermore, Master Tour Mobile fosters seamless team collaboration, facilitating effective communication and ensuring that everyone is on the same page throughout the tour. By utilizing this powerful tour management app, you can optimize your planning and organization, enabling you to focus on delivering outstanding performances while leaving the logistics to Master Tour Mobile.

What Are the Best Apps for Me?

Touring musicians now have an array of incredible apps at their disposal to streamline their planning, management, and performance needs. From navigation and fuel management with Road Trip MPG to tour management and promotion with Bandsintown, each app serves a specific purpose to enhance the touring experience. Whether it's scheduling and coordination with Band Mule, last-minute accommodations with HotelTonight, or instrument tuning with Cleartune, these apps cater to the unique demands of life on the road.

Furthermore, apps like Artist Growth, Setlist Helper, Jammcard, Mixing Station, and Master Tour Mobile provide comprehensive solutions for business management, setlist organization, music creation, networking, sound monitoring, and all-in-one tour management, respectively. By embracing these technological tools, touring musicians can optimize their efficiency, enhance their performances, and create unforgettable music experiences for their fans. With the stage set and the road ahead, let these apps be your companions as you embark on your touring journey, making every moment seamless and enjoyable.

Q1: What are some of the best apps for touring musicians?

Answer: Some of the best apps for touring musicians include Road Trip MPG, Bandsintown, Band Mule, HotelTonight, Cleartune, and Artist Growth.

Q2: How can Road Trip MPG help musicians on tour?

Answer: Road Trip MPG is the best app that allows touring musicians to monitor fuel economy and costs, document vehicle maintenance records, and plan efficient routes, ensuring a smooth journey to the next gig.

Q3: What is Bandsintown?

Answer: Bandsintown is a platform and music app that connects artists to their fans. It provides a dashboard to manage and promote tour dates across multiple platforms.

Q4: How does Cleartune assist musicians?

Answer: Cleartune is a chromatic tuner and pitch pipe app that helps musicians quickly find their pitch and get in tune, no matter what instrument they play.


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2ème étape du Aircalin Tahiti Master Tour : Deux titres pour Hira Teriinatoofa

Le Papara Surf Club en étroite collaboration avec la Fédération tahitienne de surf a organisé le deuxième tour du Aircalin Tahiti Master Tour ce week-end à Papara. Une compétition dédiée à tous les surfeurs licenciés de plus de 35 ans, pour leur permettre d'évoluer dans un championnat dédié. Il a débuté sous le soleil samedi et s'est terminé avec un ciel plus nuageux dimanche mais toujours dans la joie et la bonne humeur. La buvette installée sur la plage proposait du poisson cru à la grecque aux athlètes ainsi que des goodies.

104 surfeurs se sont affrontés dans dix catégories différentes (surf, kahuna, bodyboard, longboard, kneebord et stand up paddle). Parmi eux, des noms bien connus du milieu, à l'exemple de Hira Teriinatoofa, qui s'est imposé en Master 16 ainsi qu'en Grand master. Il détrône Teiva Mare, victorieux lors du premier tour, cette fois éliminé en demi-finale. On retrouve aussi Pascal Luciani qui s'est illustré en surf Grand Kahuna des plus de 50 ans et Steven Pierson qui arrive premier en bodysurf. En longboard, le favori Heifara Tahutini remporte la compétition. 

Retrouvez tous les résultats ici.  

Le doyen de ce championnat était absent pour ce deuxième tour... Il s'agit de Philippe Klima, 70 ans ! 

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WP Travel Engine Alternatives 2024 (Top 9)

Home » Blog » WP Travel Engine Alternatives 2024 (Top 9)

Looking for WP Travel Engine Alternatives can be exciting for anyone diving into the world of WordPress travel plugins. WordPress travel plugins are transformative tools prepared to improve travel websites with robust features and better user interfaces.

These plugins are not just add-ons; they are essential components that can significantly elevate the functionality and appeal of your site. WordPress travel plugins are vast and varied, offering solutions for conceivable needs within the travel industry.

Whether you are looking to integrate booking systems, itinerary generators, or destination guides, there is a plugin out there to meet your requirements. We will explore the standout plugins that offer compelling alternatives to WP Travel Engine.

From user-friendly interfaces to powerful customization options, these plugins are designed to provide an optimal experience for both administrators and visitors. Let us delve into the world of WordPress travel plugins and discover the perfect fit for your travel website.

You might be interested : How to Create a Travel Booking Site with WordPress?

Table of contents

Exploring wp travel engine alternatives, why consider wp travel engine alternatives, 1. wp travel (best wordpress travel booking plugin), 3. latepoint, 6. tour master, 7. wp travel block, 8. travelpayouts, how they compare to wp travel engine.

The dynamic nature of the travel industry often demands more diverse solutions. WP Travel Engine Alternatives can open up new opportunities for travel businesses based on a diverse range of needs and preferences.

Diversity in features stands out as a primary reason to consider other options. While WP Travel Engine offers a set of tools, alternative platforms might provide unique functionalities that are better suited to specific business models or customer demands.

For instance, some might offer more advanced booking systems, comprehensive travel itineraries, or superior integration with third-party services. Customization is another critical aspect. Every travel business has its own unique branding and operational needs.

The WP Travel Engine substitutes may offer more flexibility in design and functionality, allowing businesses to fit their online presence more precisely. This customization can lead to a more branded user experience and higher customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

Lastly, whether it is a niche travel agency focusing on adventure tours or a large-scale operation with multiple service offerings, the right platform can significantly impact operational efficiency and customer engagement.

WP Travel Engine replacement may deliver more to these varied use cases, offering specialized features or integrations that enhance service delivery.

While WP Travel Engine is a good platform, every travel agency has its own specific requirements that might not fully align with what WP Travel Engine offers. Some might look for more intuitive interfaces, others for more advanced booking features, or perhaps more affordable options.

This is where alternatives come into play, offering a variety of functionalities that can provide a diverse range of needs.

Top WP Travel Engine Alternatives

In the travel website world, WP Travel Engine is one of them. But online choices are diverse, so people look for other options that fit them better. They want tools with special features that can make things even better than the WP Travel Engine.

So let us discuss WP Travel Engine Alternatives:

1.WP Travel (Best WordPress Travel Booking Plugin) 2.Yatra 3.LatePoint 4.WooTour 5.Oganro 6.Tour Master 7.WordPress Travel Block 8.Travelpayouts 9.Tourfic

WP Travel as WP Travel Engine Alternative

WP Travel is the Best WordPress Travel Booking Plugin, an SEO-friendly, powerful, free, and flexible travel booking plugin that comes with unlimited travel and tour packages. It is the most advanced WordPress travel and tour booking plugin, allowing travel agencies to create outstanding travel packages.

You can explore detailed WP Travel reviews , including overviews, pros and cons, plans and pricing, compatibility, and performance tests simultaneously.

It is a complete tour management system with numerous impressive features. Beginners can use this plugin to quickly create a travel booking website. This plugin allows you to create an unlimited number of travel packages.

It also includes an itinerary builder, which allows you to add the day-to-day itinerary for a specific trip. The plugin is also translation-ready. As a result, clients from all over the world can use the site without any issues. WP Travel includes a variety of customization options for ease of use.

Using this plugin on your website will make booking services easy for your clients.

SEO for travel (schema markup)

Schema markup is the secret ingredient that makes your travel offerings stand out in search results. It structures the data on your website in a way that search engines can easily digest and interpret.

This means that when someone searches for a travel experience you offer, your site could display richer search results, including ratings, prices, and availability, directly on the search page.

It’s like having a billboard on the digital highway of search results, making your travel options more visible and appealing to wanderlust-filled searchers. WP Travel is an excellent choice for tour operators who want their websites to be search engine optimized.

It supports travel schema markup (JSON-LD format), which converts unstructured data into structured information, allowing search engines to crawl your site more efficiently and rank you higher in organic searches.

WP Travel-compatible themes

Your travel website is the digital store for your adventures and offerings, and just like in the real world, first impressions matter. WP Travel-compatible themes are like the perfect outfit for your website, designed not just to impress but to convert visitors into enthusiastic travelers.

Choosing a WP Travel-compatible theme means you are getting a design that speaks the language of travel, engages potential visitors with its ease of use, and keeps them coming back for more adventures. It is about creating a digital environment in which the excitement of travel begins with the first click.

They come pre-loaded with features that every travel site requires, such as trip listings, detailed itineraries, customer reviews, and simple booking forms. But it is not just about the features; it is also about the integration with WP Travel, which ensures that the technical side of booking and itinerary management runs as smoothly as a well-planned tour.

Custom Filters

Navigating a travel website can sometimes feel like searching for a hidden treasure. That is where Custom Filters come into play, transforming the user experience from frustrating to seamless. This feature is not just an add-on; it’s a game-changer for both site owners and travelers alike.

Imagine a traveler looking for a specific kind of adventure. With custom filters, they can easily narrow down their options. Whether it’s filtering by destination, price range, duration, or theme, these filters make the search process intuitive and efficient.

It is like giving your users a personal travel agent who instantly understands their needs and preferences. Custom Filters in WP Travel are about providing a smooth, personalized browsing experience. It is about helping travelers find their perfect trip without the hassle, ensuring they come back for more.

For travel site owners, it is an essential tool in their quest to stand out in a crowded market by offering unparalleled user convenience and satisfaction.

Payment Gateways

Payment Gateway integration is crucial for providing a smooth and uninterrupted booking experience, ensuring that customers can make payments without any hiccups or the need to navigate away from your site.

Support for payment gateways is important to receive payments from customers. This key component not only streamlines the booking process but also ensures secure and versatile payment options for travelers.

WP Travel plugin supports all major payment gateways, such as PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.Net, Paystack, PayHere, PayU, etc.

WP Travel Features

  • Travel Site Ready
  • On-Page Booking
  • Full Data Reporting
  • Payment Processing
  • Translation Ready
  • FAQs and Itinerary Timeline
  • Multiple Pricing and Multiple dates
  • Multiple Currency Feature
  • Google Maps zoom level setting
  • WP Travel Tour Extras
  • WP Travel Guide
  • PWA Mobile App
  • Continues Development

Explore : WP Travel vs WP Travel Engine Comparison by Wpactivethemes

WP Travel Pricing

WP Travel comes in a free or premium version . The premium version comes with additional features . There are three pricing plans in the premium version:

Personal(1 Site)


Plus(5 sites)


Expert(25 sites)


Get WP Travel pro

Yatra is an effective WordPress travel plugin that allows you to book any travel or tour package. Professional travel agencies typically use the plugin to create reasonably priced travel packages and destination-specific pages. Starting your next adventure has never been easier or more exciting.

Yatra ensures that every aspect of your trip is taken care of, allowing you to focus on making unforgettable memories. So, why wait? Begin planning your next journey with Yatra today and experience the joy of travel like never before.

Key Features

  • Simple and smart booking process.
  • Email Notification
  • Smart Tags for an Email
  • Account Section
  • Customer Section Separated
  • Unlimited Tour and Travel Package
  • Several pricing options
  • Destination and Activity Types for Your Tour Package
  • Unlimited Itinerary Buildings

Yatra can be downloaded and installed for free, making it easy to use while on the go.

LatePoint as WP Travel Engine Alternatives

LatePoint stands out as an exceptionally user-friendly booking plugin designed specifically for WordPress travel websites. Its simple setup process welcomes even novices, greatly improving the booking experience. LatePoint allows customers to quickly and easily secure their travel arrangements.

The plugin has a sleek dashboard that neatly categorizes all reservations, streamlines management tasks, and is mobile-friendly; you can manage your reservations from any location. LatePoint makes booking management a smooth and enjoyable experience, similar to the relaxation of a vacation.

  • Simple booking in a few clicks.
  • Over 26 add-ons available to extend functionality.
  • Customization options to meet specific business needs.
  • Automated SMS/Email reminders to keep clients informed.
  • Customers can pay using a variety of methods.
  • Social media login for easy client access. 
  • Effective management of service and team schedules.

For 1 website:

Basic: $49/year

Pro: $89/year

For 5 websites:

Basic: $170/year

Pro: $310/year

For 10 websites:

Basic: $290/year

Pro: $530/year 


WooTour is a WordPress plugin offered by WooCommerce that creates a feature-rich online booking system for your website and is designed to revolutionize how travel and tour businesses operate online. It is a tool to showcase travel packages and experiences with efficiency.

With WooTour, creating and managing tours becomes easy, thanks to its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set. Your clients can only access all of your services by logging in or creating an account. The trip location, duration and date, departure time, and tour type can be customized.

  • Easy Tour Creation
  • Special Day Reservations
  • Tiered Pricing
  • WooCommerce Payments
  • Customer Reviews
  • Coupon System
  • Email Notifications

For pricing, visit their official website.

Oganro as WP Travel Engine Alternatives

Oganro is the digital landscape of innovation and tailored solutions, providing custom web design and development services tailored to meet the diverse requirements of companies worldwide. Oganro exceeds the ordinary, delivering digital experiences that resonate with users and drive engagement.

Oganro’s success is due to its commitment to understanding the individual vision of each client. This personalized approach allows them to draft digital solutions that not only reflect the brand’s essence but also enhance its online presence.

Their dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction make Oganro a trusted partner in the digital journey for many.

  • Multi-Currency
  • Multiple languages
  • Quick set-up 
  • Fully customizable 
  • User-friendly 
  • Good support
  • Mobile Friendly

Contact Oganro for their pricing.

Tour Master

Tour Master is the easiest-to-use WordPress tour booking plugin on the website. Tour Master is a travel agency eager to transcend the ordinary and offer unparalleled travel experiences. With its user-friendly interface, agencies can effortlessly customize and manage a wide array of tours and packages, making travel planning easier for both the provider and the traveler.

Tour Master prioritizes simplicity and efficiency, both for the travel agencies that utilize it and for the travelers who benefit from it. With this plugin, you can do a lot, like setting prices based on the season, making payment tables, printing invoices and report sheets, etc.

  • Real-Time availability 
  • Flexible payment options
  • Customizable Itineraries
  • Simplifies booking offers and status checking.
  • Insightful Analytics
  • Seamless Management

Contact Tour Master for their pricing.

WP Travel Blocks as WP Travel Engine Alternatives

WP Travel Block is a dynamic tool designed to elevate travel blogs, agency sites, and tour operator platforms to new heights. With simplicity and elegance in mind, it allows you to integrate travel-related content, from photo galleries to itineraries, directly into your WordPress site.

WP Travel Block transforms your travel site into a stunning, user-friendly, and engaging platform that stands out in the travel content online. With its easy-to-use features and flexible pricing, it’s an indispensable tool for anyone looking to elevate their travel storytelling or service offerings.

  • Itinerary Builder
  • Photo Galleries
  • Real-Time Booking
  • User Reviews and Ratings
  • Customizable Maps
  • Responsive Design

The WP Travel Block is available for free. You need to create an account to use this plugin.


TravelPayouts is a WordPress travel booking plugin that combines simplicity with comprehensive services. Whether you’re offering hotels, flights, car rentals, or travel insurance, TravelPayouts ensures you provide them at unbeatable prices.

This plugin isn’t just about listings; it’s about bringing the world closer to your audience. TravelPayouts creates reality through interactive widgets like hotel maps that pinpoint the ideal stay and flight maps that trace routes to dream destinations.

TravelPayouts offers two tailor-made tables for hotel comparisons and an impressive array of 11 different tables for a variety of services.

  • Hotel Widgets
  • Customizable Tables
  • Low-cost Maps and Low Pricing-Calendars
  • Search Forms
  • Popular Flight Destination Widget

The plugin is free, and you need to have a TravelPayouts account.


Tourfic is a WordPress plugin for travel and hotel booking sites with ease. Creating travel agency websites is easy to do using Tourfic. Tourfic enables the management of online reservations and the implementation of any WooCommerce payment methods. 

It also offers the capability to monitor sales data and manage customer profiles on your site. This comprehensive tour booking plugin for WordPress encompasses a wide range of features, ensuring that everything from the simplest to the most advanced needs of your travel website are met.

  • Multi-Vendor Integration
  • Location Map
  • Travel Extras
  • Multilingual Integration
  • Widgets and Shortcodes for Elementor
  • Video and Image Gallery

Single Plugin

Starter: $69 (1 Website)

Pro: $149 (1 Website)

Pro Plus: $249 (25 Websites)

Agency Bundle

4-in-1 Annual Pack: $349 (Unlimited Websites)

4-in-1 Lifetime Pack : $649 (Unlimited Websites)

These WP Travel Engine Alternatives stand out by offering specialized features to different segments of the travel market. Whether it is providing more detailed tour information, simplifying the booking process, or offering comprehensive management solutions, each has its own unique strengths. 

They provide feasible options for those who find WP Travel Engine’s offerings to be either too broad or not sufficiently tailored to their specific niche. The key is to assess each option carefully, considering how its features align with your agency’s goals and customer needs.

In the dynamic world of travel website solutions, staying informed about WP Travel Engine Alternatives can empower your business to choose the most effective tools, ensuring your offerings remain competitive and responsive to the ever-evolving market demands.

Looking for WP Travel Engine Alternatives? Each option offers special features like better booking systems and easy customizations to fit different travel needs. WP Travel stands out because it is easy to use, flexible, and has a lot of features for all kinds of travel businesses, big or small. Choosing the right tour operator software means finding one that matches what your travel business needs. WP Travel can really help make your business better and make your customers happier.

In the end, finding the best travel plugin means using the many choices out there to make a travel website that really stands out. With the right WP Travel Engine Alternative, your travel business can do well in this busy market.

master tour alternative

Yam Bahadur Chhetri is a content writer and vivid contributor to the WordPress community and a WordPress enthusiast with an experience of 7+ years in the relative field. He also loves to develop WordPress Themes, Plugins, and custom WordPress development for clients.

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Wp travel modules.

Need more features to save your time and to boost your travel business? WP Travel Pro comes with more powerful modules . While our core travel plugin provides almost all the features that a travel and trekking websites generally needs, our add-ons boost it’s capacity further to make it the best travel engine on WordPress. Whether you want to add new payment method to your site or brush up your trekking listings with beautiful maps show casing your trips, we have all your imagination covered. See all our add ons below to boost your travel website’s features further.

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Weather Forecast

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Partial Payment

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  • Secure data storage
  • Create and edit itineraries
  • Edit offline
  • Full guest list management
  • Create and edit set lists
  • Send and receive push notifications
  • Real-time assistance
  • Full data management
  • Manage unlimited tours and acts with a single account
  • Create schedules and notes
  • Generate tour books
  • Create day sheets
  • Develop accounting reports
  • Customizable visibility for crew and tours
  • Print documents
  • Online access/ web portal

Mobile image

For crew members.

Unlimited users

  • View itineraries
  • View offline
  • Send guest list requests
  • View set lists
  • Receive push notifications

$74.99 /month

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  1. Master Tour

    master tour alternative

  2. Master Tour: The Next Killer App For Your Band

    master tour alternative

  3. About Tour Attachments

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  4. Master Tour

    master tour alternative

  5. Downloading, Installing, and Logging Into Master Tour 3

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  6. ep 60: Tour Management 101: Advanced Class on Master Tour 3.0

    master tour alternative


  1. Any alternatives to Master Tour? : r/livesound

    Any alternatives to Master Tour? I'm FINALLY going back out at the end of the month as TM and FOH for the same band I was with pre-covid. They're on a really tight budget and springing for the monthly fee on Master Tour is a no-go (I know, it's $65, but we're talking about an actual shoestring budget.)

  2. A simpler tour management app : r/TouringMusicians

    A simpler tour management app I'm building a brand new tour management app called "onetour" and we're almost ready to kick off alpha testing. onetour is a budget-friendly alternative to Master Tour, built with small to medium-sized touring teams in mind.

  3. Master Tour & Artist Growth alternative : r/TouringMusicians

    Master Tour & Artist Growth alternative. Hey Folks, With the two products above being super high priced, I wanted to create something more affordable with the basic needs of up-and-coming touring bands. It's called RoadCase. - Free 14 day trial, iPhone app available, and unlimited band/crew members all for $20 a month.

  4. Master Tour

    The essential touring tool. For over 20 years, top touring professionals in the world have battle-tested Master Tour to perfection. Thousands of tours. One solution.

  5. The 10 Best Music Apps for Touring Musicians: Updated 2023

    Master Tour Mobile: The All-In-One Tour Management App Master Tour Mobile, while offering free features, also provides premium options for more extensive use. This app stands as an all-in-one tour management powerhouse, designed to simplify and streamline all the features and intricate processes involved in managing a tour.

  6. Gen. McMaster's blistering account of the Trump White House

    Until now, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster has held his fire about his stint in the Trump White House. McMaster served with distinction in key American conflicts of the past decades: the Gulf War, the Iraq ...

  7. Eventric

    Eventric's primary product, Master Tour, is a cloud-based software focused on assisting tour management in the organization of their tour logistics.

  8. Downloading, Installing, and Logging Into Master Tour 3

    Downloading Master Tour 3 To download and use the Master Tour 3 desktop application, you will need to have an active Professional account.

  9. 2ème étape du Aircalin Tahiti Master Tour : Deux titres pour Hira

    Après les Jeux Olympiques, les compétitions locales ont repris avec notamment le deuxième tour du Aircalin Tahiti Master Tour les 24 et 25 août à Taharuu. Réservé aux surfeurs de plus de 35 ...

  10. WP Travel Engine Alternatives 2024 (Top 9)

    Tour Master is a travel agency eager to transcend the ordinary and offer unparalleled travel experiences. With its user-friendly interface, agencies can effortlessly customize and manage a wide array of tours and packages, making travel planning easier for both the provider and the traveler.

  11. Eventric

    Full guest list management. Create and edit set lists. Send and receive push notifications. Real-time assistance. Full data management. Manage unlimited tours and acts with a single account. Create schedules and notes. Generate tour books. Create day sheets.

  12. Best 15 MasterTools Software Alternatives in 2024

    Find the top MasterTools Software alternatives in 2024. Our list is fueled by product features and real user reviews and ratings. Compare these alternatives to make sure you are picking the best Manufacturing Accounting Software for your business.

  13. Master Tour & Artist Growth Alternative : r/musicians

    Master Tour & Artist Growth Alternative Hey folks, I've had the idea to put together an alternative to the two pieces of software above for a while with the sole goal of making it cheaper with more usability.

  14. Using Master Tour

    How to Switch Languages On Master Tour Mobile. How to Enable Dark Mode. Master Tour Mobile General Use Guide. Viewing Past Tour Dates in Master Tour Mobile. Copy and Paste Schedule, Venue and Hotel Information on Master Tour Mobile. See all 8 articles.

  15. Top Eventric Master Tour Alternatives in 2024

    Find the top alternatives to Eventric Master Tour currently available. Compare ratings, reviews, pricing, and features of Eventric Master Tour alternatives in 2024.

  16. About the Master Tour Help Guide

    About the Master Tour Help Guide. You can use the Master Tour Help Guide to learn how to use Master Tour, search our help content, submit support tickets, and communicate with our Support Team via Live Chat. The Master Tour Help Guide is divided into three sections. You can click into any of the sections to access our Help Content.

  17. 8 Best Travel Booking WordPress Plugins for 2024

    Tour Master is one of the best & premium tour booking plugins, which has an easy tour management system that can be handled by developers. The plugin includes a strong backend panel for admins and customers within its many features to improve user experience .

  18. 2024 Alternative Concert Tickets

    Buy or sell 2024-25 Alternative tickets. Find Alternative Music concert and tour schedules for upcoming events near you on Ticketmaster

  19. Alternative Rock / Indie Concert Tours 2024 & 2025

    Top upcoming Alternative Rock / Indie concerts. Find with Concertful the best Alternative Rock / Indie tours coming your way in 2024 and 2025.

  20. Alternative to Master Tour : r/localbands

    I'm currently thinking about designing an alternative option to Master Tour that is more geared towards bands that are managing their own tours or even on a shoe string budget. This could also be used by local gigging bands that don't necessarily need all the bells and whistles.

  21. best alternatives to master key tour at vatican museums?

    Reply to: best alternatives to master key tour at vatican museums? Your message Read our community guidelines Get notified by e-mail when a reply is posted Preview Italy forums Get answers to your questions about Italy Ask a question See All Italy Conversations

  22. How to Use the Master Tour Help Guide

    Information on how to utilize the Master Tour Help Guide to learn how to use Master Tour, search our help content, submit support tickets, and communicate with our Support Team via Live Chat.

  23. Eventric Portal

    The Online Web Portal for Master Tour - View your tour dates, manage your users, browse the Master Tour Crew and Venue Database, manage your subscription, and more.

  24. Master Tour Mobile

    Master Tour Mobile is the mobile companion for Master Tour Desktop, the premiere software solution for tour management and logistics. Master Tour Mobile provides access for you and your crew to itinerary, schedules, travel details, contacts, hotel reservations, maps and more from your device.

  25. Master Tour Mobile General Use Guide

    Master Tour Mobile General Use Guide. This article covers how to: After logging in, you'll see a screen prompting you to choose a Tour. Either tap on the Show Tour Picker button or the Choose A Tour: Click Here header at the top, then tap on the name of the Tour you wish to view: You'll notice green cloud icons next to each Tour - these are for ...