

1. NAME OF ASSOCIATION: The name of the Association shall be the ‘TOUR OPERATORS ASSOCIATION OF ASSAM’. 2. ADDRESS: The registered office of the Association shall be in the office of Brahmaputra Jungle Resort at Dr. R.P. Road, near Uco Bank, Dispur Branch, Guwahati- 6

3. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the Association shall be to:

To fasten the development of Tourism Industry in Assam. Promote Assam as a destination in overseas & in the domestic market through joint public / private sector initiatives.

To act as liaison with government for promotion and support in policymaking, help in creation of infrastructure, maintain standard of trade. Highlight the problems faced by tour-operators of Assam and forcefully take up the matters with appropriates.

Provide training and development opportunities for the members and their Employees. Also provide training to the local community and employment of local community.

Help protect and conserve the culture, tradition and environment of the region.

To ensure better services and facilities to the tourists and maintain a reputable standards in the tourism industry through education and training of the members and their employees.

To have a cordial relationship with government agencies and conduct various training programs for tour operators and their staff.

To cooperate, affiliate or act in consent with any other association, company or body to assist in or facilitate the fulfillment of the objectives of the Association.

To ensure support and co-operation amongst the members. Maintaining good relation with other association in the travel and tourism industry for ensuring that the industry as a whole achieves a higher political profile.

To do all such things which are incidental or conducive of the attainment of the Objectives where such action does not contravene legislation whether local or National.

To discourage unfair competition without in any way interfering with the initiative and enterprise based on fair trading.

To improve press coverage & media profile of Assam.

To adjudicate and settle any differences which may arise among the members whenever its arbitration is requested by both parties concerned.


a. Inaugural Membership

Those members listed in Appendix I shall be deemed to comprise the Inaugural Membership of the Association and shall be entitled to attend and vote at the inaugural meeting of the Association.

The criterion for eligibility is: The member has to be a genuine tour operator with proper trade license with its head office in Assam.

b. New Memberships Any organization may make application to become an ordinary member of the Association and may be accepted and approved by a majority vote of the executive committee and upon payment of all current membership dues subject to the following criteria:

The applicant actually and legitimately operates (or offers) organized tours and / or tour - guide services in a defined region of Assam or rest of India or in international level.

The applicant has their registered office and the headquarters of their business operation in Assam.

The applicant holds all required business registrations and licenses etc.

The applicant should be known as being in good standing with former clients, the State Tourism authority, and tourism industry in general.

The applicant complies with or has the capacity to comply with, the minimum operating standards set forth by the Association. Notwithstanding, the executive committee of the Association may refuse any application for membership, if the committee feels that acceptance of the applicant as a member would be prejudicial to the best interests of the Association.

Ordinary members must continue to conform with the minimum operating standards as shall be promulgated by the Association from time to time which shall at the date hereof be those as set out in Appendix II, and a breach of which shall be grounds for caution, or expulsion from the Association.


Any organization may make application to become an associate member of the Association and may be accepted and approved by a majority of votes by the executive committee and upon payment of all current membership dues, if the applicant meets any one of the following criteria: Hoteliers , Car rental Agencies , Air or Railway ticketing agencies, educational institutes offering tourism management courses etc are eligible in this category.

Associate members may attend general meetings but shall not move, or vote on, any motion. Notwithstanding, associate members may seek leave from the Chair to speak on any subject before the meeting.

An Associate member shall not be eligible to serve on the Executive Committee.


Applications for Associate membership from organisation shall be made to the Secretary / Treasurer in such form as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee which shall consider the application and by a majority either elect the applicant to Associate membership or may refuse or defer the Application.


1. a) A member may terminate its membership to the Association by giving written notice to that effect addressed to the Secretary/Treasurer shall cause the member’s name to be removed from the register of members provided all dues, subscription levies or any other monies then owing to the Association are fully paid.

b) Immediately after a member’s name has been removed from the register, the Secretary/Treasurer shall give written notice of the fact to the member concerned and to all other members of the Association.

2.a) A member may be expelled from the Association in the event that the member:

i) has ceased to be eligible to be a member of the Association;

ii) repeatedly breaches the minimum operating standards prescribed by the Association or otherwise does not comply with the Association rules;

iii) has become bankrupt or insolvent or has entered into a scheme of Arrangement with his creditors or has gone into liquidation;

iv) Has been party to conduct which is, in the opinion of the Association in general meeting, contrary to the purposes, aims or Objectives of this Constitution or in breach of a Rule hereof; or

v) has been party to conduct which, in the opinion of the Association, has brought or is likely to bring disrepute to the Association or the industry.

b) Provided always that no member shall be expelled pursuant to the fore going grounds unless a majority of three fourths of votes cast at a meeting of members or in a postal ballot of members after a meeting called to order the conduct of such ballot has first given the member the opportunity to present a written or oral explanation.

c) Provided further that it be the decision of the Association to expel the member, it will not affect the liability of the member to pay dues, subscription levies or other monies due and owing to the Association.


1.Joining Fee : The joining fee for all members shall be - Rs. 7,000/- for active members and Rs. 5000/- for associate members.

2. Annual Subscription

(a) The annual subscription for active members shall be Rs. 5,000/-

(b) The annual subscription for Associate members shall be - Rs. 4,000/-

(c) At the commencement of the first full year of operations, the annual Subscription of each member shall be determined by the Executive Committee and shall be due and payable in advance as from the first day of January each year or at such other time as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee.

3. Levies The Association in general meeting shall have the power from time to time to impose levies upon members:

(a) in the event of the current revenue of the Association being insufficient to meet expenses in any year;

(b) for such other purposes that may be authorized by a general meeting summoned to consider the same;

(c) provided that no member in any year shall be required to pay levies under (a) or (b) above which in total exceed the amount of his annual subscription. There will be no pro rata fees.

4. Accounts

(a) The Association shall cause proper books of accounts to be kept recording a true account of the financial transactions of the Association and of all receipts, expenditures, assets and liabilities of the Association.

(b) The Accounts of the Association shall be closed annually as on the Thirty First day of March.

(c) Payments shall be authorized by the Executive Committee. Should no meeting be held within a reasonable period the President, Vice President Or Secretary / Joint Secretary / Treasurer may approve accounts for payment, and such Accounts will be tabled for confirmation at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.

(d) The accounts payable shall be operated on a joint signature basis by the Treasurer and either Secretary or President.


The office bearers of the Association who shall comprise the Executive committee shall be: President, Vice President (3 nos), Secretary, and Joint Secretary (2 nos), Treasurer and executive member (10 nos).


(a) Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected at the Inaugural Meeting of the Association and thereafter at each Biannual

General Meeting which shall be called on a biannual basis and office bearers so elected shall hold office for a period of twenty four (24) months but shall be eligible for re-election. Members of the Association shall elect office bearers to each position and the executive committee

(b) Nominations to fill all vacancies on the Executive Committee will be accepted from the floor at Biannual General Meetings. Should nominations exceed the number of vacancies on the Executive Committee, a ballot shall be conducted to determine the election of members to the Committee.

(c) Any member of the Executive Committee absenting himself from three consecutive Committee meetings without reasonable excuses in written shall forfeit his seat on the Committee.

(d) A Tour Operator must be either Recognized by India Tourism as a tour operator or in operation for a minimum of 05 years having good track record to be eligible for office bearer of TOAA. No such restriction to become an executive committee member.


Each member shall nominate a representative and alternative representative to attend meetings of the Association, these persons shall be company directors or employees of the member.


(a) The governance of the Association vests in the members in General Meeting.

(b) Subject thereto, the Management of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee.

13. POWERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Executive Committee may exercise all such powers of the Association as are not by this Constitution required to be exercised by the members in General Meeting, and without reorganization from the generality of the foregoing, shall have the following specific powers in addition to such others that are specified elsewhere in this Constitution:

(a) to adopt such measures as from time to time appear proper for the purposes of giving effect to the purposes and objects of the Association;

(b) to consider and where necessary, authorise expenditure and payment of accounts properly incurred by the Association;

(c) to compromise, settle and resolve claims and demands made on the Association;

(d) to make, alter, vary or rescind such By laws as they may be required for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Constitution and of the Association. These changes shall not however, be binding unless confirmed by the next General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose;

(e) to have the power to fill a casual vacancy incurring on the Executive Committee during its two (2) years of office;

(f) President is to have the casting vote in the event of a tie during voting.


(a) The Biannual General Meeting shall be held within three (3) months of the closing date of the second financial year of the Association, or as is practical. General Meetings shall be held in a location determined by the Executive Committee, or by the members in general meeting.

(b) The Executive Committee shall meet at least four times per year. Executive Committee Meetings may be held at a specified location or may be conducted remotely by teleconference, or virtually by exchange of email messages or email chat. At least 3 executive committee members must participate in the teleconference or exchange of email communications in order for a committee meeting to be deemed to have been held in quorum whether physically, remotely or virtually.

(c) At all physical, remote or virtual meetings the President shall preside. Should the President be absent, the Chair shall be taken by the Vice President and in the absence of the Vice President the Secretary shall chair the meeting, and in the absence of the Secretary, the Joint Secretary or Treasurer shall chair the meeting, and in the absence of the Treasurer, the Chairman shall be elected from those present.

(d) General Meetings and Executive Committee meetings shall be called at any time by the Secretary upon the authority of the President.

(e) Any Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the Secretary upon any requisition made in writing and signed by not less than four (4) members of the Association.

(f) An Executive Committee meeting shall be called by the Secretary upon the requisition made in writing and signed by not less than two (2) members of the Executive Committee.

(g) The Secretary shall, within seven (7) days from the receipt of a requisition call a meeting in accordance therewith for a date not more than twenty eight (28) days after the receipt of such requisition by the Secretary.

(h) The Secretary shall give twenty one (21) days notice in respect of Biannual General Meetings, General and Extraordinary General Meetings specifying the matters to be considered.

(i) All notices of meetings, or of other business in connection with the Association, shall be deemed to be duly sent to the members by the Secretary posting the same by prepaid letter to the members of the last known place of their residence, registered office or place of business, as the case may be.

(a) The quorum for a General Meeting shall be 1/3 the of members.

(b) The quorum for an Executive Committee Meeting shall be three 1/3rd of the executive members.


(a) Each member/organization through his nominated representative or alternative representative shall exercise one vote on all matters for decision at meetings of the Association.

(b) Each matter submitted to a meeting shall be decided on a show of hands.

(c) A ballot may be sought at any meeting and, if the motion for the same is carried by a majority, the Secretary shall forthwith conduct a secret ballot either among the members, or among all members of the Association in accordance with the terms of the motion seeking ballot.

(d) The Chairman shall have the right to exercise a casting vote as well as a deliberate vote.

(a) A member of the Association or a member of the Executive Committee may exercise his or her right to vote as authorized by this Constitution or by law through a proxy.

(b) The proxy referred to herein shall be duly authorized in writing to vote by a member of the Association or a member of the Executive Committee.

(c) A proxy who is empowered under this Rule to vote, shall only vote in favor of or against or abstain on a matter subject to voting only as authorized in writing by the Member of the Association or the Member of the Executive Committee that appointed the proxy.

18. ALTERATION TO RULES: This Constitution may be altered, deleted or added to by a majority of three fourths of votes cast at a special meeting called for that purpose or by a postal ballot of members.

19. INDEMNITY: Each office bearer and member of staff or other person determined by the Executive Committee shall be indemnified out of the funds of the Association against any authorized costs, losses, disbursements or expenses which such person may incur or become liable to incur as a result of any act or omission performed by him in his official capacity and in the proper discharge of his on her duties.


(a) The Association may be dissolved by a majority of three fourth of votes cast in a secret ballot of members. An Extraordinary Meeting of the Association shall be convened for the purpose of ordering the conduct of such ballot. Such resolution must be carried by a majority of three fourth of the members present, entitled to vote and voting.

(b) In the event of the Association being wound up as aforesaid any funds or assets beyond such as are sufficient to meet the liabilities of the Association shall not be paid to, nor distributed amongst members of the Association, but shall be given or transferred to some associations having objectives similar to this Association or as the members shall decide.

(c) Should the funds or assets be insufficient to cover the liabilities of the Association upon winding up, the necessary funds shall be raised by a levy on members in accordance with Clause 8.3 (c).

21. DUTIES OF SECRETARY: In addition to the duties set out in this Constitution the Secretary shall act as Secretary / Public Officer of the Association and shall carry out all functions normally associated with such offices.


The Association shall have a common seal which shall remain in the custody of the Secretary and shall only be used with the authority of the Executive Committee or a General Meeting of members.


A suitably qualified person shall be appointed at the Biannual General Meeting to prepare a detailed statement of the Association’s financial standing for 12 consideration by members at the following Biannual General Meeting. He shall report to members at the Biannual General Meeting on his prepared Financial Statement, stating whether the Register of Members has been kept in proper manner. At each Biannual General Meeting of the members an auditor or auditors (who shall not be members of the Committee) shall be appointed and he or they shall audit the statement of accounts and balance sheet (prior to the Biannual General Meeting) submitted by the Treasurer at the Biannual General Meeting.


Any books, documents and securities of the Association shall be placed in the custody of the Secretary.

The Secretary shall:

(a) Keep a true and proper record of the affairs of the Association and minutes of all meetings;

(b) Attend to all correspondence and keep copies of such correspondence;

(c) Maintain a register of member groups, together with all Official or the Association and its member groups;

(d) Give notice of all meetings and distribute copies of the minutes to all member groups.

APPENDIX I Inaugural members of the Association shall be: 1. 2. 3.


a) Tours shall be led by a guide who speaks fluent English, is familiar with the history of the local area and has a current first aid certificate.

b) Tours conducted by members shall provides services as advertised and accepted in advance by the client.

c) Members shall make timely payments to accommodation operators, transport operators, tour guides etc for services provided, and to landowners for site fees as due and charged.

d) Members shall provide guides with basic training whether conducted internally or externally, or otherwise employ guides and tour assistants who have received such training.

e) Members shall maintain a schedule of written instructions for tour guides and assistants to adhere to in respect of standard tour operation procedures and emergency procedures.

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Tour Operators Association of Assam – Association in Guwahati, Assam

  • Assam Paryatan Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati, Assam 781008, India
  • http://www.toaa.in/
  • +91 94350 19554

6AM - 10PM All Days

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Tour Operators Association of Assam – Association in Guwahati, Assam is located at Assam Paryatan Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati, Assam 781008, India

Visited 386 times, 1 Visit today

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Assam: Tour Operators Association of state welcomes government initiative

Assam: Tour Operators Association of state welcomes government initiative

Guwahati:  The Tour Operators Association of Assam (TOAA) welcomed the government’s initiative to develop 5-star hotels in the vicinity of Kaziranga National Park, spearheaded by the prestigious Taj Group and Hyatt. This landmark development is set to provide a substantial boost to Assam’s tourism industry while creating significant employment opportunities for the local community.

The construction and operation of these luxury hotels will generate over 200 direct jobs for young men and women from the local community, enhancing local livelihoods through the provision of stable employment and comprehensive skill development opportunities. The presence of globally recognized brands such as Taj Group and Hyatt in the region will also offer valuable training and career growth prospects for our youth, empowering them with skills and experiences that are respected and recognized worldwide.

The positive impact of these hotels will extend far beyond direct employment. The local economy will experience a significant boost as a variety of businesses, including suppliers, transport services, and artisans, see increased demand for their goods and services. The influx of tourists will stimulate the growth of ancillary services such as guided tours, local crafts, and culinary experiences. This will not only enrich the visitor experience but also promote Assam’s rich cultural heritage, creating a ripple effect of economic benefits throughout the region.

Kaziranga National Park , celebrated globally for its unique biodiversity and as the home of the iconic one-horned rhinoceros, will see its status elevated as a premier international destination. The introduction of 5-star accommodations by Taj Group and Hyatt will attract high-end tourists, international travelers, and prestigious conferences. This will further establish Assam as a prime tourism hub, enhancing its global reputation and drawing increased international attention to the region’s natural and cultural treasures.

 Also Read: 13th convocation of Tour Operators Association of Assam held in Guwahati (sentinelassam.com)

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The Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) is the National apex body of the tourism industry. It has over 1600 members covering all segments of Tourism Industry. Established in 1982, IATO today has international acceptance, and linkages. Read more

travel agent association of assam

IATO Members

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  • Update on IATO Activities Thursday 1st February to Thursday, 15th February 2024
  • Update on IATO Activities Tuesday16th January to Wednesday, 31st January 2024
  • Update on IATO Activities Monday, 1st January to Monday, 15th January 2024
  • Update on IATO Activities (16th to 31st December 2023)
  • Update on IATO Activities. 01st – 15 December 2023
  • Update on IATO Activities (Thursday 16th November to Thursday, 30th November 2023)
  • Update on IATO Activities (1st November to 15th November 2023)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Monday 16th October to Tuesday, 31st October 2023)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Saturday 16th September to Sunday 15th October 2023)
  • Update on IATO Activities Friday 1st September to Friday 15th September 2023.
  • Update on IATO Activities (Wednesday 16th August to Thursday, 31st August 2023)
  • Updates on IATO Activities from 01st -- 15th August 2023
  • Update on IATO Activities Sunday 16th July to Monday 31st July 2023.
  • Update on IATO Activities (Saturday 1st July to Saturday 15th July 2023)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Friday 16th June to Friday 30th June 2023)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Thursday 1st June to Thursday 15th June 2023)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Tuesday 16th May to Wednesday 31st May 2023)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Monday 1st May to Monday 15th May 2023)
  • Update on IATO Activities Saturday 16th April to Saturday 30th April 2023
  • Update on IATO Activities Saturday 1st April to Saturday 15th April 2023
  • Update on IATO Activities (Thursday 16th March to Friday 31st March 2023)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Wednesday 16th February to Monday 28th February 2023)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Wednesday 1st February to Wednesday 15th February 2023).
  • Update on IATO Activities.
  • Update on IATO Activities (Monday 16th January to Tuesday 31st January 2023)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Sunday 1st January to Sunday 15th January 2023)
  • Brisbane Quick Travel Guide
  • IATO Speaks - December 2022 edition
  • Update on IATO Activities 16th - 30th November 2022
  • Update on IATO Activities (Tuesday 1st November to Tuesday 15th November 2022).
  • Update on IATO Activities (Sunday 16th October to Monday 31st October 2022)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Saturday 1st October to Saturday 15th October 2022).
  • Update on IATO Activities (Friday 16th September to Friday 30th September 2022)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Thursday 1st September to Thursday 15th September 2022
  • Update on IATO Activities (Tuesday 16th August to Wednesday 31st August 2022).
  • Update on IATO Activities (Monday 1st August to Monday 15th August 2022)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Saturday 16th July to Saturday 30th July 2022)
  • Utsav Portal Developed by the Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India
  • Update on IATO Activities (16th -30th June 2022)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Sunday 1st May to Sunday 15th May 2022
  • Update on IATO Activities (Friday 1st April to Friday 15th April 2022)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Wednesday 16th March to Thursday 31st March 2022)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Tuesday 1st March to Tuesday 15th March 2022)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Wednesday 16th February to Monday 28th February 2022)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Tuesday 1st February to Tuesday 15th February 2022)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Sunday 16th January to Monday, 31st January 2022)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Saturday 1st January to Saturday, 15th January 2022)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Saturday,16th October to Sunday, 31st October 2021)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Friday,1st October to Friday, 15th October 2021)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Monday 16th August to Tuesday 31st August 2021)
  • The Rise of Nomadic Families: Experiencing Thailand
  • Update on IATO Activities (Sunday, 1st August to Sunday, 15th August 2021)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Monday, 28th June to Thursday, 15th July 2021)
  • Announcements made by the Honble Finance Minister for Revival of Tourism on 28th June 2021
  • update on IATO Activities ( Monday 25th January to Sunday, 31st January 2021 )
  • Update on IATO Activities Monday, 18th January to Sunday, 24th January 2021. ( Attached above )
  • Update on IATO Activities (Monday, 11th January to Sunday, 17th January 2021)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Monday, 28th December 2020 to Sunday, 3rd January 2021)
  • Update on IATO Activities (Monday 21st December to Sunday, 27th December 2020)
  • Update’s on IATO Activities Monday, 14th December to Sunday, 20th December 2020
  • IATO Interactive Meeting on Friday, the 18th December 2020 at 4 pm on Zoom
  • IATO Interactive Meeting/Presentation on The Connaught - an IHCL SeleQtions on Saturday, the 28th November 2020 at 4 pm on Zoom
  • IATO Interactive Meeting/Presentation on The Connaught - an IHCL SeleQtions on Saturday, the 28th November 2020 at 4 pm on Zoom
  • ICC Mens Cricket World Cup 2019 - Use of ICC intellectual property and match tickets in travel and tour promotions by travel service providers
  • Incredible India Road Shows in 1) USA & Canada and 2) Africa
  • List of fairs/marts, where India Tourism New York would be participating in 2019-20
  • Regarding Immigration Check posts for foreign tourists entering through Airport, Land Check post, Rail Check post and River port
  • Regarding Chardham Yatra Uttarakhand – 2019
  • Participation in forthcoming fairs / exhibitions in ASEAN region in 2019
  • IATO Training Programme on Digital Marketing – Workshop on DOUBLE YOUR LEADS
  • Participation of India Tourism, Singapore in the fairs / exhibitions in Australasia Region in the year 2019-20.
  • IATO Training Programme on Digital Marketing – Workshop on DOUBLE YOUR LEADS 
  • IATO Training programme on 24th - 25th April, 2019
  • Training programme in April 2019
  • Exemption of Tourist Vehicles from election duty for the members of IATO and ITTA
  • IATO-MOT Outreach Program
  • Amendments in rules for e-Tourist and e- Business Visa  -  E-Visa Amendment to ch-2 e-Visa of the Visa Manual
  • Important and Urgent Questionnaire For The Exporters/ member of Sepc
  • Inclusion of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the list of countries whose nationals are eligible for e-Visa Scheme with Immediate effect   
  • Revised Record Note of Discussions of IATO Active Members Meeting held on 13th March 2019 at JW Marriott, Aerocity, New Delhi
  • IATO Interactive Luncheon Meeting, on Wednesday, the 3rd April 2019 at 1130 hours at The Lalit Hotel, New Delhi 
  • Record Note of Discussions of IATO Active Members Meeting held on 13th March 2019 at JW Marriott, Aerocity, New Delhi
  • Arabian Travel Market (ATM) – 2019, 28th April - 1st May, 2019, Dubai
  • Incredible India Road Shows in Australia and New Zealand from 15-18 April, 2019
  • Amendment in Chapter 2-"e-Visa" of the Visa Manual
  • Update on important issues and action taken by IATO
  • Regarding Special Extra Baggage rates for the IATO members by IndiGo
  • REMINDER: IATO Interactive Luncheon Meeting, on Wednesday, the 6th February 2019 at 1130 hours at the Eros Hotel, Nehru Place New Delhi
  • Celebration of IATO Annual Day on Sunday, the 17th February 2019
  • Regarding availability of space in India Pavilion for participation in Travel Fairs/Marts scheduled from December 2018 to March 2019
  • IATO Interactive Luncheon Meeting, on Wednesday, the 6th February 2019 at 1130 hours at the Eros Hotel, Nehru Place New Delhi
  • Bengal Travel Mart (BTM) - 2019
  • Implementation of e-Visa Scheme at Bhubaneswar Airport.
  • Participating in the 41st International Tourism Fair of Belgrade
  • Invitation for Odisha Travel Bazaar 22-24 March 2019 at Bhubaneswar
  • Implementation of e-Visa Scheme at Port Blair Airport.
  • Referral Transport Tariff w.e.f. 01 January 2019 
  • Regarding Transport Tariff
  • Special Conference Delegate Fee for IATO members for PATA Adventure Travel and Responsible Tourism Conference and Mart, Rishikesh 
  • Invitation for Workshop on Andhra Pradesh: Building a Global Tourism Destination on Friday, the 11th January 2019 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi.
  • Participation in TRAVEX Exhibition, Ha Long Bay, Vietnam
  • Update on Transport Issue 
  • Museums/exhibits to be included in the tourist itineraries
  • Booking of Booths for ITB Berlin, 6-10 March, 2019
  • Ministry of Tourism participation in the New York Times Travel Show (NYTTS)
  • Special Extra Baggage rates for the IATO members by IndiGo
  • Regarding Transport Issue
  • Adventure & Travel Show India, 5 – 6 January 2019 at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi
  • Moscow International Travel & Tourism Exhibition - MITT 2019
  • Procedure to be followed by foreigners who are already in India on any type of visa for taking medical treatment in India
  • Invitation for presentation on City Kumbh-2019 at Prayagraj.
  • Use of IATO, ITTA (Transport Operator) or MoT approved Transport Operators 
  • Incredible India Road Shows in Middle East from 6 – 8 January 2019
  • Fam tour for IATO members to Kurukshetra on 18th December 2018 during International Gita Mahotsav
  • IATO’s suggestions on Hassle Free Visa Regime and Visa Fee
  • Notification regarding additional entry fee to existing entry fee for entry to Main Mausoleum of Taj Mahal (Part of Taj Mahal) w.e.f 10 December 2018
  • Important issues pending with the Ministry
  • Preventing Sexual Harassment at the Workplace
  • Regarding Registration as Seller for PATA Adventure Travel and Responsible Tourism Conference and Mart 2019   
  • Participation in forthcoming travel fairs/ exhibitions in Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia 
  • IATO Interactive Luncheon Meeting on Wednesday, the 5th December 2018 at 1130 hours at Siddharth Hotel, New Delhi
  • PATA Adventure Travel and Responsible Tourism Conference and Mart 2019
  • Food & Wine Expo Gold Coast 2019 - India Tourism Singapore
  • Jammu & Kashmir Government order regarding Chadder Trek 
  • Availability of space in India Pavilion for participation in Travel Fairs/Marts
  • Calling off of Strike called by Drivers’ Union
  • Regarding Strike Call given by one of the Tourist Drivers Union
  • Notice of closure of Taj Mahal for General Public from 0900 to 1130 hours on 7th November 2018
  • Buddhist International Travel Mart (BITM) on 10-12 Jan 2019 in Lumbani, Nepal
  • Amendment to Chapter 20 of Visa Manual pertaining to Bangladesh Nationals
  • Inclusion of Madurai in the list of entry points for E-Visa holders
  • Reminder - Invitation for B2B deliberations and Presentation on Luxurious Tents during Kumbh Mela - 2019
  • Request for Wide publicity to National Police Memorial set up in Delhi.
  • Odisha Ecotourism Workshop on Wednesday, 24th October 2018 
  • Invitation for B2B deliberations and Presentation on Luxurious Tents during Kumbh Mela - 2019
  • Invitation for Workshop on Odisha Ecotourism on Wednesday, the 24th October 2018 at New Delhi
  • World Travel Mart (WTM) 5th – 7th November 2018
  • Regarding Restricted Area Permit(RAP) regime in Andaman & Nicobar Islands
  • Annual General Meeting, Monday, the 15th October, 2018 at 1130 hours at The Park Hotel, New Delhi
  • Thank you for making your 34th IATO Convention a Grand Success at Novotel Hotel, Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) from 6th  -9th September, 2018.
  • Important Information – 34th  IATO Annual Convention, 6 - 9 September 2018,  Vishakhapatnam
  • Tentative Programme - 34th IATO Annual Convention, 6 - 9 September 2018, Vishakhapatnam
  • Request from Chief Minister of Kerala to donate to help victims of floods in Kerala
  • Reminder-Registration Details – 34th IATO Annual Convention, 6th – 9th  September 2018, Vishakhapatnam
  • Incredible India Road Shows in Russia & Nordic Countries
  • Invitation for Road Shows for promotion of North and North East in Chandigarh on 26th July, 2018 
  • Important Guidelines/Advisory for movement of foreign tourists in the tribal area of Odisha
  • Regarding Amendments in E-Visas
  • Letter from Secretary (Tourism) , Govt. of India
  • Distribution of brochures etc.  on Yoga and Ayurveda Tourism on 4 May 2018
  • IATO Interactive Luncheon Meeting, on Wednesday, the 9th May 2018 at 1130 hours at The Leela Ambience, Gurgaon  
  • Results of IATO Elections held on Saturday, 28th April, 2018 
  • IATO Elections, 28th April, 2018 - Election Procedure 

Event Calendar

39th IATO Annual Convention to take place from 30th August to 2nd September 2024 in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Training & Workshops

Next training program to be scheduled soon.

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Tour packages.

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Festivals of Ladakh with Nubra Valley

13 Days / 12 Nights

Festivals of Ladakh with Nubra Valley ...

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Ladakh & Kashmir

 Ladakh & Kashmir   ...

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Family Tour to North India

12 Days / 11 Nights

 Family Tour to North India ...

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Offbeat Rajasthan Tour

16 Days / 15 Nights

 Offbeat Rajasthan Tour ...

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South India Splendors

10 Days / 9 Nights

 South India Splendors ...

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  • Overseas Tour Operators
  • Other Associations

For latest government circulars and announcements please check the following links. For other information related to your membership and IATO notification, check your mailbox.

Alliance with an IATO member: Grow your business

With their nation-wide networks and supportive infrastructure, IATO members can help to organise tours anywhere in India. Moreover, since IATO itself closely monitors the level of service offered by these members, the quality is always kept high. Uniformity in price, timeliness in delivery and optimality in service - are the hallmarks of ALL IATO members. So, being an overseas tour operator, if you associate with an IATO member, you are assured of value-for-money services for your customers and thereby, retain the trust they bestow upon you. Alliance with an IATO member means getting better exposure and increasing business!

Check our member database and interact with a member now!

IATO helps developing better tourism infrastructure

IATO closely interacts with other associations, organizations associated with central government of India and Indian state governments, International organizations, organizations associated with other countries, business conglomerates and service providers from other sectors. For smoother operation of business for our members, we try developing broader relationship that in turn, help people at different levels in the entire tours and travel industry. Some of the MOUs are:

Why use an IATO member

IATO is the Apex National Body of Tour Operators in India. IATO Members observe the highest standards of professional ethics and offer personalized services to their clients. At the time of membership, the IATO Executive Committee closely examines each application, based on very elaborate and clear guidelines to ensure only reputed, experienced and honourable establishments are inducted into the members fold. All IATO Active members and most Allied and other members are recognised by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, which has its own very stringent guidelines to recognise a particular Tour Operator. In case of any complaints against any of our members, a special subcommittee created by the IATO Executive Committee efficiently tries to resolve the issues that arise. Click here for more details -->

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bitplex 360 Hundreds of tour operators are associated with IATO with many operating in the same area/state. Therefore, we maintain an automated distribution system that helps us to find the most suitable tour operators based on your search criteria and we will make sure that your details are sent to a chosen few only. You are requested to provide complete details and write clear instructions about your tour plan.

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Shaurya Tours & Travels

What training or studies are needed to work in a travel agency?

Before we delve into the different courses that allow you to work in a travel agency, let's start by highlighting the fact that no diploma is required if you want to open your own agency or work in one. In fact, since 2015, it is no longer mandatory to have a BTS in tourism or a similar degree to create your own travel agency. You can therefore practice without a diploma, however skills and experience remain key elements for success. Let's not fool ourselves, creating this type of company, or even just working in it, is not within reach of those who are not passionate about the subject of travel and foreign cultures, and furthermore, it is never too late to train and learn. If you have no diploma to help you, but you want to change your career to become a travel agent for example, know that it will be possible to train yourself via your "Compte Personnel de Formation" (CPF). Inquire with Pôle Emploi to find out where your account stands and how much you have to train yourself. After having said all this, let's now take a look at the courses that are most often favored before entering the world of work in a travel agency. After high school: 2 years to obtain a BTS in tourism or operational commercial management; 3 years for the BUT (Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie) in commercialization techniques. Specialized schools also offer bachelor's degrees. After a two-year degree: - BTS in operational commercial management - BTS in tourism - Salesperson in business travel and tourism After a three-year degree: - BUT in commercialization techniques - Professional license in tourism professions: commercialization of tourism products - Professional license in tourism and leisure professions After a five-year degree: - Master of Science in Tourism and Destination Management

What is the scope of intervention of a professional?

On a daily basis, the activities of a travel agent are diverse and varied, so much so that the professional will rarely have time to get bored during their days, provided their agency is running properly. These tasks can be very different from one company to another. However, to give you a more precise idea of what to expect when practicing this profession, we will summarize for you all the main functions, as well as the most common, for which a travel agent is responsible: - To start, they must of course be familiar with their agency's tourist offerings in order to inform their customers and be able to illustrate their point with detailed information if necessary. - They must also be able to welcome customers in person or over the phone, with the appropriate tone, voice and warmth. - They must also respond to requests for quotes or information by email, which is an administrative task that takes a lot of time and requires organization and rigor at all times. - They must also select tourism products according to the customer's request, then present their characteristics in a constructive and, if possible, argumentative way (the strengths, the prices). - They must also advise the client on the different products (transportation, services), make the reservation, and then establish the contractual documents necessary for the commercial exchange. - They must also check travel documents in advance so that the traveler does not encounter any unpleasant surprises during their trip. - They must also establish the terms of settlement of a dispute or pass it on to legal or litigation services. - They must also provide information for monitoring activity supports so that the agency can have an overall view of its activity and its evolution over time. - They must organize the display of the sales space, with a certain marketing spirit. - Finally, they must perform sales promotion operations, especially during periods specifically conducive to this.

Why use a professional?

The idea of traveling is often a source of anxiety for those who are preparing for it, as there are many things to consider so that the trip goes smoothly and without any hiccups. In this section, we will specifically discuss the main reasons why you should consider using a travel agency or at least a professional in the sector to organize your trip. Preparing for a trip, even one of just a few days, is not easy. Certainly, a lot of information is available on the internet, but compiling it all to organize your future trip takes a lot of time. First, let's realize that going through a travel agency will allow you to save a lot of time. No need to spend several hours searching for the right flight or finding a hotel to sleep in, finding a rental car, etc. Calling on a professional means giving yourself more time to devote to other things that could also, why not, optimize your trip. Then, entrusting the organization of your trip to a provider means trusting the experience and know-how of a professional who has the required skills to organize a trip that meets your expectations and advise you properly, both in terms of tourism, legal, or even geographical aspects. Calling on a professional, contrary to what one might think, often turns out to be less expensive in the end than organizing everything yourself. Indeed, thanks to their relations with suppliers, the professional is likely to find very good deals for you and offer unbeatable prices, for example for flights, but also for accommodations. It is precisely the addition of all this that will allow you to save money. To conclude this section, we would like to emphasize that for each of us, safety and assurance during the trip are two essential things, regardless of the final destination. Thanks to their total mastery of the travel world, a travel professional will be committed to ensuring your safety throughout your stay. Furthermore, you will benefit from after-sales service and, in the event of an unforeseen circumstance (whether it be a canceled flight, an airline strike, or other), you can obtain assistance simply by contacting your travel agent, who will then take care of finding a solution to your problem.

When should you call a professional?

There isn't really a rule about this, as long as you don't wait until the last minute. Consider that the sooner, the better, so planning a trip to the other side of the world cannot be done overnight. The agent has to find a flight, accommodation options at the destination, and a whole bunch of other services that you might want to take advantage of once you're there. It is therefore better to start planning at least a few weeks or months in advance. This will also allow you to benefit from better prices, which is not insignificant. Note, however, that some agencies specify a maximum anticipation date, meaning that, for example, it will not be possible to book a flight or even a hotel 2 or 3 years in advance... but this is natural and almost goes without saying.

How to find a professional to organize your trip?

No matter where you are or where you want to go, finding this type of service is relatively easy, as long as you don't live in a too remote area. Whether you live in Guwahati downtown or in the deepest countryside, start by asking your acquaintances and loved ones, although it must be acknowledged that word-of-mouth is not necessarily the most effective way to find the rare gem (but you never know...). If you live in a very remote area, in the middle of the countryside, not finding a travel agency nearby (within 20 or 30 kilometers) should not stop you or discourage you; be sure that you will find an agency in the nearest medium or large city! In any case, rest assured that the right professional, once contacted, will be more than willing to make your life easier, and if necessary, subsequent exchanges can be done through emails or phone calls. If word-of-mouth yields nothing, which is very possible, then it is recommended to use the internet, by consulting a site like StarOfService, for example, which lists all professionals in a certain field, based on where you're conducting the search. In just a few clicks, the site will provide you with the contact details of the said professional and you can contact them right away, and this also applies to travel agents. From there, you are free to shop around or simply choose the one closest to your home, it is no longer our concern...

How much does a travel agency service cost?

The rates that we are going to indicate here are not contractual, but simply average values ​​obtained throughout the French territory. Each agency has its own way of billing, so we cannot recommend enough that you ask for the details of the services from the relevant agent. Only then can you have a precise idea of ​​what you are paying for. Having said that, let's now move on to the pricing, which, while not to be taken as exact figures, will still give you an idea of ​​the prices practiced on the market. In general, it should be noted that the majority of a travel agency's income comes from commissions paid by the various suppliers involved during the stay; these are percentages that are taken from each sale made. Generally, the agent on average takes between 8% and 10% of the public price for a plane ticket sold; regarding other services, the percentage is between 9 and 15% of the public price. Consulting fees, act and reservation fees are also sources of income for a travel agency, but it is up to each brand to quantify its services. Therefore, you will have to ask the question or inquire when the time comes.

How to choose the right travel agent or agency?

No matter where you are or live, whether in a particular city, region or department, finding this type of professional is relatively simple, based on studies on the subject. So whether you live in the inner city of Guwahati or in the depths of the countryside in Moselle or Gironde, we advise you to start by asking around among your acquaintances and friends, as word of mouth is always a good way to find the right address for such things (we all know people who have traveled through a particular agency, so let's start by looking in that direction...). If this first search yields no results, it is then possible to use the Internet, as it is the most common way to purchase travel services, not physical agencies. Once online, no matter which search engine is used, we suggest consulting a site like StarOfService, for example, which lists all professionals in a particular field, depending on the location of the search and where you live. In just a few clicks, the site will provide you with the contact details of the professional and you can contact them within minutes to inquire about their availability, rates, etc. Don't hesitate to consult a large number of customer reviews and comments, as they are essential information for getting an idea of the level of service provided by the agent or agency in question.

Here are some questions to ask a travel professional during your first meeting:

- How long have you been practicing this profession? What training or diploma do you possess to carry out this activity? - What are your rates? Can I have a detailed breakdown of them? - Will you provide me with a proper quote prior to starting the work? - What are your availability to discuss my travel project? - Can you guarantee the respect of deadlines and rates that we agree upon?

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46 Assam Tour Packages Found

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*Final price will be shared by our partner agents based on your requirements

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Shillong Tour Packages for Family with Guwahati

4 Nights / 5 Days

Guwahati(0N) → Shillong(2N) → Guwahati (2N)

₹ 21,250* per adult

₹ 21,250*

per adult on twin sharing

Explore Assam and Meghalaya: 8-Day Adventure from Guwahati to Kaziranga

7 Nights / 8 Days

Guwahati(1N) → Shillong(3N) → Kaziranga National Park(2N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 35,500* per adult

₹ 35,500*

Jewels of North East India Tour Packages with Kaziranga & Dirang

9 Nights / 10 Days

Shillong(2N) → Kaziranga National Park(2N) → Dirang(1N) → Tawang(2N) → Bomdila(1N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 55,240* per adult

₹ 55,240*

Assam Shillong Meghalaya Tour Packages

5 Nights / 6 Days

Guwahati(0N) → Manas(1N) → Shillong(1N) → Cherrapunji(2N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 21,900* per adult

₹ 21,900*

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Guwahati and Kaziranga National Park Tour Package

3 Nights / 4 Days

Guwahati(1N) → Kaziranga National Park(2N)

₹ 12,000* per adult

₹ 12,000*

River Cruise and Jungle Safari: Magical Assam Meghalaya

6 Nights / 7 Days

Guwahati (0N) → Shillong(1N) → Cherrapunji(1N) → Shillong(1N) → Kaziranga National Park(1N) → Guwahati(2N)

₹ 26,999* per adult

₹ 26,999*

Assam Tour Itinerary with Jeep Safari

Guwahati(0N) → Kaziranga National Park(2N) → Bomdila(2N) → Tawang(2N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 31,500* per adult

₹ 31,500*

Gems of Assam Meghalaya Holiday Package with Elephant Safari

Guwahati (0N) → Kaziranga National Park(1N) → Shillong(2N) → Cherrapunji(2N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 29,000* per adult

₹ 29,000*

National Parks of Assam Tour Package

Guwahati(0N) → Manas National Park(2N) → Nameri National Park(2N) → Kaziranga National Park(2N)

₹ 30,900* per adult

₹ 30,900*

Guwahati Meghalaya Tour Packages with Mawsmai Cave Exploration

Guwahati(0N) → Shillong(4N) → Cherrapunji(0N) → Mawsynram(0N) → Mawlynnong(0N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 22,750* per adult

₹ 22,750*

Offbeat Arunachal Tour Package: Tawang, Nameri, Dirang & More

Guwahati(2N) → Kazirang(1N) → Nameri(1N) → Dirang(1N) → Tawang(3N) → Bomdila(1N)

₹ 51,500* per adult

₹ 51,500*

Trending Now

Splendid Guwahati & Kaziranga Safari Family Package

Guwahati (1N) → Shillong(2N) → Kaziranga National Park(1N)

₹ 19,090* per adult

₹ 19,090*

Assam Meghalaya Tour Package - 4 Night 5 Days

Guwahati (1N) → Shillong(3N) → Cherrapunji(0N) → Mawlynnong(0N)

₹ 17,650* per adult

₹ 17,650*

Guwahati Shillong Kaziranga Tour Package : Wet and Wild Assam and Meghalaya

Guwahati(0N) → Kaziranga National Park(2N) → Shillong(2N) → Guwahati(2N)

₹ 28,500* per adult

₹ 28,500*

Breathtaking Northeast: Assam, Meghalaya and Arunachal

12 Nights / 13 Days

Guwahati(0N) → Shillong(2N) → Kaziranga National Park(2N) → Tezpur(1N) → Bomdila(1N) → Tawang(2N) → Dirang(1N) → Bhalukpong(1N) → Guwahati(2N)

₹ 62,900* per adult

₹ 62,900*

Northeast Highlights - Guwahati, Shillong, Kaziranga & More

11 Nights / 12 Days

Shillong(3N) → Bhalukpong(1N) → Dirang(1N) → Tawang(2N) → Bomdila(1N) → Kaziranga(2N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 58,000* per adult

₹ 58,000*

Guwahati Shillong Tour Package - 4 Nights 5 Days

Guwahati(0N) → Shillong(3N) → Guwahati (1N)

₹ 20,250* per adult

₹ 20,250*

Manas, Nameri and Kaziranga National Park Tour

₹ 28,250* per adult

₹ 28,250*

Meghalaya Arunchal Assam Tour Packages - Discover the Northeast

Guwahati(2N) → Manas National Park(1N) → Shillong(1N) → Cherrapunji(1N) → Mawlynnong(1N) → Tawang(3N)

₹ 42,250* per adult

₹ 42,250*

Blissful Meghalaya and Assam Tour Package

Guwahati(0N) → Shillong(3N) → Kaziranga(1N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 21,550* per adult

₹ 21,550*

Kaziranga National Park Safari Tour Package

Guwahati(0N) → Kaziranga National Park(3N)

₹ 12,500* per adult

₹ 12,500*

Meghalaya Tour Package 7 Days with Shnongpdeng

Guwahati(0N) → Shillong(1N) → Cherrapunji(2N) → Shnongpdeng(1N) → Shillong(1N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 26,500* per adult

₹ 26,500*

Treasures of Kaziranga Tour Package for 2 Nights

2 Nights / 3 Days

Guwahati(0N) → Kaziranga National Park(2N)

₹ 10,900* per adult

₹ 10,900*

Romantic North East India Honeymoon Package - Seven Sisters Falls

Guwahati(2N) → Kaziranga National Park(0N) → Shillong(2N) → Cherrapunji(2N)

₹ 27,999* per adult

₹ 27,999*

Guwahati Shillong Cherrapunji Tour Package - Trek to Double Decker Living Root Bridge

Guwahati(0N) → Shillong(3N) → Cherrapunji(2N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 24,750* per adult

₹ 24,750*

Guwahati Shillong Meghalaya Tour Packages

Guwahati(0N) → Shillong(2N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 12,999* per adult

₹ 12,999*

Discover Tawang Tour Package

Guwahati(0N) → Bomdila(1N) → Tawang(2N) → Dirang(1N) → Guwahati(2N)

₹ 26,640* per adult

₹ 26,640*

Assam Family Tour Packages

8-day meghalaya adventure package - explore laitlum canyon.

Shillong(2N) → Mawphlang(2N) → Dawki(1N) → Shillong(1N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 32,250* per adult

₹ 32,250*

Explore Meghalaya Tour Package Starting from Guwahati

Guwahati (1N) → Shillong(1N) → Cherrapunji(2N) → Shillong(1N) → Mawlynnong(1N) → Shillong(1N)

₹ 33,250* per adult

₹ 33,250*

Shillong(3N) → Cherrapunji(2N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 25,600* per adult

₹ 25,600*

Short Break to Shillong Tour Package

₹ 14,000* per adult

₹ 14,000*

Arunachal Pradesh Tour Itinerary 6 Days with Guwahati

Guwahati(1N) → Bhalukpong(1N) → Bomdila(1N) → Dirang(1N) → Tawang(1N)

₹ 23,000* per adult

₹ 23,000*

Assam Tour Packages Including Bhalukpong

Guwahati(1N) → Bhalukpong(1N) → Dirang(1N) → Bomdila(1N) → Tawang(2N) → Tezpur(1N)

₹ 32,500* per adult

₹ 32,500*

Assam Tour Packages for 8 Nights 9 Days

8 Nights / 9 Days

Guwahati(1N) → Cherrapunji(1N) → Mawlynnong(1N) → Dawki(1N) → Jowai(1N) → Shillong(1N) → Mawsynram(1N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 42,120* per adult

₹ 42,120*

3 Nights Manas National Park Tour Package

Guwahati(0N) → Manas National Park(2N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 13,700* per adult

₹ 13,700*

Shillong Tour Plan for 5 Days

Guwahati(0N) → Shillong(4N) → Cherrapunji(0N) → Krang Suri(0N) → Mawlynnong(0N)

₹ 14,500* per adult

₹ 14,500*

Meghalaya 3 Nights 4 Days Tour Package

Guwahati(0N) → Shillong(3N)

₹ 14,250* per adult

₹ 14,250*

Wildlife Tours of Assam with Jorhat Tour Package

Dibrugarh(0N) → Tinsukia(2N) → Jorhat(1N) → Kaziranga(2N) → Nameri(2N) → Manas(2N)

₹ 48,900* per adult

₹ 48,900*

Dibrugarh Tinsukia Exploration Package with Jorhat & Kaziranga

Dibrugarh(6N) → Tinsukia(1N) → Kaziranga(2N)

₹ 48,650* per adult

₹ 48,650*

Guwahati(0N) → Manas National Park(2N) → Nameri National Park(2N) → Kaziranga National Park(2N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 35,900* per adult

₹ 35,900*

Manas National Park Tour Package

Guwahati(0N) → Manas National Park(2N) → Kaziranga National Park(2N)

₹ 22,700* per adult

₹ 22,700*

Wildlife Tours of Assam- Shillong Tour Package

Shillong(2N) → Kaziranga(2N) → Nameri(2N) → Guwahati(1N)

₹ 31,000* per adult

₹ 31,000*

Luxury Kaziranga National Park Safari Tour Package

₹ 16,500* per adult

₹ 16,500*

Luxury Tour Packag to National Parks of Assam

Kaziranga meghalaya family tour package, latest reviews for assam, meghalaya trip.

ANAND's Trip to Assam, Cherrapunjee, Shillong, Dawki

(Written on 04 Jan, 2024)

Mr. Rajashree Mitra

Jitendra's Trip to Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya

(Written on 14 Mar, 2021)

G N's Trip to Assam

(Written on 19 Aug, 2017)

Arunachal Trip- A good trip ruined by a bad guide

Thomas's Trip to Arunachal Pradesh, Assam

(Written on 04 May, 2015)

Ziro – Majuli – Kaziranga – Shillong – Cherrapunjee

Moshe's Trip to Assam, Meghalaya

(Written on 02 Apr, 2013)

Popular destinations in Assam for holiday packages

Kaziranga National Park Packages

Guwahati Packages

Sivasagar Packages

Silchar Packages

Jorhat Packages

Manas National Park Packages

Nearby State Packages

Nagaland Packages

Meghalaya Packages

Manipur Packages

Arunachal Pradesh Packages

Tripura Packages

Mizoram Packages

Top States in India for Tour Packages

Rajasthan Packages

Starting from ₹ 1199

Jammu and Kashmir Packages

Starting from ₹ 5199

Himachal Pradesh Packages

Starting from ₹ 4000

Uttarakhand Packages

Starting from ₹ 2500

Tamil Nadu Packages

Starting from ₹ 1800

Sikkim Packages

Starting from ₹ 12000

Starting from ₹ 8000

Gujarat Packages

Starting from ₹ 5000

Odisha Packages

Madhya Pradesh Packages

Starting from ₹ 6500

Best International Tour Packages

Packages with assam.

India Packages

FAQs on Assam Tour Packages

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Assam Travel Agents

Contact specialist Assam travel agents to get customised package quotes, discounted rates and local advice for your trip. TripCrafters has a trusted network of 3000+ travel agents. TripCrafters connects you with up to 3 Assam travel agents who have deep knowledge about travel to Assam. Travel agents provide you with customized Assam tour packages and can arrange unique experiences for your trip. Submit a request now – it’s Free!


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3000+ Trusted Agents. 1 Million+ Satisfied Travelers

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Pushpak Air Travels

Pushpak Air Travels is a premier travel agency of North East India. It was established in the year 1995 to assist people travel and explore new destination. A combination of young, experienced and energetic travel enthusiasts started the company with a humble beginning. The enthusiasts with utmost dedication has turned to be strong team of professionals committed to customer satisfaction, duly recognized and awarded by Govt. authorities and many leading organizations.

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Our Strength is Client Satisfaction

Client satisfaction is our top priority. Our team is made up of young, talented, and dynamic people who are committed to providing the best possible experience for our clients. We understand that our clients’ time is valuable, and we work hard to ensure that they are satisfied with the results of our work. We believe that happy clients are the best advertisement for our business, and we strive to exceed their expectations.

Why choose us?

  • Tailored Experiences: Every journey is customized to your preferences, ensuring a personalized adventure.
  • Exceptional Service: From booking to departure, our dedicated team provides unparalleled support and assistance.
  • Sustainable Tourism: We prioritize responsible travel practices, preserving the beauty and integrity of Assam's natural wonders.
  • Safety Assurance: Your safety is our priority; we adhere to the highest standards of safety and security.
  • Cultural Immersion: Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of the place with our carefully curated itineraries.
  • Value for Money: Enjoy competitive pricing without compromising on quality or comfort.
  • 24/7 Support: Our round-the-clock assistance ensures peace of mind throughout your journey.
  • Flexibility: We accommodate changes and cater to last-minute requests, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Join countless satisfied travelers who have experienced the magic of Assam with Pushpak Group.

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Air Ticketing

Pushpak Air Travels is a trusted name in the travel industry. We offer booking of National and International air tickets in a hassle free way. We also provide daily discounted air tickets on fixed routes, rescheduling and other facilities. Our experienced and friendly staff is always available to help you with your travel needs. Ph: 9435527765, 8811024109  

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Domestic Holidays

At Pushpak Air Travels we offer best deals on Indian holiday packages. Book your perfect tour to anywhere in India from our handcrafted packages or customize one for you according to your needs. Our travel experts have curated different packages according to the type of your travel from adventure to luxury, romantic to family holidays and much more. So don’t wait book your next trip with us now. Ph: 9435710250  

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International Holidays

From classic European destinations to exotic Asian getaways, tick off all destinations one by one from your travel bucket list with us. We Pushpak Air Travels is a industry leader when it comes to planning an international holiday trip for you. We also provide Travel itinerary, visa assistance, Travel insurance, Currency exchange and any other services regarding your next international trip all under one roof. Let us know where you want to travel next. Ph: 9007095166  

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We provide a wide range of luxury, deluxe and budget-friendly hotels, resorts and stays for your next vacation. Find the best hotel prices from this large selection of hotels and resorts around the globe. Contact us now to get your stay booked with a Pushpak exclusive deal. Ph: 9435710250  

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Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance covers risks during travel such as loss of passport and personal belonging cover, loss of checked in baggage etc. Having these risks covered ensures an additional layer of protection against financial loss. So get it done today with us before you head on to a new holiday.  

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International Travel Clearances

Going abroad for a holiday or for education ? Get your International Travel Clearances in a hassle free way with Pushpak International Travel Clearances services. To know more contact us right now.  ph: 9706053881  

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Foreign Exchange  

Get the best rates for currency exchange with Pushpak. Travel anywhere in the world without any worries , exchange our money here with us.Contact us now to know more.  ph: 9435008005  

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Air Ambulance

We also provide highly equipped chartered air ambulance service for emergency situations. Air ambulances are highly quipped aircrafts with a team of medics to help in air emergencies.  

Ph: 8811024116   

Accreditation and Recognition

International Air Transport Association

Customer Stories: Hear From Our Satisfied Clients

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Pushpak is one of the best traveling agencies in Assam

travel agent association of assam

Good place to plan out trips/ book tickets and so on. The staff members are very supportive and helpful

Best place to plan your trip, they are going to help you in each and every detail required for a trip.

Best Travel agency company in Guwahati. Genuine price highly recommended.

TOI logo

  • guwahati News

Assam’s first-ever tourism bill tabled in assembly

Assam’s first-ever tourism bill tabled in assembly

Visual Stories

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  1. Assam tours & Travels

    travel agent association of assam

  2. Suryadoy Travels

    travel agent association of assam

  3. Tour Operator Association Of Assam

    travel agent association of assam

  4. Natural Holidays Tour & Travel Operator, Agent in Guwahati, Assam

    travel agent association of assam


    travel agent association of assam

  6. Tourism Department, Govt. of Assam in association with India Tourism

    travel agent association of assam



    The Tour Operators Association of Assam (TOAA) was formed on 08 August, 2009 in the conference hall of Prashanti Tourist Lodge, Directorate Of Assam Tourism complex, Panbazar Guwahati with an aim to unite all the stake holders of tourism in Assam to facilitate a common goal of tourism development in the state. TOAA got formally registered under ...

  2. Tour Operators Association of Assam

    Tour Operators Association of Assam, Gauhati. 654 likes · 2 talking about this. The Tour Operators Association of Assam (TOAA) was formed to unite all the stake holders of tourism


    1. NAME OF ASSOCIATION: The name of the Association shall be the 'TOUR OPERATORS ASSOCIATION OF ASSAM'. 2. ADDRESS: The registered office of the Association shall be in the office of Brahmaputra Jungle Resort at Dr. R.P. Road, near Uco Bank, Dispur Branch, Guwahati- 6 3. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the Association shall be to: To fasten the development of Tourism Industry in Assam.

  4. Tour Operators

    House no 5/A, Choonsali, Noonmati, Guwahati 781020, Assam. Choonsali, Noonmati Guwahati -781020 Assam Email - [email protected] Phone- +91 9854085929 & +91 9401252375 Website: www.expeditionnortheastindia.com . Natural Holidays Travel & Tours Operator. House No.40,Bye lane No.5. Rajgarh Road,Guwahati-03

  5. Member List of Travel Agents in Assam

    This is the member list of travel agents registered with The Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) in Assam: Travel Agent Name. City Served. Blue Hill Travels (I) Ltd. Guwahati. Brahmaputra Cruise (P) Ltd. Guwahati. Flamingo Travels & Adventures (A) Pvt Ltd. Guwahati.

  6. Tour Operators Association of Assam

    Home » Listing » Travel and tourism » Travel Agency ... Tour Operators Association of Assam - Association in Guwahati, Assam is located at Assam Paryatan Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati, Assam 781008, India. Map. Get Directions View Large Map

  7. Top Assam Travel Agents

    Top Agent for Assam. Holidify Rating. 4.8. 15 Ratings & 14 Reviews. Delhi, India. Joined Holidify in May, 2023. 71 trips booked through Holidify. Status: Currently Active. Founded in 2018, Leisure and Vacations is a premium experiential tour and travel company.

  8. Assam: Tour Operators Association of state welcomes government initiative

    11 Jul 2024, 4:45 am. Guwahati: The Tour Operators Association of Assam (TOAA) welcomed the government's initiative to develop 5-star hotels in the vicinity of Kaziranga National Park, spearheaded by the prestigious Taj Group and Hyatt. This landmark development is set to provide a substantial boost to Assam's tourism industry while ...

  9. Tour Operators Association of Assam launches in-house newsletter

    The Tour Operators Association of Assam has launched a quarterly in-house newsletter titled 'Tea Break: Sip, Savor and Soak in Assam's Travel Delights. The newsletter was unveiled by the Secretary to the Govt of Assam, Tourism Department, Kumar Padmapani Bora in Kolkata in the presence of Ranuj Kumar Borkotoky, Director, Tourism and ...

  10. 3 Best Travel Agents in Guwahati

    Expert recommended Top 3 Travel Agents in Guwahati, Assam. All of our travel agents actually undergo a rigorous 50-Point Inspection, which includes customer reviews, history, complaints, ratings, nearness, satisfaction, trust, price and their general excellence. You deserve only the best! Ground Floor, Royal Centre, GS Road, Opposite S B Deorah ...

  11. Travel agent in assam. Welcome to Assam, the land of tea…

    Welcome to Assam, the land of tea gardens, mighty rivers, and rich cultural heritage. As your dedicated travel agent based in this enchanting state of Northeast India, I am excited to introduce you…

  12. Travel Agency Assam

    Travel Agent in Assam. Travel Agency Assam, Kamakhya, Guwahati. 395 likes · 2 talking about this. Travel Agent in Assam ...

  13. Welcome to IATO :- Indian Association of Tour Operators

    About IATO. The Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) is the National apex body of the tourism industry. It has over 1600 members covering all segments of Tourism Industry. Established in 1982, IATO today has international acceptance, and linkages. Read more.

  14. Top Assam Travel Agents

    Assam Travel Agents $ 72 onwards View Packages . Get Package Offers 118 Travel Agencies found for Assam ... Active Member of Travel Agents Association of I... K MART TOURS (P) LTD Holidify Rating--No reviews on Holidify. New Delhi And NCR, India Joined Holidify in May, 2011 0 trips booked through Holidify Status: Currently ...

  15. Guwahati, Assam 46 travel agents near you

    SILVER LINES TRAVELS, Guwahati, Assam made a formal humble beginning in 2012 with one Tata Indica car & in due course grown strength by strength & established as an independent travel agency in August, *information hidden*Now we have all kinds of AC & non AC vehicles like Innova Crysta, Swift Dzire, AC13 seater Tempo Traveller, AC 17 seater ...

  16. Leading Tour & Travel Operator & Agent Guwahati, Assam, Northeast India

    PACKAGED TOURS. DESTINATIONS. CONTACT NUMBERS. +91-9864511081. +91-9435018775. ASSOCIATION. Natural Holidays is a responsible Destination Management Company (DMC) based in 2nd floor, Asom Paryatan Bhawan, A. K. Azad Road, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati, Assam. We are socially inclined company which strongly believe in creating more equitable society by ...

  17. 46 Assam Tour Packages (2024): Best Deals on Trips & Holidays

    Compare Assam tours & packages from top Travel agents. 4.6 /5 (5 Reviews) 5 travel agents available for Assam. About Assam Tourism: The state of Assam is called the "Gateway to North-East India" and is a largely unexplored region. Assam is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty comprising lush green plantations, forests, rivers, hills and ...

  18. Natural Holidays

    Copy Right to Natural Holidays. Powered by Asmita Infosys. List of Travel Agency in Assam, List of Travel Agency in Guwahati, List of Travel Agency in Northeast India, List of Tra

  19. Top Assam Travel Agents

    Contact specialist Assam travel agents to get customised package quotes, discounted rates and local advice for your trip. TripCrafters has a trusted network of 3000+ travel agents. TripCrafters connects you with up to 3 Assam travel agents who have deep knowledge about travel to Assam. Travel agents provide you with customized Assam tour ...

  20. Explore Wonders with Pushpak Group

    Air Travels. Pushpak Air Travels is a premier travel agency of North East India. It was established in the year 1995 to assist people travel and explore new destination. A combination of young, experienced and energetic travel enthusiasts started the company with a humble beginning. The enthusiasts with utmost dedication has turned to be strong ...

  21. Bhargab Travels Agency

    BHARGAB TRAVELS Address: 2nd Floor, Imran Complex, G.S. Road, Ulubari Flyover, Near Prag News, Guwahati, Assam, India, Pin-781007 Email: [email protected] ...

  22. Assam Tourism Bill: Assam Tourism (Development and Registration) Bill

    Travel and Tourism Association of Goa (TTAG) hopeful about Budget's mention of safety of railways and improvement of 40,000 bogies. TTAG also hopeful for Goa's advantage in tourist centres for 60 ...