journey plural name

‘Journies’ or ‘Journeys’: What is the Plural of ‘Journey’?

journey plural name

The word journey in its plural form is the source of some confusion. Many are unsure whether to spell it 'journies' or 'journeys.'

In this article, we will answer that question, and highlight the reason for the confusion, and cover the general plural rules in the English language.

Firstly, let's answer the question on everyone's lips and the main reason you're reading this article: is it 'journies' or 'journeys'?

The correct way to spell the plural of the word 'journey' is: 'journeys.'

It is never correct to spell it 'journies.'

Is it 'Journies' or 'Journeys'?

Let's begin by exploring a few ground rules around forming plurals of words.

How Do You Spell the Plural of 'Journey' - Is It 'Journies' or 'Journeys'?

As mentioned already, the plural of 'journey' is always 'journeys'.

Why Is There Confusion over Whether It's 'Journies' or 'Journeys'?

With words that end in "vowel+y," we add "s" at the end to create the plural form of the word.

So why is there confusion around this in the first place? Aren't the rules around plural word spellings reasonably straightforward?

Well, perhaps not.

The main rule is that when a word ends in 'y', to make the plural form, we must change the 'y' to 'ies.' For example:

  • Activity → activities
  • Cherry → cherries
  • Fly → flies

If we abide by this rule, the plural of 'journey' should be 'journies.'

Not so fast! There's a follow-up rule. This one applies to words with a vowel before that 'y' at the end.

Instead of changing the 'y' to 'ies,' leave the 'y' in and add an 's.'

As a reminder, here is the list of vowels in the English language: a, e, i, o, u.

Here are some examples:

  • Play → plays
  • Valley → valleys

Can you see then why the plural of 'journey' must be 'journeys'? Since the 'y' in the word is preceded by 'e' (a vowel), we must use the second rule to pluralize 'journey.'

The Standard Rules for Forming the Plurals

The rule for pluralizing words ending in 'y' and vowel + 'e' is, in fact, in agreement with the general rule for pluralizing all words: just add 's.'

Now that you are familiar with the rule for pluralizing words in general and the rule for pluralizing words ending in 'y', would you like to know the standard rules for other words? If so, read on.

Nouns Ending With S, SS, SH, CH, X, or Z

For these words, add 'es' to the end of the word to get the plural form. For example:

  • Box → boxes
  • Church → churches
  • Bus → buses

Sometimes, you need to double the 'z' at the end of the word before adding 'es.' Like in the following examples:

  • Quiz → quizzes
  • Fez ​​→ fezzes

Nouns Ending' O'

Add 's' or 'es' to pluralize words ending with 'o'. For example:

  • Piano → pianos
  • Video → videos
  • Volcano → volcanoes
  • Flamingo → flamingoes

With these words, there is no rule to determine which of the two it should be - 's' or 'es.' You simply have to memorize these.

Nouns Ending F or Fe

The rule for pluralizing words ending in 'f' or 'fe' states that these nouns should either end in 'ves' or 's.' Again, there's no rule to differentiate the two endings; you just have to know.

  • Dwarf → dwarves
  • Roof → roofs
  • Half → halves

To complicate the matter, some words do not follow any of the above rules. They either change entirely in the plural form or don't change at all. Here are some examples:

  • Bacterium → bacteria
  • Child → children
  • Moose → moose
  • Series → Series

Another time when the general rules don't apply is with words ending in 'is.' Though these words end in 's,' they don't follow the same rule. Instead, we change the 'is' to an 'es.' For example:

  • Thesis → theses
  • Analysis → analyses

Also, watch out for words that end in 'us.' Often, these need the 'us' removed, and an 'i' added on at the end. Yes, this is a bit of an odd one! For example:

  • Cactus → cacti
  • Alumnus → alumni

We appreciate that all this can seem quite confusing, but we don't want you to feel overwhelmed! If you're currently learning English as a language, rest assured that the more you read English, the more the correct pluralizations will stick to your mind, as you'll get used to seeing them. Over time, it will become automatic. It just takes a little practice!

And if you are a native English speaker, and are just trying to learn more about your language, now that you have learned the rules, you have become more aware and will now start to pay more attention to the different ways to pluralize words as you read. For you also, knowing the correct spellings will become automatic.

Meaning of the Word 'Journey'

Now that we've dived into the conventions around pluralizing words let's explore the word 'journey' and its meaning.

What Does It Mean?

The word 'journey' is a noun, and its simplest definition is the act of traveling from one place to another.

The term usually implies a somewhat extended period of time, unlike the word 'jaunt,' which is very similar in meaning but is more suited to describe a shorter expedition.

The word 'journey' can refer to a physical trip - traveling from one physical place to another, perhaps to spend a gap year, to go backpacking, or even on a pilgrimage. Here are a few examples of the word used in this sense:

  • To break up the journey, we stopped in a motel en route.
  • The journey from New York to Italy was reasonably smooth.
  • Have a safe journey!

But the word can also refer to a symbolic trip. This could be an emotional journey, a spiritual journey, or a professional journey. Or it can be, quite simply, a life journey. It is, in essence, the story of how you got to be where you are. Here are some examples of ways you can use the word in this sense:

  • I've been on my spiritual journey since I turned 30 years old.
  • This has been an incredible journey, but I'm glad it's over.
  • My professional journey to get here has been tumultuous, to say the least.

'Journey' in Verb Form

The word 'journey' can also take on a verb form without needing to change the word itself.

The verb 'journey' takes on the same meaning as the noun 'journey' - you can use it to refer to the act of going on a journey. Let's see some examples of this verb in action:

  • When you journey through Provence, keep an eye out for the lavender fields.
  • We're currently journeying south.
  • As I journeyed further and further away from home, my spirit began to feel free.

Synonyms of the Word' Journey'

Many words carry a similar meaning to 'journey' while still being somewhat nuanced in what they imply. Here are some of our favorite terms to refer to some kind of journey:

Some of these make us feel like we're in an Indiana Jones movie or a Tomb Raider video game! What about you?

Final Thoughts on 'Journies' or 'Journeys'

Hopefully, this article has helped clarify the meaning of the word 'journey' for you and the correct spelling.

To summarize, the plural of the noun 'journey' is always 'journeys.' It is never correct to spell it 'journies.' This would be considered incorrect.

Furthermore, the word can be used both as a noun and a verb.

And remember: keep on reading. It's the best way to improve your English language skills! Read novels and non-fiction on topics that interest you, and of course, our other articles. Here is a couple to get you started:

How to Write Comedy: Tips and Examples to Make People Laugh 'Interested In' or 'Interested On': What's the Correct Preposition to Use?

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  • ‘Writing’ or ‘Writting’: How to Spell It Correctly
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The Plural of Journey: Here’s What It Is and How to Use It


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The Plural of Journey: Here’s What It Is and How to Use It

Here is a brief explanation of how to use journey and the plural form of the word. Let us go over what a journey is, the plural form, the history and origin of the word, synonyms, examples of the word used in a sentence, and more information. Next time you go to use the word journey you will be an expert. 

What Is the Definition of Journey?

The word journey means:

  • the journey from youth to maturity
  • a journey through time
  • a three-day journey
  • going on a long journey
  • chiefly dialectal: a day’s travel
  • to go on a journey
  • to travel over or through

The singular form of journey can be talking about going on a day trip or a trek across mountains. A journey can be adventurous, like a journey in books and films or just a journey you take with your friends to the beach. Journeying can also be used to talk about the progression of time in your life in third person as you enter into adulthood from childhood. 

The most common use, you will see that journey is used to describe a longer trip than just a day trip — like an extended train journey through Europe. This however is the opposite of the original meaning of the word journey in Latin, which meant day, by day, or daily. You can also talk about a journey as it relates to technology and Internet devices through things like consent preferences, default settings, personalized web experiences, and your overall experience of the site. 

journey plural name

What Is the Plural Form of Journey?

The plural form of the word journey is journeys — not journies. This would not be the plural form of the word journey as its consonants didn’t first go to French before going to the English language. 

The History and Origin of the Word

The root language for the word journey is Latin. In Latin, you can trace the word journey back to diurnal, diurnus, and Latin diurnum. This is because diurnal changed to jour when it moved to the French language. Journee meant something that was done during the day time. So moving it from journee to the Middle English journe or jorney makes it easier for us to see how we ended with the modern American English spelling and pronunciation of the word. 

All the way back in the age of the 1400s there was a writer that used journey in this sentence “52 journeys from this land … there is another land that men call Lamary.” He was describing a 52-day trek to the land named Lamary.

Synonyms of Noun Journey From a Thesaurus

  • Expedition – a journey or excursion undertaken for a specific purpose
  • Passage – a way of exit or entrance: a road, path, channel, or course by which something passes
  • Peregrination – to travel especially on foot
  • Travels – to go on or as if on a trip or tour
  • Trek –  to make one’s way arduously, a trip or movement especially when involving difficulties or complex organization
  • Trip – to make a journey
  • Pilgrimage – a journey of a pilgrim
  • Tour – a journey for business, pleasure, or education often involving a series of stops and ending at the starting point
  • Travel – to go on or as if on a trip or tour
  • Voyage –  an act or instance of traveling

Examples of the Word in Context

  • According to Daily Mail, Pipsqueak’s journey took 136 days. — Andrea Romano, Travel + Leisure, “Pipsqueak the Dachshund Reunited With Her Family After a 5-month Separation Due to Coronavirus,” 25 Aug. 2020
  • The only way to know for sure is to collect and sequence lots more hornets from across their native ranges, to get a better picture of their family tree and which branches are potential launching pads for a transoceanic journey. — Megan Molteni, Wired, “Inside the Sprint to Map the Murder Hornet Genome,” 24 Aug. 2020
  • Expedition to the Edge, a new series on Discovery, covers Captain Clemens Gabriel’s attempted journey through the Northwest Passage back in 2018. — Katey Clifford, cleveland, “‘Expedition to the Edge’ | How to watch, live stream, TV channel, time,” 23 Aug. 2020
  • His life was an American hero’s journey—and his work is as urgent now as when it was first published. — The Economist, “Twentieth-century fox Albert Murray was a bard of America’s racial complexity,” 22 Aug. 2020
  • Becoming European champions would be the fulfillment of a nine-year journey of lavish investment since the state of Qatar bought the club. — Rob Harris, Star Tribune, “425 days later, Champions League ends with PSG-Bayern final,” 22 Aug. 2020
  • Earnest is just as puzzled about the ring’s long journey as Irinaga. — oregonlive, “After more than 40 years, a ring found in a Portland high school locker is returned to the rightful owner,” 22 Aug. 2020
  • The journey the Cardinals had to go on made the success taste even better to Dilfer. — Cameron Teague Robinson, The Courier-Journal, “Last year’s adversity, Elite Eight run helping U of L volleyball amid COVID-19 uncertainty,” 22 Aug. 2020
  • The album title may signal victory of sorts, but it’s also a trail marker on a greater journey. — Kelly Dearmore, Dallas News, “Honest writing and a grander pallet of sonic textures bolster Old 97′s new album ‘Twelfth’,” 21 Aug. 2020

Now you are an expert on all things related to our word of the day, journey. Next time you need to write a journey you will be well prepared for everything you need to know what it is and how to do it efficiently. 



Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do's and don'ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

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Journey vs Journeys: Their Meanings And Differences

journey vs journeys

Considering discussing the concept of journey versus journeys, it’s important to understand the subtle differences between these two terms. Journey and journeys are both valid words, but they are used in slightly different contexts. Journey is typically used to refer to a single, specific trip or travel experience, while journeys is the plural form of journey, indicating multiple trips or experiences. In other words, journey means a singular voyage or adventure, while journeys refers to multiple voyages or adventures.

Throughout this article, we will explore the nuances of these terms and delve into their meanings, usage, and significance. By understanding the distinctions between journey and journeys, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse experiences and paths we encounter in life.

So, let’s embark on this linguistic exploration and unravel the intricacies of journey versus journeys.


In order to understand the concept of journey versus journeys, it is essential to establish a clear understanding of each term individually. Let us delve into their definitions:

Define Journey

A journey can be defined as a passage or expedition from one place to another, typically involving travel over a considerable distance. It encompasses the idea of embarking on a specific course, whether physical or metaphorical, with the intention of reaching a destination or achieving a particular goal.

Furthermore, a journey is not merely limited to the physical act of moving from point A to point B. It encompasses the experiences, challenges, and personal growth that occur along the way. It is a transformative process that often involves self-reflection, discovery, and learning.

For instance, an individual embarking on a career change might undertake a journey of self-exploration, navigating through different professions, acquiring new skills, and ultimately finding their true calling. In this context, a journey represents a profound and meaningful experience that goes beyond the mere act of reaching a destination.

Define Journeys

On the other hand, journeys, in the plural form, refer to multiple instances of undertaking individual journeys. It encompasses a collection of various passages or expeditions, each with its own unique characteristics, destinations, and purposes.

Journeys can take on diverse forms and occur in different areas of life, such as personal growth, career development, relationships, or even creative pursuits. Each journey within the broader concept of journeys contributes to the overall narrative of an individual’s life.

For example, a person’s life may be composed of multiple journeys, such as the journey of education, the journey of parenthood, the journey of entrepreneurship, or the journey of self-discovery. These journeys intertwine and shape the individual’s identity, providing a rich tapestry of experiences and growth.

It is important to recognize that journeys, as a plural concept, acknowledge the multifaceted nature of human existence. They highlight the diversity of paths individuals traverse throughout their lives, each with its own set of challenges, triumphs, and lessons to be learned.

By understanding the distinctions between journey and journeys, we can appreciate the depth and complexity of the human experience, recognizing that life is not a singular path but rather a collection of interconnected passages, each contributing to the overall narrative of our existence.

How To Properly Use The Words In A Sentence

In order to effectively communicate, it is crucial to understand how to use words in a sentence correctly. This section will provide guidance on the proper usage of the words “journey” and “journeys” to ensure clarity and precision in your writing.

How To Use “Journey” In A Sentence

The term “journey” refers to a singular, often long and transformative experience. Here are some examples illustrating the correct usage of “journey” in a sentence:

  • After years of hard work and dedication, she finally embarked on her journey to become a renowned author.
  • The protagonist’s journey through adversity and self-discovery forms the central theme of the novel.
  • His journey to recovery from addiction was marked by numerous obstacles, but he persevered.

By using “journey” in these sentences, the focus remains on an individual’s personal or metaphorical voyage, emphasizing the transformative nature of the experience.

How To Use “Journeys” In A Sentence

The plural form of “journey,” “journeys,” refers to multiple trips or experiences. Here are a few examples demonstrating the correct usage of “journeys” in a sentence:

  • Throughout his life, he embarked on various journeys to explore different cultures and broaden his horizons.
  • These immersive journeys allow travelers to delve into the rich history and traditions of foreign lands.
  • Scientists often undertake extensive research journeys to remote locations in search of new discoveries.

Using “journeys” in these sentences conveys the idea of multiple distinct trips or experiences, highlighting the diversity and breadth of these endeavors.

Remember, whether you are referring to a single transformative experience or multiple trips or experiences, using “journey” or “journeys” correctly in your sentences ensures clear and precise communication.

More Examples Of Journey & Journeys Used In Sentences

In this section, we will explore more examples of how the words “journey” and “journeys” can be used in sentences. By examining these examples, we can gain a deeper understanding of the versatile nature of these terms and how they can be employed in various contexts.

Examples Of Using “Journey” In A Sentence:

  • Embarking on a spiritual journey can lead to profound personal growth.
  • The protagonist’s journey in the novel takes them through a series of unexpected twists and turns.
  • Recovering from a serious illness can be a long and arduous journey.
  • Exploring new cultures and cuisines is an enriching journey of discovery.
  • Starting a new business is often a challenging but rewarding journey.

Examples Of Using “Journeys” In A Sentence:

  • The book recounts the extraordinary journeys of a group of adventurers.
  • Throughout history, explorers have embarked on perilous journeys in search of new lands.
  • Her career has taken her on many exciting journeys around the world.
  • Artists often draw inspiration from their inner journeys and personal experiences.
  • The documentary explores the transformative journeys of individuals overcoming adversity.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

When it comes to using the words “journey” and “journeys,” it is important to understand the subtle differences between them. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of using these terms interchangeably, leading to confusion and miscommunication. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when using journey and journeys:

1. Using “Journey” As A Plural Noun

One common mistake is treating “journey” as a plural noun, similar to “journeys.” However, this is incorrect. “Journey” is a singular noun that refers to a single trip, experience, or process. It is important to remember that “journey” should not be used in the plural form.

Incorrect: The travelers embarked on a series of different journeys across the country.

Correct: The travelers embarked on a series of different journeys across the country.

2. Using “Journeys” To Refer To A Singular Experience

Another mistake is using “journeys” to describe a singular experience or trip. While “journeys” is the plural form of “journey,” it should only be used when referring to multiple trips or experiences. Using “journeys” to describe a single event or process is grammatically incorrect.

Incorrect: My journey to self-discovery has been filled with ups and downs.

Correct: My journey to self-discovery has been filled with ups and downs.

3. Confusing The Usage Of “Journey” And “Journeys”

One of the most common mistakes is simply using “journey” and “journeys” interchangeably without considering their specific meanings. It is important to understand that “journey” refers to a single trip or experience, while “journeys” indicates multiple trips or experiences. By using the wrong term, you risk conveying the wrong message or confusing your audience.

Incorrect: The book takes the reader through a series of journey that explore various cultures.

Correct: The book takes the reader through a series of journeys that explore various cultures.

4. Overusing “Journey” And “Journeys”

While “journey” and “journeys” are valuable words to describe personal growth, transformation, or travel experiences, it is important not to overuse them. Using these terms excessively can dilute their impact and make your writing repetitive. Instead, consider using synonyms or alternative expressions to maintain a varied and engaging writing style.

Incorrect: Her journey towards success was long and arduous, but she persevered and achieved her goals.

Correct: Her path towards success was long and arduous, but she persevered and achieved her goals.

By avoiding these common mistakes and using “journey” and “journeys” correctly, you can enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your writing. Understanding the nuances between these terms allows you to convey your ideas with precision and ensure that your message resonates with your audience.

Context Matters

When it comes to choosing between “journey” and “journeys,” context plays a crucial role. The decision to use one over the other depends on the specific situation and the intended meaning. Let’s explore a few different contexts and see how the choice between “journey” and “journeys” can vary.

1. Singular Versus Plural

One of the primary distinctions between “journey” and “journeys” lies in their grammatical number. “Journey” is singular, referring to a single trip or expedition, while “journeys” is the plural form, indicating multiple trips or expeditions.

For instance, if you are recounting a personal experience of traveling to a remote village, you would likely use “journey” to describe that specific trip. On the other hand, if you are writing a travel blog that highlights various destinations you have visited over time, you would use “journeys” to encompass all those separate experiences.

2. Emphasis On Individual Experiences

Another factor that influences the choice between “journey” and “journeys” is the emphasis placed on individual experiences versus collective or cumulative experiences.

For example, suppose you are writing a memoir about your transformative backpacking trip across Europe. In that case, you might opt for the singular form “journey” to emphasize the personal growth and challenges you encountered throughout that specific adventure.

On the other hand, if you are writing a travel guidebook that aims to provide a comprehensive overview of different routes and destinations, using “journeys” would better convey the collective experiences of various travelers.

3. Narrative Perspective

The choice between “journey” and “journeys” can also be influenced by the narrative perspective and the point of view from which the story is being told.

For instance, if you are writing a first-person account of your solo hiking expedition through the Appalachian Trail, using “journey” would be appropriate to maintain a singular focus on your personal experience.

However, if you are writing a historical account of the exploration of the Silk Road, which involves multiple travelers and their distinct paths, “journeys” would be more fitting to encompass the diverse narratives and expeditions undertaken by different individuals.

4. Figurative Usage

Lastly, it is worth noting that both “journey” and “journeys” can be used in a figurative sense to represent personal growth, life stages, or any transformative process.

For example, if you are writing a self-help article about the journey to self-discovery, “journey” would be appropriate to signify the individual’s personal and introspective exploration.

Conversely, if you are discussing the various stages of a startup’s growth and development, “journeys” would be more suitable to convey the multiple paths and experiences encountered throughout the business’s evolution.

Ultimately, the choice between “journey” and “journeys” depends on the specific context and the intended meaning. By understanding the nuances and considering the factors mentioned above, writers can effectively select the appropriate term to accurately convey their message.

Exceptions To The Rules

While the usage of journey and journeys generally follows certain rules, there are a few key exceptions where these rules might not apply. Understanding these exceptions can help to further clarify the distinction between the two terms. Let’s explore some of these exceptions along with brief explanations and examples for each case.

1. Collective Nouns

In some cases, when journey or journeys is used as part of a collective noun, the plural form journeys may be used instead of journey. This occurs when referring to a group of individuals undertaking separate individual journeys within a larger context.

For example, consider the sentence: “The team embarked on their individual journeys, each with a unique destination in mind.” Here, journeys is used to emphasize the distinct paths each team member took, highlighting their individual experiences.

2. Figurative Expressions

In certain figurative expressions, journey and journeys can be used interchangeably, regardless of whether a single or multiple trips are implied. These expressions often convey a metaphorical or symbolic meaning rather than a literal sense of travel.

For instance, one might say: “Life is a journey filled with ups and downs.” Here, journey is used metaphorically to represent the overall experience of life, encompassing various challenges and joys along the way.

3. Poetry And Literary Contexts

In the realm of poetry and literature, artists often have the freedom to bend grammatical rules and play with language. In these creative contexts, both journey and journeys can be used based on the desired rhythm, sound, or aesthetic effect.

For instance, a poet might write: “Through the darkest of nights, our journeys intertwined.” Here, journeys is chosen to create a sense of musicality and poetic resonance, enhancing the emotional impact of the verse.

It’s important to note that these exceptions are not exhaustive, and the usage of journey and journeys can vary depending on the specific context and intended meaning. However, being aware of these exceptions can help writers navigate the nuances of these terms and employ them effectively in their writing.

The comparison between journey and journeys reveals intriguing nuances that shed light on the multifaceted nature of these terms. Throughout this article, we have explored the origins, definitions, and contextual usage of both journey and journeys. By delving into their etymology, we have uncovered their distinct historical roots, with journey tracing back to the Old French word “journee” and journeys originating from the Latin word “diurnus.”

Furthermore, we have examined how journey and journeys differ in terms of their grammatical forms. Journey, as a singular noun, encapsulates the concept of a single, continuous expedition or travel experience. On the other hand, journeys, as the plural form, encompasses multiple instances of travel or a collection of diverse voyages.

Moreover, we have explored the connotations and implications associated with each term. Journey, with its singular form, often evokes a sense of personal growth, self-discovery, and transformation. It signifies a profound and introspective expedition, laden with challenges and triumphs. In contrast, journeys, with its plural form, conveys a broader scope, encompassing various adventures, experiences, and encounters that shape an individual’s life.

Ultimately, the choice between journey and journeys depends on the intended message and the context in which it is used. Whether one seeks to emphasize the individual’s transformative odyssey or the accumulation of diverse travel experiences, both terms offer unique perspectives on the ever-evolving nature of human exploration and the profound impact it has on our lives.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and creative force behind A seasoned entrepreneur and language enthusiast, he is dedicated to making grammar and spelling both fun and accessible. Shawn believes in the power of clear communication and is passionate about helping people master the intricacies of the English language.

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The Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Plural of Journey in English Grammar

By: Author ESLBUZZ

Posted on Last updated: October 11, 2023

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Journey is a common English noun that refers to a trip or a voyage. As with many English nouns, the plural form of journey can be tricky. Understanding plural nouns is an essential aspect of mastering English grammar, and the plural of journey is no exception.

In this article, we will explore the plural of journey in detail. We will cover the rules for forming the plural of journey and some exceptions to these rules. We will also provide examples of how to use the plural of journey in a sentence and discuss some common mistakes to avoid. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to use journeys correctly in your writing and conversation.

Plural of Journey

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Plural of Journey in English Grammar

Definition and Plural of Journey

A journey is a process of traveling from one place to another, either physically or metaphorically. It can involve a physical journey, such as traveling by car, plane, or foot, or it can be a mental or emotional journey, such as going through a personal transformation or overcoming a challenge. A journey can be long or short, planned or spontaneous, and can involve various experiences and encounters along the way. The destination of a journey is often less important than the journey itself, as it is the experiences and growth that occur during the journey that can be most meaningful and impactful.

In terms of its plural form, the correct spelling is “journeys.” Some people may mistakenly use “journies,” but this is not the correct plural form. The word “journeys” follows the standard plural rules in the English language, where the letter “y” is replaced with “ies” when forming the plural form of a word.

It is important to note that the word “journey” is not commonly used in its plural form. Instead, it is typically used in its singular form to describe a single trip or a process of personal growth.

When to Use Journey and Plural of Journey

Journey is a noun that refers to the act of traveling from one place to another. It can also refer to a long and often difficult process of personal growth or development. The plural form of journey is journeys.

Journey is typically used as a singular noun when referring to a single trip or voyage from one place to another. For example, “I took a long journey across the country by train” or “Her journey to recovery was a difficult one.” In these cases, journey refers to a single, specific experience of traveling or personal growth. However, journey can also be used as a collective noun to refer to a group of people traveling together, such as “The journey of the explorers took them through uncharted territories.” In this case, journey is being used to refer to the collective experience of the group.

Journey is not commonly used as a plural noun. However, in rare cases, it can be used as a plural noun to refer to multiple trips or voyages. For example, “Their journeys to different parts of the world were all filled with adventure and excitement.” In this case, journey is being used to refer to multiple, distinct experiences of traveling. However, it’s important to note that this usage is not common and singular form is generally used to refer to a single or collective experience of traveling.

In summary, journey is a noun that refers to the act of traveling or personal growth, and the plural form of journey is journeys. Use journey when referring to a single trip or experience, and use journeys when referring to multiple trips or experiences.

Examples of Journey and Plural of Journey in Sentences

When talking about journeys, it’s important to know how to use the singular and plural forms correctly. Here are some examples of how to use “journey” and “journeys” in sentences:

Singular form:

  • The journey to the top of the mountain was difficult, but the view was worth it.
  • The journey from the bottom of the mountain to the summit was steep and treacherous.
  • Her journey to self-discovery took her to many different places and taught her valuable lessons along the way.
  • The journey through the wilderness was filled with challenges, but they persevered and made it to their destination.
  • The novel follows the journey of a young woman as she navigates the complexities of love and loss.

Plural form:

  • The journeys of the characters in the book were all unique and interesting.
  • We took many journeys together as a family, but our trip to Europe was the most memorable.
  • The company offers guided journeys to many different countries around the world.
  • The historic journeys of famous explorers are often studied in schools.

As you can see from these examples, “journey” is used to talk about a single trip or experience, while “journeys” is used to talk about multiple trips or experiences.

It’s important to note that “journeys” is the correct plural form of “journey.” While some words that end in “y” change to “ies” when making the plural form, “journeys” is an exception to this rule.

Plural Noun Rules for Regular Nouns

When it comes to forming plurals for regular nouns, there are a few rules to keep in mind. Most singular nouns can be made plural by simply adding an “s” at the end. Here are some examples:

  • Book → Books
  • Pen → Pens
  • Chair → Chairs

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. Here are a few examples:

  • Words ending in “s”, “x”, “z”, “ch”, or “sh” require an “es” at the end to form the plural. For instance, “box” becomes “boxes” and “church” becomes “churches”.
  • Nouns ending in “y” preceded by a consonant usually replace the “y” with “ies” to form the plural. For example, “city” becomes “cities” and “baby” becomes “babies”.
  • Nouns ending in “o” preceded by a consonant usually add “es” to form the plural. For instance, “potato” becomes “potatoes” and “hero” becomes “heroes”.

It is important to note that there are some irregular nouns that do not follow these rules. These nouns must be memorized or looked up in a dictionary. Here are a few examples:

  • Child → Children
  • Foot → Feet
  • Mouse → Mice

By following these rules, you can easily form plurals for regular nouns.

Plural Noun Rules for Irregular Nouns

When it comes to forming plurals for irregular nouns, there are no hard and fast rules. However, there are some common patterns that you can follow to make the process easier. In this section, we will discuss some of the rules for forming plurals for irregular nouns.

List of Common Irregular Plural Nouns

Here are some of the most common irregular plural nouns in English:

Nouns That End in Us

Nouns that end in “us” often have irregular plurals that end in “i”. Here are some examples:

Nouns That End in Is

Nouns that end in “is” often have irregular plurals that end in “es”. Here are some examples:

Nouns That End in On and Um

Nouns that end in “on” or “um” often have irregular plurals that end in “a”. Here are some examples:

Plurals That Are the Same as Singulars

Some words have the same form for both singular and plural. Here are some examples:

Words That Look Like Plural Nouns but Are Singular Nouns

In the English language, there are some words that look like plural nouns but are actually singular nouns. Here are some examples of such words:

It is crucial to note that these words are always used as singular nouns, even though they look like plural nouns. Therefore, they should always be paired with a singular verb.

For instance, you should say, “Mathematics is my favorite subject,” instead of “Mathematics are my favorite subjects.” Similarly, you should say, “Politics is a complicated field,” instead of “Politics are complicated fields.”

In conclusion, it is essential to be aware of words that look like plural nouns but are singular nouns. Knowing their correct usage will help you communicate effectively and avoid grammatical errors.

Plural Nouns Vs. Possessive Nouns

When it comes to using English grammar correctly, understanding the difference between plural nouns and possessive nouns is essential. While both types of nouns are used to indicate more than one thing, they are used in different ways.

Plural Nouns

Plural nouns are used to indicate that there is more than one of something. They are formed in different ways depending on the noun. For regular nouns, you simply add an “s” to the end of the word. For example, “book” becomes “books” in the plural form. However, for irregular nouns, the plural form can be more complicated. Some examples of irregular nouns include “child” (which becomes “children” in the plural form) and “tooth” (which becomes “teeth” in the plural form).

Possessive Nouns

Possessive nouns are used to indicate ownership. They are formed by adding an apostrophe and an “s” to the end of the noun. For example, “the dog’s bone” indicates that the bone belongs to the dog. If the noun already ends in an “s”, you just need to add an apostrophe

It’s important to note that possessive nouns can also be used to indicate a relationship between two nouns. For example, “the book of John” can be rewritten as “John’s book”.

In conclusion, understanding the difference between plural nouns and possessive nouns is crucial for using English grammar correctly. While plural nouns indicate more than one thing, possessive nouns indicate ownership or a relationship between two nouns.

Common Mistakes with Plural Nouns

When it comes to pluralizing nouns, there are some common mistakes that people make. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Some nouns have irregular plural forms that don’t follow the standard rules of adding an “s” or “es” at the end. For example, the plural of “man” is “men,” and the plural of “child” is “children.” Other examples of irregular plurals include “tooth/teeth,” “foot/feet,” and “mouse/mice.” It’s important to be aware of these irregular plurals and use them correctly.

For most nouns, you can simply add an “s” or “es” to the end to form the plural. However, there are some common mistakes to avoid:

  • Don’t add an apostrophe before the “s” to make a noun plural. For example, it’s incorrect to write “apple’s” to mean “more than one apple.” Instead, write “apples.”
  • Be careful with nouns that end in “y.” If the “y” is preceded by a vowel, simply add an “s” to form the plural. For example, “toys” and “boys.” If the “y” is preceded by a consonant, change the “y” to “i” and add “es.” For example, “cities” and “parties.”
  • For nouns that end in “f” or “fe,” change the “f” to “v” and add “es” to form the plural. For example, “knife/knives” and “wife/wives.”

Some nouns are countable, meaning they can be pluralized and counted. For example, “book/books” and “chair/chairs.” Other nouns are uncountable, meaning they can’t be pluralized or counted. For example, “water,” “air,” and “furniture.” It’s important to know which nouns are countable and which are uncountable so that you can use them correctly in sentences.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the plural form of ‘journey’?

The plural form of ‘journey’ is ‘journeys’.

How do you pluralize the word ‘journey’?

To pluralize ‘journey’, simply add an ‘s’ to the end of the word.

Can you use ‘journey’ as both a singular and plural noun?

Yes, ‘journey’ can be used as both a singular and plural noun. For example, “I am going on a journey” (singular) and “We went on many journeys” (plural).

Is ‘journey’ an irregular plural noun?

No, ‘journey’ is not an irregular plural noun. It follows the regular plural noun rule of adding an ‘s’ to the end of the word.

What is a synonym for ‘journey’?

A synonym for ‘journey’ is ‘trip.’ Other synonyms include ‘voyage,’ ‘expedition,’ ‘excursion,’ and ‘adventure.’

What is the meaning of ‘journeys’?

‘Journeys’ means more than one trip or voyage from one place to another. It can also refer to a process of personal growth or development that a person goes through.

The plural form of 'journey' is 'journeys'.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you pluralize the word 'journey'?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

To pluralize 'journey', simply add an 's' to the end of the word.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Are both 'journeys' and 'journies' correct plural forms?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

'Journeys' is the correct plural form of 'journey'. 'Journies' is not a recognized plural form.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Does the word 'journeys' require an apostrophe?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

No, the word 'journeys' does not require an apostrophe. An apostrophe is only used to indicate possession or to form contractions.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can you use 'journey' as both a singular and plural noun?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Yes, 'journey' can be used as both a singular and plural noun. For example, \"I am going on a journey\" (singular) and \"We went on many journeys\" (plural).

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is 'journey' an irregular plural noun?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

No, 'journey' is not an irregular plural noun. It follows the regular plural noun rule of adding an 's' to the end of the word.

Remember to use the plural form 'journeys' when referring to more than one journey. For example, \"The journeys we took were all memorable.\" Practice using 'journeys' in sentences to become more comfortable with the plural form.

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"What's the plural of journey?"

The plural of journey is journeys .

Definition of journey:

A journey refers to the act of traveling from one place to another, usually over a considerable distance. It involves a process or experience of moving, exploring, or embarking on a specific trip or adventure.

Which is Correct: Journeys or Journies?

The correct plural form of the word " journey " is " journeys ." Although " journies " may seem like a logical pluralization, it is not accepted or recognized in standard English usage.

Nouns ending in a vowel + - y form their plural by simply adding - s to the end of the word. This is why the plural of journey is journeys and not journies.

Is Journey a Countable or Uncountable Noun?

The word " journey " is considered a countable noun. Countable nouns are objects or entities that can be counted as separate units or individuals. Each journey represents a distinct travel experience or specific trip, and its plural form " journeys " reflects this countability.

You can use numerical quantifiers such as " one journey ," " two journeys ," " three journeys ," and so on to specify the quantity of journeys.

Countable nouns have both singular and plural forms and can be used with articles like " a " or " an " for singular nouns and "the" for plural nouns. For example, you would say " a journey " when referring to a single travel experience and "the journeys" when referring to multiple trips or adventures.

Collective Noun for a Group of Journeys

In English, there isn't a widely recognized specific collective noun dedicated to a group of journeys. However, you can use the term " collection " or " series " to refer to a group of journeys that share a common theme, purpose, or destination. These terms can convey the idea of multiple journeys being grouped or connected in some way.

For example, you could say " a collection of journeys exploring ancient civilizations " or " a series of journeys through remote wilderness areas ."

Plural of Journey Example Sentences

Singular form: journey.

  • A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
  • She embarked on a transformative journey to discover her true passion.
  • The train ride offered breathtaking views throughout the entire journey .

Plural Form: Journeys

  • I have taken multiple journeys around the world, each one leaving a lasting impression.
  • The travelers shared their remarkable journeys and adventures at the gathering.
  • These guided tours offer diverse cultural and historical journeys for every traveler's interest.

Journeys vs. journies

The graph shows the occurances of the plural of journey in written English since 1800 using Google's Ngram Viewer .

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The plural of journey is journeys


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  • Journies or Journeys? What is the Plural Form of Journey?
  • Learn English
  • James Prior
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  • Updated May 6, 2023

Journies or journeys

Have you ever been on a journey? Maybe you’ve been on more than one journey in your life. But what is the plural of journey, is it journies or journeys?

Let’s take a look at the correct plural form for “journey”.

Table of Contents

Journies or Journeys?

Journeys is the correct plural form of journey, journies is a common spelling mistake. For words that end with a vowel and a consonant you just need to add “s” at the end to create the plural form. The word “journey” ends with a vowel and a consonant, “ey”. Therefore, we just need to add “s” to the end of “journey” to make it into its plural form, “journeys”. This is why the plural of journey is “journeys” not “journies”.

Note: There is a different rule for pluralizing words that end with the letter “y” after a consonant, such as the word “country”. In this case, we transform the “y” into “ie” and add “s” to make the word plural. So, “country” becomes “countries”.

Definition of journeys

Journeys is plural for journey which means the act of traveling from one place to another. “Journey” can also mean a set of experiences that someone has over a period of time, which changes them in some way. You can therefore go on different types of journeys! In both of these cases, “journey” is used as a noun, but it can also be used as a verb.

Journeys meaning (noun)

A journey is an act or process of traveling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle. It can also be referred to as a trip. “Journey” can also be used to describe a set of experiences someone has over time that affects or changes them in some way. For example, you can go on a spiritual journey to learn more about yourself.

Here are some examples of journeys as a noun in a sentence:

  • The backpackers planned to take multiple journeys across the country during their year-long trip.
  • As a travel blogger, she documented her journeys to various exotic locations around the world.
  • The explorers’ journeys through uncharted territories brought them face-to-face with many unexpected challenges.
  • The museum exhibit showcased the artistic journeys of several influential painters from the 20th century.
  • After several journeys and a long flight, I was happy to arrive home .
  • My journeys as an entrepreneur have been characterized by many ups and downs, but each experience has taught me valuable lessons and helped me grow both personally and professionally.

Journeys meaning (verb)

As a verb, journeys is the third-person singular present tense form of the verb “journey.” To journey means to travel, often to a faraway place.

Here are some examples of journeys as a verb in a sentence:

  • He journeys to different countries in search of new adventures.
  • As the sun sets over the horizon, the ship journeys into the open sea.
  • She journeys to the mountains every summer to escape the heat of the city.

Synonyms of journey

As you can probably imagine, because “journey” refers to traveling somewhere it has several synonyms. Here are some synonyms for “journey”, in the noun form:

Wishing someone a safe journey

You would typically wish someone a safe journey when they are about to embark on a trip or travel to a new destination. It is a way of saying goodbye, expressing good wishes, and hoping that the person has a safe and pleasant journey, free from harm or trouble. It is often accompanied by other well-wishes such as “Have a great trip” or “Travel safely”. You may also hear people use “ safe travels “. However, we don’t use “safe journeys” in this context, it is always “safe journey”.

Conclusion: Our journeys continue

Remember, if you want to pluralize the word “journey” we add an “s” at the end to make it “journeys”. It does not become “journies” . This is because “journey” ends with a vowel and a consonant, “ey”. In such cases, we just need to add an “s” at the end of the word to make it plural.

So, I hope that clears it up which is correct out of journies and journeys, and with that, I wish you well on your continued journeys through the English language!

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[ jur -nee ]

a six-day journey across the desert.

Synonyms: tour , jaunt , excursion

a desert journey.

a week's journey.

the journey to success.

verb (used without object)

Synonyms: peregrinate , rove , roam

/ ˈdʒɜːnɪ /

  • a travelling from one place to another; trip or voyage
  • the distance travelled in a journey
  • the time taken to make a journey
  • intr to make a journey

Derived Forms

  • ˈjourneyer , noun

Other Words From

  • journey·er noun
  • outjourney verb (used with object) outjourneyed outjourneying

Word History and Origins

Origin of journey 1

Synonym Study

Example sentences.

If either is selected, it would not launch until 2026 at the earliest, and would take at least a few months to make the journey.

The job is a cherry on top, but the journey and the experience of being able to audition and leave your heart in the room and feel good about it, no matter what happens, that’s rare and that was amazing.

Cross-device measurement helps connect the dots of your customer’s journey and ensures you know how effective your campaigns are at driving user behavior.

You are somewhat of a new grandmother and you’ve been enjoying that journey.

Instead of having numerous articles addressing each of these particular questions, brands and publishers could consolidate this information as it is all pertinent to the same stage of the journey that the user is in.

The brokers then scout out potential “crew members” who can earn substantial discounts for working the journey.

The next day, after driving to Putney on the outskirts of London, we start the end of our journey.

The NYPD Emerald Society pipes and drums struck up a slow march and the procession began the journey to the cemetery.

We began a journey with Koenig in the first episode of Serial.

But the sunlight is threatening to fade and a three-and-a-half-hour river journey back to Kisangani looms.

With a hammer the boy knocked off some of the slats of the small box in which Squinty had made his journey.

Then summoning a smart young jemadar with whom he had talked a good deal during the journey, he asked him to read the chit.

But dismissing them from our thoughts for the time being, as we did then from our presence, let us continue our journey.

If the journey is now distasteful to her, she has but her own rashness to blame in having sought it herself.

It was past sundown when they left San Bernardino, but a full moon made the night as good as day for their journey.

Related Words

  • exploration

What Is The Plural Of Journey?

Plural word for  journey.

The plural form of journey is journeys (not journies ). Words that end with a – y preceded by a vowel ( a, e, i, o, u ) are made plural by adding an -s at the end, as in chimney / chimneys and monkey / monkeys . 

This can be confusing, because the plural form of words that end with a – y and are preceded by a consonant is made by changing the ending to -ies , as in party / parties , candy / candies , and duty / duties .

More About Journey

What does  journey mean.

A journey is a trip, especially one to a faraway place that takes place over a long period of time.

The word trip can refer to any instance of traveling from one place to another, no matter how long or short it is. The word journey , though, typically implies a long trip—one that’s at least several hours, and perhaps several months or even years. It also often implies adventure—a journey might even be a quest . A journey may or may not have a planned destination other than whatever lies ahead.

The word is also commonly used in a figurative way to liken any lengthy process or progress to such a trip, as in Life is a journey, with many interesting detours. 

Journey can also be used as a verb meaning to make a long trip, as in We must journey to the land beyond the mountains.

Example: My favorite books are about people who make epic journeys around the world.

Where does  journey come from?

The first records of the word journey come from around the 1200s. It comes from the Middle English word journee , meaning “day,” ultimately from unattested Vulgar Latin diurnāta , meaning “a day’s time” or “a day’s work.” In English, the meaning of the word journey originally meant something like “a day’s travel,” but eventually came to mean “a long trip.”

A journey can last a day but the word usually refers to longer trips. The word is sometimes preceded with the mode of transportation that’s used, as in The city is reachable only by a long train journey. Discussion of journeys often involves their destination or purpose. When people say, “It’s the journey , not the destination,” they mean that the significance and value of a journey is what happens along the way, from moment to moment, as opposed to the achievement of its ultimate goal.

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to journey ?

  • journeyer (noun)
  • outjourney (verb)

What are some synonyms for journey ?

What are some words that share a root or word element with journey ? 

What are some words that often get used in discussing journey ?

  • destination

How is  journey used in real life?

Journey is very commonly used in a figurative way.

I ask you to accompany me on my journey to Chile and Peru in your prayers. — Pope Francis (@Pontifex) January 15, 2018
Life is indeed a journey. Successful is he who can navigate the ups and downs without losing his balance. Don’t dwell on your past, don’t wallow in self-pity, don’t repeat your mistakes, don’t focus on negativity, help others along the way, spread kindness wherever you go! — Mufti Menk (@muftimenk) August 17, 2020
Some people around us will not understand our journey. They don’t need to; it’s not for them — Paulo Coelho (@paulocoelho) May 4, 2019

Try using  journey !

Which of the following words is a synonym of journey ?

A. voyage B. trip C. trek D. all of the above

  • 1.1.1 Pronunciation
  • Hyponyms
  • Derived terms
  • Translations
  • Synonyms
  • Translations
  • 1.1.4 Further reading
  • 1.2.1 Pronunciation

Etymology 1

From Middle English journe , from Old French jornee , from Vulgar Latin *diurnāta , from Late Latin diurnum , from Latin diurnus , from diēs ( “ day ” ) . Displaced native Old English fær and Old English faru .


  • ( General American ) IPA ( key ) : /ˈd͡ʒɝni/
  • ( Received Pronunciation ) IPA ( key ) : /ˈd͡ʒɜːni/
  • Rhymes: -ɜː(ɹ)ni

journey ( plural journeys )

  • 1807 , William Wordsworth, “Star Gazers”, in Poems, in Two Volumes , volume I, London: [ … ] Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme ,   [ … ] , →OCLC , page 88 : Or is it, that when human Souls a journey long have had, / And are returned into themselves, they cannot be but sad?
  • 2012 March-April, Terrence J. Sejnowski , “Well-connected Brains”, in American Scientist ‎ [1] , volume 100 , number 2, archived from the original on 27 April 2017 , page 171 : Creating a complete map of the human connectome would therefore be a monumental milestone but not the end of the journey to understanding how our brains work.
  • 2023 December 27, Richard Foster, “New rail freight terminal leads the way”, in RAIL , number 999 , page 39 : That progress has taken over ten years and £20 million to bring to fruition. But, as Mands explains, the journey has been one that HSG has been almost obligated to undertake. "First and foremost, this is an environmental project," she says.
  • ( obsolete ) A day .
  • ( obsolete ) A day's travelling; the distance travelled in a day.
  • 1485 , Sir Thomas Malory , “ vij ”, in Le Morte Darthur , book VI: But whan ye haue done that Iourney ye shal promyse me as ye are a true knyght for to go with me and to helpe me / and other damoysels that are distressid dayly with a fals knyghte / All your entente damoysel and desyre I wylle fulfylle / soo ye wyl brynge me vnto this knyghte (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  • The weight of finished coins delivered at one time to the Master of the Mint .
  • ( collective , colloquial ) A group of giraffes .
  • See also Thesaurus:journey

Derived terms

  • a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
  • memory journey
  • Sabbath-day's journey
  • wedding journey

Further reading

  • “ journey ”, in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary , Springfield, Mass.: G. & C. Merriam , 1913 , →OCLC .
  • “ journey ”, in The Century Dictionary   [ … ] , New York, N.Y.: The Century Co. , 1911 , →OCLC .
  • “ journey ”, in OneLook Dictionary Search .

Etymology 2

Reborrowing from French journée ( day's activities ) , originally an unadapted borrowing from French journée , from Old French jornee , from Vulgar Latin *diurnāta .

  • ( glassblowing ) The total time spent melting and working one piece.

Middle English

  • Alternative form of journe

journey plural name

  • English terms derived from Proto-Indo-European
  • English terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *dyew-
  • English terms inherited from Middle English
  • English terms derived from Middle English
  • English terms derived from Old French
  • English terms derived from Vulgar Latin
  • English terms derived from Late Latin
  • English terms derived from Latin
  • English 2-syllable words
  • English terms with IPA pronunciation
  • English terms with audio links
  • Rhymes:English/ɜː(ɹ)ni
  • Rhymes:English/ɜː(ɹ)ni/2 syllables
  • English lemmas
  • English nouns
  • English countable nouns
  • English terms with usage examples
  • English terms with quotations
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Journies Vs Journeys: Which is the Correct Usage?

If you are confused about whether to use Journeys or Journies, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will settle which one is the correct plural form and why.

journey plural name


We must have come across the term ‘journeys’ quite a number of times. But then wait, what do you mean by ‘journies’? Does a word like this even exist in our dictionary? Before you get confused, let us explain. In this article, we are trying to find out the correct plural version of the noun ‘journey’. 

All of us have studied the topic of “Singular and Plural” as part of our grammar lessons during our school days. If you think that this topic is extremely easy, well you are not completely wrong here, but it has its own rules.

Before going further into the core of this article, let us dig a little into the basics. What is a plural, or rather, a plural noun? A plural noun represents many objects or instances of a single object. Hence, the plural form of ‘pencil’ becomes ‘pencils’, the plural of ‘dog’ is ‘dogs’, and so on.

Journies Vs Journeys

All about Plural Formation

If you recollect, not all plural nouns end with the letter ‘s’. The above examples were quite simple. However, this topic could get complicated as we study it further. You could get confused in deciding the correct plural of a particular noun. And ‘journey’ is one such word. Now, why is there so much confusion? And is there any way of understanding how these plural forms are determined? Of course, there are certain ways and techniques to determine the correct plural version of a noun. 

There are a few rules defined for forming plural nouns. Once you understand this concept thoroughly, trust us, you will find this concept very simple. How many of us remember all the conditions for forming the plural of a particular noun? Well, one may think about what is so difficult in getting the correct plural form. But this can be quite confusing at times. 

For instance, take the word ‘battery’. Undoubtedly, its plural form will be ‘batteries’, which is quite obvious. Come to the word ‘butterfly’. Its plural is obviously ‘butterflies’. Notice above that both ‘battery’ and ‘butterfly’ end with the letter ‘y’. Accordingly, the letter ‘y’ has been cut out in its plural version and instead we have ‘ies’ appended to it. Now you may wonder that the same rule follows for all words ending with ‘y’. However, you are wrong here. 

journey plural name

Now, we will come back to the core concept of this article. Let us consider the noun ‘journey’. What do you think is the plural form of the word ‘journey’? Is it ‘journies’ or ‘journeys’? Some of you would put the correct answer as ‘journeys’ , there are a few others who also think that the answer is ‘journies’. 

In this article, we will delve deeper into this concept and will give you an idea about the rules revolving around the plural formation and how they are derived. Once you finish reading this article, you will have a good idea of what is the correct plural form of ‘journey’ and why is it so. We will also give you a few examples which will help you in understanding this concept better.

Correct usage of Journey vs Journies

journies vs journey

How ‘journey’ originated

Before we jump into all the details concerning the grammatical rules involved while forming plurals, let us understand what the word ‘journey’ implies and how it originated. 

The word ‘journey’ originates from an old French word ‘jornee’. People used this word to explain how their day went. ‘Jornee’ was also used to describe anything related to travel.

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Meaning and Implication of Journey

journey vs journies

What does the term ‘journey’ mean? To explain it in simple words, it refers to any kind of movement from one location to another. This is a word that can be used instead of ‘travel’ or ‘trip’. The term journey more precisely implies a long trip. For instance, when you are traveling a long distance trip by air, water, or even land, you can say that you will be going on a ‘journey.’ 

People also use this word to describe their ‘journey’ when they are on a spiritual path. For instance, when someone prays religiously every day, they are said to be on a journey closer to God.

The term is also used when people face challenging times in their life. They use it to explain a ‘tough journey’ in their lives.

There has been a lot of confusion about the correct plural version of ‘journey’. While grammar experts maintain the fact that the precise plural form is ‘journeys’, there are a few out there who believe that it should be ‘journies’, as most words ending with the letter ‘y’ have the string ‘ies’ appended to the word. Let us find out what is the correct answer.

Exceptions and Outliers

How does one determine the correct plural form of words ending with ‘y’? Before answering this question, understand that words ending in ‘y’ can be divided into 2 categories. 

nounds ending with Y

1. Words where a consonant precedes the letter ‘Y’

Let us again consider the example of ‘battery’. In this word, notice that the letter ‘r’, a consonant, appears before ‘y’. For such words, the plural is formed by dropping the letter ‘y’ and appending ‘ies’ to the remaining word. Hence, the plural of battery is batteries.

plural formation of nouns ending with consonant+Y

As we have explained above, whenever a noun ends with ‘consonant + y’ , its plural form will have ‘ies’ added to the rest of the word. Hence, going by this logic, the plural of ‘battery’ becomes ‘batter +ies’ which is ‘batteries’ . The letter ‘y’ is removed from the original word and is replaced by ‘ies’. The same logic follows for words like ‘butterfly’, ‘cavity’, ‘property’, and so on. 

Plurals of words ending with consonant + Y

The table below gives a list of all words ending with a ‘consonant + y’ combination. Notice how the string ‘ies’ replaces the letter ‘y’ in the plural.

2. Words where a vowel precedes the letter ‘Y’

plural formation of nouns ending with vowel+Y

Not all the words ending with ‘y’ have ‘ies’ in their plural. There is an exception to this rule. What is that exception? We have a few words in which the letter ‘y’ is preceded by a vowel. Now the word ‘journey’ belongs to this category.

In this word, observe that before ‘y’, there is a vowel (e) present . As per the rules defined within the English language, whenever a word ends with a   ‘vowel + y’ combination, then the plural form of such words includes the letter ‘s’ after the word. Hence, as per this rule, the plural form of ‘journey’ is ‘journeys’ , and not ‘journies’. 

plural formation of nouns ending with vowel+Y

Even if the logic of ‘ies’ replacing ‘y’ in the plural form was true for all words ending with ‘y’, the plural of ‘journey’ would have become ‘journeies’ and never ‘journies’. Or we can put it even this way – if the plural has to be ‘journies’, then the original word should be ‘journy’. And we all know that such a word does not exist in our English dictionary.

Did you know? Vowels were invented by the Greeks

Other Similar Words

Not only the word ‘journey’ but there are also a few other words that end with a ‘vowel +y’ combination. The plural for these words is formed just by adding an ‘s’ after the word.

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When is the term ‘journey’ used in a phrase or a sentence?

The term ‘journey’ has many synonyms. They include trips, travel, and voyage. Now you may wonder that when all these words have similar meanings, when can you exclusively use the term ‘journey’ in a sentence or a phrase?

Let us understand what each of these words implies and when you can use them.

  • Journey: It refers to the process of moving from one place to another. The term ‘journey’ is used when you travel once in a while.
  • Travel: ‘Travel’ also implies going from one place to another; however, this is more frequent when compared to ‘journey’.  There may be a little bit of confusion here. Looking at the descriptions above, one may feel that both ‘travel’ and ‘journey’ are exactly the same and one word can be used in place of the other. However, that is not the case. Let us see why. ‘Travel’ is used in the case of multiple movements. Basically, it is a mass noun and the article ‘a’ can never precede it. Consider the following examples:
  • Julia is planning a travel to Europe (Incorrect)
  • Julia is planning to travel to Europe (Correct) On the other hand, check out how the term ‘journey’ can be used in the above example.
  • Julia is planning a journey to Europe.             

journey meaning

  • Trip: A trip is a long one. It refers to going to a particular place and coming back. A trip consists of many journeys. For example, when you go to Paris from London, it is a journey, however, if you move from London-> Paris-> Greece-> Switzerland-> London, then it is a trip. Check out the following examples.
  • I am going on a trip across Canada..
  • I will be taking a journey to Canada this week.
  • Voyage: The term ‘voyage’ is used to describe any sea or space journey. Voyages may take months or even years to complete. The term ‘journey’ is also used many times with references to certain spiritual practices. For instance, if you are into the habit of offering prayers regularly, meditating quite often, and visiting places of religious interest, then you are said to be on a spiritual journey path.

Examples and Famous Quotes/Phrases

Now, let us look at some sentences where the term ‘journeys’ can be used.

The members of this troupe have gone on many long journeys together. Spiritual journeys invite immense satisfaction and mental peace. Long journeys can be quite exhaustive and cumbersome. Parents should support and inspire children in all of their learning journeys. His journeys kept him busy for a decade. People who undertake spiritual journeys in their life go a long way. Our life can involve many journeys. Each one could be challenging in its own way. Meditation is a part of conquering a spiritual journey. Our entire life is a beautiful journey. She is on the last leg of a three-month-long journey across Europe.

Some famous quotes that use ‘journey’

Many people have quoted the term ‘journey’ in various motivational quotes. Take a look below.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step – Lao Tzu Sometimes it’s more about the journey than the destination – Jamal Crawford Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home – Matsuo Basho Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us – Samuel Smiles It’s not an easy journey, to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place because it frees you – Tyler Perry The only impossible journey is the one you never begin – Tony Robbins The journey is the reward – Chinese proverb Life is just a journey – Princess Diana Life is a journey, and if you fall in love with the journey, you will be in love forever – Peter Hagerty A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles – Tim Cahill

Plural formation rules for nouns ending with words other than ‘Y’

The above plural formation rules were all about nouns ending with ‘vowel +y’ and ‘consonant + y’. Let us check the rules of plural formation for nouns ending with different combinations of letters.

  • For nouns ending with ‘s’, ‘ss’, ‘ch’, ‘sh’, ‘x’, and ‘z’, the plural version is formed by adding the string ‘es’ at the end of the word. Some examples of these types of words are as follows.

Exceptions to this rule       

There are a few exceptions within this rule. The plural form of some words ending with ‘ch’ will have only the letter ‘s’ after the word rather than an ‘es’. For instance, the plural of ‘patriarch’ is ‘patriarchs’, and the plural of ‘stomach’ is ‘stomachs’. We do not have anything like ‘patriarches’ or ‘stomaches’ in the English dictionary.

  • For words ending with ‘o’, the plural is formed by appending ‘es’ after ‘o’ . Check out the examples below for better clarity.

There are some exceptions to this rule too. Plurals of some nouns ending with ‘o’ are formed just by adding the letter ‘s’ instead of ‘es’. Check them out.

The plural of ‘volcano’ can be either ‘volcanoes’ or even ‘volcanos’. Both are correct.

  • For nouns that end with two vowels, the plural is formed simply by adding the letter ‘s ’ to the word. Take a look.
  • When a word ends with ‘f’ or ‘fe’, then the plural is formed by dropping the letters ‘f’ or ‘fe’ and adding ‘ves’ . Have a look at the examples below to have better clarity.

There are a few exceptions to this rule as well. A few words ending with ‘f’ have their plural versions formed simply by adding an ‘s’ . Take a look.

  • Some words remain the same in their plural form. Have a look below.
  • There are certain nouns whose plural is formed by changing the vowels in the singular version. These types of nouns are called irregular nouns. Check them out below.

Now, after going through all the rules of plural formation, you must have got a very good clarity on why the plural of ‘journey’ is ‘journeys’ and not ‘journies’. So the next time when someone asks you this question, you know the correct answer and also the explanation for it. Not just for this one, but we are sure that you would crack the plural of any noun since your concepts are clear by now. 

Getting some plural words could be quite tricky, however, if you are thorough with all the plural formation rules, you should find this topic quite simple. We sincerely hope and wish that you undertake many successful ‘journeys’ throughout your life!

What is the plural of ‘journies’?

There is no noun called ‘journies’. Hence it cannot have a plural.

When should I use travel journey?

Whenever there is a reference to travel from one place to another, the term ‘journey’ comes into the picture.

Is journeys with an apostrophe?

There is no apostrophe in journeys. It is just a plural word. The letter ‘s’ is appended at the end.

Is journeys a correct spelling?

Yes. It is the plural of ‘journey’ and it is correct.

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Author: Ajeya

An avid blogger, meme compiler, quizzer and I'm always on the look-out for the latest trends on the internet, in tech and AI! View all posts by Ajeya

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Journeys or journies – which one is correct?

Journeys or journies which one is correct meaning definition correct form examples plural form of journey

Nouns ending, and correct spelling, can be tricky sometimes. There are many words with similar meaning; sometimes two words, seemingly different, carry the same meaning. Sometimes we know a singular form well, but we have problems with correct plural form. For example, what is the plural of journey? Is it journeys or journies? Or is the pair journeys journies, similar to potato-potato: no difference whatsoever, despite the words ending differently? Let’s see how the correct word ends.

What is the plural form of journey : journies or journeys ?

The only correct plural noun for journey is journeys . According to the definition, journey is ‘an act of travelling from one place to another’. Other synonyms of the noun include: trips, voyages, tours, travels, and cruises. Quite obviously, then, plural journeys denote at least two acts of travelling. We can speak of car, bus, plane, train, motorcycle, bicycle, boat, ship and yacht journeys.

Where does the incorrect plural for journey stem from? How come we mistake journeys , journies ?

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What’s the difference between journeys and journies ?

Journey plural form problems may occur when someone lives under a false assumption that each noun ending with –y should form its plural version with the ending –ies. That’s not true! According to standard rules, in some cases, when a noun ends with –y preceded by a vowel, we need to form its plural by adding the suffix -s. We can see that clearly in the examples of the words donkey, monkey, birthday and toy.

The noun journey in plural is journeys ! It’s all clear! Examples of journeys plural in sentences

  • This is one of my favourite journeys !
  • Unlike my brother, I like car journeys .
  • Mark had made three journeys before without any incident.
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  • Which one is correct? – more simple or simpler
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What are the synonyms of the word journeys ?

There are a few words that have similar meanings to journeys :

READ ALSO : Chosing or choosing – which one is correct? What is the difference?

The motifs of the journeys in literature

  • The Odyssey by Homer.
  • The Bear by William Faulkner.
  • The Divine Comedy by Dante.
  • Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino.


Written by Monika Winiarska

Graduate of English philology. Currently a student of internet marketing. She previously worked as a shopping assistant, associate consultant and kindergarten English teacher. Currently working as a copywriter. Privately mother of two children. Loves reading books and spending time actively.

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‘Journies’ or ‘Journeys’: What is the Plural of ‘Journey’?

journey plural name

Are you wondering whether 'journies' or 'journeys' is the correct plural form of  journey? 

Here is the short answer:

  • 'Journies' is a misspelling, so you should never use this spelling.
  • 'Journeys' is the correct plural spelling of  journey. 

Learn more about why the correct spelling is 'journeys' in this guide with definitions, pronunciation, examples, and usage tips.

Is 'Journies' or 'Journeys' the Plural Spelling of Journey?

When it comes to whether the plural form of journey is ' journies ' or ' journeys ,' there is no question. The plural spelling of journey  is always ' journeys. ' People often mistake the correct spelling because when you use the plural form of most English terms that end in y, you typically drop the  y  and add  ies.

However, that is not true with journey because it ends in ey.  Most of the time, when an English term ends in ey, you do not follow the standard plural rule. You simply add an s. 

Here are some examples:

  • Odyssey - Odysseys
  • Chimney - chimneys
  • Donkey - donkeys
  • Monkey - monkeys
  • Paisley - paisleys
  • Valley - valleys
  • Attorney - attorneys
  • Turkey - turkeys
  • Medley - medleys
  • Gurney - gurneys
  • Honey - honeys
  • Kidney - kidneys

There are also a few words that end in  ey  that you pluralize by dropping the  ey  and adding  ies , for example:

  • Money - monies or moneys
  • Homey - homies or homeys

However, in most cases, when creating the plural form of words that end in a vowel or  a,e,i,o,  or  u followed by a y,  you do not drop the  y  and add  ies.  You add an s,   for example:

  • Ploy - ploys
  • Play - plays
  • Stay - stays

Definition of 'Journeys': What Does 'Journeys' Mean?

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 'journeys' is a noun that means:

  • Travel, a trip, or passage from one place to another

It can also mean:

  • The act of traveling from one place to another
  • A day's travel

'Journey' can also be a verb that means:

  • To go on a trip or journey
  • To journey over or through

'Journeys' Synonyms

  • Expeditions
  • Pilgrimages
  • Grand tours
  • Commutations

History of 'Journeys'

The term 'journeys' is derived from the Latin word diurnus . The term means daily.

When the Latin language was developed into French, the term became  jour , which means day. That term was modified into  journee  in medieval French, which means daily or done during the day.

Middle English borrowed and modified the French term into the current term journey. During its early use, the word meant a day's travels.

However, the term now means travel, a trip of any length . So, you can use 'journeys' as a synonym for any trip, cruise, passage, trek, or other word for travel.

When and How to Use 'Journeys'

You learned that 'journeys' is a noun and that you add an  s  to the end of  journey  to create the plural form of the word. So, let's look at when and how to use the term.

  • Use ' journeys ' as a synonym for trips.

As an example, you could say:

We enjoy journeys to faraway places.

  • Use ' journeys ' when you are talking about more than one  journey. 

For example, you might say:

During the summer months, we often go on journeys to nearby towns.

  • Use ' journeys ' metaphorically to describe something that requires effort or a long road.

So, you might say:

Do you know how many  journeys I've had to go on to get this deal closed? 

  • Use ' journeys ' as a verb.

For example, you could say:

He journeys to places all over the world and brings back the best poems and scripts. 

Pronunciation: How Do You Pronounce 'Journeys?'

When learning words, it is essential to learn how to pronounce them. Learning proper pronunciation will help you build confidence to use terms in conversation or writing.

So, here is a pronunciation guide you can reference.

  • Use this phonetic spelling to pronounce ' journeys ':
  • Use this phonetic spelling to pronounce ' journey ':

Sample Sentences Using 'Journeys'

You know the correct plural form of ' journey ,' the definition, and pronunciation. But before you go, read these examples sentences to learn how to use the term.

  • We have been on journeys far and near over the years, but our favorite was our trip to Bali.
  • The famous travel writer wrote about all of her journeys in her best-selling book .
  • We need to hire a writer to write product descriptions for the journeys on our travel website.
  • As a freelance writer , you can go on journeys and work from almost anywhere in the world.
  • Over the years, we have been on some weird journeys . However, Coral Castle in Florida is the strangest place we've been.
  • He wrote about his journeys on his anonymous blog , but somehow someone was able to identify him.
  • You might be a good candidate for the position if you enjoy going on frequent journeys because the role requires a significant amount of travel.
  • The team journeys to locations all around the globe to collect samples and document changes to specific animal species.
  • I am dying to go on more journeys . I feel like a trapped bird when I am not able to spend time exploring.
  • When we go on journeys , we have to be aware of our surroundings because tourists are often the target of scammers and thieves.

Recap: What is the Correct Plural Form of 'Journey?'

You learned a ton of information about this term. So, let's quickly recap  whether 'journies' or 'journeys' is the correct plural form of  journey. 

  • 'Journies' is a common misspelling; however, it is inaccurate, and you should never use it. 
  • 'Journeys' is the correct plural form of the term  journey. 

This term follows the English rule for creating plurals from words that end in  ey.  So, instead of dropping the  ey  ending and adding  ies , you add an s to the end of the word.

While you should be able to determine the correct plural form of ' journey, ' it may still be challenging to remember the correct form. But if you forget the correct plural spelling, you can always return to this page for a quick review of this lesson.

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What does the noun journey mean?

There are 23 meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun journey , 12 of which are labelled obsolete. See ‘Meaning & use’ for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence.

journey has developed meanings and uses in subjects including

Entry status

OED is undergoing a continuous programme of revision to modernize and improve definitions. This entry has not yet been fully revised.

How common is the noun journey ?

How is the noun journey pronounced, british english, u.s. english, where does the noun journey come from.

Earliest known use

Middle English

The earliest known use of the noun journey is in the Middle English period (1150—1500).

journey is a borrowing from French.

Etymons: French jornee , journee .

Nearby entries

  • journalism, n. 1833–
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  • journalistic, adj. & n. 1829–
  • journalistically, adv. 1870–
  • journalizable, adj. 1858–
  • journalize, v. 1766–
  • journalizer, n. 1837–
  • journal-letter, n. 1756–
  • journally, adv. 1554–92
  • journ-chopper, n. 1883–
  • journey, n. ?c1225–
  • journey, v. c1330–
  • journey-bated, adj. 1598
  • journey-book, n. 1610–
  • journey cake, n. 1754–
  • journeyed, adj. 1553–
  • journeyer, n. 1566–
  • journeying, n. c1330–
  • journeyman, n. 1463–
  • journey-money, n. 1883–
  • journey-pride, n. 1938–

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journey, n. was last modified in June 2024.

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Meaning of journey in English

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journey noun [C] ( TRIP )

  • She gave the children some candy to chew on during the long car journey.
  • The journey was quite quick because the road was clear .
  • I expect you'd like to rest after your long journey.
  • We did the journey to Wales in five hours .
  • The train journey took us through a valley past rolling hills .
  • break-journey
  • circumnavigation

journey noun [C] ( EXPERIENCES )

  • adaptive evolution
  • advance the cause
  • advancement
  • formatively
  • from A to B idiom
  • progressive
  • punctuated equilibrium

journey noun [C] ( BOOK )

  • absorptive capacity
  • achievement gap
  • acquisition
  • know better (than someone ) idiom
  • know better (than to do something ) idiom
  • know something from something
  • know something like the back of your hand idiom
  • know your way around something idiom
  • orientation
  • recognition
  • study holiday
  • study under someone
  • subspeciality
  • subspecialize
  • around Robin Hood's barn idiom
  • baggage drop
  • communication
  • first class
  • on the go idiom
  • overnighter
  • peripatetically
  • public transportation

journey | Intermediate English

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Teaching Students About the Plural of ‘Journey’

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A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the English Language

One of the exciting facets of learning the English language is understanding its nuances, including the formation of plurals. In this article, we will focus on teaching students about the plural form of the word ‘journey.’

The word journey refers to traveling from one place to another, usually taking an extended amount of time. It can be a physical or emotional expedition, and it’s essential for students to appreciate not just its meaning but also know how to make it plural correctly.

The Plural Form: Journeys

The simplest way to make the word journey plural is by adding an -s at its end, forming ‘journeys.’ This is the general rule for most English words when forming plurals. In teaching students about the plural form of journey, it’s crucial to emphasize its spelling and pronunciation.

Three Approaches to Teach the Plural Form

Repetition and Drills

Repetition is a proven method to help students learn and reinforce new information. By practicing the correct pluralization through exercises and drills, students can quickly grasp this concept. For example, have students write sentences using both singular and plural forms or complete fill-in-the-blank exercises.

Visual Aids

Using visual aids, such as flashcards or images representing different journeys, can further enhance understanding. By associating visuals with different forms of the word journey, students can quickly recall its correct plural usage in various contexts.

Real-Life Examples

Incorporate real-life examples and stories into your lessons that involve journeys. Ask students about their personal experiences or share stories from books or movies where characters embark on adventures. Connecting these experiences with the appropriate vocabulary will help solidify their understanding.

Common Mistakes to Watch Out For:

While teaching about journeys’ correct pluralization sounds simple enough, students might still struggle due to homophones or words with similar pronunciation. For example, the words ‘diary’ and ‘journey’ share a similar ending sound, and students might confuse their plural forms. Point out the differences, emphasizing that ‘journeys’ follows the -s addition rule, whereas ‘diaries’ changes its spelling.

In Conclusion:

Teaching the plural form of journey can be a rewarding experience that provides an opportunity to understand the mechanisms behind English language rules further. Use various techniques, such as repetition, visual aids, and real-life examples to ensure your students can correctly pluralize the word journey to signify multiple expeditions. By accounting for potential pitfalls and investing time in a comprehensive approach to grammar instruction, your students will soon master this essential language skill.


Synonyms of journey

  • as in to travel
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Thesaurus Definition of journey

 (Entry 1 of 2)

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • peregrination
  • commutation

Thesaurus Definition of journey  (Entry 2 of 2)

  • peregrinate
  • road - trip
  • knock (about)
  • perambulate

Examples of journey in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'journey.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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“Journey.” Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 4 Sep. 2024.

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Britannica English: Translation of journey for Arabic Speakers

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Plural Names: The Best New Baby Name Formula

Sophie Kihm

After weeks of rumors that they were going to name their baby Plum, Hailey and Justin Bieber surprised fans when they announced the arrival of their son Jack Blues Bieber.

journey plural name

Jack is only notable in how, well, unnotable it is. These days, it's rare for celebrities of the Biebers' caliber to choose such a ubiquitous name. And at Number 14 on the US popularity charts, Jack is already so popular it is unlikely to see a meaningful boost from this birth announcement.

But Hailey and Justin unearthed a hidden gem in Blues. It's virtually one-of-a-kind — Blues has never been used for more than five babies in a given year — yet a perfect fit for our current naming climate.

You can certainly expect to hear more babies called Blues in years to come, but the Biebers' influence will be felt beyond this one name. Blues will be the catalyst for the hottest new boy name trend: Plural Names.

The Plural Names Formula

Plural names combine two of Americans' favorite name styles: word names and last names as first names .

To make a plural name, you simply add an S to the end of a singular noun, making it both a plural noun and a surname. Many English last names — along with some surnames in other languages such as Spanish — were originally derived this way. Gates historically referred to someone who lived near the town gates, while Graves was an occupational name for a steward.

But not every noun works in the plural name formula (we don't recommend naming your child "Towels" or "Photographs", for example). Here are our tips for creating the ideal plural name:

The Brisker the Better

One-, or at most, two-syllable plural names are most effective. Keep it short!

Stick to the Themes

A couple of dominant plural name themes have emerged. Municipal names — think Banks, Parks, Bridges — evoke places you visit around town. Nature names — like Brooks, Woods, and Groves — conjure the landscape. A plural name from one of these categories — whether common or one-of-a-kind — is likely to get a good reception.

When in Doubt, Ask Yourself: Is This Name a Surname?

The braver namers among us might invent totally new plural names — how about Alps? — but for many parents, the appeal of plural names lies in that they're surnames in addition to word names. If your plural name exists as a surname, it will naturally have a more name-like sound.

Here are some of the best plural names for boys, organized by popularity level.

Top Plural Names

Popular plural names currently rank in the US Top 1000, with top choice Miles at Number 43 on the US charts and the Spanish plural name Santos (meaning "saints") at Number 795.

With the exception of Hayes and Riggs, all of these names increased in popularity between 2022 and 2023.

  • Heart 1 Miles Chevron - Right
  • Heart 2 Brooks Chevron - Right
  • Heart 3 Myles Chevron - Right
  • Heart 4 Hayes Chevron - Right
  • Heart 5 Briggs Chevron - Right
  • Heart 6 Banks Chevron - Right
  • Heart 7 Wells Chevron - Right
  • Heart 8 Rhodes Chevron - Right
  • Heart 9 Riggs Chevron - Right
  • Heart 10 Santos Chevron - Right

Rare Plural Names

In addition to Blues, the other plural name on everyone's lips is Townes, recently used by both Hilary Duff (the OG plural namer, responsible for popularizing Banks) and Alexander Ludwig. Townes hasn't cracked the Top 1000 yet, but if it follows in Banks's path, expect to see it on the 2024 charts.

Other hot — but still uncommon — plural names include Stiles, Parks, and Oakes, which were among the fastest-rising boy names beyond the Top 1000 last year.

These rare plural names rank outside of the Top 1000 but were given to at least five baby boys in 2023:

  • Heart Barnes Chevron - Right
  • Heart Bridges Chevron - Right
  • Heart Crews Chevron - Right
  • Heart Fields Chevron - Right
  • Heart Gates Chevron - Right
  • Heart Graves Chevron - Right
  • Heart Mills Chevron - Right
  • Heart Oaks Chevron - Right
  • Heart Oakes Chevron - Right
  • Heart Parks Chevron - Right
  • Heart Piers Chevron - Right
  • Heart Raines Chevron - Right
  • Heart Reyes Chevron - Right
  • Heart Rivers Chevron - Right
  • Heart Stiles Chevron - Right
  • Heart Stokes Chevron - Right
  • Heart Styles Chevron - Right
  • Heart Townes Chevron - Right
  • Heart Watts Chevron - Right
  • Heart Woods Chevron - Right

One-of-a-Kind Plural Names

One-of-a-kind plural names are as unique as they come. At last count, fewer than five baby boys were recorded with these names.

Some, like Shields (last charted in 1962) and Groves (1925), have appeared in historical data. But most of these choices are entirely new to the baby name lexicon.

And yes, Blues makes the list of one-of-a-kind plural names at present. But don't expect to see it here next year!

  • Heart Alps Chevron - Right
  • Heart Bayes Chevron - Right
  • Heart Blues Chevron - Right
  • Heart Dunes Chevron - Right
  • Heart Evers Chevron - Right
  • Heart Gables Chevron - Right
  • Heart Groves Chevron - Right
  • Heart Hedges Chevron - Right
  • Heart Keyes Chevron - Right
  • Heart Lyons Chevron - Right
  • Heart Powers Chevron - Right
  • Heart Ridges Chevron - Right
  • Heart Rooks Chevron - Right
  • Heart Shields Chevron - Right
  • Heart Skyes Chevron - Right
  • Heart Somers Chevron - Right
  • Heart Sparks Chevron - Right
  • Heart Storms Chevron - Right
  • Heart Towers Chevron - Right
  • Heart Walls Chevron - Right

About the Author

Sophie kihm.

Sophie Kihm has been writing for Nameberry since 2015. She has contributed stories on the top 2020s names , Gen Z names , and cottagecore baby names . Sophie is Nameberry’s resident Name Guru to the Stars, where she suggests names for celebrity babies. She also manages the Nameberry Instagram and Pinterest .

Sophie Kihm's articles on names have run on People , Today , The Huffington Post , and more. She has been quoted as a name expert by The Washington Post , People , The Huffington Post , and more. You can follow her personally on Instagram or Pinterest , or contact her at [email protected]. Sophie lives in Chicago.

journey plural name

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03 Sep 2024


Ds automobiles is continuing to roll out its new pallas and étoile specifications, announced in the spring. following ds 4, the ds 3 and ds 7 ranges now consist of the new pallas and étoile trims. above the iconic pallas, the étoile name now tops each model’s range. this new structure simplifies the product discovery journey, resulting in a better customer experience..

  • DS Automobiles is continuing to roll out its new PALLAS and ÉTOILE specifications, announced in the spring.
  • Following DS 4, the DS 3 and DS 7 ranges now consist of the new PALLAS and ÉTOILE trims.
  • Above the iconic PALLAS, the ÉTOILE name now tops each model’s range.
  • This new structure simplifies the product discovery journey, resulting in a better customer experience.

Following DS 4, whose HYBRID power unit has been sold with PALLAS and ÉTOILE specifications since April, DS 3 and DS 7 are now adopting this new, more concise range structure. The aim is to offer more clarity, enabling DS Automobiles to highlight the key characteristics of these models in a consistent way.

With this new range, customers have access to the best of the Brand's expertise available through two expressive and complementary versions, offering equipment levels that match their expectations.

Inspired by the Palace honour awarded to the most luxurious five-star hotels, the PALLAS designation is now making a comeback with DS Automobiles.

A historic specification from the DS of yesteryear, Pallas was introduced in 1964. Sixty years later, it is back with the same aim: to embody French expertise.

Introduced as a new version, at the time the “Pallas” was intended to satisfy the aspirations of the most demanding customers. Subject to enormous attention to detail, it remains a benchmark signature from historic DS.

For its return to the range, Pallas maintains its initial aim, with comprehensive equipment perfectly adapted to each of the different models’ segments.

At the top of the range, ÉTOILE is another very Parisian name. It is a symbol of the Place Charles-de-Gaulle (previously known as the Place de l'Étoile), in the middle of which the Arc de Triomphe was erected at the top of the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, whose arteries form a star when seen from the sky.

ÉTOILE also echoes the ultimate accolade given to dancers in the Paris Opera ballet’s hierarchy since the 19th century.

Art, combined with architectural creativity, excellence and the spirit of high-quality expertise are conveyed through these interiors which will be clad in Alcantara® or Nappa Leather.

PALLAS and ÉTOILE each have an individual badge, whose designs are inspired by the decorative arts. PALLAS subtly mixes the door of a grand Parisian palace with the historic axis of Paris (the Arc de Triomphe of the Carrousel, the Place de la Concorde Obelisk, Arc de Triomphe and Arche de la Défense), while ÉTOILE illustrates a broad beam of light emphasising the twelve avenues that converge on the Place Charles-de-Gaulle, called the Place de l'Étoile until 1970.


All DS 3 models feature the same signatures, with a front characterised by Gloss Black DS WINGS with chrome accents, chrome badges and logos and black wheel centre caps. The exterior difference between the two specifications is the 17” DUBLIN alloy wheels for the PALLAS trim (18” NICE optional) and 18” NICE alloy wheels for the ÉTOILE specification (18” TOULOUSE optional for the 100% electric E-TENSE version).

DS 3 PALLAS continues the language of the old DS Pallas specification with a Perruzi Silicon Fabric and DS Basalt Black Canvas interior plus a Basalt Black grain Leather option. DS 3 ÉTOILE showcases a Basalt Woven Fabric interior with Alcantara® and a Criollo Brown Nappa Leather option with power seats.

Several option packs are available for each trim. DS 3 PALLAS offers the Comfort Pack (heated front seats, front and rear carpet mats, PROXIMITY KEYLESS ENTRY & START) and Tech Pack (DS IRIS SYSTEM with ChatGPT, Vision 360 with front and rear digital cameras for low-speed video assistance, wireless smartphone charging and an extra USB socket).

DS 3 ÉTOILE also features a FOCAL Electra® Sound System option, a Total Tech Pack (DS DRIVE ASSIST level 2 semi-autonomous driving, head-up display, DS MATRIX LED VISION headlamps and wireless smartphone charging), as well as the Range Pack for the 100% electric E-TENSE version (heat pump and 11 kW three-phase on-board charger).

The ANTOINE DE SAINT EXUPÉRY Collection completes the line up with a Criollo Brown Nappa Leather interior. Its Night Flight colour is now available across the entire range.

DS 7 PALLAS and ÉTOILE complemented by an exclusive PERFORMANCE version

To keep up with the acceleration of electrification from DS Automobiles, the plug-in hybrid versions are changing their name. E-TENSE 225, E-TENSE 4x4 300 and E-TENSE 4x4 360 become PLUG-IN HYBRID 225, PLUG-IN HYBRID AWD 300 and PLUG-IN HYBRID AWD 360.

All DS 7s now come with the Black Pack as standard, and body-coloured door handles. The E-TENSE badges are discontinued on the plug-in hybrid versions and new bonnet badges are introduced depending on the specification.

DS 7 PALLAS is introduced with Deep Black Alcantara® upholstery and a DS Basalt Black Canvas option. From this first trim level, DS 7 PALLAS is full of equipment with the addition of aluminium pedals and heated front seats.

DS 7 ÉTOILE’s interior consists of Basalt Black or Pearl Grey Nappa leather.

As with DS 3, packs are offered for each finish: the motorized tailgate with full-arm access, extended dual-zone automatic air conditioning, the FOCAL Electra® HiFi system and the BRM R180 watch for the Comfort Pack and the alarm, DS DRIVE ASSIST level 2 semi-autonomous driving, DS ACTIVE SCAN SUSPENSION camera-controlled damping (PLUG-IN HYBRYD 225), 360 VISION, wireless smartphone charging and two extra USB sockets at the front for the Tech Pack on PALLAS.

On ÉTOILE, the Absolute Comfort Pack consists of ventilated and massaging front seats, extended dual-zone automatic climate control and the FOCAL Electra® HiFi system. The Tech Absolute Pack includes wireless smartphone charging, two additional USB-C sockets at the front, DS NIGHT VISION, DS ACTIVE SCAN SUSPENSION camera-controlled damping (PLUG-IN HYBRYD 225), 360 VISION and the alarm. Both finishes also offer the 7.4kW on-board charger with a mode 3 charging cable.

A PERFORMANCE version has been added to the range, exclusively for the PLUG-IN HYBRID AWD 360 drivetrain and based on the ÉTOILE specification. It features a DS Performance badge, a Sparkling Black DS logo, DS WINGS, Gloss Black roof bars and window trim, 21” BROOKLYN wheels with Gloss Black centre caps (21” NEW YORK optional) and a new AWD logo at the rear. The interior upholstery is optional: Basalt Black Nappa Leather or Pearl Grey Nappa Leather. As standard, this version offers extended dual-zone automatic climate control, a wireless charger, two USB-C sockets and Vision 360 cameras. As an option, the Total Comfort and Total Tech Packs are also available, as well as the Charging Pack (7.4kW on-board charger / mode 3 charging cable), as on the ÉTOILE specification.

The ANTOINE DE SAINT EXUPÉRY Collection completes the line-up with the addition of DS DRIVE ASSIST level 2 semi-autonomous driving as standard. Its Night Flight colour is now available across the entire range.

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  2. June's Journey сцены. Том 6. 1226-1400. Главы 1-35. Часть I

  3. 'trip' and 'journey'

  4. Lesson 25 Vocabulary Journeys Grade 5

  5. The Trinity is in the book of Isaiah

  6. Learn about Singular vs Plural #english #shorts


  1. 'Journies' or 'Journeys': What is the Plural of 'Journey'?

    The main rule is that when a word ends in 'y', to make the plural form, we must change the 'y' to 'ies.'. For example: If we abide by this rule, the plural of 'journey' should be 'journies.'. Not so fast! There's a follow-up rule. This one applies to words with a vowel before that 'y' at the end.

  2. Journey Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of JOURNEY is something suggesting travel or passage from one place to another. How to use journey in a sentence. ... Plural and Possessive Names: A Guide. 31 Useful Rhetorical Devices. ... Name That Tree! A quiz that's all bark, no bite. Take the quiz. Merriam Webster.

  3. The Plural of Journey

    The Quick Answer. The plural of "journey" is "journeys." The plural of "journey" is "journeys." All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware. (Martin Buber) We all have our individual journeys. Hopefully my journey was a positive one and I accomplished certain things without stepping on too many toes.

  4. What is the Plural of Journey?

    something suggesting travel or passage from one place to another. the journey from youth to maturity. a journey through time. an act or instance of traveling from one place to another. a three-day journey. going on a long journey. chiefly dialectal: a day's travel. intransitive verb. to go on a journey.

  5. Journey vs Journeys: Their Meanings And Differences

    1. Using "Journey" As A Plural Noun. One common mistake is treating "journey" as a plural noun, similar to "journeys." However, this is incorrect. "Journey" is a singular noun that refers to a single trip, experience, or process. It is important to remember that "journey" should not be used in the plural form.

  6. The Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Plural of Journey in English

    As you can see from these examples, "journey" is used to talk about a single trip or experience, while "journeys" is used to talk about multiple trips or experiences. It's important to note that "journeys" is the correct plural form of "journey.". While some words that end in "y" change to "ies" when making the plural ...

  7. What's the plural of journey?

    The correct plural form of the word " journey " is " journeys." Although " journies " may seem like a logical pluralization, it is not accepted or recognized in standard English usage. Nouns ending in a vowel + - y form their plural by simply adding - s to the end of the word. This is why the plural of journey is journeys and not journies.

  8. Journies or Journeys? What is the Plural Form of Journey?

    Journeys is the correct plural form of journey, journies is a common spelling mistake. For words that end with a vowel and a consonant you just need to add "s" at the end to create the plural form. The word "journey" ends with a vowel and a consonant, "ey". Therefore, we just need to add "s" to the end of "journey" to make ...

  9. JOURNEY Definition & Meaning

    Journey definition: a traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time; trip. See examples of JOURNEY used in a sentence.

  10. journey

    journey (third-person singular simple present journeys, present participle journeying, simple past and past participle journeyed) To travel, to make a trip or voyage . 1951 June, "British Railways Summer Services", in Railway Magazine, page 419: The arrangement for certain long-distance trains to call at suburban stations (saving passengers ...

  11. journeys

    Noun [ change] Singular. journey. Plural. journeys. The plural form of journey; more than one (kind of) journey.

  12. What is the plural of journey

    The plural form of journey is journeys. Find more words! Similar Words.

  13. Journies Vs Journeys: Which is the Correct Usage?

    In this word, observe that before 'y', there is a vowel (e) present. As per the rules defined within the English language, whenever a word ends with a 'vowel + y' combination, then the plural form of such words includes the letter 's' after the word. Hence, as per this rule, the plural form of 'journey' is 'journeys', and ...

  14. Journeys or journies

    According to the definition, journey is 'an act of travelling from one place to another'. Other synonyms of the noun include: trips, voyages, tours, travels, and cruises. Quite obviously, then, plural journeys denote at least two acts of travelling. We can speak of car, bus, plane, train, motorcycle, bicycle, boat, ship and yacht journeys.

  15. JOURNEY definition in American English

    noun Word forms: plural ˈjourneys. 1. the act or an instance of traveling from one place to another; trip. 2. any course or passage from one stage or experience to another. verb intransitive Word forms: ˈjourneyed or ˈjourneying. 3. to go on a trip; travel. to journey through France on a motorbike.

  16. 'Journies' or 'Journeys': What is the Plural of 'Journey'?

    The plural spelling of journey is always ' journeys. ' People often mistake the correct spelling because when you use the plural form of most English terms that end in y, you typically drop the y and add ies. However, that is not true with journey because it ends in ey. Most of the time, when an English term ends in ey, you do not follow the ...


    JOURNEY definition: 1. the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle: 2. a set of…. Learn more.

  18. journey, n. meanings, etymology and more

    There are 23 meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun journey, 12 of which are labelled obsolete. See 'Meaning & use' for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence. journey has developed meanings and uses in subjects including. medieval history (Middle English) military (Middle English) coins and banknotes (late 1500s) astronomy (early ...


    JOURNEY meaning: 1. the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle: 2. a set of…. Learn more.

  20. Journey

    If you're looking for a more refined word to call your latest drive to the beach or trip to the mall, try journey — a noun that describes travel from one place to another.

  21. Teaching Students About the Plural of 'Journey'

    The Plural Form: Journeys. The simplest way to make the word journey plural is by adding an -s at its end, forming 'journeys.' This is the general rule for most English words when forming plurals. In teaching students about the plural form of journey, it's crucial to emphasize its spelling and pronunciation.

  22. JOURNEY Synonyms: 59 Similar Words

    Synonyms for JOURNEY: trip, expedition, trek, excursion, flight, voyage, tour, errand, ride, travel(s) ... Plural and Possessive Names: A Guide. 31 Useful Rhetorical Devices. More Commonly Misspelled Words. Why does English have so many silent letters? Your vs. You're: How to Use Them Correctly.

  23. Plural Names: The Best New Baby Name Formula

    The Plural Names Formula. Plural names combine two of Americans' favorite name styles: word names and last names as first names. To make a plural name, you simply add an S to the end of a singular noun, making it both a plural noun and a surname. Many English last names — along with some surnames in other languages such as Spanish — were originally derived this way.

  24. Prague names street after British Holocaust hero Nicholas Winton

    The card, slightly yellowed with age, showed that Milena Fleischmann (her maiden name), aged nine, was granted leave by His Majesty's Government to enter the United Kingdom.

  25. Paul George Sr. on His Son's Clippers Departure, Epic 76ers ...

    In a special Podcast P episode, Paul George Sr. comes on to talk about PG's basketball journey, how he motivated PG to go pro, and his draft night experience...

  26. New Pallas and Étoile Specifications for Ds 3 and Ds 7

    DS Automobiles is continuing to roll out its new PALLAS and ÉTOILE specifications, announced in the spring. Following DS 4, the DS 3 and DS 7 ranges now consist of the new PALLAS and ÉTOILE trims. Above the iconic PALLAS, the ÉTOILE name now tops each model's range. This new structure simplifies the product discovery journey, resulting in a better customer experience.