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mini trek ardeche

3 jours d’initiation au Trek en Ardèche

  • Pratique Accompagné
  • Thématique Bivouac, Nature, Rando, Rencontre
  • Durée 3 Jours
  • Saison Printemps

Partir à l'aventure en itinérance, vous en rêvez depuis longtemps... Randonner plusieurs jours, dormir sous la tente, évoluer en autonomie en pleine nature, partir à la rencontre du sauvage, revenir aux choses simples, aux plaisirs essentiels... Oui mais voilà, vous vous sentez quand même un peu fébrile à l'idée de vous lancer seuls pour une première. Ca tombe bien, on a la solution ! Laure, éducatrice sportive, a créé les séjours Initatreks: 3 jours dans la garrigue ardéchoise pour apprendre les fondamentaux de la randonnée itinérante: lire une carte IGN, utiliser une boussole, analyser la météo, interpréter les nuages, bien monter son bivouac, manger des repas déshydratés faits maison, adopter les bons comportements en nature, ne laisser aucune trace derrière soi. En petit groupe, mixte ou 100% féminin, vous allez apprendre tous les fondamentaux pour devenir autonome, et pouvoir ensuite partir seuls en toute sécurité, de jour comme de nuit ;-) On a testé, on vous raconte !

Laure Initiatrek 06 72 71 24 66 [email protected]

Briefing et mise en route

Laure nous a donné rendez-vous à 9h30 à Lagorce . On se gare dans ce joli village de pierres, typique du sud Ardèche. On a opté pour de bonnes chaussures de rando, on nous a prévenus que le terrain en Ardèche est plutôt caillouteux. Notre sac de rando ne pèse pas bien lourd pour le moment: on y a mis seulement nos vêtements pour les 3 jours. Le reste du matériel, tente, matelas, duvet, popote et réchaud, c’est Laure qu’il nous le fournit. Objectif: se libérer du superflu et n’emporter que l’essentiel pour limiter aux maximum le poids du sac. On retrouve nos compagnons d’aventure pour les 3 jours à venir autour d’un café. Les initiations au trek de Laure se font toujours en petits groupe: max 6 personnes à chaque fois . On fait les présentations, l’ambiance est très vite super détendue. C’est une première pour tout le monde ! On sent chez chacun un mélange d’excitation et d’anxiété, que Laure aura vite fait de dissiper à l’occasion de son briefing. On pratique tous une activité sportive régulière (c’est un pré-requis pour se lancer dans l’aventure) . Le niveau est modéré: pas facile, mais pas difficile non plus. Le port du sac à dos et les kilomètres parcourus sur 3 jours vont assurément nous sortir de notre zone de confort. Ce sera exigeant certes, mais pas insurmontable ! On est bien sur de l’initiation, et le dénivelé en Ardèche n’est quand même pas celui des Alpes, ni des Pyrénées 😉 Tout ce petit monde rassuré, il est temps de passer au premier atelier: apprendre à bien ranger son sac.

web-initiation au trek en Ardèche © Initiatrek (1)

Trek et bivouac dans la garrigue ardéchoise

Nous voilà fin prêts, il est maintenant temps de se lancer pour de bon dans le trek. Cap vers le Sud, en direction du massif de la Dent de Rez , le plus haut sommet du Sud Ardèche qui culmine à 719 m ! On se retrouve rapidement immergés en plein cœur de la garrigue ardéchoise. Cades, chênes verts, chênes blancs, thym, buis… La végétation sent bon le sud, on est déjà ailleurs…

Au total, sur les 3 jours de rando, nous allons parcourir une boucle de 42,5 km avec 1168 m de dénivelé positif. La première journée est plutôt light: 4h de marche, 12 km et 380 m de D+. C’est bien, ça nous permet de nous mettre en jambes, de prendre le rythme et de faire davantage connaissance avec le groupe. Laure nous donne des explications sur la faune et la flore, nous raconte des anecdotes sur l’histoire locale. Elle nous parle de son parcours, son amour de la nature qui l’a amenée à proposer ces treks d’initiation. Son objectif: permettre au plus grand nombre de vivre cette aventure hors du commun qu’est l’itinérance. Donner envie de voyager autrement, d’une manière plus sobre et plus épurée. Faire prendre conscience qu’il n’est pas nécessaire de prendre l’avion et de partir à l’autre bout de la planète pour vivre une vraie déconnexion.

Cette première journée, c’est aussi l’occasion d’aborder les fondamentaux  de la rando en autonomie. Laure nous propose des petits ateliers pour apprendre à lire une carte IGN . L’objectif étant de savoir s’orienter sur le terrain, et d’être capable de planifier un tracé en fonction de son niveau de pratique. On apprend aussi comment analyser la météo, interpréter les nuages pour anticiper et réadapter son tracé de la journée si besoin.

web-initiation au trek en Ardèche © Initiatrek (2)

En fin de journée, arrivés sur notre lieu de bivouac, Laure nous donne ses astuces pour trouver LE bon spot bien installer son bivouac pour une bonne nuit réparatrice . Elle nous parle aussi des bons comportements à adopter pour avoir le moins d’impact l’environnement. Les spots de bivouac sur lesquels nous allons dormir durant ces 3 jours se trouvent en pleine nature (en accord avec les propriétaires des terrains). C’est donc indispensable de ne laisser aucune trace de notre passage. Autour de la préparation du repas du soir, on parle confection de repas déshydratés, ou comment remplacer les lyophilisés industriels par du fait maison pour nos prochaines sorties trek !

Et on va se coucher tôt pour récupérer et être en pleine forme. Parce que demain, on passe aux choses sérieuses avec une étape plus costaude: 7h30 de marche, 19 km, 650 m de dénivelé. Mais à la clé, un point de vue extraordinaire à 360° depuis le sommet de la Dent de Rez sur le Vercors, les 3 Becs, le Mont Ventoux, les Gorges de l’Ardèche et la montagne ardéchoise. Par temps clair, on peut même voir les sommets des Alpes !

Laure nous propose des petits ateliers tous les 5 km environ. Je crois que c’est une tactique pour faire passer la pilule du dénivelé 🙂 On s’essaie à l’orientation: on apprend à utiliser la boussole pour mieux se repérer et être sûr d’où on est et où on va. On parle aussi prise de décision: comment prendre de bonnes décisions raisonnées en toutes situations pour assurer sa sécurité et celle du groupe .

Le rythme de la dernière journée sera plus cool: 4h de marche, 11,5 km et de 138 m D +. De la rigolade après la journée d’hier ! Un dernier pique nique à l’ombre des chênes, un passage par le fameux Gour de la Sompe, une double cascade qui ne coule qu’après de fortes pluies, et nous revoilà au point de départ, un peu plus légers, et la tête et le cœur pleins de belles émotions.

web-Initation au trek en Ardèche © Initiatrek (1)

On fait le bilan ?

Tout le groupe rentre un peu fourbu, mais tellement ravi de ces 3 jours d’aventure en pleine nature. D’ailleurs, la rupture avec le quotidien est tellement grande, la déconnexion tellement importante, qu’on a tous l’impression d’être partis bien plus longtemps… En ce qui nous concerne, plus que l’aspect sportif on retiendra surtout de cette aventure cette sensation de liberté et de bonheur intenses en pleine nature. Le plaisir procuré par les choses toutes simples mais essentielles: marcher, manger, dormir, partager avec les autres, s’émerveiller d’un paysage, d’un coucher de soleil, d’une rencontre… On s’est prouvés qu’on était capables de bousculer nos habitudes. Grâce à Laure, on a vraiment gagné en confiance et on se sent parés pour organiser très vite notre prochaine aventure trekking en solo 🙂

web-initiation au trek en Ardèche © Initiatrek

Bon à savoir

Durée : 3 jours Difficulté : moyenne Distance : 42,5 km Dénivelé positif: 1168 m Public : Adultes pratiquant une activité sportive régulière Période : Séjour 100% féminin : du 12 au 14 avril 2024 Séjour mixte : du 30 mars au 1er avril 2024 et du 10 au 12 mai 2024 Groupe : 6 personnes maximum Le prix comprend: Hébergement en bivouac + Encadrement par une éducatrice sportive + Prêt du matériel spécifique +  Repas + Assurance sur la durée du séjour Le prix ne comprend pas: Transport jusqu’au lieu du stage + Equipement personnel (vêtements + matériel individuel) + Apports caloriques supplémentaires Prix : 300€ par personne


mini trek ardeche

Experience the ardeche

List of activities.

Vallon Pont d’Arc is the centre for outdoor activities in the Ardeche and is often referred to as the gateway to the Gorge. There are lots of options available for you to experience and on this page you will find the full list of activities that we can include with your holiday.

The  two-day guided river trip is our main activity and we provide this directly. The additional activities (canyoning, climbing, via-ferrata, and caving) are provided by a local supplier. We have carefully selected them due to their high professional standards and the fact that they have the best local guides in the region, who all speak great English. This ensures that you receive the best experience possible.

Please scroll down for information on activities. For details about villages to visit or less active things to do, please see the following links.

Two-day ardeche river trip..., canoeing / kayaking.

Paddling the Ardeche river is an experience you won’t forget.

Starting in Vallon Pont d’Arc you will travel under the breathtaking  Pont d’Arc , recently classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and through the nature reserve past limestone cliffs reaching up to 1000ft on either side. This 32km journey is a wonderful combination of exciting rapids (30 in total – grade 2) and peaceful flat sections where you can take in the immense nature and history that surrounds you.

There is an abundance of wildlife along the river. It is quite likely that you will spot birds of prey such as the Black Kite, the Bonelli’s Eagle or the Egyptian Vulture during your two-day river trip and with a bit of luck you might even see beavers and otters. And it’s almost certain that you’ll see some wild boar at the bivouac site when they come to do their evening rounds!

The river trip is best experienced over two days with an overnight camp in the gorge, accompanied by one of our experienced guides. This is why it is included as standard with our 8 day River Packages and our ‘Gorge Getaway’ Short breaks . We want you to relax, have fun and enjoy the spectacular environment without worrying about equipment, timings or tricky looking rapids.

Our highly qualified guides are there to ensure your safety as well as your enjoyment throughout the trip and will help you to get the most from your experience. They will show you suitable places for rock jumps, rapids you can swim down as well as showing you points of interest such as the mediaeval leper colony, hidden caves, and other things that you would certainly miss without a guide. Not only that but your guide will also take photos of you throughout the two-day trip which you will receive a copy of – free of charge.

If you’re looking to book the river trip only and are unsure about whether or not to include the guide, we have created a “ Why have a guide? ” page to help you decide.

mini trek ardeche

Additional Activities you can book through us...

These activities can be included with our 8 day River Packages or with a Bespoke Booking to create a multi-activity holiday.

Via - Ferrata

Via- ferrata.

Via-Ferrata is Italian for “Iron Road” and refers to a mountain route that is equipped with fixed cables, ladders and bridges. Also referred to as vertical walking, these routes allow walkers and climbers to follow otherwise isolated and inaccessible routes without the need of ropes and belays, and without the risks associated with unprotected climbing or scrambling.

The first Via Ferrata in the Ardèche is situated near Thueyts (min age 10yrs/ 1.4m) and crosses the upper Ardèche river. Another has recently been built overhanging the Lac du Villefort (min age 12yrs). Both activities are also about an hours drive from Vallon Pont d’Arc and you will be required to get yourselves to the meeting point where your instructor will be waiting. Directions will be provided.

This aided climbing allows you to reach places that otherwise would be inaccessible even for the most advanced climbers and all you need is a good instructor and a head for heights!

mini trek ardeche

This activity takes place in the Ardeche mountains, about an hours drive from Vallon Pont d’Arc. This is probably the most energetic of all the activities, although it will be tailored to the needs and abilities of the group. You will be provided with directions and will need to get yourself to the meeting point where your guide will be waiting for you. You will then be provided with a wetsuit and specialist footwear and will head off for your activity. You will find yourself walking down a steep path to enter the gorge itself, then on reaching the bottom the fun will begin!

The instructors live and breathe the canyons and speak excellent English so you will be in great hands. You will find yourself sliding, jumping and swimming your way down the gorge following the water all the way! An amazing experience that really gets the heart pounding. Although alternate routes are sometimes possible they are not always available and a drop down through a waterfall may be your only choice. There are many optional jumps into pools but watching others can be almost as terrifying as jumping yourself!

The main canyon has a minimum age of 12 yrs old and jumps of up to 8m! However, there are a few options available with one ‘mini’ canyon suitable for younger children (6yrs+) and another which is suitable for the whole family (7yrs+) where all the larger jumps are optional – perfect if you have older and younger children. We will always ensure that the appropriate canyoning activity is booked for you depending on the needs of your group.

If you feel that this activity may be beyond your ability then you can contact us to discuss the activity in more detail.

mini trek ardeche

Caving is one of the only activities remaining that gives the experience of true exploration and the discovery of a new world.

The Ardèche is covered in caves and caverns with one of the largest caves in Europe (Aven Orgnac) and the oldest cave paintings in the world (Chauvet Cave). The Chauvet cave was found in 1994 by local cavers who found a previously undiscovered opening in a popular cave which led through to the amazing discovery.

Although there are some tourist caves in the area (such as Orgnac) which are lit and even have lifts to get you back to the surface, our Caving activity however, takes you back to the original feeling of discovery in small groups with a local English speaking guide.

You will explore this underground world discovering calcite crystals, amazing formations, natural springs and underground lakes

There are a couple of family friendly caves with options for children as young as 7yrs. The more demanding cave requires an abseil entry and has some narrow passages to navigate. If you select this activity then we will contact you to ensure you are booked in to an appropriate cave for your group.

exploring a cave

With a multitude of sites all over the region, climbing is another popular activity in the Ardeche.

There are grades to suit all abilities with activity sessions that are family friendly or for adults only.  This activity is under the supervision of a highly qualified local, English speaking instructor.

Whether you have a fear of heights but want to try and overcome this or are a bit of a seasoned climber. The Limestone crags, which draw almost as many people as the river does, offer an unforgettable experience.

If you are an experienced climber who would like to include a private half or full day then please contact us with your requirements.

mini trek ardeche

Other Activities in the area...

You can hire mountain bikes or road bikes locally for a day or for the duration of your stay. Electric bikes are also now available for those wishing to explore on two wheels without all the effort.

There are numerous paths and ‘chemin’ running in every direction with yellow/white or red/white markings along the way . You can explore the forests or the gorges and end up at some amazing viewpoints. Walking maps are recommend and can be purchased locally.

Horse Riding

There are a few local stables that offer horse-riding treks to tourists with pony treks for smaller children. We can recommend a suitable one on request.

This is a great option for a lazy afternoon or an evening of family fun. There is a very friendly snack bar with crazy golf on the edge of town where you can either just go for a quick game or stop and have a pizza, a few drinks and then a game. See if you have any more luck on number 13!! or is it just me?

There is a high-ropes centre close to Vallon which has colour coded routes for people of all ages and abilities. Great for big and small alike!

There are plenty of places where you can go for a swim. You can laze by the hotel pool; head down to the beach underneath the famous Pont d’Arc (this is busy during the summer) and watch the tourists heading through a rapid: go to St. Martin d’Ardeche with its large beach, pedalo’s and river side cafes; or head down into the gorge to find a secluded beach and watch the day trippers go past in their kayaks.

We are not able to pre-book these activities but they are all available locally. We can provide information when we greet you on arrival and will recommend where you can go as required throughout your stay.

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C2480 - 7.4V 500mAh LiPo Battery; Mini Trek

C2464 - complete diff; mini trek, c2486 - 4-way wrench; mini trek, c2482 - body clips (12pcs); mini trek, c2461 - gear sets & diffs; mini trek, c2455 - suspension arms; mini trek, c2463 - diff case housing, drive gears & motor pinion; mini trek, c2460 - drive shafts & diff; mini trek, micro warbirds.

Everything needed to fly is included in the box with the Micro Warbirds. Includes a standard size 4-channel transmitter, pre-installed electronics, USB charger, and a powerful 3.7V 400mAh LiPo battery for extended flight. The only items you need to add are four AA batteries for the transmitter and you'll be flying sorties around your local park within minutes of opening the box!

A1300V2 - P-51D Obsession Micro RTF Airplane with PASS (Pilot Assist Stability Software) System

A1302 - t-28 trojan micro rtf airplane w/pass, a1301v2 - f4u corsair jolly rogers micro rtf airplane with pass (pilot assist stability software) system, a1305 - curtiss p-40 warhawk micro rtf airplane w/pass, a1304 - messerschmitt bf 109 micro rtf airplane w/pass, a1306 - mitsubishi a6m zero micro rtf airplane w/pass system, a1303 - supermarine spitfire micro rtf airplane w/pass, a1307 - p-47 thunderbolt micro rtf airplane with pass (pilot assist stability software) system, golden age series.

Recreating Icons of flying history, the Golden Age series allows you to feel like an pioneer is the aviation industry, giving you control of aircrafts that influenced modern aviation in a R/C platform.

Lockheed Electra Micro RFT Airplane (Requires S-Brand Transmitter)

A1113 - taylorcraft golden age micro rtf airplane, lockheed electra micro rtf airplane, lockheed electra micro rft airplane (requires futaba transmitter), a1100 - spirit of st. louis micro rtf airplane, sport flyers.

RTF packages that enable you to be flying within minutes of opening the box. Whether you want a indoor flyer or something for the park, you can fly with confidence using these aircraft.

A1112 - Vintage Stick Micro RTF Airplane (Red)

A1114 - super cub mx4 micro ep 4-channel rtf airplane with pass system, a1111 - vintage stick micro rtf airplane, a1500 - super cub 750 brushless rtf 4-channel aircraft with pass (pilot assist stability software) system, a1118 - micro sport cub 400 3-channel rtf airplane with pass system, hand launch gliders.

Long distance travel or multiple loops, with the Streamer its up to you. These unpowered gliders provide hours of entertainment for any age.

9012 - Streamer Hand Launch Glider, White

9009 - streamer hand launch glider, orange, 9010 - streamer hand launch glider, yellow, 9008 - streamer hand launch glider, green, 9011 - streamer hand launch glider, black.

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Abbott 1012270-20, Mini Trek Coronary Dilatation Catheter, 2.00 mm X 20 mm X 145 cm, box of 01

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Abbott 1012270-20, Mini Trek Coronary Dilatation Catheter, 2.00 mm X 20 mm X 145 cm, box of 01

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Abbott 1012270-20, Mini Trek Coronary Dilatation Catheter, 2.00 mm X 20 mm X 145 cm, box of 01  


 trek's unique design provides a smooth transitionless feel from the hub to the distal tip for easy access.

  • Mini TREK's ultra low profile design delivers outstanding flexibility for lesion access



  • Unique small chassis designed distinctively for MINI TREK
  • Available in sizes as small as 1.20 mm
  • Indicated for treatment of Chronic Total Occlusions (CTOs)  


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TREK™ and MINI TREK™ Coronary Dilatation Catheters

Designed with smooth transitions for challenging anatomy.

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MAT-2115065 v3.0

Important Safety Information

Trek™ rx & otw and mini trek™ ii otw coronary dilatation catheters.



Applies to TREK™ RX & OTW 2.25 mm – 5.00 mm sizes only: The TREK™ RX & OTW Coronary Dilatation Catheters are indicated for:

  • Balloon dilatation of the stenotic portion of a coronary artery or bypass graft stenosis, for the purpose of improving myocardial perfusion
  • Balloon dilatation of a coronary artery occlusion, for the purpose of restoring coronary flow in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
  • Balloon dilatation of a stent after implantation

Applies to MINI TREK™ RX and MINI TREK™ II OTW 1.50 mm – 2.00 mm sizes only: The TREK™ RX & OTW Coronary Dilatation Catheters are indicated for:

  • Balloon dilatation of a stent after implantation (balloon model 2.0 mm only)
  • Balloon dilatation of de novo chronic total coronary occlusions (CTO)

Applies to MINI TREK™ RX and MINI TREK™ II OTW 1.20 mm sizes only: The MINI TREK™ RX & MINI TREK™ II OTW 1.20mm Coronary Dilatation Catheters are indicated for:

  • Initial balloon dilatation of the stenotic portion of a coronary artery or bypass graft stenosis (≥ 70% stenosis).

Note:  (applies to 2.00 mm to 5.00 mm only): Post-deployment stent expansion testing was performed on the bench with the MULTILINK VISION™ and MULTI-LINK ULTRA™ stents. All stents should be deployed in accordance with the manufacturer’s indications and instructions for use.

Contraindications (applies to all sizes)

The TREK™ RX & OTW, MINI TREK™ RX and MINI TREK™ II OTW Coronary Dilatation Catheters are not intended to be used to treat patients with:

  • An unprotected left main coronary artery
  • A coronary artery spasm in the absence of a significant stenosis

Warnings (applies to all sizes)

This device is intended for one time use only. DO NOT resterilize and / or reuse it, as this can compromise device performance and increase the risk of cross contamination due to inappropriate reprocessing.

Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) should only be performed at hospitals where emergency coronary artery bypass graft surgery can be quickly performed in the event of a potentially injurious or lifethreatening complication.

PTCA in patients who are not acceptable candidates for coronary artery bypass graft surgery requires careful consideration, including possible hemodynamic support during PTCA, as treatment of this patient population carries special risk.

Use only the recommended balloon inflation medium. Never use air or any gaseous medium to inflate the balloon.

Balloon pressure should not exceed the rated burst pressure (RBP). The RBP is based on results of  in vitro  testing. At least 99.9% of the balloons (with a 95% confidence) will not burst at or below their RBP. Use of a pressuremonitoring device is recommended to prevent over pressurization.

To reduce the potential for vessel damage, the inflated diameter of the balloon should approximate the diameter of the vessel just proximal and distal to the stenosis.

When the catheter is exposed to the vascular system, it should be manipulated while under high quality fluoroscopic observation.

Do not advance or retract the catheter unless the balloon is fully deflated under vacuum. If resistance is met during manipulation, determine the cause of the resistance before proceeding.

Do not use, or attempt to straighten, a catheter if the shaft has become bent or kinked; this may result in the shaft breaking. Instead, prepare a new catheter.

Do not torque the catheter more than one (1) full turn.

Treatment of moderately or heavily calcified lesions is considered to be moderate risk, with an expected success rate of 60 – 85% and increases the risk of acute closure, vessel trauma, balloon burst, balloon entrapment, and associated complications. If resistance is felt, determine the cause before proceeding. Continuing to advance or retract the catheter while under resistance may result in damage to the vessels and / or damage / separation of the catheter.

In the event of catheter damage / separation, recovery of any portion should be performed based on physician determination of individual patient condition and appropriate retrieval protocol.

Precautions (applies to all sizes)

Note the “Use by” date specified on the package.

Inspect all product prior to use. Do not use if the package is open or damaged.

This device should be used only by physicians trained in angiography and PTCA, and / or percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA).

Prior to angioplasty, the dilatation catheter should be examined to verify functionality and ensure that its size is suitable for the specific procedure for which it is to be used.

During the procedure, appropriate anticoagulant and coronary vasodilator therapy must be provided to the patient as needed. Anticoagulant therapy should be continued for a period of time to be determined by the physician after the procedure.

If the surface of the TREK™ RX & OTW, MINI TREK™ RX or MINI TREK™ II OTW Coronary Dilatation Catheter becomes dry, wetting with heparinized normal saline will reactivate the coating.

Do not reinsert the TREK™ RX & OTW, MINI TREK™ RX or MINI TREK™ II OTW Coronary Dilatation Catheter into the coil dispenser after procedural use.

The safety and effectiveness of this PTCA balloon catheter for the treatment of in-stent restenosis (ISR) have not been established.

Applies to TREK™ RX and MINI TREK™ RX only (APPLIES TO ALL SIZES), in addition to above:

The design and construction of these catheters do not provide the user with distal pressure monitoring capability.

Applies to TREK™ RX 4.50mm and 5.00mm sizes only, in addition to above:

With 4.5 mm and 5.0 mm balloon dilatation catheters, some increased resistance may be noted upon insertion or withdrawal into or out of the guiding catheter. Choosing a larger guiding catheter size may minimize this.

Applies to TREK™ OTW and MINI TREK™ II OTW (APPLIES TO ALL SIZES), in addition to above:

Bench testing was conducted with 0.014” (.36mm) constant diameter guide wires to establish guide wire compatibility. If another type of guide wire is selected with a different dimensional profile, the compatibility (e.g., wire resistance) should be considered prior to use.

Adverse Events (applies to all sizes)

Possible adverse effects include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Acute myocardial infarction
  • Arrhythmias, including ventricular
  • Arteriovenous fistula
  • Coronary artery spasm
  • Coronary vessel dissection, perforation, rupture, or injury
  • Drug reactions, allergic reaction to contrast medium
  • Hemorrhage or hematoma
  • Hypo / hypertension
  • Restenosis of the dilated vessel
  • Total occlusion of the coronary artery or bypass graft
  • Unstable angina  

MAT-2109405 v1.0

NC TREK NEO™ Coronary Dilatation Catheter

Indications for use.

The NC TREK NEO™ Coronary Dilatation Catheters are indicated for:

a) balloon dilatation of the stenotic portion of a coronary artery or bypass graft stenosis, for the purpose of improving myocardial perfusion b) balloon dilatation of a coronary artery occlusion, for the purpose of restoring coronary flow in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction c) balloon dilatation of a stent after implantation (balloon models 2.00 mm – 5.00 mm only)


The NC TREK NEO™ Coronary Dilatation Catheter is contraindicated for treatment of the unprotected left main coronary artery and for coronary artery spasm in the absence of a significant stenosis  

The outside diameter (OD) of the distal 38 cm of the device, including the distal shaft, tip, and the balloon are coated with HYDROCOAT™ Hydrophilic Coating. Refer to PREPARATIONS FOR USE section of these instructions for further information on how to prepare and use this device to ensure it performs as intended. Failure to abide by the warnings in this labeling might result in damage to the device coating, which may necessitate intervention or result in serious adverse events.

Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) should only be performed at centers where emergency coronary artery bypass graft surgery is available.

Persons with known history of allergies to any of the components of this device listed below may suffer an allergic reaction to this coronary dilatation catheter. Prior to its use on the patient, the patient should be counseled on the materials contained in the device, and a thorough history of allergies must be discussed. This device contains: polyethylene oxide coating, polyamide, polyether block amide (PEBAX), polyethylene and stainless steel.

Use only the appropriate balloon inflation media. Do not use air or any gaseous medium to inflate the balloon. If gaseous medium is used and balloon rupture occurs there is a potential of causing air embolism and / or vessel injury. Balloon pressure should not exceed the rated burst pressure (RBP). Use of a pressure-monitoring device is recommended to prevent over pressurization.

To reduce the potential for vessel damage, the inflated diameter of the balloon should approximate the diameter of the normal or undiseased vessel segment, just proximal and distal to the stenosis.

Do not use or attempt to straighten a catheter if the shaft has become bent or kinked; this may result in the shaft breaking. Instead, prepare a new catheter.

Treatment of moderately or heavily calcified lesions is considered to be moderate risk, with increase in the risk of acute closure, vessel trauma, balloon burst, balloon entrapment, and associated complications. If resistance is felt, determine the cause before proceeding.

Continuing to advance or retract the catheter while under resistance may result in damage to the vessels and / or damage / separation of the catheter.


When the catheter is exposed to the vascular system, it should be manipulated while under high quality fluoroscopic observation. Do not advance or retract the catheter unless the balloon is fully deflated under vacuum. If resistance is met during manipulation, determine the cause of the resistance before proceeding.

In the event of catheter damage / separation, retrieval methods (use of additional wires, snares, and / or forceps) may result in additional trauma to the coronary vasculature and / or the vascular access site. Complications may include bleeding, hematoma, or pseudoaneurysm.

To confirm sterility has been maintained, ensure that the package sterile barrier has not been opened or damaged prior to use. Inspect all product and ensure that the device is not damaged. Care must be taken to properly size the balloon prior to use.

During the procedure, appropriate anticoagulant and coronary vasodilator therapy must be provided to the patient as needed. Anticoagulant therapy should be continued for a period of time as determined by the physician after the procedure.

If the surface of the coronary dilatation catheter becomes dry, wet with heparinized normal saline to reactivate the coating.

Do not reinsert the coronary dilatation catheter into the coil dispenser after procedural use

The safety and effectiveness of these devices have not been established, or is unknown, in vascular regions other than those specifically indicated:

  • PTCA balloon catheter for the treatment of in-stent restenosis (ISR) has not been established.
  • The pediatric population.
  • Balloon sizes 1.5 mm, 5.5 mm and 6.0 mm have not been established for balloon dilatation of a stent after implantation.

Potential Adverse Events

  • Allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to latex, contrast agent, anesthesia, device materials, and drug reactions to anticoagulation, or antiplatelet drugs
  • Vascular access complications which may require transfusion or vessel repair including: Catheter site reactions, Bleeding (ecchymosis, oozing, hematoma, hemorrhage, retroperitoneal hemorrhage), Arteriovenous fistula, pseudoaneurysm, aneurysm, dissection, perforation /rupture, Embolism (air, tissue, plaque, thrombotic material, or device), Peripheral nerve injury, Peripheral ischemia
  • Coronary artery or bypass graft complications which may require additional intervention, including:Total occlusion or abrupt closure, Arteriovenous fistula, pseudoaneurysm, aneurysm, dissection, perforation /rupture, Embolism (air, tissue, plaque, thrombotic material, or device), Thrombosis, Stenosis or restenosis
  • Pericardial complication which may require additional intervention such as cardiac tamponade, pericardial effusion
  • Cardiac arrhythmias (including conduction disorders, atrial and ventricular arrhythmias)
  • Cardiac ischemic conditions (including myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction [including acute], coronary artery spasm and unstable or stable angina pectoris)
  • Stroke / cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and transient ischemic attack (TIA)
  • System organ failures: Cardio-respiratory arrest,  Cardiac failure, Cardiopulmonary failure (including pulmonary edema), Renal insufficiency
  • Blood cell disorders (including heparin induced thrombocytopenia)
  • Hypertension / hypotension
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Palpitation, dizziness, and syncope

MAT-2206959 v3.0


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CAUTION: These products are intended for use by or under the direction of a physician. Prior to use, reference the Instructions for Use, inside the product carton (when available) or online for more detailed information on Indications, Contraindications, Warnings, Precautions and Adverse Events. Illustrations are artist's representations only and should not be considered as engineering drawings or photographs. Unless otherwise specified, all product names appearing in this Internet site are trademarks owned by or licensed to Abbott, its subsidiaries or affiliates. No use of any Abbott trademark, trade name, or trade dress in this site may be made without the prior written authorization of Abbott, except to identify the product or services of the company. ™ Indicates a trademark of the Abbott group of companies. ‡ Indicates a third party trademark, which is property of its respective owner. © 2024 Abbott. All Rights Reserved. MAT-1900882 v13.0

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MINI TREK™ II Coronary Dilatation Catheter 2.00 mm x 8 mm / Over-The-Wire

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MINI TREK™ II Coronary Dilatation Catheter 2.00 mm x 8 mm / Over MINI TREK™ - 1012403-08A

A flexible tube designed for percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) to dilate a stenotic coronary artery by controlled inflation of a distensible balloon(s) at its distal tip. It is typically available as: 1) an over-the-wire (OTW) type that has a double or triple-lumen, one for the guidewire and one or two for single- or double-balloon inflation; and 2) a rapid exchange (RX) type with a single-lumen. It is available in various sizes for the dilatation of small, narrowed, or obstructed coronary arteries or bypass grafts. It may also be intended for pre- or post-dilatation of a balloon-expandable stent (not included) in the coronary arteries. This is a single-use device.

  • Store in a dry, dark, cool place

No Data Available

Device Sterile: True

Sterilization Prior To Use: False

Sterilization Methods: No Data Available

Device Name: Catheters, Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty, Percutaneous

Device Class: 2

Physical State: N/A

Definition: A PTCA catheter is a device that operates on the principle of hydraulic pressurization applied through an inflatable balloon attached to the distal end.

Submission Type ID: 1

Review Panel: CV

Review Code: N/A

Technical Method: N

Gmp Exempt Flag: N/A

Life Sustain Support Flag: N

Unclassified Reason: N/A

Implant Flag: N

Target Area: N/A

Regulation Number: 870.5100

Third Party Flag: N

Medical Specialty: CV

Device Id: 08717648180866

Device Type: Primary

DeviceId Issuing Agency: GS1

Contains DI Number: N/A

Package Quantity: N/A

Package Discontinue Date: N/A

Package Status: N/A

Package Type: N/A

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